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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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about the leaders who represent their states, then here we need to talk about each one separately, someone is already ready, and from my point of view, listening to the recent speech of the british prime minister in the parliament, he also called putin, let's say, a person who is an international criminal, and he is no longer ashamed of it, and it can be said that they will support us, and they... understand that the continued existence of mr. putin and his regime in general, he threatens the national security of all of europe, in all of europe and directly uk, they it understand, we do not fully see this , what the united states understands, it is somehow reflected in them directly, they have now moved into their internal political processes, but many of their experts, including in national security, who were before this and are now , and...politicians, they
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try to shout about it and talk about paying more attention to it and not to domestic issues, because there may be issues that will be very difficult to rewind later , so some countries are really ready and some countries are not ready, we see that is happening even with our closest neighbors, what is it like to put an end to putin, here there should be a coordinated work of everyone at the same time, and not like, for example, that somewhere they do not give us weapons, somewhere they pay for oil, somewhere for some raw materials to russia federations , somewhere they turn a blind eye to the supply of some e-e dual-use goods, or turn a blind eye to the fact that some country transits these goods through them, in this way, of course, we will never get a quick victory, so it must be a comprehensive, coordinated, everyone's decisive decision, then it can be said that everyone is ready to end putin, while the process... it is difficult to say,
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well, that is, mr. colonel, i understand that there is no such formula that the victory of ukraine equals the defeat of putin? well, why is such a formula possible, if putin does not mean the world, the world is not yet ready to fully accept this formula, because it seems to them that ukraine should win, but russia should withdraw and actually remain in the state in which it is , because if it does not sound. there are no proposals for demilitarization, de-denazification, and deputization of russia, which means that in in principle, the majority of the world is ready to agree that there is already a legitimate president, well , he was slightly mistaken there, like them, you are here, you are right here, that there is no single vision of victory, as, for example, there was in the second world war, which should be there is a flag above the reystago, there is no such thing, everyone has their own, some are more about the economy, some... about politics, some about
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their own elections, and where are even those countries where ukraine was in first place a year ago, now we need to make great efforts so that we were at least on the third, and this question is somewhere we naturally shift, because well, the way the world is structured in general is complex, including a democratic one, a lot of diplomatic efforts need to be made in order for us to be... constantly on the agenda, even here, if we talk about our government, well, here it is necessary that everyone work on it, not five or so managers, there are not only some individual individuals, but that the whole country works, so that we are on the agenda, because the information field so full various events that it is quite difficult to hold on to it, and we have to understand this, especially since we are in the bloodiest war in... modern history, and the information
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and diplomatic spheres in it occupy very large places, very influential . mr. colonel, let's return to ukraine and to the decisions that the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted on today, in particular the draft law on the digitization of the ukrainian army and on the electronic register for military registration and the automatic receipt of certificates of a participant in hostilities, there are many of them. on how to translate into electronic form, this whole array of cases of conscripts in ukraine, i know that you had a separate opinion, a separate opinion about the fact that this cannot be done, because the servers can already be located abroad according to this bill or law, and this is dangerous, because this database is large, which will be collected, which will be published. may become the subject
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of attention of foreign special services, in particular russian, and this threatens the national security of ukraine. please explain your position. tell me what kind of bill it is or the law is already in place, and what can every conscript expect, i.e. now there will be some kind of unified base, there will be no need to carry a military id and summonses will come where and how? well, here you need everything in order, for which account of a separate base and for which account to carry or not to carry a ticket, then everything will depend on the further fate of another draft law, for example, on mobilization, which is also promised to be introduced there in the near future on february 6, if i am not mistaken, now they are talking about such terms, it is specifically stated that every serviceman has to carry with you a prescription, remember, yes it is called there to record this document, and
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a military card, if he is a conscript, not a military serviceman, but a conscript, yes, a military serviceman must always carry a military card with him anyway, yes, that's why... it should come, that is, if we talk about this bill specifically, we must understand that this bill was registered, i'm not mistaken, in november of last year, was in the first reading, it was aimed in particular at to make a base conscripts, and it was not necessary to make a base there for combatants so that all servicemen could receive them automatically. a large pile of documents, as it happens now, i just know the clergymen who have been working there for a year and a half with me, and only recently have they received some of them there, because they have already changed glyantsev, then matov, then four times green t-shirt,
