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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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by the syrian king that the russians are trying to seize the strategic initiative , his only last sentence, when he says that the russians will stop, not the russians will stop, our military will stop the russians, where our troops will stop them, there they will be stopped, if we give them the opportunity move on, they will move on. let's talk about what's going on. directly on the territory of russia, this morning, something happened in voronezh during the night, and in the morning we were shaken by these news, the russian public writes about what this at least 15 explosions sounded in the russian city, where the drones could have aimed, that such a strategically important military is located there, well, most likely they aimed at the airfield, the horonesh airfield, which is very actively used by military transport aircraft for the transfer of russian reserves of troops,
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equipment, etc. important property, as well as russian tactical aviation, well, such a non-lethal target, so it is exactly what it is, so far we do not hear information either from our command, not from the enemy side, but about specific prices, but i hope sooner or later this information will appear. by the way , unknown drones attacked not only the voronezh region today, but again it happened in the belgorod region as well, which is quite predictable, such actions were supposed to happen. you know, now on all ukrainian airwaves there is such a survey of military experts, but what happened to the a-50 and il-22? ms. natalya humanyuk was just on the air, she said that the information from the ukrainian forces about how exactly what happened, it is...
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strategically important in order for the in the future, similar operations were carried out , in your opinion, they are patriots, or whatever , it’s cotton, as putin once said about his submarine chovyn kursk, that it sank, the same can be said about the a50 radar reconnaissance aircraft, it also sank, i went there to get the serator, they are nearby. er , as for the an-22, well, the information here is different, the only thing i can say is that er, the information from some publics that it reached anapa, and there it seems that its tail part was photographed , well, as a confirmation of this, it is not is completely true, these are the characteristics of such an aircraft of the same type. which was hit
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by our buk complex back in april, on april 3 , it seems, in the 22nd year, then kindly we also gave them the heat, so it can be said unequivocally that this unit, the enemy military air command post reached the airfield, well, there is no confirmed information, i have hope that he is also in that. mr. pavle, i also want to ask you, you know, in social networks there they write whether the beginning of the third world war, because it became known that the guard corps of the islamic revolution of iran, carried out a series of attacks on the city of erbil, which is the capital of the kurdistan region in iraq. what does it all mean and how to interpret it all, the beginning of the third world war, is this a question of social networks or not? philosophically, the first world war became the first, some 20 years after it... took place,
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the second world war became the second world war and also years later, if i am not mistaken, five years later, what is happening now is obvious in the world, these are the attempts of china, first of all, and the russian federation, the aggressor state, that is to implement the same combined observant gerasimov, igniting the sources of fires all over the world in order to... divert the attention of the civilized world from its aggression , first of all, in ukraine, and this is really a kind of struggle in the axis of evil to change the world order, or will it grow, whether it will ever be called the third world war, i don't know, maybe the third world war was still a cold war, this is already the beginning of the fourth. it all
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depends on who and how can interpret it. i thank you for joining our broadcast, pavlo lekichuk, military expert and head of security programs of the strategy 21 global studies center was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you. well, in the meantime, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi will speak today in davos at the annual world economic forum. he will give a special speech on the panel achieving security and cooperation in a fragmented world. in addition, preparations for a global peace summit at the level of state leaders will begin today. he must pass in switzerland. according to zelensky before the summit all countries that believe in ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity can join, in particular, he would like to see representatives of the countries of the global south there. this summit must give the necessary energy to all that has already been achieved and must determine that the end of the war must be exceptionally
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just and the restoration of the force of international law truly complete. i will remind you that you are watching svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and further on in this morning. we talk about such topics. it is ready for the second reading in the parliament draft law on the right to civilian firearms. critics of this document say that such changes will lead to the unnecessary use of traumatic weapons, the development of a black market and an increase in the level of crime. let's talk with the deputy and armed lobbyist. why the parliament does not want to give ukrainians the right to firearms during war, if people may need self-defense. how the russian language became the prestige language of the ussr, how soviet linguists rewrote dictionaries to impoverish ukrainian and why they later paid for it life. how did it happen that some ukrainians do not know ukrainian, and russian turned out to be a weapon that kills other languages. we talk about it with the writer evgenia kuznyatsova. if you
