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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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that, for example, there is a battle going on, and the officer is there, there is a book next to him, how he will plant a walnut garden, and he dreams about it, and he is studying there, which seedlings should be bought there in order to have more harvest there, in our country i will say , people are still such people now that they ask to leave for battle themselves, there are such people, but why don’t we leave, well, let’s go, let ’s shoot, and this is especially... more rex than me, i’m just the first who the direction, there are rexes, there are already even a little bit felt all this on my skin, and they already now, when the so-called anti-terrorist operation 14th year , one of the brigades was one of the first to go on combat missions, i was only 14 years old, i did not fully understand all this yet, but i saw and followed the news constantly, i saw about constant battles, and... in the combat path
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, that is, where, where the brigade was located and how it effectively performed its tasks, after which i finally decided that i wanted to become a soldier, and after graduating from school i thought for a long time about who i wanted to be, well, what specialty to choose, but stopped at the gunner, because the artillerymen are the gods of war, they have large calibers, have heavy ammunition and produce a large number of infantry, that's why i chose it, attention. volley platoon 333 am i a tattoo artist? yes, even here i do a tattoo so that in my free time, in my free time from work, i do my favorite thing. on february 4 of last year, i, when he came with the army, excuse my french, i said, send me to hell, i myself am from kyiv, and when it started to fly in boryspil, it is near kyiv via the airfield. i didn't even hesitate, i
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the soldier just left, said that i want to fight, what gave you the strength to go through the injuries and this rehabilitation and get back in order, because your resistance told us that the injuries you had were not compatible with continuing the service, how do you like it i succeeded, well, they even wanted to cut off my leg, that is , to put it on a little, that is, because my left foot doesn't work on its own.
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now my father is doing winter military service, that is, at the beginning of the war he was a military pensioner, he has already retired, i had a conversation with him on february 23, he at that time he was working in poland, on the morning of february 24 he showed that what we thought and assumed turned out to be true, the father left for ukraine on the same day. and on the 25th, on february 25, he was already in the war committee, together it will somehow be safer, he will be next to me, i will be next to him, we will always know that everything is fine with us, so and so we agreed on compared to the 14th, how has our army changed now? completely, in the 14th year they gave me an iron helmet, they bought me a armored car my cousin, the boys from the yard threw in money, i bought the uniform myself, the equipment we had. phew, all the government gave
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me was a machine gun, thank god, it was clear, everything else, it was obtained in battle, bmp, we have one tank that goes, does not shoot, the other one shoots, but does not go, and with all this type we somehow managed , but what is happening here now, well, forgive me, please, but this, this even, it cannot be compared, it is absolutely, well, today the ukrainian army is one of the strongest on the planet, 100%, because tactics of warfare. again, here we go back to the command, to the officers, to the commanders, the person who can simply organize the exit of the unit from the encirclement, this, we are fighting for money, we are fighting for our families and for our land, so that our children do not were slaves in some nation, that's why we will win, our children stand behind us, behind them is simply a mountain of corpses where... they pass
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destroyed villages, cities and so on. the 30th separate mechanized brigade is actually thousands of people, we were lucky enough to talk to only a small... part, but each of the soldiers of the brigade has its own story. shot! the history of our army is the timeline of ukraine's struggle for its statehood, both during the princely times and underground during the soviet occupation. for several centuries in a row, our enemy has remained unchanged, but our army has been changing and suffocating. the soldiers of the 30th brigade, like thousands of other ukrainian soldiers, are the heirs of the ukrainian defenders of centuries, so the history of their resistance, their symbols and military traditions give us the strength to fight for our freedom even today. land counts
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conquered or free, when the foot of an infantryman sets foot on it, only then is this land considered free or conquered, so without infantry we will not... liberate and not conquer, we will not conquer, we will liberate our entire territory, oh buy the cossacks they are leaving, oh, fun, i'll give it to you, little girl, where are you going...
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there are discounts on amicitron - 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and savings. there are discounts on lip balm - 10% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war in the middle east, crisis. on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes
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that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's. help to understand the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be for the world terrible a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio , we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 5:10 p.m. espresso.
