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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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well, i don’t know, they stuck something in the door somewhere, and the soldiers already answered that there, like, oh, everything is bad in ukraine, thanks to the russian soldiers for taking us prisoner, well , it’s clear that it’s psychological on them, well, they pressured them and they give some shows there, but we see it in the telegram channels, they can go there and beat the foresters, they can put some mines there, that is , sumyshchyna, so we know, sumyshchyna, which means chernihivshchyna, where the border is actually a line separation is what we call war of low intensity, where there, because for 2 days we were in a skirmish, what's the point of this idleness, yes, where they... they are shooting at us, and we
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are shooting back, and we will be frank, if in 2022 there by spring, by summer, we were afraid to just shoot at that territory , we were just afraid, well, no matter what , we are civilians, now ours are shooting, it came from there and we flew there, that is, artillery duels, mortar duels, they are happening all over.. . and we must understand that 5-7 km is what the mines reach, 20-25 km - it means that the shells are flying, that means these 18 communities from the 51st in the sumy region, which are constantly under shelling, and there are communities such as shostka, kanatop, sumy, akhtyrka, not under shelling, but under obst . i don't know the situation
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, is it often that the enemy hits the shostka, or is it rocket fire from the shostka, these are things like that that don't happen often, they don't happen often , but they do happen, and you ask for the amount, but they often hit the amount, no, not as often as , well, they actually hit kharkiv with ballistics. every day, by sum often, no, not often, we, in sumy, can see more there , well, such cool things, when our shahyeds are shot down, shahyeds who fly there to kremenchuk, tentatively to myrhorod, to khmelnytskyi and kyiv, they fly past sumy, and we in sumy with our children can to go out on the balcony and watch how our shaheds coolly knock down their shaheds over and over sums, this is often, but that... so that
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sums would fly in, no, not often, but what can be considered often there once a month, well then not often, more often , well, then often, but it also flies to the six, no, it does not often fly, to the deaf, no often, on the kanatop, but when it flew there, there were 30 houses without glass, or in the same ones in the same backwoods, and it flew there and we can see it. well, it fell somewhere, somewhere it damaged the roof in some apartment building, somewhere there something broke the glass, and people are in despair, well, because if it is -5 or -15 outside the window now, tomorrow it will be and we will be left without windows camelfo, well, so be it i will say, sometimes, sometimes it flies in sumi, in shostka, in kanatop, in ramny. sometimes kills people, but
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often not often there, well that's relative, that's all relatively, thank you very much for your comments , for joining, take care, viktor bobarenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis from sumy oblast, briefly talked about this region, this area, i don't like the word region, an area in which, as says mr. viktor, and here he completely agrees with him, there is a war going on, of low intensity, but it goes on every day, and unfortunately, people suffer, first of all, people die. and the infrastructure also suffers, and now we will talk more about the situation at the front and around, serhiy sgurets, director of the defense agency express, host of the military summary of the day column, sergey, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our military column we will talk about the fact that our army needs not only drones, but also trained operators, about combat operations under bakhmut, what has changed there in the conversation with our military and about the need for a war with lies, against the background of the conclusions of experts... the economic forum,
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which is currently being held in davos, about this in a moment. let me start by saying that the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine, together with manufacturers of unmanned systems and training centers for training drone operators, addressed an open letter to prime minister denys shmygal and defense minister rustem umerov. the letter states that, taking into account the plans to start production of at least 1 million drones this year, it is primarily about... semi-drones, although there is also an increase in the production of drones of other classes, the need for qualified operators is critically increasing in the country, while now neither the ministry of digital transformation nor the ministry of defense does not finance the training
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of drone operators in private schools for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine due to the lack of a regulatory framework on these issues, but there are not enough centers in the ministry of defense for training. so the appeal emphasizes that the state should start the process of involving the private sector of the defense industry to train drone operators, just as it was done to increase the production of domestic drones at our enterprises to solve this problem there in this appeal to the prime minister certain options on the basis of improving the legislative framework, i think that this will be... will be done in the near future, but we will still wait for the reaction of the ministry of statistics and the ministry of defense to this appeal, and here i will remind you that the average rate of use of fpv drones per month for our -which brigade has an average of 1,000 units somewhere, this
