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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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a poet from transcarpathia who said that he would leave with a motor car and the boy would go anywhere, and yan dobronosov, a photographer, as evidence shows that he and the boy would go anywhere, came to ukraine with a blue and yellow bracelet, and so did mr. zelenskyi noticed this, immediately awarded her an order, so it's not so simple that he has a bracelet, no, i think, billions of pounds, and the collar is actually safe. the agreement that was signed that this security agreement really means how much we need that 2 billion right now, but that and it is so clear what is needed, we will talk about it now with yevgeny magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, is there already one, mr. yevgeny, mr. yevheny, congratulations, congratulations, mr. yevheny, actually, what does this security agreement mean, which was signed by ukraine and britain, what does it give us? i think it
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gives us a certain amount of weaponry, as was said, an unprecedented number of drones, and that's an important point because we see the confrontation with russia turning into a drone war, i expect we'll get a significant the number, in fact, of missiles and reinforcement, well , reinforcement in all directions, where possible. especially in terms of military-technical cooperation, i don't think that we should consider this agreement as, well, you know, a panacea, that something will happen and the parties have signed this agreement, and immediately everything will radically change for the better, i think that the situation in this sense is a little more complicated, because after all, in... actually, the british government
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has quite difficult parliamentary elections ahead, and this situation indicates that ukraine will part of the british pre-election agenda, it's good, because it will actually work for you and me, for our interests, but... well, i didn't quite understand why representatives of our government started promoting the thesis of security guarantees, well that's why that i do not see such a 100% possibility in this agreement, and in fact i do not think that the british would actually protect ukraine in this way, that is, count on the fact that they will protect it. ukraine and will be able to enter
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the war, the thesis sounded like this, for several weeks therefore, it was said that one of the retired british soldiers said that it is possible that the british will fight on the territory of ukraine. i don't think it's a realistic scenario, i'd say an impossible scenario, because before the western government will send its citizens to a place where they can die and, pardon the cynicism, where it will negatively affect the popularity of this government meanwhile, president zelenskyy is going to davos, what do you think will happen in davos, and how important is it there, what will our messages be? i
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i hope that in davos, well, first of all, there , as i understand it, there will be a meeting regarding the peace formula tomorrow, but this is a meeting at the level of advisers, and it is clear that this is not the format of the participation of the president, the format of advisers on national security issues, another issue, that at the moment, to imagine that putin... signs some kind of peace treaty beneficial for ukraine two months before his own re-presidential elections, well, that is , pre-presidential elections - those are the ones in which putin will be elected president of russia again, well, it is quite obvious that there will be a result of 90 about 90%, there is no doubt at all, because hysteria and many other things, ah... and therefore
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, if the leadership of ukraine believes that it is necessary to further refine this peace formula, to somehow talk about it, then this... well, its obvious choice, i just don't quite understand why this formula of peace, it is an export version , inside the country they know about it, well, to put it mildly, far from everyone, this is the first, second, what is the advantage of the world economic forum, it is that , that there you can communicate with a large number of world leaders in a relatively small area this format, as they say, on its feet, i hope that volodymyr zelenskyy will continue the search, well, it is obvious, will continue the search for increased support for ukraine, there are no secrets in this matter, and will
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do it again and again and look for new opportunities, we can only wish him success, the actual question... from this this and this week came out this time, the cover of time, the actual magazine time american, yes, yes, which, which actually predicts the main challenges and bad scenarios of this year, and on third place, this is exactly the story of what ukraine may be actually, de facto divided as a result of the inability to win back the territories, as a result of the fact that russia will continue to press when we are in these... these are also called three problems that hinder ukraine, this is what they give hope for putin, respectively, and, that is, that western aid should be restored in ukraine so that this scenario does not happen, ukraine should also resolve the issue of mobilization
