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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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and on this we will say goodbye to you, see also our daily briefings from monday to friday at 6 p.m. take care and see you, have a peaceful night and a peaceful morning. congratulations, today we will talk about the search for three girls from the kherson region, they are... lyudmila vasylevska, tetyana maksymiuk and viktoriya ostrovska. ludi is 14 years old, tanya is 10 years old , and vidka is nine years old. all three disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. he lost contact with luda vasylevska on june 1 , 2023. nothing is known about ta tanya maksymiuk since march of last year and victoria ostrovska disappeared at the beginning of the summer of 2023. unfortunately, we have almost no information about the girls and the circumstances. of their disappearance
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, but it is very important that at least there are pictures of them, so i am asking each of you to look closely at the faces of the girls, if you know anything about any of them, please call the children's hotline on 116 30, calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. of course, many children are now disappearing due to war-related circumstances, for example, during evacuation in frontline towns or villages. or in the occupation, however , unfortunately, children also disappear in relatively peaceful territories, so please carefully listen to some important tips and an algorithm of actions in case, god forbid, you have a missing child. first of all, try to control yourself, calm down and don't panic, on the contrary, you should concentrate and remember that every minute is precious, and therefore you should act quickly, you don't have to wait for me for three days , call the police immediately. and contact the service
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search for the magnolia children, while trying to find the child yourself, with someone staying at home during the search in case the child returns. contact anyone who may have any information, including relatives, and ask if they ever have your son or daughter. also call friends and acquaintances of the child, it is very likely that they will know something, especially if your child is a teenager and has decided to run away from home. if... a child is lost, for example, in a shopping center, immediately contact the security service and ask for help with searches. but again, if you have not been able to locate the child within an hour, i emphasize: immediately contact the police and the magnolia child tracing service. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do first of all in such a situation. of course, god forbid you never need our number, but just in case. remember or write it down. 116
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30 hotline of the child tracing service. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. and i ask for one more minute of your attention. please look at the face of this boy. this is nine-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022. the boy lived with his father in kupnyansk, which was occupied in the first days of the war. since then, artem and his father have stopped communicating. after. unfortunately, it was not possible to find a boyfriend before the occupation of kupiansk. if you know the whereabouts of artem kholodny, contact the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at 116.30. as usual, at the end i urge you to go to the website of the children's search service and see photos of these boys and girls. perhaps you will recognize someone and help find them. and please repost this video with every share you make really big. increasing the chances of finding
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wanted children. let's not be indifferent. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. there are discounts on aquamaris 15% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on citramon darnytsia in pharmacies psyllium you and save.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is the big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we're starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we'll... we'll discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now and we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please , and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that many... have become familiar, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the upcoming day , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people.
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espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the spress tv channel, and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 47 minutes. a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you today , in addition, we will have the opportunity
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to observe the events in davos live, there, in particular , the ukrainian side will make its reception, as well, in principle, any country, ukraine always has its representation there, such temporarily. therefore, we will observe, well, we will discuss in detail what has already happened in the past, the statement of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the statements of other leaders and heads of important organizations, what can be agreed on and what can be agreed on, we will talk about this, and we will start with the announcement about collection espresso tv channel is called to join the collection for kamikaze drones for the legendary heroic 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since... the 13th of the year, the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy and kharkiv regions, soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region are among the hottest areas of the year. currently, the defenders need kamikaze drones. in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions
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of the enemy, equipment, manpower not only stop, but also destroy in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. so let's sharpen up and step it up. wings to our army and we will clip the wings of the soldiers of the occupying country and the aggressor country. well and we begin by talking about the situation in zaporizhzhia, our regions today are represented by important guests and important events, and it is worth understanding what is happening serhiy lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. good evening. well, the good news is that in the zaporozhye direction, the armed forces of ukraine manage to destroy important ones. the firepower of the enemy, this is a big plus, i deliberately do not ask you about the details, because i understand that this is a matter for the operational-strategic management of the troops of a certain direction, the direction of tabry, as far as i understand, but what i read today gives me hope that in the future it will be possible, of course, to drive the enemy
