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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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well, that’s how they put it, unfortunately, when you ’re complaining and such, there are no security systems and you go through all the safety instructions and violate them, well, unfortunately, the results are so tragic, that’s mr. myroslav for me, please excuse me, myroslav chek , a polish politician, deputy of the second and third terms of office was in touch with us, but now she is not with us, but anna yavamelnik will be in touch with you first of all, and she will tell you about the latest news in ukraine and... the world news my greetings, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, let's talk about the most current events in kyiv: a fire in a shopping center, a fire broke out in the solomyansk district.
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of the capital in the cosmopolit shopping center, mayor vitaliy klitschko said. previously, the fire broke out on the fourth floor in the children's room. the police evacuated about 200 people. the fire has already been extinguished. more than 50 rescuers and 13 pieces of equipment were involved for this. one woman turned to doctors, klitschko writes. she was helped on the spot, emergency services are still working in the mall. russians inhabited a rural village of the kharkiv district, residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. according to preliminary data , an aerial bomb was dropped on the settlement. law enforcement officers removed ammunition fragments and documented the consequences of the armed aggression of the russian federation. a 54-year-old man was injured as a result of a drone attack on one of the settlements in the berslav district. according to the information of the regional... military
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administration, the victim was hospitalized with an open craniocerebral injury. he is currently connected to a ventilator . the occupiers also hit mykhailivka, hit a residential building. there, fortunately, there were no victims. in ukraine , 131 settlements in five regions remain without electricity due to bad weather. in particular , oblenergo lines were damaged in dnipropetrovsk oblast. without electricity. more than 3,000 people in the kirovohrad region, specialists healed 300 consumers overnight, and now they are working on supplying electricity to the homes of another 2,500 residents. in the zaporizhzhia region , 15 settlements in khmelnytskyi 14 remain without electricity, the ministry of energy reported. recruited girls for creation porn content. in poltava, the police stole two web studios that were manufactured and sold. is it
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porn? organizers found girls aged 18 to 35 who had financial problems. they were offered such a job, the regional police reported. during the search , law enforcement officers found a dozen system units, web cameras, laptops, routers and other accessories, and also seized a pistol and ammunition. the organizers, two men and a woman, are all accused of assisting in the production of pornography. for illegal border crossing. operatives of the state border service exposed another scheme for the departure of men. the organizer brought his acquaintance to the outskirts of the border at night. there he was detained by law enforcement officers at the time of receiving the second part of the money. currently, they are deciding the issue of declaring suspicion and selecting a preventive measure for the violator. the supreme court issued a statement. in which he condemns the actions of the sbi investigators, who
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conducted searches the day before in the premises of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv. in particular, the documents and computer of judge yulia ivanina were seized. dnipro court as well reports on numerous violations during the search and regards them as pressure on the judge to administer justice. after all , the searches were probably related to the consideration of a specific court case. the court draws attention to the fact that conducting investigative actions in courts poses significant threats to the independence of judges, and cases of interference in a judge's activities in connection with the adoption of court decisions by him are inadmissible. at the same time, the sbi also confirmed the actions of its employees in the capital's dnipro court. the department's website states that the law enforcement officers conducted the office of the judge was searched and physical evidence was seized. supreme court. demands a reaction
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from the supreme council of justice and has already appealed to the director of the dbr that if it is a judge, then there should be a sanction or a general. according to the rules, it is done in order, they turn to the general prosecutor or his deputy, then they write a petition, and only on the basis of the petition they turn to this court and receive approval to conduct an investigation, this is the standard. they, in violation of this standard, said that some are urgent the circumstances of the seizure of property, what property to save there, they believed and conducted a search, and it was not enough that they simply searched some specific property that they
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wanted there in mind, they also searched her, visitors and premises and something different, if you say so... then this is such an arbitrary treatment of the law, it is so impudent, let's say so, the behavior of this, in general, he was never, let's say, obediently lawful, so he always loved these chosen forces and always used it. is fighting putin, perm is suffering. ukrainian hackers successfully attacked permenergo's payment gateway. of the perm region of russia, our it army reports this. as a result, the website and payment gateways are completely stopped. it is also possible to disrupt the internal operations of the energy company, as it experts note , the operation will not affect the supply
