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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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in principle, they will finally destroy the opportunities for the development of their own economy, so what , they seem to have created all the ideal conditions, they do not let the chinese into hong kong, you know, a chinese, of course, from the people's republic of china must obtain a visa to come to hong kong, for on the contrary, they let foreigners into hong kong without visas, but at the same time they destroy everything that makes hong kong a free city, so to speak, and the taiwanese look at this hong kong and think, well, we'll make a deal. according to this principle, one country, two systems, they will save us our government, but for how many years they will be allowed here, we will not be able to stop them then, we will not have an army that hong kong does not have, we will not have special services that hong kong does not have, we will simply have the guarantees of great britain, oh , by the way, that's okay, yes, a good illustration, don't you believe in them, that's how i see it, and even more so, they probably wouldn't want ukraine to sign something similar with the united states. it's better if something
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is more concrete, no, no, i would say, i didn't say that, i didn't say that i don't believe, i would say that it's not something that will allow make sure, uh, it's, you know, it's better than nothing, 100%, and don't forget that in these days , what's it called, how do you say the word sometimes that i sometimes forget, it's not a guarantee, it's an assurance, assurance, yes, assurance, they envisage that we should have an army of such a level as to enable us to assist great britain in the event of an attack on her. we must always remember, by the way , to tell our people that all the time when we are in favor of signing these assurances, they will be bilateral, so that the ukrainians will to die in the red sea and in the taiwan gulf, in the future, if we formalize all this, listen, well, we will join nato with exactly the same ones, this does not mean that we should not join, no, but simply that people need it to know, one must realize that our
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victims, say, from the war in the taiwan strait, if it is there in 10 years, may be greater than on the russian-ukrainian front, you just need to know, this is the price, maybe we will be lucky, maybe not, or maybe so , this is a reality, because it will be a war with china, and a war with china, this is not a war with russia, there are a billion people, this is not some unfortunate 140 million for you , they will not speak there, you know, of course there are several times more, but we can take quality, no, no, no, this it's a completely different story, you just have to remember this, about the next page of our history, that here we have russia will not attack us, but there will be a war there, it may be so, and these documents basically create a platform for we took part in this, it is also true, because in order not to be told later, you were not warned, this it doesn't mean that you don't have to, you have to join, but you have to remember that it's a mutual obligation, everything i said, everything i said, that it's not only us who will be protected, but our soldiers will participate in other wars, this does not mean, oh, that's it, we did not leave this war to our children, more our... children will not die, they will,
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because we, for the sake of ours, so that we do not die today, enter into a defense alliance that allows our children and grandchildren to die tomorrow on other fronts, that's all, that's how civilization was created, collective security, that's why it's called collective, in general , because everyone reports, we're not switzerland, switzerland says, we don't want to leave anywhere, we 're going to die, we're a neutral country, sorry, ugh, we'll help you, the red cross, the olympic committee, you can place everything we only have... they don't talk about it, they don't touch us, they don't conquer us, that's all, well, that's all, well, let this be the switzerland of ukraine, it's not switzerland anymore, we're all in this game, we can't play it, that's all missed an opportunity, mr. vitaly, and you already mentioned the red one the sea, and indeed the situation here has been very difficult for some time due to the fact that the yemeni houthis actually blocked and attacked civilian shipping, it is difficult even to calculate now, this is probably a conversation... with economists should be more
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specific, about what part of the world economy in general depends on the stability of the situation in the red sea. i know for a fact that you believe that instability there can shake the world much more than even russia's war against ukraine. well, in the soyetska channel, the channel is already half full trade decreased, so what to say? if we take into account that the actual attack on the yemeni houthis in order to... ease the situation in the red sea, in particular, took place simultaneously with, probably, even the presence of rishi sunak in the carriage of the ukrzaliznytsia train on his way to kyiv, where he was signing some security assurances for us, and for ourselves in the future, could this speak of a special determination of great britain, which may be followed by other countries, the united states now will sort things out, find some internal political compromise. regarding
