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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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territory, then you will have to go, but it may be that there is nothing to go with, you will just have to pack a bag and leave, well, if you are alive, you can visit kopzon on the way. about the black sea fleet, i will just add a little that we are talking about it in the context of the great visit of rishi sunak, the prime minister of great britain to ukraine, in the context of which he is to announce the provision to us, in particular, of long- range naval drones, i.e. .. is no longer so unattainable before this, hello occupied abkhazia, hello novorossiysk, happy new year, yes occupied, abkhazia is also an occupied territory, further i absolutely agree with you that the russians who have found themselves in crimea should take the example of the black sea fleet, first of all, there will be nothing to evacuate if the black sea fleet the fleet is no longer in crimea, then the citizens will have to evacuate. just no way.
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the black sea, that is, the kerch bridge will be a redundant structure that will not function. they will not be able to escape on land, there will only be improvised watercraft, that is, well, will they escape on bananas or what? well, in i have a question, on inflatable boats, or what will they do? they rent everything they can, the prices for a ticket to novorossiysk will fly up to several thousand dollars there, well , this is... a good business for native crimeans, but there is a problem, a transport problem, not everyone can fit in the planes, there is no black sea fleet, large there are no amphibious ships, that is, a situation will arise when those who ran into them will not have the opportunity to escape at all, well , maybe one of them there cared about asking, is thinking about asking political asylum. ukrainians, well, this is a possible
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option, of course, but it is necessary to flee , because this systematic work, it shows that it is necessary to flee and flee as quickly as possible, following the black sea fleet, taking an example from it, well, there are also drones there, which great britain will give, well, of course, this is good, but britain saw that there are good sea children in ukraine and is already thinking that it will stay overboard and... it is necessary to give something to ukraine itself, so that the british there are also involved in this, well then good, so they will get to novorossiysk and the black sea will be, the black sea will be cleared of this fleet. in addition, friends, when we talk about the modern fleet, it is clearly not about the black sea fleet, these are boats that were built back in the days of the soviet union, that is, more than 30 years ago, with all the consequences of such
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long-term exploitation and quite well , let's say so, of the outdated equipment that is on these boards, when we watch when they screw the hull onto the boats of the type of anti-sabotage boat there, drive them on board and fall down, well, i want to laugh a little, but we have what we have, they act in this way, and it does not help them, by the way, well, what can be said in general, quite simple things, well, the black sea fleet as a combat unit of modern countries challenges just ray, the fact that britain will provide additional naval drones is also interesting, because they will probably be able to conduct hunting even in underwater mode, that is, to be stored somewhere under water for a certain time and then when some appear. reach within the reach of
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the black sea boats, the black sea fleet, then they will be activated and continue to act according to the instructions of the operator, that is, these are interesting things, maybe more modern navigation and artificial systems will be used there, well, i hope, well, not the only drones in fact and not only in the black sea, at least this conclusion is possible make from the comment of the commander of the naval forces. of the armed forces of ukraine, vice-admiral oleksiy neishpa, who said that in principle, any objects of the navy of the russian federation would be legal targets for ukraine anywhere in the world ocean, he was asked specifically abkhazia has already been mentioned, in my opinion, he expanded his horizons, i think he is thinking about the northern fleet, the pacific fleet of russia, or perhaps the pro-baltic fleet, that is, by the way, i also wanted to ask, i apologize for interrupting you. er, mr. mykhailo, what do you,
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well, expert, mean by such a statement of our fleet commander? well, maybe they rather agreed with sunak. that ukraine will base its sea children in the lumanche and the mediterranean sea, where there are usually several zones in the world ocean where russian watchtowers for launching missiles, one of these zones is the north sea, it is held by a training ground, well, a place where from where do they plan to launch missiles across the european union. this is their plan, so to speak, well, of course, if there will be sea babies on duty, it will be very good, and here too, not only can sunyak give us marine drones, but we can also rent a certain territory from him, in order to
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it was possible to work with russian naval vessels in these zones, and in addition, there are also finland and norway, which can also become. the possibility of basing our seamen to work on the ships of the northern fleet , and besides, friends, i have to remind you that in the chosen marines, the marine brigades of the marines of the pacific fleet, they were destroyed three times in ukraine near bakhmut, near marenka in avdiivka, they are very similar. very quiet brigades already at the moment, and not very oceanic, and i can’t get out of my head one of the last comments of yuri ignat, the spokesman of the air force command, who systematized, let’s say, summed up certain results of the work of the defense forces in the crimea in the first days of january, well
