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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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the fact of the possible declaration of unreliable information by the judge of the supreme court olga stupak and checked the correspondence of the judge's income and wealth. detectives found many violations, but the judge was lucky. the constitutional court of ukraine annulled the article for unreliable declaration. regarding serhii pogribny, who was elected to the position of judge of the grand chamber of the supreme court, there is also a negative conclusion of the public council of virtue. it, in particular, talks about his decision with signs of political influence. legal construction on the odesa coast and about the transfer of the land of the kyiv zoo, which the judge allowed to be built in a very quick time in one sitting, 10 days after accepting the lawsuit, the judge also forbade filming in an open session, although the parties to the case did not object and thereby violated the principle of openness. last year, despite the large-scale war unleashed by russia, ukraine confidently continued its way to europe. who
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of the union fulfilled two of the seven recommendations necessary to maintain the status of a candidate for membership. in particular, about the judicial reform in the part of holding tenders for bodies judicial governance. we spoke with the head of the deyure foundation mykhailo jernakov and tried to sum up the results of the judicial reform in 2023. a lot was accepted, a lot was completed, i.e. those processes that started in the 21st year of the reboot of judicial governance bodies, the higher commission of judges, were completed. the council of justice, that is, these two bodies were created, started working and already, thank god, show a different quality of work, at least, than those, as well as the previous ones. in january last year , the renewed verkhovna rada began its work justice, the key judicial body that is responsible for the integrity of the entire judicial body and the only one that has the constitutional authority to dismiss judges and grant permission to bring them to justice, and currently there is a lot of work in the vrp, the body has registered more than 12...
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thousand disciplinary complaints against actions judges, the main product of the activity of the supreme council of justice is disciplinary, well, the main function, probably, it is disciplinary, is , accordingly, decisions in disciplinary cases, they still have not passed them, despite what was given to them by law back, while the service of disciplinary inspectors is being created, they are given back the right to conduct disciplinary cases. there are some very strange decisions that show, after all, that... the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of judicial power. in june, after three years of non-functioning, the higher qualification commission of judges became operational, the competition for which was the largest in the entire history of the judicial system of ukraine. 19 people per seat. 16 selected through tough the competition of members of the supreme court of appeals is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as for ensuring their dues. level, in particular
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through qualification assessment. currently, the jcc has two priority tasks: to complete the qualification evaluation and to appoint more than 2,500 judges, the shortage of which has currently caused a real crisis and overload of judges. about 200 vacancies must now be filled by the higher qualification commission of judges in one way or another, including the selection announced for about 100 judicial positions, and that's enough. quite significant both in the appellate instance and in the first instance, and this is quite a significant opportunity both to update the system and, let's say, to sanction what we had before, how the higher commission of the stakes treats the assessment of certain aspects of integrity is of fundamental importance, both in order to finally remove from the judicial system those judges who are not worthy to be judges, and so in order to fill it with virtuous qualified personnel, an important link of the judiciary. form last year was
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the reform of the constitutional court of one of the most important judges of the country. it was in danger of being disrupted due to efforts to re -politicize the process of appointing judges. the law on changing the process of selecting judges of the constitutional court, creating an advisory group of experts and greater public involvement was accompanied by scandals, because instead of changes, the proposed bill increasingly politicized the procedure of selecting judges. in the end , it was possible to overcome the contradictions. and the law was adopted taking into account most of the positive changes, but not without a fight. we still have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court, but there is no guarantee, precisely because the venetian commission took a very specific approach to this process. they issued six different opinions, six different decisions of their own, regarding conclusions about how, how and what should happen in the constitutional court. and
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they almost all contradict each other, they contain factual errors, everything led to what we have now, well, far from optimal. distant law, the text of the law, it could be and should be much stronger nevertheless, in general, the european commission noted good progress in the introduction of competitive selection, and this is very important, because the fate of several key reforms depends on the constitutional court right now, including the further reform of the supreme council of justice, the reform of the land market, and others. after the end of the war , it is the constitutional court that will consider the complex issues of reintegration of the occupied. territory the european business association, based on the results of a survey of member companies, came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of judicial reform in ukraine improved during the 23rd year, but is still in the negative plane. therefore , this year
