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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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the next day, bye, there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. agency vinyl presents on january 22 at 7:30 p.m. lvivska stage. operas, taras chubai and songs that all ukraine sings along to. the special guest of the concert is the lviv men's academic choir chapel dudaryk. karabaskom tickets, live sound. there are discounts on evcalor, 20% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live, my name is
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vlasta lazor. the ukrainian side officially confirmed that the air force destroyed the a50 long-range radar detection aircraft and the ill-22 aircraft, which is an air command post. both planes are russian. thank you to the air force for the excellent, planned and conducted operation in the azov region, wrote the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi on his social media pages. russia does not comment on the destruction, or at least the destruction of its planes. presses. the secretary of the kremlin, dmytro piskov, said this morning that he has no information about the lost combat planes and said that the ministry of defense should be contacted about this issue, the ministry of defense is silent. about the destruction of russian planes by ukrainian ones the media reported that the previous evening, with reference to sources, it was noted that the ukrainian military attacked the il-22m-11 air command post, flight number 75-106, in the strilkovo district of the kherson region, around 9 pm on the 14th. january due to
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the damage received, the plane's crew requested evacuation, called an ambulance and firefighters. the a50 was also struck around 9:00 p.m. in the kyrylivka region of the zaporizhzhia region, after which the aircraft disappeared from radar and stopped responding to requests from tactical aviation. this is extremely serious a loss for russia - experts of the specialized publication defense express claim. for the first time in the history of the armed forces, a long-range radar detection aircraft was shot down. what exactly could have knocked him down? does ukraine have the strength and means to destroy such planes? we will talk about this literally in a minute, but first i offer you a reference, what is the peculiarity and value of knocked down sides? the russian military has been using the a50 aircraft since the first days of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. actively worked in the water areas of both seas, and earlier also in the north of ukraine. it gave almost full of radars. survey of the territory
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of ukraine by the russian army, but after the withdrawal of troops from the north and after one such aircraft was damaged by drones at the machulyshchi airfield in belarus, russian troops stopped using it in the middle of the night. according to official data, russia has less than 10 such aircraft. the cost of one such is estimated at 330 million dollars. a50 is an aircraft based on the il-76 military transport, which carries a radar and is used in front-line reconnaissance. the task of detecting air and ground targets at a range of up to 400 km, as well as guide missiles at them, for example, the ministry of defense of russia stated that the a50 helps guide anti-aircraft missiles from the s-400. also, in november, the ministry of defense of great britain noted that russia may transfer the a50 closer to the front line, due to concern about the prospect of deployment of western combat aircraft in ukraine. but il-20. 2 is actually
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an air command post. one such plane was shot down on the territory of russia in the voronezh region by the fighters of the wagner pmc in june of last year. according to military balance 2022 before the start of the russian invasion of ukraine, russia had 12 il-22m aircraft in service. russian military publications publish this photo of the il-22 allegedly shot down on january 14. according to their data, he flew to the airport in anapa and made an emergency landing. in this state. olga armyanyshina, radio liberty. how the destruction of two russian planes, or the destruction of at least one of them, will affect russia's capabilities in the sky, and how exactly could ukraine shoot down these a50 and il-22 planes. oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military law, joins the broadcast of research good evening. good evening. the first question is, how could the air force of ukraine shoot down these planes? here the explanation can
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be different, because they were far from the affected area, that is, we can rule out that they could be anti-aircraft missile complexes. it is most likely, i think, that this is a complex of actions in fact, and with the use of certain types of weapons that we have not heard about before, firstly, and which could have been transferred to ukraine by britain, and it seems to me that in this operation an active role was played means of radio-electronic warfare, which were either installed on drones , there are such capabilities, in particular on british models, now the company " is french, but the british office was actively working on it, drones that actually caused the simulation of the launch of a large number of air targets, which led to the fact that the russian
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air defense system was activated, and besides , there was no such thing in this area at that time, that is, look at what was done, first, these planes were pulled out, actually closer to... the coast, that is, they were supposed to go in, by the way, what they did go in closer to the coast in order to carry out reconnaissance tasks, somewhat refutes the capabilities of the anti-aircraft missile aircraft from the point of view of conducting reconnaissance at 800 km, if it conducts reconnaissance at 800 km, why should it fly close to the coast in fact, this is a question, but the next moment, they were pulled out , lured these planes, they started flying, after that it was actually. something like a mass attack was committed, plus damage to the systems of the aircraft, which may have actually lost the ability to transmit their alien, recognition signal, which eventually led them to defeat by russia's anti-aircraft missile systems , that was the calculation, that is, it is not just
