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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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drop dosage 30 avroos tanks what will 30 avroos tanks do, well, it was important to unlock the german supply, yes i understand, but if you are betting on the result, you need to concentrate all the supplies now in the coming months, and a few hundred rockets, that not long-range missiles, these are simply missiles that will allow us to hit on the territory of ukraine, you can even accept them. decision, yes, when we promise not to shoot missiles at russia there, well, it is generally some kind of delusion, because, well, we just started our partners change their position, why not, which one , well, what kind of question is this, if they are constantly hitting our territory with strategic bombers, and we have no way to cover the same base, well, i am not talking about bombers, because they take off far away , but specifically they are hitting...
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kharkiv with missiles that are intended for anti-aircraft missiles, there are s-300s, they are hitting people in kharkiv, we have the right during the war to cover them there, that is, what and here is the source supply, so i think that these games will end in a regulated escalation finally, it will end, or maybe, on the contrary, this matter will be prolonged, and actually it may be connected with the decrease of macrofin, i will tell you the key. the things that i told them with the facts, i will not disclose the details of our conversations, but i am sure that the situation in ukraine hangs like this, that is , a dynamic, permanent trench war, but there is no movement in this situation, therefore that 460,000 russians are on defense in our territory, and it is consolidating, despite the fact that we have no means of deoccupation, and they... are concentrated
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on an attack on a nato country, parallel, not that we are what they say, if, if ukraine loses, the next nato countries, no, the formula is different, ukraine will not lose, ukraine in history, it will stretch then, but it will win, everything will win, and you will be hit, that's what they underestimate, putin can, during the war with ukraine, strike a nato country, maybe, because look, i'm not... complaining, but i just don't have it there some secret information, but the first fact: there were plans for russia to attack estonia, operational plans, there were, this is a fact, i i can confirm it, a fact, as an option, as a scenario, in 2013, and only by the fate of fate it turned out that they went to us, and not to estonia, secondly, look, estonia, narva, and this piece, how much is there.. .. it takes time to
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occupy narva, 89% of russians live in narva, that is, only 5% of estonians, how many agents of the kgb or fsb are there, a lot. so, this piece, for, well, i'm not talking about hours, as they are about weeks, two or two or three days in kyiv. i'm saying it's totally realistic without having a huge advantage there. in manpower to occupy and to protest how nato will respond to this. well, there is that question of finland, yes. and this is in the direction, this is there. they are creating this district now. they transfer forces there very quickly. therefore, it is clear that their hands are itchy, they will hit there. it's just that ukraine is distracting now. but if you transfer ukraine to the defense mode, well, because of the fact that you will not provide it. then putin will release part of the forces and
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carry out a provocation there in order to raise the stakes, so that later they will trade at the expense of ukraine. this is the scenario, i think. i wish i will also ask you about the powers of the presidential delegation, which will discuss the issue of security guarantees, so the powers and , in general, what are the parameters of what can be discussed? well, with regard to the form, when last year istanbul was this document. from our side, i publicly said then that this is absolutely wrong, there is no delegation, no chapter, no presidential decree, no directives, now in this case everything went right, there are directives, they are secret delegations, well , the delegation is a bit strange, because there are few diplomats, well, as a rule, delegations negotiations are formed from diplomats, there is either a diplomat. who have never been abroad,
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and have not participated in negotiations at all, or simply heads of law enforcement agencies, so i take it as a given. the weight of this delegation, well, if it was, it is clear that it will not go to negotiations in this composition, conduct negotiations, it will not, that is, it will simply, well, there will specifically be one or two people who will conduct some kind of i will prepare the work, and accordingly, the head of the office will discuss it directly, which worries me here, worries about what it is called in terms of security guarantees. our partners categorically do not accept the word guarantees from the draft of all agreements, and they know this in the president's office. the president's office explained that they did not deny it in the president's office, because it is true, but they said, well, there will be no assurances, as
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it was in the budapest memorandum. listen, well, this is a stupid explanation, zhovko said there, there will be no insurance, so everything is fine, well, it is a delusion. there will be no guarantees, the guarantees have already been thrown out of the draft contract, it was public it is known, that is why there are no guarantees, as, for example, last year in istanbul the agreement was called about the neutrality of ukraine, yes, and the ukrainian side wanted them to be called about some kind of guarantees, it was called, as russia insisted, about the neutrality of ukraine , and everyone who was in the delegation knows this and is afraid to say about it and so on, that's why it's another story, i... why did istanbul remember, just the form itself is correct, to issue now, regarding an important issue for ukraine, everything to issue according to the legislation, but really, well, there is the possibility of the delegation to also take additionally , include in the composition, take experts, i think
