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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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vat such a school, as this particular a50 asked, is a huge question. i was just talking and reading western analytics, western special services, as they assess, they really assess this as a huge historical success of the armed forces of ukraine and the air defense of ukraine. and the experts also add, i agree with them, such crews, such operators, who were destroyed together with the plane, and russia will never be able to get them on the a50-15, at least, in the crew of guidance operators and... again, never and from where , that is, it is such, you know, a serious blow to the aggressor and to him opportunities to control our territory and to aim terrorist russian missiles at our territory. forbes estimated that the cost of these two planes, which were shot down yesterday by the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, is more than 530 million dollars. during the war, the ukrainians
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destroyed more than 300 planes and more than 300 helicopters, but considering this large aircraft fleet that our fighters landed, in your opinion, can russia, if not restore the a500, or the 22m, then at least quickly produce planes and replenish your aircraft fleet, no and never. this is finally the a50s and the il-22 and the a-50 long-range radar detection are, after all, a huge platform, a huge radar base, it was never produced, it was not produced by russia, only 14 such a50 aircraft remained in russia since soviet times. the same applies to the il-22, we unfairly said little about the downing of this plane by ours.
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air force, and i will say that this is actually also a flying command headquarters, this is a flying repeater, because for people to understand why it is so difficult for our defenders at the front on the front line, because the enemy's aircraft, they would have a temporary advantage until we got the f-16, but it guides, coordinates and works as a command and communication point in the sky, just such an il-22, and this, dear... tv viewers, this is already the third il-22 destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine. i will remind you that at the beginning of the war, the first such flying command headquarters, il 22nd together with the communications, was destroyed. they helped us with the second one, and that's good, the wagnerians crushed the prigozhynites, remember, during the rebellion and the march to moscow, they crushed another one inside russia, already this year last night, this is a success on the... our
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armed forces is another one, and this is the third destroyed flying command headquarters and command center, and i confirm, and this is the case, russia will not be able to restore and do this again, and russia such aircraft and did not do, and they remained and remained, unfortunately, now for us russia as an inheritance after the collapse of the soviet union, and a50s and il-22s. mr. valentin, on the night of january 13, the defense forces. reported that during the mass strike on ukraine, 20 air targets moving towards ukraine did not reach their goal, but these targets, or these rockets, or shaheds, they were not found in the downed statistics, which means that in ukraine, a powerful radio-electronic system of combating the reb appeared, regarding these missiles, because so far no one has ... looms
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, but logic tells us that it must have happened, that's how we're getting, maybe it's not enough, but finally modern radio-electronic warfare appears, that is, systems that can blind, disorient, or even knock out flying russian terrorist martyrs and russian terrorist rockets, so far it is clear that it is not enough, but our specialists are also working on the fact that... ukraine has produced more of its own radio-lection combat stations, and together with international partners we both manufacture and receive and, most importantly, use them. we seem to have been one of the first to say on your broadcast that ukraine has begun to create a digital sky, and this is precisely why such systems are in place together with modern radar systems from various countries, including ukrainian ones. all these are such components of the digital no.
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which in with as soon as we complete and we his in the near future, we will complete the creation, the situation will be completely different from the point of view of protecting our ukrainian sky, therefore. cities, villages, and most importantly our defenders at the front from airstrikes and air attacks of russia, and one more thing, you also had it back in the 22nd year, i remember, in may, in april, we were the first to discover sergius and said , that up to 10% of the russian rockets were not delivered whole then in the 22nd year, because they were simply of poor quality, simply technically imperfect, or in principle could not fly. now the percentage of such unfinished technically defective, or, you know, in a bad state of terrorist russian missiles, their relative number has increased up to 20%, this is also to our advantage, and therefore, no matter how much russian propaganda hides,
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they cannot even hide the fall of missiles already on the territory of russia itself, on the heads of the russians themselves, and such falls, as you understand, not one and not two, and not three, but ten... during each such terrorist attack, and there will be more in the future, because the problems in the russian federation are precisely such precise systems huge, and i can only confirm this, mr. valentin, also about the digital sky, i can't help but ask you, as a specialist who knows national security and defense about the minister's initiative. and digital transformation of mykhailo fedorov, who said that he would like ukrainians to learn how to assemble drones, fpv drones, seven-inch drones at home and start making these drones for the front,
