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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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who, for example, is a commander, she has a higher education, she is an engineer, she can be the commander of a mechanized company of some kind there, well, for example , of some repair brigade there, well conditionally, yes , or an engineering unit, according to this law of ours, this is not taken into account, and we have a problem that in our country, those people who, based on their characteristics, skills acquired in civilian life, even in civilian education, can perform important functions for the modern army, can be... according to the law mobilized only as soldiers, so what this is it, we need to change we came across this, and there is another clause in the old law, this is the most interesting thing, it does not provide, for example, requirements for the state to, for example, train a recruit, provide training, there are so many days, months, well, how should it be, yes, to provide a person with vacations, at least as much and for a year or so-and-so. there is no such thing there, but in this
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law it absolutely, it actually makes us and you, our civilians who fall under it, absolutely without rights, if they are law-abiding, renewed their data, took a summons, left, but if you did not comply with it, nothing will happen to you, there is no punishment at all, and because of what happened in our country, a huge number of our fellow citizens with... it happened because the law is bad, very bad, very dangerous, very unfair for a civilian, they just took, they didn't care about the constitution and the law, and now they say don't change anything for us, let it be as it was, so it will be, we are satisfied that the law on mobilization is bad and it absolutely does not protect law-abiding citizens, but we don't care, we want there was no punishment for its... implementation and we got into a legal
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collision, while this law is in force, everyone who is a citizen of ukraine and who does not evade the implementation of the laws and the constitution is in danger, and everyone who spat on it is unpunished, this is a big problem and this must be changed. thank you, larisa, very emotionally, but in principle, you said it correctly, but there are other examples, in fact, good commanders who take care of their personal, personal staff. they do the same as lina ruslyamov and the command of the 48th separate assault battalion, this is exactly how it is in the battalion a recruiting service that selects people for the positions that they actually correspond to, according to their military or civilian background, and if you have such and such an idea to go down to the armed forces or have received a summons, you can at the same time or in advance with...
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get in touch with by this phone with the recruiting service of the 48th separate assault battalion named after namanachil bijekhan of the so-called crimean battalion and also i remind you that in this program we collect fpv drones for 48 oshb for night fpv drones, join, scan, card number, any please donate, thank you, and for those residents of the occupied territories, not only crimea. but also in general, who are violently mobilized into the ranks of the occupation army , please contact the main intelligence agency, there are appropriate programs, there are appropriate coordination services, so that you are recognized as de facto victims of a war crime by of the russian federation, and in this case your participation in hostilities, if you... if
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you did not kill, maim or use weapons against the ukrainian army, will completely leveled, and you will be cleared before the law, you will be protected by both ukrainian and international legislation, this is very important to emphasize. ms. larisa, thank you for these highlights that you have placed in our program. let me remind you that larisa voloshina, a journalist and psychologist, was in contact with the studio about the issue of mobilization as we see it. we are discussing in ukraine, and the mobilization that actually continues in the russian federation, covertly, openly, they call it a voluntary movement there and so further, no matter what they call it, they will only intensify all these measures in the future, because meat is needed. unfortunately, on this note we end our today's program, this is beraber together, a joint project of the tv channel and the tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabayev work for you. see this week in
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the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova: a catastrophic shortage of personnel. where to get half of the judges, there is a high probability of stopping the work of certain appellate judges. however , the judicial reform in ukraine has been progressing for a year. we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. greetings, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shostrova. we received the status of a candidate country for joining the eu, but on the condition of fulfilling the so-called seven steps, the criteria defined by the european commission, including anti-oligarchic reform and the fight against corruption. changes in the laws on national minorities and the media, and one of the key points: the implementation of judicial reform, and over the past year, ukraine has managed a lot. today we will tell you how far this reform has moved , but first to the news. in appeals
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courts of ukraine lack half of the judges, 700 of 1,350 positions are vacant. i haven't been there in the last 10 years. no judge, this affects the terms of consideration of cases and their quality. there is a high probability that certain appellate judges will be suspended. yes, currently only four judges work in the sumy court of appeal. imagine, but this is both a criminal and a civil chamber. taking into account the fact that in appeal courts, cases are heard as part of a collegium, that is, by three judges. each chamber has two judges. in fact, the board. it is impossible, and they involve the criminal chamber, civil, civil, criminal, so-and-so, how long they will last, let's say, it is unknown, in this state and in this mode of operation. only 13 judges work in the kharkiv court of appeal out of 60 positions by state. in
