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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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broke into his apartment, yura was not at home, his mother was there, they scared him, left a message on the door calling the journalist a traitor. at the same time, a video was uploaded to the network, recorded by unknown people, where the employees of the biguus-info investigation project are probably using narcotic substances, the head of the project, denys biguk, recorded a video address to the audience with an explanation and for... assured that everyone who cooperates with byuus-info, will pass tests for drug abuse, but all these events forced the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy klitschko, to declare that the leadership of ukraine destroys democratic principles, in particular the oppression of independent media and journalists who do not like the authorities because they criticize its actions. mr. vadim, the first question for you, as a representative of the monopoly power, monomajority, do you accept klitschko's insults to
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the authorities and should we regard what happened around bigus-info and yuriy nikolov as oppression of independent media and journalists? well, i still don't see any connection between the fact that the mayor of kyiv, mr. klitschko, accusing the authorities of the events that now you mentioned it, i'm here of course. i will not take the bread away from my colleagues, first of all, from my colleague yurchyshyn, who, i am sure, has already gathered enough information about these events, but i will only say about the fact that our partners all note how surprised they are by the fact that that ukraine, despite the terrible war with russia, regardless of... the state of war,
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the constant attacks, the social tension, remains a democracy and is quite, quite a free country, everyone who is engaged in such things feels quite at ease in this country hard work, informing society about various events, including. criticizing representatives of various authorities, so i once again hope that these events will be immediately and very carefully investigated, society will receive full information about who, for what, for what purpose organizes such events, let's not forget that is unprecedented in its intensity. war in information space,
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unfortunately, quite often we see our enemy manage to carry out quite successful attacks, let's say so in this war, in the information space, that is why i am sure that the authorities, first of all, of course , law enforcement agencies, will do everything necessary so that... society gets answers to the questions, and what happened after all, and of course bring to the responsibility of those who are guilty of these events is also the responsibility of the authorities, and i have no doubt that law enforcement agencies and representatives of the authorities in general will cope with this. thank you, mr. vadim, mr. yaroslav, i have a question for you as the head of the parliamentary committee and the specialized parliamentary committee, regarding
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freedom of speech, you have already considered these issues or discussed among yourselves what is happening in general, that is, both yurii nikalov and bigusinfo are sufficiently well-known people and companies that investigate and conduct investigations, of course these events cannot be attributed to one scales of libra, but the fact that they happen in a row, that is... all these events happen one after the other, indicates that it is probably not by chance that this happens and it is not by chance that telegram channels that are close to the power structures disperse, in particular, stories about the same yuri nikolova, me now i think that there will be a big enough attack on bigus as well, because bigus himself admitted that he is now figuring out what happened there with the rest of his employees and... apparently, the use of narcotics?
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well, let's start with an assessment, if the policy of the mayor of kyiv, in fact, well, without receiving information. from law enforcement agencies, it is still better not to start political criticism, especially at a time when it is clear that we will have a very scrupulous attitude towards freedom of speech from both society and our international community, we have facts, let's say, which demonstrate negative trends, so we are completely right about what the reporters of bezkordons showed in the 22nd year relative to the 21st year. that ukraine has made some progress, but i have great skepticism that in 2023 we will be able to show this positive trend, because in fact, we remember the 22nd year, many people gave us, let's say, tentatively good grades, considering how we faced the full-scale aggression of a much stronger
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opponent. now regarding what my committee is actually doing, we turned to law enforcement agencies from two points: firstly, yurii nikolov, with whom we are in contact, and i got in touch with... immediately, as soon as i learned about this situation, ah, actually, i received an assurance from the national police, which is quite prompt responded that they would study the material and, based on the available grounds , open their own investigation into this incident, in my opinion, article 171, point two, and possibly point one too, and since there was... the group all yes it looks like a previous conspiracy to obstruct of the journalist's activities, actually due to attempts at physical influence, regardless of whether he was at work or not, and we very often see how journalists are influenced in this due to precisely such intimidation, so here is
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the second point regarding the situation around bigus's corporate office , no one can break the law, but also in this case. those who have the right to give such an assessment of the actual actions and behavior with drugs can give it, but here is the fact that we do not understand at the moment who authorized the monitoring of by journalists, but is this actually an operational activity, and while it got into public sources, and that is why we are now , personally, too... i am contacting the security service of ukraine in order to find out how and in what directions it was conducted this action thank you, actually received these materials. there is, let's say, such a moment, and it really turns into a very negative trend, to
