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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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this is even our conversation, as they say , online, yes sir, yes, we have to thank you, because it is time for news, thank you for participating in our program, the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, askat ashurbekov was with us, well now we give the floor to khrystyna parubiy, who is ready to talk about the most important things happening in the country and the world at this moment. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, in the issue i will tell you from which country ukraine will still receive aid, as well as what is happening. on the front and about the losses of the enemy in a moment miss out news on espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. two of the dead have already died as a result of the terrorist attack in the kyrytskyi village council in transcarpathia. in the intensive care unit.
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a 47-year-old deputy died, the prosecutor general's office said. now the investigators are continuing the pre-trial investigation. let me remind you that on december 15 last year, during the session of the village council, deputy serhii batryn detonated grenades. 23 people were injured, including the detonator. later, one of the victims died. three people are injured, and five more are under the rubble. the russians dropped two managed bombs on a three-story building in the village of new york in donetsk region. a 62-year-old woman who was walking down the street at the time of the attack received shrapnel wounds. two men, 66 and 68 years old, who were in the house, were also injured. as a result of the impact, the entrance collapsed - reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the search and rescue operation continued at night. currently, it is not known whether it has ended. 12 without... lotnik
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attacked russia at night. a series of explosions occurred in voronezh. russian air defense allegedly destroyed five drones and intercepted three more. claimed in ministry of defense of the russian federation. debris of one of the drones fell on a residential building. according to the governor of the region, a ten-year-old girl was injured. the target of the attack could probably be the baltimore airport, which is located next to the house. it is also known about the attack of four drones in the belgorod region. everything flew away, he managed to dive under the car, the apartment is on fire, that's all, the frames flew away. new large-scale aid is being prepared for ukraine switzerland will provide more than 1.5 billion dollars of financial support. this was stated by the country's president , viola amgert, during a meeting with volodymyr zelensky the money will be allocated over the next three years from... to the program
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for the recovery of ukraine. switzerland also sees a special focus on reconstruction. from the point of view of the federal council, reconstruction is of strategic importance for the stability of the continent. for the recovery of ukraine, the central issue is mine clearance. in september, the federal council declared humanitarian demining. case, a four -year aid package in the amount of 100 million francs. at the front, the intensity of hostilities is increasing, and so are the losses of the occupiers increases 100 of the russian invaders destroyed the armed forces of ukraine in a day. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 372 enemies will no longer return from the front. russians can also forget about 24 tanks, 36 bmp. 30 art systems and
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three anti-aircraft guns, which were burned by our military. three anti-aircraft systems will not protect the occupiers, and 41 units of cars and special equipment will not be taken anywhere else. and what is especially nice, two russian planes will no longer take to the sky. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff armed forces of ukraine: 94 combat engagements took place at the front. in a day. the russians became more active in the lyman direction. there, our defenders repelled 13 attacks near terni, yampolivka and torskyi. another 19 near bilogorivka and hryhorivka. the hottest is still near avdiivka. there, the defense forces repelled 34 russian assaults. another 12 attacks were repulsed in the mariinsky direction and three in the zaporozhye region near verbovoy and robotany. the russians tried in the kherson direction. and
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storm our positions, the ukrainian soldiers gave a worthy rebuff. within a day, our aviation made 22 strikes on the concentration area of ​​the occupiers and destroyed the enemy's air defense system. and the rocket launchers ... the artillerymen hit three areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, eight artillery systems, a pppo means and two stations of rep. muscovites. and to make our army even stronger, we invite our viewers to join the gathering. the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupyan direction needs a car. to perform combat tasks and evacuate the wounded, our defenders need a peak. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain, it costs 250,000 hryvnias. you and i have collected more than uah 190,000, there is not much left, so please join us and donate any amount. remember, every hryvnia of yours brings
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our victory closer. bulgaria, poland, romania are asking the european commission to return the duty on the import of ukrainian grain. slovakia and hungary, - said the minister of agriculture of hungary istván nath. according to him, european farmers suffer because they produce much more wheat and corn than they need. however , they are unable to sell grain because it is cheaper the price of ukrainian agricultural products. the issue of ukraine's accession to the european union will take a long time, but this should not distract everyone. from the support of ukraine. deputy minister of foreign affairs of poland anjin sheyna said this in an interview with the newspaper rzecz pospolita. according to him , the main inhibiting factors will be the war and economic problems. the accession itself will not take place with excessive damage to poland's economic interests. therefore, this issue
