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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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ukraine gives them time to patch up the bottlenecks they have in both politics and the economy, expand there, reform the european union, reform its security sphere, which has not yet been reformed, start developing its military-industrial complex, finally, which in the 90s was actually, well , leveled, and the armies there were reduced to, well , insignificant units there, which were supposed to fight in... there with terrorism or, well, participate in a coalition there against someone there in regional conflicts, and not in confrontation continental armies, as it should, well , as the situation is actually unfolding now, that is why ukraine, the relevance of ukraine is growing, and the statements made by europeans from various stands indicate that ukraine will not be left without help, and the chinese delegation led by the prime minister minister, i don't know if there should have been an agreement. about the meeting
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of the ukrainian and chinese delegations, as far as you can see, the head of the president's office, andriy yermak, spoke about this even earlier, that they are working to have a dialogue and china's support for the ukrainian peaceful plan , to what extent it can be implemented in davos, i don't know, maybe there was already a meeting somewhere, at least i didn't read anything about it, but please, i think china is acting according to its strategic program, i looked on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs china. visits will be made by litsian, the prime minister of the state council, and ivan i, that is the minister of foreign affairs of china, so the first visits are in january, they do, one makes a transit in davos, he actually communicates with switzerland, and i will explain why exactly with the swiss government it is interesting to communicate with china, and then he goes to ireland for a visit, he is the head of the state council.
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so, if you want to know the situation and keep your finger on the pulse of what is being done in europe, talk to a european country, but not a member of the european union, which is switzerland. by the way, switzerland said in its priorities that one of the priorities it will develop is the establishment of relations with china, well, that is , the southern one, they disguise themselves as developing relations with the countries of southeast asia, but china is a key country there, and therefore the swiss, without signing the framework agreement. e with the european union , which was discussed there for many years, starting, it seems, from the 15th year, they did not manage to sign it, but they refocused precisely on china, including, among the priorities, on mediation, the ukrainian-russian war, thus they divert attention from the failure in the european direction, and the chinese go here to talk to the swiss, and then they go to talk to the irish, who are hard to
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of the british, because the chinese know that the british, their historical adversaries, are so geopolitical, and if you want to know about the plans of britain, which is still the euro-atlantic bridge between the united states and europe, then your visit is exactly where you need to go, to ireland, in ireland they will tell you all about these plans. the second, the minister of foreign affairs goes to africa and goes to latin america precisely to establish relations with those. countries for which the united states and china competed during the 23rd year, and china joined brics there with its followers from the countries of the global south, and this the countries of the global south, africa and latin america, and the united states at the g20 meeting in india joined the entire african union of 55 countries there, there was a competition, a tug of war, who would be on whose side, so china continues its systematic planned work, went to ... talk about
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the china-africa forum, there is such a focus forum , china africa cooperation forum, which takes place and within the framework of this forum, china distributes grants and loans there, prepares an annual plan for cooperation with key african countries, that is works properly systematically with african countries, and it is precisely these visits that they form the position with which these ... american countries go, and we are trying to convince them in davos to join the peace formula, this is how china works, and we work a little on - to others, yes, we want to convince countries once at some event, on some international platform, to become our supporters, well, it doesn't always happen like that, so we have to draw conclusions and work on a systematic basis with the same countries of africa, with by the same latin american countries, and then there will not be 80 supporters, but... more
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, here, you know, the president said a lot of good things about how bad putin is, how he is actually destroying peace and security in the world, as it should be to unite on... ukraine in this, in this situation in the fight against putin, and then about the fact that putin loves money very much, so we need to take money from him, give ukraine 300 billion. well, it is clear that there is still a long way to go before recovery, mrs. prisker, being in kyiv, said that the war is for a long time, once again emphasized that it is not too early to talk about this money for restoration, and i understand that it is important, but perhaps it is still worth doing everything so that europe, well, figuratively speaking, moved from a mercedes to a tank and became really. the threat that putin will not respond to, and the threat that will now give ukraine a lot of weapons, the reformation of the economy for the production of weapons that will make putin's aggression impossible, in principle. yes, here i see two questions, questions about financial assistance and about weapons, about