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the largest kyiv court of appeals, out of 145 judges by staff, 70 are missing. the higher qualification commission of judges plans to start interviews with candidates for vacant positions of judges. in the appellate courts next fall. the competition has already started for 550 vacant positions judges, more than 200 candidates apply. the largest number of applicants for a position in the general court of appeals is 912. the least in the commercial court of appeals is 183. the meeting of judges of the civil court of cassation of the supreme court elected judges olga stupak and serhiy pogribny to the grand chamber for a term of three years. for the eyes. we experts of the foundation appointed judges are unscrupulous. according to the conclusion of the public integrity council , the property of olga stupak's family does not correspond to income. also, the judge allegedly deliberately understated the value of the purchased item in the declaration real estate olga stupak assured that she bought 10 acres of land in kyiv for
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149,00 uah. and a new house with an area of ​​380 m2 and 13 acres of land near kyiv, svekrusa managed to buy it in almost three months. or less than the market value based on the conclusion of the public integrity council. in particular, unconfirmed sources of income for the candidate's purchase of a dilapidated house with an area of ​​380 m2 and a plot of land of 0.13 hectares under it, which are located in the village of stoyanka, kyivo-svyatoshinsky district , kyiv region. according to data from real estate sites, the market value of such houses is from uah 5 million. in the candidate's declaration , the value of the house. was not specified at all, but in her explanations she reported that the house and land were purchased for uah 1,862,000. the national anti-corruption bureau conducted an investigation into possible declaration of false information by supreme court judge olga stupak and verified
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the compliance of the judge's income and assets. detectives found many violations, but the judge was lucky. the constitutional court of ukraine annulled the article for unreliable declaration. regarding the elected judge of the grand chamber the supreme court of serhiy pogribny also has a negative opinion of the public council of virtue. in particular, it refers to his decision with signs of political influence regarding illegal construction on the odesa coast and the transfer of land to the kyiv zoo, which the judge allowed to be built very quickly in one sitting. 10 days after the claim is accepted. also, the judge forbade filming at an open session, even though the party. cases were not contested and thus violated the principle of openness. last year ukraine despite the large-scale war unleashed by russia confidently continued its path to the european union, fulfilled two of the seven recommendations necessary to maintain the status of a candidate
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for membership. in particular, about the judicial reform in the part of conducting competitions for the bodies of judicial governance. we spoke with the head of the dere foundation, mykhailo jernakov, and tried to sum up the results. in 2023, whether little was adopted or little was completed, that is, those processes that had already begun in 2021 of the reboot of the bodies of judicial governance of the highest authority in the commission were completed judges councils of justice, that is, these two bodies were created, started working, and already, thank god, show, well, a different quality of work, at least, than the previous ones. in january of last year, the renewed high council of justice began its work - a key judicial body that is responsible for the integrity of the entire judicial body and is the only one with the constitutional authority to dismiss judges and grant permission to bring them to justice, and currently there is a lot of work in the vrp, in the body more than 12,000 disciplinary complaints against the actions of judges were registered. still, the main product of the activity of the high
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council of justice is disciplinary, well, the main function is probably disciplinary, i.e. decisions in disciplinary cases, they have not adopted them yet, despite the fact that they were given back by law, while the disciplinary service is being created inspectors, they have been given back the right to consider disciplinary cases. there are some very strange decisions that show, after all, that... the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary. in june, after three years non-functioning, the higher qualification commission of judges, the competition for which was the largest in the entire history of the judicial system of ukraine, became operational. 19 people per seat. the 16 members of the supreme court of appeals, selected through a tough competition, are responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as their support. level, in particular through qualification assessment. currently, the cjc has two priority tasks: to complete
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the qualification evaluation and to appoint more than 2,500 judges, who are in short supply currently caused a real crisis and overload of judges. about 200 vacancies must now be filled by the higher qualification commission of judges in one way or another, including the selection announced for about 100 judicial positions, and that's enough. is quite significant both in the appellate instance and in the first instance, and this is a quite significant opportunity both to update the system and, let's say, to conserve what we had before, how the vyshchak commission treats the assessment of certain aspects of integrity is of fundamental importance, as for to finally remove it from the courtroom the system of those judges who are not worthy to be judges, and so in order to fill it with virtuous qualified personnel, an important link of the judiciary. reform of the constitutional court, one of the most important judges of the country, took shape last year. it was in