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that russia now claims that it is friendly fire, it happened by accident, ukraine has nothing to do with this, but for this friendly fire to happen. for such aircraft, it is not very simple, that is why it was caused by a deliberate operation by the air force, the armed forces of ukraine with the aim of destroying precisely these types of aircraft, it was a deliberately carried out action, i think that these complexes played means rap is powerful, pay attention, on january 13, on saturday, during the morning attack of another massive enemy on the territory of ukraine, and... the rebels acted in the same way, and this was confirmed by the air force, that the means of radio-electronic warfare helped repel the air attack, and 20 of those missiles that did not reach the targets , among these 20 missiles there are those that were actually diverted from targets
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from large population centers by means of electronic warfare, which may indicate that ukraine has made a serious, let's say, breakthrough, i think, with the help of ... the british and the united states, precisely in that to apply such systems. so far, it seems to me that this version, it is the one that has the right to life, i do not exclude, of course, that there may be other versions, i doubt that they were f-16 planes, as the network began to say, well, although b due to the fact that the enemy does not mention it anywhere, the enemy is afraid of these planes, that is why they are trying to attack our... airfields, but i do not see that there would be such a commotion there already, that already f16 and so on, there would already be many wrote about this and would provide some evidence, but why is this not happening, but anti-aircraft missile complexes they obviously don't get it, this is the third option, which can be related to exactly
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the scenario i described, yes, yes, there were such versions from, well, from users of the social network that it is possible that it is an f16, somehow there is one plane. perhaps ukraine has already received the plane, or, for example, the patriots, again, this is also one of the versions that i had the opportunity to see, well, patriot, you understand that the patriot obviously achieved the distance, the maximum range of the patriot is declared by the manufacturer to be 80 km planes, it is even less for missiles, 40, 50, well, 60 are declared, but by ballistic they say somewhere around 40-50, respectively, imagine, you can just calculate the distance. in order for patriot to be able to reach such a distance, it would have to be located somewhere south of melitopol, which is currently occupied, a little south of melitopol, closer to the front line, it is all more than 100 km, and let's put it this way, it seems somewhat doubtful that at such
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the distance is possible, especially when we are talking about the drlv aircraft, if this il-22 was closer, it was located in the kyrylivka area, then... the drl aircraft, in general, it was actually on the shooting range, look, it's just shown on the map, it's even further, that is, it's an arabic arrow, well, you see the range. which, well, let's say , from a patriot, it might be a bit far-fetched for a patriot, i think, and then , how do you think russia can and will, what conclusions can and will it draw from this attack on its planes, that means for them the destruction of these planes, and how much this loss can significantly affect the russian air force and the attacks that they carry out, in general, this is a loss ... significant, this is a great success of the ukrainian defense forces, regardless of what they ultimately hit and how this operation
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was conducted, i'm sure we'll soon, you know, information will start to come to us more and we'll be able to analyze, but regardless, it's a great success, so that these planes are expensive, they are important, because with the help of these planes the control of actually enemy aviation is carried out tactically, their bombers, fire adjustments. strategic aviation, when they fire missiles from the caspian sea and many other things on the other hand, every day they carry out practically sorties and adjust, that is, they are responsible for everything that the russian aviation does in the air, starting from strikes with guided aerial bombs, ending with the launch of kha-101 missiles or daggers from the airspace of russia, that is, it is comprehensive, that is why it the losses are significant, in general, on duty... there were 10 aircraft in combat before today's incident, and before today's destruction,
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these are four anti-aircraft defense aircraft, or drl, if the ukrainian a50, and six, respectively, well, for five il-22 , that is, there is such a quantity, in general, there is controversy now, because russia promises to deliver one aircraft by may 2024. a50, well, it is not clear whether they will be able to supply, and then it will be possible to make, let's say, a summary, whether there are eight or nine, well , probably eight, because one is already destroyed, even if they supply, and so probably seven , so i can say that this is really a loss, and russia does not make them now, only that they did to this plane that was supposed to be delivered, they carried out its repair and, well , sort of modernized it, that is, they did not produced, so it is natural that... let's say losses, but at the same time, the number of aircraft they have left allows them