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which the authorities must definitely react. it will not be possible to remain silent here, because the fact that it appears on anonymous channels, which are mentioned quite often. it is again argued, unargued , we will not actually talk about it here, the authorities do not deny this, but in connection with certain information campaigns, that is why a proactive position is important, this is the only way the authorities will be able to show that we are interested in order to put dots of hope, because to attack a huge number of investigators, journalists can, when i was asked this, and who did yura cross the road like that, well, in fact, he crossed everyone, and because he is purely an allusion... there were claims against denys bigus in the previous government, in this government , and god willing to work, it will be in the next government as well, that's normal, it's not normal - it's when there is no reaction, because it really is, we're just
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running out of time, sorry, i still have to give mr. rostislav a word about these situations, please, well, look, obstruction of activity journalist and intimidation of a journalist is a crime, illegal. surveillance, collection of materials and their publication is a crime, will there be any reaction from law enforcement agencies, apart from some general assurances, i very much doubt, because as already correctly said, so far we see in telegram channels, which are not simply associated with the government, because it is considered so, but which correctly participate in campaigns against the opponents of the government and in campaigns to praise the government itself, that is, it is very similar to the fact that we do not have any... such meaningful actions of law enforcement agencies we will see, the refusal will continue, and, unfortunately, everything looks like there will be further provocations against journalists, under the assurance that nothing of the kind happened, and in the end, unfortunately,
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these two cases run out of problems with freedom of speech, we gentlemen are currently working on the air of a channel that has been disconnected from digital broadcasting as well as the other two channels, direct and fifth, and this... a completely illegal action continues, apart from the enthusiastic evaluations of our partners, we remember that the report of the european commission clearly, in that big 159 pages, very clearly on... for example , it is mentioned about the problems of shutting down opposition channels, about other problems of freedom of speech, we have to end our broadcast, i would like to talk more about it, but in another we will definitely do it on the air. rostyslav pavlenko, vadym galaichuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted polls, we, your friends, asked about whether the world is ready to end putin, as shown by the results of our television. 32% think yes, 68% no, this is the verdict program
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today, i say goodbye to you, until the next program at 20:00, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, events, events that happening right now and affecting our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program,
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we will analyze the most important events of this week, there are quite a few of them, and they are serious. our guests today are valery chaly and andrii pionkovskyi. the tv channel is now on the air espresso will be operated by valery chaly, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015-19. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. well, there are two processes going on. on the one hand, ukraine is trying to get the appropriate amount of weapons and funding, on the other hand , the big forum in davos is approaching, we understand that our issue is at the top of the agenda. well, you said about the forum in davos, let's start with that, it's still a forum where it traditionally started with the business meeting, and such large economic forces determine their actions. they say for the future, but at least a year ahead, so for several months
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there has been an idea circulating among businesses that it would be desirable to predict whether it would happen that the hot phase of the war between russia and ukraine would end somewhere by the middle of the summer, that is, it was this is their reasoning, i'll tell you, it was possible around the time when ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky was visiting new york. including there were meetings with big business, and after that there was information appeared in the american zmi, what exactly were the dates? well, i also confirm this with facts, because the international monetary fund planned the so-called aa financing plan until july 15 of this year, but now it seems to me that these forecasts, this correction regarding the time frame, will be discussed. war, that is , there will be an economy, but an economy that will be based on many predictions of geopolitics,
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and i think it will be difficult to do even for such influential shadowy business structures, large funds, hedge funds, there, because there is no complete certainty so far in those countries that they can't, but haven't been able to... now control or have a serious influence on them, so in principle , the part that will concern the general davos, it will not be completed in terms of forecasts , well, plus there will be a ukrainian -initiated part, a meeting on the peace formula, yes, that is, also what their representative was already hysterical about at the un briefing, that there will be such and such a format, without russia, what kind of meeting is this without russia, this indicates what... this is a step in the right direction, what will be the result, we will see, perhaps not immediately after the delivery,
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as a result of decisions on the supply of weapons, on support for ukraine, that is, in fact, this is a place where many influential people from various fields will meet, and it is obvious that this is an opportunity to show the position of ukraine more clearly and our vision and our capabilities , there is a public side, it is very clearly declared, everything is clear to everyone from... on the other hand, you rightly noted that there will be no russia, no one invites it to davos, in general it does not participate in the discussions of the peace formula, because it is a direct the culprit and the aggressor, ah... but the parameters of what will be discussed at davos in the context of the so- called peace formula. this is our ukrainian initiative, and as i understand it, the idea of ​​president volodymyr zelenskyi, to give such a new push so that more countries get involved, countries come to davos, well, people from all over the world. i think that