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it seems like a good initiative, but on the other hand there is a state, there are capacities production, there is ultimately money that is allocated to drones and on... to close the sky, or at least fill the sky with these fpv drones, won't this lead to the fact that at some point the sbu will come to my kitchen and say: listen, you're actually riveting weapons, sitting here soldering fpv drones and it is not clear why you are doing it, well, let me clarify professionally, i don't know what the government official meant, but i will say that in fact it can and should be done, and it is already being done at the level of... the military regional administrations, in those regions where there are especially our polytechnic universities, universities and specialists, graduates, or engineers who graduated and have relevant specialties, and by the way, you are just now showing, exactly in such
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mini-laboratories, yes, sometimes even in garages, yes, sometimes, sometimes even in basements, but with such specialists and with the help of military administrations in order to... you are right, the counter-intelligence or the police did not come to you and record violations during martial law, with the exact opposite, just licensing, permits to engage in such activities, and it is needed production of small and medium drones for impression of the enemy on the territory of ukraine, we correctly scatter and ensure that the enemy does not know, because it is no secret that from the very first months of the war , the enemy is hitting... our military factories, military enterprises, as well as the energy infrastructure , so that this does not happen in order to secure specialists and produce more drones for our armed forces, such a decision must be supported in every possible way, i repeat, only do it professionally and with professionals, and
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we have enough of them, from lviv to kharkiv and so on and on, as much as possible, you know, to make the enemy unreachable and unknown. where and how much is produced, mr. valentin, the sbu in the rivne region detained a militant from the wagner group, whom russian intelligence threw into ukraine or through belarus, although he fought in donbas at one time, but he was again sent to ukraine through belarus to the rivne region, he got there and placed beacons there to see if these trackers are gps, yes for guided. on energy facilities in the region, how do you assess the current situation with the fight against russian saboteurs, how many of them appear on the territory of ukraine, do they manage to track everyone, the security service of ukraine, well, probably
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the military or military counter-intelligence, well , at least, what are the results in terms of the fight against saboteurs, because in the first month... these wars we have heard a lot about saboteurs and we know that there were many saboteurs on the territory of ukraine, what is happening now? yes, at the beginning of the war there was a terrible situation, you remember, even in kyiv. in apartments, beacons, lighting, all this horror then contributed to the aggressor's use of rocket and terrorist weapons, strikes on kyiv and not only on the cities of ukraine, but also on the energy infrastructure. therefore, i believe that such a special operation, which ends successfully, when a saboteur on the territory of ukraine was detained, neutralized, sabotage equipment was removed, including these trackers, but most importantly, it was identified and exposed. russian military intelligence, which was behind the dispatch of this
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saboteur, was discovered by the russian officers who did it, as well as further, now the ukrainian special services are discovering a network connected with such activities, which took place or were planned before parcels, either from the territory of the republic of belarus or from the territory of other countries. it is very important for us to understand that any professional, counterintelligence officer will tell you that there is no such day or. or when they stand up and talk and everything is fine, but now we have cleared everyone of this for sure, no, no, no, just from the point to the opposite, during, especially martial law, during the war, it is hard work 24x7, the work of counterintelligence inside the country for detection, prejudice, prevention and many other verbs that are not easy for professionals verbs, but specific measures, special operations, neutralization, destruction, neutralization, and so on. and so on, i can say that the enemy is extremely interested in detecting and placing
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for guidance spy equipment or sabotage on military facilities of ukraine, energy facilities, and therefore such facilities of ours must be protected around the clock and diligently, without relaxing, i think that this is one of the main tasks of the sbu inside the country. europe has a term of three to five. years to prepare for what russia will become a serious threat to the eastern flank of the nato countries. estonian prime minister kaya kallas said this in an interview with the british newspaper the times today. she says that according to our intelligence, this will happen in 3-5 years, it will depend a lot on how much we manage to maintain the unity of our position regarding ukraine. these days, mr. valentine. people gathered in davos on whom the future depends, not only the political, but
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the economic future, and the military future of the world in general, and today this forum, volodymyr zelenskyy is speaking tomorrow and will convince the participants of the forum to join the peace formula, switzerland will host this global summit on the peace formula, what do you think? that europe can accelerate ro. nato aviation is on duty, protecting the skies of the baltic countries from this very infrastructure of estonia. and this is not only a decision in estonia about estonia, it is a decision from great britain to bulgaria. everyone understood everything and these countries, especially those closer to the flank and to the territory of russia, are engaged in strengthening. air force and air defense. what does this mean for us? for us, this means that the aircraft fleet,
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additional missiles, additional guidance and detection systems will be supplied and produced by these countries, and this means that both for us and in the interests of our air forces, we will order, and therefore, hopefully, get more of the necessary systems for the armed forces of ukraine. let's start with the fact that there should already be on the approach, on the approach... f16 and the first two or three squadrons are what the eastern and southern fronts need now so that the general staff of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine in the sky not only could they shoot down the a50s brilliantly, as they do now, but also eliminate the russian military aircraft, prevent access to our ground forces, to our defenders, who are holding the front now and will continue to counterattack... mr. valentin, does this mean for of europe
