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tv   [untitled]    January 15, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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january at 5:45 p.m. collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is on the air, i and the host oleksiy kovalenko. according to reports from the armed forces of ukraine in the evening of january 14. the military shot down a russian a50 plane over the sea of ​​azov, and also shot down an iv-22. these aircraft were key to coordinating russian ground operations. experts call the possible downing of the a50 a very operationally important loss for the russians. the publication force emphasized that this day could become the worst for the russian air force for 23 months since the beginning of russia's full-scale war against ukraine. the washington post emphasized that these planes were the main ones.
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tools that help organize the movement of russia on the battlefield in ukraine. the financial times predicts that, if the report of the downing is confirmed, it will be a significant impetus for the ukrainian counteroffensive. and to other news. on monday, january 15, the first vote in the 2024 us presidential election will take place in the state of iowa. this is a party election now, vaiovi they are called caucuses. which candidate is chosen by the local republicans, what are the moods of vaio and why these caucuses are important from the scene, our correspondent, yuliya yarmalenko, will tell. congratulations, yuli! julie, can you tell us what the mood is in iowa today and how the caucuses are actually going? of course, oleksii, it's actually extremely cold right now, and that's why a lot of candidate campaigns are worried about how much enthusiasm their voters will have to look
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at the caucuses like that today. it should be said that in the majority states have partisan primaries and they happen like a regular vote where you can walk in during the day, vote for your candidate, and sometimes you can just mail in your ballot, but not to vaio. caucuses are, so to speak, community gatherings that take place in churches, schools, theaters, or ordinary homes, and you have to show up in person and arrive at a set time, which is 7:00 pm iowa time. at the time. when the voters, representatives of each candidate, come, they make speeches on supporting their candidates, and then the voting happens, so the number one question for all the companies right now, and vivekra miswami and rondesan and nicky haley, and especially donald trump, is how can we get more of our voters to come out, and really donald trump's campaign is making the most effort in this regard, literally right now the trump company is sending out messages to their voters, voters in iowa and... reminding them when
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the caucuses are and why it's important to come, and yesterday, by the way, donald trump started his the rally is also in iowa, just with the call to go to the polling station, even though he is in the lead, he said, firstly, that if you are single, you can find your love there, and also, if you are sick, you should still go, and he even said that if you vote and die, it is better to do so than not to vote for him at all, so even this extreme message comes from... from donald trump. you were at meetings with candidates, meetings with candidates with voters, you also talked with voters about the issues that most concern americans, how important is foreign policy to them in general and, in particular, of course, support for ukraine? this is of course a very important question. we were at two rallies yesterday, the first rally was just for former president donald trump, and despite the fact that it was -29° outside in the morning, a lot of... a lot of people came to
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that rally, they lined up and not even everyone could to fit in this building where the rally was held, a special room was opened for them, where they could see their speaker, their candidate donald trump, on the screen. of donald trump's speech, he focused a lot on what worries, worries, what scares and angers american voters, and the first is the border and illegal migration, at least republican voters. and he just said that if he comes to power, if he becomes president, he will deport illegal immigrants on the first day, and in fact, when we talked to voters before this rally, it seems that republican voters are just very concerned about the border , and they believe that first it is necessary to resolve the issues within the country before helping other countries, including ukraine. let's hear what thoughts were heard.
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i think he is a strong leader. he did well in his first term and will be even better in his second term. he is a powerful world leader, and the leaders of other countries respect him. "if he says he's going to do something, he's going to do it, if he tells me he's going to deport those people, close the border, i believe him, he's going to do it. what issues are most important to you? national security, closing the border, so that we can to be safe within, there can be no safe country without secure borders. i like the energy, i like being here, i want to support president trump, my freedom of speech and my freedom to bear arms if i want to." will you be voting for him in the caucuses? yes, i'm even switching parties because i'm not a democrat right now, nor republican. are the candidate's views on foreign policy important to you, like support for ukraine or israel? i don't want
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to sound selfish, but right now i want to focus on the united states because if we will not be a strong country, so how can we be strong for others? so, these are the thoughts coming from the republican voters at donald trump's rally, i can tell that both trump and nikki haley tried to appeal to iowans, trump touted how delicious bacon is here, and nikki haley held one of her last rallies in iowa , just at a barbeque restaurant, and that rally was actually very different from donald trump's rally, particularly because nikki haley brought a lot of attention to foreign policy, which she is basically an expert because she was the us ambassador. at the un, just as she once again explained to her constituents why, when it comes to national security issues, one cannot choose whether to help ukraine or israel or close the border. she said that all of these topics are extremely important, but she also explained why it is in the national interest of the united states to support