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there are many tasks for the further movement of judicial reform and improvement of the judicial system of ukraine. we need, first of all, to introduce a mechanism that will remove these unscrupulous elements from the supreme court. secondly, about... conducting a competition for positions that are already vacant in the supreme court. the next task in terms of complexity, probably and in terms of priority, is the new administrative courts, instead of the liquidated district administrative court, the third is the legal education, reform of legal education, there is quite a long list, ugh, that is, we need to fundamentally change the way we train our lawyers, so that they already at that level understand what integrity is, but also act accordingly. we hope it will all work out. in 2024, and we will continue to carefully monitor the movement of judicial reform and the implementation of changes. that's all for today, you watched judicial control, i'm tatiana shustrova, if you want to report corrupt judges or
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illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you right after week. there are discounts on zzilor 10% in pharmacies plantain to you tavshchad 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of for effective hitting the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. see this week in the
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collaborators program. who became a deputy in the occupied territories. from united russia. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. but what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures on support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial,
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you draw your own conclusions. vasyl's big broadcast winters, two hours of airtime. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor, how the rashists protect the main seller of novaya kakhovka. details regarding the rescue of the deputy head of novaya kakhovka, vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today , she motivated our youth with a personal example. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve. rashish occupiers. currently, 1,877 ukrainian cities and
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villages are occupied by russia. and the enemy is trying to increase this figure. our military maintains defense at a high cost. unfortunately, in almost every occupied corner there are those who rejoice in the temporary annexation and hopes that these territories will never return to ukraine. as, for example, vitaly volodymyrovych hura, a resident of novaya kakhovka, born in 1978. for some reason, this traitor thought that russia would give him everything, but now he is under the crosshairs of the drg and fears for his life. until february 24, gura tried to hide his true views, mimicking a ukrainian politician, a civil servant who is very concerned about the well-being of novaya kakhovka. so, in 2015, he ran for the kherson regional council and the novokakhovsk city council from the socialists. at the time of running for office, he worked in the kp, novokakhovsk. management of communal services, master of gas management. from 2020 to 2021, he was the chief mechanic at
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the public utility company vodokanal, and from the summer of 2021 to february 2022, he was the head of the dnipro district of novaya kakhovka. but everything changed when the new tile was occupied by the russian army. gura welcomed the invaders as family and offered any possible help. the occupiers, in turn, did it with... deputy head of the captured new kakhovka, and as soon as the russian media began to write about the traitor, how our ukrainian resistance movement took up with him. gura was wounded, the traitor was shot near his house, then the press wrote that the collaborator had died, but as it turned out later, this traitorous pike staged his death in order not to die at the hands of our partisans. the fsb warned of a series of terrorist attacks against members of the crimean government and employees of the khersonsk administration. regions, which were trained in the security service of ukraine. our special services revealed details about
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the rescue of the deputy head of nova kakhovka , vitaly hura. the ukrainian media show about me that i died, i was killed, i was killed. so tight as gura turned out to be very effective and obedient in her position, so over time the traitor was promoted. they have already made him the head of the novokokhov city district. here is a video where former rashist ihor chagaev, former vice-governor of the krasnodar region of the russian federation. he wishes guri success in his new position. dear vitaliy volodymyrovych, we congratulate you on your official appointment to the position of head of the city district of nova kakhovka. new the chairman takes the oath and starts working on the main tasks of the kremlin. to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe the constitution of the russian federation. accompanied by representatives of the so-called law enforcement agencies, gura carried out illegal alienation of property. which was on the balance sheet of communal institutions of the novokakhov city council. he also demanded
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from the head of the utility company to provide him with a work plan to prepare for the heating season. we are all united in the main thing, in love for our city, for the region, to russia, the only country where we live and where our children and grandchildren will live. this seller has already been tried to be liquidated twice, and, unfortunately, he managed to survive. let's hope that... the avengers will bring the case to the end, or at least organize his comfortable transfer to the hands of ukrainian justice. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already informed guri of the suspicion of collaborationism. he faces up to 10 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 15 years and confiscation of property. in past programs, i told you about the traitorous family of the kovalov brothers, politicians from the servant of the people party. polochy kovalev was a people's deputy from 186. after the occupation of kherson, he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. last year he
