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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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territories since 2014, and some even later, and the russians do everything to dispose of them, spray them, do not even try to somehow use them to their advantage. well , probably there is not enough time. ugh. maybe smart. in december of the 23rd year, at the vinkermani base, they brought the sea minesweeper of the navy of ukraine cherkasy for disposal. the small anti-submarine ship of the navy of ukraine - lutsk was dismantled. instead, instead of their repair and not only capacities in crimea, they, based on official, at least public statements, want to somehow improve: modernize the plant in kerch, which suffered as a result of a missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine, they want in the near future, the occupying so-called administration of kerch has announced not just restoration, but modernization, to do better than it did.
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zaliv shipyard. they took on increased socialist obligations. they really want to create about a thousand jobs at the plant. i don't know which suicide bombers would go there to work. currently, the modernization of the building of the processing shop, reconstruction of production areas, technical re-equipment is financed in within the framework of the preferential lending program of the ministry of construction of russia, approved by the resolution of the government of the russian federation. and according to the results of the implementation of the investment project for the plant. it is planned to create more than a thousand new jobs. in fact, i am not always afraid of such statements, because for me they only mean a desire to launder money again. but it’s just dust in the eyes, well, it’s good about the funds, if in principle they spend them on something , they spend them on something, here in principle we only have a plus, because they have a lot of funds, unfortunately, europe is still for them continues to provide, it is difficult for us, so let them build jobs. let
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them build houses there for themselves, let them spend money on anything, and then we will see, well, the navy gave us an example, well, not for us, but for them, then let them think, it is strategic, it is absolutely clear, but a russian, he is different from a person the fact that he can't see anything further than his own nose, and his nose is usually not very long either, i apologize, ugh, and now we will add larisa voloshina, a journalist and psychologist, to our conversation. larisa, congratulations glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory. selyam aleikum, laris, i am very glad to see you. i will probably start with the topic that has just spun the information space of our country, it is the topic of changing approaches in mobilization processes, how to decide everything at the legislative level in general, or whether it is worth deciding.
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there is a lot of discussion, a lot of manipulation on the topic of what exactly, this very topic can undermine social such stability, psychological, including our common one, and when we talk about this, i keep thinking about the occupation administrations that somehow should keep together all the population that remained in the occupied territories. well, somehow , somehow under some kind of control, that is, you keep it in your ass, the population in the occupied territories and plus those who arrived, and mrs. larisa, if the topic of mobilization becomes so acute in our country, is it acute enough, sufficiently and to a fair degree became in the territory, for example, crimea, or is there a chance that russia...
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will not approach the critical limit when the number of mobilized from the local population will be so large that the residents peninsula, maybe they will begin to express their distrust of the occupation administrations more openly, because protest actions at various underground levels, they just happen all the time, well, this is a very interesting question, because it is necessary to understand that mobilization as eh... the norm is written in the constitution, it is present in many countries, in most cases it is not applied, mobilization in general is very closely tied to the concept of introducing martial law in the country, we know that martial law has not been introduced in the russian federation, in this and there was a question that was posed to russia...
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which president, all those calling for war, they said that you remember girkin, he said that putin should introduce martial law, martial law in the country, and putin claimed, no, no , no. then not war, then svo, according to russian legislation, mobilization is possible in them when martial law is introduced, martial law, again clearly prescribed, is introduced when the country is subjected to external aggression, and in them mobilization is introduced for a period of one year, precisely because when putin led the mobilization by his decree, remember, he... did it simultaneously with the acceptance of the newly occupied territories into russia. why, because according to the russian constitution , it is impossible to mobilize a civilian citizen of military age
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to fight in a war, if we are talking about foreign aggression, only for the defense of russian territory. that is why putin and he accepted not to introduce... martial law throughout the country and not to transfer power to the military, he introduced these occupied territories into his ranks with this pseudo-referendum and then already announced mobilization there, but ukrainian history is different , me again i will remind you that we are arguing, because you know what, we are talking about whether mobilization is necessary, whether mobilization is not necessary, mobilization. in ukraine, the introduction was introduced 2 years ago on february 24, 2022 at 5 in the morning , by presidential decree, at that moment the president introduced martial law in the country, and general mobilization was announced, that's all, it is valid for two years,
