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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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somewhere at the end of january, probably not earlier, but the drama is that we are losing time , our break should be short, so now we will go on a short break, after which we will return, no, they say there will be no break, then let's continue, but i i would like to continue regarding the work of the verkhovna rada in general, because recently there have been a lot of questions for the chairman of the verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk, i know that deputies are already collecting signatures, as if for his resignation, and now i have the opportunity to ask you too, mr. andriy , and you, sir mykhailo. what is happening in general, what kind of situation was it when the rostrum of the verkhovna rada was blocked, when the meeting was closed, because the deputies could not reach an agreement, and it is actually strange for ukrainians to observe all this, taking into account the situation in which we are in the majority, due to which such events took place passions, mr. osachuk, what fate awaits the people's deputy, the deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, mrs. marjana, what is wrong with the process, really? you think it's
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important, well not important, but it fits in the so-called history of collecting signatures in honor of ruslan stefanchuk, the chairman, the problem is that it is no secret that all the authorities in this country have been managed by the office of the president since the 19th year, and unfortunately, the leadership of the verkhovna rada itself very much depends on the decisions of the president's office, after everything that happened around the communication, you mentioned... the deputy who made these communications during the last, probably two and a half, yes, almost three months, which were very provocative, very disturbed society, only one thing is clear, that in addition to the surname and first name of the deputy, a couple of surnames that are used by the president should also be added there, because it is obvious that they, so to speak, covered the whole matter and for some reason decided that a similar format of publicity on... would help in
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war, now that it has finally outraged all deputies of all factions, in fact, i have not seen such unity for a long time from the servants of the people to, well, absolutely everyone, but the presidium, the speaker, the vice-speaker, for some reason, they decided last thursday to defend mrs. maryana, but defended themselves to the fact that she is on the next one day left the faction, left the party, that is, now it looks like enough. comical, because it is not known why and why they did it, but at the moment they just disrupted the voting day, they, i mean, the leadership of the verkhovna rada, it is not clear why, we could not vote a very large number of planned bills, and of course, in parallel, it continues the saga with the blocking of the international work of the deputies of the verkhovna rada, which looks absolutely comical against the background of what is happening with the international agenda, because those new rules form. international
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delegations of the verkhovna rada and the rules of deputies' business trips, they are not just discriminatory, in my subjective opinion, they border on the violation of article 351 of the criminal code, namely , obstructing the activities of people's deputies, and specifically in terms of creating artificial obstacles in the work of deputies , because what they wrote there about some theses and so on, well, it is beyond the limits of decency, sir. stay, please, i want mr. mykhailo to respond to the situation with blockages, with bezugal, and with the stepanchuks. well, in fact, when a large-scale war began, the leaders of factions and groups in the verkhovna rada agreed that they would put on the agenda those issues that were supported and approved by all representatives, because, as it seemed to me... there was
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a misunderstanding that in that thursday, which my colleague is talking about, and which you are emphasizing, the issue of recalling bezukula from the post of deputy chairman of the national security, defense and intelligence committee was not on the agenda, because of which a situation arose here when, on the one hand, the right-wing chairman of the verkhovna rada, because this issue is not on the agenda, and on the other hand, according to the current regulations, people's deputies have the right. because each of them can ask questions about inclusion in the agenda, because of that, in fact, i agree, time is lost, and some draft laws have not been voted to date, regarding international politics, and this is the responsibility of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, in fact, every deputy who goes abroad, he represents the state, and people's deputies actually have a functional duty to engage in... including international
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activities, and this is both the duty and the right of a people's deputy, and issuing theses to them already looks at the level of first -year students, because of that here... we need to defend this position, it seems to me that the parliament succeeded, because all factions, or almost all factions and groups, united, and here it is important to leave everything as it was according to the regulations, and to form or change the composition of permanent parliamentary delegations in paré, in the osce, and other international institutions, in the middle or already before the end of the mandate, that's wrong, it was... made in 2019, when the ninth convocation began its activities, everything was recorded, of course, there were some changes when the opzh disintegrated there, but everything else is being formulated, it is working, moreover, one of our colleagues was elected to