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internally, and thirdly, also have, as it was said there, a realistic strategy , there are many different correlates with respect to ours peaceful of the plan, as far as it is really considered realistic, especially after the unsuccessful counteroffensive, and also this issue of mobilization, we do not have the opportunity, for example, i do not have the opportunity, as a journalist, even if one of the probably most popular information channel at the moment, to ask mr. omirov a question , for example, well, there is no such possibility, but there is such an opportunity, for example, an apple bom, a famous american journalist, and by the way, the wife of the new polish foreign minister, and she, and she... publishes on the atlantic that she, too asks this question moderate, how do we, how will you overcome, including the psychological problems that are associated with mobilization, we now have such a situation, we all observe that the topic of mobilization has become some kind of
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hot, i don't know, potato , which are thrown at each other, the president, the cabinet of ministers, in a word... how should this situation be resolved and do you see the problem here at the level of political reluctance to take responsibility? well i'd say it's not a hot potato, it's a burning sack potatoes, which are thrown to each other, although the political responsibility for the mobilization is borne by the president as the supreme commander, this is a normal practice in the majority. civilized countries, if we , you understand, cannot be the commander-in-chief only in times of success, in times of problems, too, one must remain the commander-in-chief, that is clear, i think that the representatives of the ukrainian political
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establishment, they should give a clear answer for themselves that the elections , any, they will be only after victory. after the hostilities will not end sooner, because what is happening around the law on mobilization, in conditions where no one talks about the collapse of the parliamentary majority, does not declare, does not admit that last year there were a dozen and a half parliamentarians who submitted their mandates and only mykhailo zabrodsky went to serve in the ranks of the armed forces, but he is a general. it is not known where everyone else went, well, you understand, with such, well , forgive me, i will express myself in card language, with such cards in the hands to play, well, to count on something seriously, it is simply naive,
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it simply shows that the ukrainian leadership does not have a clear understanding of how the perception machine works, if you will. of the west, that is, first we need to make changes within the state, and then broadcast them, rebroadcast them in... spread to the surrounding world, talk about the fact that we will fight further, we will fight further, we will strive further, and when this is not possible, well, an absolutely logical question arises, ugh, how can we calculate, that is, in my understanding, mobilization is not only a law on mobilization, it is a transition of ee... the actual economy on the military rails, well, these
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are the corresponding changes in the legislation that stimulate investments in ukraine and create, for example, state guarantees for those who will invest in the defense industry, this is quite understandable, a government of national unity is necessary, isn't it obvious that if there was a wide flying... circle, then it would be at least easier to call on representatives of different sections of the population to make them aware of the expediency of protecting the state, i 'm not saying that it would be a simple question, just let's call things by their names, if this is a circular guarantee among politicians, then it will be more clear to the citizens too, if all politicians will ... take this responsibility, and if their responsibility is limited only to the fact that
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they turn off the voting board during the voting, and it will not be visible , who voted, and there will only be a number, then this will not improve the situation, absolutely, and the government, unfortunately, does not communicate well in these matters, that is , these are problems, well, problems with what ... we face and problems that we it is necessary to decide just now, well, because there is a war continues, and many experts say that putin , after re-election or re-appointment, as you like, he will initiate the further movement of the russian army forward, he has the financial potential for this, and they are preparing in a military sense and will continue to do it again and again. some kind of honest conversation is needed, because i actually think that i can’t hear
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you, valery pekar actually has a good idea that the question of mobilization is on the one hand, you can’t hear me, and what if we have some problems with yawning, i i don't know if we have any it's time to restore it, dear friends, in the meantime , no, yes, yes, in the meantime, we already have it, yes, yes, sir, you hear us, mr. yevgeny, you hear us now, yes, yes, we literally have two minutes remains, i will briefly ask, the issue of mobilization, this is a question firstly, a managerial one, whether in principle this challenge can be answered with the capabilities that are available now, and, if so, this entire vertical, and the other question is the question whether society accepts whether society sees this mobilization as fair, well, because you can say okay, i'm churchill. but churcher was a veteran, who escaped from captivity, a veteran of several wars, for example, and when he said that i