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should be resolved constructively and in a friendly manner. and the most important thing is the main thing the task of the european union and poland is to support ukraine. we must support them as long as necessary. this is our vital interest. a new and important aspect of this assistance will be the cooperation of the military-industrial sectors of our countries. most of the weapons and ammunition for ukraine should come from polish factories. the council of judges of ukraine reacted to the events in the capital's dnipro judge. on january 9 , employees of the state bureau of investigation conducted an investigation there. the rsu noted that, judging by the chronology of events, searches in the court premises was carried out without a corresponding decision of the investigating judge. already today, the supreme council of justice will consider the appeal of the meeting of judges of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv about
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interference in the court's activities regarding the administration of justice. representatives of the dbr are also invited to the meeting of the vrp. let me remind you, earlier on january 12. the supreme court appealed to the director of the sbi with a statement about the inadmissibility of court pressure. all because of the actions of the investigative bureau, which conducted searches in the premises of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv. in particular, documents were seized and judge yulia ivanina's computer. presumably , the searches were related to the consideration of a specific court case. the biggest violation is that they came without a court order. the law requires a court order to confirm that their actions, that is, the actions of law enforcement agencies , have a legal basis, this is interference with the administration of justice, this is a crime, and if the vrp considers that there are indeed signs
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of a crime, they turn to the prosecutor general and prosecutor general andriy kostin must immediately enter the data into the edpr and all. all of them are indicative for the whole of ukraine initiate criminal proceedings. is iran provoking the united states of america to war. he attacked american facilities in iraq with ballistic missiles. explosions rang out near the us consulate in the city of erbil. four people died, including a local millionaire. another six were injured, writes reuters. three drones were also shot down near the airport. according to american officials in... no facilities in the united states of america were affected. bulgaria should rewrite its history textbooks to get rid of soviet propaganda, he believes prime minister of the country nikolay denkov. according to him, in the books that children
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are studying now, russia and the soviet union are portrayed only from a positive side. then, the true story is different, and it was deliberately kept silent so that the children would not know the truth. a car wreck occurred in the south of turkey, the bus crashed into a barrier at the exit of the tunnel and overturned. nine people died, including the driver. bus, another 30 were injured, the local media reported, the transport was heading from antalya to mersin, the circumstances of the accident are being investigated by law enforcement officers. the next episode is already at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the show, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, thank you that with espresso we are collecting information for you from all corners of ukraine for the last day, especially for the night, this night was like that, you know, it is cold in some parts, in others it is a fierce winter, i see how it is for our defenders i have to work in... the south, there is an unexpected one there snowy winter, and in addition , it's a slush, which means that working , for example, with the same reconnaissance or fpv drones, komikaze becomes many times more difficult, i don't know if we have the opportunity to show one very interesting video now , in spite of the blizzard, in spite of the storm, our strength somehow fell. of special operations flew, looked carefully, if we show it now, here they
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are looking carefully, and despite the bad weather, you can even see snowflakes, yes, they detect something other than the osa anti-aircraft missile complex, an expensive and dangerous thing that our forces fired at defenses, they pointed correctly, and now the blessed fire came down in the form of a haimars, with which we congratulate the russian-fascist occupiers, listen to the songs. cube zone the weather also affects not only work, but also treatment, the condition of our defenders. we 've been out here for a while, we've caught cold, we're already coughing, and it's hard to work. imagine what is happening at the front, in the trenches, in the dugouts. about health at the front. we will ask our next guest, tetyana lisitsina, a company medic of one of the aydar assault battalions. with us on connection congratulations, ms. tatiana. good morning, please tell us, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, in fact, we started with the weather,
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so maybe tell us a little more about it, apart from injuries, apart from what you face every single day, regardless of defeat, what are you doing now you have winter nuances, this morning it is already raining, here we have, the ice is starting, where there was severe frost for a week, in principle, all over ukraine, therefore, but we are working, this does not prevent us from working, protecting and standing, no, here in the deep rear they say, the little girl walks, is friends with the flu, and how are you? look, there have been no cases of flu or covid to date, that is , first in autumn, so wet weather, hervey yes, cases do happen. but the situation is under control, that is, we are coping, there are a few people in the unit at