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that in this plan they will work, that is , it will work as a parallel process, the so-called plan b, yes, bilateral agreements, but alas, if i knew that the usa or britain will agree to an agreement. now the british one is being seriously considered there, they will go to an alliance agreement, for example, joint defense, or, for example , the location of nato bases on our territory, as sweden is now signing the usa, even before nato membership, then i said, yes, it the guarantee, and what is currently being discussed there, is the same as what we have today, it will simply provide for the future, the supply of weapons, the joint production of weapons. intelligence sharing, cyber security, it's also needed, but i don't understand why it's called the main track, where all our diplomatic, personnel, financial and all resources will go now. and in riyadh, what happened in december? i don't know, but secretly, still secretly. i, knowing what
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people from different countries told me, i don't even want to comment on it, because i wasn't there, and i do not want to distort information important for ukraine. situation, it is necessary to communicate more now to those who are responsible for foreign policy, because the times when it was possible to say something like this in a video message, talked about nato, there are many successes, the vice-prime minister, the head of the office, the minister, all constructive ideas, we are moving forward, what can i do from this, as the head of the organization and part of the advocacy network, what can i do in the direction of nato, i heard something from... from these video messages, not a word, let's move forward, everything will be fine, i am the leader, i will prove everyone, that's it worked before, now we need to communicate , we need to explain our position in washington, what we will try to achieve, a full
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invitation to nato or some new steps, that is, this, unfortunately, this communication does not exist , not with regard to the meeting you said, maybe there it was necessary to do something secretly, but definitely not secretly our steps are on the way... therefore , i would like you to combine the resources of society this year to achieve important foreign policy goals, if there is no understanding that five or six managers not will make ukraine successful in foreign policy, then there will be a failure, if the president and his closest advisors understand that you can attract your supporters, even if they are not in the same bunker with you, then this will be the result, and ours. .. even it is doing this now, our enemy has understood this, and we still want to achieve total war, victory, without using all the forces in the country that can be used. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important and interesting conversation, to our tv viewers i would like to remind you that valery chalyi,
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ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19 worked for them on the espresso broadcast. hello woman, what to do when the liver wakes up, you need to take alohol, but what about the bile? alohol, he and the liver and bile. protects natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. from back pain try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream, whatever you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with a 15% discount. dollgit cream 100 g in pharmacies. this is the kopiyka pharmacy and the shar pharmacy. there are 15% discounts on power detox in the psyllanyk, pam and
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on eurofast 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholotny yar is in dire need of a drone. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces. the occupier for the approach of victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. andriy piontkovskyi, a famous political scientist based in washington, will be on the air of the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, andrii andriyovych, i congratulate you. to the heroes, glory, good day. well, extremely powerful things are happening. meetings with the leaders of the baltic states, lithuania, latvia, estonia,
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well, accordingly , semi-official statements are already beginning to appear, in particular , news arrived from estonia, so to speak, that a certain process is underway, when certain countries, representatives of the west, are trying to join or to intensify the so-called process of a possible truce and immediately emphasized, analyzing this situation, that this would fit... into the map of putin's interests. pressure in favor of the capitulation of ukraine comes from one source. he always went out from there. this is the so-called left-liberal wing of the democratic party, which controls all the so-called quality press. we 've been getting a stream of articles from the new york times, the washington post, the hill, news week, etc. for months now. allegedly, the counterattack failed. what about you, the ukrainians will still never be able to defeat the russians, great sacrifices,
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it all needs to stop, well, talk about a truce. nothing of the sort, no signals coming from the american administration, although there is much to blame for the lack of haste. in the deployment of american aid. you mentioned zelensky's visit to the baltic countries. speaking together with the lithuanian president at the press conference. conference, he for the first time quite harshly publicly reprimanded the insufficient aid, especially in a situation where russia is concentrating an incredible amount of offensive means, trying to suppress the ukrainian defense system, to direct the hail of missiles that they receive from iran, very positively against this background sounds, unfortunately, little is known.