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greetings, we need your help in searching for this guy, his name is dmytro mazanov. he is 17 years old and went missing in svitlodarsk, donetsk region. the guy was last contacted in june 2023, and since then nothing is known about him. so i ask you to look especially carefully into dmitry's face. if you recognize him or know where he may be, do not delay and immediately report to the magnolia children's search service hotline at 11630. you can also write to the service's chatbot search for children in telegram. we really hope that everything is fine with dmytro mazanov and that it will be possible to find him. but unfortunately, it is possible that, like many children from the temporarily occupied territories, the boy could have been taken out or deported to russia. however, even in such difficult... situations, we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child, in particular, we use the osint
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method of searching for information. briefly, investigative research is the search and analysis of information available in open sources, for example, in the media, on forums, sites, in messengers, and of course, in social networks. yes, it was with the help of osin specialists, the child tracing service, that we managed to find out very important information about the missing sisters, sasha and nastya lipona. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia, and this version was confirmed during the autumn investigation. we managed to find out that the girls are really in russia. before the war the sisters studied in one of the boarding schools in mariupol. after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, in which sasha and nastya are actually in the temporarily occupied
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donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer of 2022, they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, there is a matching photo on social media, and here the sisters are still together. however, after that, joint photos of sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of luhovitsa. oblast and september 1, 2022 she even entered a local technical school, and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma for an award in a poetry contest, here the girl is reading poems in one of the city squares, there is also information that sasha lives in a foster family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we found out that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region, but on... for example, her photo, which nastya posted on may 30, 2023, on her page in
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social network, and this photo was published earlier, namely on july 24, 2022 year of course, everything we learned about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until this data is officially confirmed, sasha and nastya are considered missing, and most importantly, the information we received gives hope that the girls are alive with... currently, we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunova ended up in russia and did they become direct victims of deportation? in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you personally know about any crime against a child, in particular about kidnapping or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report to our site stopcrimeua. you can do it. even anonymously. and finally, please go to the website of the
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child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing. so, if you recognize any of them, please let us know on the hotline at the short number 116.30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place in anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our military program, we will talk about the challenges in the military and defense sphere that ukraine faced in the 24th year. here
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as a starting point. the influential magazine time published 10 global risks for the world for this year. among which in third place is, as written, divided ukraine. in particular, time magazine experts believe that this year ukraine will be de facto divided, and russia now has the initiative in the war and a material advantage. and further, the 24th year is a turning point in the war, if ukraine does not solve its personnel problems, it is probably about the army, does not increase the production of weapons and in the near future does not... make a realistic military strategy, its territorial losses may turn out to be permanent and may increase, according to time magazine. of course, the challenges must be seen, although time's version, in my opinion, is by no means an exhaustive assessment, and much it is more important to understand how to cope with these or other challenges, relying either on
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the help of partners or on our own and looking for solutions that really should... be effective, whether it is about the situation on the front line or about our defense, industry for the development of which we need to adopt the best world experience, as taras shevchenko said, and what to learn and not to shy away from. so, the challenges for ukraine and the search for recipes against resistance. we will talk about this in the next issue of our war and weapons program. my name is sergey zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express. together with the espresso channel aims to highlight the most relevant trends in defense industry and security. and now we are joined by valentyn badrak, director of the army conversion and armament research center, military analyst and writer. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, always very happy to join and work in this field, so
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to speak. at first i mentioned time magazine, where they rate challenges. for the world however, in fact, not only the analysts of this publication are doing important work, there is also a similar work called five key challenges for ukraine in the 24th year, and this is a work that was done jointly by you and as the director of the army research center for armament conversion and academician volodymyr horbulin , who is the vice president of the national academy of sciences, and there are actually five major challenges laid out there. in front of which we have to make some decisions and take into account their complexity or realism or somehow counteract them, we will talk about these challenges a little later, but in any case, now forced to react to reality, to the events that are currently happening in the world and how they intersect with the challenges that you outlined in your
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work, i first of all want you to weigh and evaluate now. the events that took place today at night, when britain and the united states carried out such missile strikes against the houthi rebels in yemen, how it affects the geopolitical schedule and how it affects the challenges that will then affect the realities in ukraine. i thank you, mr. serhiy, first of all i want to say that this is what it happened... at night, today , academician volodymyr horbulin and i already completed a certain study, which immediately after this broadcast will be available on the website of the army research center for conversion and armament , and surprisingly, there are five,
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five challenges the challenges that we previously identified for ukraine, at least. four today can be considered as lessons and conclusions from the strikes of the coalition led by the united states and great britain, and strictly speaking, well, the only one left behind a challenge, this is mobilization, if necessary, we will talk about this challenge separately, because all other challenges, they relate, strictly speaking... to the conduct of modern wars and the organization of the conduct of modern wars at the political level. so, let's try to remind ourselves, the audience. what happened tonight? tonight, the coalition struck 16 targets, of which 60 targets were
