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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. a single electronic register of conscripts will be operational in ukraine. the relevant law was adopted by the verkhovna rada, it was supported by 249 people's representatives. the document will allow. speed up the identification of ukrainians who are not on military registration, regardless of their place of residence. in this way , the need to look for men in restaurants or gyms disappears, the authors of the law say. in addition, all services are for the mobilized go digital. meanwhile , another scheme to help evaders was exposed in lviv oblast. they were transported abroad under the guise of drivers. international
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transportation of passengers, the state border service reported. the organizer was the head of the transport company. he also involved three more accomplices in the scheme. the perpetrators concluded fictitious employment contracts with men who wanted to escape from mobilization for the positions of drivers, after which they entered this information into the shlyah system. such services cost from 4 thousand euros. collaborative teacher. the security service of ukraine prosecuted pro-russian agitators. among them is a teacher of junior classes in one of the schools in the lviv region. the perpetrators publicly justified the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine and glorified the occupying army. they face up to eight years in prison. according to the materials of the service, operatives from the lviv region established that the perpetrators are two residents of the region, who are on prohibited social networks. classmates spread
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anti-ukrainian appeals and glorified the occupying army. the participants also publicly promoted the narratives of the kremlin's aggressive policy and discredited the armed forces of ukraine. one of these perpetrators turned out to be an active employee of an educational institution in stryi region. both perpetrators have already been notified of their suspicions. 500 m from the enemy. five more people were taken out of avdiivka - the national police reports. among the rescued is a local. a resident with shrapnel wounds and a woman with a head injury. an elderly woman also left the city, whose house burned down as a result hitting enemy shells. she found shelter in a neighboring house, but staying there was extremely dangerous. the crew evacuated a married couple from the street where the russians recently dropped a high-explosive aerial bomb. everyone left with their pets. despite the mortal danger , more than a thousand people still remain in avdiivka. the enemy
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is literally 500 meters away from us, but today we made an appointment to evacuate my grandmother, we will evacuate her together with her cat, where you were wounded, here at home, and here you can still see the blood on the threshold, maybe. pokros will bring it, we'll figure it out there. a four-year-old ukrainian girl died in a plane crash in poland. the tragedy happened near the city of bydgoszcz. three people became victims - local media reports. according to preliminary data, the opel driver drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a mercedes vitto bus. there were five people in it. in particular, a four-year-old girl. two more passengers of the bus also died. the child's mother. was injured and is now in
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the hospital, a woman with a child fled to poland from the war a year and a half ago. searches, interrogations, fines and brutal detentions. the crimean tatar resource center presented an analysis of human rights violations in occupied crimea for 2023. in particular , 65 searches were recorded, as well as 173 detentions of people, 119 of which related to crimean and the total amount of fines issued by the occupation authorities of crimea is almost uah 450,000. thus, at the expense of political prisoners, the russians are trying to replenish their budgets. already starting from 2022, and especially in 2023, they did not just detain people, and they simply hid them, they broke them, they twisted them hands, and they in... brought them to, let's say,
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precincts, and then either administrative cases or criminal cases were opened against them already there. to study state. the government of estonia plans to stop funding russian-language education, prime minister kaya kalas said. during the debate in the parliament, some deputies pointed out that there are serious problems in the existing schools with the estonian language of instruction. according to them , the large number of children who speak a foreign language in these educational institutions creates inconvenience for teachers. kalas explained this situation by the transition to a single estonian school, which is currently underway. almost 600 people in ukraine have died from the coronavirus since the beginning of october, according to the ministry of health, and more than 120,000 patients have contracted the virus since the beginning of the epidemic season. at the same time, more than 12 million ukrainians did not receive a booster vaccination, which
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should be given six months after the primary vaccination, because it is a course of three injections that can protect against a severe course of the disease. at the minister's. stvi also reminded that vaccination against covid-19 is free of charge. mobile fire groups are an important component of ukrainian air defense, but their effectiveness varies during the day. to impress enemy targets, it is important to see them, and outdated portable missile systems are not adapted to work at night. to fix this , volunteer technicians from odessa undertook a development that would help. sky, let's look further. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , mobile air defense groups equipped with portable anti-aircraft missile systems have demonstrated effective work in shooting down russian missiles and drones, but it turned out that in the dark , their capabilities are limited, and they become
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practically blind. this is one of the reasons for massive enemy attacks at night. as a needle itself, it was never used at night before, because it was not visible whole. for now with this sight, well, as they say, the chances are much greater, and there is an opportunity to work with the missile system at all. fighters thought about various innovative solutions to attach a thermal imager to the manpads. the task was to develop a unified bracket for the device. the main requirement is that it should be installed quickly and removed, since during the day manpads must be equipped with an optical sight. so you... the need to develop an efficient and reliable mechanism for attaching a thermal imager to a manpad in just a few minutes. the thermal imager has a four-point screw attachment, a screw mount, see, and it has such a lyre-shaped part with an adapter for a pike bar.
