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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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the demand for changes to the immigration laws of the united states, which have not been made for 30 years, because there is a lot of disagreement and there is no agreement, and this demand, it is quite artificial, because i have doubts, what is possible for, i don't know, well for more than a month, these negotiations have not been going on, that it is possible to agree on something that could not be agreed on for 30 years, i have the impression that... well , at least such influential people in the republican party, they are looking for an excuse to drag , so as not to approve aid to ukraine, because there will be no such thing, so there will be something else, well at least i have hope, i think there is a window of opportunity to pass this bill until trump starts winning the republican primaries in one state after another, and the first primaries, well, not premiers, but coconuts , they will be on monday, but with ... on the other hand,
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as if the republicans created a plan to win ukraine and there to provide ukraine with critical weapons, increase sanctions against putin, transfer to ukraine 300 billion of frozen russian sovereign assets, as far as, that is, correct, i understand , what it is very similar to the behavior of ukrainian politicians, we will also do the same as you, but we will do it, not you. because this, this just shows to me that the republicans are not against, in principle , they, they fight with the democrats, well, look, they don't do that, this statement of the three heads of the committees of the house of representatives, it was, i don't know why, in ukraine it became known only now, it was still made on december 5 last year, she published this plan, but this, if you read it, i read it, well this is not a constructive document at all, it is such and such, such and such propaganda.
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a memorandum in order to appeal to their voters inside the united states, why someone in ukraine decided, what, what is this really a plan for victory, and just now they saw it, it is there on the website of the heads of these committees, and on their pages it has been on the internet since december 5, there is really nothing new there, well, they write there that it is necessary to provide ukraine with attack missiles, so i supported it with both hands, that it is necessary to provide ukraine with f-16, this is how this process is going, it is, unfortunately, slow , well, it can’t, how to speed it up , how to train, how to train ukrainian pilots faster, how to train ukrainian engineers and technicians faster, how to refurbish airfields faster, that’s when we were talking about only about the possible approval of the transfer of f-16 to ukraine, then the deputy secretary of defense of the united states said that this process would take up to one and a half... years, and it was
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said, well, it was approved by the transfer of 16 to ukraine in may of last year , they will appear during this year, sanctions, and you see, the sanctions, as we can see, they work , but their effectiveness is much lower, much tougher sanctions, give much lower effectiveness than the sanctions against the soviet union, which were not as tough as the current sanctions against russia, but the sanctions... against such a market, quasi-market economy that exists in russia, they are less effective than sanctions against the planned economy of the soviet union, because within the framework of the market economy there are opportunities to circumvent sanctions, as we can see, a lot of sanctions have been introduced against companies in different countries of the world that help russia circumvent sanctions, and with regard to 300 billion, as i understand it, this work is ongoing. the united states
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wants to negotiate with the g7 countries from the eu to confiscate this 300 billion, most of this money is not in the united states, it is in european jurisdictions, because putin, in the last months before a full-scale invasion, he most of the money , which was in american banks on american accounts, he transferred european banks in the united states somewhere by... i read estimates from 5 to 7 billion dollars of russian assets are located, now you already mentioned mr. trump, so what is going on in the legal field around mr. trump, how much is said, i just did not understand and that is why i did not understand , but they say that march is such a very important month that if something happens in the courts that are going on now... in
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march, the courts may start that can make it impossible for him to participate in the elections, i think that making it impossible for him participation in elections, none the courts won't be able to, because... well, even if there is a conviction, that's no reason to disqualify him from the election. in march, two trials have been scheduled, on march 4, a trial has been scheduled in washington, this is in federal court, regarding the charges brought against him regarding what he did to cancel the election results and regarding what he organized there and there is and... fake fellow voters and what exactly happened on january 6 , 21, trump is trying to delay this court, and that's why he filed a claim that, what he, he had presidential immunity, that is, anything that, anything
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that he's done as president, that, he can't, he can't be held accountable for that under the criminal code, that is, the president, in his opinion, can do anything that...anything, it's now is being considered in the courts, there were hearings in the court of appeals of the district of columbia last week, well, from what the judges said, it is obvious that they will not make a decision in favor of trump, but he, he will definitely file an appeal, he will demand that the full court of appeal heard this appeal of his and will then appeal to of the supreme court, just to bide time to delay the start of this trial so that... it definitely won't happen on march 4th, it will happen on march 25th, but on march 25th there will be another trial in new york, which is the jurisdiction of the state of new york, regarding, regarding his fraud, regarding the falsification of financial documents, and he will not
