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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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occupied territories , well, during this time, in my opinion , there are definitely no more temporarily occupied territories, even if somewhere there the enemy repulses some square kilometers, then for sure no one pays utility bills there, well, if we are talking about the direction of bakhmut, say, or zaporizhzhia is somewhere there, of course, this is such a huge amount, and they understood that it will grow, according to your experience, are there people who, let's say, have profits, but simply do not pay, because those people, by the way, who have the most non-payers are those who did not issue the subsidy, those who they issued a subsidy, they just pay properly. well, look, if we’re talking about condominiums, i’ll be more precise here, i don’t know where subsidies are paid, in my building there, there seems to be only one subsidy for 200 apartments, all other people have started paying, some pay in advance and large ones large sums, because they understand that it is difficult for condominiums, and money must be given so that it will last, even if the building did not break down, its systems worked and so on, but there are principle debtors who, under one or another... pretexts, do not collect until
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who pays, now there is this mechanism , you understand, and everyone thinks, well, i will be left without electricity, i will be left there without water or without heating in my apartment, which i did not want, did not want to pay, and this debt was hanging , and they will start paying it, it probably still had to be done, but let the people in ukraine tell me now that bohdan is somehow dragging his feet there, but listen, it's... 20 billion, and that's more not all the money, there is someone who did not count how much, for example, i have half a million, it seems that only the residents are to blame of the osb building, which i head, you understand, this is not included in this 120 billion, and there are so many different condominiums, various others, where there are not even statistics about these debts, they must be extinguished, well , without money, it is impossible for this to work mechanism, that's it, you understand, now we already have such an opportunity, none of the residents. won't
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show me the 206 resolution and won't say that you don't have the right, we have a war, i 've suffered terribly here and therefore i won't pay, well, it was me and there it was predicted by the national commission on energy and communal affairs services, they motivated in this way that those people, or they voiced such a logic of fines, those who have long-term debts, that is, it is not that you did not pay there for three months, four months, maybe even six months, well, people have all kinds of situations . and a longer time , but again, and the people who left, well, maybe you have them, you know the history when people left kharkiv, well, somewhere in ukraine, in other regions, or maybe abroad, or so people pay, and here again, you know, such logic, a person lives in a certain area and knows that the s300 flies over kharkov or some others, well, it is not only over kharkov, but over kharkov in particular, we simply see that it is almost close to the russian border, and a person thinks to himself, i will pay, and then i will be robbed an apartment and i have already paid, and
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then i will still take compensation, well, that is, this is the logic of war, it is not the same as in ordinary life, and you must also pay attention to it , whether it is right or wrong, it is simply different, this is the logic of military actions, and people sometimes act completely illogically in this logic, as for peaceful life, well, you know, here you are not quite right in terms of why, those people who left for , well, very often abroad or somewhere in western ukraine, to other cities, they are just, you know, worried about what we have it happens here in kharkiv, sometimes, what do those who live here and do not pay, and transfer money, yes, i can name every apartment, surname, name, who is where, because this is my job, and they transfer money there, someone is in slovakia, someone is in italy, someone is in germany, and they they worry, call, write, how are you doing after each shelling, you know, i have a lot on my phone, in the telegram channel of our house, or in my personal ones.
