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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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repents through the register of damaged and destroyed property. despite everything, 11 people have already received their certificates for buying a new home. among them is ophelia's mother. she lived in a house on northern saltivka, where the russians dropped aerial bombs in early march. the woman shares, they appraised the apartment a little cheaper than it cost, and now they will try to buy a new one, as soon as possible, because the dollar is growing, and the compensation is in hryvnias, besides, she says, sellers for deals under the program have been reinstated. go reluctantly, few of the sellers know what these are certificates, and they are currently afraid to cooperate with us, because they do not know what it is, but it is all real, well , because we are the first, this is the first survey, the experience is the first in the country, well, you can also understand them. everyone who has lost their home has one dream. i want a warm house. and that
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the house was one's own, and not to live somewhere with someone. however, none of the residents of kharkiv have purchased a new home yet. for your attention, the broadcast on... news on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers to the most important events. the il-2 air command post brought it to the wanapi airport. a living reptile - commented air force spokesman yuriy ignat. however, due to the nature of the damage, it cannot be restored. today , air force fighters shot down one of the most expensive russian a-50 reconnaissance aircraft and damaged the il-22 air command post of the occupiers. valery zaluzhnyi thanked
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the air force for the excellently planned and conducted operation in the azov region. according to official data, the russian army had only nine of them before the invasion of ukraine reconnaissance planes. one was probably shot down at the beginning of last year during the attack on the machulyshche airfield. volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in davos, switzerland. the world economic forum is starting there today. more than 100 representatives of governments from around the world and all major international organizations will take part in the event. according to the president's office, zelenskyi will directly participate in the world economic forum and hold a number of bilateral meetings, including with the president of the european commission, ursula fonderline. i would like to note that the 54th annual economic forum will last until january 19. they tried to leave the country illegally. border guards detained in zakarpattia. three
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offenders. the men tried to overcome the barrier fence, but were stopped by law enforcement officers. one of the detainees turned out to be a smuggler. he offered his friends to take them to the border for uah 500 each. regarding the men, two men were brought to administrative responsibility. the ministry of foreign affairs of poland does not rule out a new wave of refugees from ukraine. as the deputy foreign minister said. affairs of andrzej schein's country, the russian offensive could theoretically lead to a shift of the front to the west, and then millions of ukrainians, women and children will probably have to seek refuge abroad, according to schein, the new wave of refugees may become a burden for poland, but the country will not give up in any case provide shelter to refugees from war. he demanded a bribe from the military, the law enforcement officers exposed him. an official
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of the medical service in vinnytsia region, the man offered to buy certificates for military personnel who are undergoing a hospital examination in connection with sick, demanded 2,500 dollars for obtaining a certificate of unfitness, and in case of refusal , considered fully fit, despite the illnesses, the perpetrator was detained while receiving another bribe. business on home-made weapons. law enforcement officers detained a 38-year-old man from volyn, who was selling firearms . the impersonator was selling atypical shooting devices, made in a home-made way , similar to single-shot pistols. during the search of the man, cartridges of various calibers, gunpowder, a rifle, a rifle and a rifle were found. currently, the law enforcement officers establish where the man got the gun to sell. gambling during curfew. bureau of economic security. exposed four illegal gambling
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establishments in the kyiv region, in particular in buch, arpen and boryspil. casinos worked in closed mode, only verified customers were allowed into the gaming hall, and it was possible to play. even at night currently, law enforcement officers are looking for all those involved in illegal activities. romanian farmers have already blocked two checkpoints on the border, it is the sired direction opposite the ukrainian porubne and vikovu desus, which is on the opposite side of the ukrainian checkpoint krasnoilsk. this was reported in the state border service. traffic for trucks is complicated both ways. two directions, the estimated duration of the blockade is currently unknown, the passage of cars and pedestrians is carried out as usual. and while the government is finalizing the new law on mobilization, a number of units have started active recruiting. this practice involves
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the possibility of a person independently choosing a military unit and specialty. ukrainian job search services have received more than 37 thousand resumes in response to vii'. vacancies for the armed forces of ukraine. these are the results of the recruiting project of the ministry of defense in two months. how to effectively attract people to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine? see further. this is the work of a unit of the 110th separate mechanized brigade. soldiers hold back the invaders near avdiivka with heavy drops from drones. and this is to dodge on the border with romania. let's. somehow we will settle this matter, i am asking you, i have to go, take the children out, at least 100 dollars for the trip, well , please, people like them were detained in 2023 1,100 people, border guards report, about
