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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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trump's first victory on the road to the us presidential election, he strengthens his position as the likely challenger to biden. let's talk about the results of the republican caucuses in wyoming on bbc newzina live from london, i'm yevgenia shytlovska. trump's victory in iowa was expected and actually sets the tone for his election campaign. spectators say that his chances of victory in this election are greater than in the previous ones, but who can compete with him in his own party? in... in the united states
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, the party election season has begun, in which republicans and democrats determine their presidential candidates. whoever makes it to the finals will receive a nomination and actually become the only candidate from the party. while there is little intrigue, according to polls, it is most likely that trump and biden can meet again in the elections, the former president against the current one. you say, the american elections are in november, there are still nine months to them. yes, but the selection of candidates. caucuses, the case has been ongoing, it differs from state to state and begins in advance. actually, let's look at the key ones dates of the american election calendar. january is the beginning of caucuses and primaries. republicans are the first to start from the caucuses in the state of iowa, where trump just won. a week before the election, democrats join the new hampshire primary. party selection lasts six months. with such important days as super tuesday, when almost two dozen states vote, in july the republic. the kantians
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finally decide their presidential candidate, in august the democrats name theirs, and the key day is the election on november 5. and, by the way, on this day, americans choose not only the president, but also the congress, the house of representatives and a third of the senators, so although there is still a long time before the presidential elections in the united states, the caucuses and primaries are starting, and what is important, the level of support for the candidates is already visible in these party elections. if we talk about republican cockroaches. then trump's victory there was expected, the main thing was something else: who will be the second, will trump's main opponent be determined at this stage of the internal party elections, is there someone who is breathing down his back? well, we saw there is no answer yet: trump's opponents, nikki haley is the former us representative to the un and rhonda santis, the governor of florida, received equal support, but even together, they scored less than trump, and...
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vekremasavi left the race and called on his ushers to vote for trump. trump was supported everywhere in the state, except for one district where nikki haley won by one vote. actually, kokusyva, what kind of process is this? party activists, republicans, gather in each district, debate, discuss candidates, write on names of their favorites and according to the results of the calculations in the state, announce the victory. a bbc correspondent saw how it was. for donald trump, the victory in iowa was important. it was the first official test of his popularity among republican voters in 2024. i really think it's time for all of us, our country, to unite. republicans or democrats, liberals or conservatives don't care. it would be nice if we could unite and lead. however, the important
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question was who would be the second, ron desantis, the governor of florida. thanks to your support, despite all the opposition, when everyone was against us, we got a decent result in iowa. nicky gelli, a former permanent representative of the usa, took third place. do you want this to continue and... do you want a new generation of conservative leaders? that gives them both a much-needed boost in a race currently dominated by trump. there were fears that the low voter turnout might have been affected by adverse weather conditions. more than 1,600 polling stations were opened throughout the state. it's just bitterly cold here, so i i think someone used it. this as an excuse
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not to go to the precinct, but many were determined. so, what is a caucus? people came to the precinct, like this one in the cafeteria of a local school. to cast your vote, then the votes are counted and the results are read to them, in this precinct donald trump won. my family lives on the other side of town and they vote for trump, everyone i work with votes for trump, i'm surprised there are people who didn't vote for trump, but that must be my bubble. however, not everyone voted for trump. i haven't really liked him the past few years, especially after he reacted. on the results of the 2020 elections. a win in iowa is just the first step toward the republican presidential nomination. the official winner will be announced only in the summer. this is a marathon, not a sprint, but at the start, donald trump jumped
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ahead in this race. and what about trump's rivals rondesantis and nikki haley, what will they do next when they are in the party race. there is such a candidate, that's what bbc correspondent nomiya iqbal says. donald trump would like to this nomination process has ended right now. this is a landslide victory - 51% of the vote. no one had received such numbers before. he won 98 of wyova's 99 counties. in one district, he lost to nikilivi and scored only one point. i am not sure that he will contest this result. but what's more impressive in my opinion is not... the fact that trump didn't even spend as much money and time here in iowa as, for example, desantist or haile did, his campaign was planned, but it was smaller compared to the other two candidates. given the events, obviously desantis and nikegeli are not going to back down.