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it is unlikely that there will be any interruptions, because, well, based on the fact that in this formula the first position, not the first... in terms of importance, and maybe also in terms of importance, is the de-occupation of the territories, yes up to 91 th year of borders, well, that is, it is obvious that this is a position, which must be completed in order to move on. i think it would be desirable to discuss the clause which is so vaguely set out in the peace formula, which is what concerns security guarantees. well, i know that our government held a meeting regarding this position on nato, i hope that it will be used. also to promote the very idea of ​​how to provide a security umbrella, not only for ukrainian citizens, but also for those international businesses that will invest in ukraine after de-occupation, that is, whose investments must be physically protected, including from any attempts at russian provocations in the future, they will not end with
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the de-occupation of the territory, therefore, in principle, i do not expect anything from it. to be honest, because a lot of things are currently being determined, it definitely did not work out, and our expectation that something will be resolved somewhere, for us or behind ukraine, is not an expectation, some have fears, some have expectations, this is not really the case, this is not how decisions are made , and ukraine is subjective enough to talk about the fact that our fate is not decided by hand, well, that's for sure, it decides. not even in washington and not in brussels, it is decided in ukraine, first of all, and while ukraine is a subject, it so happened, in a strange way, that ukraine received maximum subjectivity during a full-scale war, when the factor of the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and the ability
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to stop a nuclear power, well, at least one of the two most powerful in the world. let's not say, nuclear states, shows the increase of ukrainian subjectivity, by the way, which is reflected even by putting pressure on the fact that ukraine cannot stand as a smaller country, as a country, well, three times smaller in population, and on the territory will not withstand such pressure, and in this version, in this situation, partner assistance, in particular, with regard to critical payments in the social sphere, it is really very important, but you know, first of all, i do not think that even in the worst scenario , if there is no american money there, in the package 61.4 is 11.7 billion, if i am not mistaken, which the ukrainian government is counting on, in general, according to their statements, the government needs somewhere up to 30.9 billion annual external income, then i
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think that you can find, of course, other mechanisms, they may not be so pleasant. clear, that this is inflation, this is a certain printing of the hryvnia, or, for example, some other economic means, but this is not a catastrophe. moreover, i think that , despite the war, we have a way to rearrange priorities so that, for example, we don't spend money on capital construction, i honestly don't understand at all, in the 14th year a government resolution was adopted, which.. . forbade carrying out any repair work or buying cars, let's say, yes, it was when, in principle, the war was not on such a scale as it is now, but this resolution, i remember perfectly how it was implemented, and what now it has become easier, and we continue to build some, even the subway is announced, build new buildings, buy cars,
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not those for the front, it is meant, but for... internal use even of state institutions, and after that convince foreign republicans that we don't have money, well, literally, at nikki haley's debate with desandis last week, there was a debate, and desandis said with direct text that your american taxpayers' money goes into the pockets of ukrainian bureaucrats, literally, and that's we are we understand in ukraine that we do not spend money. on this, because in the army, everything goes to the front. by the way, i don't know by what decision and why it was decided that ukraine can't, what for, what the west can't do with aid money. send to the front, why is it prohibited, well , i understand that there are certain regulations for a certain type of grants, i understand that, but why such
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a general rule, that is , the front is a critical issue for us, and regarding the rear, well, here we will have to close the holes in customs finally, huge cigarette smuggling, production illegal tobacco products, we don't see it, do we? what huge resources are being stolen from the country, taxation, well, not only take it from the people, what you want there is an idea of ​​the government, introduce more draconian taxes for the people, 18% on cash, just that the salary will drip there on the card, you will have 18% , they want so, well, delusional, but where are your solutions effective so that you close the holes, that is, in fact , internal resources in ukraine during. war can be sought, if everything is oriented correctly, however, if there is outside help, then we will we will send more to the defense of the country, and more funds to de-occupation, so the issue is not
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closed yet with this package of american aid, when it will be, i said a long time ago that before january, the end of january, the beginning of february, this will not be a solution, moreover , it now binds to that primaries. well, everyone is waiting for the primaries, these primaries are the kind of primaries where it will be determined who will be the republican candidate, the main struggle will be between donald trump and nikki haley in these primaries at the end of the month. that is, most likely between them, and after cruz withdrew from the race, most likely these votes will still go to niki helen desantis, therefore... in new hampshire they do not want to make any drastic decisions before new hampshire, at the same time they are moving along the track
