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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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on espresso. today at 21 on espresso tv channel. in the week's summary news, we will talk about the following. now not only iran. north korea has become an important military ally of russia and sells its missiles. can they turn the tide of the war? balki tour. volodymyr zelenskyi's first trip abroad this year. historic security deal and largest aid package ever. brought the british prime minister to kyiv. fair mobilization and recruiting. how best to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. compensation under the program is recovery. ukrainians book certificates to receive compensation for property destroyed by the russians. see you at 9 p.m. we continue the political club.
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kharystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, and we are adding to our conversation valery chaly, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states from 2015 to 2019. congratulations , mr. valery, glory to ukraine. farewell, glory, i salute you. congratulations, mr. valeria, so let's try to talk about these security agreements that were signed in kyiv between great britain and ukraine, and to what extent is this... you can call it guarantees, many call it, well, apart from the prime minister, great britain a decisive person, you have to say what he says, what term he uses, how is it better to say it in ukrainian, assurance, assurance, yes , assurances , we already had it somewhere, in my opinion, and what was said in budapest, and what, and we and america will also introduce assurances into the negotiations, that, what are these documents about in general, it may actually be much more important than we think? these assurances, you know, actually
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here, the texts break down around the interpretations, i will just remind you that in fact in the past, when the ukrainian institutional system worked more rhythmically like this, well, obviously somehow more calmly, but not during the war, then there were some procedures, texts were first agreed upon, delegations were appointed for... spoke not at the last moment before signing, but an expert environment was involved in advance, the parliament, that's all that is being discussed these days, shows that two parallel worlds have arisen here, one world is diplomacy, pragmatic, practical work on signing bilateral agreements that are with many countries, and this agreement, i want to emphasize, it is one of the most...
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the best that we have in this, in this area, signed with an important country, a partner, and it is very good that we have a new standard, but the discussion is taking place because of something else, i want to emphasize this, because if we forget this, then we will generally draw the wrong conclusions, why at all now some criticism has arisen, it would seem, so what criticize the agreement on cooperation in the field of security? which advances our relations further, further from the joint document of the previous one, but i will remind you what all this arose from, it all arose from the proposal of ukraine, the draft treaty on security guarantees, it was called the kyiv security treaty, and the bet was made on the promotion of of the kyiv security treaty, where there was the word security guarantee, i do not want to explain there from the point of view of international...
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international law, how important these words are, but it was so, we offered our partners in bilateral agreements to fix the words of security guarantees, we did not do it, it was impossible to do it, why was there then in the political discourse, in communication , to talk about security guarantees, i will explain to you, because the issue of nato membership is now difficult to advance, so they invented . the second track is parallel, where you can demonstrate success , but there is one nuance: we need solutions now, well, what is called a security guarantee, which is positive, the fact that the authorities have already given up such statements, switched to normal vocabulary, that this is about the agreement on cooperation in the field of security, it is and i confirm once again as a specialist, as a person who participated in the negotiations and... signed the documents, it is
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quite broad, it covers many areas, there are details, that is, it is a good agreement, but this is a change of concepts that we have only been fed to us. for several months he has been falsely calling names , replacing concepts, i think that this is what caused such a misunderstanding today, that is why you need to communicate with people in an adult way, you need to come up with some stories, this is firstly, secondly, now you have asked the question correctly, but in this case we have to talk about the essence, i actually found a lot of positives there, and the authorities have already told about these positives, maybe i won’t even duplicate them, but... there are certain points, well, you know that the ukrainian side insisted on ratification of this kind of agreement, it is public, why? because when the executive power changes in one or another country, it can change the attitude to this kind of agreement, in fact, from the point of view of our
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legislation and the vienna convention on the law of international treaties and our law on international treaties, this is a completely legitimate agreement from the moment. writing, as it was stated there, it works for two, here and the ratification, i see, was not even envisaged by two parties, but, and now the question arises, what we have ok with britain, we think that even labor, who can come to power in the next elections, they will continue this, because we know their attitude is also positive towards such security issues with ukraine, and whether the same agreement will work without us ratification, i am not sure, that is, if... similar text genus to sign with the executive branch of the united states, then i am not sure that the next time it cannot undergo, well, some changes in the text, but simply the attitude, if there are any, will change, say, the power of the democrats there will be replaced by
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the republicans, well, i mean the presidential elections first of all, that is why it would be important for us to establish a bilateral ratification mechanism for this type of agreement, and the fact that it is not here is really a weakness, but one more point, read the text carefully, you will find a lot of interesting points , perhaps which do not need to be ratified, well for example, i found that ukraine is committed to an active fight against corruption in the civil society of ukraine, i did not understand how it is and what it is, what kind of fight against corruption in the civil society, but there is such a moment... there is , i understand why it arose, and it arose from the ukrainian side, but should such things be laid down in such agreements, which will later be ratified, so here it is necessary, starting from this text, to understand that indeed our desires cannot always support being partners, this is the first position,
