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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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the premiere in lviv with a hall that sold out all the tickets in two weeks, sold out , how warm it is, how theatrical it is, how much the hall freezes, when you breathlessly hear the applause in those moments of the scenes, after, for example , a successful scene, the solution scene, and here i am going to another city, where mobile phones do not go silent, where people pick up their phones and speak at this time, a white church. and i saw on facebook, i see that you entered so joyfully, joyfully, and we joyfully entered and joyfully left, and i say, i came so i'm disappointed with the audience and i say to my son: god, it 's an hour from kyiv, he tells me: mom, go 10 minutes from the center of kyiv and you'll see a different life, we still live in our bubbles, huh, but now they're being remembered it was the events of the maidan and the fourth and the 13th, and it just coincided with these ones ... are we doomed every 10 years, so
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surely doomed, because we do not draw conclusions, because if in finland the teaching profession is the most important and the highest paid if i take it away, it has its consequences, if there is there are nine children in a kindergarten, there are three educators and a differentiated approach to payment is individual, someone pays 10 € because you are a family of emigrants, you cannot pay now, someone pays... 200 € for the same kindergarten, and when i already have a family, my family has money, so i honestly write how my fortune has grown, and i will be grateful to this country for the way they treated me when i first entered this country, no, today i have the state, because in front of rima zyubina, and one of my colleagues, a philosopher, political scientist, journalist, and now a school director, yes, he said so, he says - that the wise
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learn from other people's mistakes, and we have reached the point where we have some kind of strange fixation, we learn exclusively by us, we in our own way, we only from our mistakes, and since memory sponges, guppy fish works, it means that each new generation, green uninformed, must go through its circle of mistakes, victims, maidans, executions, scratching the back of the head, and only then draw some conclusions. but this is a sign of an unconscious society, this is what i always hear and read about from our philosophers and political scientists, smart, wise, forecasters who say that society needs to grow up, and growing up happens when you take responsibility, and when we come back to this, that everyone in each of us is this enemy, when i take responsibility for what i did, or did i
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do everything so that this russian peace would not come? no, i didn’t , i stopped acting like that after a certain period, i declared about it, but before that, i didn’t have other options, other invitations, on the other hand, to take ukrainian tv series that had already been filmed in the ukrainian language, and they are, for example , much worse in quality than what was filmed in russia, it's also terrible, who is the producer, who agrees to it, us? and education , culture, they are an integral part, and from about the seventh year i went to artek, there was an annual children's film festival, an international festival, ukrainian representatives, there were actors and journalists, together, there were seven of us, instead of the russian delegation there were always maybe 30 people, i talked about it in all the interviews, i'm on the fence. i said: why in crimea, why in
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tabori, which finances the state management of the affairs of the president of ukraine, why is there a stage, besides the fact that it is written there alla parusa, there is something else there, the lanovy comes out as the president of the festival, sings a ukrainian song, all this is beautiful, but there is the coat of arms of russia, the coat of arms moscow, ugh, the coat of arms of moscow and a representative , standing on the stage with us, i... found a person in the city hall of kyiv, then i came, told that it could not be, well , they very kindly answered me that it should be people are from simferopol, but why are we here in kyiv, where is kyiv, where is this bulovastopo, well, from the oblast, no, it is from the regional center, that is , what does kyiv and crimea have to do with, and that's all, and well, there are a lot of questions. but, but about
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education, i am convinced that it should be the basis, yes, but education is a long time, it is still a process, and the war is here and now, and... and even, well it's quite sad, i think that there will be some kind of joyful coverage after the premiere in the white church, yes, the white church is not specifically about this settlement, it just testifies, it testifies to the phenomenon, i realized that i am just a viewer, he is not to blame absolutely in this, but he was brought up on a different repertoire, and he does not want to watch and listen, it is like food, you are given either clean water and you drink it, get used to it, or... they give, well, but you can approach philosophically , that is, there is a rejection syndrome here, despite the fact that there is a good performance, good material, good drama, but if the mass audience is used to eating crap, and they told him that it is a konkhvetka tuzik, then when they give him a konkhvetka tuzik,
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he will say , god, if you gave me shit, give me the previous one, this is us we are broken, and this is also part of such a post-traumatic syndrome. to educate and turn on the taste and understanding of what is bad and what is good, as they wrote in the soviet era, but it is impossible, but i understood why in european museums i always meet these excursions of children who are 3-5 years old , and they sit on the floor and tell them something, as an example, i always want you to go out a little on a fun topic, as an example , you can then rent apartments for the day. here in europe and here, and look at the interiors ours, for the interiors, which are still there, the rocks are so beautiful, with the yogoslav sostenka, or even for those people who already have money, they think that the road is a lot, it is a lot of gold, also pomp, these curtains are french, empire
