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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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at the feet of the british populists from the uk independence party, and in principle everything was done correctly, the only thing that is not clear is that at the moment when the british population will say that it does not like brexit, and this has happened now, because the vast majority of people believe that that brexit disappointed them, they will blame it not on the independence party, which no one remembers anymore, on this nigel farage, this whole company of freaks, but on the conservatives who deceived them. and what sunok invited to his government david cameron, the last prime minister of great britain during the time when great britain was considered an integral part of the european union. it says a lot that we understand that david cameron made a fatal mistake in the history of his country, a fatal one. well, now it will be a serious change of political elites, and i generally assume that in the future,... in the parliament of great
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britain, not in the one that will be elected now, but maybe in the next one, there will be a struggle between the lei borysts and liberals, social democrats, and not laborers from conservatives, it can also be, everything has to be paid for, any deception of the nation has to be paid for its existence, and president biden also has a very serious problem, we can see it because president trump is not losing the favor of his er... er -eh, sympathizers in the republican party , it seemed that everything was already clear, a million lawsuits, a million objections, a million comments, storming of the capitol, nothing changes, where is that vaunted, excuse me, institute of reputation that we are talking about, a person with so many suspicions, judges , with such a reputation and still has huge support, you see, in the years of new information technologies, there can be none. institution of reputation, because people
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have so much information that they manage to forget everything that happened the day before yesterday, in 48 hours, we always said that there is no institution of reputation in ukrainian conditions, here are our colleagues, they know how journalism looked, a person worked there as a journalist for 5-6 years, and then they fled somewhere and a new person appeared, and the politicians did not change, they simply moved from party to party, and the person approached someone in embroidered people with a patriotic gleam in their eyes. without even knowing that a few years ago this person was the secretary of the party's regional committee in the same region where they were located, and spoke at rallies criticizing nationalism, yes, they did not even imagine that such a thing was possible, and that, how do you feel to komunyak with hatred, said the first former first secretary of the wolf committee of the party and the former head of the komsomol, in this in this region, well, that's right, well, and it seemed to be the norm for us, but now... the west
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has passed completely calmly, and trump really absolutely doesn't think about his reputation, you remember that famous line of trump, that he said that i can go out on broadway and kill a person and nothing will happen to me, they will forget about it the next day, well, there you have the answer to the question, and all people think, what accuses trump, is the result of a rebellion about him, against him by the elites, who cannot allow such a beautiful person. the liberator of america, a man who did such important things in the economy and in such other, before the presidential election, if trump is aloof to the president from the presidential election, i assure you that the vast majority of people who voted for him will feel that they simply could not vote for trump. they will never believe that it was done right, not ever, uh, it will be considered a usurpation of power, even if the republican candidate wins the election, maybe if the republican national party wins it will somehow save the day, but basically the situation is very bad.
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it won't get better, let's say a few words about poland, because in fact, interesting events are unfolding there as well, since the last donald tusk is going to visit ukraine and promises that he will not allow to somehow build a political career in his country on the thesis against ukraine, as well as the thesis of parasitism in russia's war against ukraine. at the same time, our... president volodymyr zelenskyy visited the baltic countries a few days ago, on the way back, he actually met, if i'm not mistaken, at the airport with the president of poland andrzej duda, and some are already joking a little, probably on this actually took advantage of the situation and actually arrested mariyushas with svitlana tykhanouskaya at the moment when they arrested, it is known that... politicians, law and
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justice understand marish kaminsky and maceivo. right now, a large number of people are taking part in protest actions, in fact support actions for these ex-officials, ex-government officials, they are brought out , of course. lord, forgive me, people were sentenced to prison for actually aiding and abetting.
