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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, bringing to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. european countries can send to ukraine. its
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armies to help defeat putin's russia, president volodymyr zelenskyy said during a speech on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. zelensky once again accused the collective measure of feeble attempts to deter russian aggression, imperfect sanctions, and also called for the confiscation of russian assets for the benefit of ukraine and emphasized the inevitability of putin's personal punishment. mr. professor, neither his children nor his grandchildren will rest in peace either in this world or in the next. yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore there will be criminal, judicial processes and there will definitely be responsibility. there must be responsibility, because after this terror there will be other repetitions, autocracy, aggression, so it is possible, if there are none . consequences, so no one, nothing,
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will forgive any of the murderers. important meetings in davos, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi during his visit to the world held a meeting with the us secretary of state anthony blinken and the us president's national security adviser jake sullivan at the economic forum. according to zelenskyi, together they discussed further cooperation in the defense sphere, with special emphasis on... anti-aircraft defense and long-range weapons. in the morning , zelensky also held talks with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg and european commission president ursula fonderlein. and all this tells us that ukraine can win this war, but we must continue to increase their resistance. ukrainians need predictable funding through 2024 and beyond, they need a steady
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supply of weapons to defend ukraine and regain its legitimate territory, and they need capabilities to deter future russian attacks. the black sea demining initiative mcm black sea was discussed over the phone by the minister of defense of ukraine rustem omirov and his romanian colleague angel tylvar. ukrainian leader. head of the department expressed his gratitude to romania for their steadfast support of ours country, in particular for the decision to participate in the training program for ukrainian f-16 pilots. the minister assured that he expects strengthening of defense cooperation between ukraine and romania. speaker of the diet of latvia daiga miriina arrived in ukraine on a working visit. it was reported in the verkhovna rada. at the station, the politician was met by the deputy head. of the ukrainian
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parliament olena kondratyuk. this is mia rini's first official visit to ukraine. she has already spoken in the verkhovna rada. she ended the speech with the words "glory to ukraine". for which the deputies gave her a standing ovation. he promised to end the war in ukraine very quickly. the 45th president of the usa, donald trump, after winning the republican primaries in the state of iowa, said that he would easily resolve the situation with the war in ukraine. according to him, he is able to negotiate with the head of the kremlin, putin, because he has a good relationship with him. i know president putin very well. i can
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bring him in, we'll solve this very quickly, this war should never have happened, putin and i get along great, we get along very well, that's a good thing, not a bad thing. "if fake news became real and honest news, 90% of our problems in this country would be solved. the situation with ukraine is so terrible and we are going to solve it, we are going to solve it very quickly. a single electronic register of conscripts will be operational in ukraine, the relevant law was adopted by the verkhovna rada, and it was supported by 249 people's elected officials. the document will speed up identification. ukrainians who are not on military registration, regardless of their place of residence. in this way , the need to look for men in restaurants disappears or gyms, the authors of the law say. in addition, all services for the mobilized are going digital. and the council did not
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support the draft law on fines for curfew violations. only 214 parliamentarians voted for it. document from rules for repeated second reading. let me remind you that the bill stipulates fines for curfew violators ranging from eight and a half to 17 thousand hryvnias. for a repeated violation, the amount will be doubled, but the punishment for the business can reach more than uah 100,000. almost 800 million hryvnias per urgent needs of the military will be allocated by the cabinet of ministers. this was announced by prime minister denys shmygai. during a government meeting. this is about additional financing of combat brigades, units, and power structures from the reserve fund. the money will go, in particular, to the purchase of ammunition, thermal imagers and drones.
