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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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something surprised me that there are mostly men, and it, and it is against the background of some building, where there are interspersed georgian flags and flags of the european union, and you think so, gentlemen, this is the worst advertising that can be done in principle, regarding reforms and social changes in general in georgia, which would actually indicate that georgia is getting closer to europeans and european, european values, that it is necessary to separate their orthodoxy from russian orthodoxy, fortunately this is happening in us and there is already an understanding , and pithanius, by the way, said about that women can come to the church and they don't have to go to the orthodox church and they don't have to cover their heads with scarves, and it's not necessary for them to be exclusively in skirts, they can also come in pants, the main thing is that they come with what they come to church with intentions and that they come for some kind of support or for an explanation of something difficult that they cannot do on their own... stalin, this is an interesting phenomenon,
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sociologists know this very well that, for example, among russians, stalin was literally a negative character a couple of years at the beginning of yeltsin, and then sociologists began to note that the narrative is returning again, that stalin was good, yes, but what kind of industrialization did he win the war in general, and so on and so on, and now it is interesting that polls even show that young people already believe that stalin is good. that is, in principle, they returned to some place, not even in the 80s, but somewhere in the 53rd year, you know, on the eve of stalin's death, that's just a terrible thing, and what about ukraine, by the way, is interesting that in ukraine this percentage of stalin's supporters was decreasing, since the 1990s, and steadily decreased every year, even when people said that ukrainians said that the best president is putin or lukashenka, we would like such a father, but at the same time they said:
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viktor boberenko, expert of the analysis bureau and politicians, mr. viktor, good day to you , good health to you, mr. viktor, do you have anything to add to the story, about the matron of moscow, stalin, more precisely about stalin, and why, why for russians, the hundred... remains so important and i don't know, the characters, yes there are a lot of them, first of all, let's divide the ussr and stalin, russia and stalin and georgia and stalin, for georgians it is very often like for the nation, i do not want to offend georgians now, but for the nation, which is a small za... country nation, despite
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the fact that we respect it, she is very brave, she has done a lot in the world, she was one of the first to adopt orthodoxy, let's say, state-wise, only the armenians previously adopted orthodoxy, well, christianity in general, let 's say this, before the roman emperors, but at the same time for georgians , stalin is very often something like, well , look, what are we, what have we given to the world stalin, and therefore stalin cannot be evil, therefore in the same. in 1953, or rather not in 1953, 1954 and beyond, and in 1956, when the 20th congress was held, georgians opposed the fact that stalin was made evil, because for georgians he cannot be evil, he then defeated hitler , he did a lot there, and there is like, please, stalin is there, and by the way, iberia is like there, well, respect, because it is the georgians there, and this is the case that can be compared to that by ourselves,... often reagan's about samosas, yes,
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this is the son of a souk, but this is our souk, that's the same and stalin, stalin cannot be for the georgians, well , not bad at all, and i repeat there in gori, when the monument to stalin was demolished in the mountain and was not demolished in stalin's homeland, that is, in the khrushchev era, when all around was simply an epic of demolition and debunking stalin e. again, what is stalin for russians? stalin is not a georgian for russians. stalin for the russians , here we must separate the russians and the russians. russians are an ethnos, and russians are a, a superethnos, yes, it 's something that, well, let's put it this way, it's, well, i would call it a chimera, a chimera, there, which included some, different orthodox, muslim, different peoples, but they used to be called the soviet people. when the soviet people
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fell into oblivion, soviet armenians, soviet azerbaijanis began to kill each other, soviet georgians and soviet abkhazians , yes each other, and so on... then soviet chechens, soviet russians, well, it is clear that the soviet people outlived themselves, and yeltsin came up with it , yeltsin came up with this term even before putin: russians, russians are russian plus, russian plus there are bashkirs, tatars, chechens and so on, and those who accept, as - the formula, russia, the third rome, i do not visit the fourth, that is, it is a fairly recent term in this sense, it is for yeltsin. in fact, yes, well, this term , well, a little more, well, let it be 25 years, yes, 25 years russians, before it was the soviet people, the soviet people before, well, when it became clear that there was no soviet people, the russians gave up, and here is stalin for them a russian, he is not
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a russian, not a georgian, he is a russian, he is something above that, because there are russians, there are georgians, there are tatars, there are many, and there is someone who believes that... something like that was in yugoslavia, because my aunt was a croat, as far as i remember, that is, yes, yes, they also say that my mother was also jewish, that is, a jewish croat, so there was a lot of mixing there, as well, yes, yes , but brosti is not a croat or a serb or a jew, he is a yugoslav, and so is stalin, he is a russian, but for putin he is a russian, putin himself is called his grandfather. was webs, but this does not prevent him from being russian and a russian, and they themselves are often confused with russians, why? because russians have a household, but household is not non-acceptance, i now i won't say what they call the same caucasians there, yes, well, we know, yes,