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people who were not convicted, that's the whole story, if he had waited for the sentence, nothing at all it didn't happen, uh, he didn't wait for the verdict , why it was done, it's not clear , it's clear that just then the party of law and justice had all the power, the president, the government, the parliament, and they believed that they could do everything whatever you want to do, huh , and unfortunately, the president also thought so, now, by the way, he is talking about... that he can pardon them, that's it, the crisis, by the way , will end, as soon as he pardons them again and again, they will be released immediately and there will be no problem with that, huh, but he doesn't want them still pity, at least he didn't want to be there the day before yesterday, just to avoid admitting that he committed an illegal act, because he is always right, we know, remember,
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he compared ukraine to a drowning man, this is a person who is not capable to admit one's mistakes, this is also a huge problem, the second point, the third point, which is also very serious: the law and justice party created legal chaos, this is what it was criticized for in the european commission, and we could not find out in any way, and what this is what they did, well , what did they do, they created parallelism functions of judges, and now the supreme court has its own point of view, it canceled the suspension of the investigation, and the constitutional tribunal, which in turn is part of the supreme court, confirmed the validity of the suspension of the investigation , one branch of government refers to the decision of the supreme court, the other branch of government refers to the decision the constitutional tribunal, how could this happen? that is, they specifically created a situation where you can refer to
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the decisions of judges who are controlled by you. in principle, this is called a captured country. do you remember that in the days when there was oligarch plahatniuk in moldova, huh. he was just there gathering for... a session of the constitutional court, they gathered and canceled everything, presidential elections, parliamentary elections, whatever, it just doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, and as a result, when the scoundrel fled from kishenev, the entire constitutional court left resigned, because they understood very well that they are not judges, well, this is happening in a country like moldova, which is just building democratic institutions, but how is that could happen in poland, i will say that these are the years of the rule of the party of law and justice , the years of the presidency of andrzej dula, it is just a shame. speaking, for a democratic european country, what can be said? that's all, but of course, we can say that there is an acute political crisis in poland, and the hope that the victory of the opposition in the elections will stop this crisis, they do not make excuses, it intensifies this crisis, because
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the party of law and justice is not going to it's so easy to stack weapons because the alternative for its leaders is a series persecution, ugh, liability of a legal nature. firstly , they need to mobilize public opinion, and they take advantage of every opportunity, secondly, they need to prepare for local elections, for elections to the european parliament, because if they improve their results there, they will say that, that means 2024 will be in local elections and to the european parliament, and 2025 is the presidential election, there will be no peace, there will always be this kolatnets. and the opponents, as you can see, there is the government of donald tusk, they are also not going with them, so to speak, to find some real common language, because they believe that these people have completely monopolized the state, if all this is not changed, then at any moment
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the power can simply be lost at the level of the parliament and the government, so what meaning, why was there such a hard line on... public broadcasting, because public broadcasting became the mouthpiece of the ruling party, and this is, i'm sorry, not soviet public broadcasting, when you know, nights like that... public television, when today we say glory to the cpsu, and tomorrow we we say, long live a democratic russia, or oh, we were always in favor of the independence of ukraine, i remember all this from my own experience, you know, in 1991, when people who wrote a few months before denounced me that i walked around the kremlin with a blue-yellow badge, until in august 1991, they met me and did not want to greet me. and they were already badges and said: but you work in moscow, we don’t want to talk to you, and this, and i knew for sure that these
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were the people who demanded that i be fired from my job there for my nationalist beliefs, but everything was fine, they all sat down, the whole studio was already in blue and yellow, everything was fine, well , these are people like that, and people who work for the public, worked for public broadcasting in poland, they are not like that, they are just ideological supporters of law and justice , and even after the victory of... the opposition, they would absolutely calmly continue to implement party narratives, because this is their ideology, not accommodation in the literal sense of the word, they are simply convinced conservatives, and they believe that for the sake of the victory of their own camp you can lie, you can distort reality, you can not invite foreign politicians on the air, because they are enemies for them, and they would act like that if they remained, after the change.
