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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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how they will provoke us to this is still unknown, but what will happen is 100%. i especially liked how they would not be provoked and would not go to the fortified kharkiv, what did they do, excuse me, on february 24, 2022, somehow the russians were so provoked that they went to kharkiv. well , of course, the story and the amazing conversations are amazing, and especially in these conversations, the amazing and funny thing is that all this shouting and shouting is happening around, in fact, well, not some kind of plan, you know, completed, at all, it’s not some kind of secret plan, as they say , the secret plan of the bundessphere, this bildo published essentially a legend for the bundessphere exercises, that is, they... conduct
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exercises, as in principle russia and all others conduct military exercises, these military exercises always there is a legend, the legend of the military exercises in russia is that they were attacked by nato, and they have not been hiding it for, i don't know, tens of years, not that ten, tens of years, but here they have some kip that suddenly nato, after two years of war in ukraine, such a direct, you know, a full-scale invasion and ten... years of war in ukraine, suddenly nato is conducting training where they will learn to resist the very attack of russia, what a wonder that nato thinks that russia can attack, and how could such a thing even occur to them, it's straight , well, i don't know, it's an amazing story, and it's funny that russian propaganda is talking about it, and here they talk for hours on the air about... the secret plan of
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germany, someone else, nato, and literally 15 seconds in in the news, they still say that yes, after all, this is only a legend of learning. accordingly, nato is gathering 300,000 soldiers at the border, including 30,000 germans. then, however, self-publishers explain that this is just a legend for military exercises, which allegedly has no relation to reality. and although this legend seems to have no relation to reality, if we do include russian propaganda on the same day, it somehow turns out that it seems to have a relation to reality, because again they say that in order to it is necessary to attack nivechchyna first to attack poland, and of course to conquer ukraine. wait, poland is not nato, is it? so why would you even talk about what's on her? you have to attack if you are not
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going to attack anywhere, and all of a sudden nato is training like this in vain. today , germany surprised that russia is preparing an attack, but i am not a military person, even with history i understand that in order to attack someone, a common border is needed. here is even the second world war, that is, germany first entered poland, yes, and then in the soviet union, here are the borders, where did they divide poland, but somehow in their narrative , russia will attack one by one, the germans will be more at first. there are arrows, the plan is correct, there are only 24 arrows, but there are no borders, that is, how to enter germany from belarus with russia, they wouldn't say, so let them stand in line, poland first, and ukraine go to poland. well , the biggest incident, of course, happened as usual on the favorite tv channel ntv, which, as sometimes they begin to fall into frankness, some experts, that's how things turn out here, they also...
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to talk about the fact that, well, where do such plans suddenly appear, where do such suspicions come from, as if they were not the ones who for two years were talking about how they were going to bomb berlin, then warsaw then london, then someone else, and when this conversation started, one of the experts, take it and say, yes, it's very strange, and why? in general, such a question arises , did you not think that all the normal leaders of europe, after you attacked ukraine, would somehow suspect that you can continue to attack, when at some point the country declares through its leader, that ukraine will soon attack russia, and what needs to be done in this regard, to take certain measures, actions, so put yourself for
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a moment, i wonder why no one can put you in your place, western leaders and politicians, put yourself for a second: in their place, suppose they ask me, you are ready to guarantee, i don’t know, your reputation, your honor, that russia will not attack, no, i am not ready, you admit directly, well, andrii volodymyrovych, everything is in as we know, our military confrontation with nato does not allow us such as here, and here straight straight, to take your time, mods, i basically. in the presence of existing management, i allow everything. i read the reports and statements of, well, let's say, politicians and experts of the second plan, and i see that there is a gradual preparation of public opinion
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for this possibility. well, and not only that, it also turns out that, well,... a closer neighbor, like finland, already lives in such, you know, impressed by all this, as in the 40th year, well, that is, they consider the attack not that which is probable, but simply inevitable. in facebook the same ambassador's wife wrote: it's very strange, we don't have any ambassador in the baltics, in russia, no, it's about the finnish language after, finnish, the wife of a finn wrote to me because... but the fact that such an attack is considered possible and that the mood there is about the same as in the 745th last year, it's called paranoia, don't read
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ukrainian telegrams until lunch, you know, for that you don't need to read ukrainian telegrams enough. to remember what the aforementioned second-echelon russian politicians said in the previous fragment, as well as experts, they were just talking about how they would attack norway, the baltic countries, and let me remind you, they literally talked about it during 2022, 2023. now with regard to norway, the russian federation once concluded... a very unfavorable for us agreement on the definition of maritime zones with this party, transferred the boundaries, in particular, to the jurisdiction of norway a number of areas of the shelf and sea spaces to the detriment
