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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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figured out among ourselves who is more important, who is more significant, we finally lost ukraine and it came under the control of muscovy for several decades. mr. vladyslav, i think we have literally a minute left, even three or less minutes, i would like to ask, you are talking about the fact that this war will soon be 10 years old, until the 17th year you were the spokesman of the general staff, and you remember you see that data on losses were regularly announced in reports, the president could have said that, i am speaking. or naming each one killed, we know how many died during the insidious, insidious attack of the russian in ilovaisk, for example, and so on, since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, all data is classified, and this gives, on the one hand, probably, for some, such a calm ignorance, and for others, it also gives a feeling of incomprehension and anxiety , because most people are unknown. they are afraid, someone speculates that
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if it is necessary to mobilize another 500,000, it means that we will lose 500,000, but someone on the other side , someone says that if the records of the dead are not kept, then there is no responsibility for the commander, who, for example, has too many losses, maybe some do unwise operations, well, you understand what we are talking about now, in such a case there is no sense of control, that this resource is important, i mean... i mean the people who are in the army, we don't have a more important resource. yes, an absolutely valid remark, well, again, for the sake of justice, my war began in february 2014, i was among the first to oppose the enemy occupation of crimea and sevastopol, so i have a little experience, but what about the question informing society about our losses. among personal
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east, a very sensitive issue, but very important, pay attention to the current position of the idf, the israeli army, they will every day, after properly informing the relatives and loved ones of the dead soldiers of the idf, spread this information to the general public, because it is a tribute , respect for soldiers who risk their lives and health, and sometimes even lose their lives, defend, defend and protect the state of israel, this is exactly the practice followed by the british government during the second world war. the memory of our heroes is decisive. in within the framework of honoring the memory of our heroes, we gather as a society. it is very important. now other spokespersons, other officials who are responsible for the communication campaign inside the country, they have a different opinion. is it effective and efficient? each of us, as a participant and as a witness of these historical processes, can draw a conclusion. thank you vladyslav
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soleznyov, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, military expert and spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was on our airwaves from 14 to 17 years old, let's take a short break, and then we will come back and continue our conversation, we will talk about case grynkevich, and what he is, what he has to teach us and who is really behind all this, because not only grynkevich is guilty of these corruption schemes, stay with us. kratle contains natural components that take care of your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa? you need to improve your bedroom. place, meet the stoper
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in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, about which ones? the world is dreaming, mr. orbán, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western
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intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be... the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso, well, dear friends, we are coming back and continuing our marathon , now we will talk about the case of the businessman hrenkevich, who was supposed to help the army, in fact, he just made money for himself and sponsored his son's fiancee in this way , who said that she was a great artist, covered all of kyiv with her smear. vadim valko, a lawyer at the anti-corruption center, will talk to us about this, mr. vadim, congratulations, i congratulate you, of course we don't have
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any court verdicts and so on, all this needs to be checked, but what do we know at the moment moment, regarding this hrenkevych family, how serious are all these... accusations against them now, well, to date, in essence, there are no accusations as such, there is a suspicion, and the suspicion is not in the case of procurement and these billion-dollar tenders, but in the case this attempt to transfer $500,000 bribery, that is, the important point is that grenkevich is not under suspicion for the tender case, well, at the moment at least, but only for the bribery case , and it is with this suspicion that he is in the pre-trial detention center, from which, by the way, he can be released if he pays the bail set by the court, it seems for ... 329 million hryvnias, to date, usually in such cases, the bail will also decrease over time, but, if we talk about the fact that is known, in particular from the court decision, when a preventive measure was chosen for grankevich, then it is known about the purchase of various types of it
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provision, individual protection, there were combat shirts, various types of other clothing sets for military personnel and according to the version of the state bureau of investigation. almost all purchases, all delivered products worth over a billion hryvnias were of poor quality, unfit for use as intended, and the dbr, moreover, even says that the pre-estimated losses, which amount to 1.2 billion hryvnias there, were not suspected by hrenkevich, as there, the alleged beneficial owner of the company was engaged in the supply, not the officials of the ministry of defense, there at the level of department heads. there is no body security or specialized deputy minister of preliminary defense, there are no such suspicions to date, at least the state bureau of investigation has not reported on them, and it is somewhat surprising when , again, the pre-trial investigation body itself makes a loud statement about the khabar case, almost all
