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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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within the next year, during the party congress, he will resign and someone must be elected, so he is trying to convince the party itself, to convince the president that these elections should be held, and he believes that he will succeed after all win a victory and go to a well-deserved rest already victorious. but explain to me now, when we come back to this case from the ministry of the interior, the former minister of the interior... affairs, some refer to the decision of the supreme court, others refer to the decision of the constitutional tribunal, and these two the judicial branches made opposite decisions, and it is very difficult to understand whose position is more legitimate, well, because the appointment of the judges of the constitutional tribunal and also the judges of some chambers of the supreme court took place. with the significant political influence
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of the previous government, with the influence of law and justice, and many appointments were sufficiently politicized, and for this poland itself was criticized by the european union, and it even suffered, continues to bear some responsibility and fines for this, but i think , that here it is still necessary, well, to understand the actual decision of the court, which is accepted , which considers this case, the court clearly, here we are talking about the fact that the court clearly determined the guilt of its minister, let's say kaminskyi and wonchyk, when they were leaders back in 2007. year by the leaders, the central bank, this is, well, from
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our counterpart, the state security service, and this guilt was recognized in the court of the second instance, and well , it is not here, and it is no longer subject to appeal, this is a final decision, which is not subject to appeal, and i think that both all political forces must understand this, or there is a court that makes a decision, and its decision is… legal and final, and then there will be the rule of law, or we will then try to transfer these cases to other institutions favorable to us, including those within the framework, within the limits, of the polish judiciary, and then each of them will already have a political color, i think , that then we will not find an understanding, we must strictly adhere to the decisions that were made.
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at the level of the courts, and please tell me, mr. andriy, to what extent these words, which were said by the president of the united states, joseph biden, that this is very good, this is a victory, are in principle coalitions in poland, the emergence of donald tusk's government, how important are they for poles? well, i think that this is, in fact, a confirmation, especially for the ruling coalition and for those poles who voted for it, that the choice ... was the right one, after all, the relationship of the previous government with uh with the american administration at the beginning of the biden administration itself were not very good, only after the explosion of russia's large-scale aggression against ukraine, they improved and became more pragmatic and hardworking, and so they were sufficiently tense and... i
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i think that this outline, that it was a very good change, also showed that in poland, and the united states of america also expects that there will be the rule of law in poland, that poland will be a reliable ally of the european union, well, it will not only be an ally, but it will member and stable and predictable, that it will not take the position of hungary, that it will support... ukraine will be predictable, and in fact, this is all declared by the government of donald tusko, and the fact that he was supported by such a large number of voters, and in as a result such a high turnout in the elections, more than 70%, it confirms that the polish civil society actually showed in which direction poland should go, and therefore it is in the interests of the united states. and tell me, what do you think? how
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will cooperation at the level of the visegrad group look like in the conditions when donald tusk now has to meet with victor urban and robert fico, who... do not hide their political views, i don't know, did you read this last text of the prime minister of slovakia in the newspaper the truth, where he sets absolutely clearly his foreign policy accents and talks about the need for cooperation with russia, and about the fact that ukraine will not be able to win the war, and there is just such an extensive program, which i would say, even viktor orban has never taught, so i would say in detail and worked out . well, i think that relations and cooperation in this visegrad. to the vyšehrad group, the quartet will look weak, if so briefly characterized, because it will be quite difficult to find common ground between tusk, orbán and fizio, but the vyšehrad four had different stages in
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their development, and when they were more united, when they were less united, they were more united, for example, even before the outbreak of a large-scale war in ukraine, when ee moravetskiy was very close with ee orban, they supported all these far-right parties, held even their congresses of the european far-right parties in poland, including, but the outbreak of the war showed how much of a threat such a policy can be ... poland's position has changed. i think that donald tusk is a sufficiently experienced and predictable
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european politician who will actually convince his colleagues in slovakia and hungary to change. position, if he fails, it means that simply this format will not be effective, or will not work, will wait for better times. thank you, mr. andrii. andriy deshchytsia, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to poland in 2014-2022, i was in touch in this program, and now we will move to the middle east with you, today 100 days of the war, well, let's try without a summary of these previous 100 days with historian, political observer vadym polishchuk. congratulations mr. vadim. good evening, so 100 days, how do you assess these difficult weeks and months for israel and for the near east? well, they were really not very difficult for israel, both from an economic and political point of view, and from
