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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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guys, er, yes, their, their guns were not like the soviet ones to begin with, yes, they said that the soviet shots are hammered and it shoots, er, they have them, yes, they need maintenance, certain, certain, a certain temperature affects them, there are many of them, there were such nuances that had already been encountered in the practice of combat operations in our realities, in our conditions on... it was necessary to complete them, we adapted them to our conditions, and the number of guns that initially was a little out of order, at the moment it works perfectly, like a song, that is, as for accuracy, as for endurance, much better in some cases. even i would say 80% of cases
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than the soviet one than the soviet analogue. then i will ask about the practice of application, whether we actually have an advantage over the enemy in the speed of response to targets that appear due to certain automation of combat control processes, we talked about nettles there, or whether the enemy is now trying to get under our... speed, are we still ahead in this chain of making a decision and starting to open fire on the enemy, well, i don’t know, on order or hardly, maybe, but still , what really, what to say, and as for making a decision, here we are walking 100, or even 200 steps ahead of the enemy, and we had such a device, back in in soviet times, it was called a fire control device, and this was a sound board with a ruler, then...
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the russians used it right up to the middle of 2023, if my memory serves me right, this was when we already had everything completely on tablets, when we have already switched to a secure to an automated control system, and when certainly, as you know, they say, with the snap of her finger, a russian turns into dust, then in them this decision was made for a very, very long time, there was such a thing that... the decision to open fire in our country is made immediately, that is, the cannon hits the installations and that's it, literally after two three minutes after certain command actions there , fire begins to be fired on the target without close range, already fully calculated with everything, then it took almost 12 to 13 hours for them there in some cases, here we are definitely ahead of them, ahead of them in ee ... innovations, but they, i must say, are not either
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stand still, they finally learned how to use excel, they learned how to use some tables there to calculate certain e for certain calculations in artillery, uh, and they also started making these same ballistic calculators, this makes life a little more difficult for us, of course, and a little bit about ammunition, what do we have with it now, do we have any? relatively speaking, well, i won't say enough , what about this, how do you get out of a certain deficit? er, as i already said, we go for quality, not quantity, all textbooks are of the soviet model, yes, we said there that roughly speaking, there is a large amount of ammunition that needs to be used, the russians are still doing this, that is, they are going, trying to pile up the amount. yes,
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ammunition is really not enough, it is not enough for certain offensive assault actions there, it is enough for defense, because, for example, according to rough statistics, we have 300 shots, the russians have 10-12. the dprk did give them a little help there, of course with ammunition, it made life difficult for us, but it’s okay, it’s okay, they put us to sleep, put us to sleep, and we specifically... choose certain whole and without and we immediately destroy them, that is why they have the advantage in our counter-battery fight, that is, they found, destroyed, found, destroyed, found, destroyed, while they include such and such a bulldozer mode, they try to demolish and destroy cities there, this is an indisputable example we have popasna, there is bahmut, they simply did not erase it, they cleaned it from the face of the earth, and they say that they freed it, nothing. mr. officer,
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thank you very much for your professional comments, thank you for your service and that of your comrades, our i will remind the audience that denys nagornyi was a great guy on the air. major of the national guard of ukraine , head of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmud direction. and then about the confrontation with the enemy in the realm of the battle for meanings and for the truth, we are talking about the information front, which is directly related to the events in the trenches and to the use of conventional weapons. currently , a meeting for the leaders of the leading countries is taking place in davos, switzerland, as part of the world economic forum, and... before that, the experts of the world economic forum made report on global risks and there list of the biggest short-term global risks in the world for the first time led such categories
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as disinformation and false information. and now hryhoriy lyubovets joins us. he is one of the heads of the communications and content security center. mr. gregory. glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. i look forward to seeing you. i would like to add that our viewers understand that the specialists of your center for the monograph on the content of negativity, how to protect yourself and the country in conditions of total information confrontation, became laureates of the ivan franko prize for the best scientific work in the information field. and i would like to ask you about... about the threat of disinformation and false information, which the davos experts for the first time identified as the greatest threat to the short-term perspective, what does this mean in practice, was such a conclusion
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made too late? it is very important here, you would put the emphasis very precisely, there is a problem about the alleged... ukrainian aggression, which is being conducted by putin's moscow against ukraine, it has gone, that is, in this list that you are talking about they said somewhere in the third, fifth place, that is exactly the fact that the fixation of disinformation is in the first place, even more so, in the first place in this world economic forum, and we know that this is practically... such an event of the world order for economists all over the world, and they are talking about disinformation, they are talking about the fact that precisely the topic of putin's russia's genocidal aggression against ukraine and the world is in the first place. why? because