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each gate, it is not much, it is not a problem for us today. do you cope because you work above the norm and with enthusiasm, or do you cope because there are enough doctors? in our battalion, in our battalion of medics for today the day is enough, we all work. it has already been arranged and of course 24/7 , there is no question about it at all, so yes, ms. tatiana, tell me, look, we have already seen a lot of different shots ourselves and showed our viewers that in fact it is snow, then thaw, it is swampy soil and evacuation from the battlefield by paramedics for the stabilization point of the wounded, this is sometimes... another challenge when everything is spinning, dirty, heavy and does not
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reach, how does your evacuation look, do you have specialized transport, do you have these things, for which we once collected money, remember, you can put on these remote drones for turrets and they shoot, and if you remove the turret, you can use it remotely for evacuation, do you have something like that, a turret? we don't have remote evacuation, from the battlefield from scratch, let's say, combat medics like me evacuate, there are combat medics in every company. we hand it over to the battalion medics, that is, it is 5-10 km, where the cars are already, the evacuation vehicles can pick them up and deliver them to the stop center, of course, evacuation is extremely difficult today, except weather conditions, of course the enemy is very , very difficult to carry out the evacuation, that is, their
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work is now aimed at wounding the infantry, that is... they are waiting, well, a drone is hovering, they are waiting for the evacuation to arrive, and of course they start, well, a more massive and strong shelling , of course, well, usually these are artillery shells or kamikazes are used in half-loads of them, so of course the evacuation passes , even sometimes 6-8 hours, i had such evacuations, but i still evacuated the guys. on the cars, we transfer them to the evacuation vehicles that already deliver them to the emergency center, and which ones you have evac cars, if it’s not a secret, i just somehow managed to see with my own eyes how the wounded were transported to iraq, they were humvees, and the specialized, armored, luggage compartment of the humvee was adjusted specifically for the wounded, and
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i still thought at the time, that’s cool with the americans it's all delivered, you... on the basis of which machines is it all done? unfortunately, our evacuation does not take place on evacuation vehicles, as a combat medic i can evacuate, we have armored vehicles specifically for the evacuation of infantry from the battlefield, but during some evacuations even before in the new year, several such vehicles were destroyed, we did not have many of them in the battalion, so for... again we have problems with this, with this evacuation, battalion medics work on evacosanitary vehicles, that is, on ordinary fast cars, renaults, citroens, volkswagens, that is, on which the ambulance moves around the city, you must
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have seen them, they are all equipped with us, that is, it is a cardi. counts, these are ivs, well, drippers, everything is there, but they are not armored, unfortunately, and of course, the equipment constantly suffers, the wheels, the chassis of the car are our biggest problem, because of course, again the weather conditions, the cars skid, we have of course, the tractor for the medical service, exactly, that is , the car that at the moment... if the car skids, is stuck, the cars are all-wheel drive, but still the weather conditions interfere, in we have a tow truck, a special car, very powerful, which helps medical vehicles to leave, but you understand, this is a crowd of people, this is a crowd of equipment, of course, it is not always in our
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hands, so to speak, but we are working today, except normal breakdowns. so far there are no losses on our cars, i mean exactly the medical car equipped with an evacuee. ms. tetyana, you said that the evacuation of our defenders , actually the wounded, can take 6-8 hours, and it is very difficult to work hard for 6-8 hours in such comfortable conditions . psychological? and even if somewhere there the enemy is shelling at that time, well , you need to have the strength to transport these wounded soldiers without injuring them additionally, well , maybe we transport them more often instead of yes, we transport cars to the evacuees, but you know,
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probably social sustainability, as my volunteer friend told me, we already have social sustainability. stability, we are already used to it, i perceive it, exactly, i speak for myself, and for my brothers who work with me, uh, we already perceive it as work, any evacuation, call for evacuation, you already you work through all the real and possible problems that you will have now, that is, it is a time that can be long, it is shelling, you have to... be careful, of course there is an evako group that also helps the medic, she covers the medic, she works , that is, the medic works with his hands, such a group can run, pull, er... a wounded guy, especially if it is serious, of course, the medic alone, that’s a lot, well, i also worked alone, there were the times at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, i