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providing weapons and ensuring security, that is, about financial aid, and we know that the united states initiated this discussion and will discuss this issue at the g7 in february. to persuade the europeans to find a formula, well, if not legal, then political, in order to give us aid in conditions where the united states has not yet agreed on aid, and this could become such a compensator, an intermediate compensator or the plan would, let's say, it will be discussed in the month of february, regarding, regarding weapons, we heard statements from scholz recently, who says that we have to to verify which of the european countries gave how much, here we gave 17 billion, says germany, and denmark comes second after us, which gave five times less, and he expressed the opinion that european countries are not making enough efforts to , in order to provide all the necessary weapons to ukraine so that it can win, so this issue will be discussed on february 1 at the summit
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of the european union, and in view of the statements that were made, which we previously said about fondern and... the declaration joint heads of factions of the european parliament about the need for help, i think that on february 1 it will be decided both about financial assistance from the european union and about military assistance in order to provide, for example, the same shells, a million shells that were promised to us, so that by the spring they could cope and fulfill the obligations, otherwise, if not, then they will look bad against the background of the economic competition with the block of personalist regimes, the north. korea provided a thousand wagons with shells there in a month and they have already been used there at the front, and europe is all in discussions, that is, whether to supply these shells to the military under contracts, or to reorient after all and provide them to ukraine, which is at war every day, well, this is a bad example, so i think that precisely on the first, on
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february 1, at the eu summit, these questions financial aid and military aid will be resolved, and the president actually said that the economy is growing, well, of course, it is growing relative to the critical drop that occurred after the full-scale invasion, but still, and called again well , you can't invest in ukraine here to stop, this is just like a call, i hope that investments in the right directions, they are possible, there are areas in ukraine where there are relocated enterprises, where there are opportunities for business, and then, of course, i would like money to go to ukraine in the form investments, jobs, and from yes, taxes paid, goods, which will also... later bring additional value, but as this example shows, which, just for you to comment, these are the months of these blockades, there is no way to negotiate with 50 odd people, which stand on the border, then in romania something there as if the road is being built, then they also start blocking something, well, i'm not talking about slovakia anymore, but
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now that poland has agreed, the government of poland, romania have agreed, they have decided with the farmers , they have decided with the carriers, and somehow it all dissolves in the fog, well, still after all, politics... it's a decision, and not a conversation , well, somehow a solution was found, or maybe money was found for these people, well, when, when it got hot, when it became clear that , well, you can't go on like this, ukraine won't get out, that you do, politics is about money i guess about the influence of power and money, this is politics, and i think that arguments were found and money was found that was heard, that is, when it is necessary, the money is there, i am leading to that , it is there, because everyone understood that it is an element of... one the same policy, the kremlin's policy to block military aid to ukraine. we remember that we investigated there, we even started to see that it was being transported there in cargo by these polish blockaders, whose leader, whose leader
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had gone to the crimea, yes, and they came up with the idea that they should verify what was being transported through the border, they began to investigate there, and we, we understand that poland is a physical base through which... including humanitarian and military aid, well, it was a dangerous precedent, but you see, the new government found arguments, the european commission found arguments and quickly it all dissolved, but i would not be so strong. optimistic, because we have been shown bottlenecks where we may have problems in negotiations, when we enter into bilateral negotiations with the countries of the european union, these problems again logistics and the supply of our food will appear, which we would not like to put on the european market, the same countries of central and eastern europe that receive subsidies from the european commission are developing their small agricultural business there, and here they say that it is big. and the conditions are better and we can do it cheaper, so we will definitely undermine
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the market, as they think, and that is what awaits us, these negotiations await us, that is why we have passed such a milestone, there is still more to come, but the main thing is to be ready for the negotiations ready and have arguments, we literally have 3 minutes, but i can’t help but ask a question, it ’s important, the state-owned banks of china after biden’s decree, which can impose sanctions there for certain cooperation with russia, well, double sanctions, but... the state-owned banks of china are tightening restrictions with regard to clients from the russian federation, they actually take money from their projects in russia and say that no, we will not work, we do not want to have sanctions from the united states of america, this is a good signal, and as it turns out, it works, well, when there is a question of the rub, money from russia or sanctions, you choose to cooperate with the civilized world, an extremely good signal, because during the 23rd year, remember, they tried to ... go through the insurance companies to catch these tankers there that carry oil above, above the ceiling, well, in general these