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of its national interests, this was signed by the respective the contract that prevents us from entering the state duma now, deputies can bring an initiative to denounce the said treaty, tear it up... return to the former maritime borders and demarcation of the shelf with norway, and if norway tries to object to something there, we have a northern fleet that can protect the economic interests of the russian federation in the said region . we can beat norway publicly. what are we all saying about ukraine? we all understand very well that sooner or later it will be the turn of the baltic states. three crazy countries with an ex-nazi regime you will have to understand, to put it mildly, the baltics, can you imagine? but no one is talking about it today, and there is only one interesting question, why only when this map of bild and the story about this training appeared, why did russian
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propaganda suddenly start telling so fiercely that no, it turns out that they are not they want to fight with nato, well, they fought for two years and told how they are fighting and how everything is going well for them. how beautifully they are even defeating nato, i will not be afraid of this word, here they suddenly started shouting that no, we do not want a war with nato. and this is a very strange story, in fact, and a strange, i would say, a turn in russian, a strange turn in russian propaganda, which i think will develop, but why, how and why, well, let's see and we'll actually talk about it also, because it seems like this, you know, new and kind of... even a little bit of a constant trend, the story of the peace-loving russia that doesn't want to attack anybody, i think it's just related to the fact that russia is still looking for opportunities for some kind of cease- fire agreement, is looking for opportunities for agreements on
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the freezing of the ukrainian war, in order to have the opportunity, well, somehow to rearm and attack again, and in order for this agreement to become possible, the russians are now trying to tell that the rest of europe is not, in fact, there are no threats, well who... in europe it might be reassuring, but i will tell you that it is far from such a large number of people as there were back in 14, 15, 16 years, that is, the situation has changed very, very much, and here is the owner of the bild card, with their training legend, shows that this is exactly the case, so we will follow it, we will teach then our artificial intelligence, so far you see , it still doesn’t succeed in everything, you know, russians have always had a hard time with their jaws and... you can see it somehow, even in artificial intelligence it is russian-speaking, well, but we will
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teach, i think that next time there will be better, so see you, 15 days of arrest for setting up a tent or for participating in a rally wearing a helmet, liability for extreme activity and defamation, access to sites based on expert opinion: prison blocking access to housing, admit-building and for group violation public order, do not drive in convoys of five cars or more, sim cards can only be bought with passports, all this is an incomplete list of dictatorial laws on january 16. we will make decisions on these bills without debate. i am asking the head of the counting commission. to prepare for the counting of the votes of people's deputies when voting by
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a show of hands. 235 for. voted for these restrictions on the constitutional rights of citizens in violation of the regulations of the verkhovna rada, the then president viktor yanukovych signed them the very next day, despite numerous protests and appeals of the world and ukrainian public not to publish the texts of the laws, they were immediately made public. as you know, viktor yanukovych came to power with democratic slogans. one of his main promises was the signing of the association agreement with the european union, but on november 21, 2013, the government under his control turned ukraine's course in the opposite direction. the first priority for the government was the restoration of normal relations with the russian federation. the association agreement between ukraine
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and the european union was never concluded signed at the eastern partnership summit in vilnius. today we see that ukraine has unilaterally suspended movement in the eu, and the eu wants to help the ukrainian people. the door remains open to deeper integration. at the same time , public activists and leaders of opposition parties passed on the maidan. joint resolution demanding the resignation of yanukovych for betraying the ukrainian people, the struggle of ukrainians for will, dignity and freedom began. we are citizens of ukraine who want to live in a normal country, with worthy values, who stand up for their point of view and know how to defend their choice, that's why we are here now. almost two months of peaceful protest ended with the adoption of dictatorial laws on january 16, with which the authorities removed the opposition. after the violent suppression
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of protesters by security forces on february 18 and the shooting on the 20th, viktor yanukovych and his closest entourage fled the country. first, he came to kharkiv, where, with the support of russia, he tried to arrange a congress for the separation of the eastern regions from ukraine. however, this plan was defeated, and yanukovych and most of his members government fled to the russian federation. the revolution of dignity ended with the victory of civil society, however, at the same time with the annexation of crimea. russia started a war against ukraine. some critics point out that if it were not for the events on the maidan, there would not have been a war, but this is not the case. there is a lot of evidence that russia has been planning an attack on ukraine for a long time. in particular. in april 2008, it was published by a russian magazine.