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we are allocating uah 792 million from the reserve fund of the state budget to strengthen the defense capability. we are talking about additional funding for each brigade in proportion to the amount paid. in december pit. we are strengthening our army to effectively counter the enemy, for liberation and protection of our lands, for the fastest possible victory. polish carriers have unblocked the checkpoints of krakowiec and rava ruska, the state border service reported. earlier it became known that the drivers' decision to suspend the strike at the border with ukraine. accordingly, they signed an agreement with the ministry of infrastructure of poland. according to minister dariush klimchyk, the action against... was suspended until march 1, the full traffic of trucks at all checkpoints will be restored no later than tomorrow, starting at 1 p.m. kyiv time. however, the carriers emphasized that such concessions on their part are not capitulation,
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but only a strategic pause. if it is not possible to find a solution to their problems, they will return to the border. and positive signals in romanian. border, the government agreed to meet several demands of farmers to unblock the border with ukraine, in particular, they undertook to fully subsidize all agricultural excise taxes for two years, as well as to implement provisions on subsidized interest loans. regarding other demands, negotiations will continue for looking for a compromise, said minister of agriculture florin barbu. however, according to one of the farmers' representatives, this agreement...doesn't mean an end to the protests yet. to study state. the government of estonia plans to stop funding russian-language education, prime minister kaya kalas said. during the debate in the parliament, some deputies pointed out
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that there are serious problems in the existing schools with the estonian language of instruction. according to them , a large number of children who speak a foreign language in these educational institutions create inconvenient for teachers kalas explained this situation by the transition to a single estonian school, which is currently underway. the best stamp of 2023. ukrposhta opened voting among ukrainians who rate the stamps issued by the operator last year. choose from 18 issues, 10 individual stamps and eight postal blocks. to cast your vote, you need to leave a comment under the post of the head of ukrposhta on facebook and instagram. voting will take place from january 16 to january 21, and the results will be announced on january 24. the authors of the sketches will be awarded prizes. and that ours
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army was getting even stronger, we urge our viewers to join the gathering. the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion, which is fighting in the kupyan direction, needs a car. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat missions and evacuate the wounded. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain. it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected more than 220,000, so please join us and donate any amount, remember, every hryvnia of yours brings our victory closer. such was the news at the time, more as always you you can read on our website, also on our social networks and of course you can watch us on youtube. i am iryna koval, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, and in just a few minutes meet my colleague vasyl zymy.
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we will observe, and we will discuss in detail what has already happened, statement of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, statements of other leaders and heads of important organizations, what can be agreed on and what can be agreed on, we will talk about it, and we will start with the announcement of the gathering. espresso tv channel is called to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the legendary heroic 93rd. of a separate mechanized brigade kholodnyi yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since the 14th year in the hottest areas. this is the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for the sumy region and the kharkiv region. soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, the defenders need kamikaze drones. in in sufficient numbers, they can in a matter of minutes stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, equipment, manpower not only stop, but also destroy. where there is no drone wing. the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost, so let's sharpen and strengthen the wings of our army and
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trim the wings of the soldiers of the occupying country and the aggressor country. well, we will start by talking about the situation in zaporizhzhia. our regions today are represented by important guests and important events, and it is worth understanding what is happening. serhii lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. good evening. well, the good news is that in the zaporizhzhia direction, the armed forces of ukraine manage to destroy the enemy's important firepower, this is a big plus, i deliberately do not ask you about the details, because i understand that this is a matter of... er, operational-strategic management of troops a certain direction, the direction of tabria, as far as i understand, but what i read today gives me hope that, well, in the long run, it will be possible, of course, to drive the enemy further. and here , what interesting and important information was evaluated the amount of damage caused by the occupiers and the occupation of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, we are talking
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about 200 billion. in your opinion, again, how adequate is this amount and what are the main ones in your opinion. damages and threats are today that remain associated with the occupied largest nuclear power plant in europe. mr. serhiy disappeared from us. well, now we will add him to the conversation. here, in addition to the fact that the calculated amount of damage is a considerable 200 billion, again, we are talking about ecology here, and about the damage caused to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant itself, there ecosystem, technological process. e moral damage that was caused and physical , moral damage caused to the employees of this station, we know that actually many people have been at the station for the past two years, there may be some kind of rotation, they are subjected to torture and were subjected to torture psychologically, morally, physically violence, let us recall how they were forced to go over to the side of russia, to work under the auspices of rosatom, not energoatom, and it is not easy
