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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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safe, and what is ultimately desirable, what can you feed the birds, feed them in winter , when it is cold, when they sometimes suffer from hunger, so not fried and unsalted sunflower seeds, wheat corn groats are possible, flax, oatmeal, millet, wheat, who has leftovers after the cat, i always know that the supplies remain, feed the birds boldly, pearl barley, beans, lentils and unsalted lard, well, this is such a classic, you know, like unsalted lard, catch. and the little ones bite him, so i remind you once again that you should not feed him bread and butter birds, and what i listed for so long, you can feed. we are moving from winter birds to the magnetic field of the earth , everything is nature, everything is natural, and now we will see if there will be an activation of the magnetic field of the earth tomorrow, now for your attention a prognostic diagram and from which it will be visible, it will be visible from the prognostic diagram, well, for now she appears, apparitions. that the fluctuations
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are small, there is practically no threat there for health, for the operation of radar systems, i hope, that is why we are moving from such a relatively calm situation with magnetic the earth's field to the atmospheric processes that will affect the weather of the next day in ukraine, well, right away i want to congratulate all of us with today, january 15 , there is no such holiday, well, maybe someone has some personal ones, but this is... a date, because we spent it's already half winter, half winter is behind us, and as i said , today is november behind us, ahead of us is what will happen tomorrow, the first day of the second half of winter, january 16 in the western regions of ukraine, now we will see a map of the western regions of ukraine with data, the air temperature will be well, not high, a maximum of -2 -4°, in some places up to -5 -6, maybe even in some places...
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it will snow, although it will be light, it will be iced up carefully. in the north of ukraine, significant precipitation is unlikely tomorrow , it will be cold, at night somewhere up to 6-7 degrees below zero, during the day -1-4°, cloudy weather, but - also slippery and windy, don't forget. in the east of ukraine, tomorrow the weather will be difficult, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, wet snow, also rain, air temperature... will vary from one frost to three temperatures, the warmest will be donetsk region and gusty wind. precipitation can be not just some small, even moderate. i repeat once again, it will be sleet and rain in the east tomorrow, it will rain more in donetsk region. cloudy, wet weather is expected tomorrow in the central part of ukraine, mostly wet snow is expected in the poltava region, in the dnipro region and regions, in kropyvnytskyi region and regions. during the day , vinnytsia and cherkasy will gradually be freed from precipitation. air temperature. -1 -3 -1 -4° is the maximum in
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the southern part of ukraine tomorrow the weather is also expected to be windy, wet, mostly rain, but here in odesa and mykolaiv regions there will be no significant precipitation during the day, the air temperature is high, +2 +4°, in the crimea up to +5, +7. well, in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow the weather is expected to be cloudy, moderately cold, at night up to -2 during the day, in the evening tomorrow also up to -5 -6, without significant precipitation, the roads will be icy, literally in one or two sentences i want to say , that in the coming days the weather will be very changeable and jumpy, so to speak, because on january 17, we will have a cold weather, which is quite noticeable, on january 18 it will be cold at night, on the day of january 18 will warm up to +3 -8°.
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thank you very much ms. natalsa didenko for the information about the weather, i finally have two pieces of information for you, one is good and the other is good, well , the other is a statement of the illness of russian society, and the first is good, switzerland announced aid during the visit of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi ukraine in the amount of 1 billion chi. so, now maybe there are more details about this, well , there are no details, there is help, i think that the details, how it will be allocated, in what terms and for what purposes, it is important, but it is important that they support ukraine with weapons, somewhere they are building up this armament, they give and britain started, then france came, the representative of france, the minister of foreign affairs, and now we have help from switzerland, and tomorrow the summit in davos. which we
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will cover again and we will believe that this movement will meet in the country, we have experienced difficult times and are experiencing them every day, especially our soldiers at the front, let's not forget them, but it is very important that this movement to a meeting in ukraine, it... continued, because only together, ukraine, as part of europe, will be able to withstand the onslaught of the russian federation. thanks for being with us, stay with espresso, then the verdict program, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is. serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. they shot down a plane that cannot be shot down. the air force of ukraine is writing history again.
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what kind of weapons can take out the russian a50? the road to conflict, germany is preparing for war with russia. bild published the plans of the bundeswehr for the coming years. meeting of advisers in davos, how to achieve a just peace, a formula from zelenskyi and yarmak. over the next hour , we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people 's deputies of ukraine iryna hyrashchenko and valentyn nalyvaichenko, as well as oleg rybachuk, the former head of yushchenko's presidential office. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have a political science studio. will be visiting us political experts viktor shlinchak, ihor reiterovych and serhiy taran. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of how soldiers of the special operations center of the asbu made
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the occupiers' tank evaporate near avdiivka by aiming at it right in the bc. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please subscribe to our page, like this video and write your comments. by the way , in addition, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we ask you about this, will ukraine be able to win the war without western help, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us telecast, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine can win in the war without western help 0800-211-381, no 0800 2113. 82, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we are in touch with people's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko. ms. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for being with me today by us thank you very much for inviting me.