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is without taking into account the stocks and reserves there, and provided that the units are provided with a sufficient number of drones, then one calculation of operators from... in one day or in one operation can fire 15 fpv at the enemy drones, and this is considered a good indicator , while the soldiers of the practice say that usually somewhere every third target is destroyed with such intensive work, and now in separate directions, but slowly these eupivodrones come to the fore in the destruction of certain categories of targets, as we speak . about moving targets, or about enemy personnel, and at the same time , the designs of the strike drones themselves are being significantly improved and even new tactics and practices are being born for the use of these fpv drones. drones slow complement the capabilities of our artillery, which, together with the infantry, now plays a key role
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in all areas of the front. when we talk about artillery, now we have the opportunity to sit down directly with officers who know the importance of guns on the battlefield, and now we are joined by denys nagorny, this is major nsu, chief of staff of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmut direction, there the enemy tried to carry out offensive actions, primarily in the area of ​​bohdanivka, ivanivska klishivka, mr. denys, i welcome you to the expresso channel, if now you see and hear. yes, of course, good evening, studio, good evening, dear viewers. glad to see and hear what is happening around bakhmut, just yesterday there was information that the enemy was trying to carry out offensive actions there using tanks, armored vehicles, he suffered
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significant losses, i don't know if it was in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade or nearby, tell us what's happening in your area? i definitely agree with your point about ... drones complementing artillery, why? because the number of shells used on armored vehicles and directly on the enemy's manpower, that is , on the assault infantry , is decreasing in large numbers, but the offensives, they are mostly concentrated at the moment in the direction of vesely, in the direction of klishchivka-andriivka, as well as in the direction of the temporary in general, because the enemy... at the moment sets himself the goal of reaching the border of the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, that is, due to the amount of overrun infantry and gathering it as much as possible while preserving his armored vehicles, rarely
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using it directly in such big assaults, he wants to achieve some kind of advantage, some success, at the moment he does not have such an advantage, because ... most of the armored vehicles used by the enemy during offensive operations are affected by our actions of our unmanned aircraft company. complexes, that is, by the actions of our infantrymen, by the actions of infantrymen, by the actions of artillerymen, and in general, 99% of their attacks are choked, despite the fact that they try to accumulate many, many of those assault groups that are poorly trained in front of the front edge, using them as cannon fodder, and already after... the cannon fodder has exhausted itself with the russian word, then it
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goes on and directly tries to engage armored vehicles, as, for example, on our in the direction of the fourth brigade of operational frontiers, i.e. first they try to take some actions, this is cannon fodder, i.e. the storm z is mobilized, then they try to throw out a couple of tanks there, several bmps for landing infantry, in order to have some pe'. success, a certain result , thanks to the fact that there is a certain number of drones, thanks to the fact that they detect the enemy in advance, they, and we can hover, hit certain targets in interaction with the fivishniks, and the number of the enemy who storms us does not reach mainly to our infantry, sir, i wanted to ask, now you are in principle. the chief of staff of the artillery of the whole brigade, and now the ocitivrons are appearing,
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is there already a place in the planning of combat operations, in particular, there are first units of fpv drones, and then the artillery is already included, and this process, well, in the format of such new tactics of use, has already been tested and painted along all chains of combat command, it is already happening in practice, of course, of course, because first of all it is an economy... ammunition, which is not very much anyway, enough for defense, not enough for certain offensive actions, this allows, here is how the tactics themselves take place, firstly, a samdon flies out, which observes directly behind the front edge, behind the front edge and behind the depth, that is , the enemy's rear, then it is already determined by what it is more expedient to strike, that more precisely, that is, we are not talking about... the number of task completions, as it was written in soviet books that there, for example, at one
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platoon support point there, roughly speaking, 200 ammunitions were brought out, 580, yes, well, roughly speaking, in general , but it’s just that there is, for example, a group of infantry, or the same, armored vehicles, which it is more expedient to hit either with one drone, or... there is a certain amount of ammunition, that is, it is an elementary economy and an elementary, elementary action on quality, not quantity, and of course that's all it is prescribed in orders, that is, in the management chain, which acts directly through the management bodies, but when the weather conditions are bad, when there is snow, wind, does this mean that everything comes to the fore at that time. artillery, mortars and guns, and drones are already in secondary roles, well mortars, i
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will say that in 60% mortars are as the main, main tool of the commander of any infantry battalion, that is, a motorized infantry mechanized battalion, they are used in 60% of independence from the weather, i.e. by some there groups of infantry taking out dugouts, certain objectives for the day to achieve tactical... success for the day, the weather usually plays a role, and if we see an opportunity to get a drone up and use a drone, we usually use it, because at the moment drones are more accurate weapons, and the point is that, yes , there are very few of them, there are not enough of them, yes, we are trying to open collections for drones there, to somehow provide more, but if... that such an opportunity is not available, then we have to use a certain amount of ammunition for