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20 men drowned in the tisza last year alone, and these are the ones who were found, and while the number of fugitives on the border is increasing, the number of soldiers in the trenches is decreasing, and the ranks of the ssu are being replenished. it is more difficult, the need for an optimal draft law on mobilization is becoming increasingly acute, the military is convinced that mobilization must be fair. a law will not be obeyed if a person believes it is unjust. if we can steal one and a half billion from the deputy minister of defense during the war, why then some individual citizen is obliged to give his life. the elites are always primarily responsible, if the elites themselves do not bear the burden of the war, then it is impossible to motivate the citizens. a guy who lives on the periphery is equal to one who lives in the city and has
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a hairy arm, and if necessary, the state will mobilize both one and the other, and not one will be mobilized, the other will hide in various institutions in large metropolises. this is the first. second, for the required number of people , we must have a reliable system in the state educational institutions that will provide a general course of basic military training. the bureaucracy in the army, which is increasingly complained about by military personnel, does not help with the motivation to serve. in their opinion, a change in approaches is needed not only in mobilization, but also in service conditions. someone is there in the operational-tactical group. i noticed that the documents do not say sp - the observation point, the observation point, and all the documentation had to be rewritten, because it is necessary to write it correctly, people with stars, and ranks, and also payments are sitting and doing this the combatants receive, if the combatants receive payments, an alternative and relatively new
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way to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is recruiting, which is actively engaged in by 92 separate assault brigades, within a month and a half, it was possible to find a personnel resource of 200 people, these people are currently undergoing training , that is , relatively speaking, two combat companies in terms of equipment. at the end of 2023, the ministry of defense concluded agreements with four recruiting companies. as of now , about four hundred divisions have posted almost 2,000 vacancies. 17 people responded to them. at the expense of... social networks, at the expense of television channels , at the expense of various sites, including, for example, we post our vacancies, where there is a clear and understandable algorithm, what awaits you after mobilization, what is the mobilization path, what tasks will you perform , plus
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additional constant communication with a representative from our division, who answers all the most difficult questions, gives clarity. you can get acquainted with the open vacancies in the achilles division: by the qr code that you currently see on the screens, and not yet of the new law on mobilization, recruiting, or not the best opportunity to choose your profession in the armed forces on your own. until the war moms did it for you. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 6 p.m., then my colleagues, antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk, continue the broadcast. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal
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svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. negotiations regarding the ukrainian peace formula in davos ended without a clear result, reports bloomberg. swiss foreign minister ignazio cassis, who co-chaired the meeting in davos, said the participants had managed to clarify some issues for... discussion at some stage, but ukraine and russia, which, by the way, were not invited to the meeting for obvious reasons,
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have already made it clear that they are not ready to make territorial concessions. at the same time, the swiss minister said that moscow should be included in the peace settlement process, and this is a scandalous new voiced public certain note, quoting now the swiss foreign minister, in general ukraine is right to use the annual meeting of political and business leaders in davos so that he.. .support and attention to his fight against the invasion of russia, but further steps on his opinions remain unclear, but the key stories are taking place in... our country, this is the situation at the front and the political situation in our studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mobilization, mobilization - the word that ukrainians most often googled in 2023, and it is not surprising, because the law on mobilization, or rather, its draft, made a lot of noise, and we understand that this whole
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story ended with the return of the draft law for revision by the government, will this draft law be submitted for consideration? verkhovna council, will it be possible for some other alternative bills? share with us, is it already known whether this particular bill will be considered, or perhaps your colleagues have already prepared some alternatives? well , you and i in this studio, by the way, said immediately after the government registered the draft law after december 25 of last year, that this draft bill has no chance of passing in this form in the verkhovna rada. and, by the way, we said that the best... way out would be for the government to withdraw this bill, but it took three weeks for the government to realize that, civil society reacted painfully, the military also reflected on such a bill, as a result it was actually withdrawn, but
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the committee on national security and defense did some work. positions, by the way, we in the committee of social policy for the protection of veterans' rights have also prepared our comments on the current edition, and now we expect that the new version will be proposed by the cabinet of ministers, and the ministry of defense is preparing the documents, that the current legislation on mobilization needs to be improved, no one has specialists anymore no doubt we, as people's deputies , who take care of this topic, we are also ready to support, but with those proposals that the mobilization should be fair, and most of them are the ministry of defense, that is , these proposals are ready to be taken into account, we are waiting for the version, we will discuss it, we will supplement it and more once again emphasize that everything