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of this the case is also described that there are large billion-dollar breakdowns in the tenders, but there are no suspicions in this big case, but are there such... billion-dollar tenders, when the prepayment was actually made, i understand correctly, there there was a one hundred percent prepayment, this is a very strange moment, because people who work with public procurement, they usually... are in a situation where you have already supplied everything, you have already given everything, that is, everyone, like a chair with soviet classics from a long time ago already in place, and the money will come next year , well, that is, and here somehow, that is, people who do not produce either mineral water or t-shirts, well, in principle, they do not have any production capacity, they actually sold air and immediately received money, and this equipment means that in this scheme there were not only... hrynkevich, well, it is obvious that
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the conclusion of contracts through an out-of-competition procedure without using the prozoro electronic bidding system there would be impossible without the decisions of specific officials of the ministry of defense who are directly responsible for this tender, there is, as i have already said, at least a profile deputy and head of the department yes, who agrees on all these contracts, signs them, yes, and by this , of course, is responsible for the extent to which... it will be fulfilled in the future, and yes, it is likely that the state bureau of investigation should, well, at least check the version of the previous conspiracy of persons, and only suppliers cannot be guilty in such cases, obviously here we are talking about certain officials of the ministry of defense who conducted these tenders, but it became possible due to the fact that again under at the time of a certain large-scale invasion , there were corresponding changes in the cabinet of ministers resolution, which allowed to carry out exactly this... out-of-competition procedure with one hundred percent prepayment, obviously this was necessary given the full-scale invasion there, but
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unfortunately, uh, this story has been going on for a long time, and uh , only there last year it was possible to get most of the tenders for prozoro, if we are talking about unarmed procurement, and also not one person, but a whole panel there, 14 people decided whether to accept whether or not to accept certain offers from suppliers, conclude contracts with them, and, well, as far as i understand, in most cases we are not talking about prepayment, after payment, after delivery of the goods, checking there quality, completeness and so on. i also noticed that this hrynkevich, the elder, who is currently in pre-trial detention center, as i understand it, he had time to meet with all the heads of ova, with lviv, with dniprovska, he was everywhere, he was present everywhere, he took pictures with everyone, he was... that is, how did this person suddenly become a person who concludes multi-billion-dollar
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contracts, is there this one, in general, when we talk about the corruption component, what does it really mean in this case? well, if you follow the history, then there are indeed companies associated with grankevich since the 2000s, where he was listed or a member families as beneficiaries, engaged in various tenders, although at that time it was usually about construction, for example, he was the accused. on the data of the court register in the case of the possible forgery of documents related to the armenian cathedral in lviv. there was also a case regarding the possible embezzlement of funds during construction on a large doe, this is the training ground of the ministry of defense. and well, since the 22nd year , suddenly the companies there, which were mainly engaged in construction, start supplying goods of light industry again, actually purchasing from a foreign manufacturer and supplying the armed forces of ukraine. it is obvious that these are once again non-competitive procedures, when in fact the ministry of defense names
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the price, the supplier says whether he can fulfill this price there or not, or indicates some of his own, and a contract is simply concluded with him with full advance payment, well, it became possible only because , well, in my personal opinion, due to the fact that someone in the leadership of the ministry of defense had to lobby specific suppliers for such contracts, especially if in the future... we will learn about the previous estimated losses of more than a billion, and that is why i will emphasize that the state bureau of investigation should, in my opinion, become more active and already show the results in the form of suspicions to specific officials who could be involved in this scheme. this case is an isolated case, although it is very loud, is it the tip of the iceberg and right, right those investigators, in particular journalists, say that never, what, that just hrynkevichi herself, relatively speaking, these are the scapegoats who