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journalist, i'm sitting here on public broadcasting, my prime minister is a german spy, i won't say that he's a german spy, but i will say that this guy is a german spy, and that's why, of course, the cleaning of public broadcasting from the propagandists of the right-wing party and justice turned out to be the number one task for donald trusk's bully, but it was done gently it's not easy to say. methods, it also looked so difficult, right? about donald tusk's methods and whether he will be able to extricate himself and poland from this story stenet pissu, i am not sure, i think that polish society is not the first to fall into such a situation, now we have to admit that this is a sign of polish statehood in general, roman dmowski once said : "oh, i'm afraid that the poles, when they get statehood, they will treat their own statehood." the way they treated foreign states, it will be such a crisis, they are not will perceive poland as their country, ugh
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, he was wrong, it is very similar in ukraine, ukrainians very often perceive ukraine as a foreign state, and with poland a different situation occurred, poland was divided into two camps, each of which believes that poland is their state, but this camp is not the polish state, it is some other people, and we are for our poland, for our vision of poland. we'll just tear them all apart, what kind of poles are they, what kind of poles are they, and by the way, when the first polish president, gabriel narutowicz, was killed, it was conventionally tusk's camp, uh, conventional, well this is all very conditional, and the answer was that marshal pilsudski, this is also conditional tuska's camp, carried out a coup d'état and removed from... people who can be considered tkaczyński's conditional camp, it was back in 1900 in the 20th year, and
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even then i read the diaries of maria konopnytska, a great polish writer, who wrote that it is very scary to admit that we have two polands, and they have somehow miraculously survived after 100 years, and by the way, the problem is that it is us can be called a polish patient, it affects more and more european countries. look, there are already two countries everywhere, one of which does not tolerate the other, i just can't digest it. and tell me, something similar is already happening in ukraine, or maybe it has always been in ukraine, it’s just that when we see now the burning of passions in any discussions, where people are divided into two camps of conditionals, zelebots and dust workers, i am afraid, and everyone is considered , dust jobs don't bother me much, they bother me. this is precisely this conflict of identity, as we have always been oriented towards russia and oriented towards
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west. the figures of the leaders changed, but it was always there, and by the way, it is not so strong now, because the people who support volodymyr zelensky there, they can be supporters of the european euro-atlantic choice at the same time. ugh. and they have a completely different, i would say, subject of disputes with supporters, well, conditionally petro poroshenko or someone. because our president will definitely bring you there when yours couldn't, well, it's not so bad, but i want to make sure that after the war, these two identities are just them. to look different, we need to go west , to europe, we don't need to behave very sharply so that russia does not attack us again, this is a serious, uh, this is a threat, one way or another, well, it remains a threat, but , but ukraine can somehow overcome it, because we
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live in a military society, but i have to tell you honestly that what is happening in europe now... it worries me a lot, this is what you know, between, you understand, not so much it was before, between supporters of the party of law and justice, supporters of this democratic coalition that came to power, there is no transparency, there is a wall, i saw this between supporters of trump and biden, between supporters of democracy, republicans of the united states, here you are sitting in someone's company, american ukrainians , and such a normal conversation is going on, and suddenly this topic comes up, and you understand. that these people hate each other, they are not the same, they do not hear each other, there is a wall between them, it is not transparent, that is, i have always believed that civilized politics is the politics of a transparent wall, ugh, when we can talk, i and i always checked it on my russians
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interlocutors, there were many people, even during the putin regime, with whom i had a transparent relationship, even after the 14th year, i could talk to them on the air, these people could have positions, by the way, attention, questions, what do you think , what happened to these people with whom i had a transparent wall in russia, they were all injected with a satellite during covid and they became impenetrable, no, no, they were all deprived of their positions, even those people who were absolute supporters of the regime, but who such diplomats could support. discussion, because such people are no longer needed by this regime, he only needs dangerous lunatics, and when i ask, and i remember talking to him, i wonder what he is doing now , i think he is probably promoting war there, and it turns out that he has already been removed from all positions, and this one was removed, and this one was removed, and this one was removed, anyone who could speak at all simply in the wrong conditions, oh
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you bastard, i will destroy you, i will burn you, i will kill you. they are no longer in russia, and this means the construction of an opaque wall, because now, when i imagine, i can talk to by some russian official or a member of the general council of the united russia party, in the 14th year i could still talk harshly, so it was a conversation between enemies, but it was a conversation, now there is no one to even have such a conversation with anyone, even if i i would like to, i don't really want to, to be honest, but the bbc knows that they don't organize such a conversation. because there is no such person, and it is this disease of opacity, everything is clear with russia, it is becoming dominant in democratic societies, because before we could absolutely calmly go out for a drink with a person of other political views tea and talk, well, i’m sorry, now i don’t have such a desire, ugh, but before
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, no one understood how i don’t invite members of the party of regions to my broadcasts, when i said, well, of course i will, because i’m not transparent . wall, but with the servant of the people party, we are not a transparent wall, they come without pro, there is a difference, absolutely, but with the pro -regions party, no, well, this is the answer to the question when we say that we have different political views with someone , another position of all this, it can be, the whole question is transparency, because the person is alone with you is talking, and you are talking to this person, you have no desire at all. just get out and leave and don't debate and she has no problem with the debate, she knows you 're wrong, she may not even respect you very much, but she's ready for a debate, and that's what's being lost now universally, that a sign of a new era in european, in western politics, and we may find ourselves in
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the same state, this really worries me quite seriously, you're right that when i now... i see some in the comments, when you say, there the president said so-and-so, and they tell you that they sold themselves to this president and you, yes, you just quoted the president of your country, yes, well, yes, who was elected by the people, such and such a president was elected, i and we quote him, he is the president of a warring country, and people stop realizing it, and vice versa, you said there that the leader of the opposition there, relatively speaking, put some drones there or something that advertises it? and clearly for money, that's it, it has to end, because it's just a road to proval, but thank you, christina, thank you, sir vitaly, the saturday political club was with you. traditionally, until next saturday, we say goodbye, khrystyna yatskyi, vitaly portnikov. all the best.