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like our content, it is useful for you, subscribe to the radio liberty channel, be sure to like this video. this is necessary so that youtube promotes it, and you do not miss important videos, important streams. on the radio svoboda channel. in 2023, the national police seized more than 5,000 firearms and almost 2 million rounds of ammunition and cartridges. about this the press service of the police reported. all seized weapons are illegal. police officers report that they exposed dealers, liquidated secret caches and seized arsenals from residential buildings. and so last year , law enforcement officers registered more than 4,800 cases. illegal handling of weapons. according to the national police, there were automatic weapons, pistols and revolvers, grenade launchers, as well as mines, almost 3 tons of explosives and grenades in illegal circulation. the department also said that they have been brought to justice for illegal handling of weapons
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almost 3,500 citizens. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada of ukraine has prepared for the second reading the draft law on civilian circulation of firearms . at least comparisons appeared on the website of the parliament. table and conclusion of the specialized committee for consideration of the law. the norms proposed by the deputies have already been criticized for limitations and innovations that did not exist before. the law proposes to allow anyone over the age of 25 to carry a traumatic weapon. short-barreled weapons, pistols will be allowed to buy from the age of 30, and a person must have 5 years of ownership experience another type of weapon. for this norm , five years must also elapse after martial law. for the illegal handling of smooth-bore weapons, they propose to introduce criminal instead of administrative liability, but they propose to allow the carrying of prize weapons from the age of 18. in addition, the ministry of internal affairs employees can get unrestricted access to the homes of gun owners for the purpose of inspection, and
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carrying one's own registered weapon should be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to three years. in the same case moving, for example, to a neighboring area with weapons or. its parts or supplies, the police must be notified . critics of the draft law point out that traumatic weapons should be banned altogether during martial law, instead they want to allow everyone to have them. also, attention is paid to the actual ban on pistols. maksym zhorin, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, wrote about this as an example. and he believes that the provisions of the draft law are a step towards undermining ukraine's defense capability. it was quote. and later on in our broadcast, i propose to discuss this with the guests of this broadcast. i thank you gentlemen for joining. ihor friz, people's deputy of ukraine and heorhii uchaikin, head of the ukrainian association of weapons owners. gentlemen, thank you again for joining and i really want our conversation to be constructive so that the audience clearly understands
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your positions. my first question to you, george: you are a long-time arms lobbyist, how does ukrainian legislation currently regulate the issue of civilian weapons, right? a citizen can countries to purchase weapons for their self-defense, and if so, which ones? in fact, good afternoon, first of all, actually ukrainian legislation is regulated. these are internal regulatory documents that are under the auspices of the ministry of internal affairs, this is such a notorious order number 622, and of course we can buy weapons for self-defense, but in the long run , with such weapons, you can carry out effective self-defense, only if you are on the territory of your own home or residence let's say you participate in the defense of the country, for individual protection nothing before and all this, shall we say, camarilla that has been going on for many years with trauma pistols must eventually stop, because
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by definition trauma pistols in a warring country should be prohibited for carrying at all, why, because the country is oversaturated with weapons of war, prize, black weapons, and it is not necessary to expose people to danger with some, you know, inappropriate traumatic pistols, the situation today... weapons, sportsmen, here are the guys from the front , gunsmithing communities, hunters, owners are pulling up, writing, criticizing this a draft law that is completely inappropriate already at the end of the second year of a full-scale invasion, and in such a situation ukraine definitely does not need not only zhorin, but absolutely all forms of him. mr. igor, now i have a question for you, what do you and your colleagues propose in this draft law on the right to civilian firearms and do
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you think it is appropriate? greetings to everyone, greetings to george, you know, we are now as if on two sides of the screen with him in general, but we have absolutely the same opinion, we are the authors of the first of the draft law on weapons, the authors of the second draft law on weapons, and are permanent, well , not opponents, but like-minded, opponents in a certain part of this draft law as well. armaments, what you see now on the website of the verkhovna rada is not the bill that we went with and not the bill that we talked about, it is a completely modified bill by the committee's amendments, let's not forget that in the first reading this bill 57 08, it was taken on the eve of the large-scale invasion on february 23, and i have this deep feeling, you you know that if there were no russian troops standing on the borders, it is unlikely that the deputies of the verkhovna rada would have expressed this opinion. this bill, but we passed it on the first reading, and the next morning war broke out.