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so when we say, whether we need it or not, we should discuss what our mobilization looks like, is the law being followed there? mobilized, why this law, which operates two years, which is based on a direct rule of the constitution, does not work, or does not work as we need, this is what we could discuss now, but we are discussing some strange moments, and whether it is necessary or necessary to introduce mobilization in ukraine, i believe that conversations on this topic are classic russian dogs, which at the same time are in russia. there is dissatisfaction of all these mothers, wives and everything else, it is already visible, what are you waiting for, what is the mobilization, we do not have martial law, and they talk about it, secondly, in their constitution, in the law on mobilization, it is written that she
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is introduced for a year, and everyone says, wait, so fulfill the law, you mobilized, in ours, by the way, the law on mobilization, under which our loved ones are currently serving, and under which they still are. ukrainian citizens are mobilizing , demobilization is possible only at the same time as the presidential decree on the lifting of martial law, that is the problem, that according to our law, if a person has mobilized, he has fulfilled the law , he registered, received a summons, left, he cannot mobilize. and these are the problems we should discuss. but the russians at the same time, they are trying to do everything to provide legal bases for mobilization in their country, and to do everything to prevent us from developing normal mobilization mechanisms in their country. i believe that this is a one-sided
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process, and at this moment our crimeans, our fellow citizens, have found themselves in a very strange situation, because on the one hand they are generally... people who are forcibly mobilized in the occupied territory, moreover, they there forces these conscriptions already goes to them, a war crime is now being committed against them, and not only against them, against those who is in the territory of the occupied genichensk, the territory of the zaporizhzhia region , the kherson left bank, that is, this is a big problem, we must now talk about how we can introduce more modern legislation, which is in effect, for example, in britain, in israel, great britain also has a law on mobilization , they never used it only during the second world war, but when a country is under external attack by fate, the army, according to the laws and the constitution, civilians go, and that
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civilian must be protected, that's what we we have to do, our civilians are not protected, because they are called up now according to... old post-soviet laws, where there are no norms of prescribed rotations, vacations, treatment, terms, how much they should be trained, how they can be demobilized. there is not all this, and at the same time another part of our fellow citizens, they are being mobilized in the occupied territories and committing a war crime against them , in this regard, we have to finally become adults and start discussing the existing reality, and not the one that we are constantly thrown by the russians, yes mrs. larisa, oh, i'm sorry, it's possible, but please, mrs. larisa, please tell me, and... why do you think the issue of improving mobilization processes, well, in fact, about the new, new
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law on mobilization, it is now on the agenda, and the war is already has been going on in full for almost two years, i haven't watched it carefully, the legislative process, the way some norms were progressing there, just discussions, but it seems it started this fall, and why not earlier on... well, because the law is in effect two years, it is very, it is so very shortened, the point is that at the same time with the introduction of martial law in the country , this law comes into effect, it means that any person, this is announced through the western mass media, must appear before the military authorities, or now tsk, update their data and be registered . the point is that this law does not provide, even the russian law provides for a year and demobilization, it
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provides, our law provides, that only by decree of the president after the end of martial law, those who are mobilized can be demobilized, and here we are faced with the fact that the war has already been two years, for the third year soon he will go, but people have to be released somehow, secondly, in this law in the old one, it is bad, it is not prescribed in it, it is not taken into account in it. civilian specialty, well conditionally , if a person is a civilian enlisted, a person has never, for example, served in the army, he has a civilian life, in this civilian life he is, for example, a car mechanic or a mechanical engineer, well, for example, he has a military specialty , if she goes , there will be a military man, there will be a soldier, in reality, in his civilian life, this person can be an auto mechanic. ko, for example, koman, in her higher education, she is an engineer, she can be the commander of a mechanized company there
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, well, for example, a repair brigade there, well conditionally, yes, or an engineering unit, according to this law of ours, this is not taken into account, and we have a problem that in our those people who can , based on their characteristics, skills acquired in civilian life, even in civilian education, perform important functions for the modern army, can be... according to the law , mobilized only as soldiers, well, what is this, we need to change, we encountered this, and another point in the old law, this the most interesting thing is that it does not provide for, for example, requirements that the state should, for example, train a recruit, provide training, so many days, months, well, how should it be, yes, provide a person with vacations, at least this much per year or so-and-so . there is no such thing there, but in this law it absolutely
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, in fact, makes us and you, our civilians who fall under it, absolutely without rights, if they are law-abiding, updated their data, took a summons, left, but if you did not comply with it, it is nothing to you will not, there is no punishment at all, and because of what happened in our country, a huge number of our fellow citizens s... happened because the law is bad, very bad, very dangerous, very unfair for a civilian, they simply took, spat on the constitution and the law , and now they say, don’t change anything for us, let it be as it was, so it will be, we are satisfied that the law on mobilization is bad, and it absolutely does not protect law-abiding citizens, but we don’t care, we want there to be no punishment for it ... execution, and we got into legal trouble collision, as long as this law is in force, everyone who is
