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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] and the provision of guarantees for contracts for the production of weapons and ammunition, this is quite a lot for one concern, everyone is now receiving it, increasing production, with the expectation that it will be increased several times for just three years, that is, from 2024 to 2027 production of various types, types of ammunition and projectiles. 2024 will already be there, in 2024 there will already be more production than, for example, on the 23rd or 22nd, but the peak is still expected in 2025, that is, an increase there, say, three or four times, you should not expect this directly year, and it is worth waiting for 2025, but europe is now on this path rather, let's say, confidently. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr mosienko, director of the center for military legal studies, was in touch with us during that
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time. i checked that the press service of the sbu reported about the detention of wagnerivets, wagneriv entered the territory of ukraine from belarus, where he was caught red-handed, he installed gps trackers, the security service says that they introduced him when he was moving from russia to belarus, but it's just interesting that in such methods and the depth of the country, because he wanted to blow up high-voltage power lines. that is, this is how the enemy works, despite the fact that we are talking now about such global operations, even works in such subversive, one-of-a-kind ways. a small one, after that we will talk about no less global things, we will talk about mobilization, about how the work on this draft law is progressing,
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every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. good morning, thank you, from espresso, no don't forget to inform, and we will not forget to tell you and present new guests, now a people's deputy is in contact with our studio. iryna fries, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mrs. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. well, for sure, we have to put three dots in between, this whole epic, which ended the information and psychological special operation against ukrainians, it was called let's write a bill on mobilization, it was sent for... finalization, that's it an intermediate series in this series , further, whether this text has a beginning, i will clarify: not sent for revision, but withdrawn directly
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by the developer, that is, the cabinet of ministers, but there is one thing, but if the cabinet of ministers, and not the president, will again seek to introduce a revised or new some draft law on changes on mobilization, then... the verkhovna rada and the specialized committee on national security need to make a decision on alternative ones, which no one has withdrawn, and they are hanging as registered, that is, first it will be necessary to adopt decisions on alternative draft laws , there are four of them, after that the government, and preferably the president, can make the changes they consider necessary in this sphere of activity, uh, as far as it will be in time, that is, when to expect, as you yourself ? do you expect to see new text? well, we will see the new text when it is registered, as for those pending registration of alternative ones, for this it is enough to include them in the agenda of the committee, make
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a decision, and in fact, on the next day, they can be put on the agenda for a decision on them by the verkhovna rada, from my point of view , they also contain those shortcomings, which were mainly because... they only correct the issue of demobilization, setting clearer terms and offering their algorithms regarding it implementation, as for the general text, it also contains the same comments as the main one, and therefore the verkhovna rada and the committee would ideally send them either to the developers for revision, or to reject them in the first reading. and you see in general in colleagues, v people who have influence. in order to bring this law to fruition and eventually make it known to the whole country, in general, you see, these people have a good will to work on this draft law, draft it as soon as possible, write
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it down, make all the amendments we talked about. you see, we worked through the main government bill constructively enough in the committee for three days in a row. accordingly, all those remarks. which were voiced, the developer in this case of the ministry of defense recorded and prepared the following comparative table, which would not contained anti-constitutional or corruption provisions that were in the previous version, so i think that there is a desire, and if there is a desire to really change the law on mobilization, then the main thing here now is the presence of political will and that's all, it would be desirable that all this were a new edition was also communicated. before it was declared, registered in the parliament, it was voiced, communicated with society so that the issue of mobilization would cease to be a scare for all sections of the population. or, if you say that these are all corruption points
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will try to eliminate, does this mean that this principle, according to which those who earn more and pay more taxes will have the opportunity to get a reservation faster than, for example, other people, and actually now it will be... er, they will be able to get a reservation on those enterprises, which, let's say, are more important for the economy, which bring more benefit to the ukrainian economy at this very moment? let's divide right away. in the draft law on mobilization , here is this idea, which sounded at the level of rumors and has already acquired expert discussions and opinions there in relation to her, i mean the possibility of getting armor if you have a salary of a certain size, this idea was not stated in the law on mobilization at all, it is a separate feature that was tried in one way or another... about communicating from my point of view