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ukraine, because she said that if ukraine wins, it can prevent a bigger war. and the voters with whom we talked before oleksiy, they they said that they were just experienced. i like her experience in international affairs and our country really needs it right now, she is a proven leader in her state and overall she seems like a good candidate. "i think she has a good chance to be elected, i like her politics, her views on the war in ukraine, i hope she will put an end to this war, that ukraine will win, and that's what i'm here for
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. you can support allies in different ways, don't have to send money, it's better to send gear, says nicky, me i support and agree with her." her foreign policy messages are very important given the global climate. are you a fan of nicki? i'm someone who respects nicki, i like her a lot, i'm a democrat and i plan to vote for biden, but i respect her as a woman running.i agree with some of her views and think she is good for democracy and i 'm proud to have her running.julia , what could the wyowi caucuses mean for future races in general, and here's how the results of trump's opponents can affect on their chances of defeating the former us president? iowa, of course, is a very important state, because the first one sets the tone for the actual
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election race, but iowa does not decide everything, and it will be really important to see what the results will be in the first three states, which are iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. and now really. donald trump is ahead at about 48% , followed by nicky haley at 20 and desantis at 16, and it will be very important how much nicky haley or rondesan can close that gap with donald trump, and if it's nikki haley, for example, she 'll be able to get quite a lot of support, in the next chance, in the next state in new hampshire, she's doing pretty well and a lot better than iowa, so that could give a boost. and her campaign, but again, donald trump is currently the leader and it is not known whether any of the candidates will still be able to reduce this advantage. thank you very much yulia, yulia yarmonko was in direct contact with us for him.
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on monday, january 15, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, met with the president of switzerland, viola amhert. after completion. meeting, she stated that switzerland is ready to hold a conference on peace in ukraine at the highest level at zelenskyi's request. as part of a working visit to switzerland, zelenskyi will also hold bilateral meetings with representatives. eu and nato. the day before, in davos, switzerland, where the world economic forum is currently taking place, the fourth meeting of national security advisers regarding the ukrainian peace formula was held, among the participants of which were 81 countries and international organizations. our european correspondent followed the details of the events in switzerland correspondent bohdan tsyupin. congratulations bohdan. bohdan, can you tell us what is known about the plans for the peace conference agreed upon by the leaders of ukraine and switzerland. about the plans and desire of ukraine to convene such a conference , which ukrainian representatives
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most often call a global peace summit, we have known about such plans for a long time, for many months, ukraine has stated that it wants to convene such a peace summit, they even mentioned, perhaps even last year, approximate dates. groups of specialists, representatives... of states and, in particular, advisers to the presidents worked heads of government, but until now we did not know the exact time or even the possible place of holding such a summit, and today at the meeting of the presidents of ukraine and switzerland it was announced that switzerland will prepare to host such a peace summit, which ukraine very much wants to hold. when exactly it will take place and even its essence, so to speak, will depend on many
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factors, on, probably, on the preparatory work, on the political will of the leaders of the participating countries, probably even more it will depend on the realities on the battlefield, which will, perhaps ukraine's success in repelling russian? aggression and the liberation of ukrainian lands, the role will also be obvious for switzerland , despite the fact that switzerland is a neutral country, but it makes a very serious, serious contribution to international aid to ukraine, in fact, it is among the 12 countries that allocate the most money for aid although it is almost exclusively, almost... exclusively humanitarian and financial aid to ukraine, there are other important aspects of
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switzerland's role, and the ukrainian president spoke about it today. it is critical that together we continued our work in the direction of sanctions, sanctions against russia, which have already been applied, should be as effective as possible. ukraine counts on the support of switzerland in the global work to block all schemes. evasion of sanctions, i want to thank you for the fact that switzerland is not indifferent and being neutral for you does not mean ignoring reality, and you are morally truthful and honestly assess what is happening in europe now. bohdan, what is the most important thing to expect from ukraine's participation in the economic forum in davosi, and how is ukraine generally represented on this form? and in general, what are the expectations from the visit of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi? we can say that the ukrainian
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delegation is very significant this year, that is, obviously, we have the ukrainian president there, but there are also many other ukrainian officials, and actually, it is primarily an economic forum, as the name suggests, but... the issue of the world security, as a condition for economic development, is the leading, among other very important issues that will be discussed here at the meeting in davos, there is, for example, the question of the impact of disinformation, and whether or not malicious information is spread intentionally to destabilize societies. the issue of the impact of climate change on people's lives and the economy, if we speak
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more narrowly, specifically about the tasks of ukraine and the tasks of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, then at this meeting, where other world leaders will be gathered in one place, at the same time, french president emmanuel macron, leaders of other states, us secretary of state. anthony blinken should be, this is another opportunity for of ukraine, and probably the most important task for the ukrainian president now is to ensure further, and apparently even ukrainians consider greater support from the international community, and in particular, not only from those leading states that are already helping ukraine, but also other countries from the so-called global south, which ukrainians are talking about a lot now and which, in particular, is very important for convening the most important