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evasive maneuvers, which somehow tried to chase after the companies, now realized that it is not worth chasing after the companies, you have to look at the banking system, through which the calculations of all operations go, including these tankers, there is the supply of pipeline oil, there is liquefied gas, whatever - what, everything is going through the banks, and the banks were simply told that there will be repeated sanctions , they will serve... there will be secondary sanctions for russian companies, of course the banks, well, they want to make profits, against the background of the economic problems that china has, our still paralyzed financial system or banking system, they will certainly move away from the russians, and this is a very good signal, it will reduce the potential and capabilities of russia to continue the war with us. thank you very much, mr. ruslan, ruslan osypenko was with us, a diplomat, an international expert, we discussed of course, the events in davos, statements, agreements and... a number of international issues that are one way or another related to ukraine, that's it, that 's important, you know, well, i don't know about
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commercial banks there, but i don't know about china's state banks at all , there are commercial banks, well , the economy there is quite centralized, but it’s very simple, you issue decrees, i mean joseph biden, secondary sanctions, if you cooperate and immediately people choose the civilized world, investments, work with proven companies, with reliable banks, with reliable partners, you don't want... to lose, you want to work, because the big world, well, let me remind you that even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the world economy, the russian economy occupied a few percent there, well, we must understand that this is very little for such a country that considered itself above the country, and now, of course, everyone wants to work where they work, you just have to create conditions when you cannot work with russia, it is not profitable for you, if you continue to press like this, at some stage you will understand that there is no way to work with a country that cannot , forgive me and keep the waste in the pipes, it breaks through and fills. entire cities and leaves entire regions without light and without heat, obviously there are few prospects, but thanks
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to our partners and above all to our politicians, our delegations, who are proving it to the world once again on various platforms that the prospects for cooperation with russia are therefore in the continuation of the war and god forbid there is no victorious russia, although, as ursola fondeliaen stated, strategically putin will not win, and the verdyk program will start at 20:00 and what will be discussed, serhii rudenko will tell us in detail. sergey, please, good evening, word to you congratulations to vasyl. in 16 minutes we come out with a two-hour verdict, during the next two hours we will have people's deputies of ukraine, roman kostenko, rostyslav pavlenko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and vadym galaychuk as guests. in addition, there will be aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. let's talk about the events of today and not only today. in the world. the economic forum in davos, the discussion of zelenskyi's peace formula and
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zelenskyi's articulate appeals to world leaders, the world's strongmen, and about in what way should the predator putin be defeated, because it was volodymyr zelenskyi who called putin a predator, putin, however, also responded to zelenskyi and said that if the ukrainian state went to... negotiations in the spring of 2022, everything would have ended a long time ago, and so it is quite possible that ukrainian sovereignty may be endangered. threatens ukraine again, threatens the world again, threatens the baltic states again, what our esteemed guests think about it, we will hear in the next two hours of our broadcast. in addition, today in the verkhovna rada ukraine adopted a law on an electronic register for military registration and automatic receipt of a certificate of a participant in hostilities, and
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roman kostenko, who will be with us at exactly 8 p.m. , will talk about this law, because he has a reservation that the information contained in electronic register for military records, it can be vulnerable, because for third-party special services, for our special services, from third-party special services, because there it is assumed that on separate servers, in the west, this information will be placed until... that roman kostenko in detail will tell us what is good in this draft law, which is problematic from the point of view of national security, especially since roman kostenko himself is a colonel of the security service of ukraine, he will accurately and competently tell us about this law. let's mention the law on mobilization, because kostenko is also quite active
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in commenting and talking about norms. of the future law on mobilization, what should be there, what should not be there. in the deputy studio, which will start at 21:15, we will talk not only about davos and about zelenskyi in davos, but also about how problems arise for independent journalists in ukraine, several recent scandals related to journalist yury nikolov, who investigated the corruption of mines. defense, what happened to him and who is involved in it, and the story of the journalists of the bigus company, who were illegally monitored, illegally recorded video and then posted this video on the network, in short, come, or rather stay on our channel, from 8:00 p.m. big the verdict will be on the air, we will talk