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, he noted that it would be good in the end to finally test the capabilities of the air defense of the russian federation in the crimea with some ballistic... we things, he says: well, of course, it's not for the air force, it's rather for our gunners and to our partners who have the necessary missiles, and it would be good if we eventually got them, can this be considered a certain announcement, here the sunak also arrived, well, in a word, i don’t know, it’s a little bit like one picture for me, to you, well, the point is that with russian systems outdated, scalps and stormshades in great britain are doing well. the same missiles of the joint project of france and great britain, and they cope well with them, they cannot resist these missiles, and also historically, it can be recalled that when there was an attack of tomahawks on syria, on objects
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related to chemical weapons, the russian system she could not do anything against the defense that is there in syria. the curvature of the earth hindered them, well , the same in crimea, it simply hinders, modern technology bypasses all anti-aircraft systems defense of the russian federation , well, in general, in principle, putin is a very wise politician, well, regarding the destruction of russia, he has already opened such a pandora’s box for the fleet, one is gone, the other is on the way, well done, you know, i always thought about who putin is working for, here in the words alone, but... according to the result, it seems that he works, is an agent of china, but it is real. i do not exclude this, by the way, by the way, i think that, well, this is not related to the topic of crimea, in principle, but in general, i think that everyone aims to weaken
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russia as much as possible, in order to then take it alive, well, half-dead , yes, maybe not to join, but to use, well, as intended, yes, and he is now helping putin, i think. that he does not count on his final victory there over ukraine, there is even more there over nato, no, he counts on the maximum exhaustion of russia, yes, it hurts us very much, it is, unfortunately, uh, everything lies on ukraine, all this tiger , but weaken the weakening of russia, well, this is exactly what putin succeeds in, well, he works very successfully in this direction, to the joy of the chinese, who are no better than... the russians, but that's all still a little further from us. nevertheless, the news of evil is so far what putin rather even relies on, on the one hand, who will he rely on, china, no, well, we are simply talking about the fact that china is interested in glorifying russia, but for now at the same time, china and the apologists of this number of countries
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are, in fact, what putin relies on, and when we talk even about north korea, for example... their missiles, which are probably already hitting the territory of our country, although the attorney general's office is still continuing its investigation, but the sign is shared suspicions that, for example, north korea has already been hit in odesa. missiles and it happened on january 2, earlier there was information from the white house, by the way, i thank that military analyst cooper, who emphasizes that these are kharkiv and zaporizhzhia, if odessa was hit, then perhaps from crimea sometimes with these ballistic missiles, because if we if we are talking about the kn-23 for example, then the elbow range there seems to be up to 640 km, i am not sure that through the whole of ukraine from the territory of the russian federation from... the place where they launched over kharkov and zaporozhye, they could reach odesa, that is, for an attack on
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odesa, most likely they should have used a closer territory, mr. mykhailo? well, it is possible that they launched missiles from crimea, this is quite a possible situation, but, well, what can be said, china cannot be included in north korea at all, because it is a chinese self-sufficient country that conducts its own policy. and it is in no way involved in the policy of russian satellites, that is, it is not just an evil eye or allies there, these are satellites that were created by the intelligence of the soviet union, and north korea then helped iran develop its nuclear program, north korean experts in particular, so you can say that it is just not even an ally, but... an enclave or just a project of the russian federation, where they came and said, we are taking what you have
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, this and that, you exist for that, mr. mykhailo , it was like that for many years, mr. mykhailo, look, for many decades there, few people understood why it exists at all. , by the way, their and the european union fed, well, the same as gas, but more, and that's it. here is such an allegedly crazy dictator there, such a country is crazy, the regime is crazy, and you see how it has become useful to the russians, and this was established during soviet times, that is , here it cannot, cannot be denied that in principle this is evil, it such far-sighted things happen, besides, mr. mykhailo, you, commenting on the situation of december 2, when there were explosions at bama, noted in a comment on... our channel that russia may lose the opportunity to transfer cargo from the dprk, at least until spring, here in the far
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east, of course they were not all comfortable with logistics at the beginning of december, but still, still, these capabilities, asian military capabilities, which are now the resources of the russian federation, are of interest. this is what they threw over a little earlier, or what... with a civilian flag, and this is a known practice, besides, well, a train from north korea will be able to bring these missiles, which is going to go to the central regions of the russian federation for two weeks, two weeks at least, that's 10,000 km of railway. respectively, if the missiles arrived on january 2, then it was necessary
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to study them at least a little, to install them at least a little , and so on, they could go out there in november, reach the central regions and crimea in time, it is not so easy to reach from north korea to crimea and by a significant path or by black ones to go, that is, well, i think that in this case we cannot... we can say that these missiles came there, passed through those tunnels that were blown up, and of course, that the russians, they are quite fast those explosions, which were damage to the bam, which were repaired were made there in december, because it is an absolutely strategic thing for them, they threw all their forces there, what is actually there, we do not know the level of damage that was there, if the mountain had collapsed there, of course...