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let us know that everything is fine there , what happened to you, no one was hurt, that is, people are concerned and send money and support this house, so you know, the logic here is still generally ukrainian, the general is so patriotic, it is present, and some people, who did not leave here or returned, and they feel normal, live 30 00 debts, they use all the benefits that we provide them, or there is electricity, because at one time in kharkiv there was no transport... i don't know how this situation is now, it is now free, free metro in kharkiv, then the question arises, why here, well, it doesn’t cost uah 5 either, but i will finally ask, what is the situation regarding the dynamics of housing restoration, it is clear that it is not easy and we need to find money, but very briefly, if possible, whether this dynamic is maintained, please yes there is a restoration of a billion 200 million, it seems there are now these... they announced the amount which
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have already been charged, or to people, people will either be paid, or are in the process of being paid, there are various funds that we have applied to the fund, this is the un, and the french fund. under the roof of the un , which compensates for losses from shelling, so we submitted documents for about 60 apartments and now they promise to pay a certain amount for each member of the family, that is, the money is there, it has appeared, it is very, very gratifying, because in in chapter 22, we didn't see any money anywhere, you know, on the horizon that could come to us, now it is, it appears, it is such ways, where you can get it, where broken windows are compensated, there is something else, and if there is a person who cares... she deals with the issues a little, takes a picture of me there , puts me into action there, calls the administration, finds out from the head of the osb, and what is there there is, and like this, this mechanism is starting a little, well, not a little , it is gaining momentum and that's all, and recovery is taking place, and the city council is doing the same with those houses that were damaged by explosions
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last year, and this year, thank you very much, mr. bohdan, there are many of us today talked, thank you for being with us and for your professional comments, bohdan takachuk, deputy of kharkiv. of the district council , take care, life is still in kharkiv, and i will say that we are waiting, again, we continue to wait for the approach to the press of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who is in the swiss confederation in the city of bern, and he will hold a joint press - a conference with the president of the swiss confederation viola amgert, you see, there is no one yet, but the head of our state and his visavi from switzerland you will hear, you will see , well, i am in favor of us not wasting time on useless waiting, well, not useless, but long waiting, we will talk about the situation at the front, and again, we are all waiting for clarifications from our expert serhii zgurets, what happened to the so-called long-range radar detection and control aircraft a50 and its friend il-22m. sergey,
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please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate ours, indeed we will now talk about this historical event in our column, and then, if there are more possibility. let's talk about another epic battle where our bradleys destroyed russian tanks near the steppe. more on that in a moment. of course, the top news is that the ukrainian air force destroyed an a50-u long-range editorial detection aircraft and critically damaged an air base. control of the il-22 m of the russian occupation army, this was officially announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhnyi, as well as the commander of the air force. it happened on january 14 at around 9 p.m. over the sea of ​​azov. it is about a well-thought-out and
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a difficult operation, because for the first time in the history of hostilities, our armed forces shot down a long-range radiation detection plane, because they are trying. to keep away from the front edge, and such planes do not come into effect against enemy air defense, as is believed, and even they are covered by such own fighters, so what happened is incredible and unprecedented for combat operations, although it is already traditionally done by our armed forces forces like this, let me remind you, was with the destruction of the flagship of the black sea fleet, the moscow cruiser, our neptune missile, and the destruction of the russian submarine. rostov with the storm shdow cruise missile in sevastopol. but shooting down an enemy a50 and hitting an ill-22 is extremely important given the cascading effect of the loss of these aircraft for russia's combat capability. why so? the a50
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actually has the ability to detect our planes, cruise missiles, and drones at a fairly significant distance. they can also detect the base. of our air defense systems and radars, when these radars are working, and there was a time when three such aircraft were constantly on duty near our borders, the plane was in of belarus, worked, then from the waters of the sea of ​​azov and somewhere from kursk, these three planes could actually control our entire airspace, and the loss of such a machine for the enemy is very, very serious, because the aggressor's army had only nine in service until yesterday eight such aircraft, while among them there were three a50 in the old versions and six a50 aircraft in the modernized ones. this estimated cost of the modernized now everyone is talking about 300-300-330 million dollars, but these are
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such floating figures, and here, as far as i am concerned the price, to be honest, does not matter, because the enemy simply has critically few of them, and it will be extremely difficult to restore them to the enemy. difficult, but earlier another such a50-u suffered damage to its locator last year after an attack by drones in the belarusian steppes, and then the enemy from... took these rare aircraft to russian territory, but a downed a50-u is also the loss of a trained calculation, because each plane consists of five crew members and 11 operators with considerable experience, despite the fact that the enemy had no more than a hundred such trained operators for all planes, this the same applies to the destruction of the il-22 command post, such planes... the enemy had up to 10. the air force of ukraine, by the way, has already destroyed such aircraft.