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certain tactical actions there, repelling an assault, for example, or the support of our infantry in defense, sir, do you use any foreign models of mortars or guns there, because why am i asking about this, now there are many publications in the foreign press that there is a heavy load on these foreign products and there is a question of maintenance, repair for ... in a larger number, so to speak , the soviet fleet, e.e., cannon barrels, e.e., and in a smaller number, although we definitely learned and used them on such guns as the three-seven, on such guns as the fn-70 , our guys worked , then her and theirs
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to begin with, the guns were not like the soviet ones, but they said that the soviet ones hit a sledgehammer and they shoot, er, at them... yes, they need maintenance, a certain, certain, certain temperature affects them, there are a lot of them, there were such nuances, which have already been encountered in the practice of combat operations in our realities, in our conditions, to tighten, as they say, filing with a file, and you will be happy, and in principle, even those moments that needed to be completed, we adapted them to our own. its conditions, and the number of guns, which at first was somewhat out of order, at the moment works perfectly like a song, that is , both for accuracy and endurance , much better in some cases, even i would say 80% of cases than the soviet one, than
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the soviet one, then i will ask about the practice of application, do we actually have an advantage over the enemy in the speed of response to targets that appear due to certain automation of combat control processes remains. we talked about nettles there, is the enemy trying to catch up to our speeds, or are we still ahead in this the chain of decision-making and the beginning of enemy fire, well, i don't know, in order or hardly, maybe, but still. what, what, really , what can i say, and as for making a decision, here we are walking 100 or even 200 steps ahead of the enemy, er, we had such a device, back in soviet times it was called a fire control device , it was a healthy board, with a ruler, so the russians used it until the middle of 2023, if
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my memory serves me right, well, this is when we already had everything. on tablets when we have already switched to a protected, automated control system, and when without a doubt, as you know, as they say, with the snap of a finger, a russian turns to dust, then this decision was made in them for a very, very long time, there was such a case that the decision to open fire in our country is made immediately, i.e. the cannon hits the installations and that’s it, literally two or three minutes after certain...there command actions, fire begins to be fired on the target without close range fire, already fully calculated with everything, then it took them almost to 12 to 13 hours in some cases, here we are definitely ahead of them, we are ahead of them in innovation, but, i will say this, they are also not
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standing still, they finally learned to use excel, they learned to use some tables there. for the calculation of certain for certain calculations of artillery and they have also already started to make these same ballistic calculators, this makes life a little more difficult for us, of course, and a little about the ammunition that we have now with this , is there relatively speaking, well, i will not say a sufficient amount that with this, how do you get out of certain deficit, as i have already said, we... we go for quality, not quantity, all the textbooks are of the soviet model, yes, we said there that , roughly speaking, there is a military quantity of ammunition that needs to be used, and the russians are still engaged in this, i.e. they are going, they are trying to overwhelm with the number, er, yes, there is really not enough ammunition, they are not
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enough for certain offensive, assault actions there, they are enough to defend themselves. because, for example, according to rough statistics , we have 3,000 shots, the russians have 10-12. the dprk did give them a little help there, of course with ammunition, made life difficult for us, but nothing, it’s okay, they ’re covering us , covering us, and we specifically choose certain targets and immediately destroy them, that’s why we have an advantage in counter-battery combat, i.e. found, destroyed, found, destroyed, found, destroyed. while they include such and such a bulldozer regime, they try to demolish and destroy cities there, but an indisputable example is in our country popasna, there is bakhmut. they simply, not that they erased it, they wiped it off the face of the earth and tell that they that they liberated, well, liberation, somewhere like that. mr. officer, thank you very much for your
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professional comments, thank you for your service and that of your comrades, i would like to remind our viewers that in the fil classo was denys nagornyi, a major of the national guard of ukraine of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the direction of bahamud. and then about confrontation with the enemy. in the realm of the battle for meaning and truth, we are talking about the information front, which is directly related to the events in the trenches and to the use of conventional weapons. now in switzerland in davos within the framework at the world economic forum , meetings of the leaders of leading countries are held, and before that , the experts of the world economic forum made a report on global risks, and there the list of the biggest short-term global risks in the world was first headed by such categories as disinformation and false
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information, and now to us hryhoriy lyubovets joins, this is one of the heads of the communication and content security center, mr. hryhoriyu, glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. i would like to see you, i will add that our viewers understood that the specialists of your... center for the monograph on the content of negativity, how to protect yourself and the country in conditions of total information confrontation, became laureates of the ivan franko prize for the best scientific work in the information field, and i would like to ask you about what about the threat of disinformation and false information, which davos experts for the first time identified as the greatest threat. for the short term, what does this mean in practice, is this conclusion too late? here
