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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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put an end to putin in the world, given the crimes witnessed by the whole world and ukrainians in particular? my answer is yes , first of all it is true, because the whole world saw the criminal image of the regime that putin created, and its crimes, which are well documented today, are... legal decisions, including bringing him to criminal proceedings responsibility, but here i would also draw attention to the fact that with our, well , very conditional partners, also, as we learn more and more from various sources of information, putin did not act quite frankly, so even those who are his conditional allies today are also, again, according to that. the information that is starting to come
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in more and more is that these conditional allies of today are not satisfied with what actually happened, how the russian svo went, what were the intentions and what came out of it, and as a result, what damage putin caused not only, first of all, of course... to us, the country, international relations, international law, my own country, i am sure, but also to his conditional an ally, that's why the world today, in my opinion, has come to an understanding, and there are definitely those who believe that it's time to put an end to putin. thank you, mr. vadim, mr. yaroslav, do you think it is already obvious to everyone that the future of the world... can
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only be without putin at the head of russia, or after all, with putin's russia, part of the world is ready to put up, in some way a way to behave, to trade, to find a certain compromise, and to take into account the fact that putin has his own interests, and he defends them? no matter how we are it's a pity, but unfortunately, the world is not. polar and not only the western part of the world sets general rules, there are arab countries that quite often also help us, and here we should note the good work of our internationals who involved in the exchange of prisoners, in particular the last exchange of more than 200 people, representatives of arab countries, but on the other hand they are actively trading. with russia, take advantage
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of the fact that they can raise oil prices, i am not talking about china, and i am not talking about those countries that systematically support, actually putin's russia is heard quite often even in europe, even if it is marginal, but there are statements by orban, fizo and the like, that putin should try to listen, that they too... have interests, so that, but, i agree with vadim that the situation changed radically thanks to the heroic defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the entire ukrainian people in the 22nd year, and a large part of the countries that used to use russian gas there, realizing that it is not the economy, but closing their eyes that it is actually bribing them by just energy
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resources, now i have completely changed my mind , i recently mentioned the situation, the so-called steinmeier formula, and how much the position of the whole world has changed, the western world in particular, which is now ready to recognize putin as a criminal, but the enormous work that is still ukraine must work to prove legally within the framework of international law that it is impossible to negotiate with putin. russia is doing everything there by investing frantic efforts in disinformation, in propaganda, in banal buying, bundles even now of european politicians and officials, employment of european lobbyists, and at the same time very often through proxies in ukraine, such as , for example, the campaign against the fight against the fsb, the np, the so-called. the orthodox church, the ukrainian
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orthodox church of the de facto moscow patriarchate, and novinsky pays us lobbyists there and all over the world, yes, that is, under sanction. a person in ukraine, that is, a russian denomination in ukraine, is currently hiding abroad, so it is important to understand that a lot has been done, but we should not be complacent that it has already been achieved, we in order for neither the civilized world nor the rest of the world to have to talk to putin , much, much more needs to be done, and this is not a unipolar or bilateral confrontation. we are fighting there with putin, and we understand that putin is comfortable with totalitarian regimes, of which there are few, but enough in the world, in fact his, what atrocities he commits, what genocidal things he is currently
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carrying out in ukraine, for them, well, it testing as much as the world can, thank you swallow, so there is still a lot of work to do, but a good start has indeed already been made. and very often actually great sacrifices of our defenders. thank you, mr. yaroslav, mr. rostyslav, mr. yaroslav said that the world is changing very quickly and is changing its position regarding what is happening in ukraine, using the stanmeier formula as an example, but we can see how germany's position has changed over the course of two years, as they quickly and dynamically began to work with ukraine, we see what support we have in great britain , we see how much support there is in the united states of america, but there is still no unequivocal answer that the victory of ukraine is necessarily the defeat of putin, that is , that putin's regime should not exist, everyone is talking about the fact that we will
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support ukraine there, and ukraine must win, or, let's say, russia must be defeated, but these theses about that putin 's regime as people... is hateful, as one that kills people, as one that threatens the whole world, for some reason this thesis is not articulated and not constantly spoken, perhaps putin would have behaved in a completely different way, if they had said , listen, we want russia to be, but without putin, because this is impossible at all, he is a murderer, he is a person who should be condemned, well, sometimes it is made up. the impression is that the world would like to see a situation where there are no crimes by putin, where there is no aggression by russia, but it would like this to happen without any drastic changes, it is very similar that