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these are all well-known friends of ukraine, the chairman of the committee of foreign affairs michael mccaul, armed services committee chairman mike rogers, and intelligence committee chairman mike turner. this 30-page document is called he sharply criticizes the insufficient, indecisive assistance of ukraine. american administration. and what is very interesting, this document criticizes. the narratives of the trumpian republicans, who keep repeating that aid must be vetted. it is not known, butsimba, where she is going, whether she is stealing or not. it is emphasized that 74 audits have been carried out by the pentagon, and not a single case of misuse has been found american military aid. the document
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calls on the biden administration to dramatically increase the supply of weapons. and first of all , to clearly formulate politically that the goal is victory. victory of ukraine. withdrawal of occupation troops from the entire territory of ukraine. those weapons that must be supplied in completely different quantities are listed. f-16 fighters, atakams. we now have accurate information about atakams. yes, they were provided, but with a range of 100 miles. and there is a qualification of 180, and the document requires them to be supplied, accordingly, to be sharply strengthened anti-missile defense. in addition, it is demanded to immediately confiscate and transfer 300 billion confiscated russian funds to help ukraine. by the way, this demand is being considered by the administration.
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bloomberg reports today that president biden has spoken out in support of such a decision. now everything depends on the europeans, because most of these funds are located in europe. but i confirm once again that there are no proposals from the official structures of the republican party to put pressure on ukraine for the purpose of a truce. on the contrary, there is this very powerful document of the republican party, which demands to concentrate on the victory in ukraine. what else is important about this document, that... the mood in the republican party makes it impossible to assume that a small group of trumpists will be able to block financial aid to ukraine in the coming days. how many times have i already gotten tired of predicting, but once again i affirm that, given the attitude of the republican party,
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it is impossible to block financial aid to ukraine. i think this will be the question in the coming days. i do not rule out that the republicans are now so disposed, it is very interesting and very positive for us. judging by this document from republican party candidate nikki haley's campaign speech, the regen wing of the republican party proposes to make the issue of insufficient aid, bordering on betrayal of ukraine by the biden administration, a central element of the republican party's election campaign. and in this climate , i just don't see how republicans can block this bailout. of course, no one will put pressure on ukraine, because pressure is already happening, starting with taurus missiles, ending with aviation, i don't want to incite some, you know, treason or conspiracy, but this step-by-step, you know, pipette support of ukraine,
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when it comes to important, heavy weapons and their quantity, it is in principle... alarming yes, i cannot rule out that it is possible that we would like to develop some such scenarios that are not entirely pleasant for us, we understand that our budget is tied to a large extent under american aid, we understand that when they start talking about 300 billion frozen russian assets and transmission for us, this can be a palliative moment, because in order to make such a decision, there must also be a series of whole procedures, here. in belgium, where the archive of eu securities is located, it cannot in any case be
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a substitute for the financial, smaller, assistance given. and judging by the latest statements of zelenskyi and the military-political leadership of ukraine, every day we are talking about hours and days associated with air attacks on ukrainian infrastructure and simply on ukrainian civilians. it's a great emotional rush, you're literally quoting the same ones phrases from this document. and for some reason there was no reaction in ukraine. i understand that president zelensky, the office of the president, may not be very comfortable
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speaking too positively about him, because he sharply criticizes the biden administration, and the president works with the president. but this is a congressional document. there is the verkhovna rada, there are inter-parliamentary relations. i propose to make a maneuver immediately. the document was signed by the three heads of the leading committees of the house of representatives, republicans. this is defense, intelligence and foreign policy. there are three identical heads in to the verkhovna rada: chairman of defense intelligence, if i were in their place, i would immediately fly to the united states, hold a meeting with these colleagues, and create such a working group of six committee heads. three of these fine republicans. for them to constantly discuss the plan for the victory of ukraine
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, to discuss and implement it, to put pressure on the congress and the council, on the relevant government implementation mechanisms, this is a very powerful ally of ours, it is being formed now, the reagan wing of the republican party is gaining the upper hand over the trump wing, and it is fair. ours with with your words, he criticizes biden for not actively supporting ukraine. i also recommend immediately translating it into ukrainian in all mass media, there is an excellent selection of events from 2014. all those stages at which the biden administration constantly slowed down and slowed down the transfer of newer technological means of defense. you remember how painful the tenders were . in a new trend, the republican party seems to be framing its election
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campaign as a criticism of biden for failing to fulfill his role as leader of the free world. and this is positive trend, it must be supported as much as possible by ukraine. andrii andriyovych, well, i would like to ask you about the forecasts regarding the great davos forum. we understand that the question. russian aggression against ukraine will be extremely powerful on the agenda there. on the other hand, we understand that most likely the kremlin also works with certain environments. we saw the reaction of europe on our most difficult day in washington. december 12, when zelensky's visit failed. when he failed to convince the us congress to sign this bill, and it caused a very strong reaction in europe. a series of important statements and steps, the adoption of aid packages for ukraine, i don't need to remind you about orbán, we know very well that the 50
