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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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from a completely different battlefield, this night iran hit a province in iraq with ballistic missiles, exactly where the consulate, where the air base, the us military base, and where there were, well, the estate of a millionaire who is said to have collaborated with the israeli masad, such information is floating around, but we are interested in ballistic missiles in this case, because these missiles struck and hit the target, we are told that the russians can take these ballistic missiles from iran, does this mean that these are ballistic missiles, which are better than the russians have, and even the americans could not do them shoot down, and it threatens us with worse results, why couldn’t they shoot down, this is a separate issue, it’s very strange, well, okay, we have to figure it out, these are missiles, these are single-stage and two-stage missiles , zulfikarifax missiles, these are missiles, well, according to the international classification of small and medium range, they are 300-400 each. they were made
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based on those anti-aircraft missile complexes that the soviet union once handed over, these are 125 air defense systems, they are definitely not better than russian ballistic missiles, they are not better than iskanders or, even more so, kinzhals, they are not bad ballistic missile, but to consider it better than those missiles that attack us, well, no, no , it's not worth it, there can't be anything better, because the base on which they were produced is very outdated. here is something, this is a question for the americans , or at least if there was a patriot there, they should have shot him down, maybe there are other complexes, well, in short , don’t get it out loud , the americans were not shot down by the iranians. at least we had to hear it to calm down from that point of view. that the theoretical transmission circuit
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of iranian ballistic missiles, russia does not give them anything strategically in terms of upgrading, and this is very important for our viewers to hear. mr. oleksiy, thank you for the analysis, for the conversation, oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, major of the reserve of the national guard of ukraine, with this statement. we're going to take a short break, then we'll come back and talk a lot about drones, are folk... drones possible, should we start screwing things up in kitchens, or maybe it's better to join those companies that are already doing it professionally, there are discounts on fkalor 20% in in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and uschad, there are discounts on zzilor - 10% in the psylanchyk pharmacies for you and uschad. usual affairs with... unreal heavy
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even with thick branches, the strong saw is easy to use and mobile, once and ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger that will allow you to always have a charged saw at hand. call and order a reliable and convenient tool for only uah 1,499. a powerful strong saw is what you need! call! warning! bombshell ! out of the box tv super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. boots alaska stayle have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes range from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband. side zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and dissipates it. moisture, and the top
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is made of water-impermeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. quality, light and warm alaska stai boots will provide comfort both in changeable wet autumn, and in frosty winter, and in unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call watch this week. in the collaborators program. who in the occupied territories became a deputy from united russia? you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. but what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. see in
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tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m. , the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two hours. format , even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we 're back, thanks for watching espresso, thank you for donating kamikaze drones for our defenders, and actually we are staying with drones, now we will discuss how appropriate the initiative is, when
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everyone can join the collection of drones, it is not about the enterprise, but about some i know, kitchens, rooms and so on, let's add vitaliy bryzgalov, the head of the company, to our conversation. the pendant of a development engineer who actually knows all the nuances and specifics of drone production and how easy it is for any of us to learn to align them, mr. vitaly, you are glad to see you, here is minister of statistics fodorov, who for some reason is responsible for drones, this is such a strange scheme in our country, because drones are considered almost as a separate unit under the military elite, at first he promised a million drones in the 24th year, then after... - lessons for everyone in the kitchen to twist their drone, and we will ask you from this point of view, we believe that ukrainians are talented, and on youtube you can learn anything, even cross stitch, twist a drone, maybe those who who in
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the world at least worked a little with some constructors, in one word lego in life at least collected, but what is the point of these drones from the point of view of their quality? e.e. logistics , transportation, quality control and, most importantly , components that need to be purchased somewhere, but in the meantime, we just have an air raid, well, of course, you basically answered all the questions, yes, that is quality control, incoming control, outgoing control, it's very, very difficult, in addition to the fact that lithium batteries are a very powerful thing that cannot be extinguished, so ... in every kitchen it is not practical to collect them, it is true, but groups of people, enthusiasts, they can really do it, and my advice is for them to get together in groups and make a dozen drones, 20, 30 each, then it
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still has some expediency, of course there is no expediency at all, but i don’t really like to criticize an initiative that is at least somehow aimed at... i can, therefore, if groups of people will gather and do this, then it should work out for them, of course we would like to believe that it will work out, but there are certain nuances here, and that 's it the military, and those who have tried to assemble drones, tell what to actually twist a drone that will not just fly somewhere, i don't know, over lviv and take good shots, but will be able to... use it by the military as they need, it's actually very, very difficult, and you can even cause harm in that way, we understand , that according to this scheme proposed by fedorov, these drones , which we will potentially manufacture, will be sent to the military, they will check them and then they will use them, or not, will not in