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t-shirt, then in another t-shirt, all these questions were constantly changing and could not get, now it will all be a common database and this is the positive thing that is in this bill. and from the very beginning it was laid, then when these, let's say, fiddling with the bill on mobilization began, there appeared before the second reading many norms that did not exist before, and it began to regulate other areas, including the military service register connected, and in principle its creation is correct, it already functions there, the amulet is partially protected by us, but there was a question about... saturation of its information, now i want to do it this way, so that the information is pulled there automatically from all existing database registers, including from the voter register, and just the question you mentioned about clouds from the very beginning , the ministry of defense
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also wanted to place the voter register abroad, well, so that you understand, probably the most secret information available in the country is precisely this question... of mobilization resources, mobilization resources are both the human resource that is there and there, the economic resource, the industrial resource that we have in order to carry out mobilization, because when they plan on you some kind of attack, then the country is the aggressor , it not only studies your army, mainly it needs how you can mobilize quickly and what resources you can attract, according to this, it is just... planning an attack, so the committee just made it so that it was this register that remained with us, because from the very beginning, we wanted to give it away, and here we pay tribute to oleksandr fedienko, who is also for this norm, he is also a member of our committee, who
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controlled this norm and we left it on the territory of ukraine base of military personnel, of course i was against combat control systems being secret in general. let's do it, secret information should be transferred to servers that are private servers , they are manipulating there, they say that these are nato servers, no, this is the question of private servers that will be located abroad, and we will still pay money for this, so that in our country, according to the law, it is forbidden to keep its secret and top-secret information in the clouds, because it is unreliable, and it is recognized, who manipulates, they say, but nato is holding countries there? they keep on own servers, and we will be on someone else's, and this is a matter of national security, so i was against it and now i am against it, i think that for us these are simple solutions that can lead to disaster in the long run, and i think that yes, it it is expensive, but we have to make sure that we have our own servers on which
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we have to keep this information, yes, they say that a rocket can fly, but it is possible, and israel lives in such conditions, and so do other countries. no one keeps her secret, completely secret information abroad, because the life of the country as a whole depends on it, no longer i'm talking about individual lives, but the life of the country, mr. colonel, what about... the introduction of the electronic register, something changes for all conscripts, that is, it simplifies the state's ability to mobilize, it simplifies the search for a person who is in one place and lives , and it is written in another, respectively , in the tsc, the other is on the record, what opportunities it gives for the state, what obligations it provides for conscripts, or let's say. so it is, what opportunities does it have? well, you mean, this norm was still called
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unconstitutional, just like the legal administration of the verkhovna rada, that now the tsc will be, let's say, the custodian of probably the most information of this state about its person, let's say, even more than in other bodies, including law enforcement, because all the information that is available will be gathered to them, to whom it will be better, of course, he will know everything about the person, where he is... learned where he is, what certificates he has, for example, and it will simplify life, if we say how it will simplify the life of tsc, now that's all, for example, a military accounting specialty is calculated, for example, if a person once served in the army at the age of 18, received a special rifleman, he will be recorded there for all 20 years that he is a rifleman, if he is in the reserve, he will be added to the register, for example, during this time he became, i do not know, got a... pilot's license , or became a pilot, or became a good lawyer, there, a manager, or there, i don't know, there
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he learned to drive a boat, and already when the tsc will call him up, they will see all this from these registers, these are all his certificates and will be able to make a decision about where he will go and what will he do, it is on the one hand , on the other hand, for example, there, you have a third child, and you get a reservation, you do not need to take a certificate and you do not... it is in the tsk, it will automatically be added to the register and the tsk is already opening, i see, yes , colonel roman vasiliovych kostenko is not subject to mobilization there, because he just had a third child, well, or other reasons, and it will be easier, we cannot say that it will make life 100% easier , but a lot of pocket money, a lot of processes and campaigns of the tsk, it should certainly be removed, sir colonel, analysts of the institute of the american... study of war say that the russian army is preparing large-scale offensive actions between january 12 and february 2,
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when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian positions, is there such a danger in the understanding of the ukrainian military and armed forces of ukraine , is this danger present on any day, not only from january 12 to february 2, well , really i will say here that... the russians can, for example, they are now constantly trying to push us in the kupyan direction, and this is a fact, and that is meant under offensive actions, if we take any strategic offensive actions with major breakthroughs, then at the moment this is an unlikely option, what the intelligence says, for example, at the moment, if we are talking about simply active actions, which in principle are still going on, then they are really russians. they go almost every day, of course everything depends on the weather, but even