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danger of being disrupted due to efforts to re -politicize the process of appointing judges. the law on changing the process of selecting judges of the constitutional court, creating an advisory group of experts and greater public involvement was accompanied by scandals, because instead of changes, the proposed bill increasingly more politicized the procedure for selecting judges. in the end, it was possible to overcome the contradictions. and the law was adopted taking into account most of the positive changes, but not without a fight. we still have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court, but there is no guarantee, precisely because the venice commission treated this process in a very specific way. they issued six different opinions, six different decisions of their own regarding conclusions about how and what should happen in the constitutional court. and they almost all contradict each other, they
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contain factual errors, everything led to what we have now, well, far from optimal, far from optimal law, the text of the law, it could be and should be much stronger. nevertheless, in general, the european commission noted good progress in the introduction of competitive selection, and this is crucial, because the fate of several key reforms currently depends on the constitutional court. in particular, further reforms of the supreme council of justice, reform of the land market, and others. after the end of the war, it is the constitutional court that will consider complex cases the issue of reintegration of the occupied territories. based on the results of a survey of member companies , the european business association concluded that the effectiveness of the judicial reform in ukraine improved during the 23rd year. however , it is still in the negative plane. so for this year, tasks for the further movement of the court. there are many reforms and improvements to the judicial system of ukraine. we need, first of all, to introduce a mechanism that will remove
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these unscrupulous elements from the supreme court. secondly, to hold a competition for positions that are already vacant in the supreme court. the next task in terms of complexity, probably and in terms of priority, is new administrative courts, instead of the liquidated district administrative court. the third is legal education, reform of legal education, there is quite a long list. ugh. in other words, we need to fundamentally change the way we train our lawyers, so that they already at that level understand what integrity is, and act accordingly. we hope that all this will be... implemented in 2024, and we will continue to carefully monitor the movement of judicial reform and the implementation of changes. that's all for today, you watched judicial control, i'm tetyana shustrova, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address.
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see you in exactly a week. see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor: how the rashists protect the main seller of new tiles. details regarding the rescue of the deputy chairman of novaya kakhovka , vitaly hura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today, she motivated our youth with a personal example. greetings, i am olena kononenko and this program. collaborators about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. currently, 1,877 ukrainian cities and villages are occupied by russia, and the enemy is trying to increase this number. our military maintains defense at a high cost. unfortunately, in almost every occupied corner there are those who rejoice in the temporary occupation and
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hope that these territories will never return to ukraine. like, for example, a resident of novaya. kakhovki gurara vitaly volodymyrovych, born in 1978. for some reason, this traitor thought that russia would give him everything, on the other hand, is now under the crosshairs of the drg and fears for their lives. until february 24 , gura tried to hide his true views. mimicking a ukrainian politician, a civil servant who is very concerned about the well-being of novaya kakhovka. so, in 2015, he ran for kherson regional council and novokakhov city council. advice from the socialists. at the time of running for office, he worked in the kp, novokakhovsk department of communal services, as a master of gas management. from 2020 to 2021, he was the chief mechanic at the municipal utility company vodokanal, and from the summer of 2021 to february 2022, the head of the dnipro district of novaya kakhovka. but everything
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changed when the new tile was occupied by the russian army. guras welcomed the invaders as relatives and offered any possible help. the occupiers, in turn, made him the deputy head of the captured new kakhovka. and as soon as the russian media began to write about the traitor, how our ukrainian resistance movement took care of him. gura was wounded. the traitor was shot near his house. then the media wrote that the collaborator had died, but as it turned out later, this was a selling point staged her death so as not to die at the hands of our partisans. fsb warned. a series of terrorist attacks against members of the government of crimea and employees of the administration of the kherson region, who were preparing in the security service of ukraine. our special services revealed the details of the rescue of the deputy chairman of novaya kakhovka , vitaliy gura. the ukrainian media show about me that i died, i was killed, i was killed. as tight as gura turned out to be, she was very efficient and
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obedient in her position. so over time, the traitor was promoted. they have already made him the head of the novokokhov city district. here is the video. where former rashist ihor chagaev, former vice-governor of the krasnodar territory of the russian federation wishes gura success in her new position. dear vitaliy volodymyrovych, we congratulate you on your official appointment to the position of head of the city district of nova kakhovka. the new chairman is sworn in and begins working on the main tasks of the kremlin. to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe the constitution of the russian federation. under the accompaniment presented. of the so-called power structures, gura carried out illegal alienation of property, which was on the balance sheet of communal institutions of the novokakhov city council. he also demanded from the head of the utility company to provide him with a work plan to prepare for the heating season. all of us are united in the main thing, in love for our city, for the region, for russia, the only country where we live, and
