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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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together, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. ukrainian peace formula in davos: zelensky against freezing the war, will russia be invited to the peace summit? black day of russian aviation? what does the loss of a50 and il-22m aircraft mean for the russian aerospace forces. trump is in control. after winning the republican primaries in iowa, the ex-president of the usa once again boasted of his friendship with putin. about this. and we will talk about other things
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during the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and vadym galaychuk. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how under bakhmut 92 assault brigade... spectacularly broke the russian dance, similar to the t-90m breakthrough. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on facebook and youtube, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, like this video and take part in our vote, today we ask you... is the world ready put an end to putin, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, take your smartphones and vote if you think and agree with the statement that the world is ready to end putin, 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. call, all calls to these
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numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well , we already have our first guest on the phone, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine, roman kostenko. mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. let's start our conversation with davos. today, at the world economic forum, he will speak. president of ukraine and spoke about the predator putin and that the world should understand that this predator is very dangerous for everyone around him, he called, meaning zelensky, the participants of the economic forum in davos to continue supporting ukraine in order to achieve a just and stable peace. let's listen to what zelensky said. this year should be.
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significant, can the freezing of the war in ukraine be its end? i do not want to settle for the truism that any frozen conflict will eventually flare up again, and i will remind you that after 2014 there were attempts to freeze the war in donbas, there were very, very influential guarantors. the guarantors of this process, the then chancellor of germany and the president of france, but putin, putin is a predator who is not satisfied with a frozen product, mr. colonel, is the world ready to put an end to putin the predator, but here... let's say, this
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is the question, he probably cannot be said for the whole world at the same time, and we see that the positions are different if we talk specifically about the leaders who represent. their states, then here it is necessary to talk about each separately, someone is already ready, and that is from my point of view seeing the recent speech of the british prime minister in parliament, he also called putin, let's say, a person who is an international criminal, and he is no longer ashamed of it, and it can be said that they will support us, and they understand that the further existence of... putin and his regime in general, he threatens the national security of all of europe, in all of europe and directly in great britain, they understand this. we don't fully see this, what the united states understands, it is somehow reflected in them, directly, they have now moved into their
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internal political processes, but many of their experts, including in national security, who were before this and are now, and analysts, they are trying to... shout about it and talk so that they pay more attention to it, and not to internal issues, because there may be issues that will later be very difficult to rewind, so some countries are really ready, and some countries are not ready, we see what is happening even with our closest neighbors, what is it like to end putin, here we have to everyone's work was coordinated at the same time, not so, for example, that somewhere they do not give us weapons, somewhere they pay for... oil, somewhere for some raw materials of the russian federation, somewhere they turn a blind eye to the supply of some dual purpose goods, or turn a blind eye to the fact that some country transits these goods through him, thus, of course, we will never
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get a quick victory, so it must be a comprehensive, coordinated, decisive decision by everyone, then we can say that everyone is ready to finish putin, but it is difficult to say about it yet, well that is, sir, i understand that there is no such formula, that ukraine's victory equals putin's defeat. well, why is such a formula possible if putin, i mean, the world, the world is not yet ready to fully accept this formula, because they think that ukraine should win, but russia should leave and actually remain in the state in which it is there is, because if there are no proposals about... demilitarization, de-denazification, deputization of russia, this means that, in principle, the majority of the world is ready to agree that there is already a legitimate president, well, he was slightly mistaken there, as they believe, you are right here, that there is no single vision of victory, as there was, for example
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, in the second world war, that there should be a flag over the reyst, there is no such thing, everyone has their own, some are more about the economy, some about politics, someone about power. elections and where even those countries where ukraine was in the first place a year ago, now we need to put in a lot of effort so that we are at least in the third place, and this question is somewhat natural, we are shifting, because well so the built-in world is generally complex, in that including a democratic one, it is necessary to make a lot of diplomatic efforts so that we are constantly on the agenda. even here, if we talk about our government, well, here we need everyone to work on it, not five managers, not only some individual people, but for the whole country to work, so that we are on the agenda, because information the field is so saturated with various
