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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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and media representatives, i want to thank everyone for switzerland not remaining neutral, because if switzerland is neutral, it means that it will ignore reality, because it is morally right, to help us protect our lives, thank you for your principled political support from the beginning. large-scale invasion of russia on the territory of ukraine, thank you for supporting european sanctions, as well as for your work on the implementation of the peace formula. switzerland always, the world, the world appreciates your attention, your efforts, and so i thank you for that you have taken a clear position on the restoration of an honest peace, and therefore it is very important that switzerland helps. humanitarian,
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it is not only about humanitarian demining, which we discussed today with the president, but also about long-term, political and sanctions support, and today we discussed the actual long-term aid program, dear attendees, dear ladies and gentlemen, today we ensured the success of the work in the format of councils on the peace formula, and switzerland organized effectively. the meeting the day before was significant expansion of the representation, already more than 80 countries, as the president said, and countries and international institutions are involved, we appreciate it, i thank you, madam president and the team for the agreement that our teams will start preparations for holding in switzerland at the level of global leaders from tomorrow peace summit, and this peace summit. will give the necessary
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energy to everything that has already given, managed to achieve and must determine that the restoration of international law, as well as human rights, must maintain its supremacy, and switzerland, it is with us. urgent question - this is the fate of russian assets that were frozen in other institutions. the world majority agrees that aggression is not. provoked and criminal war, which not only violates the goals and principles, but it affects and touches everyone, and it destroys every international norm of international order and law, and therefore we see now that the evil that europe has seen, has not seen since the end of the second world war, and therefore it is very important to use these frozen assets of russia, for the sake of defense against russian aggression. only
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in order to punish the aggressor, to punish the one who resolved this conflict, but we pay the highest price for it. today, at the meetings, we paid considerable attention to issues of justice, as well as to the issue of switzerland's involvement in the creation of a tribunal in order to bring those acquitted of crimes committed by russia against ukraine. it is very important to create such a terminal from the point of view. we must all together ensure the full responsibility of russian criminals, as well as the military leadership of russia, because specific individuals kill people there, they work for the continuation of aggression, these are specific individuals, all they must be brought to justice, i want to thank switzerland for the work, thank you madam president, for your leadership, for... they are contaminated
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by russian mines, and it would be difficult for any state to cope with such a load, such a task on its own. fortunately , ukraine has friends who help, and switzerland is among them. we discussed about the spring-autumn demining conference, and i also want to say it. it is about a critically important moment for us to continue working together in the direction of sanctions sanctions against russia, which have already been applied, should be as effective as possible. ukraine is counting on switzerland's support in blocking all sanctions circumvention schemes. in particular, we see that the russian missiles that terrorize our cities and other weapons that they use are all based on...
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these connections with the leading countries of the world. each russian rocket has dozens of components created by companies from other countries, including europe. without such. but the component base, the russian military-industrial complex would be significantly weaker, it would be much more difficult for them to produce missiles, for such a special export is of great importance, and therefore i want switzerland to work to the maximum with all partners and with international sanctions work in order to block the terrorist potential of russia, together we will save people's lives, i i want to thank you once again, madam president, and to your entire society, glory to ukraine, thank you, mr. president, we will now take three or two questions, please tell me what
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your expectations are, madam, mr. president, or enough 6 billion financial aid, which is your finance. expectation? and this is a question for me? yes, so your financial expectations, i understand, thank you, we were talking today, actually about long-term multi-year support, we are talking first of all about rebuilding destroyed homes. hospitals, schools, because all this was destroyed by russian missiles, and many representatives of the swiss authorities have already visited ukrainian cities directly several times, they saw ukrainian schools, ukrainian
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schoolchildren, they are under permanent shelling, we use different drones, different ballistic missiles, children's safety is very... important for us, and that's why i think that the second moment of this winter is easier for us, comparing with the previous year, we see that this is how russia hits the ob critical infrastructure projects, we see again how much of a problem there was in the energy structure, last year we experienced a blackout, it was very difficult, but this winter we are strong, and we want to strengthen ours. we want to strengthen our, we want to decentralize our energy system, energy system, so much can be said, the priorities are obvious, it is clear what to spend this aid on. thank you, and the next
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question, mr. president, please tell us more about your plans. on the peace conference you mentioned, when would you like it to take place and which countries would you invite, please tell me if china will attend and also what is the main purpose, what is the main purpose, which principles? thank you thank you for asking thank you for asking about concerning, firstly, the list of countries, we are open to all countries in the world that respect our sovereignty, and so draw conclusions about who we invite, we would like the countries of the global south