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several factors are at work at once: the first factor is the fear factor, because it is still believed that russia is a great power. everyone cites the two-million-strong army there, which russia can expose to anyone, everyone talks about its economic power, everyone talks about that it was underestimated, although in fact it looks like it was overestimated and no kyiv happened in three days, and no economic miracle happened in russia, but these great dimensions of russia, they give to many in the world, and later.. . with the fact that , first of all, in the non-western world, there is a desire to think that, of course , russia's behavior can be corrected, because it crossed the line in many issues, but what will the world be like without russia, will it not plunge into chaos, and to
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things, here is the second part of this factor fear, because the world is very worried about what will happen, whether there will be a nuclear conflict between the tentatively... moscow directorate and the siberian federation over some mineral deposits, and here ukraine still needs to make great efforts to show what the way can be after the defeat of russia, and that this way will be better for the world and safer for the world than maintaining the situation as it is, and that for ukraine, for example, the first and indisputable step towards this safer world would be joining nato. which would actually put an end to russian aggression and would guarantee that this aggression will be impossible in the future, and everything must be done for this , taking into account the fact that the washington nato summit is approaching, it is already less
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than six months away, and it will be a very important test for both ukrainian diplomacy and authorities as a whole, how to organize this training in such a way that both the authorities and the opposition... and civil society experts and in general all the forces of ukraine would be able to work for this purpose. thank you mr. rosty. now, of course , we are waiting for the decision of the congress of the united states america, meaning the ukrainian side. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, warned in an interview with abc news that time is running out for congress to approve military aid to ukraine from the united states of america. let's listen to what kuleba said. whatever the price of support. countries now, the price of fixing the mess in the world if ukraine loses will be much, much higher. if
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the west is unable to stop russia in ukraine, who can it stop in other parts of the world. even if we run out of weapons, we will fight with shovels, because the existence of this nation is at stake for ukraine. mr. vadim, of course. about the fact that we will fight with shovels if there are no weapons, it probably sounds somewhat controversial for the western audience, or somehow not unexpected , but for ukrainians such a statement indicates that we are preparing for what we will to fight with anything if they don't give us weapons, although it is clear that the russian federation, which has great power as a military machine, must be fought with ... high precision weapons, and here again an absolutely
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logical question arises, why the west is delaying the provision of these weapons, which are enough in the world to provide ukraine, and ukraine could expel the russian invaders from the territory of the ukrainian state. what is the world afraid of, a nuclear war, that the ukrainians will not be able to cope with it, or are they afraid that the rules of the game... which are already broken, that they will still allow the world to be prevented from some kind of catastrophe, which the kremlin constantly hints at and vladimir putin. we ourselves, you yourself absolutely correctly noticed that there is certain messages for a certain audience, and first of all i would, well, not here, i would not focus attention on these specific words of ours. of the minister of foreign affairs regarding the fact that we are ready to fight at least with shovels, although
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in fact this is true, we understand what exactly such messages are used for, but with regard to your specific question, unfortunately, we really still see this attitude in the countries not only our allies. already among the political elite, but also among the general population, well, this is very cautious about how in these countries the victory of ukraine can be seen, and what will be considered this victory, and the reluctance to talk about the defeat of russia, as a factor that can, according to many, still all... of our partners, open a kind of pandora's box, that is, russia is still
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considered quite a powerful state and too big to fall, simply, and this prospect scares our partners, this prospect is not clear to the absolute majority of the population in the eu. in fact, in all countries of the world, and therefore unwillingness to talk about the need for just such a scenario, the loss of russia, the collapse of russia , controlled by some such process, which would allow us to talk about the possibility, well, help the russians to destroy this inhuman, cannibalistic, i would say, regime, and... and try to become a normal state, as far as the technology of our
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war, well, ukrainians have surprised the world more than once, first of all, of course, by how selflessly our army fights, how selflessly the people have joined this struggle, but also by how quickly we master... technological, new ways driving of this war, well, one cannot mention a very recent example here, they emphasize. experts on the fact that this is the first time in the history of mankind, when such an object, such a target, that a50, radar aircraft, which by its functionality is basically one such huge locator, which should, well, it's not like an attack on itself,