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where our children and grandchildren will live. this seller has already been tried to be liquidated. twice, and unfortunately he managed to survive. let's hope that the avengers will finish the case. at the very least, they will organize his comfortable transfer to the hands of ukrainian justice. in khersonska the guri regional prosecutor's office has already been informed of the suspicion of collaborationism. he faces up to 10 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 15 years and confiscation of property. in past programs, i told you about the treacherous family of the kovalov brothers of polity. from the servant of the people party. polodchy kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district, after the occupation of kherson he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. that year he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother. yuriy kovalev was a deputy of kherson of the regional council and after the full-scale invasion headed a state enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers.
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when in october of last year putler posthumously awarded the liquidated kovalov with an order for courage to receive the award , his brother yuriy kovalov came to bloodtheaters together with his mother. and while the younger brother holds the older one's place at kobzon's concert, yuriy kovalev works diligently on the image of a traitor. so, on november 27, 2023, yuriy kovalev received a suspicion from the sbu. our law enforcement agencies found out that he reoriented to needs of the aggressor country over 20 controlled companies in the region. for this, in particular, he carried out their re-registration under russian legislation. among the enterprises is a local agricultural holding, which shipped almost 35 tons of ukrainian grain to russia this year for a total amount of uah 140 million. it was also established that, on the instructions of yuriy kovalev , gas stations under his control carried out emergency fueling of russian military equipment, in particular, enemy tanks and armored vehicles. in addition, the seller's companies
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actively supplied food rations for rashists who are at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. yuriy kovalev's enterprises regularly finance the budget of the aggressor country in the form of paying taxes and fees for millions of rubles every month. now. yuriy kovalev is in the temporarily occupied territories, but this will not protect him from our law enforcement agencies, court and prison. he will definitely answer for all his actions. this is another sale of yevgenia ivanovna demyantiev , born in 1978, originally from the crimean city of armyansk. before the annexation of the peninsula, she worked in local authorities, when crimea was captured by the little green men, she supported the occupation and annexation of this territory to the russian federation. demeteva went to work for the occupation authorities, became a deputy of the city council of armyansk and the secretary for ideology of the crimean regional branch of the communist party
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of the russian federation, their motto is russia, labor, socialism and people's power, while it should be russia, impoverishment, repression and tyranny. until february 24, she sat in the crimea and worked on promoting soviet ideas to the masses. when the full-scale war began, i think it is clear who she supported. on her facebook page, demtieva talked about the liberator of russia and posted the following pictures. apparently, the worship of lenin, putin, and the hammer and sickle , demintiev has grown up. so she moved to the kherson region, where on october 16, 2023, she was made acting minister of education of the kherson region. general educational institutions of the kherson region are currently fully equipped with educational and methodical literature. more than 10,100 copies were purchased this year. this was made possible thanks to
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personal participation of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. now this person is responsible for the propaganda that russia integrates into the education process of our children. as part of the dialogue with high school students today, they discussed orientations and priorities in the framework of the choice. today , she used a personal example to motivate our youth to choose a higher educational institution with a referral to the state municipal service. that is, if you remove all the pathos from her words, it turns out that dymentiyeva talked about her journey from a citizen of ukraine to a zaprodanka, and the key aspects, how profitable it is to sell the homeland for positions and wooden rubles. this collaborator has been waiting for her suspicion since 2014. let's hope. she will get it. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about kremi progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together
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we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on spresso. congratulations, today we will talk about the search for three girls from the kherson region, they are lyudmila vasylevska, tetyana maksymiuk and victoria ostrovskaya luda is 14 years old, tanya is 10 years old , and vyka is nine years old. all three disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. he lost contact with luda vasylevska on june 1 , 2023. nothing has been known about ta tanya maksymiuk since last march, and victoria ostrovska disappeared at the beginning of summer. 2023. unfortunately, we have almost no information about the girls and the circumstances of their disappearance. however, it is very important that at least there are pictures of them, and so i ask each of you...