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there were 14 days to submit corrections. our colleagues from the ukrainian association of weapon owners worked these 14 days, and literally two or three hours before the deadline for submitting amendments, i submitted amendments to the draft law on weapons, taking into account the realities that existed on the same day, which ukraine should have. self-defense and we filed these amendments in the part of short -barreled rifled firearms, in the part of the possibility of carrying them, in the part of determining the number of bullets that such a weapon can have, in the part of transporting weapons, and most importantly, we prescribed, and there were no objections to this , by the way , is another bill 5709 that sets a broader scope. means and the possibility of using the necessary defense, that is, when to use a weapon, because
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the weapon itself, it can lie either in the pocket or lying at home, it will at that moment absolutely safe for others, namely the use of weapons, and when a person is released from criminal responsibility for the use of such weapons, this is, first of all, the most important thing that is in this law, in these bills, unfortunately, they were suspended, unfortunately, they were suspended, and polls initiated by our comrade, denys monastyrskyi , the former minister of internal affairs, who died in a plane crash, by the way, somewhere around two or three days will be responsible for finally passing the draft law, no one heard, no one did anything, then there was an unprecedented action, to thing, this has never happened in the verkhovna rada , we asked the question to entrust the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to a committee. on issues of law enforcement, consider the draft law for the second reading and bring it up for consideration,
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i don't know whether it will be right or not, but the forces that block the possibility of citizens obtaining self-defense weapons were activated at that moment? first of all, these are the employees of the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs, it certainly has its own opinions, why it does this, but nevertheless, it completely nullifies the opinion society and what the people voted for, that if it is possible to continue this discussion on our airwaves, we invite representatives of the ministry of internal affairs to this conversation as well, but i would like to ask you, and you and your colleagues in general, how do you view this draft law? in the second reading, this should be the law on weapons in ukraine, no, no, not like that, not like that, there cannot be a bill in a warring country where self-defense weapons can be provided to people 5 years after the end of the war, this is impossible, as of today there are many weapons that trophy, which is not registered, which is in the hands, which must be regulated by completely
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different legal acts, its presence in people, its registration, its shooting and its being in the hands must be something... defined by law, we are talking here now with you are talking about registered weapons, those weapons that people will be able to buy in a store, not those that are on the black market, which they are trying to legalize, which also needs to be done and brought out of the shadows, but we are talking about real weapons that go to a store for a certain person, which has the right upon its receipt, the draft law cannot be adopted in this version, if we do not succeed with our colleagues, including with the participation of specialists, specialists of the ukrainian association of weapon owners, sorry, not the parliamentary word for action, to overturn these amendments that were submitted by the committee and to take this draft law in the direction that it is possible, of course, if it is technically possible and it settles these issues, then it should be adopted in the version that will be approved by the people, if not, it should be sent for a second second reading, forming new revisions and fighting for the position that society wants, mr.
