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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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yes, because for these three years, the ukrainian cultural fund disappeared, due to the fact that most of these elected people, they are very little public, well, only mr. kyryushchenko, a well-known star, and therefore actually, in my opinion, there is nothing in this bad, but for obvious reasons , there is no such rule in the legislation that the first lady should still be in the supervisory board, because it is... probably her personal decision and the president's decision, maybe, but i don't see any risks in this, maybe and regarding, and regarding this, my actual question also concerned marina poroshenko, but also that in the legislation these two candidates from the office of the president, it was established during the presidency of petro poroshenko, and not during the presidency of volodymyr zelenskyi, yes, that is, what, as you see , is the expediency of such a thing, is it worth it? in the new
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law, well, but again, maryna poroshenko was not elected from poroshenko's office, since she was the head of the supervisory board, she was actually elected by eight other members of the supervisory board, the ninth member and actually the head of the supervisory board and the head of the ukrainian cultural fund, because these positions are the role of the association. i understand your point correctly that the problem is not that there are people from the ministry. of culture, yes, or from the office of the president, yes, apart from cultural institutions and public organizations, what is the main problem, the main one that you see is these fake public organizations that can be created, pocket-sized, and which then vote in favor of the right people, let's , who, who, own, yes, and, i will certainly express my opinion that, it seems to me, the triad is healthier than
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those subjects who should form the supervisory council is such that it is the ministry of culture in the case of the ukrainian cultural center, it is cultural institutions or cultural institutions, and it is the public, that is how the selections, competitive selections for the heads of all other cultural institutions and institutions, state and municipal in ukraine, work according to this principle, in fact, it is also one of our post-maidan reforms in the field of culture, in order to conditionally re... represent the interests of these three groups of subjects, in the case of ukf, i would like to see greater representation of the public. it seems to me that it should be in the supervisory board the majority of voices and people who will precisely represent the independent public sector, then it will be a healthier story, yes, but it is possible to create a mass, but, but at the same time the procedure itself must be improved, yes, that is, there cannot be 40 organizations of registered in order to vote in the ukf elections, right? these should be organizations
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with some reputation, perhaps the ukf should accredit them before this vote, and they may simply be those organizations that directly participated in competitive procedures in the cf, that won, that were successful defended their projects, and yes, that ’s it, that’s already the public formed by the ukrainian cultural fund, and this is essentially a retribution to the ukrainian cultural fund, because it is these organizations that should shape... the future, among others, i will also add, among other proposals regarding the reform of the selection process , which are proposed, in particular by the cultural community, this is the prevention of the organization from voting and from nominating candidates, which, for example, were founded less than two years ago, and which, for example, organized less than a year ago a certain number of cultural events or projects, that is, they are inactive or not very active in the field, as well as organizations that, for example, had... e experience, previous
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experience of breaking agreements, grant agreements with ukf due to non-fulfillment of obligations to the fund, and other a number of safeguards that would allow, and actually also the assessment of organizations that are obviously connected with each other or connected with persons who are candidates for membership, and well, that is, the conflict of interests must necessarily be mentioned in the law, that is, not it may be that the person with whom is the founder these organizations. basically starts all his organizations, even if they were candidates for the ukf, yes, it doesn’t matter, maybe, well, that is , they participated in some projects of the ukf before, it should still be a conflict of interest, i have the impression that here very good, decent people have gathered in the studio, and they live and talk about some ideal world, for example, i read while preparing for the program for the conversation, i read that more than two years ago, a coalition of... culture teachers