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such, and look at what seems to be happening in poland, in france, in holland, we are talking about the continuity of philosophy, taste, aesthetics and education, so in this case we have a post-genocide process all the time, that is, one genocide ends, when the onr kills, comes the first famine, after it the second famine of the 33rd year, the second world war, another one famine, repressions, now the next one, we have no way of rooting, let's say, let's call it in the good sense of the word our aristocracy, which will show from above what is good and what is bad? well, for 70 years, the intelligentsia was considered a stratum, and well, it’s so soviet, i’m talking about the elite now, in the literal sense, in the literal sense, we don’t
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have time to educate them, as they go somewhere, and now we have an absolutely identical military mechanism, because in we are all hiding from the war. and those who are motivated to protect, including many people who would have a creative class to be in the rear, they burn their lives defending ukraine, on the other side, moskal burns bio-waste, mainly that pleps that he does not even want to keep in himself, that he wants to get rid of and found a way out from the situation, and we have the same karma that we are again doomed to experience this play that you are playing, and only in the ukrainian manner at once. after the day of victory comes, well, you yourself answered your own question, why are such performances necessary and why should they be played, and why you bet, there really is, someone will see a very beautiful scenography, someone will see beautiful actors, the return of yuri khvostenko, whom lviv loves madly and he has not worked
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at the zankovetska theater for 3 years, and i can see how there are all these women in the front rows, he still there goes between, well, but, but behind all this really... there is another plan, well, like in a good drama or in a good literature, in a good film, one time you see one theme, another time you on another, and the third time you think, how come i didn't notice this, and so here it is this is imbued with the fact that, i am not in favor of the fact that the theater is a correctional colony, is it some kind of educational aid, no, the theater is a stimulus, i am not talking about it there... they once said, the stimulus of your soul, if you come after the performance and you have a fever, and you can't sleep, you think and try yourself there, then this is an effect, but to correct yourself, something suddenly started to be like this or that, then the theater, well, there is no
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such mission, and it does not do this, rome, i return to this example of yours, that no matter where you climb, no matter what region it is, how different words would not be used for this. in one they will say it's sloppiness, in another they'll say it's regularism, we can outline it as a certain millet-style, as we called it, the late donetsk bikoko, and that's it, but it doesn't matter. it somehow needs to be fixed and as soon as possible, otherwise we are going to start our european integration here in december, and bkoko, it is crawling from all holes even despite the aggression of the russian world, well, i even hope that the people who went to europe by force because of the war, after seeing how people live there, maybe they will return. a little different, i hope so because in our country, as many as 38% did not leave the borders
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of their district, yes, but now 6 million there, at least, and when i say abroad, when i visit, i always tell our ukrainians, what is it like there, well, how is it with us to help ukraine, for example, there is no wealth, no opportunities, and i tell them that you, you, specifically, you, the ambassador of ukraine, by the way you behave, how you shout at your children on the street, or don't shout. how you steal toilet paper or not steal it, how you communicate, how you smile, how you generally behave in another country because how can you judge ukraine, ukrainians, by one person, well, it's also about the level of consciousness, and it's no secret that our people unite and live in such tribes, and they, they are afraid to even go out, and in warsaw i for example, i watched such a beautiful amateur, a group , there are grandparents, they dance, sing, read poetry, because
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no one needs them, these older people, children are at work, grandchildren are also at work, and they go out, they even read in polish they don't know what the street is called, where to go, how, they are confused, but it's because of this exit, well, it's incredible, i watched this performance, but it's a good performance, it's a good unification within the ghetto, and we prons integrate, by grace, not in the plan to assimilate and become someone, and to make an exit , that you are a bigger muscovite than a muscovite , should you fly out, that you are an american, that the cherokee indians will say, no way, he was here before us, there is such a syndrome in the poem shevchenko's dream, it is described, a landlady in st. petersburg, remember , that's how i am in this plan, that there is hope, that this is like european tribalism, as outlined by rima zyubina, it that is, such a gang, you know such. with games , as in the primitive times, there are heaps, or ghettos