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was generally left alone, we had such battles, when we had a lot of medics killed, but now, after all, we have fixed this system, enough time has already passed, we are trained, and people who are new come, the medics, i mean, are also already prepared, we will all be fired upon. no, all the fighters already, that is, for us, for me, this is work, you understand, yes, it is difficult, yes, it is difficult, but this is my job, i have to do it, who but us, who will do it, ma'am tatyana, what is your personal motivation to continue working, rescuing, evacuating, you just said that you saw how many of your colleagues died, if i am not mistaken, you also had mine injuries... the thing is that what keeps you going, what makes you personally keep working, and you smile like that, talk about it with inspiration, as if this is what you are ready to dedicate
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your whole life to, you know, yes, unfortunately or for joy, i don't know, i already had several concussions, and i was seriously injured last year, but you understand, behind my back is only my family and my home and my child. and for everyone, everyone has only our families and our homes behind us, if we don't do it, there will be no one else to do it, this is our land, this is our families, this is our, our nation, our people , only this motivates, you see, i believe that if we do not do it, no one will do it for us, i look, i look about. we are not talking about the exact location of one of the aydar battalions, we know where your specific storm company is, we will not say, but
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looking at the situation in this particular direction of bakhmutsky chasoyarovsky, we see a constant attempt of assaults, and this is, as they say, from hryhorivka on in the north to klishchiivka in the south, that is, everywhere we see some attempts by them to leave. along the highway to ivanivskyi, near khromovoy, bohdanivka, kalynivka, everywhere they climb somewhere, as it generally looks to your eyes this section of the front, a very difficult direction, we were from the very beginning with kadema, mykolaivka, klishchiivka, khromov, experienced, we occupied all these positions, we were completely on the entire defense of bakhmut, ivanovsky, yesterday they had a very strong position. tank company to break through in the direction of ivanivskoe, but their attack was repulsed yesterday , several of their combat tanks were destroyed, of course
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there were many infantry, but they constantly want to break through this road, this is the road from the time of oyar to ivaniv through ivanovske on bakhmut, exactly at the exit where the plane was parked in bakhmut, who knows, that is, they want to take this road from us, but all their attempts to date have been unsuccessful, we are standing, defending, uh, we have a moment, i just wanted to to reality, i.e. sometimes snow, sometimes water in the trenches, sometimes minus, sometimes cold, do you have enough of these things, well, so that you have less work, i mean, good shoes, berets, some things that help not to get wet so much feet, those insoles. chemical ones that warm up, or insoles for the hands, or is this all enough? we are equipped with heating devices, warmers,
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chemical heaters, ah, uniforms, shoes, we are provided, and we have a bigger problem, if we talk about the medical service, it is with the equipment, if i can, i would like to ask people to join in order to... restore us equipment, help, don't be, well , don't be indifferent to the problems of the military units, because today the war is here, and tomorrow it may not be here, so help us, please, i want to ask everyone for help, the weather conditions are very difficult at the moment for us to work, for our equipment, and this makes it difficult for us the infantry unit, you understand, yes, and therefore... of course, the equipment is our security and our life in the most direct sense, it is our life, i really wanted to ask you all to
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help us, this collection can be some kind of bank, or where you can find it, specifically yours, if everyone is interested, please go to my facebook page, i will open it today and i will be grateful for your help, so friends of tatyana lisitsina , we are looking for a page on facebook, it will be there, and we will now show the conditions in which our fighters doctors stay, live, we just we admire, ms. tatyana, what you do, how you do it and your enthusiasm. thank you for this, we ask our viewers to support us, and now we will show these footage so that you understand the conditions in which doctors work, those people who could work in private clinics, in warmth, in comfort, with grateful patients, and it's normal to live for themselves, they dedicate their time, take it away from their families, to save our defenders, we really thank you for that, ms. tetyana,
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we thank you once again, and we remind you that in tetyana lisitsina has facebook, you have to go there and you will see that there will be an open gathering for medics of one of the aydar assault battalions. thank you for participating in our program, thank you for your service, so what, we're taking a little break, okay? yes, it was tetyana lisitsa, a folk medic of one of the aydar assault battalions, and now we are really going to take a break, then we will return, we will go to horliv. further conversation, let me remind you that yesterday new york was shelled, aerial bombs were dropped there, more details in a few minutes. hello, woman, what to do when it happens liver, alohol should be taken, but what about the gallbladder? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. the natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of the liver and gall bladder, alochol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder.
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you can express your opinion on... weekdays with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of polnyy yar is in dire need of fp drones, to effectively hit the enemy and... to bring the victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for, closer. glory to ukraine, heroes.


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