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or well, not russians, well, very much, that is, on the built, on the everyday level, russian. they are very xenophobic, terrible xenophobes, but at the level of the state, and this is a paradox about which dissertations should be written, but at the level of the state , the russian empire is not xenophobic, that is , you can be ukrainian, you were born, for example, dmytro kozak, but you became dmytro cossack, you are accepted, you, you know, moscow, the third rome and the fourth will not happen, that's all. here i am, for example, when i served twice the famous baltic fleet , i was fired, i'm viktor boberenko, but they very often wanted to call me bobirenka, hey bobirenka, no, no, no, i'm bobirenka, there is the fact that bobirenka is in the russian way, and that is, if i
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agreed and became , i could now be viktor bobirenko, russian, and command some sort of airborne assault brigade there, of course, i remained a ukrainian, but... but someone agreed to become dmitry kozak, well, you can imagine the surname kozak in ukraine, that what kind of cossack, cossack, damn it, i don't know, we have it dmytro kozak was there, but he agreed and became a deputy in the administration of president putin, and there are many of them, the same one who heads the federal assembly, matvienko, valya matvienko, yes, she herself is from the vinnytsia region, she was born be ukrainian, ukrainian, but... that's a choice, it's a choice, you , you, ethnicity is who you consider yourself to be, i have an acquaintance, i won't say his last name either, he himself is a pure-blooded russian, rusak, yes , but his, he married a ukrainian, and his son, a ukrainian, according to his mother,
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he passed all, all, all the squares there, all that there are, he won back everything, how, then, this son's daddy. considers himself a ukrainian, although he was born a russian, he says: no, no, i was born a russian, but i became a ukrainian, why? because the son is ukrainian , and everyone chooses for himself, someone becomes dmytro kozak with dmytro kozak, someone becomes, let's say, a ukrainian with a russian surname, and it's just, just for nothing, it 's just our choice, that's what concerns to stalin, if we come back, yes, for russians, stalin is a symbol, he is a symbol. they defeated generalissimo and stalin there stalin will be tricked because they are an imperial nation, an imperial nation even, well, they are russians , and russians are a chimera, well, i call it a chimera, because it is not a nation, it is not a super-ethnic group, if, for example, a western
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super-ethnic group, it is understandable, it is a christian civilization, even divided into protestants and catholics, but they are all christians, yes , this is... a civilization, this is a superethnos, this is, well, a set of ethnos, so what can unite tuvans, pagans, yakuts, er, muslims, sunnis, tatars. bashkirs, other muslims, wahhabis, let's say, there in chechnya and orthodox russians, what can this be a chimerical formation, which, well, like the soviet people, that is, something that will collapse someday, it is temporary, it will be defeated, drink it, if, by the way, it is defeated and sleeps very often shared history, because now they are destroying ukraine together, that is what unites them, they serve together, they hate each other somewhere. each other, that is , the caucasians of the russians, and especially the chechens of the russians, despise, look at each other with a terrible force, but
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tolerate each other, because what they do together in one formation mocks another country, and this is important for the empire, it unites this chimera only in conflict with others, because they have one against all, we will not stand for the price, in them victory must be one against all and... that is why the great mission of the ukrainian people - this will simply break all of them and their dream will be multiplied by zero, and they will disintegrate, they will disintegrate immediately, they do not even have the unity that the germans had, yes, the germans also had protestants there, catholics, but the germans there was also a chimera, well, the third reg is a chimera, yes, but the russians have it even more, because russian these are tatars, bashkirs , tyvins, yakuts, chechens and russians, where
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70 percent are russian so far, but that's all, but in the next generations there will be fewer and fewer and fewer of them, this is a chimera, and we have to multiply this chimera by zero, and then it, it will settle down somewhere, well, as jose borel said, that a russian is not even a nationality, it is not a nation, and actually that's the match. to do as the latvians did with this boris, boris katkov, he stayed there
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for 50-odd years in latvia, did not learn the language, nothing came of him, a suitcase, a train station, an hour for the assembly and to the beach, the beach fix, yes in russia, yes, well, mr. viktor , we actually talked about that, about the russian identity and about how to analyze russia, how to fight against it, we have literally a minute left, i wanted... to ask very briefly how to assemble drones, well, let's talk about how to assemble drones, i really had several questions, minister fyodorov said that ukrainians should assemble drones at home, many believe that this is a good idea, others mention the great leap of mao zedong when they were cooking cast iron, but i remembered, by the way, how i was in turkmenistan when yushchenko was still there, when he was competing with uzbekistan and ordered everyone to plant. full in the yards, and people there too did not know how to get rid of it, how
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many players were very well taken away in carts, yes, then they were bought for gold, for currency that would be accepted by the zadunians, yes, any such historical experiments, they conduct just for some laughs, but let's hope that in our particular case. er, it happens like that, i would tell the minister, i am not ready to tell in general, we have educational institutions that already do this, i am not ready , of course, to assemble a drone in my kitchen, because i do not have the appropriate skills, i am a humanitarian, but on the one hand, thank you, we do not need to be prompted, because we have, say, in some vocational training schools are no longer assembled, well, but always about artisanal production, i think... to outdo industry instead of supporting business, mr. viktor, thank you, viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy