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good evening everyone. good evening. and this evening is really good for ukraine as well, because there is a lot of positive news coming from... the front from the foreign policy front, because the economic forum in davos is opening right now, and there ukraine will discuss the peace formula for ukraine, and probably not only for ukraine. literally an hour ago, volodymyr zelenskyy spoke with the president of switzerland and talked about the future of the shdore summit. peace, let's listen to what he said volodymyr zelenskyi, speaking in switzerland. today, at the meetings, we noted the success of yesterday's work in the format of advisers, regarding the peace formula. switzerland
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effectively organized the meeting the day before, there was a significant expansion of the representation of more than 80 countries, as the president said. and states and international institutions are involved, we appreciate it, i am grateful to mrs. president, her team, for the agreement that our teams will start preparations from tomorrow. to the holding in switzerland at the level of leaders of the global peace summit, and this summit has to fill with the necessary energy everything that has already been achieved, and must determine that the end of the war must be exclusively just, and the restoration of the force of international law truly complete. mrs. iryna, tomorrow volodymyr zelenskyi will give a speech at the world economic summit in... vos, but i have a rather simple question for you, when we talk about the peace formula for
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ukraine, should we not now expand it to the peace formula in europe? because there are a lot of reservations from the baltic countries and the countries of western europe regarding a possible war with russia, perhaps it would be logical to expand the issue of the peace formula for the entire european continent, and it seems logical to me. and we must talk about the security formula for both ukraine and europe, because it is obvious that russia, it manages to avoid any definition, and in the word peace, it puts the concept of war, as it stole. and actually, that is why it is very important that we make a sign of equality between peace and security, and really not only for ukraine, but also for the european continent, otherwise today, as you said, there is a lot of positive news, at the same time,... you started your program on the analysis of the foreign press and
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gave only one article, there pain today gave such a big turn, this is a german newspaper, yes, regarding the possibility of a long war there, and that it is possible that germany will have to be more actively involved in it there, such articles today appear constantly in the media, some of the world, some very. it is recorded, even the polish media published such disappointing forecasts today that if russia makes a breakthrough somewhere, it will cause a new wave of refugees to their country, from ukraine, refugees from the war, and similarly, our baltic countries , neighbors first of all realize that if russia is not stopped now, it will feel the weakness of the west, it will move on to provoke further conflicts and the expansion of this chaos , as well as its spheres of influence, ms. iryna , but here is a completely logical question, which was probably
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also when the g20 summit was held, zelenskyi was not allowed to speak, they said: well, we have economic issues in general, and although this summit there virtually predicted the possible participation of volodymyr zelenskyi, in india, he did not give a word then to say, now there will be a world economic forum, and how often... the world combines what is happening in ukraine with its future, economic future, well, i mean, do they see a cause and effect relationship, that russia's war against ukraine, it works against each of the participants of the world economic forum, and the ukrainian delegation, ukrainians should say this directly to those people on whom the economic future depends. the world, the war has actually been going on for 10 years now, and we're coming up, we're approaching
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the second anniversary of a full-scale invasion, and i also participated in the delegations that at one time visited davos at the annual economic forum and during poroshenko's presidency, and then we as deputies also visited in previous years during zelenskyi's presidency, and it is worth noting that davos is always... . really lives not only in ukraine, not only in europe, unfortunately, important problems are often discussed there, problems of the global economy there, and problems of ecology, there is covid, there is anything, security, of course, but even in the 22nd year, in in the 22nd year, due to covid, the forum was not held in winter for the first time, in may, and it was only then that a full-scale event had begun. the ukraine war was certainly in the center of attention, but it was not the only topic, and you are right
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that the world is actually divided, if our european partners are aware of the risks of continuing the war and prolonging it, then the countries of the global south know little about the war and little involved in putting pressure on russia, for example, i am very confused by the fact that only the countries of the g7. and the eu joined the sanctions against the russian federation, but over the past two years it has already been able to bypass them through third countries and by improving its exports. and importing dual-use goods that she's using, as we can see, yes, and in the military-industrial complex, she 's getting, unfortunately, missiles from north korea, from iran, these drones, and obviously our expectation that the world is all - still more actively participate in the essential pressure not only against russia, but also against those companies and countries