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giorgiu, you wanted to add something, i want to say, friends, turn to... well, thank you, mr. igor, for having a principled position. i want to turn to you , to journalists, to our viewers, and to inform you that we have terrible consequences with you for not passing adequate arms legislation, i will just list to you, here i recently spoke with a person who tried to open a cartridge factory in ukraine , you know how it ended, they don't the hells that were created have passed. the permission system of the ministry of internal affairs and were forced to open it in a european country, and there are many such examples, we are totally dependent on the supply of small arms and ammunition by our partners, there is not even a cartridge production in ukraine, the production of small arms is simply at a cave-like level. i am talking now about the needs
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of the armed forces. in this form, the bill will cement this situation forever. it will set us back years, i'm not talking about the fact that we need the bill to ensure that after all, the right of citizens to exercise self-defense with the right to bear arms, because who needs a gun that is kept at home when he is killed on the street, we need to create an extensive system of shooting ranges and shooting ranges to prepare the population for national resistance, we need to develop territorial defense, we need to develop production, this is a budget-forming industry, we need billions of cartridges for the armed forces, we cannot constantly beg for them, and this is the position of the ministry of internal affairs, and this minister klymenko's personal position, which contradicts what was declared by the late denys anatolyovych monastyrskyi, citizens were publicly promised that their opinions would be taken into account by deputies in
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the draft law, this is simply unacceptable, and i want to draw the attention of our viewers to... the composition of the parliament, the composition of the committee on law enforcement activities of the verkhovna rada, just look, please, whether these people who vote for the minister's initiative deserve your trust, look at the composition, i will not name last name, i want to point out that this verkhovna rada was elected in democratic parliamentary elections, this is also such an important point, but gentlemen, so finally, of course this discussion takes a lot of time, but to sum up, what risks do you see here in allow ukrainians to receive? weapons, well, here i will tell you the most popular story, look, here in america, so in some states there is this permission, you see what is happening in schools, but where is the guarantee that my neighbor will not go, will not pay for some kind of certificate not at the doctor's to buy weapons in this way, well , that is, on the other hand, there are really objective comments about the fact that, well, in the event of an attack there, occupation of territories, it is still
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looting, even this is one of the means of self-defense, and ukrainians should be ready. before that, yes, that is, you see the risks here, is ukraine today at all ready for legalization, for ukrainians to have the right to receive weapons? let me say, because this is, let's say, the topic of my almost dissertation, it is actually a dirty manipulation that is spread by the domestic media, and in general it this, you know, haplophobic position, there's not really mass growth in the united states like they're trying to make it out to be, there's definitely cases in a... a big country of 340 million with a lot of guns, there's bound to be some miscreants who take advantage of a place where others aren't allowed to have weapons for self-defense. now i will ask the following question: how can the ukrainians be unprepared, who went to defend the country with their own weapons in the first days of a full-scale invasion, we got our assault rifles later, first we
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went out with our carbines, and tell me whether please, where are the examples of how this can happen, why do you think that today it is necessary to buy a certificate, if you can buy a grenade for 500 hryvnias, and why do you think that for $ 500 you can not buy a makarov pistol on the black market and do everything the same for what? person to carry out the registration procedure, the black market is oversaturated, and i will say the last thing, i am in constant contact with such a company as small arm survey, we cooperate there in the same project, which means that we have at least 5 million units of unregistered weapons on the territory of ukraine, and the police report to us about the seizure of 500, i.e. at this rate it will take us a thousand years to seize everything, and they understand it perfectly, we need to change the system, approach, not... push people to the black market, on the contrary, create an opportunity to return them to the legislative rus . mr. igor, it is real, but we literally have a minute of time left, is it realistic to take all of this into account during the war, so
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to change the legislation? of course, that's real. the only thing i will add to what george said, with registered weapons in the criminal world offenses were committed by less than 1/0%. everything else is not a registered weapon. regarding obtaining a certificate, the draft law provides for a special procedure. through an electronic system with electronic qualified signatures, which will make it impossible to issue such a certificate on the lap. i want to support the idea of ​​a total ban on traumatic weapons, this is fundamental, because it is not known what a person has in their hands, and the level of murders of such people will be much, much higher, because the person will not understand, and the law enforcement officers will not understand what weapons they have instruct definitely the law must be adopted, clearly it must be adopted taking into account the opinion of the society, clearly it must be adopted in... the country and give people the right to self-defense, how to do it? must be decided directly within the walls of the verkhovna rada and under the dome. if it can be done through
