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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. il-22 air command post, this one made it to the airport in anapa. a living reptile - commented air force spokesman yuriy ignat. however, due to the nature of the damage, it cannot be restored. today , air force fighters shot down one of the most expensive.
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six a50 reconnaissance planes and damaged the il-22 air command post of the occupiers. valery zaluzhnyi thanked the air force for the excellently planned and conducted operation in azov region. according to official data, the russian army invading ukraine had only nine such reconnaissance planes. one was probably shot down early last year during the attack on machulyshchi airfield. and to the situation in the south of ukraine. the russians are not stopping their assault on the left bank of the kherson region. over the past day, seven attempts by the occupiers to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were recorded. all of them are fruitless - said natalya humenyuk, head of the united coordination press center of the southern defense forces. ukrainian military remain in the fixed positions of the left bank. also counter-battery fighting.
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on our part, it was quite effective , we continue to destroy the enemy's means of defense, in particular the osa anti-aircraft missile system, and means of destruction, one hail installation, one tank, seven units of large-caliber artillery, this is the potential with which the enemy tried to press on the right bank, that our people continue to be turned into weapons, oleksandr... congratulated the fighters of the people's brigade on the anniversary of the creation of the unit. the commander of the ground forces presented the defenders with medals for courage resilience and heroism. military comrades from the intelligence agencies also joined in the greetings. they presented the soldiers with prize weapons and other encouraging awards. the largest nato exercises since the end of the cold war will soon begin, for which great britain will send about 20
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thousand military personnel, land forces, warships and aircraft, said the minister of defense of the country grand shabs, according to him, during the exercises, the military join forces with colleagues from 30 nato countries and sweden, providing vital safeguards against the putin threat. now is the time for all allied and democratic nations around the world. ensure that its defense spending grows because, as we discussed earlier, the era of the peace dividend is over. the production of munitions and weapons at polish factories is increasing substantially, according to local media, in particular, it is about the factory in bydgoszcz, where tnt production has increased to the maximum level due to the war in ukraine and increased demand. a similar situation is observed at other enterprises, for example at... luchnik in radom, where they plan
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to produce up to 100,000 rifles per year, and the howitzer and apc plant of huta stalova volya intends to double the supply of equipment in two years. volodymyr zelenskyi with a working trip to switzerland, where he will take part in the world economic forum, the event will be attended by more than 100 representatives of governments from around the world and all major international ones. according to reports from the president's office, zelenskyi will hold a number of bilateral meetings, in particular with the president of the european commission, ursula fonderline. i would like to note that the 54th annual economic forum will last until january 19. the un is asking its donors to allocate 4 billion 200 thousand dollars for humanitarian aid to ukrainians, it is about support for victims of russian shelling, as well as refugees. the organization noted that due to the full-scale invasion
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of russia, more than 14 million ukrainians are in need of humanitarian aid and added that the un cannot cope with all requests, so it needs additional support. "we're deliberately lowering the amount we're asking for, not because we think so needs will decrease, or the war becomes easier for the people of ukraine, and because we need to set priorities, we well understand that there is fierce competition with conflicts in other parts of the world, the harsh truth about the competition of aid programs among themselves, the ministry of foreign affairs of poland does not rule out a new waves of refugees from of the country, as the country's deputy minister of foreign affairs andrzej shayna stated, the russian offensive could theoretically lead to the word of the front to the west, and then millions of ukrainians, women and children will probably have to seek refuge abroad, for according to shane, the new wave of refugees may become
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a burden for poland, but the country will not refuse to provide shelter to those fleeing the war in any case. romanian... farmers have already blocked two checkpoints on the border, they are in the direction of siret opposite the ukrainian porubne and vikovu desus, which is on the opposite side of the ukrainian checkpoint krasnoilsk. this was reported in the state border service. traffic for trucks is complicated in both directions. the estimated duration of the blockade is currently unknown. passage of cars cars and pedestrians is carried out in the usual mode. thousands of farmers gathered in berlin for a protest. demonstrators started coming from all over the country since sunday evening. in total , about 5,000 tractors and other equipment and about 10,000 protesters are expected. activists hung posters on cars