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was killed in a bare pier. his older brother yuriy kovalev was a deputy of the kherson regional council and after the full-scale invasion headed a state-owned enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers. when in october of last year putler posthumously awarded the liquidated kovalev with an order for courage to receive an award to the bloodthirsters his brother yuriy kovalev came with his mother. and while the younger brother holds the older one's place at kobzon's concert, yuriy kovalev works diligently on the image of a traitor. thus, on november 27, 2023, yuriy kovalev received suspicion. from the sbu. our law enforcement agencies found out that he reoriented more than 20 controlled companies in the region to the needs of the aggressor country. for this, in particular, they were re-registered according to russian legislation, among the enterprises a local agricultural holding, which shipped almost 35 tons to russia this year of ukrainian grain for the total amount of
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uah 140 million. it was also established that at the direction of yuriy kovalev, the gas stations under his control were alternately fueling the military equipment of the russian federation, in particular enemy tanks and armored vehicles. in addition, the seller's companies have been actively supplying food rations for russian soldiers who are at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. yuriy kovalev's companies regularly finance the budget of the aggressor country in the form of paying taxes and duties amounting to millions of rubles every month. now yuriy kovalev in the temporarily occupied territories, but this is not a defense'. protect him from our law enforcement agencies, courts and prisons. he will definitely answer for all his actions. this is another sale of yevgenia ivanovna demintiev, born in 1978, originally from the crimean city of armyansk. before the annexation of the peninsula , she worked in local authorities. when crimea was captured by the little green men, she supported the occupation and annexation of this
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territory to the russian federation. dimenttieva went to work for the occupation authorities, became a deputy of the city. council of armenian and secretary for ideology of the crimean regional branch of the communist party of the russian federation. their motto is russia, labor, socialism and people's rule. and there should be russia, impoverishment, repression and tyranny. until february 24, she sat in the crimea and worked on promoting soviet ideas to the masses. when the full-scale war began, i think it is clear who she supported. demtiev on his facebook page. talked about the liberator of russia, posted the following pictures: probably worshiping lenin, putin and serpus demtieva was beaten with a hammer, so she moved to the kherson region, where on october 16, 2023, she was made the acting minister of education of the kherson region. general educational
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institutions of the kherson region are currently fully equipped with educational and methodical literature. more than 10,100 copies were purchased this year. this became possible thanks to the personal participation of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. now this person is responsible for the propaganda that russia integrates into the education process of our children. within during the dialogue with high school students today , guidelines and priorities were discussed in the framework of choosing a profession. today, using a personal example , she motivated our young people to... for themselves a higher educational institution with a referral to the state municipal service, that is, if you remove all the pathos from her words, it turns out that demintiyeva talked about her path from a citizen of ukraine to a zaprodanka, and the key aspects of how to profitably sell the homeland for positions and wooden rubles. this collaborator has been waiting for her suspicion since
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2014, let's hope she will get it. it there was a collaborators program and i... kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in podoro pharmacies. in pharmacies you will find plantain and savings. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively
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hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer. the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. glory. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. bakhmut, we tell you the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 48 minutes, i want to say right away that we are waiting for a press conference with the participation of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, she will be on our airwaves, you will hear and see everything, but we will start with the announcement of the collection of tv channels. calls to join the collection for kamikaze drones for 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively protecting ukraine since 2014 in the hottest areas. this includes
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the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, and the fierce battles for solidar and bakhmut in donetsk region. right now, the defenders need drones, kamikaze. i would say that you need enough of them. they can stop almost any offensive and any assault in a matter of minutes. enemy actions, enemy equipment, manpower, where there is no drone wing, say the warriors, the wings of human dreams are lost and hopes, so let's strengthen the wings of our army and clip the wings of the aggressor country, which is waging an unjust war against ukraine , well, actually, about the everyday life of this war, and especially how, unfortunately, civilian objects and settlements are suffering, we will talk with bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. mr. bohdan. i greet you, i greet you, good evening, glad to see and hear, well, let 's talk about the process itself, first i will ask about the security situation as of the evening of the last day, the most important thing