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of electricity, but will lead to a temporary loss of control over the management of the power grid and will force the russian federation to pour additional money into its restoration. instant karma. a rocket fell in russia in the krasnodar region. most likely, this is the x-101 that the invaders launched this morning to attack ukraine. the video was published in russian media. it shows an eruption and the rocket itself, which is smoking. there is no information about casualties and damage. parts of the highway were closed in connection with the implementation of special measures by law enforcement officers. fateful elections in... in taiwan. according to preliminary data, the pro-western candidate lai tsinde from the democratic progressive party is winning. he competed with the candidate of the opposition kuomintang party houyi and the ex-leader of the city of taipei kowanche. they have already admitted their defeat in the elections. live
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advocates the full independence of taiwan, strengthening the island's defenses and denies china's territorial claims. 21 million. dollars for the reconstruction of mykolaiv will be allocated by denmark. the money will be directed to projects in the agricultural sector, in particular to demining fields. the dormitory of the mykolaiv state agrarian university is also being reconstructed with these funds. international organizations will also contribute to this, the ministry of community development reported. last spring , denmark took patronage over mykolayivska region since then, the country has been constantly helping with the reconstruction of the region. i remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel. the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupyan direction needs a car. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat missions and evacuate the wounded. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain.
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it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected 113 00. please join and donate any amount. remember, your hryvnia brings our victory closer. he was 28 years old, lived in canada, and returned to ukraine in january of the 22nd year. because he understood that there would be a big war. today in kyiv, an event was held in memory of the fallen defender of ukraine hryhoriy tsekhmistrenka. relatives, friends, brothers and sisters remembered the soldier with warm and kind words. it was said that he was a man with a big heart. a combat medic who saved more than one life. on the night of... january 15 last year, hryhoriy tsekhmistrenko died near bakhmut, it hurts me a lot, but i am glad and proud that he fulfilled his dream, he did what he wanted in life, he was in a hurry to live, and when he was asked questions, i
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asked, why are you in such a hurry, you still have your whole life ahead of you, and under one of his posts, when i look at instagram now, there is various posts, and he writes, says that we don't know what will happen tomorrow, we, we have to live today, found a new home, a himalayan bear that was saved by the ukrainian military. in donetsk will now live in a scottish zoo. in july 2022, the armed forces of ukraine found a bear in an abandoned zoo in the village of yampil. the animal was contused, his sent to a reserve in belgium, from there they were transported to scotland. the bear was named symbolically: yampil. he endured the 100 km journey well and is now enjoying his favorite food, cucumbers, five zoo employees said. in the zoo, after yampol's arrival, they try to avoid loud noises. that's how things are at the moment,
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the news team is working on the final news release, i'll see you at 19 and you can always read more about the important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks espresso is on youtube, telegram, instagram, twitter, stay close. so our program continues and will continue until 19 hours, that is another 59, 49 minutes, sorry, we will be in yemen, we will be in china, that is, in a part of china called taiwan, we will be in moldova , so, but let's start, probably from yemen, i hope, we already have igor in contact. the voice is the director of the center for middle eastern studies, and we are just asking him about this
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, these riddles about these mysterious people called the houthis, so good health, sir igor, thank you for finding time for us, and i have a question for you, well, that's what i remember, there were, there were, there were two yemens, this is what i remember, then they turned into one is yemen, then in yemen during this arab spring they canceled the... president, who i don't know, he sat there for 30 or so years, and then the houthis came there, the houthis are the kind of people who love iran, tehran, or vice versa , tehran loves the houthis, this is its money from tehran, these are weapons from tehran and so on, they started attacking saudi arabia as well, and and and and and they began to attack many things, and where did these houthis come from, what kind of people they are, how they appeared there and what they are doing there and why. they all feel bad , mr. igor, well, they were there, they lived there