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was with us, more khrystyna yatsky's interview with the commander of a separate unit is on our air of the special purpose battalion of the 23rd presidential brigade by edvart vilinsky about his path, the battalion's combat history, as well as about mobilization and recruiting. thank you for being with us, alesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, working in this studio for you, from now on stay with espress. there are 15% discounts on strength detox at psyllanyk bam and shchadnyk pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on hepargim in the pharmacies psylansky, ban and oskad. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. long-lasting, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 99 hryvnias. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even
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the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. about what a dream world, mr. orman. we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment
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on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually. we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
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evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this the program has its own name, a joint project of the ukrainian pen and the tv channel, and today we will talk about the ukrainian cultural
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fund, how to prevent its second collapse, how to save it, it may seem to you now that this topic is against the background of what is happening in the country, on the background of the drama we are watching may not be so hot or important, but... believe me, this is exactly what we are fighting for on the front lines. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai is frank and impartial. draw your own conclusions. events events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling them on ours. future every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sundays at 10:10 a.m. studio evening with anton borkovsky at spresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now about what happened in the world. yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and
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sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much linia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there. chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. welcome to spresso. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and we continue with colleagues. to work in order to get the most interesting conversations, interviews with the most interesting guests, and in my opinion,
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there are simply no more interesting people in our country than the military, we have prepared such an interview for you now, i am glad congratulate eduard vilinskyi, commander of the 23rd separate special purpose battalion, i congratulate you, eduard, glory to ukraine, thank you, thank you, glory to the heroes, i would like. so that we can say a few words about the 23rd separate special purpose battalion, we are talking now about the presidential brigade in principle, and our viewers are just familiar with the presidential brigade, because we have supported boys and girls with meetings on more than one occasion communication, on drones, and therefore we have certain very warm relations with your brothers, sisters, a little more about 23 in particular? a separate special forces battalion and the 23rd separate special forces battalion began to be formed in april
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22nd year. here it was formed from the majority of its own, these were volunteers from kyiv, kyiv region, those who moved there from those dftg that were formed there in kyiv and in kyiv region, that's 20 of us, a separate unit, a separate military unit. part, but we are subservient to the presidential brigade, so we try not to embarrass the presidential brigade there, so to speak, but we carry our banner with dignity, as it were, the flag of the 23rd separate battalion of special forces. well, a few words about you
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personally, i have information from colleagues, who helped me a little to prepare for this interview, that your history, which is related to public activism, including service in the armed forces of ukraine, is quite long and is not limited exclusively to a large-scale invasion, tell me a little more in detail, well you you mean car the maidan and its including, yes, including the auto maidan, yes, well, if you can say that the revolution of dignity, there were formed in the auto maidan some, so to speak, separate divisions, which there, if we worked together but they were there, they were there somewhere what separate divisions are there and so on, well,
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i will say so. that the revolution of dignity itself is a fascinating phenomenon of people who may have been following the call of their feelings, their aspirations of some kind, you understand, from a military point of view, and some of their views were a little naive, but... but we understood that these feelings are sincere, and they do not exist, well, they must be supported, and i will surely not surprise you if i say that the russians very often, especially those russian bots there, this army, which sits somewhere in some shoots, forms, she will probably get money for it, she scribbles on the internet herself under different names,
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very... much more difficult, i think that when a child is born, this process is also quite painful for her and problematic, but, but in the end, it's simple the process of birth, it is the process of the emergence of something greater, the emergence of life, and it seems to me that the maidan is like another stage of the birth of a nation, and it just had to be passed, whatever the consequences, it entails a lot of life, it is not an easy thing, i don’t think that
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the war with the russian federation is... a consequence of our internal decisions regarding our authorities, no, not at all, if you look at it this way, then i believe that the decision of the russian federation to destroy ukraine was made back in 2004-5, because the orange revolution appeared there, you know, as well as... russia understood that ukraine was leaving the influence of the russian federation and when we found documents that were there in the east, in the south of ukraine, how the fsb worked there to train the same teachers who were in the east.


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