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, and with that, with that pressure, with the fact that certain people with grenades are still walking around we had to work on these... premises, please, mr. serhiy, let's go back, let me formulate a question one more time, did you hear? no, i managed to hear the question, just as i was about to answer, the connection broke, but look, according to the information available to me, these losses take into account not only direct losses that are connected with direct damage to the nuclear power plant, the mechanism there, the security system etc., as well as funds that were not received by the nuclear power plant. from activities, from non-supply of electricity, from those payments that were made workers who left there and were forced to lay off there, certain payments were made to them and so on and so forth, that is, the total loss of the energy sector from the occupation of the nuclear power plant that exists today, and taking
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this into account, i think that first and foremost this size will increase because... the nuclear power plant does not operate at full capacity, does not send electricity to the territory of ukraine, as it should do, well, and accordingly does not comply with the funds for this, well , actually, it is somehow off the agenda now , no that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant disappears from the agenda, from the news feeds, because there is no aggravation, but we understand very well that the situation there is not getting better, and now again representatives of the magate mission, magate organizations are not allowed to zaporizhzhia. or at least to certain of it, to certain of its premises, which once again confirms that the situation there is interesting, the situation there is controlled, at least by the specialists of the aggressor country, here is what is important, the situation is controlled, the situation is at the level ensuring sufficient security so that one could not constantly
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worry about this, as was the case a year ago, the enemy in principle stopped manipulating the station... as a source of increased danger, and what is this a consequence, in my opinion, of a whole set of actions of the international impact and risks that it carries for the territory, including the publicity that was received as a result of greater, less in terms of consequences, but greater than in fact the greatest tragedy actually happened, this is the undermining of the okhovskaya hydroelectric power station, aaa platinum, therefore under such conditions, the enemy understands... that the consequences of an accident at a nuclear power plant will be serious and will have an impact , including on the energy sector of their country, and accordingly they more or less try not to manipulate and maintain the vital activities of the nuclear plant, i will ask about the security situation as of the end, well, in fact, the evening is like a day, let’s take zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhzhia region, for a certain period of time the enemy was quite
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actively targeting both shaheds and ballistics, and maybe there with these guided air... bombs, how did this day pass, well, if there were serious arrivals before this , is there still a process to overcome these consequences, please, for now, at the moment the situation is calm in the city of zaporozhye and the surrounding area, well, there were alarms, but there were no consequences, but along the line of demarcation, the last two yesterday, the enemy became more active, today there was information about yet another air raids, cabs were flying over orikhov and the adjacent... territories of rabotino, again under constant artillery fire, but this situation, unfortunately, is commonplace, so what is it possible now, but yesterday we spoke with the kharkiv region, there we were talking about the fact that restoration work is taking place, where it is possible to repair houses, somehow restore, then it is done, well, where it is not possible, there it is not
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possible, in zaporizhzhia , well, at least now i am talking about the city of zaporizhzhia, are these works again available, are there necessary funds for this, to make, at least for people, decent conditions for living where there were strikes by enemy enemy means, works are being carried out, reconstruction. these are the houses that were destroyed last year, and certain technical works are being carried out on the houses, the year before last, sorry, on the houses that were, there were damages last year, that is , defects are promptly eliminated where it can be done, where windows are broken, etc., and globally , repairs are again being made , in my opinion, it is not quite, well, properly effective, because the recovery of 24x. for more than uah 100 million, well , this is not a profitable use of funds, but such a decision was made by the authorities and the authorities accordingly restore the losses in this way, this in the city of zaporizhzhia itself
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, as for the demarcation line, active work is not carried out there due to the fact that in principle it is inappropriate, because today to restore something, tomorrow the artillery or aviation will destroy it again, that is why the cities are a little like obihiv, gulyaipole, stepnogilsk are being destroyed. well, unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, kherson oblast, kharkiv oblast, donbass, especially luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, there are cities that simply do not exist, and those that have been significantly destroyed by the enemy and continue to be destroyed, i wanted would a little to ask about life in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region, well, in particular, the enemy is engaged in terror, collecting signatures for these fake elections, which are planned for the next election in march, putin's next appointment, let's call it, it's hard to call it an election. and the fact that hospitals in the occupation do not accept people without passports, you don’t even have children, you simply can’t count on any kind of medical service if you don’t have