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it is very important, you emphasize very precisely , there is a problem that the alleged ukrainian aggression, which is being waged by putin's moscow against ukraine, it went, in this list, about... you said, somewhere on the third, on the fifth place, that is precisely the fact that the fixation of disinformation is in the first place, moreover, in the first place in this world economic forum, and we know that this is practically such an event of the world order for economists all over the world, and they talk about disinformation, this is saying about the fact that precisely the theme... of putin's aggression against russia ukraine and the world in the first place. why? because disinformation is precisely the result
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of such a global offensive of putin's communication and content forces, the world without restrictions. that is, disinformation, we previously thought that it was only a sphere. information between people, but today a lot of the foundations of the development of states, continents and even the prospects of international institutions have been destroyed. let's look at the same un. if the un currently only states problems, what does this mean? this suggests that the situation... with the transmission of information, the interpretation of information and the perception of information, it is generally the number one problem today, and here there are
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already technologies of generative artificial intelligence, here there are propaganda actions and also, as we call it, researching in our at the center of the military institute, namely communication and content security, because... precisely the delivery of information in the horizon of the entire planet today has really already become the number one problem, which not only information specialists are now trying to solve, media people, but also economists of the highest world class, well, then the question arises, if there is a statement that disinformation is a threat, it is recognized in widowhood. in the world economic forum is really a threat, then the question arises, its countermeasures and countermeasures, because
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, to put it mildly, there is no ukrainian plan. at the davos meetings, these countermeasures and countermeasures are not discussed, doesn’t this mean that we state, but do not decide, it only says that everyone is trying to do it in their own way, but the problem is already of such a global order that we must and must say directly that this is not just a problem, it is a global communication and content aggression of genocide. nature, what does it mean? and this means, here is just a simple example for you, today is the second day of davos, and on this second day, the dictator of the world, who, unfortunately, is still called the president of the conditional russian federation, is speaking on this second day, what does he say, he says that ukraine was allegedly refusing peace talks,
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and he says it to... very often in different audiences, but look at how he does it: he does it energetically, he believes in it, and this energy, style and ability to horizontally reach very large numbers of people right in the horizons of communities, we are talking about the horizons exactly, they just give the result that maybe he really is right, so we in our center recorded back in 17th year that... practically putin's people at the munich security conference, and this is also a world forum, even how much they worked, let's say powerfully that the report of this munich security conference in the 17th year was called postrust, postvest, postode, which in translation means post-truth, post-west, post-order.
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in 2017, and today, today is a different, i would say, user of this post-truth, and post-truth is a technology that operates fakes, already mr. trump, literally today talking about the fact that you listened to fake news about me, and i'm winning the first primaries today, in the state caucuses, which gives him 16... votes for selection in the republican primaries, so if to answer your question, if in order to answer it, it is necessary to make a separate broadcast with our center, and we will talk about very subjects, i can literally say several things: first, you and i should all operate with content markers and context and
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context indicators. what it is, it is practically what we are currently doing with you, on the one hand, we take information that is verified, that is, it is true, it is reliable, and on the other hand, we put emphasis, and emphasis on not only level of ascertainment, but also on the level solving issues, and we can also go to the level of what to do in specific situations, or in relation to, again , such a very... interesting category as the audience, mr. grigoriyu, i promise that we are really with your center we will make a separate program, because these nuances need to be clarified, we currently have a somewhat condensed format of communication, i promise that we will raise this topic and discuss it in detail. thank you very much for the inclusion, for the explanation, i will remind our viewers that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head of the communication and content security center, and such
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were the main ones today. conclusions of our wartime, then more international and economic news, then in the news release on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you, serhiy zorts, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the big air is ahead and we have a lot of important information. ahead , well, i will say right away that at 7:30 p.m. we are expecting a live broadcast from davos, the ukrainian house, certain events should take place there, and of course we will follow live with translation everything that will be said there, what will happen there, today is the first day of the economic forum in davos, many important statements were made, and we will discuss these statements more on the 20th. serhii rudenko, we also now have the opportunity to hear what he said.


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