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any movements in a radius of n kilometers there, see, quickly interpret, submit. appropriate command signals, even here the russians did not manage to outwit, so to speak, those technological solutions that are currently are available to us, ukrainians, therefore, returning to the shovels, well, i would support the minister here, to really say that we will not give up under any circumstances is absolutely correct. but also to emphasize the fact that the ukrainian army, well, it is a completely different army, and talk about the achievements that we have on the battlefield, which of course, we, of course, we owe to our partners, including but we overturned the idea of, well, not only the capabilities of the ukrainian
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army, but of what this war is like, of what the capabilities of the russian army are, in principle, more precisely, about the absence of most of those opportunities that the russians liked to talk about, and about the fact that the prospects of russia's victory in ukraine are precisely because of its technological backwardness and because of a very quick catch-up by the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine in terms of technology. such an advantage over russia is the guarantee of our victory. thank you, mr. vadim. today , president zelensky spoke in davos and explained to the participants of the world economic forum how he sees the future of ukraine, the world, and russia. instead, the president he told russia that what can be discussed
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with the ukrainians, they do not want to go to negotiations, and he said very... insulting words to the ukrainian negotiators and the ukrainian authorities in general, let's listen to what he said, how he complained about that ukraine withdrew from this negotiation process, which took place in april 22. now they publicly said, in particular, the head of the same negotiation group, he, by the way, the head of the ruling party in the parliament, in the council, said: yes... "we were ready, we missed it, because the then- the prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson , persuaded us not to implement these agreements, are they idiots, no, and he says directly that if we had gone for it, everything would have ended a long time ago a year and a half ago, well, that is , putin said, that the negotiations that took place in
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istanbul were completely satisfactory to the russian side, that is, our rejection of the path to nato. reduction of the armed forces of ukraine, well , there are many different points, mr. rostislav, this rhetoric that is now coming from putin's mouth, it means that with such a position they want still convince the world so that the world agrees to this and in the end do everything to freeze this conflict, although zelensky says that we are against freezing the conflict, but this is... what putin wants, or putin in general seeks the destruction of the ukrainian state and the destruction of ukrainians as such, simply. well, obviously, it is the second, he does not hide it, after all, today he either slandered or said specifically, probably more likely the second , that he is conquering the country,
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he always seemed to liberate us, if you believe him, now, in principle, sounded more open. assessments, but the fact is that any peace initiatives should begin with the fact that the aggressor stops his own aggression, the conduct of hostilities, we do not see this, instead, at his previous press conference, he again spoke about the so -called denationalization , denazification, so that it does not mean, and other little-understood things that actually mean the destruction of the ukrainian state. subjugation of ukraine to russia and submersion of it in the russian peace, and the actual destruction of us as such, and in these conditions i i think that he rather continues to bet on fear. to the fact that this power, with which he threatens , should blind everyone, first of all ukrainians, and incline others to accept such scenarios,
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here the most important thing for us is to focus on thwarting such his plans, focus on strengthening the defense, defense lines of fortification, strengthen ukraine's capabilities in the production of weapons. receiving such funds from partners, drone production and other opportunities, which will just show that all this is the same boast as famous kyiv in three days, as the destruction of the so-called ukrainian air defense and other things that putin likes to brag about, but which later turn out to be outright lies, and only in this way can we break this enthusiasm of putin , who is trying to convince the world that once... sooner or later he will still win , but what putin says means that he is not going to retreat, he is not going to stand down, he is not going to negotiate with anyone, he mentioned
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that today i listened to zelensky’s decree, although the decrees were still under kuchmia and the decrees were of prime minister kuchma, well, he doesn't know he of our history, what to do here, i.e. there is no decree, there is a decision of the national security and defense council not to hold talks with... with representatives of the russian federation, until russia leaves the territory of the ukrainian state, and since zelenskyi is constantly talking about the peace formula, then obviously it is necessary to talk about the peace formula for ukraine not only for the sake of form, but probably for the whole of europe and the world, because putin threatens not only ukraine, but also the whole state. mr. yaroslav, is it possible... er, such a proposal from the ukrainian state and articulating that a new security system should still be discussed, and in