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a citizen of ukraine and who does not evade the implementation of the laws and the constitution is in danger, and everyone who spit on her is unpunished, this is a big problem and it must be changed. thank you, larisa, it's very emotional, but in principle you said it correctly, but there are other examples of really good commanders who take care of their personal staff. they do the same as lina ruslyamov and the command of the 48th separate assault battalion, the battalion has a recruiting service that selects people. on positions to which they correspond in fact, according to their military or civilian background, and if you have such and such an idea to go down to the armed forces or have received a summons, you can contact the recruiting service at the same time or in advance by this phone number 48- th of a separate assault battalion
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named after namanachilijikhan, the so-called crimean battalion, and also i remind you that in this program we collect fpv drones for the 48th for night fpv drones, join, scan, card number, please donate, thank you, well, for those residents of the occupied territories, not only crimea, but also in general, who are forcibly mobilized into the ranks of the occupying army, please contact the main intelligence department. relevant programs, there are relevant coordination services for you to be recognized as actual victims of a war crime by the russian federation, and in this case your participation in hostilities, if you, if you did not kill, maim or use weapons against the ukrainian army , will be completely
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leveled, and you will be cleansed before by law, you will be protected as a ukrainian. legislation, as well as international, it is very important to emphasize. ms. larisa, thank you for these highlights that you have placed in our program. let me remind you that larisa voloshina, a journalist and psychologist, was in contact with the studio about the issue of mobilization, as we see it and discuss it in ukraine, and the mobilization that actually continues in the russian federation, covertly and openly, they call it a voluntary movement there and so on, no matter what they call it, all these measures will only be strengthened in the future because meat is needed. unfortunately, on this note , we end our program today, it is beraber together, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev work for you. every day,
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every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most awaited. event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about? from the flow of news coming from everywhere we single out the most important: the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events. event this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in the issue today, about important things in plain language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analysts even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant issues social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso.
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hello everyone, this is donbas realii and i'm olya tyrybynska. russian president vladimir putin ordered to increase the country's army by almost 170,000 more people. who and how are they going to replenish the russian troops in the 24th and will the kremlin announce another wave of mobilization? about it today in donbas realia. i stayed i spent almost a year on the territory of the luhansk people's republic. i was in the assault squad. we managed to find a person who escaped from the russian army. with . according to him, he remains a patriot of his country. our interlocutor told exclusive details about both the service and the war. for his safety, we have changed his name and voice. for any soldier. no soldier will ever think that he is an invader or that he has to kill someone very urgently, if he thinks so, he
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will die well, i'm convinced of that, well, it's stupid. when you are a military man, when you are a soldier, i think you should think first of all about how to pump up your military skills, there is nothing else to think about, there is nothing else to think about. your life is at stake there, what are the invaders? you understand that this war was not started by me, by him or by her. but someone will participate in it. igor lived and worked at a good job in moscow. i received the summons last fall. he says that he did not join the army under compulsion. it was his conscious choice. my squad commander on urgent service. my the platoon commander from military service ordered the platoon to retreat, while he was wounded in both legs. he jammed one grenade like that, took out the second one, tore out the ring and that's how he got the hero of russia. that was one of the... factors why i went to fight, and the second factor was that i have quite a few relatives in luhansk. if our interlocutor is to be believed , muscovites were not immediately thrown to the front. and as
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a result, out of 1,500 mobilized, only two dozen got to the front line in the assault formation. and he is included. he says for a year of fighting his patriotism went nowhere, but he still turned to an organization that helps russians stay out of the war. i left with... i left because of the situation that arose, because of the way the fighting was conducted , first of all because of what percentage of losses began to be allowed, if before in the assault sortie, when i went my first sorties, at least 20% always returned whole at least, then the last time it was 5-10%, then last time it was 5-10%. in 2023, russia lost one and a half times more soldiers than in the first full year invasion of ukraine, this was the conclusion of the bbc and mediazona, which counted the dead from open sources. they managed to establish the names of almost 40,000 soldiers killed at the front in the last two