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secondly, with each country there should still be an individual approach, and this standard should now be pushed back, as from botton. i.e. a low point and try to get more, and the third is that the whole question of security, the security umbrella, security guarantees, remained open, it remained open, and we now clearly see that the rhetoric regarding this track would not work, and this should be understood and already understood in the president's office, so it is not surprising that the president had a meeting regarding membership in nato and regarding... additional now activities in this direction, this is a good signal, the only thing is that when resources are scattered on two tracks, and on bilateral agreements, and on nato membership, i am afraid that we will have enough personnel, diplomatic, and financial resources in order to
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enter it all at once. mr. valery , please tell me, did you not get the impression after reading the document in an accessible format that these are all the assurances we are talking about, they relate to ... aggression against ukraine in the future, that is, more opportunities to use british technologies, military production, and so on and so forth, both on land, on water, and in the air, we will have it only in the future, but with regard to the current conflict, somehow everything is quite optical, well, i think that here is just right, it seems to me, that there is confirmation, the approach, and there are... such moments that speak of the possibility in the event of the next aggression, yes, i will tell you even more why this agreement, well, it is quite so strange from the point of view of international law, because as a rule, international treaties are signed security agreements, they
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are signed without having in mind any specific subject, in this case, of course, it is an agreement that specifically refers to the russian russian war. against ukraine, and here there are no other risks that, in principle, could be in relation to ukraine in the next 10 years, which this agreement considers before possible revision, i think that this is also a weakness, because... that it may sound strange, but, well, the risks in ukraine, in relation to external aggression, can come not only from russia, this is , firstly, secondly, if a conditional russia is already there, well, it will happen that it will fragmented, and these will be other subjects of international relations. well, the agreement provides for changes, the agreement provides for a correction, so here, in principle, i would not be afraid that it would be some kind of confusion. now britain's approach to ukraine's aid today, on the contrary, i
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think it even strengthens it, and the evidence of this is the presence of concrete figures there of 2.5 billion pounds of aid, which, in fact, is the best thing in such agreements, it is concrete. tell me, what is heard about the vote in the congress on aid to ukraine, how do you feel about the development of events? i have already said many times, and eh, well, this nonsense continues, every day we swallow volidol there, whether it will happen or not, let 's start with what was said a long time ago, including on your broadcast, it seems that we discussed it , that the decision will not be made before february, and it was already known, but i said it again, if i'm not mistaken, at the end of october, here is... an explanation, and now it has been reinforced with concrete actions, the process,
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unfortunately, is ongoing not the best case scenario, but as i try to explain this scenario, it's the american approach when the stakes rise to the maximum level, well, in some kind of political discourse, and then at the last moment, already before the deadline, the parties find a compromise. as with the decision, well , with their part of the benefits that they squeezed out during the period, they will discuss, something similar is happening now in this matter, one thing worries me is that in fact the white house and the current administration have cut off any steps back and bet on pressure, that's what it's about, for example, the democrats refused. now i hear different opinions, but i read
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the laws are american, in this package in the nba defense budget for the 24th year, this item 1224 has disappeared, that is, there is no extension of the lend-lease law, that is, this instrument will not exist now, at least until another decision is made. second, they can take more from... warehouses and sell weapons at the residual price, even if there is no funding, this may also be why they are now sharply stating that they have nothing left to supply to ukraine, do not take this as the truth , it's not true, it's only part of the truth, because they put so much pressure on the republicans, they have what to supply, only the mechanisms will be different, it will be necessary to buy at a low price, lower , but to buy, thirdly, no one mentions that 300 million have already been laid out for ukraine in the defense budget, which means that there will be more,
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at least in this year there may be several such tranches of 150-200 million , the problem is something else, the problem is how america, in washington and not only in the white house, look at the continuation of military operations in the 24th year, this is the main thing, are they ready they make an adjustment in their strategy and... provide concentrated and quickly, in the first half of this year , ukraine will have enough military equipment and resources and cooperation with europe to change the course of the war itself, to turn it from a positional war, which the russian-ukrainian war is turning into, well, such a trench war, into a maneuverable one, for it needs solutions, including this $61.4 billion package. that is, it is not about what america supports or does not support, it is about how we see together the strategy
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of victory this year, the de-occupation of ukraine. well and now the republicans a very dangerous thing that they started to delay the decision until the primaries, new hampshire first said, then they say, let's wait for big tuesday, where more than 800 voters will decide. choose more than 800 voters in many states, it's march 5, and now they want to delay, moreover, this small part of them, which was marginal, and now became dominant, caused ... you can say so to the speech of the speaker of the house of representatives and said he was given an ultimatum in essence the other day, if he will not remove the question of aid, or rather not aid, but shutdown, well, that is , the prevention of funding, if he does not continue to act harshly, then he can be replaced, so this is the story, it