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the engineering team that developed the mount has already applied for a copyright in its favor. invention, benefactors immediately appeared who supported the launch of the development into mass production. for small funds , up to 300 hryvnias, we can carry out, we can, well, i dare not say this word, modernize this stuck pozirk, thanks to which it becomes all-weather and can work at any time of the day. another group of volunteers provides air defense forces with modern thermal imagers of the latest generation. these devices allow timely detection of approaching missiles even before the target appears on the screen. if a heat sign has appeared and he already understands that this is his target, only then does he make an injection, and he has there are certain 30-40 seconds in order to make a shot, well, the missile moves very
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quickly. in the kherson direction, with the help of manpads equipped with thermal imagers , shaheds have already been successfully shot down. in the plans to equip each for... all fishermen know that it is impossible to break through blackberries, and each such thorn, it will be a mobile calculation with portable anti-aircraft missile systems. the first 500 brackets with thermal imagers have already been handed over to the military, another 250 are waiting for requests from the military. from odessa, arina. nebohod for espresso tv channel. such were the news at that time. wait for the next news release at 5 p.m. and our team will prepare it for you. well, you can read more on our espresso tv website. follow us on social media and watch on youtube. my
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colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliarnyk continue the broadcast. thank you to irina koval, always ready, thank you to the news editors for always preparing fresh. current news, well, we will pick up the baton and analyze all the most important things in the espresso studio, marta ulyarnyk and antin borkovskii, and virtually ivan karychevskyi, defense express military expert, joins us. welcome, mr. ivan, to espresso. good day, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. ivan, the downing of the a50 over the sea of ​​azov made a lot of noise. at first, the russians tried to call it all friendly fire, then in other versions they began to put forward, well... as always , they have everything in turn in a circle and there is no logic to it
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, but if we talk about a loss, a significant loss for the russians, since such a scream took place not just like that. we understand that after all, this goal was too important for them. we understand that in a global dimension it will not change military operations and the like, but can it somehow affect the enemy's tactics, strategy, can it somehow affect the operational situation in the same south? front, i would like to hear your assessment of how this loss can affect the russians? i think it is necessary to talk about some points that clearly did not sound yesterday, and the first point looks like this: if it did not sound strange, but here are the russians, who declare there the anti-western nature of nato's opposition, but they try to literally copy the doctrine of the use of aviation, as it is done by nato, that is, when even tactical aviation is not ready to launch strikes on ground targets. air unaccompanied by these radar surveillance planes, the russians
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copied it wherever they could, even when they were conducting aggression against ichkeria in the 90s, even there these a50s flew in the old version, well, purely because, well, no way otherwise you will not provide eyes for the russian aviation. the second actually the global moment that emerges here, you know, it even goes beyond our borders, our theater of operations and even our war, now i'll forget what i mean. er, let's say, knowledge about how it would be possible to shoot down such a plane that was flying more than one and a half hundred kilometers from the line of combat, it can now be very valuable both for our american partners and for the chinese, because both of these the parties are preparing for a major war in the pacific ocean, where such aircraft will be very necessary, china surrenders even a few have something similar to the russian a50, because the two sides will first of all try to knock out just such planes, and it was believed that, if until this moment what... radar surveillance planes in all the armies there, they are invulnerable, purely because they fly