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billion project was approved, and the politically important invitation to start negotiations on eu accession for a warring country is unprecedented, and financial aid packages , which were additionally provided by the scandinavian countries. and acceleration of the process of transfer of aircraft by the scandinavian countries, and criticism, serious criticism of american hesitation and delays. for example, in to the sharp statement of the foreign ministers of france and great britain, these fears of europe. europe took the warning very seriously. the american administration, trying to finish off this approval of the financial plan, warned very clearly that the refusal would lead. before the war, i remember austin, god bless him, he was now sitting at the table after the operation and saying: "i am now forced, i am now considering plans
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to transfer american soldiers to europe, because if funding is refused and putin's success, we will have to fight with russians, you see what it's all about, he failed to convince the members of the chamber who hesitated, but on the europeans it..." made a huge impression: europe has now dramatically increased its political support for ukraine. in my opinion, this trend will dominate the forum . and the ukrainian delegation should definitely take advantage of this. i once again call on ukrainians and politicians, first of all the verkhovna rada. to immediately react to this document, make it an inter-parliamentary document. chairs, the three chairs that i mentioned: my position to create a permanent commission of three turner, rogers and mccall and three heads of
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the ukrainian verkhovna rada. to make it a political ramstein, you see, there were hopes that ramstein would meet once a month and plan the victory of ukraine, but he did not fulfill this role, it turned into a report about the arms deliveries that the americans have made at the moment, and there should be a body who daily jointly plans the victory of ukraine, politically decides what is needed for this victory. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this extremely important and relevant conversation of ours i would like to remind tv viewers that andrii pionkovskyi, a famous political scientist who is in washington, was currently working on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay with espressu tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see
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this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova: catastrophic shortage of personnel, where to get half of the judges? there is a high probability that certain appellate courts will be suspended. but somehow the year progressed judicial reform in ukraine? we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. greetings, this is court control and i am tatiana shostrova. we received the status of a candidate country for joining the eu. but on the condition of fulfilling the so -called seven steps. the fight against corruption, changes in the laws on national minorities and the media, and one of the key points is judicial reform. and over the past year, ukraine has managed a lot. today we will tell you how far this reform has moved, but first to the news. the appeal courts of ukraine
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lack half of the judges. and 700 out of 1,350 positions vacant in the last 10 years , not a single judge has come there. this affects the terms of consideration of cases and their quality. there is a high probability that certain appellate judges will be suspended. yes, currently only four judges work in the sumy court of appeal. imagine, but this is both a criminal and a civil chamber. with the proviso that cases are heard in appellate courts as part of a collegium, i.e. three judges in each chamber, two judges each, in fact it is impossible to create a collegium, and they involve the criminal chamber, civil, civil criminal, how long they will last, let's say, is unknown in this state and in this mode of operation. only 13 judges work in the kharkiv court of appeals out of 60 positions by state, in the largest kyiv court of appeals out of 145 judges by
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state, 70 are missing. above... the qualification commission of judges plans to start interviews with candidates for vacant positions of judges in appeals courts in the autumn of next year . the competition has already started, more than 200 candidates are applying for 550 vacant positions of judges. most willing to take the position in the general court of appeal - 912. the least in the commercial court of appeal - 183. the assembly of judges of the civil court of cassation of the supreme court elected up to. of the grand chamber of judges olga stupak and serhiy pogribny for a term of three years. according to the experts of the dere foundation, the appointed judges are dishonest. according to the conclusion of the civic council of virtue, the property of olga stupak's family does not correspond to income. also, the judge probably deliberately understated the value of the purchased real estate in the declaration. olga stupak assured that she had purchased 10 acres of land in kyiv allegedly for uah 14,900. and
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svykrusa managed to buy a new house with an area of ​​380 square meters and 13 acres of land near kyiv for almost three times less than the market value. from the conclusion of the public council of virtue. in particular, unconfirmed sources of income for the acquisition by the candidate's estate of a house with an area of ​​380 m2 and a plot of land of 0.13 hectares under it, which are located in the village of stoyanka, kyiv-osvitoshyn district , kyiv region. according to the data of the real estate sites, the market. such houses are from 5 million hryvnias. in the candidate's declaration , the value of the house is not indicated at all, but in in her explanations, she reported that the house and land were purchased for uah 1,862. the national anti-corruption bureau conducted an investigation into the possible declaration of false information by a judge.


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