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to adjust the fire of their own aircraft. alexander, thank you, we have another topic ahead of us, i ask you to stay with us and we will discuss it, i am talking now about the publication that was currently in the pages of the bilt edition, the german ministry of defense is considering a possible scenario in which russia attacks the eastern flank of nato in... 2025, as i have already said, this is stated in the publication of the german edition of bilt , which had a secret document of the german ministry of defense at its disposal. it follows from the document that a hybrid attack by russia on nato's eastern flank may begin as early as february this year. according to the document, russia will first launch a covert and then an increasingly obvious attack on the west. cyber-attacks, other forms of hybrid warfare are expected, particularly in the baltic states, there will be clashes, which russia has used. as a reason to start large-scale exercises on its territory, as well as on the territory of belarus, for with the participation of 50,000 troops,
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bild writes about it all. aggravation of this situation, according to the scenario, may occur in october if russia transfers troops and medium-range missiles to kaliningrad, from december 24 in the area of ​​the suval corridor, the bilt document cites, an artificially induced so-called border conflict and riots with numerous victims, well, in a secret document, the content of which... actually published the bill of the german ministry of defense explains in detail this possible, as noted, path to a conflict between russia and nato. the actions of russia and the west are described month by month, the culmination and the inevitable beginning of the war, this document at least mentions the date summer of the 25th year. the german ministry of defense responded to the publication of the build, stating that consideration of various scenarios, even if they are extremely unlikely, is part of everyday military practice. affairs in nato also reacted, there they stated that the bilt article simply presented the exercise scenario, well, the russian foreign ministry
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compared the publication to a horoscope, and the bilt publication itself was called an info dump. oleksandr musienko, the head of the center for military and legal research is in touch with us, tell us if you see signs that nato is preparing for war with russia in the 25th year, or if it really looks more like a scenario, a training, here , as commented in nato? well, you know that of course, that it will be called a scenario, please note that no one has refuted it, well, i mean the essence of how it can unfold, they said that the training is yes, but no one has refuted it. did not say that this, you know, is a fantasy of the author, and it has nothing to do with reality. in fact, i'm very glad that it was made public, and i'll explain why, because experts, journalists, experts have talked about it before, books have been written about it, how russia can attack the baltic states, how they can
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leave kaliningrad, and this anything can happen, a lot of things, and now we see that it is finally being considered at the level of... as a serious threat and challenge at the level of germany, that is, it is no longer just a journalistic investigation or not just a book or a scenario of analysts, these are realities that can be, and therefore, what was it for done, for which this plan was deliberately handed over, i think, by the german authorities, in order to play a preventive function, firstly, they demonstrate to russia that nato has a plan, and so that russia does not even think, because it will... deal with 300,000 military personnel, 30,000 of which the bundeswehr will provide for other countries there, and this is not to mention the equipment, forces, means, it is only about the personnel, and that nato understands how to counter this, i.e. they talk about things that are not worth it, but just the same i would like this publication to become
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, let's say, a motivator for the same germany as for politicians, for society, which does not want to send three... at least 30,000 of its own citizens to war against russia in the 25th year or possibly earlier or later, then let's send now, well, for example, 130 tavrus missiles to ukraine, i am leading to this, give weapons now, and in this way this war can still be prevented, and in this sense , from the point of view of the mobilization of nato countries and our partners now , i think very positively that this the post appears, we can't 100%. insist that it will be like that, because it does not always happen as it is described, but we all understand that now a lot of countries in europe are considering the scenario, that such combat clashes with russia may take place, some sooner, some later, and they are preparing to counter it, and this is a signal to russia that it should not be done. i have one last question, if i may briefly, yes, russia really has
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the strength and means to challenge nato, and at the same time, if... she decides to do it, she will have to expose all fronts in ukraine or not? you see that right there in this publication it is very correctly identified that russia is planning subversive hybrid activities. last summer, i actively talked with my colleagues about the fact that wagnerites, wagnerite terrorists in belarus are a threat to poland, it is a threat to these scenarios, that is, i do not rule out that russia wanted to try this as early as 2023, but then poland's reaction... media publicity about these plans, he foiled it, that is, we are talking about what, strictly speaking, about what level the operation can go, go, and plus, to what extent russia will or will not announce mobilization , how ready it will be, now they are suffering heavy losses, of course they are weakening, but of course if we are talking about a war against nato, which can