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a military point of view, and not all goals were achieved, let's say, because there were, let's say, ukrainian political leaders. expressed two main goals, the destruction of hamas as a structure and liberation hostages, and both goals have been partially achieved, let's say hostages, a certain number have been freed, and 130 people still remain in captivity, and a significant part of the military potential of hamas has been destroyed, but not completely, and only the north of the sector has been taken under control, and the central and southern part of it still mostly remains under the control of hamas and fierce fighting continues there. basically, this is what is happening today with, i would say , such propaganda attacks on israel, these are no longer simply, by the way, propaganda attacks, this is a call by the south african
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republic to the international court of justice, in which the couple accuses israel of genocide, isn't this what hamas himself proposed. how when he carried out this attack, what he wanted to achieve this, well we see that this message of evil that has formed now in the world, it has many fingers, south africa, one of these fingers that fulfills the general purpose, the attack east, west , on countries that can be attributed to the great west, israel. this is, let's say, a point uh, one on which a lot of effort is directed from all sides, this is also from the side of iran, as the main enemy of israel, these are, let's say, such proxies of the same iran, like all of them, this is russia,
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which is involved in this process, and also south africa, this is a country that itself, let's say, uh, well, a model of some kind of democracy and humanism. it is very difficult to name it, due to the fact that people are brutally killed there for, let's say, racial characteristics, just as hamas does it, and this country. expresses any claims against israel, it just doesn't fit, you know, it's just these countries that, well, are very far from all these values, they they use these mechanisms, which were actually created as a measure to protect some common human values, they are simply a weapon against that measure itself and they... are returned and used, well, this is the circus
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that is happening in the gas, well, you just know, those who are looking at this, they are simply in shock, as part of this delegation there is a person who is a palestinian terrorist himself, who is wanted in israel, even in jordan , and she is there with these accusers, and what is there from israel, they are there... well, this is, you know, such and such a thing, but here there is another problem, as far as we can in principle see before us some kind of political solution to this situation, because we know that 100 days of war have passed, well another 100 will pass, what will be at the exit, but no one really knows this, that is, israel has not yet formulated... what we should create at the exit, because different voices are heard even in
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the israeli government, that is, right-wing radicals like benvir and looking on, they see this situation from one side, they are more than that realistically, in my opinion, they are looking at the situation, but taking into account the pressure from the leftist bodies of the west and everyone who supports hamas and... twists any attempts to somehow solve this situation to their side, well, it is difficult to solve it in this way, what is proposed more such left-centered forces that are currently in the government, well , it is following the same path that israel has been on for a long time in recent years and that has proved its senselessness in principle, and we see the consequences of that... such a view that we need to come to an agreement somehow, somehow give them something there, find someone there, maybe
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the least evil in the face of the same fatah, well, israel will not be insured that tomorrow , just as the hamas militants came to kill children and women, the hama fatah militants will not do the same, especially since they themselves admit that these fatah fighters, they participated. the events of october 7, so now those people are being allowed to come to power in gaza and the same thing will simply be repeated, or they will be thrown from the skyscrapers again, as was the case when hamas came to power in gaza, or they will do the same, for the same money of the west and the arab countries, er, who are trying to ensure that these people do not do anything else, to prepare for the next massacre, and... but on the other hand, the question arises, how to restore life in the gas sector in general
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after how will hostilities end? well, even now it is somehow getting better , there has already been a report that a lot of arabs who moved to the south during the active hostilities in the north are returning, and how clear it is that under that terrible israeli. they are patient they feel better than in the south, where hamas militants do not even allow them to use, to use the humanitarian aid that comes from other countries, no one rapes them there, does not kill children, well , bombs do not fly on their heads, why not return, the problem is that hamas activists are also returning with them, who are almost impossible to distinguish from peaceful citizens, and hamas policemen and doctors who were in some way
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connected with hamas have already appeared there, that is, some kind of life there is starting to improve, but how much it is dangerous for israel and for israeli soldiers in those territories, that is the question, and israel therefore at one time gave up that gas, because it was difficult for him to administer this territory with all this hostile population. how far israel can cope with this problem. it is very difficult to say, well, they will try in some way, but on the other hand, you understand that society itself will not go anywhere, society is set up the way it is set up, it is set up in relation to israel. extremely hostile especially, by the way, the society of the gas sector , as far as i understand, now and in the west bank of the jordan river, the situation is not so easy, because people there have lost their jobs, the west bank is also closed, of course, to work in israel, the social situation is deteriorating, relations between the israeli settlers and the residents of the west bank, to put it mildly, tense, how can you count on any
