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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in today's issue, about important things, in simple language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio evening with anton borkovsky for espresso. gentlemen, i wanted to know what to say, the famous american journalist anne appleboom also wrote a very good opinion, i think, about the elections in taiwan, i will briefly tell you about what she says that the elections in taiwan, which were democratic, transparent , they are such the best argument against this history that xi jinping likes to say that the chinese, especially the civilization, the same thing putin says, that they have a special spirituality of their own, which is not suitable for all westerners. democracy, the whole
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this liberalism and so on, but here we have taiwan, for example, with a population of several tens of millions of the same ethnic chinese who built democracy, who built a powerful market economy, and this despite the fact that until the 70s there was a kuomintang party dictatorship, that is, in fact in fact, it proves that this, that democracy and liberalism are not just a sign of some anglo-saxon civilization or just european civilization, it is... there are enough, after all, we believe, humane, simple and universal things, and also with by us now there is dmytro platenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, mr. dmytro, good morning to you, greetings from the studio, greetings to the audience, how can i be heard, because you are not very well heard, you are heard, well and visible, you ok, but you're not the first person to say that we can't be heard very well, let's try to speak loudly.
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can i hear better now, tell me, yes, yes, yes, i am tearing up, mr. dmitry, please tell me what is happening in the black and azov seas now? in principle, to say that the situation is somehow it is not possible to radically change, the new school year has started, our enemy, in principle, i said about this a few months ago, when activity was sleeping, today they took 11 ships to the black sea. but far from all of them perform combat tasks , the majority, most likely, take part in the training process, and this was quite predictable, in principle, yes, there is no such top news, although of course the number of ships may not scare many , tro so, to alert, relatively speaking, among them there is one carrier of cruise missiles, which can in in principle, have up to eight missiles on board.
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but again it is impossible to say that the situation has somehow changed radically, i see that the russian plasters in our south are spreading panic, as if another assault on odessa is expected in the next few days, of course it all looks ridiculous, but unfortunately, we still have people sometimes are conducted, and why does it look funny if it is very short? and because it is physically impossible, because such operations, well, first of all, we control our water area, at least in the south of ukraine, they know very well that there are coastal missile and artillery troops in the mms, and then to approach is to immediately join the submarine fleet, ugh, secondly , such operations are not carried out without a land component, they cannot storm the surface, and what odessa can we even talk about now, there is also mykolaiv, well, yes, professor. i remind you of the incident, and by the way, we
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draw attention to the fact that the e-caliber missiles, which were launched very actively from the black sea fleet at the beginning there two years ago, were the main ones. a rocket of terrorizing the civilian population of strikes on infrastructure facilities in ukraine somewhere in the rear, but now they almost completely came to nothing, why did this happen, or did the russians run out of calibers? well, actually, you know, this situation also looks a little strange for you and me, because, well, russia constantly beat itself in the chest that it is a superpower, well, they did not calculate.
