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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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even break away, very cool information, but the broadcast schedule tells us that we have to, i'm just emphasizing, we have to move on. kostyantyn krybolav, a former test engineer of the antonov design bureau, an aviation expert was in touch with us. well, iryna koval is ready to announce more news, the news editor has already prepared fresh , relevant information, so iro, we'll give you the floor, and tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, i will tell you about what is happening at the moment romanian-ukrainian. border, there will also be information about what is happening in the south of our country, as well as about the largest nato exercises since the cold war. i will talk about everything in more detail in the issue, wait.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in the swiss davos. the world economic forum is starting there today. more than 100 representatives of governments from all over the world and all will participate in the event major international organizations. according to the president's office, he will directly participate in the world economic forum and hold a number of bilateral meetings. and in particular with the president of the european commission, ursula funderlajen. i would like to note that the 54th annual economic forum lasts until january 19. and now officially, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , valery zaluzhny, confirmed that air force fighters shot down one of the most expensive russian a50 reconnaissance aircraft and the il-22 air command post of the occupiers. he thanked the airmen. the forces are wonderful
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planned operation in azov region. according to official data, the russian army had only nine such reconnaissance aircraft before the invasion of ukraine. one was probably shot down at the beginning of last year, during the attack on the machulische airfield. and the russians are not stopping their assault on the left bank of the kherson region. over the past day, seven attempts by the occupiers to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were recorded. all of them are fruitless, - said the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south, nataliya humenyuk. ukrainian military remain in the fixed positions of the left bank. also, the counter-battery fight on our side was quite effective. we continue to destroy the enemy's means of defense, in particular the osa anti-aircraft missile complex and means of destruction. hail installation, one tank,
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seven units of large-caliber artillery, this is the potential with which the enemy tried to press on the right bank. 50% of high-rise buildings have been damaged in kherson since the deoccupation of the city, the russians have partially damaged or destroyed 22,000 objects in the region - said the head of the press center of kherson oleksandr tolokonnikov of the regional military administration. the occupiers did not stop covering the region with fire this weekend as well. in kherson , high-rise and private houses, retail outlets and a site for household waste were affected. and this morning the enemy shelled stanislav, ingulets and berislav. there are casualties and destruction. stanislav will be morning again today, there is already a victim there as a result of the morning volume, as a result of the night ones.
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damaged outpatient clinic, lyceum, kindergarten, branch of ukrposhta, many gusts, power lines of various diameters , unfortunately, there is no electricity in the settlement now, and the situation there is difficult, when the shelling will stop, the power plants will work, eight people were evacuated from the kupyan district in the kharkiv region, this was reported by the regional police, the law enforcement officers of... families with children, people with limited physical abilities and pensioners could leave. all evacuees were brought to kharkiv, and there volunteers provided people with free housing and food. they strengthen the border and train. about fifty lanes obstacles were built by the ukrainian military on the border with belarus. this was announced by the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine, serhii naev. according to him, psychological stripes of obstacles provide an opportunity not only
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to harden soldiers physically, but also morally. in particular, in volyn, servicemen train to skillfully use small arms and mortars, operate drones. conditionally wounded are evacuated from the battlefield. under the guidance of experienced instructors who are also trained in our operational area, under the guidance of leaders, department commanders, archers, roth, each of them becomes a real fighter, this is necessary to increase their readiness for sudden actions. romanian farmers have already blocked two checkpoints on the border, it is about... the direction of siret opposite the ukrainian porubne and the old desus, which is on the opposite side of the ukrainian checkpoint of krasnoilsk, the state border service reported about this. traffic for trucks is complicated in both directions. the approximate duration of the blockade is currently unknown. passenger cars and
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pedestrians are allowed to pass as usual. and the largest nato training will soon begin. after the end of the cold war, to participate in which great britain will send about 20,000 troops, land forces, warships and aircraft, said the minister of defense of the country gran shabs. according to him, during the exercises, the military will join forces with colleagues from 30 nato countries and sweden, providing vital guarantees against putin's threat. now is the time for everyone. allied and democratic states around the world to ensure the growth of their own defense spending because, as we discussed earlier, the era of the peace dividend is over. polish factories are significantly increasing the production of ammunition and weapons,