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moderate political forces in the palestinian environment, when the palestinian society itself would like to see on its side... radicals, well you, it's like a chain situation, when moderate political forces appeared even in the palestinian environment, those people were simply killed, or they were simply afraid to express their opinions in any way, the same thing that i mentioned today, even a radical force like fadh, who basically, well, who doesn't know , this is a former terrorist organization that was created by the soviet union, in particular the kgb, and they found themselves in a situation of confrontation in the gas, they were not like that, they were not that radical, so they were simply destroyed, and they came to the authorities the hamasites, who, let's say, well, they didn't go out from some nationalist or even marxist preferences, such as fat, and such
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islamist ones, you know, such radical ones, jihad and all that. and i don't know how a moderate force can appear, and they just won't allow it, or it should be under some kind of international, israeli supervision, to, well, eliminate those radicals who are just everything, you know, like something has grown in the field , more or less ready for some kind of conversation, it is simply destroyed in the chicken coop, or people run away, but there are a lot of people who do not know christian slaves, which ba... there were many at one time in many cities of judea and samaria, they simply flee to the united states, because they are under pressure, and when, once it was solved very, very simply, even in the middle of the 20th century, we will remember the fate of the german judges, and germans
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of modern polish territories, well, somehow this population moved. and the problems were being solved, now it’s even, well, this guy, the same bangvir just mentioned that it would be good somehow, not that i would force the inhabitants of the gas to move to other countries, well, somehow facilitate this, yes there can you give money for the road or something else there, this is the nagba, this is again israel trying to somehow liberate the territories from the arabs, although those arabs at one time fled from those... territories and it is very difficult to say what to do with them there, well, israel tried to build some kind of fences there, you see, well , it is very difficult to hold them back with fences, because they have such weapons there that no fence will get them, to kill them there, well, they killed militants there,
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although, well, they are accepted in the world, you know, somehow you have to come to an agreement with them goldmer said. how can you negotiate with people who came to kill you? well, that's the problem. what is your cat's name? ah, archibald. archibald. congratulations archibalds and thank you, mr. vadim, for participating in this broadcast of ours. vadim polishchuk, historian, political commentator , was in touch with us. we 're going to break for a minute, but stay with us. pain can become an obstacle. on foot with moves, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. with muscle spasms, long-lasting anticonvulsant tablets. dolgit
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evening, mr. vitaly, good evening, viewers, here is an interesting thing about the victory of tsinde in the presidential elections in taiwan , beijing says the election has shown that the president, who will later be inaugurated as the leader of the republic of china in taiwala, does not... enjoy support the majority of the population, because the majority of the population cast their votes for opposition candidates, this is how i understand the taiwanese electoral system, that you just need to get the majority of votes during the elections, it is not so much that he does not enjoy support, because, as they said on the mainland, he does not represent the taiwanese people, yes, that is, it is a little different , this is one time, and secondly, this is a standard chinese formula, describing the results of the elections that are taking place in taiwan, about the same thing , the chinese government said in two according to the results last election, i think it was four years
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ago, yes, when there was a majority, uh, there was a majority, there was a majority in the ruling party, now it's lost, lost mostly for economic reasons, er all exit polls, and all polls show , that the population is dissatisfied with the ruling party, precisely... in terms of the economy, how it dealt with covid, how it is now causing problems related to inflation, unemployment, high housing costs and the like, and this is all the subject and or the reason for the chinese government to say that on in taiwan, the authorities are not coping, and it would be better for taiwan to return under the jurisdiction of china, and china will help, help in quotes, live better, and make it better. what do you say about the results of the parliamentary elections, that the democratic progressive party will not have a majority in the new parliament of taiwan. yes, there is a question here, in general there is a chance that
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some kind of coalition government will be formed there as a result of this new situation, because i understand that leicinde has already said that he wants a dialogue with the opposition, there are three parties, maybe this one the third party that scored eight, the people's party, can you form a coalition with it, is it hardly possible, what would it look like? during the elections, i want to remind you, there were negotiations between the pro-chinese kuomintang party and this people's party, regarding the matter of uniting and together overthrowing its ruling party, moving it from positions of power. nevertheless, the dialogue did not take place and no agreement was reached. and now the question arises whether they will really be able to come to an agreement, but no longer in the mode of cooperation regarding the position of the president, cooperation regarding the work in the parliament, and
