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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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year in polonia and finally returned to his family on january 3, our correspondent will tell us about it, it will be just about the plot, and you will know the advertising yourself, what is in that advertisement, less with that, but you and i have 12 minutes for plot and two minutes of advertising. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, my name is khrystyna porubiy and we tell the stories of soldiers released from captivity. at the beginning of january, there was one of the largest exchanges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women. and today we are we have the opportunity to talk with the wife of one of those who returned home, ostap reshitnyk. he is from the lviv region, today we have
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olga roshitnyk in our studio. olga, i congratulate you, tell me some of your first emotions, how did you find out that your husband is coming home? good afternoon, studio, in fact, it was first of all a call from the special services, as it happens in general, the very first emotions, that is, i did not believe it, that it was really so, that is how we learned to restrain ourselves, well, that is, we did not expected something immediately, therefore somehow at the first such emotions, they were even on, well, shock, just shock, from which we still haven't really recovered, because somehow so. you have two children, how did they experience this separation from their father, because your husband was in pelon for almost two years, how were the emotions of the children? daughter, she was also shocked, she was happy, that is, she...
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laughed, the son had radically different emotions, he cried, he cried all evening, until he heard his father's voice, and the daughter was walking, saying: why are you crying, well, that is, dad already at home, dad is already in ukraine, why are you crying, on the contrary, you should be happy, and then, when they already heard their father's voice, they had radically different emotions, that is, when they managed to contact the husband, in fact, this period of waiting for the call, he. .. lasted from 6 o'clock in the afternoon until almost 112 in the evening, it was such a long period that when we already heard this call, everyone who was near me was at home, there were tears, emotions, it was a shock, well that is, but we were glad to finally hear his voice, how the children experienced these almost two years of separation, i tried to them...
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somehow remove a little from this , that is, not completely involve them all in all those emotions, i tried to somehow distract them so that they do not experience this whole situation so deeply, you have a daughter of 13 years old, yustyna, and lukyan is 9 years old son , and now let's hear how you met, how you talked with your father, this is the first call after captivity, we will listen now... tell us how you found out that your father has already been released from captivity, that your father is coming home, some of your first, which first was there an impression, the first emotions? well, mom i called the sbu and they said he was in ukraine. and my mother was not at home then, she went to the store, and here she calls me somewhere around six in the evening and says that my father is at home. well, i had some mixed emotions because i was.
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in shock, well, at first i cried a little, but it was from happiness, and then i didn't feel any such emotions until the moment he called us, i was already talking to my father, so tell me what they talked about in the first conversation, video or by phone, well, at first he just called on the phone, well, they talked it's just that what we did during this time while he was gone. asked how things were with us there, whether everyone was healthy, and they said that they missed each other, they managed to communicate, yes, he called us, then we showed him what was new with us there, he also showed us, told us everything, it was yustyna rositnyk, the daughter of ostap reshitnyk, who was released the day before from russian captivity, please tell me about her husband...
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he was at the front, since he went to war and why was it important for him to go to war? well, in fact, he has been in the military since 2009, and when in the 14th year all these... these situations that continue to this day began, he, well , every year until today, he went on rotations, they provided assistance to the military, they carried out, well, that is, all kinds of processing, that is, they provided for the first time turn , let's say so, the safety of our people, they were engaged in the treatment of premises, that is, from rodents, from all kinds of different things, well, these are the kinds of jobs that they do... the sanitary service is also that, then he was a driver of all the sanitary services , who also provided assistance and to the military, and directly to the medics themselves, because a medic cannot do anything without a driver either, he performed all
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his duties that were entrusted to him, that were needed, he helped as much as he could, as he explained his decision, why it is also important to him... are you in the armed forces of ukraine? he always said: "who but me, how did the family accept him doing such a thing? well, uh, we didn't mind very much, because it was his calling, he wanted to go there, he rushed there, he said , that is, what i want in boys, that is, i am also needed there, so we did not strongly object to it. how did the war begin? in 2014 this period until 2022 before full-scale war, in which operations did your husband participate, how about his life during this time period, where was he? they were regularly sent on rotations, as a rule , to military hospitals, they were with military
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medics, with hospitals, they provided all the help that was needed, where, where he was in which, you can some points, it was different points, it was and ... there was a dome, i even i don’t remember, because there is so much of all kinds of information, and north-donetsk, well, that is , a lot of eastern regions, both above and below, well, that is, wherever they were needed, everywhere they were, you know, a lot of military , those who have been fighting since 2014, they predicted somewhere that there would be such a full-scale invasion, there would be a big war, that russia would not leave ukraine just like that, just like that . did the husband foresee this somewhere, or was he possibly preparing some family for it, in fact, we did not talk about such a topic with him, and i think that i will not to assert, because i really don't know this, but he went on a rotation on february 18, without saying