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developed these proposals for changes to legislation, and some of them could be implemented at the level of the ministry of culture itself, is not necessary. to re-vote in the parliament, and it has not been done yet, so what is the efficiency ratio of the fact that you and i are having good conversations now, as it should be, yes, we simply see that, again, in the political culture of ukraine, it happens differently , in my opinion, these conversations are extremely important, because i was at the same election to the artistic arsenal, in which kulinyak almost won, and i was the only representative the media in the audience at that moment, and it seems to me that insufficient attention, it also leads to the fact that various suslensky get out of their holes and begin to take over independent institutions, i will now
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show, so to speak, the brutality of the methods, i will show now the post of the chairman of the board of public broadcasting mykola chornotytskyi, who six months ago... and declared that the public was offered to release jeans against the possible head of the ministry of culture yulia fediv, then they were going oh, no, no, after the ministry of culture, because just then there were talks that yuliya fediv could head the ministry of culture, and here is the message, you can see it, that my colleagues from the social, social, vlada tsurkan, which is called. herself as a representative of one of the employees of the ukrainian cultural fund of the present, yes, offers a material reward for black pr against yulia fediv, this proposal is underlined in red, and these are actually the methods by which
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, as i understand it, people who do not want to update ukf, again, let's... then we will talk about the most the most positive scenario is in this current situation, when half of public organizations, let's say, and as they say in izia, belong to one of the members of the supervisory board, uh, what could the composition of the supervisory board be in the most positive version, the most optimistically, what can be done, bohdan , well, in the most optimistic way, it is now... uh, the ministry of culture and the president are going to an open, open dialogue with cultural agents, i think a few hours are enough to decide on the worthy ones candidates, to discuss them and plan
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the activities of the future supervisory board, and well , it could even be all eight people from it, well, that is, in... cultural institutions and public organizations, and suslansky has less than half of them, so we still have a chance for the victory of public organizations, so as for me, we can hope for a majority, if there is a minority, it will be difficult, my lord, what is your most optimistic, what? what will be a victory for you? victory will be a democratic majority in the supervisory board, as we are now talking among ourselves, that is, these are people who share, firstly, common values, and secondly, a vision of how the supervisory board can help ukf get out of the hole in which it is, unfortunately, now. if this
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majority becomes a minority, then at least we like-minded people who make up this minority can talk to each other about how we can communicate, at least talk about what is happening in this supervisory board, eh, if there are questionable decisions made by it or violation of procedure, then at least this democratic minority will be able to talk about it publicly to speak, attract the attention of the public and once again mobilize the same public sector, which i believe should be the main stakeholder in this process. i understand correctly that these funds allocated for this year are... more than last year, but they are less than before the war, yes, before the full-scale war, i understand correctly that these 215 million uah they will not be enough and it will be necessary to attract funds
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from international donors, this is a logical assumption, it does not seem very realistic to me several reasons. the first is the exhaustion of the same international donors during two years of full-scale war, i am also speaking from my own experience, the experience of the ukrainian institute, and now... donors are refocusing on infrastructure projects or on direct support, for example, of regions affected by hostilities actions or occupation, it is such a hard, hard investment in ukraine, it seems to me that less and less donors and various international grantors are ready to invest specifically in the sphere of culture, here the situation can partly be solved by the activity of the of the ministry of culture, which, in cooperation with the ministries and... of other countries, can talk about a certain mobilization of funds and resources that would be directed to the ukf, but
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for this you need trust in the ukf, and the face of this institution will one way or another be nadyadova the board, no international donor or even a ministry or private foundation will give funds to an institution whose face is compromised, well here i can only add that ukf had joint programs with international donors before... before the current supervisory board, uh, now they are not there, but now, sorry, this amount that the ukf should attract from these international donors should be more than the funds that the state is currently allocating to the ukf this year, so that this activity makes sense, because the needs of the sector and spheres of culture, both state and independent, several times, it seems to me, exceed the amount currently allocated to the okf budget. the last question will be for those people whom we have not convinced that the topic