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, for western europe, that preparing for a possible war with russia is not a sign of equality, victory over russia and the destruction of the putin regime, i.e. why do they not articulate this way, i.e. why do they not say that this threat will not disappear when we will be ready for this threat, and... when this one will the threat disappear as such? i think that now for them, and i have already voiced it, especially since this year, the decision has been made, it is to strengthen. to purchase and produce additional systems, well , we mentioned, let’s remember again, finland purchased david’s sling from israel, it is an anti-aircraft system for 250 km, if they deliver near helsinki, then they will shoot down any russian missile near st. petersburg, which will putin or his regime target finland or even any
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other nordic country, but i think that the leadership of these countries, the leadership of nato clearly for now... they are preparing, articulating that there is a threat from russia, from the putin regime, that there is aggression against ukraine, but so far they are preparing only for the defense of their territory, and why we insist on further helping ukraine, for the rest, for now neither the leadership of nato nor the member states of the european union are ready, but time will tell, i think, including in davos, about which ones. you mentioned where the economic forum opened, there will be not only issues of artificial intelligence, although this is one of the main issues, but the main issue is still the first - this is security, and what to do with the entire european continent and the global economy, when the aggressor country russia is trying to destroy both the global economy and global security. thank you, mr. valentin,
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for the conversation, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, don't be stingy, please like this video so that it is requested in the youtube trends. besides, you can vote in our poll, today we ask you about whether ukraine can win the war without western aid, yes, no, if so, in and no on youtube, everything is quite simple, if you have a separate opinion , please leave it . below this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching the broadcast, pick up your phone and vote. if yes, 0800 211381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call. then we have oleg hrybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office and ex-vice prime minister
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of ukraine. mr. oleg, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. let 's start with the germans, mr. oleg, because today the german bild has made public what seems to be the plan of the bundeswehr for 2024-25. according to the german publication, the bundeswehr is preparing for a hybrid russian attack on nato's eastern flank in february this year. the publication refers to a secret document of the ministry of defense of germany, which outlines a possible way to a conflict between. russia and nato. the actions of russia and the west are described month by month, culminating in placement hundreds of thousands of nato soldiers and the inevitable start of war in the summer of 2025. nato has already explained that the publication of the build is based on a document that is a training scenario, although we remember that on the eve of the great war, bild published a map of the attack on ukraine, and
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they gave one to one this map, as well as... and the russians came, that is, from the north, from the northeast, from the east, and from the south. in your opinion, is it possible to consider this plan, which was thrown out, as a test and reaction of western europe, europeans to the plans, which the bundessphere may have from intelligence, well , it can and should be considered, because this is... an obvious test, and i also thought that an incredible scenario, and we all remember, probably, for the rest of our lives, we will remember this the map published by bilt, but there is a fundamental difference here, because when bilt published this map, in reality , a huge army was already gathered there on our borders, it did not disperse, and you could
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imagine the realism, imagine the realism of... that , which we grinded, we will soon be there to half a million the muscovites are being utilized here, and we see the collapse of this army, that this army dares to go somewhere further, it is very difficult, they do not have the resources and there is no reason whatsoever to say that they are forming some kind of strike groups, but i welcome this trend, i'm serious, it's much more pleasant to hear than what happened a year ago, when they were in the west at all, the word strategy was not used, but the applications of ukraine, and we are at every step. they said listen, we are here on the front line, we are defending democracy in europe, if we if we fall, then you will be next, no one
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took it seriously, and now they in different countries, and across the ocean, are starting to work out models, because the military always works out models, the military always tries to make a simulation of any realistic or... unrealistic development of events there , and it is much better than just sitting and hoping that somehow it will happen. mr. oleg, the poles are already talking about the need to strengthen the army, it is necessary to do everything to protect ourselves from russia, and in poland already assume the probability of the arrival of another wave of refugees from ukraine in the event of an escalation on the part of the russians... and this is not said by bloggers there or journalists, but by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of poland, andrzej shayna. in an interview with rech-pospolit, he said: "we