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in the worst possible way, because this proposal, if it came out of the president's office, is the worst thing that can be done, because it is a violation of human rights, it is a violation of the constitution, and even in the form in which it was discussed, that you can, you know, as they said, in to buy off participation in during, well, that is , from mobilization at the expense of... high wages, then we persistently advised both the cabinet of ministers and representatives of the ministry of defense not to even try to formalize it in some way and then push it, because it an absolutely unacceptable and unreasonable thing from my point of view, which cannot even be discussed for the purpose of reaching some draft law, etc., regarding the law on mobilization, really in the comparative table in which we could... consider it, i i hope not
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there will be excessive powers of tcc officials, which are illegal, unconstitutional , and corrupt, including excessive powers of local self-government bodies, which were imposed on them according to the previous version, besides, i am sure that there will be no electronic summonses of any kind to e-mail, because this is a completely non-working norm, and before it... is proposed even for discussion, it would be desirable for the initiators or drafters of the draft law to at least work it out at the level of a pilot in order to to prove that they are able to do this in accordance with the relevant legislation, and not by violating people's rights, immediately imposing administrative and criminal liability if a person received a summons to an e- mail and did not update their data there, did not appear. in tsk, etc., so i
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sincerely hope that in the next revision, which will be introduced, if it is cabins again, there will not be all these ridiculous things that the previous content of the draft law was simply fantasized about, ms. irina, it is good that you explained from where legs these rumors are growing about the practice of the middle ages, you have money, you commit crimes and you will be redeemed. well, we studied indulgence at school and did not think that one day the practice of the middle ages would return, now i would like you to comment and explain to us the actions of the khmelnytskyi kvn team. three fat men. one of them made a whole show when a resolution was to be introduced to recall you from the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, national security. careless person of your colleague in
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the session hall maryana bezuglu, then we saw the heroic deeds of speaker stefanchuk from team three fatties and so on, we never saw what was going to happen, this show dragged on and it's starting to get ridiculous in the comments and the ratings, how it will all end and when the impeachment resolution will be voted or withdrawn. the committee, the deputy head of the committee on national security and defense, until now, the servant of the people maryana bezul. thank you very much roman for the question. indeed, this is a horror show that parliament has turned into. currently, it does not add authority to the verkhovna rada, which is already losing its credibility due to the activities of the monomajority. in this case we had a place with you, when the speaker, who would by logic and by legislation. should be the speaker of the entire verkhovna rada, he is
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officially a non-factional person, he actually followed the instructions of one person, and that person was the leader of the servant of the people faction , davit rahamiya, who, simply put, said do not ask this question and that was it, and the speaker did not ask the issue of recall, although this is probably the first time that representatives of completely different factions and groups demanded consideration of exactly... this resolution, which stefanchuk did not put forward. what will happen next? now the verkhovna rada is at the stage of consideration of draft law 162. so-called registers that will be implemented, this is the register of military personnel, and the register of conscripts, reservists and conscripts, that is, before considering any other draft law or resolution, a decision must be made on the draft law
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162, i hope that no one will delay this issue and that mr. stefanchuk will stop playing a role. the pocket speaker, the leader of the monomajority, will nevertheless realize that if the image of the supreme councils and the fate of one individual person, a people's deputy, is it preferable to fulfill the role of the speaker of the entire verkhovna rada, and not to be a puppet servant of the people's servants? ms. iryna, is it already known whether there is already such a common vision regarding... who will be entitled to a deferment according to this document, in various specialized groups, often legal ones, this is one of the most common questions to specialists, do i have the right for postponement, if i have a wife with a disability, or if there is so and so? and you are absolutely right, most of all
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the question was spread, including to us and in the comments, and once again i want to take advantage of the opportunity of the broadcast and tell the viewers that... we insisted that the version regarding disabled persons of the third group or people who are dependent on persons with disabilities remain in force of the third group, therefore, in this context, it is now necessary to calm down, not to panic, to wait for a new revised proposal to be introduced, either from the president or from the cabinet of ministers, and then move on this issue, i hope, and i... i hope i would like to say i am convinced, but i hope that the current version will remain in force, and this group of people will not be affected by the new revised version of the bill, the new version will also mention convicts, so we remember that