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at the time, not enough attention was paid to the description of the special operation called mechanical orange in ukraine, and for good reason, because the scenario of mechanical orange was almost one-to-one 2022 invasion. perhaps this plan was not implemented earlier, because in 2010 the kremlin managed to promote the pro-russian viktor yanukovych to the presidency of ukraine, and this opened the way. to the peaceful absorption of our state, like, say, belarus, at least in moscow, it was clearly expected. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and with respect, to the liver and bile. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv actively overcomes
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the collaborators program. who in the occupied territories became a deputy from united russia? you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. but what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures on support of our president. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. dear residents of kherson oblast. russia, i congratulate you on the coming new year, i wish you happiness, health, success in everything and to all of us, of course, the long-awaited great victory. was an assistant to several people's deputies of ukraine, and now she herself has become a deputy, although from the russian bottom of the party, about the path of this traitor. this is olga osypenko
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mykolaivna, she is 40, she comes from kazakhstan. she spent almost her entire life in ukraine and tried to build a political career here and be closer to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada. at first, she came to light as an assistant to the traitor ilya kyva, a former and already liquidated people's deputy. she was glad later. and later the assistant of another people's deputy, serhiy koziry, who was the head of the kherson regional state administration from march 1 to october 26, 2021. in her position, osypenko dealt with transport issues, and at one time she supported the ex-chairman of khersonska regional councilor vladyslav munger, who is currently behind bars. he was found guilty of ordering and organizing the murder of kherson activist kateryna hantsyuk. then osypenko disappeared for a while and recalled herself already after the start of the full-scale invasion on the 22nd, when she received from the rashists the position of deputy head of the occupation department of the federal
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service of state registration, cadastre and cartography in the kherson region, which the occupiers created on january 9, 2023 year, for which actions and deeds, i think it is clear, but be some deputy in the cadastre service was shallow for olga, no one even takes an interview. so she decided to go higher, or rather, to fall lower, to get the mandate of a pseudo-deputy, not to run around in assistants all her life. in july 2023, this traitor ran for the kherson regional duma in the pseudo-elections from the united russia party. she was number seven on the list, which gave her a high probability of getting into this fake body. to establish that electoral associations admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates belong to such number. mandates all-russian party united russia - 28 deputy mandates. in september 2023, osypenko was elected a deputy of the kherson regional duma. we
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are located in the novotroitska municipal district. the process of collecting signatures in support of our president is taking place here. only vladimir vladimirovich putin is able to preserve in our country all the values ​​that our ancestors bequeathed to us. and what values ​​are we talking about? live in poverty, in the mud, steal washing machines and toilets? be that as it may , olga has no choice but to to sing the praises of a neophyro, because you want to be a deputy, work harder and be more active. on the birthday of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, united russia holds a relay. what does olga do as a pseudo-deputy? well, first of all, she takes a lot of pictures for her telegram channel, which she created. she just became a candidate from the united russia party. secondly, he tries to confidently sit in a chair, as the head of the pseudo-committee on finance and budget of the kherson region. and thirdly, i assure