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adoption of the budget in general, on may 2 they have to adopt virtually the entire us budget by the third, that's it, well, you see, sorry , not may, february, february, that is, it's somewhere on march 5, holy tuesday, that's more than 800 votes of the us electorate distributed by ... in in many states and caucuses , that is, the republicans want to drag this story out until march, and the white house still wants to, well, as i understand it, the meeting of the supreme court, which will finally decide whether donald trump will be allowed to run for office, and so on, that 's all all the factors that should give us an answer sometime at the beginning of february, now the answer if there will be a 61.4 package. there will be what you are asking about, the financial track, which is called, not only budget funds, but also for energy, for the development of some projects, additional funds
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help in reforms, well, there is not only military money, yes, not only for armaments, there is a large package, and this will then be a signal to others, well, to the kremlin, and, for example, to the germans, what can be said about taurus missiles, that there is a possibility of deoccupation and change. the code of war, if this does not happen, then the disaster will not happen, because the usa will still help, moreover, 300 million is already unlocked, i understand, because the nda, they voted, this is the defense budget for the 24th year, that is there will still be at least 300 million for two such current tranches, well, you see they are allocating somewhere like 150-250 now, until the end of the year they allocated, that is... for another couple of months, well, they still did not supply weapons to all of ukraine, but you are asking the right question, this is a financial signal, it will be bad, so that our government
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is saying in a strange way, for example, i heard an official statement that then we will have to postpone salaries, there will be a payment in a month, delusional, i say again, delusional, the government was created for that, to look for solutions, and not to transfer problems to international partners , well, it's not... you can such a government cannot another government, i.e. these explanations are very strange, we cannot , we will have to, the salary is not paid, i encountered such a situation, by the way, even when i was working for the ambassador, when i was told that there are no salaries for january, i say, what, what is it that you have written down, where have you written down that you do not have payments to diplomats for january, well, mr. ambassador, this has always been the case every year, you just encountered it first. i say: it will not be like that, i am the responsible person, i am writing you a statement and filing a lawsuit against you that you do not pay salaries to employees, you know that payments are all payments,
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not everyone without soisttom in the usa they paid, but do you know why, because we are used to this kind of wrongdoing of a civil servant, that is , he constantly raised his hand, because you are in the civil service , so you have nothing like that, there is work efficiency, there is no such thing option, is looking for another, but they can’t be from this, firstly, people who are now giving results for the defense of the country will suffer, and secondly, well, you can’t, go and give it... that’s all, that’s why i’m taking so long said because our logic must change, we must not see the outcome of the war is only whether the west will help us, it changes not just the outcome of the war, but how long it will last, it changes the course, it changes the intensity, it changes our possibilities of rapid de-occupation, but it does not affect the basic decision. in
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ukraine, which has officially announced that ukraine will not surrender. we understand that now on the battlefield, the ukrainian army is also, well, in the situation we were in a year and a half ago, in particular in terms of the number of units and not only them. and accordingly, also maybe it's a conspiracy, maybe not, but there is a feeling that maybe they want to influence the intensity of the war at our expense in this way, simply by not supplying. about taurus have been going on for more than a year, the story about f-16s that keep flying in and flying in is not new either, we understand that all the schedules are moving a little, if we talk about the situation, then i think that it is obvious to everyone that our strategy ukraine and, let's say, the united states, did not completely coincide from the very beginning, that is, the united states' strategy is designed to keep the war within
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territory of ukraine, that it has not... entered the nato countries, let's say, yes, that is, it is a position, well, i understand, we are not allies, and they are allies there, and the second position is that they do not know what to do with russia, so it is very they are afraid, they were afraid of attacks on russia , yes, including their weapons, well, it is clear that in closed mode these discussions were constantly going on berlin-moscow, paris, moscow, washington, moscow, that is, what they will not tell us, but it is everything was carried on and beijing, let's say, washington, well... the meeting was in san francisco, i think there is such an agreement behind their backs, behind their backs , to prevent a nuclear escalation, putin was clearly told by both the usa and china that it is impossible to cross a red line there in any case, then there is such a constant positional struggle, roughly like this, and this is said publicly , if you give taurus, we will start taking
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weapons from china or north korea, well, for example, i’m telling you theoretically, well, that’s how they started, there are no taurus, and korean ballistic missiles are used, and that’s another story , and this is a training ground for north korea, for these missiles, south korea knows very well that if the time to prepare these missiles and hit the south is reduced by times when you have the technical characteristics at the test site, and unfortunately we have a test site for them in this way, iran can also take advantage for ballistic missiles, therefore... they understand this, start to think, change their position, there must be a correction of the strategy, and in principle this is a political decision, no matter what they tell me, there are atakams, remember, they said, we don't have atakams enough, we just don't have enough of them, but now materials suddenly appeared, they are written off, they are generally destroyed, well, what is this, what is this conversation, a very alarming signal, in fact, it is a bad conversation with ukraine, at first you say that you do not have it, so he speaks honestly, well, at least germany started . act
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differently, after all carsel scholes.


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