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to join as well, to attend the advisers' meetings in the... there were 83 countries in davosia, and we, we emphasize, and i want to thank our teams, all the representatives for your efforts, it is very important that just all the leaders of these countries, it is important that they be at the summit, because we are now rallying the whole world against aggression of russia in the world in order to be just peace i think you are familiar with... these points, they are based on the un charter, and i think there are no surprises there, if the countries really want the war to end, they will support our
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peace plan, but i also want to say, that so this plan is open and we involve many different countries and also involve them with our proposals'. we will work consistently with madam president on this. thank you, mr. president, if i may add, so tomorrow our our teams will begin work in quite some detail, we will, we will, we looking forward to the support of as many countries as possible to participate in our forum, of course we have to prepare very well, it takes... time, and we will see when the moment is right, and we
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are, we will take help in the organization. thank you, and the last question, please, so you will be together, you will participate, mr. president, in davos during the forum, please tell me which one. role can china play in the implementation of your peace formula? with all due respect to china and to the prime minister of china, i am coming to davos not to him personally, i come by invitation, i will have various meetings there with various world leaders, and i have a personal one. from switzerland, that is why i am here now, talking about china, we would very much like china
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to be involved as well, in our implementation of our peace formula and actually in the summit, of course, not everything depends on our desire, but we will hope that all civilized countries will be invited to the peace summit. thank you, mr. president, thank you, this concludes the press conference, good evening everyone, good evening, we are from ukraine, so we listened to mr. president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, is the president of the swiss confederation, viola amgert. tomorrow, the head of state has to take part in the economic meeting, the economic forum in davos, we will of course monitor and cover all of these. it works, well, guests will analyze it in our studio. ahead, there are still many interesting and important things, but now i will tell you about
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the most important news, as of now i will tell you in detail. the russians are not stopping their assault on the left bank of the kherson region. by seven attempts of the occupiers to storm the positions of the armed forces of ukraine were recorded last day. all of them are fruitless - said natalya gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of pivnia. the ukrainian military does not remain in fixed positions, it remains in fixed positions. left bank of kherson region. also, the counter-battery fight on our side was quite effective. we continue to destroy the enemy's means of defense, in particular the osa anti-aircraft missile complex, and means of destruction: one hail installation, one tank, seven units of large-caliber artillery, this is the potential that... the enemy tried to press on the right bank. that our rage will continue to be turned
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into a weapon. oleksandr syrskyi congratulated the fighters of the fury brigade on the anniversary of the establishment of the unit. the commander of the ground forces presented the defenders with awards for courage, resilience and heroism. military comrades from the intelligence agencies also joined in the greetings. they presented the soldiers with prize weapons and other encouraging awards. well, you can only join in the greeting and wish. get to the point where our victory will be. tried to leave the country illegally, border guards detained three offenders in transcarpathia. the men tried to overcome the barrier fence, but they were stopped by law enforcement officers, one of the arrested turned out to be a smuggler. he offered his friends to take them to the border for uah 500 each. two men were brought to administrative responsibility. demanded a bribe from the military, law enforcement officers abducted an official of the medical
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service in vinnytsia region, the man offered to buy certificates for passing military personnel hospital commission in connection with a patient, demanded 2,500 dollars for obtaining a certificate of unfitness, in case of refusal, considered fully fit, regardless of illnesses. the perpetrator was detained while receiving another bribe. homemade business. weapons , law enforcement officers detained a 38-year-old man from volyn, who was selling firearms . the figure was selling typical self-made shooting devices of the single-shot type. pistols, during the search , cartridges of various calibers, gunpowder, a rifle, a rifled carbine and a rifle currently, law enforcement officers are determining where the man obtained weapons for sale. the production of munitions and weapons at polish factories is growing substantially, local media reports. in particular, we are talking about the nitrochem plant in bydgoszcz, where tnt production
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increased to the maximum level due to the war in ukraine and increased demand. the situation is also observed at other enterprises, for example, at the luchnik radom plant, where they plan to produce up to 100,000 rifles per year, and at the howitzer and huta stalov apc plant, huta stalova volya intends to double the supply of equipment in two years. gambling during the curfew, the bureau of economic security exposed four illegal gambling establishments in the kyiv region, in particular in buch, irpen and boryspil. casinos were closed. mode, only verified customers were allowed into the gaming hall, and it was possible to play even at night. currently, law enforcement officers are looking for all those involved in illegal activities. and the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of poland does not rule out a new wave of refugees from ukraine, as the deputy minister stated of the country's foreign affairs andrzej schein,
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the russian offensive could theoretically lead to a shift of the front to the west and then millions of ukrainian women. and children will probably have to seek refuge abroad. according to shane, the new wave of refugees can become a burden for poland, but the country will in no case refuse to provide shelter to those fleeing the war. the sorrowful cross sculpture is back in lviv. for about four centuries, it crowned the dome of the boim chapel, so it was exposed to the destructive influence of time. a year ago , the sculpture was sent for restoration to... during the year, 20 specialists worked on its restoration, now it has been returned to lviv to the ivan georgiy pinzel museum, for the first time in history the sculpture of the sorrowful jesus christ can be seen up close, it is one of the most valuable monuments of lviv. the ministry of culture of poland to transfer this monument to