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a leadership position in the pair, this is oleksiy honcharenko, how can it be after that, it may become an international scandal, a diplomatic one, where ukraine may lose. reputationally, this is unacceptable to us during the war and such external challenges, so we agree with you, mr. mykhailo, and andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us, well, accordingly we are talking about the next steps of the agenda of the verkhovna rada, in particular, we supported the draft law on timely lobbying in the first reading, we understand that this history is very important, but taking into account all those incomplete draft laws, i don't even know when... hands will get to it, and what, mr. andriy, should our common people expect? you have two minutes, if you allow me, i will very quickly add to what mr. mykhailo said, because it is important that no one thinks that maybe we are putting aside our interests there or that deputy osachuk is very worried about his trips, the formation of the delegation reached
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such a frenzy that , according to ruslan stefanchuk, the head of the specialized committee for international affairs should be in only one delegation, despite the fact that he was also ahead before that, in my subjective opinion, mr. mereshko should be in all delegations , as a person who is responsible for the international policy of the parliament, but even in fact , as a representative of the people's servants, his rights are violated and he is not allowed to work normally, which, excuse me, again goes beyond common sense, regarding the draft law on virtuous lobbying, everyone should understand that it was supported by the constitutional majority of the verkhovna rada in the first reading, it was quite not... it is for many certain activists, i do not see any big problem in it, moreover, when i went to the verkhovna rada, when the voice team went to the verkhovna rada, we defined certain priorities there that we would like to regulate during our term of office, and
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we said many years ago that this issue needs to be regulated, currently there is no regulation in ukraine, therefore i personally, i was very happy to vote for... the first reading, although i have a number of comments and suggestions for this bill, and i think that it is absolutely normal that we disclose the details of those who are engaged in the promotion of certain initiatives, and this is normal practice that exists in the civilized world, the problem is that the european union itself does not have any standardized rules for lobbying, and this is again a question for... our negotiators with the european union, why we were asked this requirement, because it is actually it looks quite strange, but i don't see any problem, let alone any harm, if ukraine settles this issue and the further relations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine with all
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organizations engaged in any promotion of the question will be settled, literally two minutes left, well actually i i would like to add to this draft law on lobbying, it is... it is the most perfect in the united states, and in the european union, in fact, there is no perfect, but this is one of the requirements for ukraine's entry into the european union. we voted as faction, i personally voted for the second reading, we want to make significant amendments there, because this version, which is from the cabinet, which was voted, it is not ideal, we need to take samples from american legislation, we, by the way. our alternative draft law contains them, we will finalize it and vote again, i think, also with a constitutional majority, we should see those people who openly lobby, they register with the nakc, they receive funds, pay taxes on them and declare all this, because today allegedly
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they are lobbying, on the verge of violating the current legislation, this is a good american practice, let's still introduce it in our country, well, we will have to read it. about the american law on lobbying, so that you know, so that we don't invent some kind of rover, so that we won't be ashamed until later, thank you very much, people's deputies are working in our studio right now, mihai. tsymbalyuk and andriy osadchuk, an extremely fruitful discussion, well , we will wait for the next plenary meeting. yes, we will wait and we will say goodbye to you for today, because the time is coming to pass the baton to our colleagues. we would like to remind you that marta oliernyk and antin burkovskyi were working in the studio at these hours, tomorrow, tomorrow in this studio we will traditionally meet at the same time and we will have a lot of important topics to discuss, so be with espresso. well, we pass the word to ours. colleagues, and you continue to follow our platforms, our website, our social networks, and be with
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mechanized brigade cold ravine is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. see this week in the collaborators program. who in the occupied territories became a deputy from united russia? you and i are electing deputies to regional assemblies and municipal but what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures for support. of our president, watch
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the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel on tuesday, january 16 at 5:45 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as important guests of the studio: events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present own names project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and who will be the guest of the studio, will find out. already this sunday, topics will definitely be relevant, guests - special, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday 17:10 at espresso. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, my name is khrystyna porubiy and we tell the stories of soldiers released from captivity. at the beginning of january there was one of the largest exchanges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we