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according to local media. in particular, we are talking about the nitrochem plant in bydgoszcz, where tnt production increased to the maximum level due to the war in ukraine and increased demand. a similar situation. it is also observed at other enterprises, for example, the luchnik plant in radom plans to produce up to 100,000 rifles per year, and the howitzer and apc plant of huta stalova volya intends to double it in two years supply of equipment. thousands of farmers with tractors protest again in berlin and other german cities. demonstrators started arriving from all over the country on sunday evening. all are expected. tractors or other machinery and approximately 10,000 protesters. posters against the abolition of subsidies and various complaints against the authorities hang on the cars. in particular, you can see accusations of embezzlement, nepotism and war-mongering. let me remind you that the reason for the protests was the government's plans
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to cancel tax incentives for diesel fuel agricultural machinery. in turkey, a court released an israeli football player who was previously... detained because of an armband with an inscription commemorating the attack by hamas. the turkish media write about it. a player of the sagiv football team, jehelzgel returned to his country already today. let me remind you that the day before, the football player scored a goal during the antal sport transospor match, after which he pointed to the armband with the date of the attack by hamas militants and the image of the star of david. at the police, yehel said that he did not want to provoke anyone, but simply made a gesture because opposes war. vacations are going on in ivano-frankivsk, during this period students there can attend winter school, free master classes, games, quests and excursions are held for them. pupils choose
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their classes. our carpathian correspondents will tell you in more detail. 11 winter schools. work in frankivsk on the basis of out-of-school education institutions, here from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day, except on weekends, they conduct various activities, quests and excursions. today, children are told about the rules of behavior in the mountains, how to navigate the terrain, and so on what to do if lost? it is very important, first of all, to be able to transfer your coordinates, the coordinates of your location. we know that even in the nearest forests , a lot of mushroom pickers get lost, everyone has a phone with them. and at the same time he does not know how to transfer his coordinates. during the holidays, schoolchildren have the opportunity to attend classes in their neighborhood. when parents are busy, children have an alternative to not sitting at home and spending time on gadgets. last year , about 5,000 schoolchildren attended the winter school.
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this year, teachers predict, there will be more of them more. parents are at work, and children have to be busy, and children come, and there are parents who put up so-so. the schedule, that the children are there for three or four hours, moving from different circles, in fact, a very rich program, because we often conduct master classes and... schoolchildren come to classes with joy. here i work out in circles, i work out at dances, ballroom sports, i go to painting, and i also go to english classes to learn a lot of words. i practice ballroom-extractive dancing and i go to painting, i go here. in frankivsk vacation will last until january 26. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk. that was the news so far, read more
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on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks and watch on youtube. marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast. tirelessly, thank you. to our fellow journalists for their publications, for their work, well, let's analyze now an extremely important event, in particular, we are talking about the great davos forum and the ukrainian issue was on the agenda there, in a prominent place, about this and about other things, ihor chalenko, head of the analysis and strategy center , glory to ukraine, mr. igor, congratulations, glory, congratulations to you, so what, the fourth round of the discussion on sustainable and just peace, which took place on january 14 in davos, ended without a clear conclusion. plan, reports the bloomberg agency. the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland, ignazio
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kassitz, who was the co-chairman of the meeting in davos, said that the participants managed to clarify some issues for future discussion at some stage, but also ukraine and russia, which, by the way, were not invited to the meeting. have already made it clear that they are not ready to make concessions. at the same time , the swiss minister said that moscow should be included in the process of peaceful settlement in ukraine. well? we ask you to comment on the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland and at the same time the results of the davos forum. well, at first i still believe that switzerland has not actually said anything new, because the logic of implementing the ukrainian peace formula has been the same since the very beginning, that is, tens of countries are working on the proposal. of ukraine, but working hard some kind of consolidated version, consolidated
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framework, according to which already after the global peace summit is held, after it is approved at the level of the heads of state, then they will enter into negotiations with the russian federation accordingly. what is positive from the meeting that took place there on january 14, well, first of all, in my opinion, it is the beginning of the work of a working group on the topic of the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine, this working group will work at the level of defense ministers, and i i think that this direction can get certain results, it is clear that russia will not withdraw its weapons so easily even now... it does not have the political will for this, but this is work with a strategic perspective, that is, sooner or