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very far from the line of combat, so now it turned out that there are tools, so to speak, to bring them closer to such specific aircraft through the line of combat, but i would like to hope that this is the knowledge that suddenly appeared among our snipers, it is not simply there, accordingly, it distorts to the american partners, but at the same time it will bring us some tangible bonuses, there they write questions about driot missiles or there ee... there is a request for the supply of additional types of combat aircraft, i hope it will be somehow converted, as for the direct results that this can have, well, the russians will clearly need some time to understand, in principle, how they will act in the new conditions, because all the garbage that was there yesterday, even our social networks, unfortunately, happily picked up, and maybe there-22 sat down, although later it turned out that what they tried to pass off as the planted il-22 was actually a photo from april 2022, the year, well, once it went to that, well, then in april 2022, our snipers
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for the first time such an aircraft was shot down, it landed and was written off , or when they started to throw in the fact that it was not an a50 that was shot down, but a specialized aircraft based on the il-76, how they will fix it is an open question, but what, let's say , what yesterday was primarily a moral blow to the russian aviation, this is already in very good in principle, because the russians are used to bombing someone when they think they have an advantage. technological, quantitative, here suddenly literally not everything was shaken under their feet, and they do not know how to stabilize themselves, but in my opinion, this is the most important result, which will directly affect the course of hostilities in our country, regarding the fact that yesterday they shot down this ill, this a50 ill-22. mr. ivan, well, we understand that morally, so to speak, we have been winning for a long time, but here the key story is to change the operational situation in the south, yes, and marta, actually not for nothing, she mentioned that... how can the canceled a50 affect the situation
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for the enemy to coordinate its aviation, not only rather all aviation and in general, but what do you think the il-22, which is an air command post, was doing, that is, they that they couldn't help themselves from the ground, why did they raise the il-22 into the air? well, somehow it turns out that way, but first of all, they didn't even give themselves land councils, as you say. secondly , they, it is in them the format of copying the nato doctrine of use, well, that is, you can ask the question like this, here is the air force somehow, until february 2022, and even now, ukraine is somehow fighting without its own. radar surveillance planes, of course, this is not our advantage, it is a problem that must be solved , but nevertheless, somehow, if there are no resources, it is possible to fight without it, the russians for some reason think that they must necessarily, well, they are great there , they got up from their knees, then it is absolutely necessary to raise the air command post and the radar patrol plane cleanly, in order, for example, to bomb, by the way, not only somewhere in the south, but also
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in the east, in general, in theory, there are a50 planes, each of them can survey a very significant part of the territory. and in order to have almost complete control of our airspace, the russians usually keep three of these a50s in the air, which is why we, for example, can observe that we have aircraft that fly, they fly very low, precisely in order to the russians, who constantly patrol on these a50s, did not see anything, because at low altitudes , the radar, as a rule, cannot catch any air targets well, respectively, well, let's say yes, they, of course, the russians can recall their example there, the experience of their grandfathers who fought in afghanistan, and when, for example, targeting was not carried out by planes, specialized air command posts or radar patrols, but by so-called aircraft gunners, there were cars specific ones, they were called baman , an old soviet armored personnel carrier was taken, a laser pointer was placed there and this laser pointer guided missiles with laser guidance, they can remember such a practice, especially in chechnya they had such a thing, but how about you
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to say, they russians themselves remembered that the profession of an aircraft gunner, it is very dangerous, because... it is accompanied by a very high mortality rate, flies by too often, okay, mr. ivan, let's fantasize, well, we don't have secret information, even if if we own it , then we will not make it public , but let's fantasize about the possible versions, how did the a50 and il-22 trick the fat, so to speak, how did it happen that they could go to the ground or under water, well , we understand that there is a keel'. working versions, yes but what are the most likely aspects you see? i would say yes, it is unlikely that it is 16 and this patriot is unlikely, i would say, in principle, at the place of our air command, i would pretend that nothing happened, let them figure it out themselves, well, let's say it like this, here is a possible option, what is being proposed there, uh, but there it is definitely worth keeping silent, so here