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the migration policy there, something else, and they will vote what we need, and not only us, germany will be reborn and give taurus, just like they give us drones, storm shadow. and scalps, great britain and france itself. is it possible to assume that this locomotive has finally moved, maybe more actively than it was before, if britain is this locomotive? well, britain is definitely like that, a real push for other countries to do more already active actions. but it didn't happen like that today, britain is like this all the time. yes, this is her historical role, since the second world war, when britain is wrong for once. in 1938 during the munich agreements, we are still atoning for this mistake of prime minister chamberlain, until now, everything we live in, what we live in, is the world created by munich, then britain tried to justify and correct this mistake , and she still
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does it, but you understand what the matter is, the number of conflicts is just increasing, it is dangerous, look, we already have two steel day, i've already stopped counting, to be honest, but we have another calendar, i think today is the 98th day of the war in the middle east, true, as far as i remember, well less than that, in the middle east it happens much longer than, in general, it would be possible to calculate, yes, well, so now it's war. about 99 , tomorrow is 100 days, so uh, now , so what is happening with the houthis is what the state springboard calls metastases, uh, it's true, this conflict in the middle
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east, let's see what will be around taiwan, as far as the west has enough resources to put out the entire fire, understand? in such a number, when we understand that in the west they began to talk with the tactics of small cuts , here, here, here, and by the way, not so small, i apologize, because if it was a war in a country that was there at four five times smaller than ukraine, ugh, it could be a small cut, but it is not small, this 20% of the territory of ukraine, which is occupied by russia, how many european countries could be located on this territory? do you understand? here we are talking about the baltic states that russia could attack the baltic states if they were not in nato. and the territory of klienbartsia seems to me to be less than the territory of 20% of ukraine occupied by russia.
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and this is also an important point. so, in this regard, of course, the west is trying to resist, but under conditions. oral cycle, both president biden and prime minister sunok will defend their power this year, and everything is almost clear with prime minister sunok, his political career is ending, i generally think that it can be the last ones years of existence of the conservative party. listen, they bet everything on brexit to knock the table out of the chairs, the chair out of the floor. british populists from the uk independence party, and in principle they did everything correctly, the only thing they did not understand is that the moment the british population says that it does not like brexit, which has now happened, because the vast majority of people believe that brexit disappointed them, they will blame it not on the
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independence party, which no one remembers anymore, on this nigel farage, this whole company freaks, and conservatives who deceived them. and the fact that sunok invited to his government the last prime minister of great britain from the time when great britain was considered an integral part of the european union, david cameron, it says a lot that we understand that david cameron made a fatal mistake in history of his country, fatal. well, now it will be a serious change of political elites, and i generally admit that in the future, in... the parliament of great britain, not in the one that will be elected now, but maybe in the next one, there will be the struggle of labor with liberals, with social democrats, and not labor with conservatives, it can also be like that, everything has to be paid for, any deception of the nation has to be paid for existence, and president biden also has a very serious problem, we
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can see it, because president trump does not lose the affection of his people. sympathizers in the republican party, it seemed that everything was already clear, a million judges, a million objections, a million remarks, storming of the capitol, nothing changes. where is that vaunted, excuse me, reputation institute we're talking about a person with so many suspicions, judges, with such a reputation and still has a huge support, see, in the years of new information technologies there can be no institute of reputation, because people have so much information that they manage to forget everything that happened the day before yesterday , in 48 hours, we always said that there is no such thing in ukrainian conditions. then reputations, here are our colleagues, they know what journalism looked like, a person worked there as a journalist
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for 5-6 years, and then they fled somewhere and a new person appeared, and the politicians did not change, simply moved from party to party, and a person would approach someone in an embroidered jacket with a patriotic gleam in his eyes, not even knowing that this person, who a few years ago was the secretary of the party's regional committee in the same region where they were located, and spoke at rallies with criticism of nationalism, yes, they did not even imagine that such a thing was possible? how do you feel about komunyak , the first former first secretary of the party's general committee and the former head of the komsomol in this region said with hatred, well, that's right, well, it seemed to be the norm for us, but it's now in the west it was completely calm and trump really doesn't think about his reputation . do you remember that famous phrase of trump's that he said that i can go out on broadway and kill people? and nothing will happen to me, they will forget about it the next day, well, there you
