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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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by the sea incident as you say right? well , here we have a comment, ukraine does not have the opportunity to modify the patriot, but there is the opportunity to modify russian aircraft, our viewers write under this video. i want to ask you more about rap tools, because this is also a topic that many questions arise now. during the russian attack on january 13, more than 20 russian missiles did not reach the target thanks to ukrainian means rep, in the institute. the study of war admitted that this could be such a turning point in the ukrainian capabilities of radio-electronic warfare, or in your opinion is this a turning point and should we continue to expect similar results, that russian missiles will simply fall? well, it's good that you mentioned exactly this work of radio-electronic warfare, because the air force of the armed forces of ukraine really surprised this time by the fact that in
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accordance with... objects, air objects, namely their suppression with the help of electronic warfare systems, and here, by the way, the answer may be in the question, what do we do, and what else can we do oppose not only to russian ... there , by the way, in addition to classic anti-aircraft missile systems, indeed, radio-electronic warfare systems can be used not only to suppress uavs or influence the communication channels of the russian occupying forces along the line of combat, but also not only along the battle line, they can also interrupt the communication channel.
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which is between the operator and, for example, a guided missile, if it has the ability to receive commands and be guided accordingly, or if it is guided by gps there, yes channel, some other points, i.e. there are many such possibilities of influencing missile weapons as well, so if we really now reach this level of countermeasures, then we... will be able to shoot down these missiles at targets, by the way, they are not always, even with this, when they fall, they can explode, uh, in general, to what extent is it possible to control where exactly it will fall and is it possible to control that the missile there will fall directly on the territory of the russian federation? no, i think that, after all, such a deep level of control is absent, although, if there is influence in depth, in the depth of the territory of the russian federation, yes. it is possible to influence
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the missiles in such a way that they fall precisely on the territory of the russian federation, although they fall there without our help, and why, by the way, do they fall there, what are the versions? this is a banal version, in fact, it is very simple, everyone guesses, it is the lack of technical control, the russians do not have it at all recently, in principle, because they need to produce new missiles very quickly. to meet their needs for strikes on the territory of ukraine, and technical control, it exactly slows down this process, because technical control is some more time that must be spent on checking all systems, how each spare part, each microcircuit, semiconductor is functioning properly, and as a result, if there is any, well, let's say, some kind of error , the feedback is not in those intervals. of time
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between the systems occurs, then this missile is sent for refinement, and this is still some time, so they do not need technical control now, they need a quantity, and in this way they send them immediately to the bases, where they are stored in warehouses, conservation centers, and then we see them in the volgograd region, in the rostov region, and in the krasnodar region, they fall, why, because without technical control there are a lot of defects. defects, which defects affect the reliability of these missiles. speaking of north korean missiles, can they also be of such inferior quality, that's for sure. they even have shells from the russian occupiers, now there are many claims, many complaints that they have such low-quality artillery shells, there just list, don't list all the complaints.
