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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop ua. greetings, it's news time in etheriso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians shelled the village of ocheretine in donetsk region with artillery. a 51-year-old man was injured. he was outside during the attack, the regional prosecutor's office said. the victim is currently in the hospital. rescuers removed a russian
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rocket that fell and did not explode near a private house in the poltava region. the damaged buildings were temporarily covered with film and a present the owners receive funds from the local and regional budgets for repair work, said the head of the region, philip pronin. yesterday, russia attacked ukraine with missiles, air defense was operating in poltava oblast. he urged ukraine to create fpv drones at home. mykhailo fedorov, deputy prime minister of digital transformation. in particular, he talked about an initiative from victory drones, which created an engineering course that will teach you how to assemble a seven-inch fpv drone at home. anyone can access the lectures and the list of components, tools and materials. the assembled drone will undergo a quality check by victory drones instructors. if the test is successful, the drone will be handed over to the military. the course starts every two weeks. teaching. completely
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free. course participants have already handed over 100 drones to the military. for the second time in a week in kyiv , the water supply broke again in the borshchagivka neighborhood. the streets were flooded with sewage. the accident happened in the same place as a week ago, local residents reported on social networks. the streams flooded the roadway, sidewalks and in some places came close to houses. kyiv-vodokanal. assures that he has localized the water leak. two houses were disconnected from the water for emergency work. in romania, farmers stopped blocking the movement of trucks through the porubne syred checkpoint. this was reported by the state border service. they said that the blockade lasted 5 hours. currently, the passage of trucks and cars, buses and pedestrians is taking place as usual. i will note that... protests by transporters and
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farmers broke out in romania on january 10, in particular on the border with bulgaria. they complain about fuel prices, they are unhappy taxation and non-payment of subsidies. they also believe that romanian farmers have suffered from decisions made in support of ukraine. the first 11 owners of destroyed apartments in kharkiv received certificates under the restoration program. the press service of the city council reported. what are the property owners going to do, buy a new home or build their own, let's see further in the story. we meet a bantu family near their destroyed house. only one wall stood. a russian shell burned down the house in the first days of the full-scale invasion. wife elena and her daughter victoria were at work at the hospital when her husband felt that he had to run away from home. called wife to work, said
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that i was scared and would go to kum, went, in the morning they informed me that the house was no longer there. during these two years, the family lived in an evacuation for several months, then with friends in kharkiv, now they rent an apartment. we didn't even believe that the commission would come, i don't know what to hope for, to believe in a miracle? vikusia, you believe in miracles, you believe in miracles. the city commission has to decide whether... the house is really completely destroyed and handed over materials for action. what is the area of ​​the house? 36, according to the document, we looked at 36, but the amount of compensation is not calculated by the city commission, but directly by the experts of the restoration program, so the bantosh family still does not know what to expect. the couple has not decided whether they will buy a new home or rebuild on the site of the destroyed house.
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we understand that we will not pull out, i am a nurse, a porter man, you understand? and this commission is already inspecting the house of the kravtsovs. aggression of the russian federation? the kravtsovs say that the rocket flew straight into their house and even the basement was gutted. they had evacuated their home a week before that night. a rocket flew in and smashed the whole house. we thank god that we were not here, because there were children, grandchildren, we were all here. nadiya and vyacheslav are pensioners, they share, all their lives they dreamed of their own house to meet their old age there, they built it themselves.
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our dream, to be honest, that's why we tried, and there was a pool, and grandchildren came, had fun, led a normal lifestyle, in short. the family lives in a rented apartment and they haven't decided what they will do when they get it either compensation, well, if they will offer a certificate , well, we will consider it too, yes, we will, well, look, because it is already old and it is difficult to build, very much when you live , when you live, everything is true, you never live, in general, life is one, and this is how it turns out, in total , 1,216 owners of destroyed housing submitted applications in kharkiv due to the action. the commission has already inspected more than a thousand objects, and only 25 of them have been recognized as truly completely destroyed. but there are much more destroyed apartments and houses in kharkiv - says the head of the city commission. it's just that often people can't even apply for the evrecovery program because they have
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ownership issues. if a person does not have these data in this state register of property rights, or does not have incorrect data. she cannot submit this application, and we have to work, in addition, to help residents so that they can submit this application through action, then this application is already sent to us, to the city of kharkiv, through the register of damaged and destroyed property. despite everything, 11 people have already received their certificates for the purchase of a new home, among them ophelia's mother, she lived in the house on severnya saltivka, where the russians dropped an airplane. at the beginning of march 22, the woman shares, they appraised the apartment a little cheaper than it cost, and now they will try to buy a new one as soon as possible, because the dollar is growing, and the compensation is in hryvnias, to top it all off, the sellers are going for deals under the recovery program reluctantly.