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we proposed and what we have been fighting for since may of last year is not... but to demobilize all conscripts, immediately, and there are several thousand of them, these are the people who have already served their terms, they must be sent home, we write out norm, they should be demobilized immediately within two months, we give the ministry of defense a deadline to do this, and if they reach the conscription, or rather the mobilization age of 25 years, so it is proposed to make changes, then they will have a postponement of up to... six months, that is, 6 months, they clearly, if they reach the age of 25, they will rest at home immediately, and we insisted, and finally the minister of defense admitted it, because until this time they had resisted, there were other legal norms, and they moderately supported us and said that conscripts should be immediately mobilized,
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by the way, the president also spoke about this at the stake meeting, this is a marker. around which we will also talk about other things, regarding justice, then everyone should be demobilized, including those subject to mobilization, including people's deputies, this is my position, we will talk about it, the discussions are ongoing, but there is a very important the nuance, the effect, every day people's deputies will be subject to mobilization, all people's deputies, as is happening today with the deputies of local councils, by the way, fall into the current legislation. and by the deputies of the previous ones convocations of the verkhovna rada, they are not subject to mobilization, this is unfair, the only thing we need to do is to develop a rule on how to preserve the existing verkhovna rada, because during the period of martial law, of course, the enemy is interested in having an incapacitated verkhovna rada in a parliamentary-presidential republic, which cannot
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pass laws, to continue martial law, to continue mobilization, but for that you need... 226, well, if the constitutional majority is 300. today there are 401 people's deputies, if you exclude those who are not subject to mobilization, that is, there are women, those with many children, men who have more than three children in the family, as well as those who have reached the age of 60 plus, then approximately a hundred people's deputies can be mobilized today, then all citizens, i.e. civil society. will realize that at least some kind of justice is finally coming in the state regarding mobilization and reservation review, we talked about it actively, that is, we have to. when we say, and we emphasized this in the social committee, when we talk about the combat front, we have to talk about the economic front, because today in order to have something
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to fight and how to get financial support, it is necessary that someone works, that is, we have to talk about the armor of people of those professions who work and pay taxes today, it is also important that people can work. not hiding to know that his profession is reserved, why, because he works, he pays taxes, taxes are legal, and this gives him a guarantee that he can work. mr. mykhailo, do you already know which categories will be taken into account in this very point about the possibility of deferring those people who actually pay taxes look, we don't see, i'm going back to the version that the cabinet of ministers will offer us, but what was discussed in... the result of the previous project, we talked about the fact that the cabinet of ministers has the authority to issue reservations. the ministry of
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economy is preparing profession, but we allegedly defended graduate students, we defended in this studio, we talked with you about teachers of higher educational institutions without special titles and academic titles, and that is, we also ... ate, also the categories we discussed, these are individuals with a disability of the third groups, groups with many children, and other categories , that is, we will see what the ministry of defense will issue there, but i emphasize once again that we must ensure the economic stability of our state, payment of taxes, etc., but we are turning to the ministry of economy, which should clearly explain which professions they will book, if we are talking about officials, then those categories of workers that are absolutely necessary during martial law should remain, all others should be replaced
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by people who are not subject to mobilization, it is possible to employ people who are already on well-deserved rest, to return them to those positions, to attract more women, by the way, statistics say that in professions of which there was a very small percentage. there were women, now they are increasing, that is, a state policy is needed, but i emphasize once again that the law on mobilization is in force today, as it is implemented by local military administrations, so what else will we see with you, and in conclusion, we are categorically against the fact that the heads of enterprises , as proposed by the draft version of the law, the heads of enterprises had the right and duty to serve summonses and i will provide the appearance of military obligation , it will not pass and the military leadership agreed with this, the same applies to local self-government bodies and local authorities, they contribute to mobilization, but do not
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provide, do not hand out summons, for this there is a special body, a territorial center of recruitment and social security, thank you very much, important news, andrii osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, joins us on skype, glory to ukraine, mr. andriy, congratulations , glory to the heroes, good day. what is in the studio mykhailo tsembalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, your colleague, speaking of the mobilization bill, how long do you think, procedurally speaking, how long can the relevant committees consider an updated version of this important bill, it is interesting that you are discussing a bill that does not exist, because the cabinet bill said that in it has already been worked out for several months about the working ministry. of defense and as if there is already, well, you hear how you ask me questions, as if there is, we have turned this discussion into some kind of hackathon