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which are both to the gunpowder, and to how they compose them, and to the assembly itself, and to the caliber, even the caliber, it would seem the 152nd caliber, but no, but milli. meter and ten fractions of a millimeter , which also affect the quality of the shot, accuracy, flight range, they are of low quality even by these metric indicators, so to say that in north korea, if they cannot assemble an elementary artillery projectile, to talk about , making a high-quality, reliable ballistic missile, no, by the way, i am not surprised that... the kn-23 missile, and it was used not deep into the territory of ukraine, but specifically in kharkiv, because it is closer to the launch zone and to the arrival, so it is less likely that it can, its defects can show themselves,
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i mean, it's like the kh22 missile, the kh22 is an aviation soviet missile, which was known for its unreliability and low accuracy even in radin's time, but its for... the total distance was 600 km, and precisely at the time of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, during constant tests, the russians found out that in fact its more or less effective distance for this missile to hit something, or to fly at least to an approximate target, so that the engine does not fail, is 150-200 km, that is, three or even more times less than it was officially stated in the characteristics, but for more than 50 years everyone perceived that 600 km is really cool, in fact it is not, the same with north korean missiles, the longer it flies, the less accuracy and the greater the probability that in the engine will refuse it. mr. oleksandr, i know that we are you we have to let go in one minute
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, it's very interesting, there are a lot of topics, thus summarizing and recalling the publication of the build, this information should be treated as a real threat, which is not the case this year, that is, it is one of the scenarios, it's simple. one of the scenarios, and every time there are some trainings, trainings and so on, they invent for themselves some scenario as close as possible to what can probably happen, so that they should go into such a combat state as much as possible, and therefore it's just a script, huh i don't see such a perspective for 2024 or 25, but for themselves, they... are re-insuring precisely because of such threats, they must have some scenarios during training, which, accordingly, are carried out. thank you for joining in, it was very interesting to hear your expert opinion. oleksandr kovalenko, a military columnist of the information resistance group, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and then we will talk about ukraine and
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international politics. more than 80 countries and international organizations from europe, asia, africa and latin america have joined another one, that's it. the fourth round of discussions on the ukrainian peace formula, they held these talks in davos, where the traditional world economic forum begins, it would be untrue if i say that all positions are the same, said the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak after the negotiations, and eu officials on the condition of anonymity , told our correspondent that the representatives of the global south in davos urged to take into account the concerns of russia, what progress was brought by the fourth negotiations on the future peace on levels... of political and security advisers will be told by radio liberty's european correspondent zoryana stepanenko. more than 80 countries and international organizations are discussing the ukrainian plan to end the war in davos. half of the participants are from europe, a continent that has long supported the ukrainian peace formula, i.e.
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the withdrawal of russian troops from the entire territory of ukraine, punishment for war crimes, compensation for losses by russia, the rest of the participants are from asia and the global south, formally neutral countries. maintain ties with russia, and ukraine and its partners are trying bend them to your side. the fourth and most numerous peaceful meeting at the level of political and security advisors. the so-called swiss round of negotiations on the ukrainian vision of peace gathered one and a half dozen more participants than the previous one in malta. another positive sign is the subsequent increase in the number of countries joining joint actions planned on the basis of the peace in ukraine formula. and i am very happy to note that today 83 states and international organizations are represented here. there is no representative of china at this table. august is similar the meeting, then hosted by saudi arabia, was the first and last he attended. the delegates from beijing wanted to make
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any compromise with us, which they know for sure is unacceptable for us, including the issue of crimea. russia does not take part in the negotiations based on the ukrainian peace formula. the kremlin says that... they are ready to negotiate taking into account the so-called realities that have developed on the ground, that is, the occupation of crimea and four regions of ukraine. in kyiv , any territorial ones are categorically rejected concessions the top diplomat in... switzerland, summing up the debates in davos, called the ukrainian plan the foundation for future peace, for which he noted, however, that russia is needed. there will be no peace without russia having its say, but that doesn't mean we have to sit depressed and wait for russia to do something. dozens of civilians die every day while we wait. we have no right to wait. the task is to create a powerful alliance of states to push through the peace plan. the national community, the head of the swiss mfa emphasized, should prepare for the process of russia, when the time for it comes.
