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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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it is necessary to hit, but not to finish, and all these scenarios , this formula, which i like, some jokers very aptly said that the formula of often western politics, in particular american, sounds something like this: prevent ukraine from winning and prevent russia from losing, and not to be with ukraine as much as it should be, so i think that in certain circles, i am sure that in certain... these scenarios are being considered, scenarios of possible disintegration of russia, scenarios of behavior in case of what to do with nuclear weapons after the collapse, and it is most likely not the military, it is most likely the special services there, which closely monitor the situation, which have their agents in russia, which have been working with russian business there for many years, their opportunities are very... great, because
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the mass of russian businessmen who are rich are now over there outside the borders of russia, and there are a thousand and one ways to influence them, through sanctions, frozen assets and so on, so somewhere it is bubbling, just no one publicly, and probably there is a certain meaning in this, no one wants to discuss it publicly , but clearly understanding what is needed to realize that there will be no democracy there... if russia does not achieve it, no, not until it is destroyed, not until it is brought to justice, it will revive its absolutely aggressive policy again in a few years, and once again all european countries are actually talking about it countries, we used to talk about this too, and now i see a number of western politicians openly talking about this threat of russian imperialism, revanchism, satenilog. attempts
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to return the empire, it's just about that, it's already become such a, well, everyday phenomenon, it's not anymore some kind of sensation, and they will try to intimidate someone there, they talk about it openly and prepare public opinion, which is very important. these days, mr. olezh, a peace formula from ukraine is being discussed in davos. yarmak, as the head of the office of the president of ukraine, held the opening of the worlds on the eve. economic forum meeting with representatives of the 81st country and discussed this formula and he said that there will be no agreement on freezing the conflict with russia. let's listen to what yarmak said. this president and his team will never accept or accept any.
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freezing of the conflict, this is unacceptable to ukrainian society, ukraine does not need frozen conflicts, ukraine needs a just peace, and ukraine wants to prevent any potential aggressions in the future, and uses this opportunity. mr. olezh, what does this position of ukraine mean, that we will never go to freeze the conflict, for russia, for the world, well, for ukraine, it is clear what this is. i would reformat a little that the ukrainian people, ukrainian society will never go for it, and if this president or this team will try, well, they won't be the president and they won't be a team, this is very important, because yermak's phrase gives the impression that oh my god, if it weren't for these five or six advisers, then we would already they were probably on their knees, it's not like that at all, it's not the government. in ukraine, society inspires,
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society inspires, and sometimes it nudges the government to an active position, and it is extremely important for the world to understand, i explain this at every forum, that people are good, even if our president or our parliament, our government, about something somewhere agreed, there was a period of such nervousness, when there were some arachamias for some reasons. they traveled , met something somewhere in moldova, agreed on something, put visas somewhere, i remember, i said then that it did not matter, because ukrainian society would never allow the ukrainian authorities to reach any agreements there, and this authority did not will remain, and it is very important to understand this from the west, because they think a little differently, for some, some countries there are quite authoritarian, they think that if there is an agreement there with the president or...