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of culture is important even in wartime, here i call this sum 215 more millions, and i i think that obviously there will be people who will say that it is not necessary now, it is not necessary now, how much better to make drones, it is better to give it to the army, to the army and so on, as you answer, why is culture important in times of war? my last question will be. this is a question that we, for example, in the ukrainian team, probably ask ourselves every day, yes. because we are also collecting for our institutional activities, for spreading ukrainian narratives in the world, and how, now, to talk about it, well, it is quite difficult to talk. but we have to understand that drones save our lives in the short and long term. narratives in well, we have every chance to lose it, if we are not long-term, and since this is a narrative war,
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we will form our own culture here, our own narratives and not spread them, we will not spread them to the world. volady, i would like to quote pavel makov, a ukrainian artist who recently published an interview a few days ago, an interview with him came out, in which he says that if we did not start this work... so from the communication of cultural ukraine significantly in the world earlier, then perhaps this war would not have happened, he puts forward such a hypothesis, since the europeans would not have defended ukraine then, but would have defended their own, that is, they would have accepted ukraine as a part, definitely a part of the european space, and this defensive defensive war of ukraine by them would be perceived not as someone else's war, but as a war for the protection of one's own, and this one. eh, this is probably a somewhat utopian thesis, but it still resonates with me, because
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without the subjectivity of cultural education, we will not win this war, i believe, without this culture was created internally, we will have nothing to demonstrate or communicate abroad, and that is why these post-maidan institutions, in particular the ukrainian communist party, are so important. and by the way, i strongly advise you to read the interview with... pavlo makov , which volodymyr sheyko talks about, it has such a very piercing title that if there is no ukraine, then what is all this for me, that 's what this article is called. and volodymyr sheyko, director of the ukrainian institute bohdan legvynenko, founder of the ukrainer project, were our guests, we talked about the fate of the ukrainian cultural fund, we hope that this institution will stand, especially with our... with you joint efforts, thank you for being with us, thank you for watching the espresso channel,
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see you next week, thank you. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipbuilding district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at what time. greetings to all, this is a football format, the beginning of the year is always talk about transfers, who will go where, who left, what transfers are expected, and today we will do this, we will talk, oleksandr vashchuk, andriy melinovsky and honored
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coach of ukraine vyacheslav viktorovych grosliy, vyaslav viktorovycha, good day, my congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. andrii, hello, how do you feel, which transfer are you most looking forward to at the beginning of the year? good afternoon, today we have a top expert, we would like to hear more from vyacheslav viktorovych, who he, with his intuition, with his experience, is waiting for the exit from the ukrainian championship to the top tournament. we will definitely talk about it all, huh i want to start with the fact that, unfortunately, the year, well, we are having bad years in ukraine, in ukrainian football too, because viktor took the life of bohdan shershun. you and bohdan knew each other, even more so, your countryman, tell us about this guy. yes, indeed , i did not think that we would start with this topic, yes , of course, it is quite difficult, my congratulations to oleksandr, to you, to andrei, my congratulations to all the viewers of your channel, your tv show, we will
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talk about everything in a purely professional manner, for me , as well as for probably everyone, people, football people, everyone who knew bohdan , this information was, well, not that unexpected , just shocking, so i still can't even tell you anything, i don't even believe it, it seems to me that it's not entirely true, but unfortunately, so in life happens, bohdan and i are in dnipropetrovsk dnipro, he was a young player, we already crossed paths, he trained with me very much... conscientious, with great resources, and the next time he and i were together in kyiv arsenal, i am grateful to him, i can only say good things about him, i think he didn't leave, he hears these words are certain, i think, let's say that
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we all sympathize without a doubt, let's say so, because a young and... talented guy left his family and friends so early, he was familiar to everyone, i also met him on television broadcasts of football in various formats , all the time they spoke for football, he is quite capable, it seems to me that he was a promising coach, well , unfortunately, it is difficult to discuss such a topic oleksandr, i can only sympathize, like everyone else, we join in... sympathies, and here is bohdan , maybe a little did not realize himself exactly in to the national team of ukraine, because the club career is good, at the youth level there was the european champion, then the uefa cup, but four matches for the national team, maybe he didn't play in those clubs? in my opinion, the point is that there have always been defenders of a very high level in ukrainian football in all years, ukrainians