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further, here is some interesting and important information, the amount of damage caused by the occupiers and the occupation of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant was estimated, we are talking about... about 200 billion. in your opinion, again, how adequate is this amount, and what, in your opinion, are the main losses and threats today that remain associated with the occupied most. in europe by a nuclear power plant, disappeared from us, mr sergey. well, now we will add him to the conversation. here, in addition to the fact that the calculated amount of damage is a lot of 200 billion, again, we are talking about ecology here, and about the damage caused to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant itself, there to the ecosystem, the technological process, moral damages that were caused and physical, moral damages caused to employees. of this station, we know that actually many people have been in the station for two years, there may be
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some kind of rotation, they are subjected to torture and have been subjected to torture, psychological, moral and physical violence, let's remind them how they were forced to go over to the side of russia , to work under the auspices of rosatom, not energoatom, it's not easy and with all that pressure, with the fact that certain people with grenades still walk around these premises, i had to work, please, mr. serhiy, let's go back, i need to formulate a question once more, did you hear? no, i had time to hear the question, just as i was about to answer, the connection broke, but look, according to the information available to me, these losses take into account not only direct losses, which related to direct damage to the nuclear power plant, its mechanisms, support systems, etc., as well as the funds that were not received by the nuclear power plant from activities, from non-supply of electricity, from... those payments that were made to employees who left there and were forced to leave there,
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certain payments were made to them and so on and so on, that is, this is the total loss of the energy sector from the occupation of the nuclear power plant, which exists today, and taking this into account, i think that primarily this amount will to increase, because the autonomous power plant does not work at full capacity, does not send electricity to... ukraine, as it should do, well, accordingly, it will not receive the funds for this. well, as a matter of fact, now it is somehow off the agenda, so that the zaporizhia nuclear power plant disappears from the agenda, from the news feeds, because there is no aggravation, but we understand very well that the situation there is not getting better, and now again the representatives of the magate mission, magathe organizations are not allowed to zaporizhzhya nuclear power station, or at least to certain of her to certain of her premises, which once again confirms. the fact that the situation there is interesting here, but the situation there is controlled, at least by the specialists
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of the aggressor country, but here is what is important, the situation is controlled, the situation is at a level of ensuring security sufficient so that it is possible not to constantly worry about this, as it it was a year ago, the enemy basically stopped manipulating the station as a source of increased danger, and what is the consequence. view of the entire complex of actions of international influence and the risks it carries for territory, including the publicity that was received as a result of greater, less in terms of consequences, but greater than in fact already the greatest, a tragedy actually happened, this is the detonation of akhovskaya gez, platinum, so under such conditions, the enemy understands that the consequences of the accident on acs will be serious and will have an impact , including for energy. doctors of their country, well , and accordingly more or less try not to
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manipulate and support life activities. i will ask about the security situation as of the end, well actually the evening, so in a day, let's take zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhzhia region, for a certain period of time the enemy was quite active in targeting both shaheds and ballistics and possibly these guided air bombs, how did this day pass, well, if there were serious flights before that, is there anything else about... this to overcome these consequences, please , well, for now, at the moment in the city of zaporizhzhia itself and the surrounding area, the situation is calm, well, there were alarms, but there were no consequences, and the enemy has become more active along the demarcation line in the last two days, today there was information about again yet another aviation raids, cabs flew over orichov and adjacent territories, rabotino, once again under constant artillery fire, but this situation, unfortunately... is commonplace, well, is it possible now, or since yesterday we talked with
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kharkiv oblast, there exactly it was about the fact that restoration works are taking place , where it is possible to repair houses, somehow restore them, then it is done, well, where it is not possible, there it is not possible in zaporizhzhia, well, at least now i will say about the city of zaporizhia, are these works again is there, is there the necessary funds to do it at least for people decent living conditions where they were. strikes by enemy, enemy means? works are being carried out, houses that were destroyed last year are being rebuilt, and certain technical... works are being carried out on houses, from last year, sorry, on houses that were damaged last year, that is , deficiencies are being promptly eliminated where it can be done, where the windows are broken, etc., and globally it is being repaired again, in my opinion, it is not at all, well, properly effective, because