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here, as we can see, how it works now in the south and we are working, we see what is happening on our bridgeheads, the russians tried to storm the plandarmes for several days technology, they were practically all destroyed by our sp drone operators, and now what we see is that they are advancing in small groups and... but again, our drones and fpv and drops are constantly destroying them, that is, they are constantly trying to attack, to conduct active actions, but they do not succeed in anything, that is why this is their current tactic, they think that they have seized the initiative and try to constantly attack in small groups, destroying their infantry. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel roman kostenko. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and. on facebook, for those who are currently watching us on social networks and youtube,
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please like this video, that's why it was trending on youtube, and subscribe to our pages on these platforms, in addition, throughout our program we we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether the world is ready to end putin, yes no, if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please write in comments, we are interested to know yours. opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think the world is ready to end putin, 0800 211 381 no, 700 2011 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation, good evening. mr. valery,
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a few days ago, the defense forces of ukraine destroyed two important aircraft. such for russia a50 and il-22m - this is one of the biggest one-time losses of russian aviation in the war with ukraine. what does the loss of these aircraft mean for russia and how quickly can russia renew its resources and the capabilities that these two aircraft performed in the south on... well, for the russian aerospace forces, this is a heavy blow, let's say, directly, and first of all, he is heavy in yes, well, in terms of people, yes, at one moment the loss was practically lost, at least 16 people, experienced officers, they are called there, well
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, not lower than the captain, but material losses in terms of material, such an aircraft... costs somewhere from 400 million to half a billion dollars, it is a very expensive machine, if it is of the first series, well, now opinions are divided, it the very first or the very last of the modernized a50u aircraft received, that is, if the first, then it is somewhere over 350 million dollars, if the last, then it is already under a billion. so what is it that russia has lost, it has lost the opportunity to carry out, so to speak, intelligence activities on ukrainian territory in monitoring mode, now the russians have only seven of these aircraft left, they started the war with nine, one was shot down in belarus, it is not known whether it
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has been repaired or not, one was shot down, there are seven left, the typical patrol time of such... aircraft in the zone allocated to him for four hours with refueling for 7 hours, but with refueling, well , so far such patrols have not been practiced, or they were carried out as an exception, that is, even if the russians involve all the remaining planes, on the condition that 20% of the planes, it a normal number, are undergoing maintenance, then only... these six planes will be able to monitor each other on some section of the common front along this front line along the borders of russia and ukraine and also entering the black sea , so to speak, along the maritime border of ukraine, that is, the russians' capabilities in this regard will be very limited with such a number
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of planes, and what were these planes doing, well, in the area where they were patrolling, they could see the flights of large planes compared to ukrainian planes at 200 km from 300 km away type an attack fighter and objects on the ground about 100 km away, the movement of armored vehicles, the launch of anti-aircraft missiles and any approaches of our aircraft to russian territory for the purpose of launching cruise missiles, by the way, they warned the russian air defense about the desert. our drones and cruise missiles, that is, the machine is extremely important, well , as far as i understand, they pointed at the targets, both the s-300 and others, russian fighters and bombers at the targets that they saw, that they fixed, i understand correctly, no certain, but in general, if the russians say that they will
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transfer control from the anti-aircraft missile system to this aircraft, i do not... exclude this possibility, although it is not certain that the s-300 complex also has such a capability, but for now , confirming this information i didn't see it, but when it came to receiving the f-16 and the deadline for their receipt began to approach, the russians said that they would use these a50 aircraft to guide the f-16, missiles of the s-400 complex, that is, to defeat. air targets, whether they are able to work on ground targets, well, apparently they are capable, because from a height, firstly, they are more dangerous, secondly, s300 missiles, which are not highly accurate, and that is... just bring them to the area of ​​impact, i think that the a50 will be able to. mr. valery, with the beginning of the great war, russia, the russians had a great advantage in
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the military aircraft fleet. during the great war, according to the statistics of the armed forces of ukraine, more than 300 aircraft and more than 300 helicopters were destroyed, which is still in the fleet. russia owns a military aircraft fleet and how quickly it can renew its fleet resources and is it possible now in the conditions of sanctions, in the conditions of those factories, some of which produced engines there on the territory of ukraine and supplied to the russian federation, do they have such opportunities to create new combat vehicles and replenish the aircraft fleet? unfortunately, there are , in the past in... well, in the 22nd year, they produced 29 combat aircraft, this year, oh, in the 23rd year, you can already sum up the results, the russians
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said that they produced so, well, there it is there were no exact figures, because they did not allow journalists to film all the planes that transferred for their air forces, that is, two planes were shown each time, but all journalists, well, most of them in any case... had a suspicion that they actually transfer this number of planes, that is why for the past year the numbers vary from 202 to 26 combat planes russia produced in general, they transferred more than fifty aircraft to their air forces, but only of the latest types. su-25 attack aircraft suffered losses and the russian air force did not receive a single new attack aircraft, right? apparently, the sanctions are in effect, because if they built it last year six aircraft of the fifth generation of su -57, sorry, again in the 22nd year, six aircraft, then