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anything like that, he just went on his usual rotation, which he went on before, on february 18, 2022, he went to mariupol. and he went on rotation to mariupol, this 555th mariupol hospital, how long was the man in contact then, how long was the contact, were you able to talk to him, how often did you keep in touch with him? in fact , there was no such possibility of communication, somehow it was on the 24th, that's all it started, on the 26th i personally talked to him, it was literally a few minutes, and it... was very short, then his daughter heard him on march 1, he asked how they were, and after such a full-fledged communication the connection that we heard his voice was lost, there were several messages from the beginning
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of march until april 3rd, and the last message was april 3rd, alive and well, and after that we never heard anything, knew nothing . we walked, waited, hoped, we still have to wait a little, he will call, he well, that is, and when one evening, i don’t remember exactly whether it was april 30 or 31, one evening already before going to bed, scrolling through the russian telegram channel, i saw his photo there, well, it’s a photo with an inscription that they raised, they they did the right thing, surrendered their weapons, raised their hands up, and that's how i saw that he was in captivity, first of all... it was a call from the military unit to the commander, that such and such information appeared anyway, and from that the moment the process was launched, that is, we began to look for various exits, volunteers, documents, all special services, a million calls, a million messages
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, a lot of all kinds of information, faced various moments, there were a lot of such moments of despair, in which i wanted to leave it all, then... because there are a lot of our special services, well, i understand that this is their job , there is information that they cannot divulge, everywhere we went, it was the same everywhere. answers: be patient, we are doing our best, well, but we are like relatives, it was difficult, this period of uncertainty, when we did not know anything, this period of waiting, well finally we waited for the long-awaited call, the very long-awaited message that he was finally in ukraine, the man was captured in mariupol from the ilyich factory, was that what the first ones talked about at all, the first month, so when there was still contact with him, or something? told what the situation was at the factory then, or when they were already at the factory,
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there was no communication with him, the last communication was complete, it was on march 1, when we heard from him, then in the middle of march, as we everyone knows that an aerial bomb was dropped on this hospital and after that full communication with he was lost, they were in bunkers at the lychee plant, so someone there somewhere got closer, then he wrote to his relatives, that is, that so and so... such and such a situation, that is, you did not even know what happened to your husband, no , we knew, we found out later that he was wounded, during captivity, it's been almost two years, that's how you found out in april that he was already in captivity, was it possible to maintain any contact with the husband, was there some correspondence, none, nothing, where did you get the information, information about him, unfortunately, there was no information, that is, everything this is what was in telegram channels. some russian ones, right? and we didn't find him on any videos anymore, and how come
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the situations of relatives who recorded videos there, none, no information, except for this photo that we saw in april, we didn't have it until january, when hope appeared for exchange? there was always hope, we always waited, we always, to be honest, i didn't entertain myself with such thoughts to... avoid disappointment again, we just learned to live with the fact that we still have to wait a little, a little suffer, er, so, i will say yes, in fact, there was hope when this list of 300 people was posted on the network that these people went through all the procedures, but it was perceived as another injection of information, like disinformation, because to hope on some logic and on some actual adequacy... well, unfortunately, no, it was not possible, because there was a lot of misinformation, but they were happy with this,
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taking into account the entire number of prisoners that there is, and he got into the list of these 300 people, so it is still not in vain, and hope has appeared even more, but finally at least somewhere he appeared that it was really possible that something would clear up soon, and it turned out that we did not wait for a long time after that. how much time has passed since publication, it has been approximately two weeks. how is your husband feeling now and when will you be able to see him? he is now in a pretty good condition, he is glad that he can finally hear the children, that he can hear their laughter, their voices, says: i am doing everything possible to get home as soon as possible, so that i can hug you all as soon as possible, he says: i missed you so much, "i knew you were me wait, i knew personally before me that you
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would do anything for me to come back, so we are also happy to wait for him at home. you already know when you can see what they tell you, unfortunately we don't know anything yet because it all depends on his health, so it's nonsense, it can wait, we already know he's here , that's why there is a connection, there is communication, that's why those few days or weeks can already be counted." we wish you to meet as soon as possible and be a whole family again. i will remind you that today we talked with the wife of ostap reshitnyk, who was released from russian captivity at the beginning of january by olga reshitnyk. we are waiting and hoping for each of our military men, who are now, unfortunately, in russian boot shops. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. everyday life