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will continue, well, at least until at the beginning of february , and i think, probably still... tell me, please, mr. valery, what is happening now, but in fact at this time it is happening in taiwan, we are talking about the counting of votes actually in the elections there, and there is an understanding , which is likely to be won by the incumbent vice president, who is perceived by china as a dangerous separatist, what is happening now in the middle east, in particular in the red sea basin, and we understand how important the situation there is for the whole world, for trade routes, in the first place. and of course the situation in ukraine, all of this in the complex can play a role in the fact that each of the locations i named now, in fact, on the world map, receives its support from the united states, or are we already forced to speak exclusively for our own interests? you asked a question on more than one show, i will try to be brief
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answer: the us defense doctrine describes how to act in two regional wars. so they cannot act in three regional wars, what we see now are not yet regional wars, it is only theirs, well, such a deployment, so, let's say, in the conditions, if there is a war in europe and it goes abroad of ukraine, and such a scenario is possible if iran enters the war against israel in the middle east, and two koreas will also be at war, three at the same time... in these areas, the usa is unlikely to be able to effectively to act militarily, so i think that's what the adversaries of the united states are trying to do, but here's the good news: first, you see how the situation is developing in the middle east, i think there are very serious steps being taken there to stop
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the escalation , deployment of the conflict in the region, iran. after the demonstration of such a strike, against which neither china, nor russia, and now blinken , opposed it, the secretary of state meets with the head of the international department of the central committee of the china party in washington. you understand what they all gave good for strikes on iran, well, iranian by proxy. russia spoke with condemnation, mr. valery. russia condemned the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia. vitaly, statements. the ministry of foreign affairs of russia is a propaganda sheet, a propaganda sheet, and i watched the meeting of the un security council, where russia wrung out as much as it could, and the same benzya, who is simply rude to ukraine, all this applies to ukraine, there russia only
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refrained from , to support the joint resolution, and china supported it. stayed here yes, they gave their excuses there , that is, they explained why they refrained, in fact they supported the strikes of the pohosi . everyone's interests coincide, when interests coincide, and there really is 15% of all trade, and china became interested. and russia, and here they are, when interests coincided, everything, they forgot about everything, the only thing that russia is afraid of, and they tried to extend this remark into resolution that this decision should not be extended to other regions of the world, that is, as the so-called athop, and that is, we are in the red sea in this way, in the black sea and south china in a different way, because it was a joint position of russia and
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china, that is, that is all, that is, this a very , very revealing moment for us. where we have an explanation for china's interests, things can go very differently there, now going back to taiwan, it's a long story, too many factors to evaluate it all now, come on, i'm still not ready to say it all at once , because let's wait for the composition of the parliament, because there the kuomintang, together with others, can seize control, regardless of the fact that the president is the third time the same party wins, well, conditionally speaking, and what... is ready to oppose mainland china, but nevertheless, the situation can go in different directions, the only thing what can i say, it 's going to be like this... the key point of the development of a serious conflict, it will be in south asia, ugh, everyone, everyone, everyone is going there, the only
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question, everyone will be thinking how to end the war in europe, before this confrontation, it will be beneficial for china to avoid war in europe ended, so that the usa would be distracted by europe, and the usa will, well, i hope, it will be beneficial to quickly put an end to... the issue of russian aggression against ukraine, i think that this should help europe and the usa to achieve some specific goals this year, well, i hope so, because it will be difficult from now on, well, and the last point, in fact, those who say that a change of administration in the united states can lead to a change of serious foreign policy, they are right, and the question is not only about donald trump, the question is because if a republican changes president, then the administration will change dramatically, there will no longer be the same ones. conditions that existed during the previous period under president trump. he will immediately bring such drastic changes in the secretary of state, the minister of defense, this will be
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an administration that will start by breaking commitments with europe, or at least they will announce withdrawal from nato and other things. and will shift the focus of attention to south asia. why? we, we just, you know, think that europe is more important to the average american than asia, nothing later since the second world war , every american knows that the attack took place on peor harbor, the attack took place from the west coast, from the west coast, from the sea, from the ocean, and the third line of defense of the united states, well, it will be tentatively called, passes through taiwan, japan, taiwan, south korea, the islands, this is the circle that the generals drew at the time after the second world war as an important line of resistance to an attack on the united states, and for them it is closer. and look at