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the new york times wrote that since the autumn, vladimir putin has been hinting at a readiness for a truce, which would freeze the fighting in the current positions. andriy yermak, who invariably speaks on behalf of ukraine at such peaceful meetings, explained: the ceasefire will not end the war, it will only give russia a break to gather new forces. what will the future peace look like, which is how all wars in history have always ended, discussions on this topic will continue in davos, in particular with the participation of volodymyr zelenskyi. 16 in january, he will speak at the forum in person. zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. another diplomatic event, which has already been called historic, is the strategic agreement between ukraine and great britain, which was signed by ukrainian president zelensky and british prime minister rishi sunak. the arrangements provide for annual financial support. sterling already this year. cooperation in strengthening
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the defense and security forces of ukraine and the military-industrial complex is also envisaged. this is the largest package of defense aid to ukraine from the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. this includes more air defense equipment, more anti-tank weapons, more long-range missiles with thousands more ammunition and artillery shells, training for thousands of ukrainian servicemen and... in particular, according to the british prime minister, 200 million pounds will be allocated from this defense package for the production of hundreds of thousands of new drones, which is important, their production is planned in ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi added that if necessary within the framework of the agreement, ukraine and great britain will be able to conclude additional agreements. the term of this agreement with britain is 10 years. the term can be extended by analogy with other similar treaties on... security, which are concluded by global leaders. i especially appreciate the fact that the united kingdom supports
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ukraine's accession to nato and recognizes that our security, the security of ukraine, is part of the entire euro-atlantic security. that is why the guarantees provided will be valid until our accession to nato. at the same time, rishi sunok noted that the security agreement confirms if russia again attacks ukraine, great britain will stand by ukraine, providing security. help during a speech in the ukrainian parliament , richunok emphasized that it is necessary to be ready for a long war. i will add that the agreements are not security guarantees in the literal sense, that is, in the event of an escalation of hostilities , the british military will not directly participate in the war in ukraine. deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine olga stefanishyna reported that ukraine is also developing a similar security agreement with the united states. about the last ones. such international negotiations and expectations from davos are important, let's talk further. taras zagorodnyi,
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managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, joined our broadcast. taras, i congratulate you. good day. i want to start with this security agreement between kyiv and london , in your opinion, is it really a historic and unprecedented event, as president zelensky noted, how this agreement will strengthen ukraine precisely from a military point of view, and whether it is support for the future or already and now? well... this is the first comprehensive security agreement in the 32 years of ukraine's independence, in fact a very breakthrough document, no matter how skeptical we are about it, because we immediately started saying where is the security guarantee, these are not guarantees security, these are actually guarantees of military aid to ukraine, this is what was promised to ukraine at the summit in vilnius, which, by the way, caused great hysteria. it is the russians, if you pay attention to what they paid attention to then, because they understand what
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it is about, not everyone in ukraine understood that it is said, but it actually caused hysteria among the russians, why? because they understand what it is about, in fact this security agreement, and if they are signed with the united states of america and others, it is essentially nato only without the fifth article, in fact it reminds me of the agreement that the united states has.. states with israel according to the formula of our weapons, our technologies, your soldiers, by the way, the annual aid to israel is also approximately 3 billion dollars . they are made by the united states of america, and this is a very powerful step at this point at this stage, at this stage, until ukraine joins nato, and i think there will be difficulties with this until ukraine enters the borders in 1991, this is a very important step, moreover, it is essentially an alliance agreement , and ukraine undertakes from the point
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of view of the protection of britain, there is a seventh point there, if... they are attacked, and britain undertakes, well, this is actually a duplication of such a general treaty of nato, but in reality without of the fifth article, by the way, maybe even better than the fifth article will work, because we also have you know, there are many such opinions that nato is such an ideal organization, it will work as it should, so, well, in my opinion, in my opinion, the key thing there is the cooperation of the military industry, that is, in fact... opportunities for interaction between the military industry opens up of great britain, it is indicated about the localization of production, that is, it is an exchange of technologies, both from the side of britain to ukraine and from the side of ukraine to britain, because i am sure that our developments are already ahead of some of the developments of western countries, because
