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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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and the communists significantly limited the rights of citizens, despite violating the constitution of ukraine, the laws of january 16, then-president viktor yanukovych signed the next day, january 17. this was another attempt to suppress the maidan. details in our story. 15 days of arrest for setting up a tent or for participating in a rally wearing a helmet, liability for extreme activity and slander, restriction of access to sites based on expert opinion.
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votes of people's deputies when voting by a show of hands. 235 for. voted for these restrictions on the constitutional rights of citizens from in violation of the regulations of the verkhovna rada, they were signed by then president viktor yanukovych the very next day. despite numerous protests and calls from the world and ukrainian public not to publish the texts of the laws, they were immediately made public. as from it is known that viktor yanukovych came to power with democratic slogans, one of his main promises was the signing of the association agreement with the european union, but on november 21, 2013 , the government under his control turned ukraine's course in the opposite direction. the issue of restoring normalcy came first for the government relations with the russian federation. and settlement. of all skin issues. the
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association agreement between ukraine and the european union was never signed at the eastern partnership summit in vilnius. today we see that ukraine has unilaterally suspended movement in the eu, and the eu wants to help the ukrainian people. the door remains open to deeper integration. at the same time, on the maidan, public activists and leaders of opposition parties adopted a joint resolution demanding yanukovych's resignation. for the betrayal of the ukrainian people, the struggle began ukrainians for freedom, dignity and freedom. we are citizens of ukraine who want to live in a normal country with decent values, who defend our point of view and know how to defend our choice, that's why we are here now. almost two months of peaceful protest ended with the adoption of dictatorial laws on january 16. with them, the authorities brought the confrontation to a new, bloody stage. after the violent suppression
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of protesters by security forces on february 18 and the shooting on the 20th, viktor yanukovych and his closest entourage fled the country. first came to kharkiv, where, with the support of russia, he tried to organize a congress to separate the eastern regions from ukraine, but this plan was defeated, and yanukovych and... most of the members of his government fled to the russian federation. the revolution of dignity ended with the victory of civil society, however, at the same time, the annexation of crimea. russia started a war against ukraine. some critics point out that if it were not for the events on the maidan, there would be no war. but it is not so. there is a lot of evidence that russia has been planning an attack on ukraine for a long time. in particular, in april 2008, i will publish it. russian magazine. on
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the description of the special operation called mechanical orange in ukraine was not paid enough attention at that time. and for good reason, because a mechanical orange almost one-to-one coincided with the invasion scenario of 2022. perhaps this plan was not implemented earlier, because in 2010 the kremlin managed to promote the pro-russian viktor yanukovych to the presidency of ukraine. and this opened the way to the peaceful absorption of our state. belarus, at least in moscow , clearly counted on this. and this was not the first, unfortunately, and not the last attempt to intimidate ukrainians, as they say, to force them to the table, but not neither this, nor what happened later, january 22, the first murders on the maidan, nor february, and yet ukraine still fights and continues to fight against the dictator who sits in the kremlin, and we believe that as then and now we will all win together and together, well... about the events in
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the world that took place today , yuriy fizar will tell us in detail, yuriy, good evening, good evening to you, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, there is a lot of information, in particular , let's talk about what was said today... well, at least today in davos at the world economic forum, kaya kallas, prime minister of estonia , says that in 3-5 years, russia may again pose a threat to nato member states. and a promotional video about the god-chosen of donald trump. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this: trump's first victory: the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump , won a convincing victory based on the results of the caucuses, which is the name of the meeting of activists this time of the republican party in the state iowa this is evidenced by the results of counting