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were decided to anger, uh, in order to cover others, including well, obviously that's just it a small part of those cases, even about which it is already publicly known, last year, not yet there, there were suspicions for a few months, for example, the former deputy minister of defense shapovalov and the head of the procurement department, bohdan khmelnytskyi, both of them. are in custody, and there are cases related to the purchase of bulletproof vests, regarding the purchase of clothes again, there are these summer or winter or off-season jackets, and we are talking about losses in the amount of, well... already billions of hryvnias, yes, which have been estimated by the relevant expertise , several investigations into these persons have already been completed and the case is being prepared to be transferred to court, and again, this is only what is known about, usually corruption cases, especially about possible corruption in procurement, well, in essence , secret, arms procurement, publications information about which is simply not possible there, it
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is of such a latent nature and most cases of corruption well... even the bodies of pre-trial investigation may not know about these cases, so i think that those who say that this is only the tip of the iceberg are really right, and those who say no are right only the supplier can be held responsible there, it is so obvious that the key role in such schemes is played by persons who have the authority to make certain decisions and occupy responsible or particularly responsible positions, and again, therefore, it is important that the suspects from... if the state bureau of investigation has already very actively submitted this story so that there are billions worth of losses on tenders and they have even been previously estimated. mr. vadim, this week i witnessed a conversation, just standing in line for coffee, two men between they were talking to themselves, and accordingly, i just overheard their conversation, and one said to the other:
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you understand, we will donate 500, 1,000 hryvnias, by the way, for our viewers, here you can... donate for the 93rd of a separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar on kamikaze drones, despite the fact that we talk about how millions and billions are being stolen, but still we have to support our army, so here are these two men, one says: we will donate, they are detained, then they are released, or they are bought off with some kind of bribes, and so on the money that they stole is disappearing, is there any calculation for these two years of ... a large-scale invasion, such loud, loud corruption scandals around the army that this money really came back and really went to the army, well, as far as i understand, the calculation how many violations were found , recently conducted by the ministry of defense, their audit showed uah 10 billion, more than uah 10 billion of possible abuses, well, part of that money was
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recovered through there lawsuits within the framework of civil or economic processes there, right? but most of the funds that are distributed in within the framework of criminal cases, they have such a peculiarity that they are then taken out, legalized, these are criminal funds, and uh, well, very often they are spent there in some kind of cash, which can only be physically found there during searches, and if it is already there it was somehow taken out of the territory of ukraine, then it is impossible to find it, i am convinced that it will definitely not be possible to return all the funds, part of it will be possible, but in the framework of criminal cases, it will be years only after the verdict. verdicts are still reviewed on appeal, only when this guilty verdict enters into force, and there are what is important is the confiscation of property, only then these funds can be returned, by the way, in the case of grankevich about bribery , they are talking about the seizure of numerous company accounts, the seizure of apartments, there houses, cars, the seizure is applied precisely so that in
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the future, if there is a conviction, confiscation could be applied, but that's years. it’s not, no, no, it’s a quick matter, in fact , the sums that appear in this story with the hrenkevich family, they probably indicate approximately the scale of embezzlement in purchases, and to be honest, it’s scary, it is infuriating, and the issue here is also that they steal mostly during the purchase of some goods, that is, it is not... some stories about the fact that something is produced at an inflated price, nevertheless, it is precisely the manufacturers who complain that in there are a lot of checks, too much open information on the contrary, when, for example, you can find in open sources the address of the physical location of the production and then something arrives there, some kind of russian rocket, in a word, why is there no understanding of what is being stolen, what is easier
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to steal, i don’t know on some water there mineral for the army, rather than on the fact that people actually do something, some kind of production, and then everything goes to the army. well, indeed, in most cases it is precisely these cases that are known about, there is publicity with suspects or accused persons, it is essentially mediation, that is, they receive money, buy cheaper, and as a rule abroad, for example, in the story with jackets there were turkish jackets, yes, these are summer and winter jackets, and then they are simply sold more expensively to the state, although the state leadership says that, for example, light ukrainian industry is able to provide 100% of the ukrainian army. well, that is , the domestic light industry is supposedly enough, why is this happening, well, because there are these companies, they do not have their own production facilities, they cannot conventionally do any production there. that's why they are on mediation, and on the other hand, those who have large production facilities, they also have a certain authority, and trust there, and some reputation, and maybe, well, a large part of such