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be able to delay this process, but even if there will be guilty verdicts, a few days ago i heard the opinion of such a famous american lawyer, neil katiyal, former acting deputy... attorney general, and he, and he has a lot of experience representing in the courts, because he, he, when he was not in the government, he represented the interests of various plaintiffs in the supreme court, he says that definitely trump, if there is a conviction , he will appeal any conviction, and given the circumstances, what his personality is, and the fact that he is a presidential candidate, and that he is... a former president, and so on and so forth, that every appeal of his will be considered for two to three years, that is, even if there is a court in new york , there will be a guilty verdict, but he will definitely file an appeal, and it will be such a long process, it is unlikely, it is unlikely that his appeals will be considered before the elections, but he will not
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change, mr. igor, i am sorry, he does not turn into, as they say in america, a duck, but they elect the president. let's imagine that he wins the election, i don't know here, i don't have time to ask you about it, and he becomes the president as a collector of criminal cases, and he can be president until the end of his term, so that he really then has opportunities to avoid any legal prosecutions, but he is under attack, let's say, what do you think, i agree with you, yes yes. it will be, if he is, if he becomes president, if these , if there are indictments, of course, that's how it will be, and he, he has two accusations of federal jurisdiction, he can, let's say, if the courts don't will take place before the election, he will become president, he can
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pardon himself, because he can appoint an attorney general who will drop the charges, but he 's got two charges in state jurisdictions that he can't do anything about, one in new york and one in georgia, so he's in georgia, and that's where he's now seeking a trial , so that the court recognized that he, as the president , could do whatever he wanted, so that you could understand, the audience understood that, what he meant, when there was a hearing in the appeals court in washington, it was on this tuesday week, his lawyers, when we judges were asked, what if the president orders the murder of his political competitor , etc... he is not a defendant then, his lawyer says: yes, if there was no, no, there was no impeachment on this matter, then he is not a defendant, well, that is, this is absurd, of course, but this it's taking time like this, and the problem, you see, the problem, in my opinion, the problem is not trump, the problem is that he
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is supported exactly, no matter what, more than 20 million, republican voters, members, more than 20 million of the average...members of the republican party, and that's the biggest problem with that, because if there wasn't one support, that is blind, absolutely, they made him an idol of such an idol, then simply him... he would not be on the political stage, but thank you very much, i'm sorry, mr. igor, igor eisenberg, professor of new york university, was with us , thank you very much for finding time for us on saturday, now there will be commercials again, again for four minutes, and then from overseas, overseas united states to to poland, which is not overseas, just right here, because we are in lviv, it's just across the street, let's say. but still advertising you have to look. everyday life is now
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mechanized brigade kholotny yar has an urgent need for auto drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. channel. espresso and ukrainian pen present their own name project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and
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western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week. and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, guests special proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can be stronger only by uniting together. friends, welcome. friendly online community, enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and
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relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. good health again, so we have about 15 minutes before i hand over to niewa melnyk, and before that we'll talk, as i said, about poland. myroslav cech, a polish politician, deputy of the second third term, will now appear. in front of us, and we will talk with him just in time, good health, mr. miroslav, and we will talk about the belvedere. belvedere
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is such and such a place where the president of poland lives, and the former minister of the interior of poland and his deputy were arrested there the other day, they allegedly went to duda, to the president, so that they would not be arrested there, but since the command is given by and the executive power, this... never mind, go arrest these people in the presidential palace, now these people have gone on hunger strike, there are protests in poland, there are... rumors that there may be new elections, and here is this, this, this huge number of questions that i am directing to mr. myroslav, but the main question is, to what extent is the crisis in poland today a political one, are we here in ukraine seeing and not seeing, in fact, what is