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that play along with the aggressor, and it seems to me that ah... this site is so unique davoyskyi, where not only european countries are present, but also many countries of the global south, asia is also very active there, america, should be used primarily to convey this position that the war will last as long as the russian economy has the finances for it, there will be money for it, and that is why there should be such a serious blow here, and in this context, the last ... remark, i think, is important and the discussion that has finally started in the united states, regarding the possibility of seizing russian assets, confiscating them for the benefit of of ukraine. moscow has already stated that they are considering such possibilities of lawsuits and court cases, but this definitely worries them, but it seems to me that the sooner russian assets are seized around the world, these frozen funds, absolutely corrupt and
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terrorist, the sooner there is a chance to get closer to peace, why... it is possible to say, mrs. irena, that tomorrow and today in davos the very people and politicians and businessmen on whom the future of the world depends will work, and that it is the center of decision-making, important decisions regarding the future as well russia too, therefore that it is clear that there are presidents of countries, and there is a business elite that also influences the presidents of countries and also influences... the global economy, of course, the argumentative forum is a unique platform where you can present the position of the country, and there are opportunities after all, to hold bilateral talks of various formats, and therefore it seems to me that the ukrainian delegations should use this time as actively as possible, this is the first, second, you are right that this year is
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the year of elections, not only in the united states, not only in russia, where everything will take place. to putin's re-election, and this should also be discussed at the davos forum, where yes, the main topic there is always the global economy and the risks associated with security there, but democracy also remains an important focus of davos, and it is worth mentioning that these the elections will be illegitimate, putin is going to hold them in the occupied ukrainian territories, but how the world, how the world dares to recognize such blasphemy, these will be elections in countries. of the european union, and there may be a lot of changes, it will be elections in great britain, where there may also be changes, and in fact, it seems to me, that is why ukraine needs to realize that from the point of view of the economic situation, this year is difficult for us, all the leaders will be focused on internal problems, of course they need ukraine from
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the point of view of their struggle for democracy, struggle for the rules are international. but ukraine should also show respect for these international norms of democracy and not let any of our skeptics of some countries, you know, be disappointed in certain things that can happen internally, of course we wish the ukrainian delegation from the bottom of our hearts good luck, good luck and success and successful negotiations, i also wanted to ask you about this davos... forum or summit or meeting, a davos meeting, let's say, of advisers to the presidents, regarding the peace formula, and zelenskyi has already commented on this meeting and said that ukraine together with partners reduce russia's confidence in the ability to impose a predatory world order with the help of terror.
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let's listen to what zelensky said. the masters of russia think that they are supposedly able to impose some other predatory rule through violence, terror, lies and cruelty a world order without rules, without any security guarantees, that is their confidence, the confidence of the killers, we are now all reducing together, with each meeting for the sake of normal international law, by the constant expansion of our international work to new regions. on a new state, new agreements and for the sake of greater security, ukrainian initiatives are gradually becoming global initiatives. i am grateful to everyone who helps in this. actually, i wanted to ask you, mrs. iryna, about the representation and organizers of this event, which
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is happening in different countries, that is, yermamak is now the number one person in this process, he is not the minister of foreign affairs, i did not see dmytro kuleba at this forum, and i quite logically have questions, actually, is it normal when the head of the chancellery. the presidential office takes upon himself, takes upon himself the authority to moderate such and such a meeting, and is it possible normally if the president can entrust yermak to perform such a function, or yermak performs the role of the state secretary of the ukrainian state, well, that is, how do you look at it? first, obviously that we... advocate for the ministry of foreign affairs to be maximally involved in international negotiations and international events, this is their direct duty, this is their direct
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work, and in fact for the world it is also very important to observe the rules and norms that are clear here, this is the first, the second, i do not want to devalue the efforts of the authorities on the peace process, i know that it is all difficult and not easy, at the same time it is really important, well, to remember that this is not... the first meeting in the format of advisers, i think , just this, last year already there were two or three such meetings, and the key negotiators in it are indeed not only the head of the president's office, but also the freelance advisers of the president's office, which is altogether strange, because these people do not have any mandate from the state, they are not even counted as civil servants, they, if they have access to state secrets, well , there sits in the back, for example, mr. yermaka at these meetings, ms. darina zarivnaya yes... she is a freelance adviser to the president's office, and the question is, they have access to closed information, secret, if so , then there is that too violation of the relevant legislation