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everything is used in practice here, and so i i think, to be honest, i expected less from this deal. but it exceeded my expectations, and we must understand that this is very important at this stage, because it starts the process of signing these agreements, and britain, first of all, is not a very simple country, not only a nuclear country, but also has a great influence in the british commonwealth, has great influence in the united states of america, and so on and so forth. next, we must understand that in fact the same agreement is... such a framework, or rather such as a model for others countries, i.e. mrs. stefanishyna noted that such an agreement is planned in the usa, i.e. for ukraine at the moment this is a way out, since the alliance and joining the alliance is not yet in the future, then such agreements will be developed and signed separately with strategic partners, of course , and such an agreement with the united states of america
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will break the whole game of russia, which they are so nervous about, they were hoping for the following, which... they somehow think that trump will help them a lot if he comes instead of biden, although i i don’t think so, and in our country they demonize the republicans and trump personally , if such an agreement is signed, it is not a fact that trump will be able to change something, any president can change something, and ukrainians will drink less volidol, and when they look at american races and all these controversies, including around ukraine, because this is... in fact a treaty with the united states of america, further here, if the british are ready to give, well, in fact 3 billion dollars a year, then, accordingly, it is certain that france can allow such assistance, and guaranteed aid, germany, italy and
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canada, sweden, well, it may be a little less, and poland is also key for us, because without poland, all of this is lost. the construction will not take off , but we must understand one more thing that ukraine was now provided with weapons without any contracts, relatively speaking, all our allies who are helping us now, and they actually gave us weapons in advance, that is, they do not have any written obligations to us, and now such written obligations appear, and this is actually ukraine climbing under... such security umbrella, which we really need , and this is also good for the economy as well, because it will now be clear to every western investor that the processes have acquired irreversible processes, irreversible irreversible path, and now ukraine will be under the protection of the west, including the umbrella , and so on and so on,
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taras, but here i want to ask, well, maybe one will mix with the other, but nevertheless we are at the moment. we see that the us congress cannot approve aid to ukraine, and this is already the case, although the us is a strategic partner for ukraine there, and the president directly constantly talks about this support, and now joe biden said the following that if the republicans do not allocate military aid to ukraine, they will pay for a lot, he said, well , in general, what will happen to american aid, your fellow experts in at the end of the old year, they talked about the fact that there would be help. it will be mid-january, and biden says if they don't provide, that is, at all, i understand that there is a high probability that they will not provide, ah, well, in my opinion, a high proportion. probabilities that will give military help, but not in full , as needed for victory, with financial help, so far the question, i think we
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should prepare for it, but again we should understand what the west wants from us, the west wants a stable partner, who also helps himself, first of all, they are no longer a one-off, in fact, for six months they say build your own defense industry, because the west. you know, ukraine often wants to be part of the west, but still does not understand the mentality of western countries and why they have become so powerful, because they independent, they profess such national egoism, and if you help yourself, then they help you too, if you constantly go there, beg and so on, well, then they will ask, and what are you asking for, if you have resources, for example, for own military industry inside the country, and therefore... we must understand that the stronger we become on our own, the more they will help us, this is the logic of the event, from their point of view, they provided us with help,
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i emphasize again, without any -what obligations, the americans do not owe us anything, we don't have any papers regarding military aid, they were based on what we give at this stage, then, so that you too become stronger, that's what we should focus on: the more we have power... weapons, the more we will be more effective, the more we will be helped, because they want to see powerful partners, by the way, in this agreement, regarding britain, pay attention, there is a separate clause regarding the black and azov seas, in fact, britain announces that it is ready to help there, well, press russia, that and in the interests of britain, including, we must understand, and again, why they emphasize here, and i will tell you, because ukraine showed there. specific results by their own forces, this is when the sbu stamped these marichka drones, sibaby, mamai and actually gave nightmares to the black sea fleet