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the real situation in of poland and whether there really is a crisis. good evening. well, there is a crisis, of course , the crisis is growing, and the crisis will be long, whether it will end with early elections, this is in question, because the conflict between the government and the president is growing, now the parties are actually very much exchanging such harsh statements, but also tough actions, the former president is well known. in ukraine, oleksandr kvashnevsky generally believes that in such a crisis situation, when there is such a fierce confrontation between the two centers of power, and there is a fear that the president, possessing the right of veto, will block reforms, in particular in the judicial branch of government and in
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the law enforcement system in general, then the government should go to early elections. using the huge mobilization of their own voters, which was manifested during the parliamentary elections on october 15 last year, so that there is a crisis, the crisis is growing, and this crisis will deepen, it is obvious, although on monday the president and the prime minister are meeting to discuss, in particular, foreign policy, security policy and preparations for the visit. of prime minister donald tusk to ukraine. yes, i was just in kwasniewski's belvedere when he was president many, many years ago, but not about this, but about something else. mr. mykolo, mr. mykolo, this arrest did not take place in belvedere. with belvedere there was another cunning cunning intrigue, because the arrest was an official certificate of the president of poland, well, a working
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office, a workplace where the president is and sleeps. his wife, his family, this is the palace of the so-called governor, it dates back to the 19th century, when the brother of tsar alexander the first was the governor of the polish kingdom, because the tsar was the king, and another intrigue took place at the belvedere, when the president moved out of his palace of the governor and moved to beveder for a meeting with svitana tsekhanouskaya and other belarusian figures , and the arrest of former ministers also took place, that is, under absence, and there was also such confusion that there, who knows, the road is close to this belvedere, the highway is normal and so on, and the bus broke down, a regular bus, there is number 180, at the entrance it is just the belvedere, well, the whole the intrigue started that
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you have special services specially wanted to block the departure of the president and so on, so that the stories are for journalism. to describe such various adventures, i think, is infinitely simple, but the very fact is that people who were actually under the protection of the president are being arrested, the president invited them to his, well, not his residence, but to his palace, to his place of work and residence, and they were under his protection, so to speak, here he comes... handcuffs him and takes him away, well, not to it happens in every country, i want to tell you, well, in ukraine, it is hard for me to imagine it, but my question is the following, i just talked to all ukrainian friends, because i say, imagine, the police, which is controlled by the government, enters a bank and arrests two
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friends of the president of ukraine who are there are under his protection, says it's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible. look, but i have this for you, again today i have a second question based on feeling rather than on some ratio, rather on emotion, someone has to give way in this duel, and then the question arises, the polish nation, polish citizens, they will treat a person with respect who, not wanting to escalate, says: okay, i'm taking a step back, i don't want to. exchange harsh statements, i don't want to exchange harsh actions, i i take a step back and okay, let's be after all, a single nation
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in... these are different voices, but it will be accepted, this fellow, he did not escalate, let us support him, well conditionally in the next elections, or on the contrary they will say, oh, he is weak, he should have continued to fight , you can not give in, what do you think, what is the mood in this sense? well, the moods are different, so far there are no such moods, let's love, live in harmony, and all conflicts, reduce the level of confrontation, there is no such thing, the voters who elected the current ruling coalition on october 15, they are determined for this, so that this lawlessness, which was happening until the last eight years, so that... it was stopped, stopped, and so that poland returned to the path of development and the path of development that it was on until 2015, and this is
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clear, and the vast majority of these voters of the coalition on october 15 are set in this way , on the other hand, the understanding is also growing that uh, well, how, shall we say,... we will give up some, some of our barricades, we will dismantle part of the barricades, then we will fall, we will all fall, the third level of this confrontation is as follows , well, what president kvashnivskyi said that in andrzej duda, president andrzej duda, has ambitions to lead the peace party, in a year and a half, when he will step down from the post of president after almost two terms of office, so there are two different... levels , the situation has not yet reached a point where it would be possible to talk about the need for a round table, the situation
