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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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territories became a deputy from united russia. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies, and what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in support of our president. on tuesday, january 16, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. well, the information day of the tv channel continues. information was received from the verkhovna rada that it was not submitted. to the agenda for the removal of maryana bezvuglai from the position of deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. earlier, let me remind you, this one the deputy announced that she was leaving the presidential party and hence the faction. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported this. i quote zheleznyak. stepanchuk refuses to put on the agenda a resolution on the recall of beuzha from the post of deputy head of the national security committee. well, we wouldn't mind live broadcasts from verkhovna.
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council, well, but we hope that sooner or later it will happen, and now we are adding anna kosinova, volunteer operations manager of the fpv direction, victory drones team, to our air. welcome to the air, ms. anna espresso. good day. so, there was such a proposal from the relevant minister, mykhailo fedorov, that ukrainians should learn to assemble fpv drones at home, that there are some free training programs for this. well, actually, i found out. in the expert environment, his statement was somewhat ridiculed , here you know, it is important to understand whether it is really realistic for ukrainians to be able to make fpv drones at home, to whom but you to ask about such things, to a person who is competent in this. so, actually, is it possible to make it so that ukrainians are alone at home? could make fpv drones? ah , to answer your question briefly, yes, we may now have... four,
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the fourth group is already in training, and accordingly more than 200 drones have already been handed over for testing to the military, who will test them and then use them in my work, yes, well, but this is short, so to speak, i would ask you, madam , to detail that story a little now , we understand that there is, so to speak, that not all ukrainians are friends with hands, well, far from all... all ukrainians also have access to corresponding component parts , so we understand that it is not easy to wind it on tape, stick it and give it away, well , it requires some kind of appropriate work skills, maybe working with a soldering iron in a peculiar way and so on and so on and so on, so, how should all this ideally look, so that later those fp buckets do not take off and fly to where they need to be, and in general, what should ukrainians learn to sculpt those
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drones from? let's then answer in order, we created this course specifically for those people who have no previous experience, or there is some minimal experience, use of a soldering iron and, well, in principle, they do not have any engineering education or training. i want to note right away that 1/3 of our participants are military personnel themselves, because i... we know, often military personnel have to independently refine what comes to them, so, accordingly, well, they want to improve their skills, people come to us, they fill out an application, they come to us, we have an introductory lecture, we give them a list of components that are needed, it is verified, because well, fpv, as you can see from video, it's... a structure, it consists of
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many, many components, we give a verified list of components from which you can already, but they will definitely fit each other. then we give her step-by-step instructions on how to assemble it, answer questions if they arise during the assembly process, we devote a very large part to soldering, people communicate, we have created a common space, ugh. and there you can take a photo of the soldering, say, look, maybe i have some mistakes, our engineers and instructors help, evaluate, prompt, they help to assess whether it is ok or not, they accompany you throughout the assembly of this drone, yes, this is the first drone, it takes quite a long time, because, well, at the beginning, they are still assembling.
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they are going, we are ordering, unfortunately, so far from china, our production is currently in the process of adjustment, but it is not happening very quickly, here and there. the participant can assemble this drone, and then at will , that is, either hand it over to us, we will test it and give it to the military for immediate use, or he can hand it over to the military himself, but we emphasize at every lesson, every time, every the drone must first be tested, and this is a separate procedure, the testing itself, look, well, as they say, give good. this is our ukrainian national habit, you know, well, but in any case we understand that there are, so to speak , crooked people who have a desire, you know, there is a saying in the army that there is nothing worse than an enterprising fool, well, there are educated people, for example, students of the same
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polytechnic universities, students of the corresponding polytechnic colleges, and so on, that is, people who by definition are friends with soldering, maybe it would be worth putting emphasis on people who already have basic technical skills, rather than trying to teach those people who would like to, but they may not be able to do this, or they will, i don't know, 10 attempts to nowhere, 10 shots at milk, look, i'm a volunteer on public grounds, i'm not a civil servant, i'm not related to the ministry, the ministry just advertised our project, we're running it on a volunteer basis. their principles, that is, it is not a state program, of course it would be good if the state were on par of universities and colleges did it, did the assembly, we love to share materials , our work, video lectures, presentations, er, we are ready to introduce