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the restoration of 24 apartments for more than 100 million hryvnias, well, this is an unprofitable use of funds, but such a decision was made by the authorities and the authorities accordingly restore the losses in this way, this is in the city of zaporizhzhia itself, as for the demarcation line, no active work is carried out there, in connection with the fact that that in principle it is inappropriate, because today to restore something, tomorrow artillery or aviation will destroy it again, that is why small towns such as korikhiv, gulyaipole, stepnohirsk are being destroyed, and unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, kherson region, and kharkiv region. in donbas, especially luhansk region, donetsk region, there are cities that simply do not exist, and those that have been significantly destroyed by the enemy and continue to be destroyed, i would like to ask a little about life in the occupied part of the zaporizhia region, well, in particular, the enemy is engaged in terror by collecting signatures for these fake elections, which elections are being planned for march, another appointment of putin, let's name it, it's hard
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to call it an election, and the fact that without passports hospitals in the occupation now do not admit children, even children ... you have, you can't, just count will be for some kind of medical service, if you don't have this, ee ausweis occupantsky, is it really true, then how can people survive? ah, indeed, medical services are not provided in the absence of a passport, including for children in the absence of a passport of one of the parents, and contracts for the supply of communal services are not concluded, again in the absence of a passport, the only thing that makes it possible... people somehow , as they say, to get away with calling an ambulance, because when an ambulance arrives, they first provide services, only later documents are checked, well, accordingly, people are supported a little, but in this regard there is quite interesting information that it is allowed to vote on the territory of the russian federation, oh, on the territory
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of the occupied regions, in the elections with passports of ukraine, which were issued until... february 22 , that is, in this way, in this way, the enemy is trying to identify all those who have not yet received a passport, but for some reason will come to the polling stations, and accordingly show that they still have ukrainian passports. perhaps at this moment passports will be torn in order to force people to exchange them. well, literally second, and the mobilization, well, this is forced mobilization to the russian army, as far as i understand, continues in the occupied territories. ah, forced. mobilization, first of all the forced registration of conscripts continues, some of them are forced or persuaded to sign up for the russian army, such that they are grabbed on the streets and sent away, well, i don't know about such cases. thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhii lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in touch with us, we talked about
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the situation in zaporizhia, well, now we will to talk about the heroic sumyshchyna, which the enemy is not only... shelling almost every day to one degree or another, which enemy subversive and intelligence groups are constantly trying to infiltrate, and whether these enemy subversive and intelligence groups were such cases cause damage and significant, and unfortunately, there are fatal consequences of an attack on civilian objects, civilian employees of citizens, and this is a problem. viktor babarenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, is in touch with us, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good to you health. glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, just as he started talking about shelling, and today a statement was made by the sumy regional military administration, they say that we can protect every tenth resident, well, when in war we are talking about some formulas, calculations, it is so it's a bit alarming, why every tenth, and not every ninth, how is it, how would you comment on it, and in general, regarding the security
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situation as of the last day, to be honest, i don't know what he meant. former head of the regional military administration said that we are every tenth person, and it turns out that we do not secure someone, well, i don't know , it must be said that we have a five-kilometer zone with which, from which people are evicted, very often, well, they are not forcibly evicted, not enough the heads of the communities there. er, sometimes they say, well , we don’t need it, there, not only that , but i have there, well, here is a specific case, i have an acquaintance... with whom we studied together once, er, she is now in cyprus an accountant, works there, knows excellent english, and she, and her mother is a teenager, she, mother, come to
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me, come to me, cyprus, warm sea, there , well + 20, it’s already january, but my mother says, dotsi, says, dotsi, where am i, and the ducklings, where am i going, and my mother does not want to leave since she was a young woman , and there are also curious cases. yes, when there was, well, in september, when a grandmother went out to the garden to pluck onions, and there, like , she crushed a salad, and a mine literally fell under her feet, but the grandmother took this mine and carried it to the rural council, in the rural council, they were scared, well, in general, such anecdotes are very telling often and very much that you need to know that the enemy attacks how he has 30-40 thousand people there from the side of how they act, they too, like us,
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send on rotation those brigades that they have there or divisions or regiments that they have somewhere that were beaten under marienko, under bakhmut uglidar , they take them out, they conditionally take them there from the brigade for... but they put the rest there in meat assaults, yes, they take them out somewhere near suju, near tetkin, well, near the sumy region, and they start replenishing, they start coordination takes place there, that is, well, in this way, they would bring their troops there to normal, yes, there are two of them... 3-4 months here near the sumy border, then they go back er-er they will breathe. so, but at this time they, well, if