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hit and more than a hundred different high-precision systems, missiles, bombs were used, including british air- guided bombs, including from ships. missiles were used, which were used for the first time, for the first time in principle, which of these: well , i can't help but remember here that i am, luckily, one of the 12 ukrainians who managed to be physically on the duweitzenhauer aircraft carrier, in 2007 , when he i was returning from the war in the persian gulf, i want to say that this is a super-powerful weapon, there were three generals there among 12, they... cried, really cried, because i would like the ukrainians to get the weapon, yes, well, either have it, yes, or to build, but of course, no one but us will build it, and there are more than 70 of them
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airplanes, they were constantly landing and constantly taking off for an hour, and it was a very, very, very spectacular thing, but now to business, yes, how is it, what can we take from it? for ourselves, for ourselves, we can learn, first of all, a political lesson, that the strikes were not made easily, in fact, the united states could do all this on its own and deal with these houthis, this is not even a whole state, but this is just a paramilitary formation in yemen, which now controls the capital, but after all, it is not even a state and a small state. yemen, but let's see what the united states did, they quickly organized a coalition with great britain, this is extremely important, a coalition,
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a political coalition is a huge thing, and we know that canada, and australia, and bahrain also spoke there, that is, from all corners of the world spoke out, it is absolutely necessary for us , because in order to deal with putin's regime, first of all, we need this political solution, the presence of... without this, unfortunately, we will not, we will not destroy the regime without a coalition, without, even if we are given, well, of course, it may not be here a frank public decision that we want to destroy putin's regime, and i mean from a group of powerful countries, for example, when they will not tell us anything, but give us all the weapons that we need, and then we will understand, we will return to these the houthis , look, and the houthis are a paramilitary formation, which in the 21st year was recognized as a terrorist organization by the united states, it has
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all possible weapons, it is an order of magnitude greater than the missile arm of the houthis, there are some houthis, an order of magnitude greater than the armed forces of ukraine, they have missiles ballistic with a range of 200 km. and then they also have missiles that are the development of iranian clones, and there are missiles of 1,500 km, 1,400 km, again they have missiles that russia now wants to get from iran, and their advanced versions, which range from 700 to 1,300 km, again, i won't be here... exercises to list these names, but we can see the missiles, they have an order of magnitude more than
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ukraine, in terms of range, and in terms of the number there, only god knows how many there are , how many do they have, plus they have these shahed 136s, yes, again, the range is 2, 2.5 km, more, at least twice as much as in... ukrainian, and it must be concluded from this that we are very seriously underarmed, and the second point is, what, what is the anti-western coalition, of course putin would like to rejoice, rub, clap his hands, regarding the fact that it was possible to make an asymmetric attack on the anti-western coalition with someone else's hands. and it seems to be true, but not everything here, not everything looks like that, because we can remember that when hamas
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attacked... israel on october 7, 2023, the houthis were basically took the side of hamas and tried several times to attack israel, but what was happening, well, first of all, in order to attack israel, they need to go to the territory of saudi arabia, to fly these missiles there and so on, but not only missiles, and drones, etc. it continued until the 31st when it was actually the 31st. on october 2018, missiles were launched, these ballistic missiles with a range of 200 km, i will try to name them, they are gadrf, yes, which have a warhead of up to 800 kg, and their anti-missile defense system destroyed these missiles, it became hopeless for the houthis to introduce
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missile war against israel without a stop. what a lesson for us, let me remind you, air of free is an anti-missile system that was jointly developed by israel and the united states, more than half of the funds were allocated by the united states, and this means that it was within the framework of the security agreement, when israel received more than 3 billion dollars annually and led joint developments with the united states. for us, this is a very important hint that the israeli model of security agreements and security guarantees is active, it works very well, and it demonstrated this in including this war in the middle east, will it succeed, will iran succeed , which in fact incited the houthis, incited
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them to wage war in the red sea with civilian... vessels and promote piracy and so on , the president of the united states said it seems like 27 powerful attacks that were launched and that a lot of them hit shipping in the red sea, but that 's not even the point, the point is that actually the houthis were forced to... choose another target instead of israel, and in this is the way iran and moscow, well, that is, tehran and moscow tried to carry out an asymmetric strike and scale the war in the middle east, and what the united states and britain did with their coalition, they launched a strike of extraordinary power, and this strike of extraordinary power, over 100, let's say,
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high-precision weapons. this is a signal not only to the houthis to submit them at once, but it is also a signal to iran and a signal to moscow that, first of all, the united states and the western coalition dominate militarily in the world and will not allow wars to escalate. this is a very important signal for us signal taking into account the fact that that weapon was listed. the hussites, of course , have several programs, which we call existential programs for ukraine, these are the missile program, the drone program, and the ammunition program, throw all efforts there, and implement all efforts, well, you could also add the rebov program to it, she would, for now , the ministry of finance is developing its figures as a trench reb program, but of course it must be scaled up and...
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withdraw funding in the fall made up 5% of all ukrainian arms funding projects, of ukrainian technologies, i think that this is a little bit insufficient, it should be increased somewhere so that it is possible, well, to create both trench rap and radio electronic warfare systems, i will interrupt you a little now, because, relatively speaking, what is important now after these missile strikes on .. in yemen, in fact, there is a coalition of 12 countries, which launched a missile attack on the enemy with the clearly defined goal of destroying the enemy's military facilities there and minimizing the influence of this group on security there in the red sea and another parallel russian federation 50 countries that support us in the fight against the russian federation, there is also a coalition, and the question arises...


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