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later russia will have to withdraw its troops, well, plus, once again, they showed our partners , we see that more than 80 participants of this meeting were there, they showed how this so-called kyiv series compact is actually implemented, through the declaration of the j7 countries, to which... more than 30 countries, and now we saw how it was signed last week an agreement, an agreement on cooperation in security sphere with great britain, that is, they showed everyone present how it should work, i think that in this way, including speeding up the process of discussion with our partners about signing similar agreements, what i personally did not like is the absence of china again. just as it was in malta, unfortunately, the practice that we saw in jeddah did not
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continue, and china now takes such a, well, supposedly detached position, as such a peacemaker, but is increasingly coordinating its own positions , for example, on the site of the council security of the united nations with the same russian federation, which we know is occupying its seat illegally, but nevertheless it is ... a really serious problem, i think it is a problem now for ukraine as well, which is thinking about how to involve china to more acts of active interaction, because china can directly influence... the russian federation is also a problem for china, why for china, because this is already a certain second phase for beijing from the point of view of the work of the countries of the global south. the first facap was with argentina not joining brics, something we saw earlier this year. and the second one fact now, when the global south is increasingly actively plunging into the topic
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of the ukrainian peace plan, and china is standing aside. this, i think, will not... not positively affect the policy that beijing is pursuing now, but nevertheless, i think that in principle we will continue to see, i don't know if there will be a fifth meeting, because even this cannot be ruled out today, but it is clear that we are now moving gradually, not as quickly as we wanted, but gradually to this global peace summit, and therefore to certain adequate negotiations with the russian federation, i think that in fact the russian federation does not like it and that is why it is now continuing to force the topic of negotiations for anything and because of the same cease -fire at the front in order to achieve a certain truce, and including putting pressure on the countries of the west, that what we see now mr. igor, i would also like your reaction to the bilt article, which says that russia is allegedly
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preparing for the great war with nato in the summer of 2025, but in nato since... they say that in the document in which in fact, it is as if the gradual unfolding of the war is revealed, this is a training scenario, so the director of nato's center of excellence for strategic communications, janis sars, said on the x social network, and what do you think in general , is this nato response, this is really what it really is, this is really a scenario, just in this scenario very believable description. events, is this not quite a scenario, or is this a possible version of the development of events in reality? well, first of all, in the exercises, let me remind you, a certain abbreviation of the conditional enemy is used, that is, a specific country will not be named there. if in those the russian federation was indeed indicated in the documents, as
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bilt journalists say, so i think that this is most likely one of the scenarios. but again, the scenarios are different. i will also remind you that bild at one time, in fact, was the first to publish the real plan of the russian federation's attack on ukraine, and then everyone criticized it, including in ukraine, but, as it turned out , the publication passed the inspection, although i do not rule out that this site will also be used for showers with the task of manipulating. as well as the position there and member countries of the alliance and the world in general, nevertheless, i think that such a scenario can happen, but it can happen under the condition that if the countries of the west do not now provide ukraine with the necessary military and financial assistance, this will stimulate putin to become more active on
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the ukrainian front , and certainly not to stop and go on, suvalsky's theme. corridor, it is currently the most realistic of the options that are taking place, although , again, we also see moldova, which is under enormous pressure from the russian federations and certain hybrid levers that are currently being used against kishenev, we also see the situation in relation to finland, for example, in the topic of migrants, that is, russia works in several directions, and, by the way, it can also send. there are always such fake benchmarks to be afraid, but nevertheless, i think that this is also a signal for the west now that it is necessary to strengthen aid to ukraine, so that russia does not go further, so that it does not have ability to open this second front. well, in any case, we understand that a pool is starting to form
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states that are gradually filling certain documents with specific allied content, yes, well... those whom we called our friends, gradually, i emphasize, gradually, not finally and not to the end, but are beginning to become our allies, and actually signed very an important, albeit symbolic , to a large extent, but still, an important security agreement with the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, yes, well, at first our emotions, internal ukrainian ones , began to fluctuate, you know, from euphoria to skepticism, well... but i would ask you now analyze the so-called dry summary, what did we get? well, look, really, it's really, it's an epoch-making deal, why? because she closed it. the post-budapest period continues and it is very significant that just one of the signatories of budapest now went to such a detailed