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manufacturers who are already doing it, and we do it, actually, who turns to us, but well a volunteer initiative by default cannot do. because if you know how to get into the essence of all this, then we understand that, relatively speaking, knowledge can be given to people on the shoulders of volunteers, but they must purchase the components with their own money, that is, we we're not just talking about people who want to make drones, we're talking about people who want and have the ability to make them, right, so accordingly. we understand that there are people who can do but don't have the ability and there are people who have the ability but can't do, have you thought about any merch of those, you know, two categories of people who have the ability, like financially join in order to purchase these components, and those people who have the relevant knowledge and
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desire to do this, and now, how does this initiative of yours exist at all, what resources do you need are you creating it at all, is it some money from volunteers, your personal money or patrons? well, what does this project live for now? look, now the project, i'll just tell you a little sequentially how it happens. we have stories when people fundraise among acquaintances, neighbors, friends, and the cost, here, by the way, we will discuss 15,000 on average, together with the battery, this is the cost of the drone, plus equipment - it is somewhere up to 500 hryvnias. accordingly , people collect, well, if it works out, well , 20 00 for the first drone, then less, because the equipment the second time it is no longer purchased, and people either have the opportunity on their own, that is, they have the funds, or they collect from their friends, acquaintances or in
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social networks among their subscribers, and then report, here is a drone, here is what i collected, here i learned, we also we take a report photo before... giving the drone to a serviceman, of course, we cover the face and all the identifying marks that we can, but nevertheless, if the manufacturer received a photo that the drone was handed over, and then whoever receives this drone, he writes a detailed feedback that is not yes, where can it be corrected, what difficulties have arisen, but at the moment , about 100 drones have been transferred and there is not one that would be... completely non-working, the specifics of fpv itself also play a role here, it is essentially a designer, one part is removed, is replaced by another, and the drone continues to work. ms. anna, well , we would like to ask you, we would like to ask you about the history of
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training fpv drone operators, we understand that there is a great need for them and rather people should be trained as of now, how does it look, well... how much approximately operators able to teach now, well, it is about our volunteer organizations, if of course this information is not a state secret, well, different things happen, that is why i am so delicate about... what is important to say, the enemy can also eavesdrop on us, i understand perfectly well, look, and now our own initiative cooperates with the training center, that is why we cooperate with a state body, and accordingly we do not do it independently, we train servicemen, based on the results of this training, they are issued with the military accounting specialization drone operator, that is, it is a nu the state program is approved. in the general staff, unfortunately, i cannot announce the numbers,
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because, well, this little bit, in our opinion, is not enough, as always, because now the drone operator is preparing for more than a month, that is, it is a rather difficult preparation, er, she requires concentration, it requires concentration, great discipline, and people come with different experiences, but... we give a lot of information, we give not just a task: here is a drone, here it has flown, but we give an opportunity in general, in a complex , to understand that what kind of drone is it, how to fix it in case of a breakdown, uh, in the work re, work with the software, how to configure, how to test, that is, we try to prepare the most autonomous unit, not just ... the pilot, so that he understands how, how it works, how to work as efficiently as possible, and eh
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, there are also antennas and repeaters, how to use them, plus there are new ones now, well , constantly, it’s a race to stay ahead all the time , all the time new frequencies, new ones, new achievements in us, in the enemy, and this everything is discussed lively, and our community is designed to exchange quickly by experience and provide it to already active military personnel for more effective work, cool, thank you very much for your work and for participating in the broadcast of the tv channel, anna kosinova, a volunteer, operations manager of the fpv drone division, worked with us, our volunteers do a lot of interesting things and useful for our military. yes, well, antin and i will say goodbye to you already today, tomorrow we will meet in this studio traditionally, as usual, from 2 p.m. meanwhile, we pass the baton. to our colleagues, who will not tire of continuing to inform you about everything the most important thing, so be with espresso and
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learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. greetings
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to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, my name is khrystyna porubiy, and today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war in... at the beginning of january, one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war took place during the entire full-scale invasion, 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we we have the opportunity to talk with the daughter of one of the prisoners of war from the lviv region, who returned during this exchange, nataliya danylovych. natalia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, thank you for agreeing to talk with us today, tell us about the first emotions? about the first impressions when you found out that your father was coming home? you know, i didn't believe it at first, but i'm telling you honestly, when you're sitting at work and you get a call from the headquarters, that's how they call directly, good afternoon, you're greeted by the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today, i'm the first i didn't believe it for a second, and i immediately started