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such an aircraft was destroyed for the first time in april 22. then these il-22s were destroyed by the wagnerites themselves, when this rebellion of the wagner mutiny took place in june of last year, and now, in fact, this is the third il-22m that was damaged, critically damaged, it happened. landing in anapa, now we see significant damage to the keel of this plane, there was such a recorded radio exchange with those that they prepared an ambulance there to help the injured, but the command of the forces said that it would not be difficult to restore this detak, at the same time, it is not announced now what happened. these planes were attacked, there is an assumption that this is the work of the so-called blocking zerk patriot,
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there have already been cases when enemy planes were actually destroyed at a considerable distance and in an unexpected place, in particular, as it was there, well, literally in december in the kherson region, now we we see the coverage range of the patriot air defense system, which can use gmt missiles, this just rockets that are adapted for combat. with aero-ballistic targets like aircraft , such missiles have a range of 160 km, and they do have a fragmentary part that is designed to destroy aircraft there and cruise missiles, but in any case it means that this complex was used from the front-line zone, and this is quite such a risky step, but we can see that... the operation was quite successful, although other options are possible, other versions are possible, although this, let this
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unpredictability actually be one more additional strength of our armed forces, and the enemy cannot predict what exactly was used against these aircraft, however , in any case, we understand that the loss of these unique machines in terms of functionality and quantity in the enemy's arsenal means more than significant losses for the enemy. and the appearance of such a significant breach in its air defense system, and as air force commander olyschuk said, there will be more, so we are waiting for a good new continuation of this story, and now we will have a transition to the west, to a press conference president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who is currently on an official visit to schweitz. in the country's capital, bernie, and he will now hold a press conference with the president
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of the swiss confederation, viola amgerd, so let's listen carefully to the press conference of the president and head of switzerland. so, we see that in a few weeks it will be two years since the people of ukraine will experience all the horrors. war, because now president zelenskyy is visiting, we now
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want to once again, during this visit, say that we express solidarity with ukraine, and ukraine can rely on switzerland, because switzerland supports the sustainable peace process, and we, and i want to confirm that switzerland is ready to... participate in this summit and contribute to the organization. again, we will take steps to ensure that there is some success. and our specialist teams will also make efforts. the federal department of switzerland is working in this direction. i want to say that, in general, our cooperation is aimed at strengthening sustainable peace thanks to assistance to ukraine. and switzerland
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really feels honored to help ukraine. we are from the inside. for the reconstruction and reconstruction of ukraine, because this is the strategic importance of this in the long-term perspective: the reconstruction and reconstruction of ukraine, we are talking about when we talk about our strategic cooperation for... 2025-20208 year interimung von mienen-zentral. the federal council
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determined humanitarian demining as a priority and continued. this year provided financial assistance for this area, humanitarian demining is indeed an extremely big problem, and thanks to the promotion of efforts in this direction, idps and other refugees will be able to return to their homes. ukraine, a food country. it is a country that harvests large crops and it feeds countries all over the world, and therefore we also discussed efforts to direct them to increase exports of ukrainian grain through the black sea. russia, in fact, has withdrawn
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from the grain agreement, and it is making exports impossible. but switzerland is now together with the un commissioner, we are building our efforts in order to understand what the ukrainians will consume, that is, again, how to establish accountability and a process for providing what assistance we can, and to ensure the safety of the airspace. switzerland is also, along with other countries, advocating the establishment of a special tribunal to bring to justice those guilty of international war crimes. we support the peace formula announced by president zelenskyi
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last year, i want to thank the president. for the wonderful organization of this meeting, thank you all, today we held another meeting and we now want to strengthen our bilateral relations, we are now once again building another cooperation for the next year in order for our relations to be even... closer, so i want to thank you, thank you, mr. zelenskyi, and i really look forward to the strengthening of our interactions between our countries, thank you very much, thank you very much, dear, thank you very much, dear madam president, ladies and
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gentlemen, members of the media, i want to thank everyone for... for switzerland not remaining neutral, because if switzerland is neutral, it means that she will ignore reality, because it is moral, right, to help us protect our lives. thank you for your principled political support, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia on the territory of ukraine. thank you for supporting european. and also for your work on the implementation of the peace formula. switzerland always, the world, the world appreciates your attention to... your efforts and that's why i thank you for taking a clear position to restore a fair peace, and that's why it's very important that switzerland helps us
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humanitarianly, not only about humanitarian demining , which we discussed today with madam president, but it is also about the support of long-term political sanctions, and today we discussed the actual long-term aid program, dear ones. present, dear ladies and gentlemen, today we ensured the success of the work in the format of the councils on the peace formula, and switzerland effectively organized the meeting the day before, there was a significant expansion of the representation, already more than 80 states, as the president said, and states and international institutions are involved, we appreciate this, i thank the lady of the presidency and the team for the agreement that our... teams will begin preparations for holding a global peace summit in switzerland at the level of leaders from tomorrow, and this peace summit will give