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the maps in the usa, in the maps of the usa there is the usa, in the center, and this map, where the usa is in the center, it is not at all like the ones we saw in our schools whether there are universities there, look at the globe, and each of the globes can unfold its map, do you want ukraine in the center. you want the usa , and china has maps, and you want australia , there are also such maps, and you want australia, and china should map china in the center of the world, you see , if you look at this map with china, it is a strange map in general, it should be shown sometime people, that we don't have such an imagination that changes ours about everything in this world, that's why everyone acts very cynically and in their own interests, and now china's position has shown where china is interested, it turns out that it is possible to change position thank you, mr. valery , for the inclusion, for the important points, valery chaly, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the usa from 2015 to 2019, well, we are picking up the topic,
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we are actually talking about south asia and not only, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg, germany. congratulations, mr. mykhailo, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. so let 's start with these attacks on yemin, how effective do you think they are, how in in principle, it can be assumed that it is through missile strikes that you can tame the yemeni khosyans, by the way, i was reading a newspaper today, continuing the conversation we had with mr. valery, mr. mykhailo, and it was written there that yemen is at the center of world civilization, that this is a country that unites. islam with yemeni values, which everyone understands, the role of yemen in world history, well, that is, they dug the red sea, the vault and everything, is
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it possible to somehow stop people with such a vision of civilization from rocket fire. well, actually, the thesis is not so far from the truth, if we talk about the arab civilization, we know about the adnan and kinkan tribes, northern and southern, it is believed that... the southern tribes, arab at one time in the pre-islamic period really played an almost key role in the civilization of the arabian peninsula, that is, these countries, like the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, bahrain, others are developed, and have gone far ahead as a result of its sale of natural resources, in fact, they took over such a baton from yemen, but now we are talking about something else. in fact, if you recall the recent history of yemen, i am about civil the war after 2011, because now yemen is divided into three regions, in fact, one is under the control of the usa, saudi arabia, the other is the emirates, and finally the houthi part,
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so... in 2015, saudi arabia and the emirates delivered very strong powerful blows by name, much more powerful than those that the americans are currently inflicting on the port of hudaydah and in other regions, but this did not prevent the houthis from taking over the most densely populated part of the country, holding power there, rebranding, and forming a government of national salvation, which, of course, not many recognize, and almost no one. but they are trying to show that they allegedly not only correspond to the interests of the yemeni people, but also, well, actually represent the state at the international level. these blows were partly demonstrative, partly warning. it is clear that they can have a sequel. their goal is not to question the current houthi power in the western part of the southwestern part of the country. part of
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the arabian peninsula, but rather simply drive them away from the coast so that they cannot to launch various types of weapons against civilian ships there, and it is clear that they do not pose any significant military threat to the united states, so these goals can be achieved with such strikes by driving the houthis a little deeper into the country, but will there be further support for that ... to the actual presidential leadership council, as it is called, which governs the eastern part of yemen, or the emirate of southern yemen, well , here is the question of how the situation will develop further, but these are internal rather things, which are unlikely to have any echo far outside, that is, i would say that here we have such a confrontation, which has defined goals and, but without a ground operation, no
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overthrow. the hussites cannot speak the language, absolutely. ugh. mr. mykhailo , please tell me, we understand correctly that when we talk about strikes by the united states of great britain with the support of allies against the yemeni houthis, we are generally talking about a proxy strike by iran in the region, and in essence the yemeni houthis are a terrorist a group that almost immediately supported hamas in its struggle with... israel since the beginning of october 2023 actually, how does this episode fit into and affect the overall development of the situation between hamas and israel, and is it even worth connecting these two episodes? they should be linked before everyone with the actions of iran. in this case, firstly, the houthis from the very beginning, and this movement appeared in such a modern
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sense. in 2004, one of the main slogans was the struggle against israel and, in general, against the jews as such, that is, it is deeply this is not only a pro-islamist, but a right-wing radical judophobic movement, they even have a slogan like that, but we see that this is the first echo of the conflict between israel and palestine, which has gone beyond the borders of that particular region, that is, it is not lebanon that is attacking.. . and israel, although there are some clashes there, but not on the same scale as the 2006 war, well, here iran just played its muscles a little, firstly, iran plays them specifically in the persian gulf, and this, by the way, caused now the corresponding reaction of the arab countries, despite some friction in relations with the united states, for example, qatar is now continuing the presence of american troops in ukraine, that is, it is clear that
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without the american presence there, iran will become very... and very strong, and this agreement between saudi arabia and iran, even in the same way in this war, well no to be questioned, but conditions have been created in which it is possible that everything will be completely different, although saudi arabia itself, despite the fact that they once fought against the houthis, did not fight very successfully, let's be honest, it has refrained from any direct interventions for now , although and supported the actions. of this coalition , that is, there is a belt unfolding somewhere here, where iran, despite the sanctions, despite the significant restrictions, still tries to put pressure, and pressure very seriously, not only in lebanon, but also not only in the gulf of parth, we can also see it in yemen , that is, it was such a demonstration of force, in which case iran can in principle create a threat up to...


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