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what happened, where did the enemy attack , what is the current situation with the consequences of enemy attacks, please, well, i can say that for the last three days, and the picture has not changed, the city itself has not been shelled, and combat clashes are going on along the border, these are strikes artillery, this is... kabama strikes by aviation, the vovchan direction, the settlements around it, then the kupyan direction, that is, every day there are approximately 15 settlements that the russian army attacked in one way or another, in addition to to this you can add more attacks, each during the day, three or four attempts were made to storm our senkivka, petro-pavlivka, to go to kupyansk, but it all did not go through, but there are attempts, attacks are regularly launched, well, this is the situation in
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kharkiv oblast, if at all and briefly, the enemy hit the hangars with grain in vovchanchansk, is there information, maybe it is being updated, how much material damage was caused by the enemy, first of all, to what extent were there wounded and injured? i don't have any information about this, i'm sorry, but i... i will tell our viewers that the enemy is not only hitting hotels, houses, he is also trying to hit the places of storage, grain storage, well speaking , today i read that the rescuers continue to dismantle the rubble of the park hotel that was hit, how much work is still there and in general, what can be said about these consequences, how can it be restored there, it is not possible, please, well, it is a three-story hotel, the roof and the upper third floor. disassembled, now the second one is being disassembled, as far as i can see from the footage, and i drove by today, looked, that is, the work is going on, ah, well, i don’t know if i will resume work,
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to be restored in the form in which it is now, will they rebuild a completely new building, a new building, but the work is going on, i would also like to add that our five-star hotel, which suffered from the handing over of the rocket, is now they also close, well, the structures that interfered at the point of impact have already been dismantled, and the facade itself is closed with osb plates and preserved so that it will be possible to start the heating and at least partially allow it. work, well, that is , work is going on in one and another hotel in the city of kharkiv. i am now before putting questions about specific situations, i would like to ask in general this is the activation of the enemy from the shelling of kharkiv oblast, kharkiv oblast and kharkiv, all the more so being fired at by ballistic missiles, the accuracy of which can only be said very conditionally, if we are talking about the s-300, for example, which enemy uses, how does it affect the life of the city, the mood of people? how did it change
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the rhythm of life in the city, about which it is written every day that the enemy is preparing an attack on kharkiv, and how the last shelling of the hotel showed that they are not so accurate these s-300s, because two missiles fell very close to each other and hit this hotel quite precisely right in the entrance part of it, so the question here is, their accuracy, we are used to... not right, not precisely at long ranges , and in fact, sometimes such hits make you wonder, maybe one is inaccurate, but the other still fulfills the role that was assigned to her, and as for the people of kharkiv, well, you know, i did not notice any changes, that any panic , depression or other moods of the residents of the city of kharkiv, no, but absolutely lives his life, you know, the war
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has taken its toll, it has drawn us all into such, let's say, such a protective shell, we have such a shell, now we don't pay attention to anything, they almost to these explosions, and it’s scary, there are also children, there are also women who panic at these moments, but in general it has become such an everyday phenomenon, everything in our country is working, transport is moving, there is light, unlike there, for example, the old school, i am reading , their pipe broke again and there was no old man there. the school has no heating, they only promise that will do, that is, in kharkiv it exists and i hope that it will continue, electricity, water , cold, sewage, all this works, medical facilities, there are supermarkets, the place lives its own life, maybe, maybe it does not correspond at all, does not correspond at all to what happened before the full-scale invasion, but still the people of kharkiv did not lose heart, and the evacuation of people from, let's say...
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well, that's what i'm saying now about kupyansk, kupyansky district, i understand that the language it is not only about this area, but eight more people managed to be evacuated, again, and here i am i read the information, statistical data, that the majority of people, well, mainly those people who are evacuated from the front-line areas of kharkiv region, they mostly stay in kharkiv, whether it is true or not, well, again, it is possible that conditions are being created in kharkiv for that , so that people can be there, or it remains with relatives, as it is already there, please, that is the majority. it really remains in kharkiv , because it is nearby, there is transport here, if you want to leave, return to the city in the same kupyansk community or another, vovchansk, and kharkiv also provides these and all cities, we have very, very there are many dormitories that are empty now , which are there, well, i know they are partially renovated, prepared for resettlement, and the authorities deal with this regularly, there is
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the replacement of windows, there is furniture, some beds are brought in, things necessary for a stay, clothes, food are brought in, that's all , let's say, worked out, such a mechanism is clear , the social structure, let's say, all this works, it's also payments, there are some social, let's say moments, which district administrations do all this, social services, so further, well, it makes a lot of sense to continue and there is no, let's say, po some people leave ukraine, but... but most of them are right, they stay in the city of kharkiv, there is a place to receive them, and we are happy for these people, they are somehow looking for themselves there in this difficult situation, but in this regard, everything is normal here, well, i will not ask about the production of drones by all the people who know how to do it and can do it, buy parts, here you know, well, this statement was heard from the minister, some laugh, some...


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