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companies simply do not want to engage in corruption, in order not to lose this trust, eh, i still wonder if there is any, maybe you have an idea, how in principle to at least reduce this corruption, what is needed for this, well, not here... there is no recipe or simple decision, it is obvious that the inevitability of the punishment is needed, this is probably the first thing that is needed, well, that is, that there should be real persons who could be shown, to tell what prison terms are being served without the possibility of parole, yes, without the fact that the property is registered with relatives, there is also a divorce the essence of the decision on confiscation is confiscation , nothing can be done there, that is, the inevitability of the punishment is, well, the first key is such a foundation on... what can be, secondly, it is obvious that this is the independence of law enforcement agencies, so that it is impossible, well , we often see stories when not only is there corruption in some procurements there, but there is also
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the fact that prosecutors or investigators are directly involved there in order to avoid bringing criminal charges or removing arrests from some property, so it is important that pre-trial investigation bodies, the prosecutor's office was independent there, their heads were appointed by open competitions, why? in history, for example , there are no investigations with the state bureau of investigation, and there you can often find information about the possible connections of the leadership of this body there with officials of the president's office, for example, oleg tatarov, deputy head of the ovp, and well, this should not happen, but well, independent bodies, including judicial bodies, must be reformed, we see that what big problems we have in the judicial system, and the inevitability of punishment, these are the key things that are needed. oleg totarov has been asked more than once by journalists, and he still remains at his workplace, remains in the president's office, and
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has some determination, i don't know, to finally say goodbye to this person, or still, well, even if not approval , at least for the relevant authorities to deal with it, there is none, why, as you think , well, let me remind you that there was a petition for the release of tatarov not even tuesday, which received 25,000 votes, and the president then officially responded, that he works in the office the president, that is, i cannot fire him, the office of the president must fire, well, alluding to mr. yarmak there, but it is clear that at the last press conference zelenskyi was asked questions about certain compromising people who are in his team, he said that he has a small team there, it's five or six people, and he's not going to change any of them, i realized for myself that this applies to oleg tatarov as well. apparently, for the leadership of the state, this is an effective manager who, according to his official duties, coordinates the work just right bodies of pre-trial investigation , as well as the prosecutor's office, and apparently for the authorities
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this coordination is important, successful, effective , which is not actually happening, including we see it in the cases of embezzlement in the army, mr. vadim, there are literally two minutes left, the day before yesterday, the us special mission commented on the appointment in... pischan of the head of the accounting chamber, we know that there was a call from j7 ambassadors not to re-appoint friends of the president in principle, nevertheless a friend of the president's family, who was involved in their business, in particular in italy, was appointed head of the accounting chamber told priskir that the states will not be silent and turn a blind eye to such appointments. comment? it is obvious that the appointment of a person who, by the way, does not even meet the requirements of the law, because the head of the accounting chamber must speak english. well, in a foreign language, and it seems that ms. pishchanska said that she does not speak english fluently, and again, for international partners there, in particular the american, the accounting chamber is an understandable body, which is under the verkhovna
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rada, which is a constitutional body, and it will be count how well the funds are spent, including the american taxpayers, which are given to us as aid, so i think that this is a kind of shot in the foot, and in any case we will have to somehow solve this problem there, of course the government will start... talking about the fact that we are a sovereign state, we ourselves determine who to appoint, but it is important that america or other european countries, they do not say specific people who should be appointed to the position, they say that they should be transparent open rules competitive procedures, there is an independent commission that selects these people, and not just, well, the appointment of friends. well, thank you very much for this conversation, vadym valko, a lawyer at the anti -corruption center, was in touch with us and talked a little about corruption, which, to be honest, is simply terrifying in terms of its scale in procurement. dear friends, we have some more interesting topics to discuss, we have another hour of our marathon ahead, stay with us, we are going to take a short break and we will come back and continue.
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separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society.
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drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for
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smart and caring people, in the evening over espresso. greetings to everyone from espress, the news team will tell you about the most relevant events of the moment, and i will start this issue with this. an important meeting in switzerland. the fourth meeting of national security advisors regarding the ukrainian peace formula is taking place in davos. the ceasefire will not be the end of the war, but will only allow russia to build up its forces. this was announced during the discussion of the war. in general, representatives of 81 countries of the world came to davos. ukrainians talked about the consequences of recent russian missile attacks.


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