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are always famous for the fact that we are disciplined. we are smart enough, we make decisions quickly , we win duels, and in principle there was always a large selection of players in these positions, and the players played in kyiv dynamo, there in the first turn in shakhtar donetsk, it was difficult to break through, this is a normal situation, in any case, it turned out the way it is, there is something to be done, i also thought that he could have played more, but it determines. only the head coach of the national team, he invites, gives an opportunity, if your competitors play sufficiently stable and it gives results, you will not particularly make any changes, i say this from the coach's position. yacheslav viktorovych, from the current defenders, well, just an extravaganza from zabarny, who plays in the season without substitutions, mykolenko plays excellently,
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can we expect some promotion from these guys, or is it possible, would you say some other candidate? oleksandr, if you... look, in my opinion, you still have two years in the football format, we talked with andrii and you and said that this guy and the euros, i also, let's say so, in different formats commented and analyzed and said this the boy has a great future that i am ready to call pep so that he will pick it up , everyone took it as a joke, i said it seriously , why is it one of the few. defenders, which reads the situation before it becomes, he scans it and he plays cleanly and he doesn't falter in the box, he's a very smart boy, for me... no wonder, he'll definitely be at a big club, he's now should have been in tottenham, as far as i know, i don't know the nuances, you see, i'm a coach, i'm not an agent,
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not a manager, i think why they preferred a romanian player, well , it's hard for me to say, i think it is connected, maybe, maybe with the fact that the player management worked better in advance, or maybe we can say... it is the option of an even bigger team than tottenham , maybe real madrid now has problems with defenders and injuries, the truth is, this, this, this should be attributed to very serious injuries, well, since barcelona defends, well, i think that xavi himself does not like it and to all supporters, i have been a fan for a long time and always support barcelona, ​​but we must be proper, today, by the way, is the final of the super cup, we know, we will all be watching. well, although i have, let's say, been a fan of barcelona for many years, i prefer real madrid, real madrid is more solid today, for sure
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the strongest club in europe today, in my opinion, ancelotti created such a club, if we talk about players, well, of course, it is forbidden to go for promotion, definitely, give mykolenko, if there is an opportunity, but he must play, so let me try to say my own vision, for transfers, you know, in our country it is quite easy to talk, that's why the player needs to go there, and that's why the players go there, in my opinion, it is necessary to analyze very much, tsygankov's arrival in gerona, this is a 100% analysis of the management of girona and the understanding of the management of dynamo kyiv, what the player will play and progress, the game system is real. the coach corresponded to tsygankov's capabilities, his growth, his comfort , creativity, not only that, let's speak
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objectively, city group, city group is, we know, pepe guardiola's brother, pere guardiola, they collect very talented players, or in rent or buy, it was not by chance that they took gypsy, they followed a large group of players. and look how the gypsy and the cattle in the field played at once, in fact at once, here, then we will return to girona, you will remind me, oleksandr and andriy, but i can give you an example of who specifically prepares players to move to any club, borussia dortmund, let's analyze with you, gundogan in manchester city , yes , he became the leader of the team there and... and he moved to barcelona, ​​and he is amazing there, but it is more difficult for him, why, because there are many young players, talented, lamassia, and they
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come to a common denominator, it takes a little time. next, come on, jute burlingham, who moved to real madrid, and is now one of the best players in the world, where did he transfer from? from borussia dortmund, he wanted to go to real madrid, he had an invitation from pep guardiola, from others, from barcelona, ​​he wanted to go specifically there, let's see, and holland did not go directly from borussia dortmund, yes like gundogan, by the way, and not only him, there are also a number of players of a rather serious level from borussia dortmund, borussia dortmund is very good, let's say, cooperates with the top clubs of europe, including look practically who they don't let out, everyone practically plays, everyone practically plays in the main squads, look at the bug, well, the bug knows the german market well,