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in the first series there was an idea, let's we, as russians, will take prisoners to the armed forces of ukraine, then there was a clear position. the commander-in-chief, who said that he was categorically against it, and then there was such an interim, let's consider, maybe some category of those convicted of light crimes and that's it, well, as of now, what will be the answer about this category, i will not say in which edition it will be, i will say what happened during the discussion, that is, indeed, the head officially confirmed that he was against convicts having the right to be mobilized. now, during a large-scale invasion, during martial law, at the same time, and this was talked about by individual representatives and the committee, people's deputies, there is information that some commanders are ready to take in order to
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replenish their brigades directly with military personnel, conscripts by the are ready to take under their responsibility people who have... look at the separate list of articles there, well, 100% there cannot be a person there who falls under the article treason or a person, serious crimes, that is, it is 100%. but this issue remains open, we will see what the cabinet of ministers will do, because the actual position of the head of state is public, the position of individual commanders and commanders of other units is also open, so we will see what format they reach, agreed upon, compromise , at the same time, i will say that in the committee did not have any strong objections to the fact that if the commander wants, he has the opportunity, for example, to staff his units or his brigade with people
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who want to fight and who seek to defend the state, and not be now in... to the prison, mrs. iryna, it's time to say goodbye, i just wanted to hear for a few seconds, what is there to hear from my mother in the parish? can i give you something? i'm sad for patoria, i was there a long time ago, the last time was in the 13th year, unfortunately, i don't keep in touch with my loved ones because of their participation in the referendum, as it has already happened, is centered only in the news, i am glad that there is sometimes a fire where cotton is burning, i hope that the time will soon come when crimea will be ours. thank you ms. iryna for the conversation, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, about the long-suffering law on mobilization, which should actually be basic, easy, well, but that's how it happens in homo sapiens. in our reality everything is different. and while this entire epic with mobilization continues, a number of units have already started active recruiting. this
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practice presupposes human possibility independently choose a military unit and even a specialty. ukrainian job search services received more than 37,000 resumes in response to military vacancies in the armed forces of ukraine. these are the results of the ministry of defense's two-month project on how to effectively attract people to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. let's watch together this is the work of a unit of the 110th separate mechanized brigade. the soldiers are holding back the invaders under the audio cover with heavy drops from drones. and this is to dodge on the border with romania. let's somehow settle this issue. i am asking you. i have to go take the children out, at least $100 for the trip, please. such as they detained in 2023. people, the border guards report. about 20
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men drowned in tisza last year alone, and these are the ones who were found. but while there are more refugees on the border, there are fewer soldiers in the trenches, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to replenish the ranks of the armed forces. the need for an optimal draft law on mobilization is becoming increasingly acute, and the military is convinced that mobilization must be fair. the guy who lives on the outskirts is important, he is equal to the one who lives in the city and has hairy hand, and if necessary, the state
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will mobilize both one and the other, and not one will be mobilized, the other will hide in various institutions in large metropolises, this is the first, second, for the required number of people in our state, there should be a reliable system of educational institutions that will provide a general course of basic military training. the bureaucracy in the army, which is increasingly complained about by the military, does not help with motivation to serve; in their opinion, a change in approaches is needed not only in mobilization, but also in the conditions of service. someone there in to the operational-tactical group, i noticed that in the documents it was written not sp - observation point, but observation point, and all the documentation had to be rewritten, because it is necessary to write it correctly, people with stars are sitting and doing it. replenishing
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the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is recruiting, which is actively engaged in by the 92nd separate assault brigade. within a month and a half, we managed to find a human resource of 200 people, these people are currently undergoing training. conventionally speaking, these are two combat companies in terms of equipment. at the end. in 2023, the ministry of defense concluded agreements with by four recruiting companies , as of now, about four hundred divisions have posted almost 2,000 vacancies, 175 people responded to them, through social networks, through television channels, through various sites, including, for example, we post our vacancies, where a clear and understandable algorithm. what awaits you after mobilization, what is the mobilization path, what tasks will you perform, plus , in addition, constant communication with
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a representative from our unit, who answers all the most difficult questions, gives clarity. you can read the open vacancies in the achilles unit by the qr code that you see on the screens now, and while there is no new law on mobilization, recruiting or not the best opportunity to choose your profession in the armed forces on your own. until the war moms did it for you. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs for you and your husband at once, the side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg, the ecoputro insulation perfectly
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