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they believe the result gives them a boost for the next race in new hampshire next tuesday. but in my opinion, there's a sense of inevitability here that donald trump ... will still be the republican presidential nominee, he'll probably get that chance, and while the circus has left iowa, it's known that donald trump has already arrived in new york for a libel trial, nicky gelly and rondy santis have also left, and next tuesday the circus will arrive at new hampshire, where we will again witness a similar process. in new hampshire there will be both republican and democratic primaries. speaking of republicans. trump's campaign slogan is unchanged to restore the greatness of the current president joe biden's america. trump is called none other than the worst president in the history of the united states and more. as before , trump says that he can end russia's war against ukraine? listen. we want peace
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through strength. russia would never attack ukraine, would never do it. putin and i get along well, we get along great. this is good, not bad. for ukraine, the results of this year's... american elections are extremely important, because american military and financial aid, even with increased support from europe, is the factor on which not only the combat capability of the ukrainian army depends, more than half of ukraine's budget depends on external financing. there are many factors. speaking of the republican caucuses, trump was convinced that republicans would support him before the wyoming caucuses. he did not participate in party debates and... these the wyoming caucuses showed that the republican party is still trump's party, and many of his supporters do not consider him the candidate who lost the last election, on the contrary, they believe that biden allegedly stole his victory. how can the results of kukusiwai determine trump's further success in this
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election campaign? listen to what the audience is saying. this was expected, and it was extremely important for trump to give wyow a landslide victory because it would mean... that the polls were not wrong, his campaign was effective, and people would come out to vote for him even in terrible weather and it also demonstrated the loyalty of his electorate. if the gap between the candidates had been smaller, there would have been questions about the accuracy of the polls, or whether there were any miscalculations in his campaign. however , the results showed how well organized his campaign is compared to 2016, when he lost to ted cruz. he... drew the right conclusions. trump attended only 25 campaign events compared to ron desantis, who visited all 99 counties in iowa and went all out. trump , on the other hand, just didn't need it as often to go to iowa because his campaign had a very
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effective strategy. he had a representative at each of the 1,600 polling stations who mobilized his supporters on behalf of trump. he also used it effectively. calls and e-mails. most likely, he will try to use this momentum to get a convincing victory in the next primaries. for the first time. so what do these mean? the results of the caucuses in wyoming give trump the undisputed republican nomination and potentially victory in the election. here is the opinion of another reviewer from washington. indeed, he got more votes than the other two combined. desantis and haley. the margin of 30% is almost three times larger than the all-time record margin between candidates in iowa, when george w. bush won it in 2000. now the only question is whether nikki haley can defeat him in the new hampshire vote
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next week, or if not, at least close the gap with him close enough to stay in the game. if she fails to do so, then the fight for the nomination of the republican party will be de facto completed next tuesday, and if she can do it, then we shall have a very interesting situation. if she wins new hampshire, the next state to vote is south carolina, where... she was governor, so it could still be interesting, but i doubt it. and do you see this as a way for desantis or haley, either one of them, to withdraw their candidacy in order to nominate one candidate to oppose trump? it is not very obvious that such a move would change anything. let's imagine that ron desantis withdraws his candidacy, and in order to win in iowa second place, he threw everything there. all 99 constituencies, spent far more money than
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anyone else, and after all that effort, to come in second, just shy of haley, a huge disappointment for him, no matter how hard he tried to save face, and even if he withdrew his candidacy before the vote in new hampshire, polls show that the majority of his supporters will give their votes to trump, not haile. she is considered a republican only in name, she... has no support in the trump electorate from the maga movement, which calls for america's return to greatness, so haley would not benefit much from it. still, vaio's result should be taken with caution. according to one poll, 60% of voters believed that the 2020 election was rigged and that biden stole the election. these people celebrated his victory last night, but dozens of criminal charges have been filed against him. do you see the possibility that when the lawsuits begin, something will change in this regard? it is telling that
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the most important process, according to the federal charge of trying to overturn the result the 2020 election will begin on march 5, the day after the so-called super tuesday, when a huge number of primaries will be held in one day, until now. the impeachment made trump stronger among his own electorate, weakening his position in the general election but strengthening it among republicans. 2/3 of iowa voters said they would support him even if he were impeached, and 2/3 said biden stole the presidency. if you look at the republicans from a party point of view, they have already turned into a cult. they are not anymore a party in the traditional sense. and if you look at the democrats, how scared do you think they are, what their