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disinformation is precisely the result of such a global offensive of putin's communications and content. the world without troops restrictions, i.e. disinformation, we used to think that this was only the sphere of direct information between people, but today a lot of the foundations of the development of states, continents and even the prospects of international institutions have been destroyed. let's look at the same un. if the un currently only states problems, what does this mean? this suggests that the situation with the transmission of information, interpretation of information, and perception of information
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is currently the number one problem, and here is and already now technologies of generative artificial intelligence, there is propaganda here. actions and also , as we call it, researching in our center of the military institute, precisely communication and content security, because it is precisely the delivery of information on the horizon of the entire planet today that has really already become the number one problem, which is now being tried to be solved not only by information specialists, media specialists , but if... cities of the highest world class, well, then the question arises, if there is a statement that disinformation is a threat, it is recognized in if it is really a threat at the all-eastern economic forum, then the question of
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countermeasures and methods of countermeasures arises, because relatively speaking, neither in the ukrainian plan, nor in the davos meetings, these countermeasures, the countermeasure mechanism are not discussed, or are they not defined? what we state but do not decide. it only says that everyone is trying to do it in their own way. but the problem is already of such a global order. that it is necessary and we must say directly that this is not just a problem, it is a global communication and content aggression of genocidal character, what does it mean? and this means, here's just a simple example for you, today is the second day of davos, and on this second day, the dictator of the world, who is still called, unfortunately, is speaking on this second day. the president of the conditional russian federation , what he says, he says that
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ukraine allegedly refused peace talks, and he says it very often in different audiences, but look at how he does it, he does it energetically, he believes in it, and this energy, style and possibilities horizontally reach a very large number of people precisely in the horizons of communities. we are talking about the horizons, precisely , they give the result that maybe he really is right, so we in our center recorded back in 17th year that practically the putinites at the munich security conference, this is also a world forum, even how much they worked , we will say strongly that the report of this münchen security conference in the 17th year... year was called posttrust, postwest, postod, which in translation is
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posttruth, postwest, postorder in 2017 year, and today, today is already a different, i would say so, user of this post-truth, and post-truth is a technology that operates on fakes, already mr. trump, literally today is talking about what you have been listening to. good news about me, and today i win the first primaries in the caucuses of the state, which gives him 16 votes to be selected for the primaries among the republicans, so to answer your question, if to answer, you have to do a separate broadcast with our center , and we will talk very objectively, i can literally say a few... things: first, all of us should operate
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with content markers and context and context indicators. what it is? this is practically what we are currently doing with you: on the one hand, we take information that is verified, that is, it is true, it is reliable, and on the other hand, we put emphasis, and the emphasis is not only on the level of ascertainment, but ... at the level of solving questions, and we can also go to the level of what to do in specific situations, or in relation to, again , such an interesting category as the audience, mr. grigory, i promise that we will really make a separate program with your center, because these nuances need clarification, now we have such a little condensed format of communication, i promise that we will raise this topic and talk in detail. thank you very much for the inclusion , for the explanation, i will remind our viewers that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head
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of the communication and content security center, and these were the main conclusions of our wartime today, then more international and economic news, then in the news release on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine! thank you serhii zorts, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the big broadcast is ahead and we have a lot of important information ahead of us, well, i will say right away that at 19:30 we are expecting a live broadcast from davos, the ukrainian house, certain events should take place there events, and of course we will monitor live with translation everything that will be said there, what will happen there, today is the first day of the economic forum in davos, a lot of important statements were made. and we will discuss these statements more on the 20th. serhii rudenko, we,
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will also now have the opportunity to hear a little what the president said. actual news, most importantly, within the next 10 minutes. european countries can send their armies to ukraine to help defeat putin's russia. this was stated by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, during a speech on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. again, he accused the collective event of feeble attempts to restrain the russian aggression of the imperfect. against the country of the aggressor also called for the confiscation of russian assets for the benefit of ukraine we know how much now assets are for'. on the territory of europe, and therefore it is very important that these funds are transferred to the disposal of ukraine in order to rebuild ukraine in the future. putin wants money, he loves it above all else, and he and his oligarchs, his henchmen. the more they lose, the more likely he will stop his hostilities. the president