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this occupying ausweiss, is it really true, and how can people survive then? ah ah indeed, medical services are not provided in the absence of a passport, including to children in the absence of a passport of one of the parents, and contracts for the supply of communal... services are not concluded, again in the absence of a passport, the only thing due to which people somehow manage, as they say, to get away, it is due to calling an ambulance, because when an ambulance arrives, they first provide services, only then check documents, well, accordingly, people are supported a little, but there is quite interesting information on this matter, which is allowed to vote on the territory of the russian federation, oh, on the territory of the occupied... regions in the elections using passports of ukraine, which were issued before february 22, that is, in this way, the enemy
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is trying to identify all those who have not yet received a passport, but for some reason will come to polling stations, accordingly, it will show that they have ukrainian passports left, maybe at this moment passports will be torn in order to force people to exchange them, well, literally a second, and mobilization, well, this is forced mobi. to the russian army, as far as i understand, continues in the occupied territories, and forced mobilization, first of all, continues, forced registration of military conscripts, some of them are forced or persuaded to enroll in the russian army , so that they are grabbed on the streets and sent away, well, i don't know about such cases. thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhii lyshenko, a deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, was in touch with us, we talked about the situation in... zaporizhzhia, and now we will talk about the heroic sumy oblast, which the enemy is not just shelling almost every day, in that or to some other extent, which is constantly being tried on the territory which enemy
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sabotage and intelligence groups are constantly trying to penetrate, plus, these enemy sabotage and intelligence groups have had such cases, they cause damage and significant, and unfortunately, there are fatal consequences of attacking civilian objects, civilian workers, citizens, and this misfortune. viktor babarenko, bureau expert. to politics , contact us, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, but just as he started talking about shelling, and today a statement was made by the sumy regional military administration, they say that we we can protect every tenth inhabitant , well, when in war we are talking about some formulas, calculations, it is so a little alarming, why every tenth not every where, how is it, how would you comment on it, well , in general, on the security situation as of ... a day, to be honest, i don't know what the head of the regional military administration meant when he said that every tenth of us... it must be said that we have
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a five-kilometer zone from which, from which people are evicted, very often, well , they are forcibly evicted, not only that, there are heads of communities, sometimes they say, well, we don't need it, there , that's not enough, here i have it there, well here... er , a specific case, i have an acquaintance with whom we once studied together, she is currently working as an accountant in cyprus there, she knows english very well, and she has a mother in junior high school, she is a mother, come to me, come to me, cyprus, warm sea, there, well + 20 now already in january, but my mother says, doci, says, doci ,
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where am i, and where am i going? and the mother does not want to leave since she was a young woman, and there are also curious cases, yes, when there was, well, in september, when a dragonfly went out on to pull out the onion garden, and there it is like a salad will crumble, and a landmine literally fell under her feet, but the grandmother took this landmine and carried it to the silrada, in the silrada they were scared, well, in general, such anecdotes are told very often and very... a lot , what you need to know is that the enemy is attacking how, he has 30-40 thousand people there from the side of how they act, they also, like us, send on rotation the brigades they have there, or divisions or regiments , who were beaten by them somewhere under marenka, avdiikov under bakhmut
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ugliadar. but they bring them out, they are conditionally 15-2,000 of the brigade remained there from the 5,000, but they put the rest there in meat assaults, and they are taking them out somewhere under the court, under the aunt, well, near the sumy region , and they are beginning to replenish, reconciliation is beginning to take place there, i.e. well , in this way... they bring their troops there to normal, yes, they are there for two, three, four months here near the sumy border, then they go back, take a breather, but at this time they, well, if, well , what it is called coordination in the military, the same thing happens in our country so that we understood that someone, somewhere, also some
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military unit, which... was under bakhmut there or under the coal yard, was being taken out somewhere so that the guys could rest for three or four months, spend time there, well, they left for vacation, then came back and also reconciliation, that is, ee when a warrior falls from ee from a war with high intensity, where well every day. damn , something terrible, in a war with low intensity, but that does not mean that it is not a war, and it also happens to us, when we have been robbed in the sumy oblast, well, their truck drove by, came and took three men, well, four of them killed one, well somewhere yawned, three were taken prisoner, brought in, yes there, then he was there, they were already there, respectively, well, well, i don't know, they pinched
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something somewhere. somewhere at the door, and there, the soldiers already answered that there, like, oh , everything is bad in ukraine, thanks to the russian soldiers for taking us prisoner, well, it is clear that it is psychological on them, well, they put pressure on them, and they give some kind of demonstrations there , but we can see this in telegram channels, they can go there and beat the foresters, they can put... writers there, that is, sumyshchyna, so that we know, sumyshchyna, and therefore chernihivshchyna, where the border is actually a line of demarcation and is what we call a low -intensity war, where there, because there we were in skirmishes for two days, что толку в это безделке, yes, where are they...


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