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strategy should have been, because they're dealing with a bunch of lies about him winning the election, about election violations, that the events of january 6, 2021 were not a riot or an attempt to overturn the results of the election, etc., as a democrat to fight against trump, in your opinion? nothing is working for biden right now, most americans don't care. for elections until they have two candidates, which will not happen before summer biden is perceived as old and weak, but he hasn't even started the campaign yet. i think that by the summer, trump will receive one or two sentences, and most americans will start to be interested in the elections. in iowa , 56,000 republicans voted for him. it's not a massive show of will, so it 's too early to say how much the average american has retained the ability to shock. november of this year, your prediction,
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it's all unpredictable, america is a very divided country, it's 50-50 every time, well, that's it, see you tomorrow. greetings friends, tv channel uso is live , the verdict program, my name is serhii orudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us now live on these
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platforms, please like this video and also vote in our poll, today we ask you if the world is ready to... end putin, yes, no, please, it's pretty simple on youtube, two options, or write your comment below video. if you vote on tv, pick up your phone, watch tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote. if you think the world is ready to end putin, 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are voice free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's program, they are people 's deputies of ukraine, vadym galaichuk, the first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada on the integration of ukraine with the european union union, a member of the servant of the people faction. mr. vadim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation. rostyslav
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pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine , member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, member of the european solidarity faction, mr. rostyslav, good evening, thank you for being with us today, good evening, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, member of the voice parliamentary faction, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you and thank you for finding time for our broadcast. good evening. gentlemen, let's start with a poll as we ask our viewers what they think about whether the world is ready to end. with putin, and unfortunately we have two options for polling, yes, no, obviously you have more options, more opinions, and more words you can say about whether the world is ready to end putin, because today volodymyr zelenskyi in davos spoke about putin as a predator, as a person with whom it is impossible to agree on anything, and the only way out is simply
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to end, as he said earlier, with putin, mr. vadim, what do you say about whether the world is ready to put an end to putin, considering the crimes that the whole world and ukrainians in particular are witnessing? my answer is yes , first of all, it is true, because the whole world saw the criminal image of the regime that putin created, and the crimes that... are well documented today, there are legal decisions, including that he should be held criminally liable , but here i would also draw attention to the fact that with our, well, very conditional partners, too, as we increasingly we learn from various sources of information, putin did not act completely openly, so even those
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who are his conditional allies today are also... again, according to the information that is beginning to come in more and more, these are his conditional allies today, today, dissatisfied with what actually happened, how the russian svo went, what were the intentions and what came out of it and what happened as a result, what a shame for putin. inflicted not only, first of all, of course, on us, the country, international relations, international law, my own country, i am sure, but also his a conditional ally, that's why the world today, in my opinion, has come to an understanding, and there are definitely those who believe that it's time to put an end to putin, thank you,
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mr. vadim, mr. yaroslav, what do you think? it is already obvious to everyone that the future of the world can only be without putin at the head of russia, is part of the world ready to put up with putin's russia in some way, trade, find some kind of compromise and take into account the fact that putin, they say, has his interests, and he defends them. no matter how much we regret it, but unfortunately, the world is not unipolar and not only the western part of the world sets general rules, there are arab countries that... quite often help us too, and here we should note the good work of our internationals who involved in
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the exchange of prisoners, in particular the last exchange of more than 200 people, representatives of arab countries, but on the other hand actively trade with russia, take advantage of the fact that they can raise oil prices, i'm not saying anymore. about china, and i'm not talking about those countries that systematically support putin's russia, but even in europe they are heard quite often, let and marginal, but there are statements by orban, fitso and the like that putin should be tried to listen, that they also have interests, and therefore in order to, but i agree with vadim that the situation has changed radically. thanks to the heroic defense of the armed forces of ukraine , the entire ukrainian people in the 22nd year, and a large part of the countries that previously used russian gas there, realizing that
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this is not the economy, but turning a blind eye to the fact that it is actually bribing them with energy resources, now categorically changed his mind. i recently mentioned the situation about the so-called steinmeier formula, and so... and how much the position of the whole world has changed, and of the west, in particular, who are now ready to recognize putin as a criminal, but there is a huge amount of work that ukraine still has to do in order to prove legally within the framework of the international rights, and the fact that it is impossible to negotiate with putin , and russia is doing everything there, investing frantic efforts, in disinformation, in propaganda, in the banal buying in bundles, even now of european politicians and officials, hiring european lobbyists, so at the same time very often mediated there