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of ukraine also held a meeting in davos. meetings with united states secretary of state anthony blinken and national security adviser to the american president jake sullivan. according to volodymyr zelensky, they discussed the key tasks facing the armed forces of ukraine this year and the means necessary for their implementation, effective implementation. also , further cooperation in the defense sphere, special emphasis was placed on anti-aircraft defense and long-range means of destruction. well , i will work in ukraine. a single electronic register of conscripts, the relevant law was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was supported by 249 people's elected officials, the document will allow speeding up the identification of ukrainians, who are not on the military register for one reason or another, regardless of the place of registration, thus the need to look for men in restaurants or gyms disappears, the authors of the law say, in addition, all
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services for the mobilized come in a digital format, the question is when it will be implemented , of course, preferably sooner. instead, the council did not support the bill on fines for curfew violations , only 214 parliamentarians voted for it, people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko informed and added that the document was sent to repeated second reading. i would like to remind you that the draft law provides fines for curfew violators, they will be from 8.5 to 17:00 hryvnias for the first violation, and for repeated violations, the amount will be twice as much. the document also deals with monetary penalties for business, they can reach more than uah 100. five more people were taken from avdiyivka 500 m from the enemy, the national police of ukraine reports. among the rescued are a local resident with shrapnel wounds and a woman with a head injury. a crazy woman was also leaving the city,
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whose house burned down as a result of being hit by enemy shells, she found shelter in a neighboring house. however... and it was extremely dangerous to stay there. the crew evacuated a married couple from the street where the russians recently dropped a high-explosive aerial bomb. everyone left with their pets. despite the mortal danger, more than a thousand people still remain in avdiivka. the enemy is literally 500 m from us. but today , my grandmother made an appointment with us for evacuation. we will evacuate her together with her cat. where did you get hurt here at home? yes here here here here on the threshold of blood is still visible. they will bring us under cover , we'll figure it out there. many thanks, of course, to our soldiers
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and the police, who are engaged in evacuation, and of course it is worth it for people to leave there , to understand that in this... perspective, there is simply no prospect of a normal life in avdiivka, given the fact that the front is there. unfortunately, almost 600 people in ukraine have died from the coronavirus since the beginning of october, according to the ministry of health of ukraine since the beginning of the epidemic season. more than 120,000 patients have contracted the virus, while more than 12 million ukrainians have not booster vaccination, which should be done six months after the primary vaccination, because it is the course of three injections that can protect. from a severe course of the disease. the ministry also reminded that vaccination against covid-19 is free of charge. january 16, but 2014, the day the parliament passed the so-called dictatorial laws. exactly 10 years ago, people's deputies, regional representatives and communists significantly limited the rights of citizens, despite the violation of the constitution
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of ukraine, the laws of january 16, the then president viktor yanukovych signed the following day 17 january this was another attempt to suppress the maidan. details in our story. 15 days of arrest for setting up a tent or for participating in a rally wearing a helmet, responsibility for extreme activity and slander, restriction of access to sites based on an expert opinion: prison, blocking access to housing, administrative building and group violation of public order. i ask the head of the counting commission to prepare for counting the votes of people's deputies when voting by raising hands. 235
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for. voted for these constitutional restrictions rights of citizens in violation of the regulations of the verkhovna rada, they were signed by then president viktor yanukovych the very next day. despite numerous protests and appeals from the world and ukrainian bodies not to publish the texts of the laws, they were immediately made public. as you know, viktor yanukovych came to power with democratic slogans. one of his main promises was the signing of the association agreement with the european union, but on november 21, 2013 , the government controlled by him turned ukraine's course in the opposite direction. in the first place for the government came the issue of restored normality. the association agreement between ukraine and
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the european union was never signed at the eastern partnership summit in vilnius. today we see that ukraine has unilaterally suspended movement in the eu, and the eu wants to help the ukrainian people. the door remains open to deeper integration. at the same time, the maidan is public. activists and leaders of opposition parties adopted a joint resolution demanding the resignation of yanukovych for betraying the ukrainian people. the struggle of ukrainians for will, dignity and freedom began. we are citizens ukrainians who want to live in a normal country with decent values, who defend their point of view and know how to defend their choice. that is why we are here now. almost two months of peaceful protest ended with the adoption of dictatorial laws.