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this way simply waste the time of the military, who can professionally this time to do something yourself is much better, of course. and because earlier a person who was engaged in its immediate application will be forced to check, will be forced to practically. spend the same time on checking, which also means reassembling a new one, and in this case, why do you think this all happened in general, is it just white noise or failed communication, or maybe on the contrary it was a good idea, it was just poorly laid out , because people who in one way or another are involved in the defense industry or volunteer, say, well, listen, it is much more important to start good decentralized underground production. the same drones under under the patronage of the same minister fodorov and accordingly establish a normal
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war economy, because even if we each twist our national kitchen drone, it does not change anything on the battlefield, since russia has a war economy, an incredibly large amount of money, resources and the ability to buy all that is needed for the same drones in unlimited quantities in china, giving them, because there, for example, through... in siberia free gas or with dumping, so in this case the kitchen arithmetic of the war does not change the situation in any way war these are the thoughts of yesterday, the idea itself, in general , i saw it on the internet quite a long time ago, it is the idea of ​​volunteers who have been doing this for a long time, they created this youtube course on assembling drones and i am involved. as many people as possible, and probably just a bad communication, probably just not aimed at a different
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audience, but well, ours picked up, well, of course, it is possible that several new teams will come out of this, which collect it, really, but it will not really be an army of drones collected, it impossible, because the logistics of the opportunity to purchase all these spare parts, that is, it is not about that you took uah 15,000 and collected bunches, you still need to buy equipment for six, eight, 10,000, you need to learn how to program it all, change frequencies, configure it, that is, 99% of people will not be able to do this, here is the one percent that really knows how to design, knows how to repair, knows how to do it, they can, but physically... if they unite, one knows how to program, one knows how to solder, and the third
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knows how to twist well, then it will give a result, and otherwise no, but it is dozens of people, it is not even probably, not even hundreds. mr. vitaly, on it's a pity, we have to say goodbye to you, because the brain could have taken off, the alarm throughout the country, we are moving to the shelter and we ask you to also move, vitaly bryzgalov, the head of the column company and a development engineer, was with us while we... we are going to the shelter, i hope you are already in the shelter, we suggest that you view our material about the new stage in the war from the shelter, it has already begun, ukraine has become a testing ground for carriers capable of carrying a nuclear charge, they are already talking about it in ukraine and in general world, we are talking about missiles short-range missiles, known as kn-23 or kim skander, were provided by north korea to russia, and the terrorist country launched this missile across ukraine. in december and january, but there is no comprehensive defense of the sky against russian attacks on ukraine,
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ukraine currently, unfortunately, does not exist. this, the president of ukraine zelenskyi emphasized, refers, in particular, to the fact that there is a lack of systems capable of knocking down ballistics. a detailed analysis of the security levels of the ukrainian sky, let's watch together. about 300 missiles of various types, cruise, ballistic, hypersonic. plus hundreds of drones. after a long pause , the russians resumed massive air attacks on ukraine. as of the end of december, there were already four of them. unlike last year, the occupiers are not hitting energy facilities in the rear, they are looking for other targets: military factories, airfields and air defense systems. but it also flies over civilians. the enemy is actively using ballistics in kharkiv oblast, donetsk oblast, zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast. this is inaccurate. its goal is to terrorize the civilian population, about a hundred people died in just two weeks. according to
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the information of president volodymyr zelenskyi, the defense forces destroyed about 70% of the targets, including 10 air-ballistic dagger missiles intercepted over kyiv on january 2. the capital is covered by the patriot anti-aircraft missile complex, capable of knocking down ballistics. but there are few such systems in ukraine. according to official patriot data, there are only three batteries, one from the united states and two from germany, plus several launchers from the netherlands. presumably, important objects are protected by another system - sumpti - the european analogue of patriot, transferred by italy and france, but such powerful systems are not enough even to protect large cities, which zelensky once again criticized the measure during a tour of countries. and how to live peacefully and sleep, if you understand that you have dozens
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of such systems, and in ukraine, if you were to give today... seven systems, then people in kharkiv, kherson, odesa would not die. you can live with it normally. are there dozens of air defense systems in the west? so. there are 15 patriot battalions on duty in the united states, which is about 60 systems. to the entire territory of the united states, plus foreign military bases, absolutely a bit. germany has 11 batteries, some of them are used in other countries to... cover nato airspace. their transfer to ukraine will significantly weaken the defense of the alliance, even if only from potential threats. and it's about money. the cost of one system is about a billion dollars, and the launch of one missile is 3 million. missiles for air defense systems are also a problem. the publication of the american edition of the new york times that the stocks of missiles for
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patriot systems in ukraine are running out, and the west will not be able to supply them in the future. stirred the information wave. the command of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine said that the situation is not as dramatic as depicted by american journalists, during the meeting of the ukraine-nato council, which was urgently convened this week due to massive russian shelling, the allies confirmed that they will continue to supply ukraine with everything it needs to protect the sky, and to replenish their own reserves, the countries of the alliance will purchase up to a thousand missiles for the patriot air defense system. while moscow. intensifies its strikes on ukrainian cities and civilians residents, nato allies are strengthening ukraine's air defense. we will continue to support brave ukrainians and their resistance to russia's war of aggression. they are also trying to solve problems with missiles for the soviet s-300 and buk systems, which, despite the supply of the west, are still the main ukrainian air defense system. in the first year of the full-scale