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everyone that russia will be able to provide cloudless future. today i am taking part in the wish tree campaign. we, in turn, want to tell the traitors about several ukrainian new year's actions by the armed forces and the drg, the death relay. from the sbu and law enforcement agencies , suspicions and comfort cameras. i think that very soon the traitor will have to be defeated in one of these actions. our next collaborator also recently received a pseudo-mandate from the united russia party, olena leonidivna dmytruk , born in 1972, originally from kherson. she is well known in the city, because until february 24, she tried to be both a politician and a businessman. in in 2015, she ran for kherson city council. council of the seventh convocation from the political party opposition bloc. in addition, olena dmytruk is the owner of kherson lift co., ltd. and owns shares of prad of the same name,
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kherson-lift. according to zmi, in 2015 , the company became involved in a corruption scandal. she was suspected of fictitious elevator repair work, for which she received over uah 1 million from the kherson city council's housing and housing department. but when russia occupied part of the kherson region, olena wanted to serve in... another government, the russian one. first of all dmytruk re-registered her business under russian law and started paying taxes in rubles. for this, the occupiers made her deputy director of the bereslav bakery. the state takes care of them, residents like them take care of them, in this case, the team of khlibzavod. along with the free bread , dmytruk delivered a selected portion of propaganda to the locals, giving people a loaf of bread... she told them about the need to get a russian passport and gradually prepared them to vote in the pseudo-elections that took place last fall.
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she also received a seed for a fruitful campaign. in the list of the bottom of the united russia party. her candidacy appeared in the list of those willing to take part in the elections. accordingly, the state councilor took part in the preliminary voting and became the leader of the primaries, gaining more than 4,000 votes. today, september 9, i am in nova kakhovka in the 18th electoral district, where the elections are taking place. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. in her pre-election speeches , dmytruk claimed that she was very pleased from the fact that the kherson region is under the flag of the russian federation and that the first kherson regional duma will be formed here. together with the mandate, the traitor received a position in the committee of the so-called kherson duma on issues of agrarian policy, land relations and ecology. now she russifies the occupied territories and pretends that she is a politician. let this year be for you a year
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of... the beginnings of positive changes and bright events, and we want to wish you, olena, that you spend this year not in freedom, but bright events and incredible emotions received in the camera together with other traitors of ukraine. and about those who have already received suspicion from the sbu. meet oleksandr nenich, 33, occupation director of the zaporizhzhia iron ore combine. he is the one who is currently stealing minerals and taking them to... russia, the total volume of ore mined and exported recently is almost 1.5 million tons, which has an approximate value of 140 million dollars. according to reports from the sbu, oleksandr nenich, a businessman from donetsk region, cooperated with dpr militants back in 2014. after the russian invasion, he received from occupiers the right to manage the property and production facilities of the zaporizhzhia iron ore plant, which is located in the village of mala bilozerka, which is occupied by the raschits.
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vasylivsky district. after the arrival of nenich , the work of the combine was aimed at supporting russian interests. he actively encouraged the company's employees to support the occupiers and cooperate with them. in case of refusal, he threatened employees with dismissal and persecution by russian military personnel. after creating a team of like-minded people, which included former and current employees combine, oleksandr nenych resumed the full cycle of iron ore mining. the obtained products were supplied on the occupied territories of donetsk and luhansk regions. sbu employees informed oleksandr nenych of suspicion under several articles, creation and management of a criminal organization, aiding the aggressor state, carrying out economic activities in cooperation with the occupation administration of the aggressor state. therefore, nenech will have to pay in full for cooperation with our bloody enemy. it was the collaborators and i program, olena kononenko. if you have information about
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the kremlin sellers, write. to us at this email address or simply on facebook, we will together send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. we'll see in a week on espresso.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. european countries can send to ukraine.


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