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events that it is quite difficult to stay in it, and we must understand this, especially since we are in the bloodiest war in modern history and... the informational and diplomatic sphere in it occupies very large , very influential places. mr. colonel, let's return to ukraine and to the decisions that the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted on today, in particular the draft law on the digitalization of the ukrainian army, and on the electronic register for military registration and the automatic receipt of certificates of a participant in hostilities, there are many rules regarding how to transfer... to keep in electronic form this entire mass of cases of conscripts in ukraine, i know that you had a separate opinion, a separate opinion with about the fact that this cannot be done, because the servers may
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already be located abroad according to this bill or law, and this is dangerous, because this database is large, which will be collected, which will be digitized, may become... the subject of foreign attention special services, in particular russian, and this threatens the national security of ukraine. please explain your position, what kind of bill is this? the law is already in place, and what should be expected of every conscript, i.e., now there will be a single base, there will be no need to carry a military card, and summonses will come where and how, well, everything needs to be done in order, at the expense of a separate base, at the expense of wearing or not wearing a ticket, then everything will depend on the further fate of another draft law, for example, on mobilization, which also... they promise to introduce it there in the near future on february 6th, if i am not mistaken, they are now talking about such terms,
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it is specifically stated there that every serviceman must carry a prescription, remember, yes, it is called document and military ticket, if he is a military serviceman, not a military serviceman , but a military serviceman yes, well, a military serviceman has to carry a military service card with him at all times anyway, and that's why they have to carry it, that's... if he says that it specifically concerns this draft law, we we must understand that this draft law was registered, i'm not mistaken, in november of last year, it was in the first reading, it was aimed, in particular, at creating a database of conscripts, er and er, creating a database of participants there hostilities in order to all servicemen could receive them automatically, there was no need to collect a large pile of documents, now it is already happening, i just know military servicemen who have been working there for a year and a half with me, and
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only recently some of them received them there, because already four times they changed glossy, then matte, then in a green t-shirt, then in another t-shirt, and all these questions were constantly changing and could not get, now it will all be a general database, and this is a positive, the one that is in this bill and from the very beginning it was laid. then, when these , let's say, wobbles with the draft law on mobilization began, there appeared before the second reading many norms that were not there before, and it began to regulate other areas, including the register of conscripts, and in principle its creation, it is correct, it is already partially functioning there, but there is a question of saturating its information, now... make it so that the information is pulled there automatically from all existing database registers, including from
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of the voter register, and precisely the issue that you talked about in the clouds from the very beginning , the ministry of defense wanted to place the voter register abroad as well, so that you understand, probably the most secret information available in the country is this, this is exactly the issue of mobilization resources, mobilizations ... resources are human resources that are there, economic resources, industrial resources that we have in order to carry out mobilization, because when an attack is planned on you, the country, the aggressor, is not only studies your army, mainly her what is needed is how quickly you can mobilize and what resources you can attract, according to this she is planning an attack, so how did the committee make sure that this register remained with us, because
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i will repeat from the very beginning, they wanted to give it here to pay tribute to oleksandr fedienko, who is also for this norm, he is also a deputy of our committee, who for this norm controlled, and we left it on the territory of ukraine, this base of military personnel. of course, i was against the fact that combat control systems are secret and, let's face it, secret information in general. to transfer to servers where private servers are located, they are manipulating there, they say that these are nato servers, no, there is a question about private servers that will be located abroad, and we will still pay money for this, because in our country according to the law it is forbidden to keep secret and completely secret information in the clouds, because it is unreliable and it is recognized, who manipulates, says, but there nato keeps the countries, so they keep them on their servers. and we will be on someone else's side, and this is a matter of national security, so i was against it,
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and now i'm against, i think that for us, these are simple solutions that could lead to disaster in the long run, and i think that yes, it's expensive, but we have to make sure that we have these servers that we we have to keep this information, yes, they say , a rocket may arrive, but it is possible , and israel lives in such conditions, and so do other countries, no one abroad keeps it... secret, completely secret information, because the life of the country depends on it in general, i am not talking about individual lives, but the life of the country, mr. colonel, and what about the introduction electronic? the registry, which changes for all conscripts, well, that is, it simplifies the possibilities of the state in terms of mobilization, it simplifies the search for a person who lives in one place and is registered in another, accordingly, in the tcc , the other is on the record, what, what are these possibilities for gives the state what duties