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have the opportunity to talk with the wife of one of those who returned to... the house of ostap reshitnyk, he is from lviv oblast, today we have olga reshitnyk in the studio, olga , i welcome you, tell me some of your first emotions, how you found out that your husband is coming home, good afternoon, studio, actually, it was first of all a call from the special services, as it usually happens, the very first emotions, that is, i didn't believe in it, that it was really so, that's how we learned to restrain ourselves. well, that is, we did not expect something immediately, so somehow at first such emotions, they were even on, well, a shock, just a shock, from which we still have not really recovered, because somehow, you have two children, as they were going through this separation from their father, because your husband was in captivity for almost two years, so, how, what
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were the emotions of the children? eh, daughter, she was too. forged, she was happy, that is, she laughed, her son had radically different emotions, he cried, he cried all evening, until he heard the father's voice, and the daughter was walking, saying, well, why are you crying, well, that is , dad is already at home, dad is in ukraine, why are you crying, on the contrary, you should be happy, and then, when they already heard the voice of the father, in they had radically different emotions, that is, when did you manage to get in touch with the man, in fact? this period of waiting for the call, it lasted from 6 o'clock in the afternoon until almost 112 in the evening, it was such a long period that when we already heard this call, everyone who was near me, well, near me, there were tears, emotions, it it was a shock, well that is, but we were glad to finally hear his
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voice, how did the children survive these almost two years of separation? i tried to somehow distance them a little from this, that is, not to involve them completely in all those emotions, i tried to somehow distract them so that they would not experience this whole situation so deeply, you have a 13-year-old daughter, yustyna, and so does lukyany nine years old, and now let's hear how they met and talked with their father. the first call after the capture, we will now listen to yustyna reshitnyk. tell me how you found out that your father has already been released from captivity, that your father returns home, what are your first impressions, first emotions? well, my mother got a call from the sbu and said that he was in ukraine. and my mother was not at home then,
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she went to the store, and here she calls me somewhere around six in the evening and says that my father is at home, well... well, i had some mixed emotions, because i was in shock, well, at first i cried a little , but it was from happiness, and then i didn't feel any such emotions until that moment, until he called us, i was already talking with my father like this, tell me what they talked about, the first one conversation, video or phone, well, first he just called on the phone, well, we just talked... what we did during that time, while he was gone, how are we doing there, is everyone healthy, and said that they missed each other , we already managed to communicate via video, yes, he called us, then we showed him what we had there, he also showed us, told us everything, it was yustyna reshitnyk, the daughter of ostap
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reshitnyk, whom she freed the day before from russian captivity. please tell me about your husband, who he was at the front, since when did he go to war and why was it important for him to go to war? well, in fact, he has been in the military since 2009, and when in the 14th year all these situations that continue to this day began, he, well, every year until today, he went on rotations, they provided assistance to the military, they carried out, well, that is, all kinds of processing , that is... they primarily ensured, let's say so, the safety of our own people, they were engaged in the treatment of premises, that is, from rodents, from all kinds of things, well, all these things are... the work that the sanitation services are engaged in, this is also then he was a driver, like one of the health services of all
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the services, which also provided assistance to the military, and directly to the medics themselves, because a medic can't do anything without a driver, he performed all his duties that were entrusted to him, which were needed, helped as much as he could, explained his decisions, why it was important for him to join the armed forces of ukraine. he always said, who, if not me, how did his family accept such an act? well, uh, we didn't mind very much, because it was his calling, he wanted to go there, he wanted to go there, he said, that is, that i want to be with the boys, that is , i am also needed there, so we strongly did not simply object. before that, how did the war start in 2014, this period until 2022, before the full-scale war, what operations was your husband involved in, what about his
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life during this time period, where was he? eh, they were regularly sent on rotations, as a rule, to military hospitals, they were with military medics, with hospitals, they provided all the help that was needed, where, where was he, which ones, can you give any points? it was different points, it was also mariupol, and it was, i can’t even remember it anymore, because it’s so much all kinds of information, and north-donetsk, well, that is, a lot of eastern regions, both above and below, well, that is, everywhere, where they were needed, everywhere they were. you know, many soldiers, those who have been fighting since 2014, they predicted somewhere that there will be such a full-scale invasion, there will be a big war, that russia will not leave... ukraine like this, it's that simple, tell me, did the man somewhere predict this , or perhaps, was preparing some family for that, in fact, we are on such a topic with he hasn't been spoken to and i think, well