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, the point is that it is approximately, this is a clan, well, yes, in principle it can be considered so, and for a long time before the year 62, before the revolution in the yemeni, nationalist arab revolution, there was a royal court, and this royal court, it was exactly, zayda, that is, it is actually zaydi, they were... the ruling group in the yemenis, in 1962, the nationalist arab revolution won, the sunnis, in other words, they abolished the royal court and pushed the zaydis into the gates, then they were not yet houthis, and the houthis became houthis a little later, in fact, when the self-proclaimed imam hussein al-houthi in in 2000, in the fourth year , an armed uprising was launched, and this
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was preceded by long discussions within the yemeni society, because it means that the children wanted autonomy, they wanted the restoration of their rights, and they believed that they were persecuted in this sunni yemen. instead, the sunnis believed that they were connected to iran, they wanted to restore the zaydi imamate, well, this one, which existed until the year 62, well , in general, they want to build a theocratic state, really everything is in the plans, the houthis are building a theocratic state, that is, a religious state, they are shiites from... the story, but, let's say this, this mashab, zaydi, it had the least
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differences from the sunni mashabs, and now, of course, after such a long time of confrontation, the gulf between these two groups is quite tall, as i said, about a third of them population of yemen, but they control a much larger territory, they are quite militant. names and in general yes yemen united, as we know, for a long time southern yemen was a colony. of great britain, and then, therefore, great britain , as part of decolonization, liberated this territory, this territory quickly became communist, well, the marxists came to power there, the soviet union actively supported yemen, the south, ours were there, our
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contingent, we taught the yemenis fight against the respective enemies. the people of northern yemen, other other groups that tried to oust the communists in aden, well, it is also very important to note that there was the main base of the palestinians, the training base of the palestinians, the palestinian resistance forces, so what else is important, well, that is, this conflict did not arise yesterday, it has its own has its roots, has its own history, has contradictions about... the word, and accordingly , since the houthis are shiites, they are of course supported by iran, since the others, saleh and all the other teams there are sunni, they are supported by saudi arabia, that is, here too we need to understand how it all works. saudi arabia since the 14th
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year has been waging an exhausting armed conflict with the houthis, and lost, by and large lost. the conflict, that is, the attempts of the saudis to act on the ground, well, except for the bombings, it is clear that they have an advantage here or block the ports, but the offensive attempts failed and as a result, it proved that, in fact, this conflict cannot be resolved, by force, the americans began to put pressure on the saudis, on the united arab emirates, this is part of the... collision, all these countries suffer from the shiites, and accordingly for them are the houthi fighting units, or there they are also called ansarala, the organization, well, this is a threat, in principle , for the last year, before the beginning
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of october, there were such, you know, negotiations, they were not very... effective, but it will be, yes, that is, they went quietly and some agreements were created there , well, everything changed on october 7, or after october 7, or rather after israel began a ground operation in the gas sector, and the houthis declared war on israel, well, they, in principle, what to declare war, what to saudi arabia, what to israel, that in america is basically the same. and well, at first it looked quite funny, well , in the sense of how anecdotally, they tried to shoot at israel several times, these rockets were intercepted, but then they chose another tactic, and this tactic turned out to be more effective, they began to interfere with shipping, but before that at the moment, in principle
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, nothing like this was observed from the houthis , that is, it is not what they say there... that they are pirates, they have always been pirates, they have always taken over, no, there was no such thing, it actually started only now, at first they claimed , what they will capture and restrict the movement of steamships only that belong to the israelis or go to israeli ports, well, then they saw that it is quite effective, and it really cancels the shortest ... way from asia to europe through the suez canal, and it is somewhere 10-12% of world trade, and saw that it was very effective and began to act more actively. the americans, the coalition, the british, first of all , ah, in response to this, they introduced their
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fleet into this region in order to prevent, well, at least attacks, yes, such as we have seen by helicopters, that's all. but the hussites did not stop there and began to strike at the ships, the american ships, and this was the last blow that was struck at the american ships, which was repelled, but it made an impression on the americans, and as a result, a decision was made to launch an air force operation rockets and rockets rockets and strike. from the air on the locations of the military infrastructure of the houthis, how effective they are, well, i cannot give an expert assessment here. it is quite possible that the hussites dispersed all their ammunition and capabilities, and let's say it will be very difficult to get into,