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100% of the votes, which are published on the website of the republicans of iowa. according to the results of the vote, trump won 51% of the vote. voters from the republican party. florida governor ron desantis is in second place. he scored a little more than 21%. he is followed by former us ambassador prion and ex-governor of the state of south carolina, nikki haley. she has a little more than 19% of the vote. well, we can say that the presidential victory in the united states is official. racing in the united states the states of america have begun, in some states there will be just these caucuses, that is, such gatherings of party supporters, in some it will be primaries, this is a vote, but whatever it is, as a result of them, somewhere around june, each state will elect one supporter, one
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representative from the democrats and from the republicans, in order for him to represent these parties from... but in the presidential elections that will be held in november this year, well, long-awaited, this is a little more about this victory, guess from the first time who commented on the victory donald trump at these caucuses in the state of iowa, well, i'm sure that everyone who watches my column world about ukraine, immediately guessed that this is the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán, for him it is a long-awaited event. victory , and by the way, with information about trump, i will start today’s world about ukraine column, with information about trump, i will end this column, so wait, because there will be a phenomenal video about phenomenality, although it is better to say about
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trump’s divine election, this video was prepared by the election team, pre-election team donald trump, so that's all at the end of the column, hang on and i'll continue. ukrainians need predictable funding throughout 2024 and beyond. they need a sufficient and sustainable supply of weapons. european commission president ursula funderlein said this during a speech at the world economic forum in davos. according to her, russia has suffered a strategic failure in ukraine, but will continue to make maximum efforts to correct the situation. therefore, he says. madam president, the west must continue, to help ukraine to resist, to resist. and then a short quote from mrs. ursula fonderlein. ukrainians need sufficient and continuous supplies of weapons. well,
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davos is off to a good start for us. and although we know that some such decisions, as a result of which we receive a lot of weapons, do not take place on such forums, but... but many agreements are made there, which will later be very useful for us. and ukraine - ukraine will continue to receive all necessary financial and military support from the united states america. us secretary of state antony blinken said this during a meeting with our president volodymyr zelenskyi on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. according to him, kyiv's support will continue despite the controversy that is currently... in the american congress, while the head of the american foreign policy department emphasized that the white house administration is making maximum efforts to convince lawmakers, to unblock aid to ukraine, and added that european
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partners will also continue to provide ukraine the necessary help, and this is also very encouraging, but not yet... everything, the day in davos started perfectly with a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi, there is reason for optimism that ukraine will maintain its independence. yes, on your page. on microblogging network x, which is formerly twitter. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg summarized his morning meeting with volodymyr zelensky. and all this - says the head of the north atlantic alliance, despite the seriousness of the situation on the fronts. and a little later, yen stoltenberg added, quote: "helping ukraine is investment in its own security, you just have to stand by ukraine, and at some point russia will realize that it is paying too high a price. price and a just peace will agree
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, well, here is the ending, it seems to me that the secretary general of nato was too optimistic, i do not think that russia, as long as it has putin, ah, at the helm in the kremlin, will agree to any such it is called a just peace, but still, the statement is good. very soon , the european union will still be able to produce 1 million artillery ammunition per... year - said the deputy head of the president marosh sefovych of the european commission. during the plenary session of the european parliament. according to him, within the framework of supporting the production of projectiles and missiles, the eu countries have agreed to allocate 500 million euros to support investment projects in this field. and the total amount of investments should be 1 billion euros. well then, let's listen to mr. shevfovich u. direct speech our role and
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duty is not only to continue, but also to strengthen support for ukraine on all fronts. but especially military aid, as we witness the continuous attacks it is subjected to ukraine from the russian aggressor. the work that the european union and its member states are currently doing on their own defense competitiveness will ultimately provide ukraine with the support it needs. ukraine is part of europe and... this is our goal, and we will do it as long as it takes. a clear statement from the european commission, a clear statement from europe, a statement of further support. but unfortunately, not everyone in europe adheres to such views, in europe adheres to such views, there is also an alternative point of view. we know who she is articulates, unfortunately. there is no political solution to the war in ukraine.