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team to reach some kind of compromises, then it will be like the minsk agreements, they say, they agreed, and now all this will be implemented, we remember the fate of the minsk agreements, it's just that the problem of ukraine... the government has always been that it still doesn't know how to do it right develop policy and communicate correctly , we still remain a post-soviet mentally country, where, well, dobrognyaks, it is called, where it seems that if you find the right mediators, there are oligarchs, someone else, hold a series of secret meetings, everything solve, then you can find a way out, and at the same time... people’s opinion is not taken into account, but in ukraine this situation is fundamentally different, and it is very important for our authorities to understand and explain to the west that they have a situation with a country that really has never will kneel down. mr. olezh, i will ask you as a former
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banker, although there are no formers, but as a banker, russia's gold reserves reached a new, as they report, in 2023. a maximum of 155, well almost 156 billion dollars, in physical terms, the russians say, the reserve only in december increased by almost 35 tons. does this mean that russia, against the background of all kinds of sanctions, against the background of restrictions, against the background of complete or partial isolation, still continues to earn, accumulate these gold and currency reserves, which it can then... convert into weapons in the production capacity of the military-industrial complex complex? you know, the reserves, i am the ex-director of the national bank, the country's gold and currency reserves, they don't just exist so that
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there are tons of gold lying in the basements somewhere, conditionally , they have to work, in order for them to work, it means that leading banks. for this there are investment banks, they place these reserves in the leading financial institutions of the world, they use them to issue securities so that later you can work with this capital, and in russia it is now, well, it is dead gold, so to speak , because russia cannot spend, you pay attention to the situation of russia, for example, there and india, where there ... some astronomical sums have accumulated, but due to the fact that russia is under sanctions, and it cannot operate in actual hard currencies, it can not to work with dollars, she cannot work with euros, so she is sitting on the seed dog, of course, she finds some ways
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to get around there, but it is not at all as if there is a fully existing democratic country with everything normal. a functioning market would have such reserves, this would be evidence that the economy is growing, in fact, russia has very serious problems, and these problems are increasing, i recently heard that three or four planes a day are already breaking down there, and this the risk of boeing, they fall apart because they cannot be serviced, they take it apart alone they collect from others, and there are a lot of such examples, in fact, isolation , western bankers once explained this situation to me in crimea, that if a country falls under sanctions, and leading investments do not go to this country, then it simply dries up. it was said about crimea that if no self-respecting
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western campaign enters crimea, then it will not prosper there, it will have nothing to develop, and now all of russia is actually under these sanctions and... there are no prospects, sunak's last visit is a lot, the prime minister of great britain , said a lot about that, because there was such a phrase that sanctions on russia will be lifted only when it fully pays reparations for the damage caused to ukraine, which means that there is no possible scenario when there agreed, and the russians are jumping, they say, we will come to an agreement and the sanctions will be lifted from us, thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, it was oleg. on our broadcast, the former vice-prime minister of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel and continue our survey, we you we are asking whether ukraine will be able to win the war without western aid. let's look at the results of the tv poll 8% yes, 92% no. there are discounts on
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pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion for... about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, friends, live espresso, verdict program. we continue our broadcast in
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the second part of our program. see the world economic forum began in davos. they discuss the war in ukraine and the conflict in the middle east. security formula for ukraine. what guarantees did great britain provide and what is being discussed in the negotiations with romania. mobilization by all. ways the government is finalizing the withdrawn draft law, military and political aspects problems we work on live tv, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video, follow our pages, and also take our survey. today we ask you about this. will ukraine be able to win the war without western aid? if you watch us on youtube, everything. quite simple: yes, no, or write your comment under this broadcast, if
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you watch us on tv, take it in your hands, smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine can win the war without western aid, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, please call, we care know your opinion i want to introduce the guests. of our program today, these are political experts, ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, mr. ihor, i congratulate you. good evening! viktor shlinchak, head of the board of the institute of world economy. mr. viktor, i am you congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. serhii taran, political scientist. mr. sergey, i congratulate you and i am glad that you are with us today. i congratulate you. gentlemen, let's start our conversation with a blitz poll, as we
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're asking our viewers, well, the obvious answer seems to be, a poll. can ukraine win the war without western aid, and still, let's share our thoughts, what do you think about it, mr. viktor, let's start with you, the question seems to me to be obvious, i don't want to influence your vote, i think that everyone great understand that without western technology, without the security guarantees that we would like to have, and without the practical help that is promised to us... we are unlikely to win, thank you, mr. igor, well, we are unlikely to win, because well victory is something more than just holding out, but without western aid, ukraine will at least be able to hold the front for a certain period of time, but let's hope that we won't have to test it in practice. thank you, mr. serhiy, of course ukraine will not