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take place precisely at the expense of weakening its flanks, such as activity in ukraine. moreover, this is where i differ from the opinion of the bilta authors of this plan: russia will attack nato prospectively, when it feels that it is weaker and can be defeated in ukraine. this is the doctrine that was proposed and has been living in russia for about 30 years. escalation through escalation. if you want them to start talking to you, suggest a war scenario so that they can come to an agreement later. well, roughly so. i will just add the very end that actually in... in this publication it is stated that russia is going to mobilize, apparently already after the elections, the so-called presidential elections, 200,000 people, but we will see, thank you very much, oleksandr musienko, head of the military center -legal research, we talked about the downed russian planes a50 and il-22, as well as about the publication in bilt, which publishes, which made public the document, the scenario
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that russia, nato, more precisely, is preparing for war with russia. thank you very much. threats, intimidation and harassment . unknown persons tried to break into the apartment of the ukrainian investigative journalist and founder of the publication nashi gryshchi, yury nikolov, with shouts and threats, they pasted notes on his door and demanded that nikolov join the army. the journalist himself was not at home, but, as he notes, his elderly mother was at home. these freaks only scared. my old mother, who lives with me after oncology, because with no one else, the second son in avdiivka, an adult grandson in the kupyansk direction. nikolov said that 15 minutes after the incident on one of the anons. channels, which is called the card office, a post appeared in which it was claimed that the unknown people who came to nikolov are allegedly military personnel who came from scratch on a rotation to deliver
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a summons to a journalist. yuriy nikolov, i will remind you, conducted a number of scandalous investigations, including regarding corruption in purchases for the armed forces, the information about chicken eggs for 17 hryvnias gained particular publicity. the head of the opposition center of corruption vitaly shabunin is convinced that the telegram channel, where the video from under the door of nikola's apartment was published. connected with the president's office, people's deputy yaroslav zhelizniak also holds this opinion. rfe/rl has contacted mykhailo podalyak, communications advisor to the head of the president's office, for a comment. we asked whether this telegram channel is really connected with the president's office and whether someone from the president's office could be behind the threats to the journalist? as of now , we have not received an answer, but as soon as possible we receive, we will definitely publish it. well, yuriy nikolov, journalist and founder of the our money project, joins our broadcast. good evening, although it is probably not very good for you, good evening, well, everything is fine , we are standing, we are living, who could be behind the attack, well, it is not exactly an attack, an attempt,
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maybe, yes, for this provocation and visit, what do you think, do you have any suspicions, i have the simplest answer to this, they are mentally retarded people who simply did not understand, did not even understand what they did with this provocation, because they are one such in a flash and simply. and several more publications that followed, not only yesterday, but today, even more began to consolidate the narrative that this is the government's response to my criticism of the president or there, well, just the current government, that is, it's just terrible, because these people are right now, directly now they are consolidating the narrative, well, for the west, that in ukraine it turns out to be possible to put pressure on a person who criticizes the president, and... well, he criticizes openly, and also in practice, well, as i think , without simply scorning, but simply for some specific facts, but to receive such
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the answer is, they think it's normal, well, unfortunately, that's the biggest trouble, so i can't call them anything except either traitors or just mentally retarded people, and by the way, you don't recognize anyone there on the video, or maybe someone recognizable, my mother, who at least somehow heard those voices over there through the door, well, she politely characterized them like this, well, rather as marginal, someone said, well , she meant that it was some drunken glutton or something such, that is, no relation to the military, this miracle is not many, well, none it has no signs of being related to the military, what you can see here in these shots, maybe it is somehow a military jacket, or maybe not. yes, well, it’s just difficult to identify, and they didn’t leave any summons or anything official, many people from the authorities contacted me today, and they have an understanding that
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it was not a visit from the shopping center, there from the military headquarters, that is, it was a stupid banal provocation, which was intended either to discredit me, or to put pressure on me, or at least to troll me so that i... i don't know, i don't even know what they are from me are waiting, since there are no such hints about why this came to me, well, they did not leave, but please tell me, have you contacted the law enforcement officers, or have they already registered some kind of proceedings with you, so we are literally in front of your broadcast, literally 10 minutes ago, we finished working with the police, we spent several hours filming demonstrations, removing evidence, that is, that is how i filed a report with the police. i stated about the pressure on me as a journalist, so they promise that the case will be opened today, or tomorrow morning already, well formalities, such as these completions, as