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now this under-the-carpet struggle is about to begin , which after some time will give a certain result, how it will turn out is very difficult for us, distant external observers, to say, and what are the powers of the taiwanese president in general from the point of view of his relations with the parliament, conventionally speaking , this is... like in france or like in poland, well, conventionally speaking, you understand which model, the model is closer to the presidential form than to the parliamentary form, yes, therefore, control over the parliament is desirable, but it is not, well, here it is the legacy of general mesachenkaisha, as far as i understand, just yesterday was the 36th anniversary of his death. it can be said that taiwan has advanced far enough along the path of democracy that there is even a situation where the elected president does not control the legislature . yes, all the more it should be emphasized that here is
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the newly elected presidential candidate, he takes the position of negotiating, not conflicting and not escalating the confrontation, does not underestimate the results of the elections, yes, and this indicates a high level. development of political culture, as from those who won, as well as from the side of those who were defeated. and tell me, please, taiwan was obviously a territory where the chinese supported the kuomintang candidate, the current mayor, taipei, the new taipei, i'm sorry, houyi, but it could be assumed that this is such a pro-china candidate, but along with that, mr.. . denied the previous president of taiwan from the kuomintang mao ying-jeou that he was a participant in the last election rally of that party, because he is just perceived, a person with
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anti-beijing sentiments, says that taiwan will never win china, and then hoyu said that, well, then this person has nothing to do at our rallies, as far as can be considered at all, that in china and in taiwan there are so obviously about chinese politicians now among the active, among the active leaders, it is clear that you can say anything when you are retired, but when you are a working politician. look, i was talking, just asking acquaintances about this situation. and in the kuomintang itself there are certain nuances, there are, so to speak, two wings, one conservative, represented by older members, represented, which is led by this former president, and there is a new young wing, which is more progressive, more oriented to modern demands, more oriented to the younger generation, and has a different vision, and the conservative wing usually advocates closer
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relations with... the chinese , let's go with the mainland, yes, but this is a young, more progressive wing, it is oriented towards preserving the status quo and preserving the freedom of its foreign policy dialogue with other countries, that is, precisely because of this reason, as i understood, this dialogue did not take place and the negotiations with the third force from the people's party broke down, please tell me, mr. dmitry, but what will happen between taiwan and china now, to what extent can it be considered that the victory of the leader of the democratic progressive party just increases the possibilities of force confrontation? i do not think that the possibility of a forceful confrontation is increasing, i still think that all the participants in this triangle, and china, and taiwan, and the united states, are interested in preserving the status quo, moreover, certain informal
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rules work between them, they . know that certain tough, provocative actions of any of the participants violate this balance and lead to the fact that the system may collapse, which is contrary to the interests of each of these participants, so they will make every effort not to violate such a balance, especially from external radical factors that could change this have not yet been observed. and tell me, when the american delegation led by mrs. nancy pelosi visited taiwan, was it a violation of the rules or not? it was a departure from such rules, yes, but er, between the parties after all, there are such informal channels, such backdoors, yes, and especially they are strong between taiwan and mainland china, there is a dialogue between at the business level, at the level of these retired
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politicians, maybe... maybe at some other levels , which we can't see visually or through the media, yes, but it's an element of their culture, the culture of informal communication and not escalating the situation to an open conflict through these back-up and hidden channels, you mean maybe some taiwanese politicians own a business in china, chinese structures own a business in taiwan? i mean. that there are ways to broadcast messages from taipei to beijing and back, and they are well established, and most often such messages are transmitted through business representatives or former elites, well elites, after the last, but yes, after the last congress of the chinese communist party, many chinese observers said that the ccp's military council
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was created as a military one. on taiwan that most of the generals who joined this war council people who are specialists in military operations in the taiwan strait, and they explained the possibility of a confrontation with this, said that svidzilpin would need something to justify his stay in the third term as general secretary of the central committee of the party of the president of the prc, and that the reunification with taiwan could be such an excuse, well, according to my observations, sydney ping had personnel problems. politics, i.e. those people whom he appointed to military posts, he did not acquit his expectations, because they did not cope with the tasks he set before them, and this led to the fact that in the fall purges took place in the highest echelons of power, the minister of defense and the head of the missile forces were changed, this is also possibly indirectly related to uh, the leak of information as...


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