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it would be better to pretend that nothing happened, how was he cheerfully joking, so what ? the plane is heavier than the air under the action of gravity, well, it would be nice, you see, under the action of gravity, the heavy air planes joined the underwater flotilla led by kres moskva. mr. ivan, what do you think, these several weeks of news, which pleased us with the downed dryers, is something that caused this trouble with the a50 and the iloe-22, or are they not the same. the methods and means that we are thinking about, well, i think that in the case of those two planes, the forces of the earth's gravity worked, because, well, in the case of the downed aircraft carriers, the russians generally imagined that they were shot down by an armored train with a patriot, well, if i just by the way, about wording, well, if after every such episode, the russians
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start to get big eyes from fear, they start to be afraid to fly somewhere , to drop something, well, the moral factor is with them. work because terrorists, they always go unpunished and are always aggressive only when they think that they will not be punished for it, here when it comes and suddenly i increase the action of gravity, the plane turns into a cloud of fire and falls somewhere and there as much as then they say the cousin died, then it really starts with them, you know, even before reluctance to fly out, because let's remember, if you look carefully at all the records of our military command, somehow they in the south still have no desire to drop aviation control. bombs , and even in the east, they only drop them somewhere in the avdiyivka area, because it is an important point for them, and they are ready to accept losses there, in other areas , there are no more stupid people flying and coming under fire from our anti-aircraft defense. well, mr. ivan, look, we understand that pilots have always been friends since death and we understand that the concept of a military order, specifically the devotee, it also disciplines and
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compels, but it is, so to speak, a lyric. i would like you and i to arm ourselves with calculators. and tried to reduce , so to speak, this proportion of artillery ammunition, in particular the promised franco-european 1 million shells and the chinese, north korean one million, which seems to be preparing to be transferred from the dprk to the russian aggressor, which will be faster, and in general, if we we are talking about north korean ammunition, what quality are they, well, different information was received that the koreans said there or... no gunpowder are sprinkled, or the gunpowder is not of sufficient quality, and so on and so on, that they are not so accurate. you have a word. well, here, unfortunately, we have little to be happy about, because that million. shells from north korea, he already, unfortunately, arrived at a time when this franco-european alliance, well, somehow collects , collected a mountain of 400 thousand shells for us, that is why a certain ratio arose that
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the russians can now afford to shoot 10 thousands of projectiles of all calibers per day, well, in our country it is, well, several thousand, as for the quality of the projectiles, then here too it must be just right be careful with estimates, on the one hand , there are cases that because of these north korean shells the russians literally tear the barrels, and they tear the barrels in very important areas for us on... for example, on the left bank of the kherson region near krynyk, well, it is literally a miracle, when if the russians they are starting to roll out the cannons that are supposed to shoot at our defenders, here their barrels are just tearing, but if you are already choosing between, you know, in terms of quality between worse and even worse, well, the north korean old men, with all their shortcomings, are much worse than what given by lukashenko to the russians in 2022 , they did not work at all, he sold under the guise of repaired, apparently, ammunition that was supposed to be disposed of at the beginning... of the tenth, in fact , thanks to these belarusian gifts, we have a problem, that somewhere around 30% of the ammunition released from the russian artillery did not work and we
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will need to demine ukraine for several decades, so it is not worth it to say so disparagingly about the fact that somewhere the russians got such a unfortunately, it works for them, and it works even a little better than what they used in 2022 or early 2023. mr. ivan, i would also like to understand what to expect in the coming days, in the coming weeks, whether there is currently any preparation of the enemy for a large-scale mass attack of the next one, because we understand that recently, yes, before the new year and after the new year, they are now have something to do, and they do it successfully, unsuccessfully, the air force can appreciate this more than we do. do you see are there actually prerequisites for the fact that in the coming weeks or days even the ukrainians should be ready for the fact that the russians may launch a combined attack again?