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to look closely at the faces of the girls if you if you know anything about any of them, please contact us on the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. of course, many children now disappear due to war-related circumstances, for example, during evacuation in front-line towns or villages or during occupation. however, unfortunately, children also disappear in conditionally peaceful territories. so please listen carefully to some important tips and an algorithm of actions in case you, god forbid, have a missing child. first of all, try it control yourself, calm down and don't panic , on the contrary, you should concentrate and remember that every minute is precious, and therefore you should act quickly, you don't have to wait for me for three days, call the police immediately and contact the magnolia children's search service. at the same time, try to find
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the child yourself. therefore, during the search , someone should stay at home in case the child returns. contact anyone who may have information, including relatives, and ask if they ever have your son. or daughters also call friends and acquaintances of the child, it is very likely that they will know something, especially if your child is a teenager and has decided to run away from home. if a child is lost, for example, in a shopping center, immediately contact the security service and ask for help. can search, but again, if you have not been able to locate the child within an hour, i emphasize, contact the police and the magnolia children's tracing service immediately. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do first of all such a situation. of course, god forbid that you never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down. 116-30. hotline of the child tracing service. from
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all mobile operators in ukraine are free. and i ask for one more minute of your attention. please look at the face of this boy. this is nine-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022. the boy lived with his father in kupyansk, which was occupied in the first days of the war. since then, artem and his father have stopped communicating. after the de-occupation of kupyansk , it was not possible to find the boy, unfortunately. if you know about the whereabouts of artem kholodu. contact the magnolia child tracing service hotline 116.30. as usual, at the end, i urge you to go to the website of the children's search service and look at the photos of these boys and girls. perhaps you will recognize someone and help find them. and please repost this video, every time you share, the chances of finding the missing children really increase. let's not
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be indifferent. we have created a resource thanks to to whom you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. children with special needs in the inclusive resource center number two experienced for the first time one of the... effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation with the help of specially selected and trained dogs, these two corgis, a yorkie and a german boxer know how easy it is to make contact. dogs are trained to work with such by children, it causes positive emotions, joy in children, they instill love for animals, for all living things, so that children understand that a dog can be hurt, as well as a person, as well as a child. cannisterotherapy
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has been known for a long time. in the world in ukraine it is only gaining momentum. during trips to other cities , pets must be accompanied by dog ​​trainers, canis therapists. according to the director of the dog breeding club, mrs. iryna, there are very few breeds that are not suitable for this work at all. the only ones who are definitely not involved are puppies. start cooking quadrupeds can start such a mission from three months, but it is not worth doing it yourself, because only specialists should do it. before starting. every dog ​​goes through selection , you have to be very human-oriented, very eager to communicate with a person, with any stranger, and then there is training, then our dogs pass exams, canisterotherapy in general is psychological relief, rehabilitation and help in stressful situations situations, and it is now needed on...


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