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radically reduce the amount of ammunition, but so to speak, the americans are talking about the fact that they have finally shown their strength, they want to bring the situation. mr. igor , one more question, one very short answer, i think it would be, if we were shown a map now, they showed us a map, where is this island of socotra, once it was such a semi -soviet base, there were almost no people there, but there was water and there was a bunker to go there military boats used to come, there, and now he is hiding, you see, this is socotra, this island, there was dew. the soviet naval base, as i say, it was not such a base-base, but you could get fresh water, you could get a bunker, that is, fuel for boats, and what
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is there now, and the second question, first of all i 'm just yes or no, for the second, is it at all possible or not to get our four sailors who were captured to these settlements, because there is such an impression that since there is a civil war, there are no diplomats there, no one there. there is no, as, as in in principle, to conduct negotiations, so socotra and ukrainian sailors, on socotra, in what condition is this point now, for refueling and observation there, which former soviet one, i do not know, i think that in principle it is now used there by the americans or the british, well, i have this impression, maybe i'm wrong, that is, i don't have fresh data. for the sailors, well, it is a generally recognized practice that the company that hired these sailors must negotiate through
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lawyers, and usually they buy out the sailors, other options, i think, well, there is dismissal them in the form of a military operation, well , it is unlikely, as far as it is possible to say now, what it can do... this is the end of this rather strange court that is being considered in gaza, so where the southern african republic says that israel is to blame for everything, there is genocide in ghazi, and israel says that we did not start the war, we are only defending ourselves from hamas, how much can all this affect something, because everyone knows that israel is very, let's say, well, maybe not completely neglects, but at least semi-neglects everyone. trials , where he is accused of various genocides, and then the question arises, why all this, well, okay, they filed a lawsuit, they started saying something there, nothing will come of it, well, just like
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it was 10 and 20 and 30 years ago, please, sir, there is differences, israel signed this convention, that is, it is obliged to comply with it, if the decision is there, here are the first court decisions on stopping the gas war, for example, and what... that israel is obliged to comply with it, the court decision, if israel does not fulfills the court's decision, he will, therefore, accordingly, he disregards the court's decision, and this already a reason for the introduction of sanctions against israel, well, that is, the situation for israel , let's say this, to put it mildly, not very well, because there they took to the indictment, used numerous speeches. israeli politicians, of whom there are many , starting from representatives of the ruling party , ending with members of the government, where they
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actually call, well, there are direct actions to genocide, and this is already a problem for the israelis, and of course they can say that you know, they are not members of the small war cabinet. then and accordingly, they are not their words, they are just words, but you know, so to speak , the words of politicians are important, otherwise then they have to admit that half of the israeli cabinet is incompetent, well, that's a problem, well, i say it's a problem for israel , notice how he in recent weeks, when it became clear that south africa was going to file this lawsuit, they changed the rhetoric, yes, that is ... began to silence there vengvir there and there and all the other israeli hawks, well, the words said and they can be used against
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israel in court, look, but isn't there some such, well, i would say complications, well, since israel is a state, then the state can be sued within the framework of the un, and hamas is an unknown what, and then, well, if very often in such cases, normal lawyers say, and we will sue you in the same court, and it will be our word against your word, your word. well, just who to sue, if israel, for example, decides that we, we also do not, we, we also experienced terrorism, we are not talking about hamas, we are talking about the civilian population, well that is there are already specific cases of mass bombings, and the destruction of the civilian population and so on, that is, we are talking about this, we are talking
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about calls to evict the palestinians from the sector. we are talking about calls to destroy all palestinians in general and so on, that is, there is material for consideration, another thing, as far as the israeli judges, the israeli judge, who also participates in this meeting, the israeli side will also be, will be argued, well here i can say , that south africa is quite, well, they prepared well. they have good materials, this after all, there is british law and a lot of other things , that is, they know their business , it will be very difficult to fight back on all the charges, that is, if even thank you, thank you very much , please excuse me, ihor sivelos, director of the center for middle eastern studies, we are talking about middle eastern studies and they asked mr. igor about the middle east, now advertising, then china, in that order. there are discounts on hepargin
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