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peace conference, a global peace summit, as ukraine says. bohdan, returning to the question of the discussion itself peace formula, what information is there now about the meeting of the national security advisers who discussed the peace formula, and what is switzerland's position in the negotiations regarding this peace formula? well, today, the ukrainian president was asked about this peace plan of ukraine, and it has been known for a long time, we have somewhere... the points announced by the ukrainian president during the meeting of the group of 20 already a year ago or more, and in fact no country had any opposition to these points would deny, that is, one of the first points there is nuclear security,
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the question of peace, sovereignty is obvious. territorial integrity, and the ukrainian president emphasized today that ukraine's peace plan is based on all known principles set forth in the charter of the united nations. this is respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries. who is against it? in fact, only russia is open , only russia, although, for example, such countries as e, china, er, did not fully understand their position, but ukraine very much wants china to play a positive role here as well. bohdan, thank you very much, i have been following the events for a long time our european correspondent, bohdan tsyupin. and for other news: the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine is among the issues
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that ukraine's allies are discussing in davos. right now, against the backdrop of delays in approving large aid packages in the eu and. usa, ukraine's chances of persuading the west to give it kremlin money have increased. this is what analysts say. details in oksana bidrotenko's plot. the west froze hundreds of billions of kremlin money at the start of the full-scale invasion, and for nearly two years there have been calls to hand it over to ukraine. and only now the situation has changed. zmi writes that the us president called on the group of seven to approve a strategic approach to confiscation. biden has also asked congress to grant him a mandate. to take the assets of the kremlin frozen on the territory of america. i think this is a clear signal that the us administration has come to the conclusion that financial support for ukraine is stuck in congress. this is 61 billion dollars, as well as almost 50 billion euros of support from the european union, viktor orbán is delaying. we are in a
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crisis situation, additional aid for ukraine is not coming, there is already a lag of three'. central bank, we have to do a sequestration and transfer process, and many say that the executive branch has that authority, there is no better time to transfer these funds to ukraine than during the crisis. but anders asland, an american economist, believes that the confiscated funds will not replace an additional aid package from the united states, because only america can provide the weapons necessary for the war. the u.s. government says it has so far discovered only about $5 billion in russian sovereign assets in the u.s. it is much less. the majority of russian sovereign assets are located in euroclear, the european clearing system in belgium. this is approximately 200 billion dollars. therefore, it is important mainly as a precedent for european countries. europe's confiscation of russian sovereign assets is important for financing ukraine, but only the us can
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provide the appropriate weapons to ukraine, and therefore this issue is separate from additional financing. former white house official vindman, on the other hand, suggests that ukraine could purchase us weapons with confiscated kremlin funds. it is a fact that confiscation and transfer assets can be done relatively quickly, i think purchases from the us industrial base can also be done fairly quickly. in fact, the pentagon has a role to play here as well: you are diverting a certain number of new arms shipments that are going directly to ukraine. ukraine is paying for it and at the same time joint ventures are being built. the last step is cooperation, which can take months, a year, but transferring production lines to ukraine is not so difficult to do, because the source of funds simply changes, ukraine will pay for it, not the usa. there is a lot in the confiscation of russian funds allies, but there are also those who doubt it, they say about legal instability and risks for the financial system. if the us
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takes the first step and takes away the kremlin's funds, it will set a powerful example, aslund says. the main argument of the europeans is that it will hurt the euro, and if the us makes the first move, that argument goes away, so this is a good development. it is absolutely unacceptable for russia to keep public funds in the west while... it destroys ukraine, this move is long overdue, i am very happy that president biden is pushing this, congress seems to have overwhelming bipartisan support for this, so it's relatively easy to achieve. ezh adds that he does not see an alternative source to finance aid to ukraine. how will we finance ukraine? the annual expenditure on the war is approximately 40 billion dollars of budget funding and 60 billion. annually for
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the next 10 years. where to find such funds? if they are not found, ukraine will be defeated, and this will be a great threat to the security of nato and europe. if there is political will, laws can be changed, this is a reality and it can be done quickly. ukraine's allies can work out a joint approach to withdrawing kremlin funds. already in february on the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. oksana bedrytenko, tatiana vorozhko, voice of america. hundreds of fake news about ukraine were published on russian propaganda resources last year. their producers mostly used old methods and repeated narratives. about the fact that ukraine is losing, russia is winning, the west does not want to help, zelensky uses drugs, and ukrainians have gone completely crazy and are banning dida frost however, new headlines also appeared. details will be told by ksenia turkova. kyiv sends children to war. ukraine has developed body armor for pregnant women. ukrainian refugee women give birth to babies for sale in special bunkers in