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asking when it would be possible to get in touch, how, where it was located, well, of course , they didn't tell me anything at first, they said that... then they will give my father a phone, and that means it will be possible to communicate with him, this is both shock and joy, i did not believe it at first, after all, two years have passed, it should have been almost in march, so somehow there was more shock in the first seconds, already then boundless happiness, joy, that it is true, that it is true , well, in principle, in this way, when i managed to communicate with my father, on the same day, he called somewhere around 3 pm, they gave me the phone, and we basically talked, literally for a few minutes , because they... she was just on her way to the rehabilitation center, and then we managed to talk about what the first ones said, the first conversation, about which my first phrase was that i don't believe that i will hear your voice in two years, and my father says: well, you know, i couldn't leave you, and literally exchanged a few words, that is, how do you feel, where are you, where are you being taken, and already he said that they are being taken to a rehabilitation center, it was
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such a literally five-minute conversation, because there was a bad connection, and so we only managed to chat a little on the first day. you have a daughter who grew up with her father like her reacted, tell me during this time together with him, in captivity, how he was, how she reacted to it, how, how, what did she ask about her grandfather? er, you know, the daughter directly, that he was in captivity, she did not know, because i did not want to injure the child, but she knew that the grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when she asked why he he doesn't call for a long time, i said that he has no opportunity, since he is located in such a territory. has a connection, in the first seconds, it was so funny, she talks to him, says, then hangs up the phone and starts crying with such passionate tears, i say, why are you crying? and she says, it's because i 'm so glad that my grandfather finally called, well, that is, the child was so comforted, you know, she probably felt a little intuitively somewhere, well , after all, she hadn't seen for a long time, hadn't heard for a long time,
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she was comforted, very comforted, yes reacted so emotionally, tell me about your father when he went to war... why did he decide to join the army in the end? my father went to war when anti-war began, well, this is the first operation, so in 2014 he went to serve , it seems to me almost immediately, he went as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back to the country and still have to protect it , he wanted to, i was very against it, i i'll tell you honestly, i didn't want to, because it's dangerous after all. and well, i was against it, but in principle i accepted, respected his choice, and he served, and he served somewhere for a year and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well... he was mobilized, he was for some time at home not long and signed a contract for military service for three years, that is, it was still long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when the war began, in fact
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he still had to serve somewhere around six months, if i am not mistaken, during this time before the full-scale invasion in some main points, where he fought, in which brigade he fought, in which battles he participated, he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade. they were in many places, they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots, i i don't remember exactly in the cities, but i remember that they were watching the fighting there , it was luhansk-donetsk, the main direction where they were, they were here and there in the hot spots, because i didn't name no one visited these places, because it was dangerous, but they were constantly there, because it happened that there was no communication, that is, yes, well, they were in such rather dangerous places, father for this great experience, so battle... actions, he predicted some kind of such a big war that russia would start this a full-scale russian invasion? you know, my father always said that russia will never rest on
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what it has achieved, that is, to predict the opinion, i think it was, maybe he did not voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably including my father, that if they have already begun to conquer the territory, then they will not stop at two parts of ukraine, so it is more likely than not. tell me how father actually during a full-scale invasion not so much, not so long fighting as early as march 2022 he was captured, how did you find out about it, in general, where did it happen, he was in the zaporizhzhia direction, they were captured precisely in the zaporizhzhia direction, as i found out, you know the circumstances in general, how was the battle, what was it for battle, i don't know in detail , i know that when my... was captured, this particular area was already captured from march 2, that is, they were still there for some time and already without, well, after that, i don't know if they were counted out
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somehow or what the way it was happening, then he was captured, it was in pologivskoe area of ​​zaporizhzhia region, in principle, he was mainly in the zaporizhzhia direction for the entire period, it seems that they started somewhere with energy, just like the first battles, when there were, and then they were somehow transferred there. in this area, how did you find out that your father is in captivity? i first came out to the people who were with him, i don't even remember what kind of guys they were, who said that someone somewhere had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed somewhere in the month of july, already in the 22nd year directly, when they called, i applied to different services both to the red cross and to the coordination headquarters, where i did not apply, but i already have... the coordination headquarters, it was they who responded and said that the aggressor side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity, in fact, you were there all spring in such obscurity
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that what was thought at that time, that is, there was some information, with whom you were in contact there was a lot, you know, from the fact that they were killed, ending with captivity, ending with the fact that he disappeared, that is, in part, he was generally considered missing, well, i tried here is birch... i came to myself until there was no contact with him, because it happened that at the beginning of march, somehow, somehow , there was no contact with him for the first week, and then he got in touch, i think , well, maybe there was no communication and that's why he can't go out with me, when i was already told at the end of march, at the beginning of april, that he was officially considered to be in limbo, well , then i started writing various appeals, looking for collect some package of documents, send to various services so that somehow they start searching, get in touch, we even have a whole group in viber where the 128th will give birth. are looking for their own, and we split up in different directions, because at that time many people went missing in those directions, and we split up in different directions and already helped each other search, contacted volunteers and directly