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i think so, especially since the russians in the last couple of weeks clearly showed a tendency that when they had a maximum interval between missile attacks of five days, or count up to 100 hours, from the moment the bombers landed after the previous strike to the takeoff for a new one blow, so here you have to be constantly on the alert and there, well... have some kind of alarm a suitcase for going to , let's say, some kind of grandmother's house or the subway, but just in case, there is also such an empirical criterion that when someone there confesses that we know for sure that tomorrow the russians will be hit with a hundred missiles, well, that's just right such signals do not mean that it will actually happen , the russians first scare, then demonstrate that nothing has happened, and then strike, so consider that you just need to understand for yourself that every 5 days the russians have an opportunity. to carry out massive missile strikes and accordingly you have to somehow make your life plans there. mr. ivan, i wanted an additional question, why don't they use calibers, why don't they launch missiles from the sea now? we see
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the rise of strategic bombers, we see the use of kenzhals through migs, we see s-300, s-400, we see iskanders, but we do not see the calibers and use of carriers at sea, are there any reasons for this? in fact, during the last company the russians struck. the caliber and, by the way, the winged iskanders were used to a rather limited extent, just like that conventionally, well, in the sense of what missiles are called conventional warheads, they usually kept three in such an untouched reserve that there, well, in the event of a war against nato, or new strikes, something else like that, well , unfortunately, we do not see anything fundamentally new here , well, but in any case, we understand that it is possible that they are trying to save just the calibers, well , in order to receive some or the other additional for our benefit. so, maybe they save them for the military of our airfields, well, i want to believe that the situation with the f-16s, so to speak, will fundamentally change. thank you,
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mr. ivan, ivan kyrychevsky was in touch with us, a military expert of the defense express, and we will try to inform you about something important. yes, the cabinet of ministers, by the way, has changed the order of reservation of conscripted employees of defense industry enterprises, actually it means that now there will be no pe'. number, and enterprises will be able to book their employees without restrictions on the number of conscripts, also regardless of military rank, age and military accounting specialty, from now on an enterprise of the defense-industrial complex, comments the minister in the minister of economy, grant the ministry of economy that they will be able to book their conscript workers without restrictions on the number and without taking into account the level of scarcity of their military specialty, and we must also note... that today the verkhovna rada actually voted a draft law that will allow to change the military registration of ukrainians, it is about the electronic registration
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of conscripts. and these changes lasted a long time, because we already know that, for example, 7 years ago, the oberig register was praised, but it was not able to work normally during all this time, and today they finally made a decision about the electronic register, about exactly what i was talking about, about the reservation of employees who work at the defense industry enterprises, that is why we have such important legislative changes today. yes, well, let's go now for a short break and after it we will continue to analyze. this is the most important thing, wait. oh, and got wet. would you like some tea? mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc. and the main thing is quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package? in one capsule, four components together. it's just one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. there are discounts on
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from the unified. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies, and what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. well, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues. we received information from the verkhovna rada that was not included in the order daytime shooting of maryana bezvuglai. the position of deputy chairman of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. earlier, let me remind you, this deputy announced that she was leaving the presidential party and therefore the faction, but people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak informed about it, quoting zheleznyak. stefanchuk refuses to put on the agenda the resolution on the recall of the deputy head of the national security committee, bezuzha, but they would not interfere with the live broadcast from the verkhovna rada.


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