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agreement, it could not be more detailed, in fact, we do not say, i immediately emphasize about no security guarantees, as we tried to show it, although he himself rishchesunak used this term during his speech in the verkhovna rada, but it is still an agreement on cooperation in the field of security, nevertheless in... she, firstly, she records the current high level of cooperation, and this is important, because there was no desire to follow a downward trend in the future, secondly, she notes the specific term of 10 years of activity of this agreement, work or before joining the alliance, that is, it perfectly shows everyone that the topic of guarantees of military assistance to ukraine. and other areas, this is precisely the topic of the intermediate stage before joining the alliance, this is the most important moment, and again, one must understand that this agreement, she emphasizes,
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in the event that the russian federation will attack again after some peaceful events, if this aggression occurs, and this will be considered an undermining of security for great britain and the entire euro-atlantic space, respectively. consider this, it is synonymous, even something similar in terms of how it is included in the fifth article of the washington treaty of nato, that is , we are real today, in fact, with this agreement to once again emphasize that we are part of the western world, the only thing that is most important now is that for this agreement left similar or very similar ones with the united states of america, with france, with germany, with japan, with italy, with all those countries with which these wars are now being waged. in order to really build this matrix, because as powerful as britain was, it was not enough, really not enough, but i think it will happen, and thanks to
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the move of official london, it will happen much faster than even thought in the western countries, even signing the declaration of the j7 countries. thank you, ihor chelenko, head of the analysis and strategy center, was in touch with us and described in detail all the important political and geopolitical. nuances, but we are going now for a short break, after which we will return to our studio, so be with espresso ahead, there is actually a lot of interesting stuff, so stay, there are discounts on citramon darnitsa - 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and thrifty, there are discounts on bronchipred 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from... the old mattress, you can't turn around on the sofa, you can't find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the stoper mattress
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come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people and those who care. espresso in the evening. the
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espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m. espresso. information day of the tv channel in kindled well, we inform you, dear tv viewers, of all the most important events of the day. the security service of ukraine and the defense forces carried out counterinsurgency measures in rivnesh. in particular, they worked out the coherence of actions in the event of a breakthrough of the soothsayers of subversive and intelligence groups. yes, this is reported by the sbu press center. in addition to in-depth inspections of local residents and
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critical infrastructure facilities , the coordination of the defense and security forces, the security and defense forces of ukraine in the event of a breakthrough on the territory of the enemy drg was worked out. according to the plan training, one of the drgs secretly infiltrated the city where the nuclear power plant is located, the other took hostage the son of one of the leaders of the power plant and demanded that it be stopped completely. using psychological pressure and threats of physical violence, the pseudo-saboteurs forced the hostage to persuade his father to cooperate. so, well, accordingly. our soldiers watched over the staged training and neutralized the enemy groups. well, we are getting ready, we are getting ready, and soon we will have yuriy sobylevskyi in touch, who will share with us more detailed information that now it is happening in kherson region. yurii sobulevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, is already in touch with us. we welcome you, mr. yuriy, to espresso. i congratulate you. well, let's start, probably with
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the general. information, what is the current situation in kherson oblast, what can be heard from the left bank of the dnieper, this is now the most important point of kherson oblast, we understand that there is currently the most intense situation, so if you have the opportunity, please share with us. unfortunately, security is difficult in the part of the kherson region controlled by ukraine, on the right bank situation, the number of shelling has increased significantly again, yesterday more than 120 shellings were recorded per day, the shelling continues today. likewise, just now the central part of kherson was shelled, now the information on the victims is being clarified, in general , today we have two confirmed cases, these are our civilians wounded. mr. yuriy, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you, perhaps you have some information of a non-secret plan, in particular, when it comes to the battles on the left bank? and we continue
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to support now. informational silence upon request of our military, i can say that a significant number of military targets are destroyed there every day, the data we have, which are, let's say, relatively accessible, a lot of military depots, military equipment, and personnel are being destroyed now, and thanks to drones destroy a lot of the enemy, that's what i can say, mr. yuri, look, today and... and today i came across information that said that in kherson there is almost no building left that was not damaged from russian shelling, that is, the windows are at least that what could have happened to the building there, if the windows were broken, how true is this information at all, is there really not even a surviving building in kherson anymore? well, that's close to the truth.


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