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proxies in ukraine, such as the campaign against the fight against the fsb, the np, the so-called orthodox church, the ukrainian orthodox church of the de facto moscow patriarchate and pays us lobbyists there. and all over the world, novinsky, yes, that is, a sanctioned person in ukraine, that is, a russian denomination in ukraine, is now hiding abroad, so it is important to understand that a lot has been done, but we should not be complacent, what has already been achieved, for us in order to neither a civilized person nor anyone else had to talk to putin world, we still need to do a lot, a lot, and this is... not a unipolar, not a bilateral confrontation, we are fighting there with putin, and we understand that
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putin is convenient for totalitarian regimes, of which there are few, but enough in the world, in fact, what atrocity he is committing, what genocidal things he is currently carrying out in ukraine, for them, well, this is a test, as far as the world can swallow it, so there is still a lot of work to be done. great, but a good beginning has indeed already been made, and very often actually by the great sacrifices of our defenders. thank you, mr. yaroslav, sir rostyslav, mr. yaroslav said that the world is changing very quickly and is changing its position regarding what is happening in ukraine, using the example of the stanmayer formula, but we can see how the position of germany has changed over the course of two years, how they quickly and dynamically began to work with ukraine. we see how much support we have in great britain, we see how much support there is in the united states of america, but there is still no clear answer that the victory of ukraine is
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necessarily the defeat of putin, that is, that the putin regime should not exist , all they say that we will support ukraine there, and ukraine must win, or, let's say, russia must be defeated, but this... this thesis that putin's regime is misanthropic, that kills people, as one that threatens the whole world, for some reason this thesis is not articulated and not constantly spoken, maybe putin would introduce himself in a completely different way, so that they would say, listen, we want russia to exist, but without putin, because that’s it in general impossible, he is a murderer, he is a man who must be condemned. well, sometimes one gets the impression that the world would like to see a situation where there are no crimes by putin,
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where there are none. russia, but i would like it to happen without any drastic changes. it seems that several factors are at work here. the first factor is the fear factor, because it is still believed that russia is a great power, everyone cites about the two million army that russia can field, everyone talks about its economic power. everyone says that she was underestimated, although in fact it looks like that it was overestimated, and no kyiv happened in three days, and no economic miracle happened in russia, but the sheer size of russia, they give many people in the world, and i agree that, first of all, in the non-western world, the desire to think about that
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, of course, you can correct russia's behavior, because... it crossed the line in many issues, but what would the world be like without russia, wouldn't it plunge into chaos, and by the way, here is the second part of this fear factor, because the world is very worried about what will happen or not there will be a nuclear conflict between the conditional moscow directorate and the siberian federation, over some deposits of minerals, and here ukraine still needs to make great efforts to... show what the way can be after the defeat of russia, and that this way will be for the best for the world and safer for the world than maintaining the situation as it is, and that for ukraine, for example, the first and indisputable step towards this safer world would be joining nato, which would actually put an end to russian aggression, and would guarantee that this aggression would impossible
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in... and for this, everything must be done, taking into account the fact that the nato washington summit is approaching, it is already less than six months away, and this will be a very important test for ukrainian diplomacy and for the ukrainian authorities as a whole, how to organize this preparation in such a way that both the government, the opposition, civil society experts, and in general all the forces of ukraine would be able to work for this purpose. thank you, mr. rostislav, now, of course, we are waiting for the decision of the congress of the united states of america, it means the ukrainian side, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba , warned in an interview with abc news that the time for the approval of military aid by the united states of america to ukraine is running out. let's listen to what kuleba said. whatever the cost
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of supporting ukraine now, the cost of fixing the mess in the world if ukraine loses will be much, much higher. if the west cannot stop russia in ukraine, who can it stop in other parts of the world? even if we run out of weapons, we will fight with shovels, because ukraine is at stake the existence of this nation is worth. mr. vadim, of course the remark that we will fight with shovels if there are no weapons, it probably sounds somewhat controversial to the western audience, or somehow unexpectedly yes, but for ukrainians such a statement indicates that we are preparing for , that we will fight with anything if we are not given weapons, although it is clear that with the russian federation, which...
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has great power, as a military machine, it is necessary to fight with high-precision weapons, and here again there is an absolutely logical the question is why the west is delaying the provision of these weapons, which, how, which are enough in the world to provide ukraine, and ukraine could expel the russian invaders from the territory of the ukrainian state, which the world fears of a nuclear war, that the ukrainians will not be able to cope with it. are they afraid that the rules of the game, which have already been broken, will still allow the world to be saved from some kind of catastrophe, which the kremlin and vladimir putin are constantly hinting at. sami, you yourself absolutely correctly noticed that there are certain messages for a certain audience, and in the first place i would...


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