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have the answer to the question, and everything that people think, what accuses trump, is the result of a rebellion about him, against him by the elites, who cannot allow such a fine man, the liberator of america, a man who did such important things in the economy, in such another, to presidential election, if trump is removed from the presidential election, i assure you that the vast majority of the people who voted for him will feel that they just couldn't... vote for trump, they will never believe that it was the right thing to do , no never, ugh, it will be considered a usurpation of power, even if the republican candidate wins the election, maybe if the republican wins, it will somehow save the situation, but in principle the situation is very bad, it will not get better, let's say a few words about poland, because actually the events are interestingly unfolding there as well, as of late donald tusk is going to visit ukraine and... he promises that he will not allow a political career in his country to be somehow built on the thesis against
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ukraine, as well as the thesis of parasitism of russia's war against ukraine . at the same time, our president volodymyr zelenskyi visited the baltic countries a few days ago, on the way back, he actually met at the airport, if i'm not mistaken, with the president of poland andrzej duda, well... some are already joking a little, probably exactly at this moment they took advantage in fact, the situation and actually arrested mariusz kament and met with svitlana tykhanovskaya at the time they were arrested, it is known that this was the case, he met in belvader with svitlana tykhanovskaya, it is true, but less so, politics of law and justice, of course, mariusz kaminsky and maciej wonsik. now a large number of people go to protest actions, in fact
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support actions for these ex-officials, ex-government officials, they are of course led by the heads of law and justice, kaczyński, moravetskii, blaszczak, do you want to talk about the institute of reputation, people, and about him too, lord, forgive me, well, people were sentenced to prison for actually aiding and abetting, exceeding official authority. it is so nominally called by them, well, you know that as a result of this story the vice prime minister of poland andrzej lepper died, he committed suicide because he believed that he was unfairly accused. well, i'm not a big fan of mr. lepard, but the story itself, it looks to say the least, deserves an investigation. so, but the question is not even whether they are involved are they involved or not, the question is that the president of poland, andrzej duda, issued an illegal decree on pardoning people who were not... convicted, that's the whole story, if he had waited for the verdict, nothing at all
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happened, uh, he didn't wait the verdict , why this was done is not clear, it is clear that just then the party of law and justice had all the power, the president, the government, the parliament, and they believed that they could do whatever they wanted, ugh, and unfortunately, and the president also thought so, now, by the way, he says that he can do them in order not to admit that he committed an invalid act, because he is always right, we know, remember, he compared ukraine to a drowning man, this is a person who is not able to admit his mistakes, this also a huge problem. the second point, the third point, which is also very serious: the law and justice party created a legal chaos, that's what it
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was criticized for in the european commission, and we couldn't find out why? they did, well, what did they do, they created a parallelism of judges' functions, and now the supreme court has its own view, it overturned the suspension of the investigation, and the constitutional tribunal, which in turn is part of the supreme court, confirmed the validity of the suspension of the investigation, one branch of government refers to the decision of the supreme court, the other branch of government refers to the decision of the constitutional tribunal, as such could it even be? that is, they specifically created a situation where you can refer to the decisions of judges, which are controlled by you. in principle, this is called a captured country. do you remember that in the days when i was in moldova oligarch plakhatniuk. ugh. he just convened the sessions of the constitutional court there, they convened and canceled everything, presidential elections, parliamentary elections, whatever,
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it just doesn't exist, and it doesn't exist, and it doesn't exist. and as a result, when the scoundrel fled from kishenev, the entire constitutional... court resigned, because they perfectly understood that they were not judges at all. well, it's happening in a country like moldova, which is just building democratic institutions, but how could it happen in poland? i will say that it is the eyes the years of the rule of the party of law and justice, the years of the presidency of andrzej dula - it's just a shame, frankly, for a democratic european country, what can i say? that's all, but of course, we can say that there is an acute political crisis in poland, and the hope that the victory of the opposition in the... elections will stop this crisis, they do not make excuses, it will intensify this crisis, because the party of the right and justice is not going to lay down its arms so easily, because the alternative for its leaders is persecution, uh, responsibility of a legal nature, first of all, they need to mobilize public opinion, so they take advantage of every opportunity, secondly,