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, it is obvious that there should be the maximum involvement of ukrainian diplomacy, secondly, i want to say once again that we welcome all the efforts of the authorities there to bring victory and peace closer, we realize how difficult it is and not just to rally an anti-putin coalition, but here it is necessary. .. not to destroy when, for example, some strange sms is sent to the vilnius nato summit the day before, and there is a tweet that causes such, you know, emotional rejection of partners, this should not be done, after all, now is the time for a very serious of diplomacy, regarding the preparation for the summit of leaders, which was announced by the representatives of the authorities, let me also remind you that this is not new information, last year, after several such... also meetings in the format of advisers announced that their key preparation, the key task is to prepare summit, it is obvious to everyone involved
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in foreign policy that the summit is not being held just like that, the time of the summit is when there are already certain grounds for the meeting and the opportunity to either sign a certain document or move forward in the negotiation process. obviously, that russia does not demonstrate today. there are no any, well, even hints that it is ready to change its aggressive policy, and therefore, of course, we must be with our partners, who must continue to put pressure on russia here in order to stop the aggression. the key diplomat is in fact, you are asking about the composition of the delegation, it is important that there are professional diplomats, our minister of foreign affairs, whom we, for example, have seen in the parliament for a long time, but now last friday. when risha sunak, prime minister of britain spoke in parliament, such a ukrainian government has appeared , it is not normal, after all, they should be in dialogue with the parliament, but
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our key negotiator and the diplomat are the armed forces of ukraine, and you rightly said that today is a day of great news, because the armed forces our forces shot down two russian planes there, and this is confirmed by the commander-in-chief, and when there is such positive news from the front against the background of the internationally important visit of president zelensky to... the ukrainian authorities felt more confident, so i want to first of all thank the armed forces of ukraine, who give the opportunity to all our negotiating teams, you know, to strongly defend and demand ukraine's support there, and here we must all be worthy of our armed forces. thank you, ms. irina, for your participation. in our program, it was iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently
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watching us on the internet, please. not don't forget to like, don't be stingy , support our broadcasts, support our pages, we work for you, in addition, during the broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you about such things, whether ukraine can win the war without western help, yes no, on youtube it's quite simple, if you sit in front of the tv and watch our telecast, pick up the phone and vote if you think ukraine can win the war without western help 0.800-211 381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalyvaichenko. mr. valentin, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, indeed, today is quite a very good day for...
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ukraine, for the armed forces of ukraine and especially for the air force of ukraine, because our defense forces destroyed the enemy long-range radar detection aircraft a500 and the enemy il-22m air control point over the sea of ​​azov, this is it, seems to be one of the biggest one-time losses of russian aviation in the war in the history of the armed forces of ukraine. to do, and what does it mean, mr. valentin, that the armed forces of ukraine received some kind of weapon, which is now being obtained where the russians did not think that they would be obtained? yes, it gets, yes, our air defense forces and the armed forces of ukraine are gradually getting it, and in certain directions they have already received it, so far the working name is, you know, that boroh did not understand in advance
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what it is, it is called... a sly patriot, but in fact it is more accurate systems, which are now the most serious air forces of the enemy, and over the sea of ​​azov, the downing of the long-range truly radiological detection of the a50 aircraft, which you told sergey about, means, firstly, that for the first time in history, and secondly, that an entire detection complex on ours, all air, all ground and even sea objects of targets that should be protected, but due to the presence of the armed forces of the aggressor in the russian federation until recently, such soviet aircraft, by the way, a50, they managed to look up to 400 km deep our territory is our sky, it is clear that it is not just to look at it, but to endanger
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it, for example, well... my native zaporizhzhia, the dnipro, the anniversary, the anniversaries, the first shelling of the missile, terrorist, the dnipro itself was on january 14, yesterday, so the c300 targeting and s-400 is also these a50, this ballistics that penetrates up to 300-400 km, and from 300 is 300 km, from 400 - 400, they are guided by such radar, flying terrorist stations, and one more thing, we must congratulate our heroes also with the fact that russia never, never again will not be able to produce such an aircraft, that is , this destruction is final, there was, there is no, and russia will never be able to have such an a50, although according to various estimates, they still have three or four left, but how many of them are in operational condition, how many of them is capable of causing such damage as this
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particular one did, and... 50 is a huge question, i was just talking and reading western analytics, western special services, as assessed, they really assess this as a huge historical success of the armed forces of ukraine and the air defense of ukraine, and experts add, i am with i agree with them, such crews, such operators, which were destroyed together with the plane, and they are on the a50-15, at least in the crew of guidance and tracking operators, never again and... not from where russia will be able to take them, that is, it is such, you know , a serious blow to the aggressor and his ability to control our territory and aim terrorist russian missiles at our territory. forbes estimated that the cost of these two planes, which were shot down yesterday by the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, is more than 530 million dollars.


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