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that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities. the country's drone attack on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy
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portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at...
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we continue the political club on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, and add to our conversation valery chaly, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. of ukraine in the united states from 2015 to 2019. congratulations , mr. valery. glory to ukraine. farewell, glory, i salute you. congratulations, mr. valery.
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so, uh, let's try to talk about these security agreements that have been signed yesterday in kyiv between great britain and ukraine. and to what extent can it be called guarantees, as many call it, well, except for the prime minister. in great britain risha sunak should be said what he says, what term does he use, how is it better to say it in ukrainian? reassurance , reassurance, yes, reassurance, we already had it somewhere, in my opinion, and what was about in budapest, and what, and we are also negotiating with america about reassurance, what, what are these documents talking about in general, maybe it's actually much more important than us it seems that these assurances, you know, in fact , we have spears breaking around so... yes. i'll just remind you that in fact, in the past, when the ukrainian system institutionally worked more rhythmically, yes, well, obviously.
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more calmly, but not during the war , there were some procedures, texts were agreed upon first, delegations were appointed for negotiations not at the last moment, before signing, but in advance, an expert environment was involved, the parliament, that’s all that is being discussed these days , indicates that two arose here parallel worlds, one world is diplomacy, practical work on signing bilateral agreements with many countries, and this agreement, i want to emphasize, is one of the best that we have in this, in this area, signed with an important country, a partner, and it's very good that we have a new standard, but the discussion is taking place because of something else, and i want to emphasize that, because if we
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forget that, then we will... generally draw the wrong conclusions, why is there any criticism at all now, it would seem, so what to criticize, the agreement on cooperation in the field of security, which advances our relations further, further from the joint document of the previous one, but i will remind you where it all arose from, it all arose from the proposal of ukraine, the project, the agreement, on security guarantees, it was called the kyiv security agreement and the bet was made. on the promotion of the kyiv security treaty, which contained the word "security guarantees". now i don't want to explain from the point of view of international law how important these words are, but that's how it was. we offered ours partners in bilateral agreements to establish the words of security guarantees. we did not do it, it was impossible to do it. why was it then in political discourse, in communication.
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to talk about security guarantees, i will explain to you, because the issue of nato membership is now difficult to advance, so we would come up with a second track, parallel, where you can demonstrate success, but there is one nuance, we need solutions now, well, what is called security guarantees , which is positive, the fact that the authorities have given up already such statements, moved on but'. vocabulary, that it is about a treaty on cooperation in the field of security, and i confirm once again, as a specialist, as a person who participated in negotiations and signed documents, it is quite broad, covers many areas, there are details, that is, it is a good agreement, but this is the replacement of concepts that we have been feeding us for several months, affectionately called, replacing concepts, i think that this is what caused
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such an understanding today. therefore, you need to communicate with people in an adult way, you need to come up with some stories, this is firstly, secondly, eh, now you the question was asked correctly, but in this case it is necessary to talk about the essence, i actually found a lot of positives there, and the authorities have already told about them, i may not even duplicate these positives, but there are certain points, well , you know that the ukrainian side insisted on the ratification of such an agreement. it's public why? because when the executive power changes in one or another country, the attitude towards such agreements may change, in fact, from the point of view of our legislation and the vienna convention on the law of international treaties and of our law on international agreements, this is a completely legitimate agreement, from the moment of signing, as stated there, it is valid for two parties, here is the ratification, i see it was not even foreseen by the two parties,
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but... and now the question arises: what we are fine with britain, we think that even the labor party, which may come to power in the next election, will continue this, because we know their attitude is also positive towards such security issues with ukraine, and will the agreement itself also work without us ratification , i do not sure, that is, if a similar text of this kind is signed with the executive power of the united states, then i am not sure. that in the next one it cannot undergo, well , not some changes in the text, but simply the attitude, if there will be a change, say, from the power of the democrats there to the republicans, well, i mean the presidential elections in the first place, so it would be important for us to have such an agreement to establish a bilateral ratification mechanism, and the fact that it is not here is, well, this is really a weakness, but one more point,


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