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amendments - yes, if not, sending it for a second reading and reworking this bill in the way we just discussed. thank you, gentlemen, for joining our broadcast, ihor fries, people's deputy of ukraine and heorhiy uchaykin, head of the ukrainian association weapon owners, we talked about the draft law, which is currently in the verkhovna rada and is being prepared for... the second reading. next, let's talk about culture: in the ukrainian appendix of audio books from abuk , the book of the writer yevgenia kuznytsova "sword language", as the soviet empire used to say, was released. this is the author's research about one of the most annoying issues of ukrainian society - language. kuznyatsova investigates what the soviet authorities did not only to ukrainian, but to other languages, that some of them were in danger of disappearing, and even have already disappeared, and he is looking for answers to the question why... in ukraine, in some places, they do not know their own language, or why people are ashamed of their native dialects, how did it happen that the russian language became an attacking weapon, and the book has
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a little more than 100 chapters , which can be read in any order, if you decide to listen to it, the sword will read the language to you, the author herself, by the way, another book by evgenia kuznyatsova drabina, this year won, last year it won in the bbc book of the year nomination, and now i want is to tell a little about... this book, it's a story about a family displaced people who, because of the war, find themselves in a foreign country, in the same house with different habits and outlook and try to live on, as the author herself says, carrying the war with them. and writer-researcher yevgenia kuznyatsova joined our broadcast. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, well , i have a question for you as a researcher and writer, and about ukraine and ukrainian regions in general, is she ukrainian-speaking, or are there still, you know, specifically russian-speaking ones. territories and russian-speaking ukrainians, do you write about these things in your book? good morning, yes, in the book the language of the sword, of course, i
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write about it, and it is a very dangerous myth when we say that there are some specifically russian-speaking territories in ukraine, because nothing is added up, as i actually write in the book, that nothing is not made up historically, everything is made up of people, the fact that some regions in... ukraine became predominantly russian-speaking did not happen by itself, but happened because of the planned, due to various reasons, the planned policy of the soviet union and the russian empire at the time, but mainly of the soviet union, after all. if we talk about exactly how the soviet authorities worked hard to destroy the ukrainian language in particular there, so it turns out that language in this sense is really a weapon, this is today. is it important to understand a ukrainian? well , of course, but you know, when people see the title, my books, my language is a sword, they often
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think that i have cursed. i regret to arm myself with ukrainian and ukrainian, to exterminate with russian, or that language is a weapon in our time, but actually i meant more when i wrote this book that the weapon was russian, and ukrainian should become a shield against this aggressor, er, that is, russian , russian was really a weapon of assimilation, and it was, if you put yourself, well, i don't know if your audience will want to do that, but if you put yourself in the shoes of the empire, it's actually a very rational thing to do, to make everyone speak with one voice language, because the language glues the empire together, the language does not allow the empire to fall apart, so it was not so much as if the deliberate extermination of languages, because simply the empire does not like languages, no, it was a rational thing from their evil intention, so ukrainian should become a shield, and us too, by the way this... moment
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we must remember that language unites, if we speak one language, then language can certainly unite. you write about the fact that many linguists who worked for the russification of the population and the simplification of the language were later persecuted and even shot, why did this happen, because in the empire the goals change, and it is a very common mistake to think that language politics is of the soviet union was so... how it started in the 18th or 22nd year and ended there in the 91st and it was so uniform, actually no, there were different periods and different needs of the government itself, that's why the attitude actually changed, that's what these scientists were needed for in a certain period, linguists were needed, who worked,
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for example, on the development of... alphabets or something like that, and then suddenly they became unnecessary, there was a policy of ukrainization, when at first these ukrainizers actually worked for the soviet empire, and then at one point they became unnecessary and they were simply systematically exterminated. evgenia, thank you for joining us, we have already mentioned to our viewers, where and how you can listen to and read your books, evgenia kuznyatsova, writer and researcher, was a guest of svoboda ranok. i would like to remind you that the live broadcast on the radio liberty channel, you can watch during the day, you must subscribe, set the bell, or not to miss anything, radio liberty is also on all social networks available to you, be informed and take care of yourself, see you tomorrow .
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it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parobiy is working in the studio. two people received injuries due to shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted residential quarters in several settlements, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. russian terrorists raided the humanitarian headquarters and the indomitable point in the berislavsky district, as well as the administration building in kherson. three people are injured, five more are under the rubble. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on a three-story building in the village of new york in donetsk region. a 62-year-old woman who was walking down the street at the time received shrapnel and injuries attacks


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