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in general on the issues of mobilization, at the moment, when we are talking to you, there is no draft law on improving mobilization in ukraine, there is none, colleague mykhailo is right , it is necessary for everyone to understand that we have a law on mobilization, mobilization training, it has been in effect since... 1993, there everything is actually clearly spelled out, and it is necessary to work according to this law in general, i think that the big problem now is that everyone is already used to the fact that the verkhovna rada during the great war works every day, and in fact not for one, not for one day did not interrupt her work at first a full-scale invasion, but everyone should understand that all legislation for the period of martial law is written in this way: in order not to depend on the verkhovna rada at all, because in fact , the fact that we continue to work at all is more the exception than the rule of a major war, you are all fine , i hope you understand that there... could
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have been destroyed several times already and it would not be known what was there at all, it is precisely for such cases that everything is prescribed in our legislation, and we have already said it 10 times, but it is necessary to repeat it to the audience, which is according to the article 11 of the law on mobilization and mobilization training, the president of ukraine, as the commander-in-chief, has all the powers to determine the order, method, time, volume of mobilization, the procedure for granting deferments, from the draft, and so on and so forth, in article 11 it is all written down, and the president of ukraine was there for the last two years before the war, you remember, actively used the site of the national security and defense council for any issues. so now, during the war , it would have been a few months ago when it became clear that we have huge problems with mobilization, because over the past year and a half we have certainly done everything contrary to the quality of mobilization, it was simply necessary at
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the level of... the national security and defense councils to gather, close the doors, talk to specialists, call all interested stakeholders, from the cabinet of ministers, from the same verkhovna rada, who knows how to deal with it objectively, who understands it and makes appropriate decisions. the biggest drama right now is that on the one hand we have inflated the emotions, we have completely destroyed the motivation and we are losing time. we every day we lose time in the great war, while everyone repeats, yes, yes, we need to restart the mobilization somehow. once again, there is no draft law at the moment, i can only confirm that as of today, sometime after lunch, at the level of the leaders of the factions of the parliamentary groups , another version of some project began to circulate, but i'm sorry, each time i read 70 pages
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of text, which can to change 10 more times, for example, i do not plan, so i am waiting for the registration of a new draft law, but this, that everyone should also understand that instead of military affairs being managed by the military, as it is prescribed, i say again in the ukrainian legislation, all this has now been transferred to the verkhovna rada, but there is one important point, in order to adopt any what solution to any important question, you know what to have? it is necessary to have complete information. about what and how and where it is happening, so now the issue of mobilization is a completely classified issue, because 80, probably 90% of the deputy corps does not have access to military secrecy in the part that directly concerns the formation of units, the deficit, military losses, the budget, military plans and so on, that is, now the issue of mobilization,
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it cannot be considered. abstractly, if it were in peacetime, it may have to be considered in a clear connection to what is happening in the troops, what is the need for troops, and what are our plans, the deputies do not know this, but they will somehow consider and approve it. unfortunately, we are where we are. the supreme commander decided not to use his rights, the legislation and the constitution, and now we... are waiting for some kind of registration of a new draft law, it is clear that no one will consider anything in the verkhovna rada this week, again, no matter what is registered there, but the specialized committee must consider it, and for based on our previous experience, we understand that they will have to sit there for at least 3-4 days from morning to night to get through it all, so maybe with god's
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help we will be able to prepare... for the first reading, we, like the parliament, are somewhere on the end of january, probably not earlier, but the drama is that we are wasting time now, our break should be short, yes, now we will go on a short break, after which we will return, no, they say, there will be no break, then let's continue, but i would like to continue regarding the work of the verkhovna rada as a whole, because recently, there have been a lot of questions for the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, i know that the deputies are already collecting signatures, as it were, for his resignation, and now i have an opportunity. to ask you, mr. andriy, and you, mr. mykhailo, what is going on, what was it for the situation when the rostrum of the verkhovna rada was blocked, when the session was closed because the deputies could not reach an agreement, and it is actually strange for ukrainians to observe all this, taking into account the situation of the majority, due to which such passions were played out, mr. osachuk, what fate awaits now to the people's deputy, deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, ms. maryana bezuglu, what's
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up with that? process, you really.


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