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last year only two such aircraft were announced to be handed over to the air and space forces, and then not in the final configuration, that is, without being fully equipped with equipment engines, as they call the first series, that is, not those that are inconspicuous. well , somehow the situation is like this, as for losses, well, they really suffered losses, but they have potential, and one should not forget that at any moment they can overturn individual pilots and individual crews, and a bunch of planes from the far east, from the border with china, from other central regions to our front. and in general, while there are no active hostilities, well, you see, aviation is working them. and fortunately, after a successful, very successful, therefore, attack on the russians of the past, when the su-34 bomber was shot down
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, the number of winged bombs dropped tenfold, weighing from 500, from 250 to 500 kg, and even 1,500, on our troops , this is also a great relief for our ground forces, mr. valerius... long-range weapons from ours western partners and the main right to use these long-range weapons, long-range missiles, can solve the issue of aviation support of russia, that is, strikes on airfields located in the voronezh region, in the saratov region, that is, in those regions from which planes take off and which launches. with a maximum range not as we were promised, in any case with a reduced range,
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but with a maximum range, also atapax, it would be a good option in general, the latest models of atakms, they are also long-range, storm shadow is also an opportunity to increase the range, if we were given such an opportunity, it would be possible to take out 90% of the russian ones... that includes all the way to the mozdok airfield, where mig-31s ​​are constantly rising, although there are only two of them there, and through which we have transport, industry and all the country is in the air alert mode, well, nothing is working , that is, if this issue were resolved, if they finally gave a namj, untied their hands, let's say directly, untied their hands for. with these weapons, then we could raise these airfields, because unfortunately, drones can hit area targets, unfortunately, we cannot, well, drones, they are guided only by gps.
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as soon as an obstacle is placed in the area of, for example, an enemy airfield, drones can then simply fall on its area, and not specifically hit specific aircraft, and missiles could do just that, because they have a passive homing system, that is, they make at the last moment photograph the territory of this airfield, compare it with the reference images in their on-board computers , see the plane, compare that it is the plane and they hit him directly, well, that's the difference, if you put such a system on a drone, then it will cost like a cruise missile. we must tell our tv viewers that mozdok is north ossetia, that is, these mig 31k fly from the caucasus, which rise into the sky and patrol the black sea, as a result of which
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an air strike is announced. alarm on saturday, sunday, they quite often use it there at 11 or 12 o'clock, this time, according to ukrainian intelligence, mr. valery, the occupiers produce about 115-130 strategic missiles per month, and about the same number of missiles of operational-tactical class such as kh-31 and kh-59, we hear and know that north korea is helping ballistics now. missiles, well, at least this is what experts say, both foreign and the prosecutor general's office has opened a case regarding the use of these missiles on the territory of the ukrainian state, which means that the russian federation does not produce enough missiles, which they use against ukraine and they take north korea, or they are testing these missiles here and in north korea
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they are reporting that what... here is the number what are they producing, what are they launching at us and the amount they can use from north korea? well, you , please, don’t scare everyone about such a number of strategic missiles, 130. the russians are capable of launching according to the gur, and 118, well, this is october data, even less than 116. ah missiles of all types, all types, this includes kh101, and iskander, and dagger, and there caliber, in general , all types of missiles with such a long range, say, more than 500 km, this is the usual pace, and this year, again in this year, in the 23rd year, this pace fell, so that, for example, in august said they were able to produce h6.
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daggers, only four were produced in october , and in general, if compared with airplanes, if the number of airplanes decreases, then, accordingly , the number of rockets produced, the production of airplanes decreases, then, accordingly, the production of missiles does not increase in any case, because they need approximately the same components, the same microcircuits, the same memory blocks, the same kind of gate matrices and other... similar equipment, similar electronic components. of course, under these conditions, russia begins to beg and look for where to get them. they turn to such powerful missile countries and aerospace countries as iran, as well as north korea. and indeed, according to the information, there is already actual confirmation, we only need legal confirmation that north korea has already provided its missiles, there kn2. 23
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missile, and the russians have already launched them over our territory, but so far these launches are single, so you are absolutely right if you say that so far this is just a test in combat conditions. mr. valery, quite often during the last week our leaders, military leaders, and the political leadership of the state talks about reb systems, about radio-electronic warfare. well, we don’t really know whether there are many of these reb systems in ukraine or not, but just a few days ago, when i was looking at the statistics for the mass shelling, the mass shelling of ukraine on the night of january 13, i noticed that there were 20 missiles that weren't shot down, but they didn't go anywhere either, so does that mean that...


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