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about absolutely everything, the big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much, serhiy, don't miss the verdicta program with serhii rudenko, and now the phenomenon of the former minister of internal affairs of ukraine. this is how the authors position their film. at the moment , a closed screening of the film "unfinished flight", which tells the story of denys monastyrskyi, is underway in kyiv. lina chechenina will talk about her impressions. lina, good evening. please, you have the word. good evening, vasyl, greetings to the viewers of spresso, to be honest, i haven't seen such security measures at film premieres for a long time. now a guard is literally walking around, looking at i hope they won't let me out of here, but i'll tell you about the film in just a second. so, the tape is still ongoing, quite a lot of people were invited to its screening
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, several halls at once, and there were, well, among the people who came, i saw ex-minister riznikov, for example, anton herashchenko or... former mayor irpen as prime minister, and well, what i want to say is the movie, i watched 20 minutes so far, because it started a little late, but i got an impression, i think this impression will stay with me when i finish to watch this film, it is a very positive image, that is, it is one of those films about a very positive main character who is no longer with us, who died and about whom the authors do not want to say... there is nothing bad to say at all, but different people remember only good things , well, as you can see on the screen, the speakers are anton gerashchenko, kyrylo bodanov, you can see valeriy zaluzhny, the wife of mr. monastyrskyi, his mother, mrs. alla, reads excerpts from his diary, although they did not say
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exactly when denys monastyrskyi wrote these diaries , but again he is there talks about his high goal and in general. so far, in several chapters of this film, they talked about deneks manastersky as a leader, as a minister, and now they are talking about a personal easier life, i think that it will end with his death, but here and there, well, actually he is shown to be so ethical a leader, that is, a leader who treats his subordinates very well, who listens , who cheers like a patriot, well, that is, this is the story, on the one hand, of course, it is clear that... part of the authors who shoot documentaries want their heroes, especially the dead to be presented in such a positive way, as a memorial, but on the other hand, in such films it is usual. the volume of the character is lost, that is, when a person is described to us only from the good side, it is usually not interesting from the point of view of art, and in the end i
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wonder how this film will end, what exactly the conclusions will be regarding the death of denys manastyrsky, how the authors will present this very moment , what topics they will raise, maybe some unresolved issues, then i just have to see it literally for eh, i think. in 20 minutes, i will already know, i think that everyone those who want to watch the film about denys monastyrskyi can do so for free, it will be on youtube, i don't know, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and you can watch it, get to know him too, and now i'm running to watch it, i wish you a peaceful evening. well, it would be really interesting to see, the final point in this tragic story has not yet been put, let me remind you, the helicopter over there over the breweries was engaged, it
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fell, the people who were on the ground there in the kindergarten were killed, and everyone who was actually on the edge of it died helicopter, and let me remind you that yevgeny yenin, who was the deputy general prosecutor and the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine , quite respectable and professional, also died. who prepared a lot of ukrainian cases, which ukrainian cases, which were then considered in international courts, and it is true that denys monastyrskyi, that yevhen yenin, well, the others also died, employees of the ministry, employees of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, these were very unusual people , and here it will not be an exaggeration to say that they lack young, ambitious, professional politicians who at the time... they are very necessary, because professionalism we see that very often certain industries suffer because of incompetence, because of greed and selfishness and
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lack of understanding in general where you live, that there is a war in the country, the question of whether ukraine will be resolved or not , because of greed, selfishness somewhere suffers, well first for everything the front suffers, our troops suffer, of course people in the rear also suffer from the fact that somewhere there is no air defense, somewhere there are some other problems, somewhere shelters have not been prepared, somewhere shelters have not been opened , people also die even because of this. and and through this, but we understand that because of all this , first of all, our soldiers suffer, who today, due to difficult conditions at the front, due to difficult weather, difficult moments with health, with constant attacks of the enemy, they keep it all, and somewhere someone, being unprofessional, not understanding the situation, not corresponding to the situation or the position, because of these people very often, unfortunately, our soldiers die, such as yevhen yenin, denys monastyrskyi, well, first of all, the film about denys monastyrskyi, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine . before that of the people deputy of ukraine, these were people who were obviously important, i remember, because i wrote it myself, was involved in it, read it, it