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they need to prepare for local elections, for elections to the european parliament, because if they... improve their results there, they will say: so, so, 2024 will be the year of local and european parliament elections, and 2025 will be the presidential elections, there will be no peace, there will be constant fighting, and the opponents, as you can see, are donald tusk, they are also not going to them, so to speak to find some real common language, because they believe that these people have completely monopolized the state, that all this cannot be changed, then at any moment the power can simply be lost at the level of the parliament and the government, well, what does it mean, why was such a hard line in relation to public broadcasting, because public broadcasting has turned into a mouthpiece of the ruling
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party, and this, i apologize, is not soviet public broadcasting, when, you know, public television, once... today we say glory to the cpsu, and tomorrow we say , long live democratic russia, or oh, have we always been for the independence of ukraine? i remember all this from my own experience, you know, in 1991, when people who wrote a few months before denounced me that i was walking around the kremlin with a blue and yellow badge, until in august of 1991 met and did not want to greet me, but they were already there. with badges and said: you work in moscow, we don't want to talk to you, and this, and i knew for sure that these were the people who demanded that i be fired from my job there for my nationalist beliefs, but everything was fine already, they all sat down, the whole studio was already in blue and yellow, everything was fine, well , these are the kind of people, and the people who work at public broadcasting, worked at public broadcasting in poland, they are not like that, they are just
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ideological supporters of the law and justice, and even after the victory of the opposition... they would absolutely calmly continue to implement party narratives, because this is their ideology, not accommodation in the literal sense of the word, they are simply convinced conservatives, and they believe that for the sake of the victory of their own camp you can lie, you can distort reality , you can not invite foreign politicians on the air , because they are enemies for them, and they would act like this if they stayed, after the change of power, just for... the polish government would be hostile, not the polish government, not the polish government, german spies, as jaroslaw kaczynski said about donald tusk. if i am an honest polish journalist, i am sitting here socially conditioned, i have a german prime minister. that i will not say that this is a german spy, but i will say that this tusk is a german spy. well, that's why, of course, cleaning of public broadcasting, under the propagandists of the party, law and justice turned out
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to be the number one task for the donald's office, but it was done, to put it mildly, by difficult methods, it also looked so difficult, so about the methods of donald tusk and whether he will manage to extricate himself and poland from this history stenet pissu, not sure, i think polish society. it is not the first time he finds himself in such a situation, er, now we have to admit that this is a sign of polish statehood in general, roman dmowski once said: "oh, i'm afraid that the poles, when they get statehood, they will treat their own statehood the way they treated foreign statehoods, it will be such a crisis, they will not perceive poland as their country, ugh, he was wrong, because it is very similar to the country, ukrainians very often perceive ukraine as some kind of foreign state, ugh. a different situation happened with poland: poland was divided into two camps, each of which believes that poland is their state, but this camp is not the polish state, it is some other
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people. and we, for our poland, for our vision of poland, will simply tear them all apart. what is this for poles, what kind of poles are they? and by the way, when the first polish president gabriel narutowicz was killed, in... it was the tusk camp, uh, conditional, well, it’s all very conditional, and the answer was that marshal pilsudski, this is also conditional tuska camp, carried out a coup d'état and from the side of the government of people, ugh , who can be considered a conditional camp of tkaczyński, it was still 1900 in the 20th year, and even then i was reading the diaries of maria konopnytska, a great polish writer, who wrote that it was very exciting. .. admit that we have two polands, and they somehow miraculously survived after 100 years, and by the way, the problem is that we
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can call it the polish disease, it affects more and more european countries, look, there are already two everywhere countries, one of which does not tolerate the other, i simply do not digest, but tell me, something similar is already happening in ukraine, and it has always been in ukraine. it's just that when we see now the heat of passions in any discussions, where people are divided into two camps of conventional, zelebots and dust workers, i feel scared, everyone it is believed that i am not much bothered by the dust jobs, it is precisely this conflict of identity that bothers me, as we have always been oriented towards russia and oriented towards the west, the figures of the leaders have changed, but it has always been by the way and for... now it is not so much , because the people there who support volodymyr zelensky, they can be supporters of the european euro-atlantic choice at the same time, uh, and they have