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switzerland. a concentration camp was set up near odessa for those who do not want to fight with russia. also, a monument to zelensky was erected in milan - a huge nose with a track from cocaine. all these are not humorous notes, but real news headlines on russian media sites. edition. at the end of the year, the fake made the hit parade of the most ridiculous fakes about ukraine, project co-founder yevhen fetchenko believes that even the most absurd fakes should be debunked. russian propaganda does not take quality, but quantity, and it often works. the main goal is to produce a lot of them and also bombard the audience from different platforms, from different sides, in order not to give the opportunity to recover and... understand what is really happening, and this is exactly the goal of saturating the information space with fakes and nonsense , nonsense, and blur
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the real informational background with this huge amount of what is being produced. fakes about russia repeats ukraine from year to year, but there are also new narratives. according to yevhen fetchenko, this year they were focused on the situation. at the front, as well as western aid to ukraine. this year, new ones were precisely those that are directly related to the conduct of military operations, mobilization, as well as fakes that are aimed at undermining trust in ukrainian society , as well as those that should undermine trust in ukraine abroad , i think it was the biggest category. because it is obvious it coincides with the political and military goals of the russian leadership, to undermine confidence in ukraine as a country that needs to be
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supported. ukraine loses, russia wins, this is the main narrative of a huge number of fakes. for example, there were many reports that the west gives broken equipment to ukraine, that the ukrainians themselves do not know how to use it, while russia has this equipment decisively. destroys, we already see the first reports that russia supposedly destroyed the first f-16s, although before that it proved that the ukrainians could not fly them, they did not can master them, that they will absolutely not change the situation on the front line, even if ukraine receives them, and here we already see reports that they have already been destroyed, not even before they appeared in ukraine. technologies have also changed over the past year. manufacturers of fakes tried to use artificial intelligence. here we can mention the attempt to falsify the speech of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, who allegedly called for
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a military mutiny. as well as a fake conversation between volodymyr zelenskyi and his wife. we are on this fake showed how artificial intelligence can learn very well from what zelensky said, and also there were very few speeches of his wife that could be learned from, in particular in russian, so we see that zelensky speaks russian for some reason, his wife corresponds to the same poor ukrainian. and it all together just doesn't work. another category of fakes are stories about the life and daily life of ukrainians, for example, about the fact that in ukraine they want to rename the russian hare, or about the fact that santa claus was banned there. neither that nor the other does not correspond to reality. the household category of these fakes, which are supposed to prove, so to
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speak, the thesis of the complete marginalization of ukrainians, is also increasingly noticeable. have already immersed themselves so much in this war , that they are beginning to lose their sense of common sense, so to speak, of some rational limit, and they say this once again proves that they do not need to be supported, because they are russophobes, they destroy any what are the alternative points of view, they oppose religion, according to... countering the russian fake machine so far which is clearly not enough, and they remain a serious threat to the information agenda around the world. ksenia turkova, voice of america, washington. the united nations is asking for 4 billion 200 million dollars this year to help ukrainians suffering from war and displaced persons. the un appealed to the donor countries to allocate such an amount. 40% of the population of ukraine
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will need humanitarian aid, 4 million are internally displaced persons, this is in addition to those displaced to other countries. the last month has been as bad as it gets and it's really quite shocking: the number of attacks across the country from russia has been unrelenting. 3,300,000 people live in a war zone, under daily bombardment, in uncertainty about where this day will end. in donetsk and kharkiv regions in moroz, families live in destroyed houses, without water, gas and electricity. constant bombings force the elderly to spend their days in basements, children are scared, traumatized, and many of them do not go to school. regarding people outside the country, especially those who have moved to europe, there are a little more than 5 million, most people move in both directions, according to
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the estimates of the international migration , about 900 thousand people returned, these are approximate data, since it is very difficult to count due to the pendulum movement, we will say goodbye on this, thank you for staying with us , good night and good morning, see you soon. 15-year-old ksenia zelena, 17-year-old dmytro gorbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and for a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are. exactly so i really hope for your help, and
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of course. i mostly address the residents of the territories of the donetsk region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that you do not have ukrainian tv channels, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. therefore , i am asking you to look carefully at the faces of the children. ksenia zelena looks about 15 years old, she has dark hair, and the girl was last seen in donetsk. dmytro gorbunov, he turned 17 relatively recently, but the guy... looks maybe a little older than his age. in he has light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnovatsky district in the village of krasna polyana. and this is anastasia pokhylyuk. the girl turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has light blond hair and looks her age. official information about nastya's disappearance came in the summer of last year, but it is quite
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possible that the connection with... she was chosen much earlier.


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