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it foresees for a conscript, or let's say, what opportunities he has. well , mind you, this norm was still called unconstitutional, just like the legal department of the verkhovna rada, which now the tsc will be, let's say, the custodian of probably the most information of this state about her person, let's say this , even more than in other bodies, including law enforcement, because they will be charged with all the information that is available, who will be better off, of course, will know everything about the person, where this person where did she study, what certificates does she have... certificates, for example, and it will make life easier, if we say how it will make life easier for the tsk, now everything, for example, is calculated by a military accounting specialty, for example, if a person once at 18 years served in the army, received the specialty of marksman, she will be recorded there all her 20 years, that she is a shooter, if she is in the reserve, she will
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go to the register, for example, during this time he became, i don't know, received a pilot's license or rates. became a pilot or became a good lawyer , a manager there, or there i don’t know, he learned to drive a boat there, and already when the tsc calls him, they will see all this from these registers, all his certificates and will be able to decide where he will go and what he will do, it is from one side, from the other side, for example, you were born there the third child, and you also get armor, you don’t need to take a certificate and take it to the tsk, it will automatically... this will be added to the register and already the tsk opens, see, yes, colonel kostenko roman vasyliovych is not subject to mobilization there, because he had a third child, or other reasons, and it will be easier to say that it will make life 100% easier, we can't, but a lot of pocket money, a lot of processes and trips to the tsc, of ​​course it should be removed. mr. colonel, analysts
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of the institute for the study of american war talk about the fact that the russian army is preparing large-scale offensive actions between january 12 and february 2, when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian positions, is such a danger in the understanding of the ukrainian military and the armed forces of ukraine, or is this danger any day, not only from january 12 to february 2? well, really, i will say here that in principle the russians can, for example... they are now constantly trying to push us in the direction of kupena, and this is a fact, and what is meant by offensive actions, if we take some strategic offensive actions with major breakthroughs, at the moment it is an unlikely option what the intelligence says, for example, at the moment, if we are talking about just active actions, which in
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principle are still going on, then it is really the russians, they are conducting them, well practically. .. every day, of course, everything depends on the weather, but even here, as we see how things are working now in the south, and we are working, we see what is happening at our bridgeheads, the russians tried to storm these bridgeheads with equipment for a few more days, they were all practically destroyed by our f drone operators, and ee now what we see, they are advancing in small groups and, but ours are again drones. fpv and resets, they are constantly being destroyed, that is, they are constantly trying to attack, take active actions, but they do not succeed, so this is their tactic now, they think that they have seized the initiative and try in small groups, constantly destroying their infantry attack. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel roman kostenko. friends, we work live on
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the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are watching now. us on social networks and on youtube, please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube, and subscribe to our pages on these platforms, in addition, during our program, we conduct a survey, we ask you the following , is the world ready to end putin, yes no , if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, or yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please write in the comments, we are interested to know your opinion, if you watch us, in teleferi pick up your smartphone and vote if you think the world is ready to end putin, 0.800 211 381 no 0800 211 38 52, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading
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researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation, good evening. mr. valery, a few days ago, the defense forces of ukraine destroyed two planes, important planes for russia, a50. and the il-22m is one of the largest one -time losses of russian aviation in the war with ukraine, what does the loss of these aircraft mean for russia and how quickly can russia renew its resources and the capabilities that these two aircraft performed in the south, in the southeast, let's say yes. well, for the aerospace forces of russia, this is a heavy blow, let's say, directly. first of all, it is difficult
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, yes, in human terms, yes, practically, at least 16 men, experienced officers, as they are called, were instantly lost. well, not lower than the captain. material losses, in material terms, such an aircraft costs, well, somewhere from four. dollars, this is a very expensive machine, if it is the first series, well, now opinions are divided, this is the very first or the very last of the modernized a50u aircraft received, that is, if the first , then it is somewhere over 350 million dollars, if the last, then it is already prices under a billion, so what is that? what russia has lost is the opportunity to carry out, so to speak, intelligence activities over ukrainian territory in a monitoring mode. now