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here, but i borussia dortmund is not by chance, listen, take that and imagine, ancelotti, the management of real , take jude bellingham to the position, you have kross modric and a group of other players, well, everyone said, where will he play, and ancelotti... and the management saw where, not because anyone has any kind of world, no, not in any case, ilkay gundogan is 33 years old, he is better barcelona manager, well with all due respect to everyone else, everyone is talented, and petry, and everyone, everyone, everyone, here's gavi, but what gundogan sees, few people see, a big credit to man city is kevin de bruyne, gundogan , on which it all rested, gundogan's departure and injury. you see how much effort they played against newcastle yesterday, the young side scored the decisive goal, i for one thought it was
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jack grealish. it works, it works bop, why? and because pep guardiola trains every day, he sees. now let's return to girona. i think, that it is no coincidence that pyhalonka is spoken of from the dnipro. why? they need a player who gives the last pass, they have a lot of players, midfielders of a constructive plan, but the connection between pyhalonok, dovbek, and the management works, it worked brilliantly in dnipro. and from... good, they don't look for good, a player can give a pass, serve at least a forward , at least a forward, at least any player, and having such flankers as tsiga tsygankov, the brazilians, i'm not speaking for one, not all , i will not be mistaken, i say, but there is a whole group of players, which are quite fast and technical, so for pyhalonka the transfer to girona is positive , i think this is my personal vision, because... what
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is the name of this transfer, of course, money and transfers like silence, oleksandr and andrii, they really like silence , everything that the clubs do, everything that the management does, is visible only when the signing of the contract is directly underway, but we can analyze with you for this, this transfer, this football format, we speak for football, i think pihalonka is perfect option there to switch, you ask, but does it make sense to switch from one dog to another? there are really many offers for him here, yes andriy oleksandr , it is really true, and inter, and who only and chelsea and many others, as comfortable as he is playing already, he will not be in any team, they will not serve him like that, that's how he will score, of course, but look how difficult it is for lukaku in roma, he's a great player, he's the main attacker of the belgian national team, and there are
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great players nearby, but it's not that simple. the system of the game is sharpened in gerona such that you have to serve the central striker and the central striker is given the opportunity to realize himself, not every team can do it, no, look how difficult it is for lewandowski in barcelona after bayern and how easy it is for kane, kane transferred to his actual team, harry kane and stokenham transferred to his team, why and practically pressing, high. head play, a lot of wing passes, forward play, basically what he played in the english premier league in tottenham, that's what he has in bayern, so he's comfortable, lewandowski is a great player, robert lewon, a smart player, but barça have a completely different philosophy of the game, they are very smart, they open up, they play , they need, if it's right, a more reliable barça defense, because ... every, every attack
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on their goal is a problem, and the players of the attacking group have to come back, and a great team should not allow this, real madrid returns the ball much earlier, and the same tottenham, look at how tottenham is playing vertically now with a bone glu, everyone thought that when kane leaves tottenham, there will be practically nothing in tottenham. on kena sonimalas the whole attack, no, it's not true, we see that... the team is playing brilliantly, he, he's very cool , this coach has worked everywhere, that's in celtic, and in japan, where he just didn't work, he's well done, he has vertical football , by the way, like leipzig, now in modern football , no matter who says it, it is not the control of the ball that is the basis, the basis is the quick delivery of the ball to the strike zones and the implementation of almost balanced implementation of what you create, i can for a whole hour talk, but i'm taking up more of
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your time. you can't say anything, we can to say, viktorovych, you just mentioned leitzig, borussia, but they, let's say, don't educate players, they take them somewhere on the rise and bring them to good conditions, which is why, for example, dynamo kyiv does not do the same, it only he mostly sells his own pupils, but we have such statistics, there are the most profitable academies in the world, and there is no berussia, there is no leipzig, but he traditionally oversees benfica, then ajax, lyon, real madrid, chelsea, for example, the ukrainian team. o.t. shakhtar in 43rd place with 130 million in 10-year income, dynamo kyiv 82 million in the 70th place, simply if you divide these 130 million miners by 10 years, it is 13 million per year, this is how to support your pants, but not in profit, so only on your own pets, well, you won't get far. oleksandr, yes, i am familiar with these statistics, i analyzed them, there are a number of nuances, but on...


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