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screens and here they have a problem, they still cannot load them there, and to be honest, well, personally, i thought that they would solve this problem there a few months ago, but nevertheless the missiles remain in sevastopol, and the carriers remain in novorossiya , and of course the production is also not on not at such high capacities, not at such high revolutions, as they wanted there, nevertheless, they produce them in principle. are produced there in some quantity , relatively speaking, but you see, such a gap is logistical, it is still visible, and for several months, in fact, the black sea fleet does not even use sea platforms for launching cruise missiles, these are actually the only ships that still participated in hostilities
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directly against ukraine. what is happening now in crimea with these military men bases on which you flew? you know, at some point there was just panic there, and it was not so long ago, and there is, of course , an understanding that there are no safe locations, there is an understanding that despite the fact that the crimea was actually filled with air defense, especially everything related to the so-called the crimean bridge, it is generally, you know, probably an object that is protected better than the capital of the so-called russian federation. because virtually all branches and types of the armed forces of the russian federation are involved there, and as i already said, the only thing missing there is an armored train and a magnetic field of such strength of the dome, as patterned war, because there
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are actually involved in the defense of this object and the army, and the khinviyska, and whoever they can, and the cars shine through and even stop the traffic every time there... even if there is some danger of using e- eh some eh-eh some weapons in the direction of that mosque, that is, and in fact, for the most part, it remains now only an imperial marker that they are present here, for them this bridge is more a symbol than a technical structure, because, as you know , after defeat, in fact, weapons are not transported on it for... this they use other logistical solutions, and in the crimea itself they also feel great, especially after actually feodosia, kerch, other districts received greetings from the air force to
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be there, to keep families there it is no longer as safe as it was believed there 10 years ago before her, two weeks have actually passed since then. turkey once said there that it will not miss the two mini-trains that norway and britain are handing over to us, and that they are from the class, class, class, what are they called correctly, well, in a word, have you decided now this situation, we actually need these mini-trains right now, and whether turkey is transferring them will still allow us to pass, well, in fact, this situation. has been happening for almost 90 years, because the montreux convention, it is from the 36th year, and accordingly, it is actually very strange that this case appeared in the infospace at all, i saw the first source, and eh, actually,
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we did not have such a situation , in principle, we, we did not order, we did not leave any requests for the passage of the bosphorus with our counter-mine... ships, in fact they can already be called by minesweepers, because they no longer trawl for mines, as it was there after the second world war or during, that is, anti-mine ships, which actually thanks to their equipment. find them remotely, detect them thanks to their radars, there are skiers, lidars, whoever, and accordingly, after that , robotic drones under the control of our operators begin to work, and they already there detect their exact location and either destroy them, or a team of divers is sent there and destroys it or neutralizes it if possible now complex technical. logical process , it is no longer as mechanical as it was before, and we did not have
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any such legal complications at all, because we adhere to the convention, the republic of turkey also adheres to it, and frankly, we have a problem getting these two trawlers , well, legally, but the russians also cannot turn their ships, and to be honest, the situation here is more in our favor. this is firstly, and secondly, uh, again, to start them in order to conduct an infection operation, it is actually impossible now, because the fact that aviation is still present there, and if we start demining something in this area, conducting an operation, accordingly, uh, fire damage may be inflicted and, most likely, they will try to destroy these ships precisely by using aviation, and these they are equipped with such suitable ships to fight there. they will not have anti-aircraft in that volume, because these platforms, in principle, they are for something else, therefore, in general, a situation
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that is not even worth discussing in principle. mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, dmytro platenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine was in touch with us, we are going to take a short break, then we will return and we will have ivan temochko, a serviceman and the head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, stay with us. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama with a ukrainian subscription. turn on aristocratic on mego. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel.
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the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's figure it out. they help to understand the present and forecast future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. "verdict with serhiy rudenko
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is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the war created many
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challenges for us ukrainians. and even more, for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enablem. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe, here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and we learn something new. together we grow!