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war, the allies handed ukraine almost all the supplies that were in warehouses. which were once part of the warsaw bloc, are now adapting soviet systems for western missiles. the project was named frankin, zenith frankenstein, woven from different technologies. the f-16 planes also have to significantly strengthen the defense of the sky. the west promised to provide more than 60 fighter jets capable of intercepting enemy cruise missiles, but their delivery has been delayed. this week , the danish ministry of defense reported that the first... 16 will arrive in ukraine no earlier than the second quarter, and not at the beginning of the year, as planned. the reason is related to the training schedule of ukrainian pilots and the work on infrastructure preparation. the enemy understands the risks of the appearance of the f-16, therefore, constantly attacks ukrainian military airfields, in particular , shaheds, cruise missiles and aeroballistic
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daggers regularly fly to old constantine, and also buys weapons from its few allies, in particular. which the russians have already beaten in the center of kharkiv. because of this , the un security council met urgently, because north korea is under sanctions and cooperation with it in the military sphere is taboo. while exporting munitions to russia, north korea uses ukraine as a testing ground for its nuclear-capable missiles. weapons, these strikes on ukraine provide north korea with valuable military information, which they use to further export ballistic missiles to other countries. according to the information of the western media, already in the spring , iran can provide the russians with its low-energy ballistics. and also, if you believe the skynews tv channel, the iranians have developed a new
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shahed-107 attack drone specifically for russia, capable of detecting and hitting western jet systems. volley fire, which are in service with the armed forces of ukraine. the battle for the ukrainian sky continues. marina is a repair and tailoring master from the city of dnipro. at the beginning of full-scale invasion, a woman with two children was forced to leave her home. from the very beginning, i was completely lost, because i was not going to go anywhere. i didn't even have a foreign passport, not me, not my children, because we weren't thinking of going anywhere. i worked in ukraine. after arriving in warsaw, marina tried to work in a sewing shop as an employee, but later decided to start her own business. this car came to me from ukraine, my mother sent it to me. by bus, they disassembled it like a parcel, and my overlocker also arrived from ukraine, that was the beginning, then i already here a little bit, my
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polish friends helped me a lot, and they helped me with furniture, and various lockers, whatever you want. marina started running a business a year ago, she already has many clients, mostly poles, everything was easy to arrange, you can do it online, the woman says, the most difficult thing is to find suitable premises, for 10 square... meters, marina pays 2,600 zlotys per month, that's about uah 25,000 go the entrepreneurial way in poland while tax benefits help. at the moment, until i earn 30,000 zlotys in a year, i don't pay taxes. on at the moment, i only pay for zuz and health, so it works out to 620 zlotys per month. there are more entrepreneurs from ukraine like marina here every year. from the beginning of the full-scale. the influx of requests to start business from ukrainians in poland is already more than 41 thousand. in the second half of 2023
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, about 4 thousand business activities were registered every month. in the first half of the year, there were 2000 registrations every month, so we have a jump during the year almost twice, it makes an impression. every tenth company in poland is opened by ukrainians - says the expert. apart from that our fellow citizens are actively engaged in business, they also create jobs. ukrainians here not only earn, but also spend a lot, in particular , rent and buy housing. as a result , revenues to the polish budget are increasing more and more. in 2022, from the taxes and contributions of the social insurance institution to the budget, of course, i mean the citizens of ukraine, 4 billion zlotys went to the budget of poland, this is significant. if we talk about the year 2023, then this is already 5.5 billion zlotys, we have growth here too. there are also changes in the spheres of activity of ukrainians in poland.
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traditionally, our citizens actively work in the fields of construction, logistics, transport, trade, however, due to the fact that there are now many women from ukraine on the polish labor market, there is an active development of entrepreneurial activities in the field of beauty and health, gastronomy, cooking, hotel business . also, ukrainians open companies that deal with the number of it-companies is also growing. there were much more of them than usual, which is not surprising, after all ukraine has huge potential in this field and highly qualified specialists. interesting dynamics are observed in the field of employment. ukrainians who arrived after the start of the full-scale invasion are less and less willing to work below their skill level, as was the case at the beginning of the great war. it can be seen that people remain here who have already made an internal decision to stay for a while and want to work
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according to their education, according to their profession, that is, for me, these are positive changes, because, well, this is a bit of a blurring of myths that ukrainians are not just workforce, and we also show our competences, knowledge, skills. to a slightly different market. polish international companies are increasingly noticing that there are many highly qualified professionals among ukrainians. you can come calmly, show your competences, skills, and nobody pays much attention to your nationality. if you are a good, competent worker, great, there are many roads open to you. to start working in polish companies, it is enough for ukrainians to know the language at the b1, b2 level. says the expert. in in general, numerous studies indicate that the polish labor market needs workers. and employers are interested in ukrainians. maria chernyakhivska, ihor
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order reliable and convenient. tool for only uah 1,499, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call. there is a large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter and we urge you to stay in safe places veteris press news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. in the swiss davos , the press conference of the president of ukraine was canceled in the last seconds and secretary general of nato. volodymyr zelenskyi and jens stoltenberg were to make statements regarding the further aid that ukraine needs. however, the organizers suddenly asked.


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