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i was informed, the prosecutor general's office promises to take the case under control, that is, as of now, i see the normal work of the law enforcement officers, they are doing their job, especially since they even initiated the communication themselves. with me today, that is, to their credit, they reacted to the public part of the story, well, we'll see how everything will move, well, i can't help but ask, but no one contacted the president's office, no, no, well, look, in fact, not not not the last people, and the people's deputy and the head of the opposition center of corruption stated that this telegram channel , on which it was published, as i understand it, this video appeared exclusively there, nowhere else, but only there, that it seems to be... it is connected with the office of the president, we actually sent a message to mykhailo podalyak, we hope that he will respond, but everything is fine, what do you think, and how is it connected,
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is it not... that is, first of all, do you see signs that the channel is connected with the president's office, and secondly, how is it related that the attack on you was filmed and published exactly on this telegram channel? that is, i definitely understand that these provocateurs are connected with this telegram channel, since the video was posted on it yesterday at 4:36 p.m., which is exactly the time when they were still here on my floor, that is, they are still a few there , well, as my mother told me, she told me... even after that time they were still here for 20 minutes knocking on the door, that is, this is how they made a small piece public, but in fact they were pounding here for more than half an hour, so of course only their exclusive can have one explanation, these devils were related to it telegram channel, how it is connected with the office, i honestly don't know, like you all, i just read the material on the media detector, well, in... an influential
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and important publication that has information about the relationship with this telegram channel, the famous political technologist volodymyr petrovy , who for some time worked, cooperated with telegram , oh, excuse me, with the parliamentary tv channel rada, when it, well, when it was really the office of the president, this made the parliamentary tv channel the most important in the country, they tried to do so, but, well, that’s it data from others my colleagues, i.e. me actually. i am not subscribed to this telegram channel, well , i am not subscribed to any of these telegram channels, except for one, to monitor what the president’s office thinks, everything else, well, i say, i can guess along with everyone and build theories and hypotheses, only from the point of view of who benefits, who benefits, by the way , what i see right now, just in this , what is unfolding in the media plane, is
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beneficial to the russians. because right now telegram channels and some other commentators are building exactly such an image of ukraine that is here possible pressure on journalists for criticizing the president, and it's simple, well , you just have to be ready to give such and such a gift to the enemy with your own hands, and who else can benefit, oh, well, i don't know, honestly, but we, we hope, that the president's office... will react to this incident, because i don't remember anything like that there in recent months. thank you very much, yuriy nikolov, journalist and founder of the our money project. well, the world economic forum started today in davos, switzerland. during the forum, the city of davos turns into the most expensive place on the planet, turns into a global political and economic center, where
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the most influential gather. people of the world for ukraine, in fact, devoz began on sunday, january 14, when the fourth meeting of national security advisers and political advisers took place there, at which the ukrainian delegation was headed by the head of the president's office andriy yermak. this meeting, at which the ukrainian peace formula is actually discussed and promoted, or peace on ukraine's terms, and now, according to bloomberg, the meeting has ended without a clear plan for establishing peace in ukraine, although there were more than 80 delegates at the meeting itself. but here, for example, there was no representative of china, although a huge chinese delegation came to davos. well, according to bloomberg, the probability of holding a peace summit at the level of heads of state is now decreasing. today , ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi also arrived in das, his speech at the forum is scheduled for tomorrow. in addition, zelensky plans to hold a number of bilateral meetings. well, davos must be said, this is such an opportunity, comparable to the munich security conference, an opportunity for politicians to meet
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offline. and discuss face-to-face what is difficult or unsafe to discuss online or over the phone. well, as a rule, the most interesting things happen behind the scenes, behind the scenes of the forum, and not on its main stage. well , the bloomberg agency i already mentioned, with reference to sources, reported that in particular, president zelensky will meet with the executive director of one of the leading american banks, jp morgan, who consulted zelenskyi regarding the attraction of private capital for various reconstruction projects. well, he joins our broadcast. olena korenkova, correspondent of suspilne novynia, she is currently in davos, olena, my congratulations. please tell us how the forum started, what kind of atmosphere prevails in davos now, and maybe some breakthrough decisions regarding ukraine are expected, or they have already arrived. colleagues, greetings from dabos, in fact, i think that it will be possible to talk about breakthrough solutions tomorrow, because the main thing is official.


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