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be able to win this war without western help, but for the sake of justice for... i see that the west can hardly guarantee its future security without the victory of ukraine, therefore it is important to convey to the west the opinion not only that ukraine needs western aid, but also that ukraine needs the west to win. well, the future of both europe and the world depends on ukraine, this is no exaggeration, so it is unlikely that anyone will argue with it, and the prime minister of great britain does not argue with it anymore. sonak, which signed an agreement with ukraine regarding the security agreement, and this security agreement provides that ukraine will also help great britain in case something threatens it, and that's also important, well, at least great britain has opened this big negotiation process with
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countries about bilateral security agreements, what gentlemen do you think about... this agreement and the next ones agreements, because both romania and canada are already going to consider the possibility of signing such agreements with ukraine, and whether this will allow ukraine, before joining the north atlantic alliance, to solve some of its security issues, in particular, regarding the supply weapons mr. igor, please. well, i think it's an absolute deal. well , it's a precedent in that it really opens up opportunities for other countries to sign similar agreements, and it's indicative that it will most likely be canada, because it's a british commonwealth country, and i hope that other countries will also follow suit, well will such an agreement or similar agreements help us to hold back, for example, until
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the time we join nato, well , of course, this is quite a significant strengthening. of ukraine, despite the fact that many provisions of this agreements, well, they are of such a general and vague nature, nevertheless there are quite a lot of specifics, and these specifics, well, they touch on those issues that are relevant for us, starting from the training of our military and ending with the supply of the necessary military equipment, which our , which our army will need, even after we win the war against the russian federation, because we will be forced to keep a large army for many years, this must be clearly understood. since the russian federation, on unfortunately, it will not go anywhere from our borders. this is the first moment. the second point is, of course, the agreement is of such a political and symbolic nature, because it is a signal, including to the russian federation and to those countries that are not allies of russia, they actually have allies , or especially none, but which are watching from afar enough according to what is happening around the russian-ukrainian war. and this symbolism consists in the fact that
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large countries remain with ukraine, they will support ukraine as much as they can. necessary, and these plans, well, they are sufficiently detailed and differ from some previous documents, for example, the same well-known budapest memorandum, because, well, if these two documents, for example, are compared, then they really have a significant difference, and this the difference is precisely on the plus side of this agreement that was signed with great britain, well, and the third most important point, all other agreements that, in principle, i think will appear now after this agreement with great britain, they should... expand those directions, which are relevant for ukraine, here well, each country will choose for itself in which sphere it can be most useful, and how exactly it can help ukraine. well, and the final such moment, it seems that on the other hand, despite all the positive points, we should not get too excited, well, in terms of the fact that this is not an agreement on security guarantees, and by the way, the prime minister of britain
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avoided this wording, he used slightly different wordings, there are security obligations, help and so on, so to interpret it as some kind of defensive alliance there, well, it is not worth it, and unfortunately, the british military neither tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow , nor after some other period of time, it is unlikely that they will come to ukraine to help us fight for... the russians, but in everything else, the agreement can be filled with a practical component, and the most important thing is that it starts happening as soon as possible, as, for example, with those drones that were promised to us already in april. well, but it must be said that the british were and remain our faithful friends, well, at least what they do during the deployment of the great war of russia against ukraine is very valuable, because the united the united states of america, great britain and germany are the leaders in terms of post. the training of arms to ukraine in support of the ukrainian state, mr. serhiy, ihor mentioned the budapest memorandum, and under the budapest memorandum
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there is also the signature of the representative of great britain, and in principle, why the budapest memorandum did not work, and whether there will be something similar with a bilateral agreement, well that is, rishi sunak will lose the election and... everyone will say, well, in principle, great britain will not take such risks, and we will not take such steps that will annoy putin, or can this be? well, you know, international agreements , when they work in world politics, when both parties are interested in it, not just when some papers are signed, but simply two parties have a common interest in the implementation of these agreements, look, here is the internal politics, in society. one country, there, for example, you can go to court if someone does not fulfill an agreement, there is an executive service, the police, which guarantees the fulfillment of agreements, in international
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politics there is no executive service, there is no international court, and therefore agreements are international, they can be implemented only when there is a common interest, security agreements can be implemented only when two countries have a common defense system, common headquarters. joint armies, joint infrastructure , attention, joint production, in which both sides are equally interested, i emphasize, equally, when one side promises something, even for the best of reasons, like , for example, great britain to ukraine, then this, you know, is not entirely wrong security guarantees, it is just a memorandum of goodwill that can be and fulfilled, well, maybe not, so in fact i would... i would not like this model of the security agreement between great britain and ukraine to be used for other examples, because there are no such