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the russians have only seven such aircraft left, they started the war with nine, one was shot down in belarus, it is not known whether it has been repaired or not, one was shot down, seven remained, the typical patrol time of such an aircraft in the zone. the zone allocated to him is four hours with refueling for 7 hours, but with refueling , well, so far such patrols have not been practiced, or they have been carried out as an exception, that is, even if the russians involve all the remaining planes, provided that 20% of the planes is a normal figure, are on the technical side maintenance, then only all six aircraft will be able to... carry out one-on-one monitoring of some section of the common front along this front line along the borders of russia and ukraine, and even entering the black sea
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, so to speak, along the maritime border of ukraine. that is, the capabilities of the russians will be very limited in this regard with such a number of aircraft. and what were these planes doing? well, in the area where they were patrolling, they could go 300 kilometers from that route. meter to see the flights of large relative to ukrainian aircraft for 200 km of aircraft of the fighter-attack type and somewhere on 100 km of objects on the ground, the movement of armored vehicles, the launch of anti-aircraft missiles, and any approaches of our aircraft to russian territory for the purpose of launching cruise missiles. by the way, they warned the russian air defense about the launch of our drones and winged ones. missiles, that is, the machine is extremely important, well, they pointed at the targets , as far as i understand, and the s-300 and others,
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russian fighters and bombers, at the targets that they saw, that they fixed , i understand correctly, not certain, but in general, if the russians say they will to transfer control from the anti-aircraft missile complex to this aircraft, i do not exclude this possibility, although i am not sure that the s300 complex also has such a capability, but so far i have not seen any information confirming this, but when it came to receiving the f-16 and as the deadline for their receipt began to approach, the russians announced that they would use these a50 aircraft to target the f-16, and the s-400 complex missiles, that is, to hit air targets, do you know? they work on ground targets, well, apparently they are capable, because from a height, firstly, they are more dangerous, secondly, the s-300 missiles that are not highly accurate, that is,
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simply bring them into the area of ​​impact. i think that the a50 will be able to. mr. valery, with the beginning of the great russian war, the russians had a great advantage in the military aircraft fleet. during the great war, according to the statistics of the armed forces of ukraine , more than 300 airplanes and more than 300 helicopters were destroyed. what other aircraft fleet does it currently own, what military aircraft fleet does it own? russia and how it can quickly renew its resources and is it possible now in the conditions of sanctions, in the conditions of those factories, some of which produced engines there on the territory of ukraine and supplied to the russian federation, do they have such opportunities to create new combat vehicles and replenish the aircraft fleet? unfortunately, there are, in the past, well, in the 22nd year
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, they... produced 29 combat aircraft, this year, oh, in the 23rd year, you can already sum up the results, the russians said that they produced so, well, already there there were no exact figures, because they did not allow journalists to film all the planes that they handed over to their air forces, that is, they showed two planes every time, but this is the case with all journalists, well, in most in any case, there was a suspicion that the actual... number of planes was being transferred, so for the past year the numbers vary from 22 to 26 combat planes. russia produced in general, well, they transferred more than fifty aircraft to their air forces, but only the latest types. su-25 attack aircraft suffered losses and the russian air force did not receive a single new attack aircraft. also, apparently, that sanctions.
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because if last year they built six planes of the fifth generation su-57, sorry again in the 22nd year six planes, then in the past in 2018, only two such aircraft were announced for transfer to the air and space forces, and not in the final configuration, that is, without full equipment with engines, as they call the first series, that is, not those that are hardly noticeable, well, this is how the situation is. and as for the losses, well, they really suffered losses , but they have potential, and we must not forget that at any moment, they can overturn individual pilots, and individual crews, and a bunch of planes from the far east, from the border with china, from other central districts to ours front, and in general, while there are no active hostilities, well, you see, aviation is working, and
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fortunately under... after a successful, very successful, that is, attack on the russians of the past, when three-34 bombers were shot down, then in 10- the number of winged bombs dropping from 500, from 250 to 500 kg and even 1,500 on our troops has decreased, which is also a big relief for our ground troops. mr. valeriu, obtaining long-range weapons. from our western partners and the main right to use these long-range weapons, long-range missiles, can solve the issue of aviation support of russia, that is, strikes on airfields located in the voronezh region, in the saratov region, that is, in those regions from where planes take off and
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are launched on the territory of ukraine. missiles, well , getting taurus with a maximum range is not the same as we were promised, in any case, with a reduced range, but with a maximum range, also atakms, it would be a good option for the latest model of atapax, they are also long-range, stormshadow is also a possibility to increase the range, if we were given such an opportunity, it would be possible to take out 90% of russian airfields, that is... including all the way to the mozdok airfield, where the mig 31 rises all the time, although there are only two of them there, and through which we have transport , the industry becomes, and the whole country is in the air alert mode, no, nothing works, that is, if this issue were resolved, if they finally gave us a free hand, let's say frankly, a free hand.


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