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mr. mykhailo , thank you for your comment, which is very valuable for our joint project with the apr , razom beraber, mykhailo prytula, military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, joined our conversation, which ayder and i will continue after a short pause , apparently. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, included: from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program.
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who in the occupied territories became a deputy from united russia? we choose with you deputies to regional and municipal assemblies, and what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. and we continue our joint project of the tv channel and the beraber project about crimea and for crimea. well, the latest news from the temporarily occupied peninsula indicates that in sevastopol the occupiers have begun to dispose of a tugboat of the naval forces of ukraine. it's not anymore first time, they do something like this. i think that these are vessels that could still serve our
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navy, but due to the fact that they are actually in the occupied territory since 2014. and some even later, the russians do everything to dispose of them, spray them, they don’t even try to use them in any way to their advantage, well, there is probably not enough time, uh, maybe the mind, in december of the 23rd year at the vinkerman base, they brought for disposal a marine minesweeper of the ukrainian navy cherkasy, dismantled a small anti-submarine ship of the ukrainian navy lutsk, instead, instead... their repair and not only capacity in crimea , based on official, at least public statements, they want to somehow improve and modernize the factory in kerch, which was damaged by a missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine, they want it in the near future, the occupying so-called administration of kerch announced that it was not just restoration, but
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modernization, to do the best, than the shipbuilding plant was taken for granted. they really want to create about a thousand jobs at the factory, i don't know what kind of suicides would go to work there. modernization at the moment bodywork shop, reconstruction of production areas, technical re-equipment is financed within the framework of the preferential lending program of the ministry of construction of russia, approved by the resolution of the government of the russian federation, and according to the results of the implementation of the investment project, more than a thousand new jobs are planned to be created at the plant. in fact, i am not always afraid of such statements, because for me they only mean a desire to launder funds once again, but this is just dust in the eyes, well , it is good about funds, if they spend them on something, in principle, here it's only a plus for us, because they have a lot of money , unfortunately, europe still gives them more
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, it's difficult for us, well, let them build jobs, let them build houses for themselves there, spend money on anything, and we'll see there, well the fleet set an example for us, not for us but for them, then let them think, it’s strategic, it’s absolutely clear, but a russian, he differs from a person in that he can’t see anything further than his own nose, and his nose is usually not very long either, i apologize, ugh, and now we will add larisa voloshyna to our conversation, congratulations to the journalist and psychologist, larisa, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of glory, salam aleikum, laris, i am very glad to see you, nazarim aleyk salam, i will certainly start with the topic that has just turned the information space of our country, it is the topic of changing approaches in mobilization processes, how
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to solve all this at the legislative level in general, whether it is worth deciding, there are a lot of discussions, a lot. manipulations on the topic of what, exactly, this topic can undermine social and psychological stability, including our common one. and when we speak about this, i constantly think about the occupation administrations, which somehow have to keep in a heap all the population that remained in the occupied territories in a heap in a heap or, well, somehow somehow under which. with control, i.e. understand, you keep your ass, the population in the occupied territories and plus those who drove by, and mrs. larisa, if in... the topic of mobilization becomes so acute, then is it acute enough, sufficiently and to a fair extent, it has become acute on the territory,
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for example, crimea, or is there a chance that the russians are approaching the critical limit when the number of mobilized from the local population will be so large that the inhabitants of the peninsula may begin to express their distrust of the occupation administrations even more. openly, because protest actions are held at various underground levels, they just happen all the time. well, this is a very interesting question, because it is necessary to understand that mobilization, as a norm, is prescribed in the constitution, it is present in many countries, in most of them it is not applied, mobilization in general is very closely tied to the concept of introduction. martial law in the country, we know that in martial law has not been introduced in the russian federation, that was it, there was a question that
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was put to the russian president, all these advocates of war, they said that you remember girkin, he said that putin should introduce martial law, martial law in the country, and putin claimed, no-no-no, then not war, then svo. according to russian legislation , mobilization is possible in them when martial law is introduced, martial law, again clearly spelled out, is introduced when the country is subjected to external aggression, and in them mobilization is introduced for a period of one year, precisely because when putin led the mobilization by his decree, remember, he did it at the same time, with the inclusion of the newly occupied territories in russia. why? because according to the russian constitution, it is impossible to mobilize a civilian citizen