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has not yet arrived, the new government is just entering its offices and is starting to reveal, well, abuses , plus, well, putting its own people in different positions and so on, it is not yet full power, uria tusk yet. .. incomplete power in such an understanding, which could be said to have covered, grasped everything that is needed and allowed for democracy. well, it is also worth telling you, mr. mykola, and our viewers, that in fact there are two supreme courts in poland, in fact, the situation has reached such a level of confrontation, there was no such thing in ukraine, such cases were there when, you know, some judge of the supreme court , the supreme court or the constitutional court. did not want to leave the cabinet, the chairman of the constitutional court, but there were no two supreme judges, i.e. us, so that there would be an even better understanding of this
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situation, it must be said that poland is transitioning, trying to transition, i apologize , from a semi-authoritarian model of development to return to a democratic, liberal democracy and the european model, in particular the law enforcement system and... systems without which there is no european country, any member of the european union . yes, i'm down, i remember something, something, that this round table, which was in 89, is still alive somewhere, it can be taken out of the basement somewhere and placed and sat down, which, and which basement, is it there take it easy, he's standing right there it's like historians, well, listen to it, well, it's all over. myroslav, i'm sorry, we just spoke with look, i understand correctly, mr. united states, and there they say, and they said
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months and six months ago, that there are 20-30 million iron trump supporters, how to say, supporters, if i understand correctly , that the situation in poland is very similar in the sense that no matter how hard they strain. opponents of law and justice, i.e. presidential opponents, still some part of poles ironically supports this, this law and justice, this dudu, and and and and this, this, as it were to say, yesterday's cabinet of ministers, the one that was not headed by tusk, who actually came to power there in november, what do you say, well, of course , 11.5 million people voted for... the opposition political forces on october 15, record, or as they call themselves, the united right,
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the family voted. that is, people remember who they voted for and so on, that is , there are millions of supporters in pis, that's for sure, and they, this support will not disperse so easily, people, people will remember, even today is such a process, peace built its strength after 2010 and integrated its... their ranks of their supporters to the smolensk disaster, the plane crash that killed president leg kaczyński and 95 other people, then there were marches, marches, commemorations, mourning at the ceremony and said that it was a terrorist attack, for which tusk and former president bronislaw komorowski are responsible, and this is the so-called founding myth, they called it the kosmolen disaster was a founding myth
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after after... 2010, thanks to which they came to power in 2015, not only because of this, but it was also the main element, well, of such an integration of their basic, iron, as we call the electorate, now they are looking for a new founding myth, and the persecution of the conditional opposition, what forced the former ministers to prisons, it should be a new component, new components of this new founding myth. pis, in order to integrate and prevent their own voters from disbanding, so that they split up with other parties. see, i would ask this further, about the political situation, about whether such a crisis can lead to, whether it can lead to a reformatting of the political picture of poland, maybe we need some, well, because we see that such and such an electoral system, it
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shows, well, no... imperfection, although where it is perfect, no one knows either, but i will ask about something else, we have two minutes, after all, in your specific opinion, mr. myrislav, near smolensk, what was it, is it negligence on the part of the russians, is it sabotage, is it the weather, this, this, this what happened, because there is such a controversy here, you will hear one, he absolutely clearly proves that it was sabotage, you will hear the other. clearly proves it wasn't sabotage, what do you say? well, i have a firm conviction, despite the fact that many of my acquaintances died on that plane, there was even a former assistant of mine, as a member of the polish diet, and i knew president lech kaczyński very well, so it was a personal tragedy for me , but of course it was a plane
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crash, just yes... which led, led, unfortunately, by polish negligence, so that the plane should not have come in at all in such weather conditions to approach landing, well, in general, to land the car, well , in general, well, just criminal, criminal negligence, which led to such tragic consequences, two years earlier in 2008 , the entire command died of the polish air force in a very similar disaster, unfortunately, and also negligence, one of the polish politicians once said that polish pilots are so highly qualified that they can land a plane, can land it at all, even when they are flying at the door from stodol, from clooney, well, that's how they put it, unfortunately, when you have no safety systems and you go through all the safety instructions and violate them, unfortunately, that's the result.
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so tragic, this is for me, thank you, mr. myroslav , please excuse me, myroslav czech-polish politician, deputy of the second and third terms of office was in touch with us, but now not with us, but primarily with you anna javamelnyk will be the speaker, and she will tell you about the latest news in ukraine and in the world, news. my greetings, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell you about the most relevant events. in kyiv, there was a fire in a shopping center, the fire took place in the solomyanskyi district.


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