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join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. members of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. dear friends, we are returning to ether, we will continue our marathon. we remind you that today we work in two sessions until 10 am, and then we will return at 2 pm and continue, we will have many interesting guests and topics for conversation. i'm reading the news that half of rostov is sitting without electricity at -20, you know, somehow even this news. doesn't please me, it used to somehow comforted me, now not, but you know why it doesn’t make me happy , because i see that our collection is somehow very slow, we collected only 400 this morning, and we have to collect as much as 5 million, we currently have 650, 56 hryvnias 17 kopecks, dear friends, join in, please, i understand that everyone is tired, but you understand that our
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military, they have no right to be tired, if they get tired, what will happen then, let's... help them by let's close this collection, you can see the card numbers, for your convenience there are both private and mono, 47, 31, 21, 96, 41, 20, 61, 35 is the number of a private card, and 53.75, 41.12, 10 65 75 60 is the number of a mono card, well, or... the code to make it convenient to scan and retell, we collect for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold yar for kamikaze drones, if we cannot collect kamikaze drones by hand, then we can at least collect money for them, so that later these kamikaze drones destroy muscovites and protect our military, by the way, people who watch us abroad, that is, now i see ,
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they must have a ukrainian card, i see eurostat statistics, more than 4 million now i will stop happens in the european union . countries, okay, they left and left, but since you call yourself ukrainians , you continue to be citizens of ukraine, and do not pay taxes to ukraine now, accordingly, well, it’s just your choice... to allocate some tax for such collections, where you know for sure that the money will go directly to the military brigades, because the 93rd brigade is not the monaco battalion for you, you understand, these are people who fight, and that is why even those people have been fighting since the first day of the war in 2014 on the front lines, and that's why, well, also a little bit of a break from the
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help that you the government of poland gives there, where you earned something in norway, where you... you have something in germany, knock off euro-2 a little and drop it on this one, transfer this collection, i think that everyone can, and then it will be calmer and sleep and calmer will look in the mirror in the morning and say why i am here and not in ukraine now, well, okay, once again, i emphasize once again, i have nothing against those people who are not in ukraine now, who left, saving their family, saving themselves, in the end, i have no complaints, but... and also let in your patriotism to also convert these euros, dollars and so on in these transfers, ivan tymochku, a serviceman and head of the reservists council of the armed forces of ukraine, is already in touch with us, mr. ivan, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glad to see you, glory to the heroes, each other is glad to see what news you have, we fight, we fight, we fight and more
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once we will fight, regardless of... monaco, no sad or very nostalgic posts from abroad, we have our own, everything is very simple, we have our own task, we are here, we have to defend and we will defend and we will fight, of course, the enemy is now becoming more active, and this is understandable and expected, because the main thing for them now is to recapture the territories that they have lost. from our troops, and it is clear that such a situation will occur before the end of the presidential elections in russia, but on the other hand, we also understand that we, in we have no deadlines there until the end of putin 's elections, we have no deadlines there until
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some green holidays or before, we have a task to protect and defend the country, and we will do it despite all the troubles, despite the whole situation that is happening in the country now, although, if you know, i've been asked this before, my subjective view, we're actually now... in such a state in ukraine that we have more chances to lose our independence now than we had even at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, because then really everyone was united, with all the impulse, then now the question of defending, protecting or even informing, it turns into some huge discussion program, accusations, shifting responsibility to someone, someone continuously. trying to avoid actual responsibility , a lot of harmful populism appeared, and here it is not so much the enemy as these, these, all these currents, which are kind
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of incomprehensible, actually create more damage to the military than the actual enemy, because we have learned to fight with the enemy, the enemy from the outside, everything is clear, it needs to be destroyed, but what is happening in our deep rear, when... the parelyak happened , it passed, when everyone began to grow a little , you know, with such peace, calmed down a little and it became clear that the enemy would not break through, then this began, this, by the way, is probably the problem of the ukrainians, the extreme 300 , or maybe 500 years, and we do not forget that always in such cases the only enemy, it is also stable, always used it and this... was russia, unfortunately, such is the truth of life, we can talk about more complex directions, more active, tougher, where the enemy hits us, but we see that we have them
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there, everyone sees that we keep them there, we are breaking, and the losses that the enemy is bearing on the front line, and in general no one could defeat the ukrainians in direct combat, but in the body due to some internal strife, due to such fragmentation, unfortunately, we always lost our independence, and i for some reason, having a historical education, i draw parallels, we have every chance to find ourselves in the 17th year now, if there is no unity in the country, there will be no question of the defense of ukraine moving into some legal plane of refusal to defend, when really obvious things that the same as you say that you need to donate and you need to help. and for those who are emigrants, by the way, those who went abroad in the main mass fled, threw away their homes, their relatives, loved ones here, but we do not divide by