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years. journalists checked cemeteries in 70 settlements in russia, found the graves of these 40,000 and as many burials of soldiers who were not mentioned in zma and social networks. and six months ago, he changed his peaceful life to military service. according to the ukrainian on december 25, the headquarters of the rosarmy lost 354 thousands of people in the american intelligence, referred to by reuters, the number of 315,000 killed or wounded sounded. the information resistance group counted almost 39 thousand. sometimes we come across situations where there is a large destruction of some separate unit from one region, sometimes even from one city. and they were all destroyed together, so the burial takes place together, it is fixed, verified fixing of 10-15 runes
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during photo and video shooting in some local public, but in general we understand that the company is not 10 personnel, 15 personnel of military personnel or special forces, it is much more, it is almost 80, if in the format of tech... it may differ from verified information by two or three times, then in the case of human resources , it can be seven or more to 10 times different by an order of magnitude. the authorities of the russian federation do not report on official data from the russian side. in september, verstka published a tender for the procurement by the ministry of labor of 230,000 ids for family members of deceased combat veterans. which may... indicate approximate losses. what are you doing? what are you doing? and who in
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the russian army replenishes these losses? as our interlocutor, who escaped from rosarmia, says, i quote: the extreme mobilized survivors are supplemented mainly by contractors. however, there are many confirmations in the network that covert mobilization in russia continues. it's true that the authorities call it something else, but, for example, these 11 people who received summonses along with their passports of the russian federation do not seem to me to be volunteers . i accept voluntarily and consciously citizenship of russia and swear to abide by the constitution and legislation of russia. do you need to come to the district military commissariat for military registration? well, but the russian state, which is used to devouring everyone around, if it gives something. she was used to taking a thousand times more, she immediately presented them with a bill like, come on, guys, you will rot in the trenches for us, and we will give you a passport, and you
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will have the opportunity ... that you will survive if you sneak around later on shit prostheses, well, you will have, say, not 18, but 12% taxes, that is, people simply got caught here , because no one initially announced the rules of the game to them, the rules of the game changed as usual, because no one initially announced the rules of the game to them, the rules of the game changed as always, due to migrants who recently received russian citizenship, but no... they were put on the military register, they are taking place all over russia, isn't information about such raids appearing in the mobilization reports every day? well, we should not forget that on december 11 , a law came into force, which obliges a person who has for some reason a ban on leaving the country, voluntarily and forcibly surrender his foreign passport, this applies to both conscripts and conscription in one day and
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sent. well, who did not fall under the current scheme of mobilization, now it does not come to mind, well, pensioners, well, babies, probably, students of kindergartens, schools and even schoolchildren in general are already covered, so actually, if we return to the conversation about the general mobilization of such and such, the tools that are available now are quite enough, i do not see a situation in which the government will change. strategy you don't have to wait for the mobilization , it's going now, actually, you've been watching for quite a long time, get used to it, but some people are tired of getting used to it, more and more often the wives and relatives of last year's mobilized people are beginning to be indignant in public, and my husband returned last night, my husband returned last night from the task, and tomorrow morning the wounded, the lame, and the unable to walk
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are sent back to the task. and they can't do anything and we can't do anything help us please and we can't do anything they can't do anything to do research by the karenga center, together with the levada center on the life of russian society, shows how people's mood fell after the announcement of partial mobilization, and it really worsened. the authors of the study believe that the authorities do not openly announce mobilization in order to maintain the peace of russians, we in turn decided. ask the people on the streets of moscow themselves how they feel about the increase in the army in the country and whether they are afraid of subpoenas, generally neutral, i probably can’t say whether they are ready to go to the front, i am not ready, in i have more important tasks to do, this should be done by professionals, i do not consider myself a professional, i am a professional in another field. it's great, it's high time
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to do it, because... the situation allows, or rather, forces to do it, because i think it's necessary: ​​grandchildren, children, why not, what does it mean to send, what do you think, if you're afraid of death, it means to die, not necessarily, everyone has their own fate, there are people who have gone through two or three wars, and maybe even more than their time, and remained alive. protect i believe it is the honorable duty of every citizen to protect his homeland. i guess it's not bad, if it's done by force, then it's bad, i'm not ready, i have other plans, work, family, work, family, yes , not very much, but not very much, because the extra money will go there, not positive , i am not
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even interested in this question. i'm worried, of course, what they say, it's very difficult, very difficult, it's very difficult, very difficult there, they cry, they don't say anything, they cry, they cry, they don't say anything, all our mothers are crying, children are fighting, sent, further acquaintance, there are distant acquaintances, we worry about them, i would not like to be on camera, i am afraid.


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