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, is it fashionable to say that these people really will not have the syndrome that existed before the war, because in our country before the war, people traveled all over europe in search of the beautiful and good, no in museums and theaters, but for the beautiful and necessary, and then they returned and started anyway, continued the poor practices of the sovka posovkovi, instead of instilling the german order, viennese. elegance and there is slovenian and expediency or something else, there was no such thing, why suddenly now this our flowers are forced all over the world because of putin and the russians, suddenly they have to upgrade, they don't have to upgrade , if they only want it, they will become different, you can't change a person, if they don't want it, you can even beat them on the head , dubiny and, well, if there are such cases in history and. but no, a person is still a person, that's why there is this train, and in the first car
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there are so many people who pull this train, but if in that train people jump out with all their legs, arms and stop cranes they stop it, then the train moves, but very slowly, and here's what to do so that not only in the first car, where there is a critical mass of people consciously. those who seek change, those who seek for my children to live not better , but better from the point of view of philosophical recognition and understanding, what to do so that it is passed on, because history already tells us that this infection is from those wagons , it arrives faster than this one, well, yes, so there is an answer, i don’t know, i have a lot, but after communicating with such wise, intelligent, beautiful... people like you, so i have such an elation, and then i go out and remember that people lost
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mozart's grave, that they rotted socrates, and i don't have any questions about humanity, the only thing i know is that all wars end anyway, and all empires are falling, but when you think , really, at what cost all this is done, it is indescribable, it doesn't even hurt, i don't have such a word to say, because... every day you read, and you read when you are not told statistics , and when you talk about a person, who is she, what is she, where is she, and you in return you try it on, ah... who stays and here too , god forbid, don't fall into this, what, well, i don't like this phrase, they die better and you stand then like this at this funeral and think, who are you and who am i, why am i here i live, well, this is a very fast way to burnout, so in this case , in the artistic environment, in the acting environment , especially, well, there are ways, they are in this play, oh, in
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this play, they are all shown, well, that is, it is a classic, i have many friends and... actors and classics of fighting burnout , this, alcohol, drunkenness and debauchery and other joys, well, as in one play from the play by yenush glowacki said that petrovych and vodka did you bad , that you don't want to drink it, so in this case , you want to ask how much i drink a day, i'm not talking about alcoholism, no, no, no about this, i'm about what i'm about, that somehow it's necessary to have colic. so hands are down, there is a certain burnout, you need to have a constructive way not to burn out, and also not to let others, because it's not a matter of saving yourself, it's a matter of supporting others so that they don't burn out, is there a recipe from iryma zubinova? and i don't have recipes, that's why that i understand that we are all different, and i am
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probably given this way by nature, somehow i have such inner powers. i am stress-resistant, i have hardly cried in all these almost two years, i sometimes have more tears on stage than in my life, i am very strong, i know how to accumulate myself, my emotions, and i know how, i don’t know where it comes from, i i didn't study in psychological schools and courses, probably just that. no, no, no, no, i read some very, very, very good books by psychologists and on raising a child, for example, but it turned out that they can be used as instruction to everyone, and there is an example, here is a beautiful book , when we raise a child, we raise ourselves, then there is an example in a conflict, imagine that you are watching a movie, if
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a conflict starts with someone, imagine two frames ahead, what will happen if you do you understand that today it will be like this with this person... as it was yesterday, the day before yesterday, why do you start this conflict, well, what will you achieve, nothing to anyone, well, some such things, and i don't know, it seems to me that they are quite simple things can hold us today, understanding that we live, that we live someone has already died, and for this person we have to live this life in the same way, value life and life. man, because what all the empires did was the devaluation of man, and that devaluation, which was later transmitted in our families, where the woman is somewhere there, and the man, oh-oh-oh, where, oh, to the children, you little one, you you don't know anything, but on the contrary, this is the dehumanization of the personality, this is the imperial key, we
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have always had the opposite, and this, and this is what can help us grow a person with critical thinking. a person is a personality and to give a sense of life today, here and now , and the importance of staying for some reason to me, well , it flies, it flies, but it hasn’t landed on my head yet, so i have to appreciate it, yes , you heard what arima zyubina told you, and you you will realize all this if you go in the coming days, starting from the second of december, watching the play of the enemy, the story of love, which is the story of... post-genocide human relations, and about this, well, rima zyubina will tell you about it on the theater stage, everything that she could tell us in the program come on, subscribe, and i'm rimi zyubini, happy as always and thank you, thank you, and i, thank you, thank you, thank you.