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the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, who arrived in budapest, said this during a joint press conference with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán. according to him, the ukrainian army has lost its combat capability at the moment, and therefore the allocation of additional billions of aid from the european union is absolutely useless, according to him, it will not change anything. next, a quote from robert fitzo. in three years, we will also be standing here, and we we will state that the 50 billion that the eu allocated to ukraine have disappeared and that there are 100,000 more dead soldiers on each side, and that no one has moved. frankly, such statements are damned. first give these 50 billion. despite the fact that there was a statement from the representative of bulgaria, i don't know if you will talk about it, where is he. said unequivocally that ukraine will be able to win if we continue to support it and provide everything necessary for this victory, well, there are simply
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countries, there are leaders of countries who are working on their rating and trying to get some bonuses from its citizens, to a rating or to an offshore account, let's say yes, or yes , or yes, really, or yes, or yes, it's unknown, it's been 3.5 years and russia will again represent, at least be able to represent a threat to the country. nato members, estonian prime minister kaia kallas said in an interview with the times. at the same time, she emphasized that this is according to the information of estonian intelligence. and this will greatly depend on the extent to which, says kaya kalas, we will be able to preserve the unity of the eu's position towards ukraine. mrs. kalas also clarified, that this intelligence conclusion is based on a scenario in which, during a military, military war in ukraine, the parties will be able to... agree on a ceasefire, and added, quote, the head of the estonian government: from the point of view of the baltic countries,
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russia still has enough forces to act real military pressure in our region. that is, i emphasize once again, this can happen under the condition that there is such an agreement on a ceasefire, which is exactly what estonian intelligence warns against, that there will be such a conditional truce afterwards. which russia will be again to prepare for an even bigger war, this time, not only in ukraine. but again, don't give a component for rockets, let's continue to drive on estonia understands it. are breaking, well, that is, the pressure is working, when in russia they do not take off, it is difficult for them to land, they will not have the tools, how will she be able to prepare such an army as she had in the 22nd year, no way. well, in the baltic countries,
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they understand this vasyl and try to reach out to others. countries of the leaders of europe, although mostly everyone understands, there are those who do not understand, or not want to understand, or work for their wallets, yes, well, let's move on, about the need to be ready for different scenarios, probable scenarios in which russia can pose a threat to nato member countries, they also talked about it in poland, about it on the air of the polsat tv channel, he said minister of defense vladislav kosiniak kamysh, this is how he commented on the information of the german publication bild. that in the 25th year moscow may start a war with nato. the minister also emphasized that, in view of this information, the polish government will not continue not only to modernize the country's army, but also to increase its number. but in russia, its leadership and ordinary people seem to continue
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to live in a kind of looking glass. the start of a special military operation to stop. in the third world war, the speaker of the state duma of russia vyacheslav volodin said today during the plenary session of the duma. according to him, russia is a peaceful country, but now it is simply forced to fight against nazism, and that is why it started the so-called special military operation. according to him, as a result of this operation, ukraine should finally become a free and neutral country, and ukraine should not , should not, have a west. weapons , surrealism , we didn't have western weapons before the full-scale invasion, well , at least there weren't as many of them as we have now, this is firstly, and secondly , today margos simanyanyan, a famous russian propagandist, wrote about the fact that the third world war has already begun, so who
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is telling the truth, volodin, who says that russia averted the third world war, or margo simenyan, who said that it is already underway, but... let them go to hell. and finally, if you think that donald trump just appeared on planet earth, if you think so, then you are very wrong, because molecules did not appear there just like that. and the leaders of the election campaign of the 45th president of the united states of america in an advertising, campaign video, say that not everything is so random and unambiguous. let's watch. on june 14, 1946 , god looked at his planned paradise and said: i need a caretaker. and god gave us trump. god said, "i need somebody who's willing to wake up before dawn to fix this one country, work all day, fight, with
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marxists, have dinner, and then go to the oval office and stay there until midnight for a meeting of heads of state, that's how god made trump, well, tell me, phenomenal, original, that's how god made trump and that's how god is doing now your election campaign, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch. there are 15% discounts on tosmai in psarynyk, bam and oskad drugstores. 93 separate mechanized brigade
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holotny yar is in dire need of five drones. hitting the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, which all ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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espero gente!
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good evening, we are from ukraine! so, we continue, i want to say that we are waiting for the official opening of the ukrainian house in davos on the outskirts of the world economic forum in a swiss ski resort, well, actually, the event has just started, we will broadcast the most important moments, and now we have a conversation with ruslan osypenko, a diplomat, an expert , an internationalist, mr. ruslan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, well, actually we have the first day of davos, the president’s speech, certain statements, how do you see them... how much do you evaluate president zelenskyi, as this the work can go further in implementing or realizing the statements that were made and the wishes that were made, the proposals,