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brought you blood-sweat, everyone understood that he himself shed this blood, and under, and or take the current israel, where the children of literally all the ministers are now fighting in the gas, you understand, colleagues , the question is that it is wrong to think that the issue of passing a law on mobilization is purely administrative... strategic or politico-legal , an information campaign is also needed, i was already wondering how many videos about encouragement before joining the ranks of the armed forces, as is done in ordinary things, and in that, including how many pop stars, leaders of public opinion, and even those people's deputies who took part in hostilities, they... tell their voters and their fellow citizens about it, this is a complex problem, so
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that if we do not solve the issue of mobilization, then obviously we will face a number of other , much more difficult issues, and this is a serious challenge, a challenge for everyone, a common one, and it is a problem that will not go away, anyway, because you understand, until... the authorities do not will say that we will not win in two or three weeks, talk about the effective adoption of this draft law is unlikely. thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen magdo, executive director of the institute of world politics, was with us. thank you for this conversation, next we will talk with the secretary general of the taiwan parliamentary human rights commission, wuer kais, we will talk about the election that we believe is fateful, which is going on in taiwan right now, we will talk about it after a short break, stay with us, good
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norman, we can imagine that. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening on the front? what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is watching closely. will there be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about outside behind the commanders? news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, significant, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in today's issue: about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results
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of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 8 p.m. espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant issues public discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. own names. with myroslava barchuk sunday 17:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola verysen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv some katsaps and beyond. what kind of world
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mr. norman dreams of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom of life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but
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dear friends, we are back on the air, we will continue our marathon. now we will talk about taiwan, where, by the way, people have already voted and... the votes have already been actually almost voted and the counted votes have already begun, even a little unofficial, but congratulations to the winner, he is already, in fact, seems to have decided. bloomberg, who monitors vote counting in real time, has already shown the following picture. laichingte, actually the current heir. nominally speaking, the ruling party , which advocates full independence for taiwan, gains 40%, while its closest pursuer, such as the nominally pro-china
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houi, gains only 33.5% and accordingly loses in this election, and yet another third politician, which offered a third way, received even fewer votes, which means, by the way, that the voters of taiwan neglected. very threatening chinese warnings that almost promised war if laichingte still wins these elections, lachnt has already said, by the way, that this does not mean that he will immediately declare the independence of taiwan, but nevertheless, everyone understands that taiwan china failed to intimidate the taiwanese, and the taiwanese continue to advocate independence, the majority, at least the taiwanese. while we wait for an expert to appear on our airwaves, with whom we will talk about what... these elections in taiwan mean and what to expect from china and whether or not this has an impact on what is happening in ukraine, and obviously it has, because china is the one
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helping russia nikki haley, who is now very rapidly trump's opponent, trump's rival in the republican party, whose approval rating is now very rapidly increasing, they have already started to talk about the possibility of her becoming an alternative , maybe now we will see how the caucuses will be held in key states, and we will see accordingly, but she also very clearly said at the debate at the debate with desantis that if ukraine is not helped, we will fight with china through taiwan, that is, in ukrainians i say, the americans have no illusions that they have to fight for taiwan and not just support the arms emporium or somehow allocating some billions of aid there, but they understand that in the event that china dares to take this adventure to the americans, the american... sailors first, but then the american army will have to fight with great china, this has several factors, why this war
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will be impossible to avoid in this case, a big war between superpowers, one of them, by the way, is that taiwan is a key producer of semiconductors in the world , i.e they are even making estimates of how this war will affect the world economy, it will have catastrophic consequences for all countries. literally the world in any case, here , well, but of course, what exactly only, well, not only in fact, of course, american, american, american, not threats, but warnings that they will be ready to stand up for taiwan armed, deter china, well , but also, of course, china very, beijing, very closely follows the course of the war in ukraine, and actually sees that russia, having a huge advantage over the... ukrainian country in nine times more economy, four times more mobilization resources, prepared for war very hard, which cannot be said about ukraine, especially the last three years, and