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cannot rule out that the russian offensive will lead to a shift of the front to the west and cause millions of additional ukrainians, mostly women and children, to arrive in poland." and he said that a new wave of refugees could become a burden for poland. so, given that... the west is preparing for possible such scenarios, but why do you think the west does not discuss the issue of the elimination of the putin regime, or at least the demilitarization of russia or the deputization of russia, why is it constantly being talked about that we will now join the arms race, more weapons we will do, we will deploy more armed... in the north in the baltic countries and in this way we will defend against russia, is it possible to defend against russia, if russia will constantly be the element that will
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interfere with a peaceful life and interfere with security in europe and the world? well, the answer is obvious, and we ukrainians know it, so it was always important for me to understand. game and in english , which is the final one, what is this, well, game, it’s difficult to call it, but how will this war end, which is the crowning victory of this war for us and for the democratic world, and it’s definitely not only the extermination of the russian occupiers there to the border of 1991, this is, as they said, several western politicians openly spoke about this, that this is a situation where... russia will never again be able to threaten ukraine or the democratic world, and it will be threatened if it does not suffer a crushing
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military defeat. and now you will remember when macron said that russia should be beaten there, but not finished, and all these scenarios, this formula that i like, some jokers very aptly said that the formula of often western politics, in particular american, with. .. it sounds something like keep ukraine from winning and keep russia from losing and not be with ukraine as much as needed, so i think that in certain circles, i'm sure that in certain circles these scenarios are being considered, scenarios of the possible collapse of russia, scenarios of behavior in the event of what to do with nuclear weapons after the collapse. and the special forces are most likely not the military, they are most likely the special services there, which carefully monitor the situation, which have their agents in russia,
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which have been working with russian business there for many years, their opportunities are very large, because the mass of russian rich businessmen are now over there outside of russia, and there are a thousand and one ways to influence them, through sanctions, frozen assets and so on, therefore... somewhere it is bubbling, just no one publicly, and probably there is a certain meaning in this, no one wants to discuss it publicly, but the understanding that you need to be clearly aware that there is no democracy in russia if it is not achieved it will not be executed, not brought to justice, it will revive this completely aggressive policy in a few years. and again , all european countries are actually talking about it, we used to talk about this too, but now i have seen a number of western politicians openly
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talks about this threat. russian imperialism, revanchism, desperate attempts to return the empire, it's just about that, it 's already become such an everyday phenomenon, it's no longer some kind of sensation and i'll try to scare someone there, they talk about it openly and prepare public opinion, which is very important. these days, mr. olezh, the widows are discussing the peace formula from ukraine. fair, as the head of the office. on the eve of the opening of the world economic forum, the president of ukraine held a meeting with representatives of the 81st country and discussed this formula, and he said that there will be no agreement on freezing the conflict with russia. let's listen to what yarmak said. this president and
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this his... the team will never accept or accept any freezing of the conflict. this is unacceptable to ukrainian society. ukraine does not need frozen conflicts. ukraine needs a just peace, and ukraine wants to prevent any potential aggression in the future, and uses this opportunity. mr. oleg, what does this position of ukraine mean, that we will never freeze the conflict for... russia for the world, well, for ukraine it is clear that this, i would reformat it a little, that the ukrainian people, ukrainian society will never go for it, and if this president or this team tries, well, then they will not be the president and will not be a team, this is very important, therefore that yermak's phrase gives the impression that, oh my god, if it weren't for these five or six councilors, then we would
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probably already be standing... this is not true at all, no, it's not the government in ukraine, it's the society that inspires, society inspires, and sometimes pushes the government to take an active position, and it is extremely important for the world to understand , i explain this at every forum, that people are kind, even if our president, or our parliament, our government agreed on something somewhere, there was a period of such... nervous, when there are some there arahamia traveled to some istanbuls, met something somewhere in moldova, agreed on something, put visas somewhere, i remember, i said then that it does not matter, because ukrainian society will never allow the ukrainian authorities to reach any agreements there and this power will not be preserved, and from the west it is very it is important to understand, because they think somewhat differently, for some, some countries there are quite
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authoritarian, they think that if... they agree with the president there or with the team, reach some compromises there, then it will be like the minsk agreements, they say, agreed, and now all this will be implemented, we remember the fate of the minsk agreements, it's just that the problem of the ukrainian authorities has always been that they still do not know how to make policies and communicate correctly, we still remain a post-soviet country... a country where that's a contract worker, that's it are called, where it seems that if you find the right mediators there, the oligarchs, someone else, hold a series of secret meetings, everything will be resolved, then you can find a way out, and at the same time public opinion is not taken into account, but in ukraine this situation is fundamentally different, and this is very important to understand and in our power, and to explain to the west that they have a situation with...


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