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with asymmetric methods, that the black sea fleet of the russian federation is now afraid to be in sevastopol at all, the british and the western world in general need such serious partners who can help yourself themselves, but in this case... to help them, too, because the experience that ukraine used in the black sea is generally the first time in history that drones have been used in combat, which no army in the world has ever used in this way, and this is interesting, this is serious, these are serious guys, relatively speaking, because that's how the world is built, that's how the world is built, the west wants strong partners, the stronger we become, the less i assure you, there will be disputes in the congress, come on... or not weapons, because they will understand what ukraine can be a powerful partner, well, the example of israel is indicative for us, it is often talked about, but there are also
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many differences in it. taras, i thank you for joining us, taras zagorodnik, managing partner of the national antiquities crisis group, was a guest on our broadcast. we will of course continue these discussions, but later. ukrainian children who arrived in belgium after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine organized the band. for refugees in brussels, ten-year-old boys teach english and rubik's cube skills, teenage girls they give lessons in cheerleading, dancing and beadwork. see the details in the plot of my colleagues. continuing, who wants to record something else? this is daniil, he is 10 years old, the war brought him to brussels from odesa, and now he teaches english to other ukrainian refugee children. he has been teaching children in this center for ukrainian refugees for more than six months now, since the previous adult teacher
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left volunteering, she left, and there were children and there was no teacher, and my teachers from school in ukraine told me that you can try if you want . daniel taught english in odessa since the age of four, in brussels he goes to an english-language school, so i tried to teach and... i liked it, says the boy, although, he admits, sometimes the lessons do not go well, i was very afraid when my first lesson did not go according to plan, because the children started themselves, well, it's simple, but i understand that they are children, they have a load, they have school, so i just say, well, today this is the behavior, tomorrow it may be different, and sometimes it even inspires to do something further with them. daniel's students, peers, or older or younger, no more than two years. he says, they are already his friends, all of them large family. meanwhile, 15-year-old
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refugee maria is conducting a cheerleading class in the next classroom. she tells her students that she is 17 so that they take her more seriously and obey her. so i decided to make a status for myself. in ukraine , maria was engaged in cheerleading for 5 years and built a sports career. she is a multiple champion of ukraine, a candidate for master of sports, but she had not tried to teach before belgium. i was very worried because it was my first experience as a coach with children. here, but very somehow so cool, i... i like it very much, in fact, it gives me a lot of energy. another professional athlete conducts dance lessons here. this is 14-year-old karina mushta, bronze world champion in sports ballroom dancing. i always thought it was easy to be a coach when i was little, of course, but now it's very difficult. in fact, it
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is incredible. here, karina says, she learned. to communicate and convey to students the intricacies of controlling their body, and the council that tried has been teaching for six months. i will repeat once again, since i was a child in ukraine, i dreamed of becoming a dance coach, and here i got here and it's like a dream come true, and ten-year-old roman dreamed of finding friends with whom he would compete in assembling a rubik's cube. he saw the cup for the first time in be'. last year at school. in a few months, with the help of social networks, the boy learned to quickly assemble a cube, and then decided to organize a group for his peers. that's how his teaching began. i just saw that everyone had cube-krubics. a year ago i could not compose at all. i really want to teach something. at first i wanted to teach lessons with origami, then i thought of lessons with rubik's cube. the head of the education department of this center in brussels, where free classes are held for ukrainian refugees, the rada
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allows. who has more children, who has more visitors, who they want to go to, don't put us on the schedule at the same time, because we want to go to denmark, and then join the braiding or dance and learn english. currently, the ukrainian voices center has more than 50 activities for children and adults, 10% of them are conducted by children, super from brussels. for more, including inspiring stories , see the pages of radio liberty, we have two youtube channels, join, subscribe, share our videos, and don't forget that on weekdays every day from 9:00, watch our morning stream also here on radio svoboda youtube and on the air of the tv channel. thank you for being with us, my name is kateryna nekrechu, i and our entire team, freedom of the morning, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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ten o'clock is the time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. four injured due to russian attacks on the kherson region. occupiers more than 120 times shelled the region for a day. they hit the ambulance station in stanislav. damaged ambulance. in kherson, ponivchyna, a store, cables and contact network. the movement of trolleybuses was temporarily stopped - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a 56-year-old man blew himself up on an explosive device.


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