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of military age to fight in a war, if we are talking about foreign aggression, only for the protection of russian territory. that is why putin and he accepted, so as not to introduce martial law throughout the country. and not to hand over power to the military, he introduced this pseudo-referendum into his ranks in these occupied territories and then already announced mobilization there, ugh, that's ukrainian the story is completely different, i will remind you again that we are arguing, i do n't know what, we are talking about whether mobilization is necessary or not, mobilization in ukraine is introduced, introduced. 2 years ago , on february 24, 2022, at 5:00 a.m., by decree of the president at that time, the president declared
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martial law in the country and general mobilization was announced, that's all, it is valid for two years, so when we say whether we need it or not, we should discuss what our mobilization looks like, whether the rights of the mobilized are respected there, why... this law that is in force two years, which is based on a direct provision of the constitution, does not work, or does not work as we need, this is what we could discuss now, but we are discussing some strange moments, and whether it is necessary or necessary to introduce mobilization in ukraine, i think , that conversations on this topic are classic russian pso, that at the same time in russia there is dissatisfaction with all these magicians. everything else, it is already visible, what are you waiting for, what is mobilization, we do not have martial law, and they talk about it,
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secondly, in their constitution, in the law on mobilization, it is written that it is introduced on year, and everyone says, wait, so fulfill the law, you mobilized, in our, by the way, law on mobilization, according to which our relatives are now serving, and according to which ukrainian citizens are still mobilized. demobilization is possible only simultaneously with the presidential decree on the lifting of martial law, that is the problem, that according to our law, if a person mobilized, he complied with the law, he registered, received a summons, left, he cannot demobilize, and that's it problems that we should discuss, but the russians at the same time... they are trying to do everything to provide a legal basis for mobilization in their country and do everything to prevent us from developing
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normal mechanisms. mobilization in their country, i believe that this is a side process, and at this moment our crimeans, our fellow citizens , have found themselves in a very strange situation, because on the one hand, they are generally people who are violently mobilized in the occupied territory, and even more so, they are being forced there, these conscriptions are already happening to them, a war crime is being committed against them. and not only in relation to them, in relation to those who are in the territory of the occupied henichensk , the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, the kherson left bank, that is, this is a big problem , we now have to introduce more modern legislation, which is in effect, for example, in great britain, in israel, great britain also has a law on mobilization, they have never used only during world war ii, but when a country is under external
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attack. according to the laws and the constitution, civilians go to lavmia, and this civilian must be protected. so what should we do, our civilians are unprotected, because they are called up now according to the old post-soviet law, where there are no prescribed norms, rotations, vacations, treatment, terms, how long they should be trained, how they can be demobilized, there is no such thing. i... at the same time, another part of our fellow citizens, they are being mobilized in the occupied territories and committing a war crime against them, in this regard, we have to finally become adults and start discussing the existing reality, and not the one that we the russians are constantly throwing in, ms. larisa, i apologize, you can, but please, ms. larisa, please tell me, why do you think
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the issue of... improvement of mobilization processes, well, in fact, a new, new law on mobilization, is currently on the agenda, the war has already been going on in full scale for almost two years, i have not watched it carefully, according to the legislative process, according to how some norms were advanced there, just a discussion, but it seems that it started this fall, why not earlier in your opinion? well, because the law is valid for two years, it is very, very shortened, the point is that simultaneously with the introduction of martial law in the country, it begins for this law to apply, it means that any person, this is announced through the western mass media, must appear at the military headquarters, or now at the shopping center, update their data and register, the point is that this
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law does not imply, even. the russian law provides for a year and demobilization, it provides. our law stipulates that only by decree of the president after the end of martial law, the mobilized can be demobilized. and here we are faced with the fact that the war has already been going on for two years, and it will soon go into its third year. people have to be let go somehow. secondly, in this law, in the old one, it is bad, it does not prescribe, it does not take into account, a civilian specialty, well... if a civilian is called up, a person has never, for example, served in the army, he must civilian life, in this civilian life, she is, for example, an auto mechanic or a mechanical engineer, well, for example, she has a military specialty, if she joins the military, she will be a soldier, in reality, in her civilian life, this person can be an auto mechanic, for example, kuman, she has
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a higher... world, she is an engineer, she can be the commander of a mechanized company of some kind there , well, for example, of some repair brigade there, well , conditionally yes, or an engineering unit, according to this law of ours, this is not taken into account, and we have a problem that we have those people who can, according to their characteristics, skills acquired in civilian life, even in civilian education, to perform important functions for the modern army can be mobilized as required by law . as soldiers, well, what is this, we need to change, we faced this, and one more point in the old law, this is the most interesting, it is not provides, for example, requirements that the state must, for example, train conscripts, provide training, so many days, months, well, how should it be, yes, provide a person with vacations, at least this much per year or so-and-so.


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