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few of the sellers know what certificates are, and today they are afraid to cooperate with us, because they do not know what it is. but it's all real, well, because we are the first, this is the first survey, the experience is the first in the country, well, they can also be understood. no one from kharkiv has yet bought a new home, but everyone who lost their home has one dream. i want a warm house, and for the house to be my own, and not to live somewhere at someone's place, at someone's for the espresso tv channel from kharkiv. yes. let's carol so that next christmas all our soldiers meet at home. under this slogan , she set a new record for the largest carol performance in the lviv region. 105 nativity scenes gathered in the village of mshanets in sambir oblast. a total of 1,259 ukrainians caroled there
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bakhmuti the participants of the big caroling collected 4.5 million hryvnias for drones. we were happy to hear that somewhere the world has already fallen, a storm has begun and it rang out, christ is born, we praise him, it has become calm and a rang out, christ has been born, we praise him, the espresso tv channel calls on viewers to join the gathering of the 14th brigade of the 60th first battalion on kup' the yangon direction needs a car to carry out combat missions and take out the wounded, our defenders need a pickup truck. its peculiarity is that it can move through swamps area, it costs 250 00 hryvnias. you and i collected almost uah 130,000. please
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join and donate any amount. remember, your hryvnia brings our victory closer. that's all the news for now. you will find more interesting and up-to-date information on our website, as well as on our social networks. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. see you, don't switch. well, well, we are starting our telethon, actually the 690th day of our telethon and the 690th day of the russian large-scale invasion, that's the word we coined a large-scale second. in order to mark this period of the war, which actually began back in 2014, as soon as ukraine
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refused to follow the kremlin's instructions further and chose the path of integration into the european community. return to the european community, actually. well, now we are all experiencing the point when we understand that perhaps there is definitely no way back, and there is light ahead of us, but we still have to go to it. so to speak, due to various trials, oleksandr stryuk is already with by us, the head of the severodonetsk city military civil administration, mr. oleksandr, good morning, good morning, please tell us how things are going in your region, what is happening in severodonetsk, what is happening in luhansk oblast? well, unfortunately, things are not getting any better as the city continues to be under full occupation. in complete isolation, i would say, since there was and still is no communication, no mobile phone, no
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internet, in order to get in touch , people need to go outside the city, or in some places to the roofs of multi-storey buildings communication breaks through, but it is very rare and very dangerous, since it is monitored, and also the mine danger is quite high, not all... and in some places there are cases of injuries, detonation of people on the remains of ammunition, so in fact the city remains under siege, such information , only russian narratives are planted, while living conditions do not improve, but people are convinced otherwise, well, actually, to help convince people that life is improving, recently even on the russian first channel they showed a story about... that in severdonetsk was brought special ones,
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like body warmers, of this plan, the vests are so insulated, and the wellies are also so updated of a new type, this is instead of trying to restore heating in the city, i understand that people are happy about this too, so in the city, the city is almost freezing, because er, well, the resumption of work er... the heating supply did not take place, despite active actions there to replace pipes, collectors, a demonstration, some capital investments there, everyone in the city is cold, there is not enough water, there is not enough electricity, sometimes is turned off due to the fact that there is an overload of the system and that weak tension, tension and power that is supplied to the city, well, so-so . ephemeral life in the city, its activation, and what is happening in
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the region? zaho in the territory of the region there is an increase in pressure on the local population, a census of teenagers is being conducted, as i understand it, for further mobilization readiness, well, in fact. active actions to prepare for the so-called elections, where people are forced to sign some information several times appeal, and this is against the background of the fact that either the signature, or the release, or there is deportation or something else, that is, such a theater of the absurd almost throughout the entire territory of the occupied luhansk region, in general, this year we predict that it will be a year for... first of all attempted russian offensive, and few people now predict that
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it will be possible to win back donbas this year, mr. oleksandr, how do you personally feel about it, do you have the same ideas about this year, you know, we believe in our defense forces, we hope everything anyway, we will have success, we hope for the de-occupation of ours land this year, well, it all depends on the situation on the fronts, on the capabilities of our defenders, but we all hope and do our best for this, what? in general, it is possible to do for those people who have remained now in the occupied territory, are there people there who, uh, are really waiting for ukraine to return this territory, to what extent, at the moment there really are such people, people, and events that are happening in the occupied territories, in particular , the severodonytsk community, this is pointed out,
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protect yourself first, protect yourself, er, to look for er... ways of information, ways of obtaining true information in order to understand what is happening around and try to survive, actually, this can be done to anyone, of course, in general, and of course, well, first of all residents of the occupied territories, for whom it is certainly very difficult, as many russians have moved to. to the so-called lpr, to luhansk region, to donetsk region, in your opinion, or some, well, at the moment we are monitoring that the number of, so to speak, guest workers who come to the territory of the community to work and earn easy money is increasing money, so to speak, somewhere they have already exceeded, probably the local population that remained
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in the occupation, because if you take it as a whole, it is also the workers who came there. er from the remote regions of the er russian federation, these are also those er, so to speak, orcs who were wounded for some time during hostilities and remained to live in the north donets or community, and the military themselves, who are quartered in the territory of the community , together make up a larger population than the local population. well, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksandr stryuk, the head of the severodonetsk city civil military administration, was with us, they talked about what is happening now in the occupied, unfortunately, luhansk region, not much is actually happening there, i follow the news so much, there are not many of them from there, in principle, here , well, the news, of course, is the main