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, well, what is called in the military coordination, the same thing is happening in our country, so that we understand that someone, somewhere, also some military unit that was under bakhmut, there or under ugledar , er... she is taken out somewhere so that the boys can rest for three or four months, spend time there, well, go on vacation, then come and also reconcile, that is, when a soldier comes from a war with high intensity, where well, every day, something terrible is happening, in a war with low intensity, but that does not mean. sees that this is not a war, and it also happens in our country, when in sumy oblast they were detained, well, their drg came, came and took three men
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, well, they killed one of the four, well, somewhere he yawned, three were taken prisoner, taken away, yes, there , then they told him there , they are already there, respectively, well, well, i don’t know, there they pinched something somewhere somewhere in the door, and there the soldiers were already answering that there... like oh, everything is bad in ukraine, thanks to the russians to the soldiers who took us captive, of course they are psychologically, well, pressured , and they give some demonstrations there, but we see it on telegram channels, they can go there and beat up the foresters, they can plant some mines there, that is, a hoax, so that we know a hoax, and that means... nizhny novgorod, where the border is actually a demarcation line and is what we call a low
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-intensity war, where there, as there were 2 days in a skirmish, что толку в етакой безделки, yes, where they are shooting at us , and we're shooting back, and we'll be honest, if in 2022. we were afraid there until spring until summer just to shoot at that territory , they were just afraid, well, no matter what, we are civilians, now ours are shooting from there and we flew there, that is , artillery duels, mortar duels, they happen all the time, and we we must understand that 5-7 km is what the mines reach. 20-25 km is what the projectiles reach, which means that these 18 communities from the 51st in the sumy
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region, which are constantly under... shelling, and there are communities such as shostka, kanatop, sumi, akhtyrka, shelling, but under shelling by iskanders, ballistics, i just wanted to to say that there was a rocket attack at six o'clock, again, it's, i don't know , the situation, it's often the enemy strikes at six o'clock, or whether it's a rocket attack, six o'clock - these are things that don't happen often. they often happen, but they happen, and so do sums, you ask, and are they often hit by sums? no, not as often as, well, in kharkiv , they hit with ballistics practically every day, according to sums often, no, not often, we in sums can see more there, well, such cool things, when ours are shot down by shahedis, shahedis who fly there to kremenchuk, conditionally to myrhorod, on khmelnytskyi and kyiv, they fly past sumy and
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we... there, with the children, we can go out on the balcony and watch how our shaheds coolly knock down their shaheds over sumy, this is often, but so that it flies into sumy, no, not often, but what should be considered often there once a month, well then not often, more often, well then often, but just as often it flies to the six, no, not often it flies to the deaf, not often to the canatop, but when it flew there, there were 30. .. houses without windows, or in the same ones, in the same backwoods, yes it flew there and and and we see, well somewhere it fell, somewhere it damaged the roof in some apartment building, somewhere there something broke the glass, and its people are in despair, because if it is -5 or -15 outside the window now , tomorrow it will be without a window.
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sometimes, sometimes it flies into sumi, in shostka, in kanatop, in ramny, sometimes it kills people , but often not often there, well, it’s relative, it’s all relative, thank you very much for your comments, for joining, take care, victor bobarenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis from sumy oblast, spoke briefly about this region, about this area, i don't like the word region, the area in which, as it says. mr. viktor, i completely agree with him here, there is a low-intensity war going on, but it goes on every day and, unfortunately, people suffer, first of all people die, and the infrastructure also suffers, and now we will talk more about the situation at the front and around , serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day section, serhiy, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our military section we we will talk about the fact that our army needs not only drones, but also trained
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operators, about the combat operations near bakhmut, what has changed there in the conversation with our military and about the need for a war against lies, against the background of the conclusions of the experts of the world economic forum, which is currently taking place in davos, more on that in a moment. let me start with the fact that the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine, together with... manufacturers of unmanned systems and training centers for training drone operators, addressed an open in a letter to prime minister denys shmyhal and defense minister rustem umerov. the letter states that with plans to produce at least 1 million drones this year, it is primarily about fpv drones, although there is also growth in the production of other classes of drones.
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it is growing critically in the country. the need for skilled operators, while neither the ministry of digital transformation nor the ministry of defense currently funds the training of drone operators in private schools for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine due to the lack of a regulatory framework on these issues, however, there are not enough training centers in the ministry of defense. therefore , the appeal emphasizes that the state should start the process of involving the private defense sector. for the training of drone operators , just as it was done to increase the production of domestic drones at our enterprises, to solve this problem there , in this appeal to the prime minister , certain options are proposed based on the improvement of the legislative framework, i think that this will be done in the near future , but anyway we will wait for the reaction of the ministry of digital and the ministry of defense to this appeal, and here... i will remind you
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that the average norm was used.


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