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calling for the cancellation of subsidies and various complaints against the authorities. in particular, you can see slogans about looting, commissarism and inciting war. let me remind you that the cause of the protests was government plans to cancel tax credits on diesel for agricultural machinery. subsidies for agricultural diesel fuel will not be canceled immediately, they will be gradually reduced over the next years. i can't promise you more state aid from the federal budget today, but together we can fight for you to regain more freedom and more confidence in your work. they tried to leave illegally. abroad. border guards detained three offenders in zakarpattia. men tried to overcome the barrier fence, however, they were stopped by law enforcement officers. one of the detainees turned out to be a smuggler. he offered his friends to take them to the border for uah 500 each. two men
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were brought to administrative responsibility. business on home-made weapons. law enforcement officers detained a 38-year-old man from volyn, who was selling firearms. the defendant sold atypical self-made shooting devices similar to single-shot pistols. during the search of the man, cartridges of various calibers, gunpowder, a rifle, a rifle and a rifle were found a rifle currently, law enforcement officers are determining where the man obtained weapons for sale. gambling during curfew. the bureau of economic security exposed four illegal gambling establishments in kyiv. in particular, in buch-yerpen and boryspil. casinos were closed . only verified customers were allowed into the gaming hall, and it was possible to play even at night. currently, law enforcement officers are looking for all those involved in illegal activities. in
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the west of iceland, after the eruption of the volcano , the lava reached a small fishing town grindavik. and for the first time in half a century, when streams. volcanic lava reached the borders of the settlement and burned several houses. eyewitnesses saw how cracks appeared on the roads before that, spewing lava. local rescuers assured that there is no threat to people's lives, because they were evacuated in time. in recent weeks, barriers of earth and rock have been built to stop the lava, but the latest eruption has breached the defenses.
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and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies, plantain for you and oshchat. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear ones tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema , this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 408 minutes, i want to say right away that we are waiting for a press conference with the participation of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky, it will be just in our ethers, you will hear and see everything, but we will start with the announcement of the collection. espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers are actively defending ukraine. from 2014 to in the hottest directions, this includes the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy region
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and kharkiv region, and the frantic battles for soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, the defenders need drones, kamikaze, i would say they need them in sufficient numbers. they can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, enemy equipment, manpower in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the warriors say, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. so... let's strengthen the wings of our army and clip the wings of the leading aggressor country unjust war against ukraine. well , we will talk with bohdan tkachuk, a member of the kharkiv district council, about the everyday life of this war, and especially how, unfortunately, civilian objects and settlements are suffering. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, good evening. glad to see and hear. well, let's talk about the actual process. first i will ask about... the security situation as of the evening of the last day, the most important, what happened, where the enemy attacked,
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what is the situation as of now with precisely the consequences of the enemy, please, well, i can to say that for the last three days, the picture has not changed, the city itself has not been shelled, but combat clashes are going on along the border, these are artillery strikes, these are kabama strikes, aviation, the vovchan direction, populated areas all around it, then the kupyan direction. i.e., every day there are approximately 15 settlements that the russian army attacked in one way or another, in addition to that you can add more attacks, every day three or four attempts to storm our senkivka, petropavlivka with an attempt to get out to kupyansk, but it all doesn't go through, but there are efforts, they go on the attack regularly, well , like this, if at all... and briefly the situation in kharkiv region. the enemy hit the grain hangars