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ukraine, it is simply in this situation that it is a sin not to take the initiative in this situation, because we are suffering from the fact that the security system , which existed since 1945, is broken , and we must be the initiators of the adoption of this great. a vision of a future security architecture without russia, but taking into account putin's aggressive policy. in fact, we together, through the forces of our own parliamentary delegations in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe and in the osce parliamentary assembly, in other structures, we are already working on consolidating positions and explaining that... the ukrainian peace proposal is peace for the entire west, for the actual expansion of the security zone, that is, to a huge, huge
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space, these are opportunities for georgia, for belarus, after all, for the probably deputized russia, which is home to a huge number of peoples, groups, ethnic groups, more than 30% are not russians. but they don't have any rights, that's why they are now being used as cannon fodder in this unjust war of conquest, which today putin admitted, and this is probably not the only thing that he would say if he were telling the truth, yes, of course, in principle, to formulate a ukrainian peace formula, it is good that it exists, it is good that we come out with this proposal, it is critically important, because there are requests actually, and we 're hearing them now in the united states, in europe, so what are our plans? so i completely agree that in order to be understood in the world, we need to speak not only about our issues, because if it didn't sound cynical, but someone else's grief
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hurts little, so there really was close attention to offers of ukraine, and a request for our position in the time of buchi, irpin, izyum, other tragedies of a genocidal format, now, considering hama there. to the elections in the united states , to other geopolitical challenges to us, in order to keep up with the trend, and for our offer of peace to be tangible and accepted by the world, of course we must talk about a consolidated security belt, about the interest in ukraine restoring its sovereignty and control over ukrainian lands, not only for the baltic states, not only for eastern europe. basically for the whole western world, it is clear that the things that periodically appear in the western media about the fact that if
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suddenly putin achieves... success in ukraine, the question of the next victim is literally just a question of choosing countries from the former social camp or any neighbors of russia, and from on the other hand, how will china behave in taiwan, especially considering the fact that non-chinese politicians came to power there, that is , we really need to fit ourselves into the global agenda, in which we already are, that is why we emphasize that we are not only for ourselves... actually about what is constantly in rhetoric, but it must be strengthened, that friends, we, in fact, this is the line of opposition to the democracy of totalitarianism, this is the line, if nato does not want, conditionally speaking, simply to increase security endlessly in a new, budgets in a new arms race, in a new race arms, yes, let's, let's stop it
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right here and now. now the third war has begun, the third world war has begun, someone is trying not to notice it there, but there are chances that it will pass with smaller losses than the first and second world wars, although, of course, unfortunately, we are again in the epicenter events, so i agree to emphasize that this is a peace proposal not only for ukraine, the occupied territories, let's remember transnistria, let's remember abkhazia. network, remember occupied belarus, we as a country did not recognize the results of the elections, that is, it is a systemic problem, and we have ways to solve it, and we offer them, and they are in the ukrainian ukrainian proposal of a peace plan. thank you, mr. yaroslav, gentlemen, after a short break on our tv channel, we will return to our conversation, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new
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two hours format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. friends, we are working live, this is the verdict program, my name is sergey. today we are talking about the peace formula, about how the world sees the future without putin or with putin, and since we are asking you during this broadcast whether the world is ready to end putin, we suggest that you still give and determine your answer on this, yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, if you are sitting on the air and watching us on tv, pick up
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your smartphone and vote if you think... that the world is ready to end putin 0800-211-381 no 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. today we are on the air people's deputies of ukraine, vadym galaychuk, rostyslav pavlenko and yaroslav yurchyshyn. gentlemen, i wanted to ask you about all these endless stories that are starting to spin. in the media about journalists and about the events that happen around journalists, because literally the day before yesterday, unknown people staged a provocation against the journalist, investigator, co-founder and editor of our money yuriy nikolov, a person who wrote about abuses in the ministry of defense of ukraine, in particular, about these glorious or sad hanging eggs for 17 hryvnias, came unknown,
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broke into... his apartment, yura was not at home, his mother was there, they scared him, left a message on the door, calling the journalist a traitor, in parallel, a video recorded by unknown people was uploaded to the network, where the employees of the bigusinfo investigation project are probably using narcotic substances, the project manager denys bigus recorded a video address to the audience with an explanation and assured that everyone who cooperates with bugusinfo... will pass tests for drug abuse, but all these events forced the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy klychka, to declare that the leadership of ukraine is destroying democratic principles, including repression of independent media and journalists who do not like the government because they criticize its actions. mr. vadim, the very first question for you, as a representative of the monopoly power, monomajority, is whether you accept such defenses.


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