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good health once again, so ours continues the program will last about 40 minutes. let's start with france in a few minutes, we'll find out what's happening in france, we'll start with the main slogan vyvlia, vyvlia republics, vyvlia oksana milnichuk, a ukrainian political columnist from paris, if she is now with will appear, we will talk with her, i am already here, thank you very much, thank you for finding time for us, ms. oksana, look, well, i understood that the odessans are gradually taking over power in france, at least the descendants of these odessans, gabriel atal became the prem yerom, and he is the new prime minister, and they say that he has parents or grandfathers or great-grandfathers, well, in short, there is some odessa trace in all this, to what extent does this change something in the political
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life of france, is it true that he belongs to the lgb? is it true that he, that the prime minister plays a big role in general, just explain, we hear very little about prime ministers, french ones, but we hear about the president, well, we understand, something of the fifth republic, 508th year, where he was, he came to power with special powers, it was specially created for him, and now here in in such a variant, france exists, one of the few countries with a presidential republic in... the vast majority is undoubtedly with a parliamentary one, that is, who is this atal, where is he from, how and well, such a short biography, biographical information, please, ms. oksana, yes gabriela tal is very close to macron, such an associate of his, yes, that is, they started together to create this movement forward
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for the republic, yes, which later became macron's party with which he came to power, that is... gabriel atal, he represents that circle of youth, young people who are theirs the motto is act, act, act, results, results, results. he was appointed by macron to cheer up the french politicians a little, who were a little sleepy on the eve of the new year holidays. you know that macron had some political problems, he had two very difficult reforms, the pension reform and the migration reform, and, i mean, for that... he needed this former prime minister, elizabeth bourne, because she is, you know, it will be canceled, such a real manager who just took very difficult things into her hands, well, you know, women are always taken on by themselves hard work, and now macron has to fulfill other promises that he made at the beginning of the political year in september, yes,
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this is the strengthening of security issues, this is the restructuring of the french economy. almost on military lines, this is help to ukraine , this is the so-called strategic sovereignty of europe in relation to the united states, in view of the elections, which everyone here is watching and very afraid of these elections in america, that is, macron by appointing his closest associate, let me remind you, he was macron's spokesman, then he was appointed a minister school education. school education is very important. part of the life of french society, because school plays a very important role in the life of every french person, and therefore the ministers who are ministers of education, of school education, they have... such a springboard from this ministry, because they become very popular if they do some right things, ee gabriela tal, you said it right, he is from such a very interesting
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family, his father was a producer of almadovar, his mother also worked in the production field, he was engaged in theater, he is a very eloquent person, he is such a real specialist in the art of oratory, and when macron had to defend some very difficult topics, he raised very difficult ones. question, there was always atal, gabriel, who just came out, you know, with his such, well, his oratorical art, he solved a lot of problematic communication issues of macron. ms. oksana, when you said, very, very close to macron, what did you mean, because there are rumors, i don't know how they are in paris, in ukraine, very persistent rumors that these two... which are to the left and right of me, they have not only close, but also warm, with a temperature of 36.6, connections like this,
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will it be us, will we stay within the framework of television, yes and the norms of television, yes , let's just say that all french journalists note and emphasize that gabriel tal is the first gay in office who... officially admits it, and also officially everyone says that the minister of foreign affairs was his first husband, i.e. they were married, yes, that is, they have an official marriage relationship with the current minister of foreign affairs, ms. oksana, is this somehow, well, it has some consequences , that society, what newspapers write, is it some kind of news, some kind of food for them, i would even say, is it so, well, okay, here he is, and for others yes , a man and a woman, there is, and there is a man and a man, and i am a woman and a woman, you know, for the french it is absolutely the norm, it is true that everyone emphasizes
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that it is just the first time that they are talking about it officially, yes, because before it was so scheming, it was such a whisper, yes, but now it is officially openly talked about, of course, that it it also depends, the reaction depends on the generation, yes, the youth perceive it, wow, it's cool, cool, but the older generation. i was at the market today, yes, i’m always interested to hear what people say, because the french market, the bazaar, yes, it’s such a very cool source of social information, yes, what, what society says, that’s all, all discussed this young prime minister, because he is 34 years old, yes, i don't know, he is probably the youngest prime minister in europe in general, but in the fifth french republic, that's for sure the youngest prime minister, so everyone says that yes, it's cool that he's young, he 's there... such a sacred pendulum for our conservative politics, but here's the whole story, here's all the pax, here's all the men, it's all something like that, i'm not very comfortable