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was denys monastyrskyi who woke up the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy at night, and with a word it started, well, in fact, when the president said that it was, and denys monastyrskyi replied to the president that since the invasion in various areas and the movement of enemy troops, it was obviously it, and that's how the president found out, on the night of february 24, that a great war had begun, so the eternal memory oh, thank you, respect, respect to those who died in that tragedy, well and to those people who, unfortunately, also died on the ground from the fall and fire of this helicopter, well , now we will talk about the weather, natalka didenko, most importantly about what we should expect tomorrow, she will tell us in detail. synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, we are talking about the weather that is expected for the next day, there will be interesting
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information, but first we will talk, since it is said, i will skip ahead a little about the noticeable cooling, another, but short-lived, we will pay attention to our shoes today, well it would seem, nothing of the sort associated with the higher ma'. as they say , but nevertheless, a few simple rules can help us a lot, well, they are recommended by doctors, specialists, for example, those who work with not very healthy vessels, the shoes must be loose, well, preferably one size larger, in the cold, we also wear warmer socks, but even this kind of pause, such a gap between the shoes and the foot, it... creates such a thermos effect and prevents her feet from freezing, well, they also recommend, for example, if the shoes have zippers, then
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the fastener should not reach the... shoes, why? because the soles must be at least 1 cm before the beginning of the zipper, then the shoes will not leak, because now there are a lot of puddles, where the snow melts, especially in places where heating lines pass, even in frost, this is important, and behind the zipper there must be an internal lining, so that again moisture does not flow in and frosty air does not enter, well, also for stability, especially in case of frostbite, of course, it is recommended to wear orthotics when walking and supporting the foot. wild insoles, there are a lot of them on sale now, it will be useful in general and will reduce , i hope, of course such winter injuries, or simply of course such a winter fall on ice is unpleasant, and it is also recommended to pay attention to the pattern on the sole, it should be such in patterns, in ornaments, relief and deep in such shoes you can walk on ice and
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it won't be slippery, again for our... safety, well, we talked about shoes, about frost, i hinted to you, and now for now we will move on to our traditional sub-topic magnetic storms, and tomorrow, as you will now see and already see, i hope, the forecast chart , no dangerous magnetic storms are predicted, a slight intensification is possible tomorrow, but again, the situation is generally calm, so we actually calmly move on to the weather forecast for... see you on january 17. january 17 is colder in most regions of ukraine. we start the forecast from the western regions, and tomorrow there will be almost the only part of ukraine where there is a possibility of snow, albeit small. the air temperature at night is low and even the maximum during the day is -2-6°. in the north of ukraine , the air temperature at night will
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range from 8 to 14 degrees below zero. i talked about the cold weather, also gusty wind , the maximum during the day is -2-5°, precipitation is not expected, and of course there will be ice, don't forget, it will be changeable cloudiness in the east of ukraine tomorrow, it may even be sunny during the day, the air temperature is low, -3 -7 - during the day, cold, frosty at night, and in the central regions, also cold, frosty at night -7 -12 to -13. 14 places during the clearings, because the clearings will be both night and in the afternoon, the clearing will be much more pleasant, because it will be sunny, minus 2 -5° in the center will be the maximum tomorrow. in the southern part of ukraine , it is clear that it will be the warmest, traditionally, there is a slight frost at night, even +2 +4° during the day, up to +5 +6 in the crimea, and there is also a chance of sunny skies tomorrow in the south of ukraine. well,
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it is expected in kyiv, in the capital, as in many regions. ukraine will cool down at night, the next night to -10-12, tomorrow afternoon the air temperature will fluctuate within 4-6 degrees of frost, in kyiv on january 17, precipitation is unlikely. on the night of january 18 frosty weather will still hold in most regions of ukraine, but on january 18 , almost everywhere +3 +8°. thank you very much, ms. natalka, for the information about the weather, you see , it is cold, i will only call to support the armed forces of ukraine, our military, displaced persons, people who remain in the combat zone , it is difficult for them, it is difficult for them, everything you can, let's report, because all of us together can only defeat this eternal, existential ukrainian enemy, the anti-ukrainian enemy, let's say so. thanks for being with us, body big ether program, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, then the verdict program, let's watch it
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together. good evening, we are from ukraine! glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health! for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. ukrainian formula. peace in davos. zelensky is against freezing the war. will russia be invited to the peace summit? black day of russian aviation? what does the loss of a50 and il-22m aircraft mean for the russian aerospace forces? trump is in control. after winning the republican primaries in iowa , the former us president once again boasted of his friendship with putin. about this.


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