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i won't say because i really don't know it, but he was riding the rotation on the 18th of february, not saying anything like that, he was just riding like an extraordinary rotation of his that he was riding before , february 18. in 2022, he went to mariupol, so he went on rotation to mariupol, this is the 555th mariupol hospital, how long was the man in contact then, how long was the contact, were you able to talk to him, how often did you talk to him kept in touch, actually as an opportunity there was no connection, it happened on the 24th, it all started, on the 26th i personally talked to him, it was... literally a few minutes, and it was very short, then his daughter heard him on the first of march, he asked , how they,
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what they, and after such a complete connection that we heard his voice was lost, there were several messages from the beginning of march until april 3rd, and the last message, it was april 3rd, alive healthy, and after that we never... heard anything, knew nothing, we walked, we waited, we hoped, we still have to wait a little, he will call, he, well, that is, and when one evening, i don’t remember exactly whether it was april 30 or 31, one evening before going to bed i was scrolling through the russian telegram channel, i saw him there a photo, well , this is a photo with an inscription that they held up, they did the right thing, surrendered their weapons, raised their hands up, and that's how i saw... that he was a prisoner, first of all it was a call from the military unit to the commander, that's it so such and such information appeared, and from that moment the process was launched, that is, we started
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looking for different exits, volunteers, documents, all the special services, a million calls, a million messages, a lot of all kinds of information, encountered different moments, there were a lot of such moments of despair. in which they wanted to leave it all, because there are a lot of our special services, well, i understand that this is their job, there is information that they cannot disclose, everywhere we did not turn, everywhere there were the same answers, be patient, we are doing everything it is possible, but we are relatives, it was difficult, this period of obscurity, when we did not know anything, this the waiting period, and finally we waited. a long-awaited call, a very long-awaited message that he is finally in ukraine. the man was captured in mariupol from the ilyich plant, right? so. did
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these first, the first, speak at all? a month, when there was contact with him after all , did the man tell something, what was the situation at the factory then, or was it, when they were already at the factory, there was no contact with him, the last contact was complete, this was march 1 when we heard it, then in march, as we all know, an aerial bomb was dropped on this hospital and after that full contact with him was lost, they were in the bankers at the lych plant, so someone there somewhere got closer, then he wrote. relatives, that is, that so and so, such and such a situation, that is, you did not even know what happened to your husband, no, we knew, we found out later that he was wounded, during captivity, it is almost two years, yes , you found out in april that he was already in captivity, did you manage to maintain any contact with the man, was there any correspondence, none, nothing, where did you get the information from? information about him, unfortunately, no
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information. there was not, that is, all that was in the russian telegram channels, of some kind, right? yes, we didn’t find him on any videos anymore, and how come the situations of relatives who recorded videos there, no, no information, except for this photo, which we saw in april, we didn’t have until january, when it appeared hope for an exchange? there was always hope, we always waited, we always, to tell the truth, i didn't... resolve myself with such thoughts in order to avoid disappointment again. we just learned to live with it. that we still need to wait a little, be patient a little. therefore, i will say this, in truth, there was hope when this list of 300 people was published on the network, that these people had passed all the procedures, but it was perceived as another injection of information, a type of disinformation, because to
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hope for some... . logic and for some real adequacy, well, unfortunately, no, it was not possible, because there was a lot of misinformation, but they pleased themselves with this, that taking into account the entire number of prisoners that there is, and he got into the list of these 300 people, so it's not in vain, and there is hope appeared even more, but finally at least he appeared somewhere, that it is really possible that soon something will become clear, and it turned out that we... we did not wait long after that, how much time passed from the publication of the list, it passed somewhere approximately two weeks, how is the man feeling now and when will you be able to see him? he is now in a pretty good condition, he is happy that he can finally hear the children, that he can hear their laughter, their voice, he says: i am doing everything i can to get home as soon as possible, so that i can hug you all as soon as possible.
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says: i missed you very much, i knew you were waiting for me, i knew personally before me that you would do anything for me to come back, so we are also happy to wait for him at home, you already know when you can see , which he himself says, unfortunately, we don't know anything yet, because it all depends on his health, so it's nonsense, it can wait, we already know that he is here, so there is a connection, there is communication, therefore... those few days or weeks can already be waited. we wish you to meet and be again as soon as possible the whole family let me remind you that today we spoke with the wife of osta pereschitnyk, who was released from russian captivity at the beginning of january, olga reshitnyk. we are waiting and hoping for each of our military men, who are now, unfortunately, in russian boot shops. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. il-22 air command post, this one made it to the airport in anapa. living reptile - commented air force spokesman yuriy ignat. however, due to the nature of the damage, recovery.


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