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poland in order to firstly preserve it, and secondly, to restore it. it's a lot of money, it 's about 700 zlotys, you can multiply it by nine or 10, you know how much it is in hryvnias, 700 thousand was spent by our partners from poland, the polonik institute. what kind of? yeah, well, actually, that's all the news i wanted to tell you. as of now, well, i will include my colleague yuri fizer in the conversation, world about ukraine, a lot of interesting and important things happened, yuri collected the most important, and now he will tell us about it in detail, yuri , good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl , good evening to everyone who joined us today, there is really a lot of interesting stuff, the world about ukraine, the column bursts into the international week on the air of the espresso tv channel,
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bursts with news, in particular, of which, in particular, i will tell you about this, the current year will be decisive for ukraine. they weigh in great britain, in bulgaria, they will revise school textbooks on history and all because of too positive attitude towards russia and the soviet union, but in russia itself it was proposed to evacuate an entire city. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with the one, as you know, in davos, switzerland. the world economic forum will begin, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi has already arrived, he has already met with representatives of switzerland, but i am more interested in others, chinese officials who arrived in switzerland to participate in this forum in davos may meet in bern with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the american newspaper politico reported with reference to
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its own sources, what exactly may be discussed during the meeting , the source of the publication did not inform, but it is entirely him... that the issue of beijing's more active participation in finding ways to end the russian war in ukraine will also be discussed. well, it is also known that the chinese delegation is headed by the prime minister li qian's country. well, it is very interesting , nevertheless, whether this message from the politician will come true and whether this meeting will take place, because we see now some kind of aloofness of china, they have never been interested in really ending the war in ukraine. since, in my opinion, this war is beneficial to them for many reasons, but will they meet with volodymyr zelenskyi and, after all , will they discuss a peaceful ukrainian? plan, because they presented their plan, although in the end, it is not even a plan, but an initiative from 10 points, which is already a year old, they are not even talking about it anymore, because the initiative remained
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an initiative, but will they talk with volodymyr zelenskyi about the ukrainian peace plan, well, we’ll see, tomorrow, i think i’ll tell you some information, i’ll just listened today, talked to a well-known expert, and he talked about the fact that china really needs economic strengthening for the movement of its goods, and even, let's say, this conflict, on the arabian peninsula in the east, near yemen, it is china that suffers the most from this, therefore, the war is on one side can be profitable, and then suddenly it can become unprofitable, therefore, in any case, it is always necessary to have a dialogue and contact, and it is also interesting, vasyl, do you know that in china today, for example, the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire maoning said that china is interested in participating in the regulation of the ukrainian crisis, as they always say, but together with... the international community, that is, you know, such statements sound calm, their stock exchange has fallen to the lowest level since 2019, so that's why i will prove that china too, it is not not
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invulnerable, especially from an economic point of view, it is very important for them, they are not russia, yes, of course, but, but i would like them to really participate more actively in the search for ways to end the war peacefully, to end the war in ukraine with our victory, and for them to put pressure on russia, although i say this, but why... somewhere inside i am convinced that this will not happen, although we will see, we will wait at least until tomorrow. moving on, consideration of even extremely unlikely scenarios is part of everyday military business. yes, the ministry of defense of germany announced commented on the information published by the bulletin about the existence of an alleged secret plan to attack russia on nato member states. the german ministry of defense emphasized. in the fact that the country's armies, the country's army should be and is ready to repel a possible attack, i will remind you that in the build material it was said that the escalation of relations between nato
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and russia could begin in a few weeks, according to this scenario, in february, russia will launch a new wave of mobilization and summon 200,000 people, after which an active attack on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. the publication notes that the document is accurate to the point and place. the actions of russia and the west are described, and of course, the end of which may be the sending of hundreds of thousands of nato soldiers to the front, and in 2025 , russia's war with nato member countries may even begin. well, such information has the right to exist. let's remember that the bilt publication, my whole attitude towards it is, well, such a yellow press, but it was one of the first to... a detailed map of russia's attack was laid out in november, it seems 2020, or maybe in december, i don't remember this, 2021, so i don't know, the issue
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of ukraine's accession to the european union will take a long time, but this should not distract the attention of western countries from ukraine, from supporting ukraine, about this deputy minister of foreign affairs of poland andrzej sheyna. gave an interview to the newspaper, according to him, the main inhibiting factors will be the war and economic problems, well, the accession itself, says mr. deputy minister, will not take place with excessive damage to the economic interests of poland, so this issue must be resolved, as he says, constructively and in a friendly way, well, the most important thing, according to andzhii sheyna, is the main task of the european union, in general, and poland, in particular, now to support ukraine. well , let's listen to mr. deputy minister directly . we must support them as long as necessary. this is our vital interest.