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accordingly, accordingly, nevertheless there are no special successes, by the way, mircha, what is more interesting is that china now looked at russia, looked at russian corruption and decided in china that something should be done about its corruption, actually in the military sphere, they thought that... if in russia, due to corruption, in fact in two or three days they did not manage to do anything with ukraine, so what is there with us corruption, and it turned out that they began to check their army, it turned out that they poured water into the rockets instead of fuel, that 's corruption in chinese, well, but now they are conducting huge purges there, who actually among the ukrainians did not buy any chinese at the time. .. to cost less,
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but what costs less, then flies to you, because you thus support russia's war against ukraine? by the way, every time i see a chinese-made car on the road, a car, i also think about the fact that a person actually sponsored, not but it's about cars, it's even banal, i don't know, we've recently finished the holidays, it's about these illuminations, the ones with which christmas trees are decorated, or some toys, i liked the toys so much, they were so straw, i thought it was ukrainian production, and i read, and there it says made in china, i thought: no, no, it is better if i pay a little more, but i will pay some ukrainian manufacturer, i have already found a woman who makes the same straw toys, that is, the chinese , even these straw toys for christmas trees, they copy the ukrainian style and they even try to profit from this, make money and do everything to ensure that this money goes to the chinese budget, and in this
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way, by financing the chinese budget with our such purchases, because chinese ones are cheaper, we are putting money into the war against ukraine to continue . dear friends, by the way, about money, i urge you to contribute money to our collection, which we are conducting for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, a cold ravine, which has been fighting since 2014, which defends ukraine from the enemy and... and which was and everyone has it the hottest spots and needs our help, it needs kamikaze drones , we need uah 5 million for those drones, and finally show the props, dear friends, directors, i urge you, show the props so that we, our viewers can see where we need to go transfer money, and we need to collect uah 5 million, now you see
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card numbers and qr codes on your screens. er, a private card and a mono card, who is more convenient, the number of the private card is 47, 31, 21.96, 41.20, 6135, this is a private card, and the number of the mono card is 5375, 4112, 10, 65, 75, 60, we already have collected uah 639,230 67 kopecks, but we need 5 million. for today, you and i collected 22, not bad, but not super good, i will tell you honestly, because i know that we had much better days, if only half as much if we add some 11,000 from this amount, then we will have 650,000 in the account, which already means that we will already be closer to
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our goal, which is five. millions, so friends, join in, please, throw in your hryvnias, if there are many of you, and if there are even small amounts, then this collection will move little by little, and these drones actually komikadze, you know very well how they work , and my god, i watched such a video today in sternenko, how they work, let's not be this, but the muscovite with a torn off arm looked convincing, i'll tell you briefly. content, if anyone has not seen it, in a word, three muscovites, soldiers, are walking, and our drone falls on them, and such quality, such a super video, just, well, at least on a wide screen, they must have filmed it, and in a word, it drops some kind of a grenade, and the grenade explodes went so noticeably to those two, well, it's as if everything is so visual everything is fine with them more or less well somehow there is probably a bit of a shock, and the third one, i’m sorry , tore off his arm, well, he tore his arm off, well...
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he jumped up as if everything was fine, and you can see that he is there, what are you doing there? there without a hand, it’s fine, you’ll go, so-and-so is like , everything’s okay, there with the other hand, they say, it’s fine , yes, well, they’re like that, and they’re flapping, running away, because it’s clear that something else will fly now, and they’re flapping there, he there is someone behind them clapping, clapping, clapping. with a torn off hand, the blood spatters, but he is not there to put some tourniquet there, he probably doesn't even have those tourniquets. or some kind of shock state , who knows him, well, less than that, he tries to keep up with them, well, he can’t, can’t, can’t, he falls and starts dying, dying from loss of blood, so what we said today about , that israel calculated that 33% of wounded russians die, and if they don't die, it's been 100 years since there hasn't been such a death rate in the army in major conflicts, in them, in them.


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