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after the violent suppression of protesters by security forces on february 18 and the shooting on the 20th, viktor yanukovych and his closest entourage fled the country. first he came to kharkiv, where he tried to organize a congress with the support of russia. for the separation of the eastern regions from ukraine, however, this plan was defeated, and yanukovych and most members of his government fled to the russian federation. the revolution of dignity ended with the victory of civil society, but at the same time the annexation of crimea. russia started a war against ukraine. some critics point out that if it were not for the events on the maidan, there would not have been a war. but it is not so. there is a lot of evidence that russia... has been planning an attack on ukraine for a long time, in particular in april 2008, it was published by a russian magazine.
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at the time, not enough attention was paid to the description of the special operation called the mechanical orange in ukraine, and for nothing, because the mechanical orange almost coincided one-to-one the 2022 invasion scenario. perhaps this plan was not implemented earlier, because in 2010 the kremlin managed to promote a pro-russian president of ukraine. and this was not the first , unfortunately, and not the last attempt to intimidate ukrainians, as they say, to drive them to the table, but neither this nor what happened later, on january 22, the first murders on the maidan, nor february, and ukraine still fights and continues to fight against the dictator who... sits in the kremlin, and we believe that as then, and now, we will all win together. well, about the events in the world that happened to us today yuriy fizar will tell in detail. yury,
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good evening, you have a word. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, there is a lot of information. in particular, i will talk about what was said today, well, at least today in davos at the world economic forum, kaia kalas, prime minister of estonia, says that in 3-5 years, russia again... may pose a threat to countries -members of nato, and a promotional video about the god-chosenness of donald trump. about this and other things in a moment in the section world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this. trump's first victory. 45th president of the united states of america. donald trump won a convincing victory according to the results. caucuses, that is the name of the gathering of activists, this time of the republican party in the state of iowa. this is evidenced by the results of counting 100% of the votes published on the website of the republicans. according to
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the results of the voting, trump won 51% of the votes of voters from the republican party. florida governor ron desantis is in second place. he gained a little more than 21%. he is followed by ex- us ambassador prion and ex-governor of the state of south carolina, nikki haley. she has a little more than 19% of the vote. well, we can say that the presidential race in the united states of america has officially begun. in some states , there will be just these caucuses, that is, such gatherings of party supporters, in some it will be primaries, this is a vote, but no matter what, as a result of them somewhere around june , each state will elect one supporter, one
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representative. from the democrats and from republicans in order for him to represent represented these parties respectively in the presidential elections that will be held in november this year, well, long-awaited, this is a little more about this victory, guess from the first time who commented on the victory of donald trump in these caucuses in the state of iowa, well, i'm sure that everyone who watches my column world about ukraine immediately. guessed that it was the prime minister of hungary , viktor orban, for him it was a long-awaited victory. well, by the way, i'll start with information about trump today's column world about ukraine, i will end this column with information about trump, so wait, because there will be a phenomenal simple video about the phenomenality, although it is better to say about the divine election of trump, this video was prepared
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by the election team. donald trump's campaign team, so that's all at the end of the column, hang on while i continue. ukrainians need predictable funding throughout 2024 and beyond. they need a sufficient and sustainable supply of weapons. this is what the president of the european commission said ursula funderlein said during a speech at the world economic forum in davos. according to her, russia has suffered a strategic failure. ukraine, but will continue to make maximum efforts to correct the situation, therefore, says the president, the event should continue, help ukraine to resist, resist, then a short quote from ms. ursula funderlein. ukrainians need sufficient and continuous supplies of weapons. well, davos is off to a good start for us. and, although we know
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that... some of these decisions, as a result of which we we receive a lot of weapons at such forums does not happen, but a lot of very agreements that will later be very useful for us are made there, and ukraine will continue to receive all the necessary financial and military support from the united states of america. the us secretary of state said this during a meeting with our president volodymyr zelenskyi on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. according to antony blinken, kyiv's support will continue despite the current controversy in the american congress. at the same time, the leader of the american foreign policy department emphasized that the white house administration is making maximum efforts to convince lawmakers to unblock aid to ukraine. and he added that european partners will also continue to provide ukraine
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with the necessary assistance. and that's also very encouraging, but that's not all. a great start to the day in davos with a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi. there is reason for optimism. ukraine maintains its independence. yes, on his page in the x microblogging network, this is the former nato secretary general jens stoltenberg summarized his morning meeting with volodymyr zelensky on twitter. and all this. says the head of the north atlantic alliance, despite the serious situation on the fronts, a little later, jens toltenberg added, quote: help to ukraine is an investment in one's own security, you just have to stand by ukraine, and at some point russia will realize that it is paying too high a price price and a just peace will be agreed. well, it seems to me that the ending is with the secretary general of nato.


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