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a completely different, i would say the subject of disputes with supporters, well conditionally petro poroshenko or someone else, because here is our president he will definitely lead there when yours could not, well, it's not so bad, but i want to make sure that after the war these two identities will just look different. we need to go west to europe, we don't need to behave very sharply, so that russia does not attack us again, this is a serious threat, one way or another, a threat, but, but ukraine can somehow overcome this, because we live in a war society, but i have to tell you honestly that what is happening in europe right now worries me a lot. that's what you know, between, you understand, this was not the case before, between the supporters of the law and justice party and the supporters of this democratic coalition that came to power,
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there is no transparency, there is a wall. i saw this between supporters of trump and biden, between supporters of democracy, republicans of the united states, here you are sitting in some society, american ukrainians, and such a normal conversation is going on, and suddenly this topic comes up, and you understand that these people are... they hate each other, they are not the same, they do not hear each other, there is a wall between them, it is opaque, that is, i have always believed that civilized politics is the politics of a transparent wall, ugh, when we can talk, i and i always checked it on my russian interlocutors, there were many people, even during the putin regime, with whom i had there was a transparent wall, even after... year 12 i could talk to them on the air, these people could have positions, by the way, attention, questions, what do you think happened to these people that
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in the... there was no transparent wall in russia, they were all injected with a satellite during covid and they became impenetrable, no, no, they were all removed from their positions, even those people who were absolute supporters of the regime, but who could support such a diplomatic discussion, because this regime does not need such people anymore, it only needs dangerous lunatics, and when i ask, and i, i remember talking to this one too, i wonder what he is doing now, i wonder , i think, he is probably promoting the war there... and it turns out that he has already been removed from all positions, and this one was removed, and this one was removed, and this was removed, everyone who could talk at all simply in not in terms, oh you bastard, i will destroy you, i will burn you, i will kill you, they are no longer in russia, this is what building an opaque wall means, because now, when i imagine, i can
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in the 14th year, i could still talk to the bbc with some russian official or member of the general council of the united russia party, yes, i could talk harshly, so it was a conversation between enemies, but it was a conversation, now there is no such thing with anyone to even have such a conversation, even if i would like to, i don't really want to, to be honest, but i the bbc knows that it will not organize such a conversation, because such a person does not exist, and it is this disease of opacity, everything is clear with russia, it is becoming dominant in democratic societies, because we used to be able to completely calmly leave with ... a person of other political views drink tea and talk, well, i’m sorry , i don’t have such a desire now, ugh, but before , no one understood how i didn’t invite members of the party of regions to my broadcasts, when i said, well, of course you will, because i don’t transparent wall, but with the party we are the servant of the people not a transparent wall, they come without pro there is a difference, but not with the party of regions, well, that is the answer to the question. when we say
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that we have different political views with someone , a different position on all of this, it may be that the whole issue is transparency, because the person himself is talking to you and you are talking to this person, you have no desire to simply go out and walk away and don't debate, and she doesn't have any problem with the debate, she knows you're wrong, she may not even respect you very much, but she's willing to discussions, and that is what is being lost now. everyone, this is a sign of a new era in european, in western politics, and we may find ourselves in the same situation, this really worries me quite seriously, you are right that when i see some comments now, when you speak, there the president said so and so , and they tell you that they sold out, sold out to this president and you, yes, you just quoted the president of your country, yes,
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yes, who was elected. to end, because it's just a road in a clear for the money, that's it, it has provalde, but thank you khrystyna, thank you, mr. vitaly, the saturday political club was with you traditionally to us. saturday goodbye, khrystyna yatskyi, vitaly portnikov, all the best, new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues, the gilded age from hbo.
6:00 am
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