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in vovchansk, is there any information, maybe it is being updated, how much material damage the enemy caused, first of all, how many were wounded there. and i have no information about this, sorry. well, i will just tell our viewers that the enemy is not only hitting hotels and houses, he is also trying to hit storage facilities, grain storage, well... what can i say, i read today that the rescuers continue to dismantle the rubble of the park-hotel that was hit, how much work is still there and, in general, what can be said about these consequences? how can it be restored there, it is not possible, please, well, it is a three-story hotel, the roof and the upper third roof have been dismantled, now they are dismantling the second one , as far as i can see from the footage and i drove past it today, looked, that is, work is going on, but i don’t know , will resume work, be restored in that in the form in which it is now, will
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they rebuild completely new buildings, a new building, but the work is going on, i would also like to add that... our five-star hotel, which suffered from the handing over of a missile, is now also being closed, well, the structures that interfered at the point of impact have already been dismantled, and the facade itself is covered with osb plates and preserved so that it will be possible to start the heating and at least partially put it into operation, well, that is, work is underway in one and another hotel in the city of kharkiv , i am now before putting question... on specific situations, i would like to ask in general, this is the activation of the enemy from the shelling of kharkiv oblast, kharkiv oblast and kharkiv, all the more so being fired at by ballistic missiles, the accuracy of which can only be spoken of very conditionally, if we are talking about the s-300 , for example, what the enemy uses, how it affects the life of the city, the mood of the people, how it has changed the rhythm of life in general today, well
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, the city, about which it is written every day that the enemy is preparing an attack on kharkiv. well, as the last shelling of the hotel showed, they are not so much these s300s are inaccurate because two missiles fell very close to each other and hit this hotel quite accurately right in the entrance part of it, so the question here is their accuracy, we are used to them not being so accurate at long ranges, but in fact sometimes such hits and you start to think, maybe one is not accurate. and the other still fulfills the role that was assigned to her, and as for the people of kharkiv, well, you know, i did not notice any such changes, such as panic, depression or anything else in the mood of the residents of the city of kharkiv, no, but absolutely, lives his life , you know, the war took its toll, it dragged us all into such, shall we say, such a protective
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shell, we have now and we do not pay attention to these explosions and it’s scary, there are also children, there are also women who panic at these moments, but in general it has become such an everyday phenomenon, everything in our country is working, transport is moving, there is light, unlike there, for example, the old split, here i read, in them there the pipe broke again and there is no heating in that old shard, they promise only that will do, that is, it exists in kharkiv and i hope that it will continue. electricity , water, cold, sewage, it all works , medical facilities, there, well, supermarkets, the city lives its own life, maybe, maybe it doesn't quite correspond, it doesn't quite correspond to what it was before the total invasion, but still, the people of kharkiv did not lose heart, and the evacuation of people from, let's say, well , i'm talking about kupyansk, kupyansky
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district, i understand that it's not only about this district, but we managed to evacuate eight more people . again, and here i am reading information, statistical data that the majority of people, well, mainly those people who are evacuated from the frontline areas of kharkiv region, and they mostly stay in kharkiv, whether it is true or not, well, again, it is possible that conditions are being created in kharkiv for so that people can be there , do they stay with relatives, how is it there, please , most of them really stay in kharkov, because it is nearby, there is transport here, if you want to leave, return to the city in the same, drunken way community or another vovchansk, and kharkiv provides these and all cities, we have very much many dormitories, which are now empty , which, well, i know, have been partially renovated, prepared, prepared for resettlement, and the authorities deal with this regularly, there it is for the replacement of windows, the replacement of furniture there, some beds are brought in there,
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necessary things for the stay are brought in, clothes, food. that's all, let's say it's been worked out , such a mechanism is clear, the social structure, let's say, it all works, and there are social payments of some kind, let's say the moments that district administrations do all this, social services, so what's next makes a lot of sense there is no further way to go, let's say in ukraine, some leave, but most of the expedition stays in the city of kharkiv, there is a place to receive them, and we are happy for these people, they are somehow looking for themselves there. difficult situations, but well, in this regard, we have everything set up normally, well, i will not ask about the production of drones by all people who know how to do it and can. to do it, to purchase parts, here you know, well , this statement from the minister was heard, some laugh, some take it more seriously, in any case, any initiative, it can always be implemented to a certain extent