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the necessary energy to everything that has already given, managed to achieve and must determine that the restoration of international law, and also human rights must maintain its, its supremacy, and switzerland, it... is with us, the urgent issue is the fate of russian assets that were frozen in other institutions, the world majority agrees that aggression is an unprovoked and criminal war, which not only violates goals and principles, but it touches and touches everyone and it destroys every international norm, international order and law, and that is why we see now that the evil that europe... has seen, has not seen since the end of the second world war, and therefore, it is very important to use these frozen assets of russia, for the sake of defense against russian
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aggression, not only to punish the aggressor, to punish the one who unleashed this conflict, but we are paying the highest price for it. today, at the meetings, we paid considerable attention to issues of justice, as well as on the issue of the inclusion of switzerland in the creation of the triumvirate. bunala in order to attract those who are guilty of crimes committed by russia against ukraine. it is very important to create such a terminal from the point of view of morality. we must all together ensure full responsibility of russian criminals, as well as the military leadership of russia, because specific individuals kill people there, they work for the continuation of aggression, these are specific individuals, all of them. should be held accountable, i want to thank switzerland for the work, and thank you, madam president, for your leadership, for your
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humanitarian power, we are talking about 184,000 km of our territory, they are contaminated by russian mines, and it would be difficult for any state to cope with such a burden, with such a task, fortunately... ukraine has friends who help and switzerland is among them. we discussed about the demining conference in spring-autumn. and i also want to tell him about a critically important point, so that we continue working together in the direction of sanctions. we are talking about sanctions against russia, which have already been applied, they should be as effective as possible. ukraine is counting on the support of switzerland, on blocking all circumvention schemes. sanctions, in particular, we see that russian missiles that terrorize our cities and other weapons that they use are all based on
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shadowy ties with the leading countries of the world, in each russian missile there are dozens of components that are created by companies from other countries , in particular from europe. without such an electronic component base, the russian military-industrial complex would be much weaker. it would be much more difficult for them to produce missiles for such a special export is of great importance, and that is why i want switzerland to work to the maximum with all partners and with international sanctions work in order to block the terrorist potential of russia, together we will save people's lives, i want to thank you once again, madam president, and to your entire society, glory to ukraine. thank you, mr. president, we
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will now accept three or two questions. please tell me what are your expectations, madam, mr. president, is 6 billion financial aid enough, what are your financial expectations, and that 's a question for me, yes, so your financial expectations, i understand, thank you with... we were talking today, actually, about long-term, multi-year support. first of all, we are talking about the restoration of destroyed homes , hospitals, and schools, because all of this was destroyed by russian missiles, and many representatives of the swiss authorities have already visited ukrainian cities directly several times,
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they saw ukrainian schools, schoolchildren, they are under constant fire, various drones are used, various ballistic missiles, the safety of children is very important to us, and that's why i think the second part of this winter is easier for us compared to last year, we see that this is how russia hits critical infrastructure, we see, again how much was the problem in ... last year we experienced a blackout, it was very difficult, but this winter we, we are strong, and we want to strengthen our power, we want to strengthen our, we want to decentralize our energy system, energy system, so much is possible to speak, priorities obvious, it is clear what to spend this aid on. thank you, and the next question
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, please, mr. president, please tell us more about your plans for the peace conference that you mentioned, when would you like it to take place, and which countries would you like to invite, please tell us , will china be present and also what is the main purpose, what is the main objective? yes, on what grounds? thank you. thank you for your question. thank you for your question. regarding, first, the list of countries, we are open to all countries of the world that respect our sovereignty. and so do it conclusions, who we invite. we would like countries to be global. the south also
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joined to be present, and at the meetings of the advisers, there were 83 countries in davosia, and we under we emphasize, and i want to thank our teams, all the representatives for your efforts, it is very important that just all the leaders of these countries, it is important for them to be at the summit. after all, we are now rallying the whole world against russia's aggression in the world so that there is a just peace. i think you are familiar with these points, they are based on the un charter, and i think there are no surprises there, if the countries really want the war to end, they will support our plan. but
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i also want to say that so this plan is open and we involve many different countries and also involve them with our proposals, we will work consistently with madam president on this. thank you, mr. president. what can i add, so tomorrow our teams will start working in quite detail, we will, we will, we are expecting support from as many countries as possible to participate in our forum, of course we have to prepare very well, it takes time and we will see when…


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