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beliefs there and guarantees that this will be done, because there is nothing there about joint infrastructure, joint headquarters, joint military production, in which both sides would be interested on equal terms. of course, you can say that they won't take us to great britain yet, because we have a raked industry, we have a war. i agree , maybe, but in that case , there should be specific things in this agreement that guarantee that there is something to ask about, things that are digitized, well, look, there is, for example, the security agreement between the united states and israel, this the agreement provides for specific things, for example, from the 19th to the 28th, the united states has committed itself in the event of peace, attention, dates to israel, it seems to be close to ... for military support, in the event of war, probably other things are provided , but also very specific, although we see that on
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example of the debate in the united states congress, even in the event of war , it is not always easy for the united states to guarantee that it will fulfill its obligations to israel, but at least there are specifics , there is specific money, there are specific dates, there are specific numbers, in the security agreement there is nothing similar between great britain and ukraine, only one. the figure that is guaranteed and foreseen by this agreement is that in the event of a new war , ukraine will have the right within, and here begins the figure of 24 hours, to contact the british government and develop further steps, this all the specifics, so in fact it is a very general agreement, well, of course, it is not the budapest memorandum, because there are about 10 pages, and the budapest memorandum was only one page, but from the point of view of specifics and content, it is not there, maybe... this the agreement will be supplemented by some other documents, or already supplemented by some internal documents that we do not know about, but the status, accordingly, the political status of these documents is different, so
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i think. what this experience of signing an agreement between great britain and ukraine should teach us that when there will be further agreements with canada and the united states, some specifics should be provided there. the only thing i will say positively about this year is that it is clear from this year that both sides clearly understand that it is temporary, that the best security guarantee is ukraine's membership in nato. and, by the way, exactly... this is why nato actually works, and because this organization has a common infrastructure, common headquarters, and common armies. in the agreement between great britain and ukraine, nothing is written about anything in common. but nato is common infrastructure. therefore, by the way, for example, russia is very afraid of approaching, as they say, the infrastructure of nato, even if finland joins the north atlantic alliance, because they understand that everything that is on the territory of finland can be used by other nato countries.
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that's nato. we need such agreements that allow the common use of common infrastructure with those countries with which we sign agreements and for this to be digitized and shown in the date, and if there is already an understanding that ukraine has to become a member of nato, and this is the only reliable guarantee of security, then i would very much like that when signing agreements with other countries, this provision would also be somehow fixed, it would also be desirable with a date when ukraine can join the north atlantic alliance of the real international. the people's guarantor of ukrainian security, but together with common infrastructure, obviously, the countries with which we sign these security agreements must also have a common vision with us, about what to do next, what to do next with russia, well, that is, if there an item about demilitarization will appear russia, you can write this point down, because russia threatens all countries that want to make agreements with us, well, i'm not saying that everyone
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there will sign up to... putinization, but this is what is valuable for us, yes, that is, deputinization , demilitarization. mr. viktor, do all those countries with which we sign agreements and those that declare their support for us, do they all understand that the victory of ukraine is the defeat of putin and the defeat of russia, this is a very interesting question, because actually there is a lot of... wording have been heard over the past year, and they these wordings have varied from, starting from the fact that we will support ukraine as much as it is necessary, who needs it, it is not specified, to the fact that we will support ukraine as much as we can, and here too, in this question and in this
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answer there are... a lot of signs questions, in fact, it seems to me that, unfortunately, the world does not have a general concept of what to do with russia in the future, everyone is waiting for the presidential elections in the russian federation to take place, and after that events will unfold in some strange way, which actually can to control, and this even... was when once such a theory about controlled chaos, that is, at a time when there will be about seven or seven dozen elections in the world, when different ideologies will compete in the world, when different democracies will compete in the world, it is important not to forget at all what actually it began
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and how it... should have ended if the world were just, and in this case, i want to mention this peace formula that ukraine is promoting there, there is a question like this, returning to the question of justice, how is it now seen in the united states america, as it is seen in great britain, as it is seen in poland, as it is seen in the baltic countries. it seems to me that all different countries see it completely differently, that is, the strategy of these countries, it is absolutely not a strategy aimed at only one goal, to kill russia, to say goodbye to putin's regime and...


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