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anyone, we protect everyone equally, as well as our own, so is yours, and here it is everyone's duty to actually understand this, to be aware and to contribute and help each other as much as possible, there is such a moment here, you know, mr. ivan, maybe i am wrong about... of course, but as a person, who works in the media in the marathon, the news marathon, i, for example, i feel a problem with the fact that , well, i can't ask, not that the president, the minister of defense, we don't have access to newsmakers, journalists who are independent, we almost don't have this access, unlike , for example, how it is in israel, where the official spokesman gives three times, for example, a briefing and on tzahal day, according to us, for example, they tell us that we have... a landing on the left bank, we don't talk about it, well, we don't talk about it we say why, because the enemy does not know that we have a landing on the left bank of the dnieper, i
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i think that they know absolutely all the movements that take place there, since everything there is very saturated with aerial reconnaissance, we are absolutely, well, we understand, we are not small children, that is, we do not speak, including that we do not talk about losses, if we we do not talk about losses at all, then in... we have such a distorted situation, that is, on the one hand , for two years we have been told at the official single news marathon that we are about to win, our cats, la-la-la, tra -la-la, well and so on, all those pink smurfs gave abundantly, so with powdered sugar, on the other hand, everyone already has someone fighting, everyone , accordingly, has such a conventional word-of-mouth radio , that is, everyone calls something, that’s how, that’s it and... here and there, word- of-mouth radio, it works according to a different principle, no one shares any great successes and just normal ones, but shares when something bad has already happened, or they heard something
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and so on and so on... accordingly, we have an official channel, where there is pink, pink molasses sweet, and everyone has an unofficial channel, where there is bad news, and in such a case, well, from one thing on the one hand, there is a channel of this pessimism, and on the other hand , there is a total distrust of what is happening, well, speaking of the information policy itself, something seems to me to be wrong here, but i have a deep feeling that something is wrong, do you also have this feeling and what needs to be changed, changed? let's start with the fact that if the sweet patuka is salted from time to time, then we know that a balance will be achieved, and that is why there are media in all directions, that is, it is a normal process, and yes, they communicate with the family, you are right, and always it is more desirable to share misfortune and success and problems, people are simply so psychologically undeveloped that good or success is mentioned in essence.
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it is discussed, there is some kind of euphoria, a euphoric surge and it is forgotten, actually a reaction to negativity, it has, well, it would not just happen historically, let's say, this is one of the processes of survival of a person who, since ancient times, a negative experience, he will remember was used, it was always discussed, studied for the sake of self-preservation, that's how it works, unfortunately, it works even now, and unfortunately, the game on at certain psychological... moments , what i am saying happens, it is the politicians who are to blame, who go into populism based on reproach, on ratings, on israel or not israel, well, i will tell you that every army has its pluses and minuses, for example, the israeli ones, you know that in the israeli army soldiers are not allowed to use the phone on the front lines at all, from the word at all, censorship in their army is ten times higher than in ours , but in spite of everything
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, they too... the information we receive, there are also separately identified people, where they are allowed, conditionally speaking, to give some information, israel has chosen very well in that regard, as for us, you know, the problem is that the russians immediately turn war, war, well, let's say, the work of the military into some kind of political topic , and... until the information about our success begins to work powerfully in the media space, russian, even the same generals or commanders who are responsible for the direction where they either suffered a defeat, or somewhere like we, for example, take the dnipro river , there was a landing, but it was not from ours troops are not in the media space, then there is no command to knock out our troops at any cost or to destroy or stop the breakthrough.
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it actually works like this, and as soon as our success gets into the media space, right away , i tell you right away, in this direction, there are just scumbags, just go crazy, they drag everything they can, they stupidly start to flood everyone and everything, just to someone responsible in this direction reported higher, someone higher to the shaykh or to putin and that putin must tell russian from the tv that we are there from... they occupied and all this is not true. unfortunately, this too, here you have to be very careful with such information and such things, because in our country, anyway, decisions are made collegially at the level of the supreme commander, and there are a lot of people responsible for directions, and decisions to provide information, not to provide decisions , i mean actually about military
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actions, other issues. we thank you, we have to finish, because at 9 o'clock there is a moment of silence, thank you, ivan tymochko, military serviceman and chairman of the council of reservists of the ground troops, the armed forces of ukraine was with us, but now is a moment of remembrance for those who were killed by russia. we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.


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