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what am i worse than other people, those who are fighting, why do i need a country in which there will be no freedom? kateryna, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, in the army. for about four years, at first she worked as a specialist in moral and psychological support, and now she covers the work of the military at the front. the task of the press officer is to show... the truth of what is happening, that is, through the eyes of the press officer, the whole world sees the horrors and crimes committed by russia on
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territory of ukraine. kateryna joined the army in 2021, although the desire arose much earlier, the woman was preparing to become a teacher of physical education and the basics of health, however, the revolution of dignity began and plans changed. since that time , they went several times... to the military, but they didn't take her, i 'm young, i'm healthy, i thought i was a physically strong, intelligent woman, and why can't i help the state, why, well, if i can't do something , then i will learn this, in the 17th year, i think, i came again to another military commander, and they told me there, well, if you were still an officer, maybe you would have become some kind of deputy from the mpz there, there was no mpz then, but it seems that it was called differently there, i
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say, do you want an officer, it is not a question at all, i say, i will come to you next time as an officer. kateryna fulfilled her promise and signed a contract with the armed forces of ukraine, becoming the deputy for moral and psychological support of one of the divisions. at that time, the brigade was already performing tasks in the combat zone. we drove 40, 50 km there to a point where a mobile fire group was stationed in order to to work with personnel, but to be honest, i didn’t like it very much, it doesn’t match my character, it doesn’t match some of my ambitions, so kateryna was transferred to another position and started working in the press service of the 30th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine , learn events in the svitodar arc and in pakhmut. i was very comfortable because every day we didn't have a day, not until february 24th, 22nd, not after, when we
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stayed at home, maybe some sunday, but it was still work with materials, we were constantly leaving, we talked, these are very cool people, soldiers, officers, sergeants. each person is such a pearl, a pearl that shines, you just need to open the shell and look. at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the brigade had already been in the combat zone for seven months. kateryna was just waiting for the rotation. these were the positions of the blizgorlovka at the may election. i took the journalists of one of the tv channels there because there was heavy shelling there. even before... february 24, it was the month of january, the russians mercilessly beat the houses of civilians, simply
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they destroyed, and they also killed people, after a couple of days, it was the month of january, i am going again to that position of transporting journalists, because there was another hit in a civilian house, and they took away a chick, a white fluffy javelin, and already... when the full-scale invasion took place, on february 24, everyone ran, gathered their things, hid, handed something over, i held the dog close to my heart so that , god forbid, he did not run away, so that nothing would happen to him, the dog, a camera and a laptop. then the woman felt the threat of a great war. storms, we filmed there, i don't know, the tanks fired directly. i even filmed it near the test station, you can hear it there from the first frames, i put my phone on the ground, stood , waited for the tank to work, and there in
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literally three minutes the aircraft worked, the tanks worked, the sao worked, our equipment worked, that is in those three minutes everything happened completely. kateryna took part in the kharkiv counteroffensive, recorded the consequences of the crimes of russian troops on ukrainian territory. and now we have arrived in the position of the invincible second army of the world and get acquainted with their best guns, this is how they look powerful, powerfully standing and rotting in the ukrainian land. we left for the units, we just filmed when the metal was still splattered out of the tank, that is , it was just following the tracks, we filmed... little, how the equipment was burning, we still saw the warm bodies of smelly russians there, it was very, very beautifully
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executed , it's a very cool and... a powerful defense force operation, that is, it's a resource, it's people, it's equipment, and it's information, it's very powerful, it's very cool, that is, we really, we really didn't even expect it ourselves, there was also the thing that struck the most about the counterattack, the general picture, where the russian military was for a certain time. there they put a mirror here , put it, attached it to the boxes from under the weapons, a portrait of a woman with bare breasts, put toilet paper, something was russian in them, something they stole already here, that is, the building itself, and they also kept it there with them old propaganda newspapers, i was surprised, they took these newspapers in order to eat
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to wrap, or were they specially brought to them? because the dates did not match the fresh one. the woman is convinced that the work of the press officers of the brigade is important at the front, because they have the opportunity to be the first to see and cover the combat operations and the consequences of russian actions and convey information to this world. inclining to the transparency of the media, we take a conventional foreign publication, and look at the situation, if the situation allows us to bring them directly to the position, we... bring journalists directly to the position, they film the events that are there happen, they take comments from our boys and girls, and they show the world that this is really happening, the world needs to know, the world needs to support us. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel.
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there are 10% discounts on lyzak in psylsnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zippel in psyllium pharmacies, you save money. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting a two-hour broadcast. time two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now yuriy fizar will talk more about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please give me your word, two hours to be informed economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much, lazy.
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chechen for information about cultural news presenters, who have become similar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. who in the occupied territories became deputies of united russia. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. but what engaged in pseudo-politics. the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the
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espresso tv channel. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is on the air, i and the host oleksiy kovalenko. according to reports from the ukrainian armed forces, on the evening of january 14 , the ukrainian military shot down a russian a50 plane over the sea of ​​azov, and also shot down a u-22. these planes were. key to the coordination of russian ground operations. experts call the possible downing of the a50 is a very operationally important loss for the russians. the publication force emphasized that this day could become the worst for the russian air force in the 23 months since the beginning of russia's full-scale war against ukraine. the washington post emphasized that these planes were the main ones.


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