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, well, the older generation says, they're somehow not used to it, well, you know, but it's nice, as the french say, it only adds charm to the political, you know, there's something else to talk about , than about emmanuel macron and brigitte macron. now we still have it the second parallel. topic, but look, i would simply ask you to return to my question there, i asked 150 of them at once, and what is the role of the prime minister, he is the vice president in fact, that is, he is entrusted by the president, he, what he can do, what he has, what his mandate is, speaking in political terms, i think in order to make it easier for our viewers, yes, everyone knows who the general producer in the cinema is, yes, who he is... executive producer, yes, well , the general producer is the president, the executive producer is the person who takes a notebook, writes down what needs to be done, a letter goes there and goes to do it, that is, if the president
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comes with certain ideas, reforms, promises, then the prime minister must implement it all, therefore it is very important that the prime minister is right by the hand of the president, of course, france has a presidential republic, but that does not mean that, you know, some kind of absolutism, although the french are very... gravitating towards the monarchy, they jokingly say emmanuel the first so gently to emmanuel macron, of course, what is here they say that macron found himself, since macron cannot run for a third term, then it is said that he wants betal to be his successor, to be a candidate for the next presidential election, but i would like to draw your attention to a very important detail that few people pay attention to, the matter of because we have here... there was such a competitor to macron , there was a very, very, you know, threatening, dangerous, well , you know that marine lupin is always present, yes
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the shadow of marine lupin 40%. society supports her, this is a dangerous trend, but she is an old woman, she is disliked, that's why she is fed up with everything, and here she suddenly nominates us her successor, a 28-year-old boy named jordan bardala, handsome, energetic when he speaks, well, don't put a stick in his goal, well, that is, such, you know, such a competitor of macron, and everybody got a little scared because well everyone is talking about this bastard, well... just everywhere this bastard and he says very smart things, i mean people like it, the ratings are going up, marine lepin, macron had this political crisis of his with these reforms , which he barely pushed through the parliament, everyone went into the new year very sad, after the new year oops, and you know, like devils from a snuffbox, gabriel atala comes out, well, that is, it was such a political move, you know,
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our answer to chamberlain, as they say. that is, macron probably came up with such a move with his team to discourage this rise of marine le pen, and i think, you know, in france , they took this rise in the ratings of right-wing parties in europe very seriously here, they were wondering very seriously here, and i think that this is now a modern government, this is what already composed by gabriel atalya, atalya, this is... exactly the answer to the right, to the right, to these extreme, as they are called, to the ultra-right forces, that is, the team is young, by the way, marine lupine, she already joked so badly, said , that it is not enough to appoint a prime minister as young as our bardala, it is important that he be as effective, well, i want to tell you that, of course, comparing the experience of gabriel this atal, well, he is certainly
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more powerful than a person. marine lupin, and therefore, as french journalists say, this one is new the team that came, they should simply crush the far-right french, yes, we just now showed bardal, if they repeat him now, he is standing there in front of the window and he is also a young man, now we will repeat him, we will see him, here he is, yes, he is just such a mess, but when you say 40%. support the national front, as much as it is not without 40, it is a lot, it is very, very, very much, why do the french love these extremists, the extreme right, you know, they don't , they don't like extremists, they don't, they really don't loved macron lately, and it's such a protest, you know, story, and so macron understood, that is, the fact is that there is a problem
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with macron, he... he has a crown on his head, he doesn't listen to anyone, he doesn't listen to advisers , he doesn't listen to senior people who tell him where to fix, he's a very straightforward person, he's very, he's very intellectual, he's very smart, but when he talks to his constituents, they don't understand him, and it seems to them, that he is very superior to them, and therefore they of course they go back to marine lupine, she is very simple, like three trees, yes, that is , she is simpler things, she says, the french like it more, that's why there is such a swing, let's say so, and i think that macron finally understood that if he will not remove this crown and still surround himself with a team, and by the way, this is a very cool lesson for us, for our realities in ukraine, then he will lose everything, and we have european elections in june for the european parliament, and if now the democratic french forces will not do what they have
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to do if france... also becomes far-right, then we will lose, then we will lose europe, and this is a very serious issue, because macron, thank you very much, yes, they say that maybe more, i will say more, i am told here that so you interestingly tell me that i can't interrupt you, so i don't interrupt you, i'm sorry, okay, that's why it's very important that macron still took off the crown, and he, he is good news for ukrainians in that important for minister for us. the ministry of economy, the ministry of the army, the ministry of justice, the former remained there ministers who have already worked for ukraine, yes, let's say, in support of ukraine, now all these new ministers who have come, they support ukraine even more, because they are young, they are very energetic, and a very interesting minister of culture has been appointed , she actually comes from morocco, and she is...


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