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let's say, that were made by the president, i see that a positive trend is forming for ukraine, despite the fact that we we have such stormy geopolitical events and changes in geopolitical in the world, but through this delusion, let's say, i see the light for... ukraine, why? i will explain. look at the statements that have been made from the floor of davos and from europe beyond, beyond davos itself. this statement was made by the leaders of the factions of the european parliament about the need to help ukraine in order to fulfill the obligations assumed by the europeans. this is the speech of fondelein in davos, who said that ukraine can win if we help it and give it everything it needs to win, i.e. this is faith, faith in the victory of ukraine and assurance that the europeans will continue to help. then, we
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also see the number of countries joining the peace formula, which has increased from 66 to 83 or 81 countries, we see the interest of these countries, and we see that europe has finally realized that ukraine... extremely important for europe, because it gives europe time to prepare for a bigger war, a block confrontation between a democratic bloc of countries and personalist regimes, and it is precisely in this confrontation that europe finally realized that ukraine gives them time bottlenecks expand what they have both in politics and in the economy, expand there, reform the european union, reform the security sphere. its own, which is not reformed, to start developing its military-industrial complex, finally, which was in the 90s, in fact, well, leveled, and the armies there, reduced to, well,
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insignificant units there, which were supposed to fight terrorism there in general, or well, to participate in a coalition there against someone there in regional conflicts, and not in the confrontation of continental armies, as it should be, well, as it is now is actually unfolding. that is why ukraine, the relevance of ukraine is growing, and the statements made by europeans from various stands indicate that ukraine will not be left without help. the chinese delegation is in trouble with the prime minister, i don't know if there was, there was supposed to be an agreement on the meeting of the ukrainian and chinese delegations, as far as you can see, and the head of the president's office, andriy yermak, spoke about this even earlier, that they are working on in order to have a dialogue and china's support for the ukrainian peace plan. well, as far as it can be implemented in davos, i don't know, maybe there was already a meeting somewhere, at least i didn't read anything about it, but please, and i think that china is acting according to its
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strategic program, i looked... on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, where visits will be made by liitsian, the prime minister of the state council and ivan i, the minister of foreign affairs of china, so the first visits are in january, they do, one makes a widow with travel, he actually communicates with switzerland, and i will explain why it is interesting to communicate with the swiss government china, and continues to go in... ireland on a visit, this is the head of the state council, so if you want to know the situation and keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in europe, talk to a european country, but not a member of the european union, which is switzerland, by the way, switzerland in her priorities , she said that one of the priorities she will develop is the establishment of relations with china, well, that is , the southern one, they disguise themselves as the development of relations with the countries of southeast asia, but china is a key country there and... therefore
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the swiss, without signing a framework agreement with the european union , which was discussed there for many years, starting, it seems, from the 15th year, they failed to sign it, but they refocused precisely on china, including, among the priorities, and on mediation in the ukrainian-russian war, such in a way they divert attention from the failure in the european direction, and the chinese go here to talk to the swiss, and then ... they will talk to the irish, who are difficult to call them partners of the british, because the chinese know that the british are their historical adversaries so geopolitically, and if you if you want to know about the plans of britain, which is still the euro-atlantic bridge between the united states and europe, then your visit is exactly where you need to go to ireland, in ireland you will be told all about these plans, and the second
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foreign minister is going to africa and... is going to latin america, precisely to establish relations with those countries for which the united states and china competed during the 23rd year, and china joined brics there with its followers from the countries of the global south, namely the countries of the global south, africa and latin america, and the united states at the g20 meeting india joined the entire african union of 55 countries there, there was a competition, a tug-of-war, who would be on whose side, and so china continues its... numbered planned work went to negotiate the china-africa forum there is such a focus forum china africa cooperation forum which takes place within the framework of this forum, china distributes grants and loans there , it prepares an annual plan for cooperation with key african countries, well, that is, it works systematically with african countries, and
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precisely these visits, they form a position, with what are these african countries going to do, and we are trying to convince them in davos to join the peace formula, this is how china works, and we work a little differently, yes, we want at once at some event, on some platform of the international to convince , that is, the countries to become our supporters, well, it doesn't always happen like that, so we need to draw conclusions and work on a systematic basis with the same countries in africa, with the same... latin america, and then there will not be 80 supporters , and more, you know, the president spoke a lot of good things about how bad putin is, how he is actually destroying peace and security in the world, how it is necessary to unite around ukraine in this, in this situation in the fight against putin, and then about the fact that putin loves money very much, that is why we need to take money from him, give ukraine 300 billion, but it is clear that there is still a long way to go before recovery, mrs. prisker, while in kyiv
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, said that the war has been going on for... a long time and once again emphasized that, isn't it too early to talk about here's the recovery money, i understand it's important, but maybe still after all, everything should be done so that europe, well, figuratively speaking, moved from a mercedes to a tank and really became that threat that putin will not climb on and that threat that will now give a lot of weapons to ukraine, the reformation of the economy for the production of weapons, which will make putin's aggression impossible, in principle, yes. i see two issues here, the issue of financial assistance and the issue of arms, the issue of providing arms and providing security, so financial assistance, and we know that the united states has initiated this discussion, and the g7 in february will discuss this questions, will encourage the europeans to find a formula, if not a legal one, then a political one, in order to pass it on.


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