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a new and important aspect of this assistance will be the cooperation of the military-industrial sectors of our countries. most of the weapons and ammunition for ukraine should come from polish factories. well, in the news that you heard, how is vasyl to you... suggested before my broadcast, you have already heard how defense enterprises in poland are working to manufacture weapons for us. well, thank you very much for that. this year will be decisive and fateful for ukraine. the minister of defense of great britain grand sheps said this during a speech at one of the non-heated forums in lancaster house. according to him... the current year will not only be fateful for ukraine. according to the head of the british defense department, it will be great for the whole world. grant shaps direct speech follows. it will
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the biggest year for... democracy in history, with nearly half the world's population going to the polls, that's the end of his quote. well, the most important thing for us is that the minister once again emphasized things that are very important to us. london will not give up its support for kyiv in the coming year, because the russian war in ukraine is existential, as he called it for great britain. and then we will hear grant shabs in direct speech. today is ours. opponents are actively rebuilding their barriers, old enemies are being reanimated and new ones are being formed. front lines are being redrawn, tanks are standing literally on the ukrainian lawn of europe, the foundations of the world order are shaking to the very foundation. we stand at this crossroads, whether to surrender to the problems or do everything possible to avert the danger. i believe that there is really no choice. to guarantee our freedoms, we must be ready, willing
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to restrain. enemies gathering around us, and to lead our allies in any conflicts that may arise. we, of course, thank all the countries that definitely support us in ours fair fight against russian aggression, but i am personally impressed by the support of great britain, which became almost the first country that began to help us so actively in order to repel this russian attack, and already in... for almost two years, we hear statements are permanent. i think that britain, it remembers very well on a genetic level the moment when it found itself virtually alone with germany in the second world war, well of course there was an attack on poland there and, well, but still britain was under threat invasion, then help there, let's say , the united states of america, well, everyone , everyone there knows it, it's not easy, and of course they understand what ukraine is feeling now, because even when the support is not enough, but it is there,
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well, somehow wings grow, when you see only excuses, well, as i listened today , i don’t know if you will talk about germany, ice about the statement of the leader of the opposition, he said very coolly today that when you understand that taurus missiles can destroy crimean cities, they are lying in warehouses, this is wrong , that is, this support is important, especially since britain doesn’t give us toys, it gives us drones, and a lot of things that we don’t even know about, and you know, vasyl, what else is interesting in this case, well, not interesting , and what everyone was worried about, boris johnson will leave, rishi suun will come. if there is support , the support remains, it is for the understanding of our citizens, so that our citizens first of all understand that these are the countries, that is why and for a long time, that rarely anything changes in them from a change of person in office, and how that was a good phrase, in my opinion, whether it was churcher or whoever, i'm not going to lie now, why does britain never celebrate independence day, he says, because britain has always been independent, well yes, that's why they, that's why britain, so what is that, there are some
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defining moments that are always key. well, regardless of the nuances, and that is why we thank them, we continue to thank them endlessly for this support, we move on, the available bulgarian school textbooks on the history of the country do not present a complete picture of historical events, in particular, there is a part in them when russia and the soviet union, in the part where russia and the soviet union are presented only from the positive side, prime minister of bulgaria nikolay denkov said this during the briefing, according to him, the truth is complete. has other elements related to russia and the soviet union, which were very carefully and carefully hidden in textbooks in order to create the wrong illusion and perception among bulgarian children. according to the head of the bulgarian government, this problem needs to be fixed immediately, school textbooks on history are worth it review and finalize. you can imagine, which probably already tonight, or maybe
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tomorrow... is happening in the swamps after this statement: how russia helped bulgaria get rid of the turkish yoke and so on and so on and so on, although in this speech the prime minister himself - the minister said that the soviet union misinterpreted this very event a lot, and that's why, well, that's why, but i want to hear such a cry, because it's interesting: you're a citizen of russia, so you won't have it. the right to enter into contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate in finland, about this in an interview with the newspaper helsingin sanomat, said the head of the finnish defense ministry, antti hekkanen. according to him , the relevant decision may be adopted already this spring. currently, says the minister of defense of finland, the search for the necessary legal grounds for the adoption of this ban is ongoing. in addition, he emphasized that for implementation.


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