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from there with people from zaporizhzhia, who could then helped during these two years, you say that in july you already officially confirmed to you that my father is in polonia, during these two years, what work was done to get my father out of captivity, with whom did they communicate, with whom, how did they work, with who worked, worked. probably the most, after all, with the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, this is one of the organizations that clearly provided instructions on how and what to do, to be honest, well, in fact, i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the ring for several months, that is, after a month i called all the authorities in full, which i applied to the part, and to the gur and to the coordination headquarters, that is, to ask if there was any work going on, i don't remember. when i was told it was listed on the lists, well, i think it was about a year after he was captured, about plus or minus a year later, they already
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told me that he... is already on the lists, that is, all that remains is to wait, that is, you can't do anything, everything , everything that you could, you have already done everything, during this time i managed to communicate with my father somehow, there were some, there were some conversations, i don't know, maybe correspondence, only correspondence and that's so paper, you know , as once you write on paper and they send you to the coordination headquarters, they directly pack them and when sending, that is, everything happened in russian, you had to write in such general phrases. because otherwise i wouldn’t have missed it, well, as far as my father told me, he received two of my three letters, the third one may have already been moved somewhere at this moment, so he didn’t receive the last one, that is, that’s how they got there, i don’t know how it was fixed there was correspondence, but it arrived like this, and it came from my father and from my father, then it came from him first, and there were already clearly indicated instructions, how can you tell him to answer, and without, i have already written to him and sent it to kyiv by new mail, and they are already there, well, there through the red. khrest
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, i understand that these letters were passed on that my father wrote in letters, that in the end the russians allowed them to publish general phrases, everything is fine, alive, healthy, i miss you, that is, nothing superfluous, only such fra, every time simply in different paraphrases and everything, well , they also answered him in the same way, if even something was written, then it was so general, then everything was fine with us, they talked about the family, well, nothing nothing else, there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is, only. my name, his name and everything. when there was hope for exchange, you say, a year later, after he was captured, he was on the lists for exchange, and when there was really hope that the father could really be exchanged. for the past few months, i have already been on all social networks, everywhere, wherever i could, and even the president himself said that they were preparing a big exchange, but they could not, well,
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resolve all these formalities with... the other side, i i already hoped so in principle, i think, well suddenly, because the person who was in captivity with him, the three of them were caught together, then they were released last year, and i already think so, but in his case, i do not know under what circumstances they did not sit together, and i already i was so hopeful , i think, but suddenly, if a big exchange is really being prepared, because it was announced that there should be about 300 people, then i was already hoping that maybe my father would finally be exchanged, because you were told something from the coordination center that maybe the father... or it was just your guesses, these are my guesses there were personal ones, that is, some hopes and expectations and that my father would be at home, it was all so secret, that's why i was so , you know, in a state of shock for the first few seconds, because i didn't understand whether it was true or not, my relatives at all they didn't believe it, he says, well, until we hear it on the phone, we won't believe that it's true, but it's purely my personal guesses, well, after all, some work was being done, and for a long time, it was often already hoped that it would finally bear some fruit , how does father
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feel now or? already talked about any plans, yes, what is he planning to do next , nothing, you know, he feels good while he said that he wants to rest, and then, well , of course, he needs to undergo another examination, look at his health, but in principle, it's great, i'll tell you i will say that i spoke to him, i told him, i told him personally, i have the impression that you have been back for less than two years, you rested somewhere in a resort and are a little tired, that is , your voice is tired, of course, at first it adapts a little, but in the end... for me, out of all the options, even the best turned out, great basically feels great when can you meet? well, the father says that they should be treated there for about a month plus or minus, if he doesn't go to the part, then he should come home, that is , they should be kept there for about a month, thanks natalya, that you were with us today, i will remind our viewers that today we spoke with the daughter of one of the released prisoners of war, vasyl danylovych,
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natalia danylovych. i hope that our soldiers will soon be in trouble at home, and we are waiting for them at home. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. european countries can send their armies to ukraine to help defeat putin's russia. this was stated by president volodymyr zelenskyi during a speech at the world fields.


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