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by people who already implement this initiative, so i will ask about what, because this is a more global issue, and it does not concern specific people or households, where anyone can do what, but concerns whole communities, so there was a statement from the spokesman of the air defense forces, mr. ignat, he says that local communities can purchase radio electronic equipment. in civilian manufacturers to counter russian missiles and drones, well kharkiv itself is a city that would really need the guys, i don’t know if they are active against ballistics, i'm not an expert, but i think that no matter what action is taken against something, this issue will be discussed in general, i just don't know how much the rebs cost, i know that there are certain organizations that buy rebs for the military, so there is such a process , it can be done, but in principle, in your opinion , will it be considered, is this initiative promising, well, again, because kharkiv, kharkiv region are communities that are directly... interested in blinding the enemy somewhere , enemy strike targets? well you know well, my personal opinion is that there are state structures,
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there are ministries that are, let's say, that deal specifically with these issues, and we, as a state, as a price, people who pay taxes, finance all of this, why can't they organize. two years have already passed, for some reason russia can't organize, and we are still making promises there, and now, well , as it looks to me, let's transfer all this to the territorial communities, which means they took the military tax of these territorial communities, sent it to kyiv, now there somewhere they are sawing his guts, somewhere they are telling something, well, i don't see such an effect that everyone has become a million drones, it has appeared, so far there is none and soon it will all be, but now there is such a proposal, let's get the communities to do it themselves... we are making defenses, let's get the communities to start there too to do something, we have our territorial brigades, which are formed in the territories of communities, let's
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form something else, well, that is, initiatives like mine, well, well, well, concepts are changed, everyone in the state is engaged in his work, when this the whole mechanism works, you know, from top to bottom, as it should, as it should be, then the army and the defense of the state are working, and when we arrest mr. terikhov now, well, we will not arrest him, why persuade there, there is some general criticism, well, he will react in the city council will also react, let's go there terikhov , in addition to the restoration of broken hotels, everything else will also be engaged in the manufacture of drones, an organization somewhere , something else, for which we then pay taxes to kyiv, well then return the taxes, we will then open factories here in kharkiv, an independent territorial community, there will be a deputy , who is engaged in the defense of the city kharkiv, there will be an additional department there. well , we will do it all, of course . please tell us how many of these military levy taxes were taken from kharkov, let's say this, well, there is not only the army, not the military, it means
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these taxes of military personnel and others like that, well, just to understand, because actually this money was taken with the aim that drones would be financed with them, in particular for the troops, well, we have deputies of the kharkiv city council, they will say for sure, but... i know that it is several billion hryvnias, this is a territorial community only of the city of kharkiv, if we take the kharkiv district, then we have 15 territorial communities together with kharkiv, well, it will already be several billions a year that were taken from us, well , the budget of kharkiv was somewhere around 15-18 billion, it changes there from year to year depending on the same taxes, well, now consider that several billions have been taken from us, but the city continues to work, now... whether there is a billion or 100 million, i don't i know how much, let's open a factory, one here and make a utility company,
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you know, in kharkiv there is such a tradition, we create utility companies in any direction, we had up to 100 of them there before the war, now there are a little less than disbanded, well, let's create a few more utilities, one will deal with drones, the second will deal with air defense there, the third with something else and more. and everything will be fine, i will lead one of these, there is no question, i will lead one of them and i will agree with the fact that there should obviously be clearer communication, who can do it, please do, who can do it, and this is how they do it, the question is different, well, because it is perceived in such a way that everyone , let's be a circle in mila ruchenita and let's do something, moreover, not all of them they can, they know how, not everyone is given it, if it is not given to you, you will not do it, but you can help, you can always, but i know that you, in addition to being a deputy, are also the head of a condominium, if i don't i'm wrong, yes, i have a fairly powerful administration, but i would like to use the example of a city from which many people left, probably not all of them returned, a city where a lot of damaged or destroyed buildings that are now uninhabitable