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news of yesterday, here are the first ones, you know that about 70% of all elections fall. for this and the following years in the whole world, that is, all parliamentary elections, in all 200 or so countries, parliamentary, presidential and so on further, in a word, incredible concentration , including absolutely fateful elections , well, it is unlikely that the elections of president putin are like that , everything is already clear there, here, well, but for example, these are the elections of the united states, a lot will depend on them, well, the first such the election is an election in taiwan, in taiwan the majority of taiwanese voted for de facto independence. voted for a candidate who supports this independence, who is, as they call, his skeptic about china, and actually, you can show what happened yesterday at in the evening streets, after the official announcement, the official election results in
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the capital of taiwan, as people celebrated. president of taiwan and actually saw how on the streets of taipei people were absolutely delighted with this victory despite the threats, the undisguised threats of china, which threatens to attack taiwan and take it back by force, but the united states, on the one hand, has already declared that they will not, will not recognize independence
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of taiwan, but at the same time reminded that they are ready to fight for this island in case... china dares to have a military adventure, we we will talk about this later, and now we will take a short break and then we will talk about what happened in kherson that night. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons above. dramas in ukrainian in the subscription, turn on aristocratic on mego. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. exclusively on the air
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis in border between ukraine and poland. topics causing... resonance in our society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency was for the world. project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. 93 separate mechanized
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brigade kholodny yar is in dire need of aflivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how does it rate? our successes, the international community, and so on lies moscow. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and
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what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important, simple language. available for all viewers, congratulations, in the studio of iryna koval and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. well
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, we are returning to our tv channel and mr. oleksandr tolokonnikov is with us now, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. mr. oleksandr, good morning to you. good morning. please tell me. how was the night in kherson and in the region? well, there were flights over kherson at night, at about 10 p.m., as a result, one man was injured, his lungs, thank god, were injured, help was provided on the spot, the house was destroyed, unfortunately, where he was, a flight also arrived at night and along stanislav, there received... er , a woman also received a head injury, that is , from six to six in the morning yesterday, six people
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were wounded, were injured, and one man was seriously wounded, as a result of the kamikatsy drone strike on sokolyvka, the man sustained stab wounds from calcareous wounds and was urgently hospitalized in the hospital. also yesterday morning, dniprovske, sadove were under fire, a man and a woman were moderately injured there , and yesterday the russians were also beating merrily, also at about 1 p.m., just like when kamikhadzei’s drone was launched over sokorivka, also injured, in general the russians shelled the territory 104 times since yesterday kherson oblast is 406 shells from various types of weapons, including cabs (self-propelled guns, tanks,
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mortars, anti-aircraft guns). the russians fired both skilys and kamikazes at kherson itself 28 times, or rather 28 shells, over the past day, and what is being heard from the temporarily occupied territories, what is happening, in particular in henichesk, in other areas, i apologize, repeat, disappears from... please tell us what is being heard from the occupied territories, territories, what is happening in honichevsk and other areas? left bank kherson oblast. yes, i have the genetics, which is information, a point for collecting signatures for the bunker grandfather has just been opened there, collaborators immediately ran to sign there, but there are no people in long queues, i don’t know how it is there, i think that the elections will take place and...
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if they are still held by then occupied these territories are ours, then as always they will simply draw the result, i think no one there will bother, they also inform that the local occupation authorities announce that they will finally start issuing coal to people who usually have passports, for this it is necessary leave an application. ah, accordingly, i don’t know when they will deliver coal, probably sometime in the spring then, well, as always, they work to get ahead of the curve, and if we talk about the same electricity supply, water supply, there are many problems there in the genichesk community, in the skadovsk community, but telephones, dispatchers do not answer, people
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sit without... light, of course, without heating, unfortunately, they do not want to do anything, they are in the occupied territory, which they occupied and they are telling people some fairy tales about how everything will be fine , but people see, as already now in they are fine, again in quotes, they also started sending sms messages to people that they should... enroll in the soviet army, about mobilization, about contracts, they tell how everything will be fine, but there is certainly no excitement there yet , well, i have another question, mr. oleksandr, they say that only 70% of kherson residents have already left the city, the city remains only a third of what it was before the russian invasion, which in principle. perspectives and plans
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of the city for this year, will it somehow develop, will it somehow be conserved, are there plans for the city will continue to decrease somewhere, or will it be dispersed in this case, so what are the plans in principle for this year, what are the visions of the regional administration? look, we have here a priority task that the president set when he arrived on november 13. when kherson was liberated, and the main task is to provide people with all communal services and living conditions as much as possible , so that people who decided to stay in kherson region, in kherson, could continue to live here and get everything they need, and this is the main plan to provide water . gas,
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electricity supply, drainage , this winter is going better than last, if we talk about heating, provision of coal, firewood, last winter we did not have so much time to prepare for winter, because it almost started immediately after the liberation, that is, we had to promptly restore the electricity supply . er, for the last year, er, there are such er main directions that need to be done, this is to have as much time as possible to demine er, a large, well, as large as possible amount of er agricultural land so that people can sow seeds, because we are an agrarian region, and it greatly affects the economy, the budget.


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