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, and ... all this, plus the city, which today is really under threat of another enemy invasion, at least that's what it says, here's this initiative to lift the moratorium on her fee there for not the fee, but the fact that they will be fined, charged a penalty, even cut off from the supply of those people who have significant debts for electricity, in my opinion, it was only about electricity, as it is in your case, according to your experience with such a specific one. in a specific example specific ssb, how it will be implemented in general, what debts there may be and how actively it can work, how quickly, because again, this is the same, the initiative is like this, well somewhere on the one hand, it may be right, who does not pay, let him pay who has the opportunity , but in my opinion, it is problematic , you know, yes, there was such a 206 decree of the cabinet of ministers, which was introduced at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, which stated that it was not possible to charge... fines during this
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full-scale invasion cannot be done either payments and on bank charges, all other sanctions that can be accepted for a religious person, this meant the population exclusively not commercial, but the population itself, now this norm has been removed in this resolution, or a new one has been adopted, i will not tell you exactly here, and in addition to those territories where hostilities are taking place, they are constantly updated in... in the register of the cabinet of ministers, it is there, you can go and look, well, in kharkiv, if we are talking about the city, it is not included, regarding all the fines themselves, well , look, i went through two courts already with the kharkiv power plant, i sued him for 315 fines, fines and everything that they charged us during the war, because the house was broken, people didn't pay, and we were issued fines, i won two lawsuits, now they have filed a lawsuit in the supreme court and
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on the 23rd... we will still sue them there with with these, let's say hakugas, this is a state -owned enterprise, by the way, which happens to extort money from the residents here and there, which is directly related, well, let's take an apartment that is in a condominium, which has a debt, if it concerns electricity, then they can come and turn off the electricity supply, because in they have a direct contract with this apartment, and if a person does not pay, let's say there, well, for two years , or it happens even more, and i don't pay attention to that, well , here we have to make a decision, because we all... pay for this person, and she can't, what are the reasons, it's different, let's say, household or there may be some, but there are other debts, it 's not the same, it's not only about electricity, you 're wrong here, it also applies to debts for other things, for example , contributions for house maintenance, or payment for water that is needed and so on, i have apartments, some of them have 30 thousands of debts, there are 35, people don't pay for two years and can't pay it off, i
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didn't have a mechanism to deal with them. there are people who have money and live here , and everything is fine, but they pay, well, the war is going on, i won’t pay, you know, so i waved it off, i won’t pay, now i have a mechanism with which i well, i can come and cut off, for example, his supply, mr. bohdan, i will interrupt you for a second, i will announce to our viewers that we are waiting minute by minute for the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who is with the official bernie will hold a press conference with the president of the swiss confederation, viola amgert, as soon as they appear. over there by these stands, we're definitely going to go on the air, but while we have a few minutes, i'd like to continue, continuing this topic, look, i can't find the stats as of now, i'm just not going to look, but i think that you can roughly understand that as of january 1 last year, the debt of ukrainians for communal services reached uah 120 billion, including debts for temporarily occupied territories , well, during this time there were no more temporarily occupied territories, in my opinion, but even if
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somewhere there the enemy repulses something... square kilometers, then for sure no one pays the utility bill there, well, if we are talking about the bahamian direction, say, or zaporizhzhia somewhere, then it is clear, this is such a huge amount, and it is clear that it will grow, according to your experience, are there people who, let's say, have profits, but simply do not pay, because those people, to things that have the most non-payers are those that have not been processed the subsidy, those who signed up for the subsidy, just pay properly, but look, if we are talking about condominiums, i will say more precisely, i don’t know where the subsidies are paid, in my building there is only one subsidian for 200 apartments, all other people began to pay, some pay such large sums in advance, because they understand that it is difficult for condominiums, and you need to give money to make it last, even if the house was not damaged, its systems worked, and so on, but there are principle debtors who under some or other...


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